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Document Release Date: 
April 18, 2011
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Publication Date: 
September 30, 1986
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PDF icon CIA-RDP90B01390R000600700001-6.pdf175.14 KB
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/18: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000600700001-6 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/18: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000600700001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/18: CIA-RDP90B01390R000600700001-6 WALLER A. HURTT 30 September 1986 Chairman, Senate Intelligence Committee United States Senate Washington, D.C. f 01Cu~16hiSSIONA1 Aff 'QS 310 UCA NE RECPT P RE: (1) REPORT ON SELECTIVE ASSASSINATIONS (2) REPORT ON THE ONGOING DESTABILIZATION AND PROJECTED OVERTHROW OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES This memorandum is to advise you of the pending release to the media of the two aforementioned reports with a tenative release date of January 1987. Copies of both reports will be forwarded to your committee for consideration. The report on THE SELECTIVE USE OF SELECTIVE ASSASSINATIONS is a response to Israeli General Giora Rom who correctly asserts that the United States does not have an effective counter-terrorist plan. This report explores the use of Selective-Assassination of terrorist leaders,-their followers; leftist revolutionary leaders and their followers; and others, i.e., illicit drug dealers, etc. who are beyond U.S. legal jurisdictional limits. This report places strong emphasis on the problem.of SOCIAL ACCEPTABILITY of SELECTIVE ASSASSINATIONS as a tool of U.S. military-foreign policy. It justifies SELECTIVE ASSASSINATIONS as a military option, and strongly distinguishes that option from the limited legal options available to the United States at this time. In an effort to make the concept more "digestable" to the U.S. public, a strong emphasis has been placed on the "humanitarian" aspects of selectively taking out a few U.S. enemies vs. the indiscriminate involvement of the whole w.ide, world in all-out nuclear conflict. This report will stress the "need" for the United States to "counter-respond" to the Soviet Union's use of selective assassinations as a long-time tool in its arsenal of revolutionary weapons. Selective assassinations can be carried out in GOOD TASTE. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/18: CIA-RDP90B01390R000600700001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/18: CIA-RDP90B01390R000600700001-6 Senate Intelligence Committee -2- The report on THE ONGOING DESTABILIZATION AND PROJECTED OVERTHROW OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES examines the increasingly precarious position of the United States as a result of the OVERTHROW by FORCE OF ARMS of those governments formerly considered either friendly to the United States, or were considered as one of its allies. With the projected fall of Central America, the projected collapse of the current Mexican government, the projected overthrow of South American governments before the end of this century, the United States will be the last remaining obstacle to a Soviet-dominated one-world society. As these leftist revolutionary operations continue unabated in this hemisphere, as they expand their footholds into strangleholds, the leftist movement in the United States is projected to follow the same pattern that leftists movements have been using with great success in other countries previously deemed "safe" from leftist overthrow. The report projects the coming of a second U.S. Civil War, this time with direct Soviet support of the leftist forces operating in the United States. The report details the projected "levels of conflict" on a decade-by-decade basis, and examines the diminishing ability of the United States government to respond to these leftists incursions, on a decade-by-decade basis. The report projects the "targeting" of U.S. leaders for assassination, the use of Spetsnaz forces to accomplish Soviet objectives as that phase of our deterioration approaches, and projects frantic-U.S. governmental efforts at " APPEASEMENT NEGOTIATIONS" (White Flag Diplomacy). This report examines a major U.S. weakness -TOO LITTLE TOO LATE - as typical of U.S. counter-responses to Soviet domination and conquest schemes, the failure of the United States government to recognize terrorism as a FORM OF WARFARE and the isolation of the United States as a nation that CANNOT BE TRUSTED BY ITS ALLIES. The report touches upon the danger of A UNITED STATES SURRENDER by a sympathetic leftist-oriented U.S. President elected by a populace in tune with the concept that PEACE AT ANY PRICE IS A GOOD PRICE TO PAY. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/18: CIA-RDP90B01390R000600700001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/18: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000600700001-6 Senate Intelligence Committee -3- Both reports use a so-called STEPPING STONE approach rather than a limited EVIDENTIARY approach. That is to say, past actions of the Soviet Union have been analyzed and major actions identified as being stepping stones poiiiing in a certain direction. Both reports will touch upon something identified as CONGRESSIONAL LAG TIME - that is, the failure of the United States to respond quickly and decisively with sufficient counter-forces to off-set accelerating SOVIET AGGRESSIVYNESS. The second report will touch upon a disturbing trend in the Congress of the United 'States - that of a Congress shifting on a decade-by-decade basis to one increasingly ready to appease the Soviet Union, one increasingly that can be characterized as PRO-SOVIET, and one quite capable of THROWING IN THE TOWEL before the towel is soaked with our TEARS OF DEFEAT. This second report will explore the concept of PARTITION, that is to Gay, the break-up of the United States into zon-s of occupation, similar to the Russian-German occupation of Poland for so many years. Both reports will be circulated to various media organizations as "FOOD FOR THOUGHT", even though "feeding the media" can be as undesirable as "feeding animals in the local zoo." Waller A. Hurtt Author, political writer CC: FBI H.Q., Washington, D.C. CIA, McLain, VA Israeli Embassy: Attn: Brig General Giora Rom U.S. State Department U.S. Department of Defense DIA U.S. Secret Service - Denver Mr. Jim GRIFFITHS American Bar Association U.S. Senator William ARMSTRONG 021-A-0010; -011-A-0010 86 00 50 Reverend Don WHITE Mr. Tom HOWARD, FBI-Denver Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/18: CIA-RDP90BO139OR000600700001-6