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Arency: NMFS P.O. No. INA-838-73 if'308 TiLle: shrill"P. Golwritl AuLiior: iiat.ioaa~. ki!;Ll,'LuLc for Tcchuoloplcal and Source: ltIsLiAtit:0 Nildolial. dc. InvesLigaciont!s Tochnolo~jcas y Normalizacion, Santiago, Chile, Decree 97, rcb. 28, 19~,91 7p. Language, Spanish Kozikowski, 11. The vrobZem of Zocating a series of crude oil source rocks in the outer Carpathian mozmtains and their foothills. INST. NAFT, Vol 22, No 5, 1972, pp 17-19 ATS RJ-6000 Obled, Charles Mathematical Models of Snowmelt in a Watershed; Study of the Risk of Avalanches INSTITUTE NATIONAL POLYTEGINIQUE DE GRENOBLE, Report of Laboratory ot Fluid Mechanics 3f January 1973, pp 60 *NTIS-Tr-74-55011 Latarjet, R. The Inhibitory Effect of Isologous Taradiat-ccl Leukemic Extract.q upon Spontan0oug Loultemogenesis in AIM I-lice INSTITUT PASTEMIR, PAR.M. PMUIES, V. 107, n- i, j.~,64~ p. .1-26 NTC Ootcrrieth, P. M. Virus NuAralizatim D'I'SYMUT PASTI'Ma. PARr). MOTE, V. 70, 1972, !). Ml- `;26 inu ,DO ZAMFIRA. A. //INSTIUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS (BUCHAREST STUDII SI C7RCETARI DE FIZIOLOGIE// --/--/1970, V0022, N----, Radioysis and corrosion process*s in reactors, pp 1005-1041 C. ]Ej. TRANS 6411@@ David, F. Redox Potentials and Electronic Structure I - 3D, 4D and 5D Transition Elements. INSTITUT DE PHYSIQUE NUCLEAIRE. DIVISION DE RADIOCHIMIE. 1971 NTC 73-10727-07E may 73 7-Jan-74 Unc I (ANL-Trans--947) Fission of medium and heavy nuclei induced by heavy ions, Ar and Kr. HANAPPE, F.; NGO, C.; PETER, J.: TAMAIN, B. (PARIS-11 UNIV., 91 - ORSAY (FRANCE). INST. DE PHYSIQUE NUCLEAIRE). Nov 1973. Translation of SM--174/41. (CONF-730823--20). 27p. Dep. NTIS $3.50. From 3. symposium on physics and chemistry of fission; Rochester, New York, USA (13 Aug 1973). 20H physics (nuclear); translations MN-34c P NSA revision 20-Sep-74 Uncl (UCRL-Trans--1517) Study of the conditions required for the axial extraction of multi-charged Ions from a confined electron beam source. TUAN TON-THAT. (PARIS-11 UNIV., 91 - ORSAY (FRANCE). INST. DE PHYSIQUE NUCLEAIRE). 1972. Translation by M. Martin of FRNC-TH- -388. 113P. Dep. NTIS $8.75. Thesis. ZOG particle accelerators,, translations MN-28 P NSA Rul 1OLWICAL HEALVI .70- -BPA-PLD-94-73 9520/0394 Tl*2L[,,- 21 May 1973 )R: PA3T :1)11,Tl TA 31. !A R I NOV. 1961 ill 1-214 Oils as ')Qteetor for Ftst IligIl Curr(?!,It Uncl (SLA--73-143) Calculation bases for crowbar- and power-crowbar discharges. QswaJd, B. ( LN~TITUT FUER PLASMAPHYSIK, G.M.B.H. GARCHING (WEST GERMANY)). firanslated for Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex., from report MPI--7 30p. Dep. NTIS. 2011 phVsics (particle), transtaticns MN-34 P NSA REVISED March 19, 1973 Vlasov, M. N. Moleculw Oxygen in the al g State in the upper Atmosphere 31 pp INSTITUT FRIKLADITOY GEOFIZIKI. NEWTORYTE PROBIBIV AEROu0mij, nr. 16, 1971, pp. 21-42 AIR[FTD- -23-799-73 Danilov, A.D. Enapiricai Hodei of inert Composition of the At- mosphere at Altitudes of 13U-200 KM. INSTITUT PRIKLADNOY GEOFIZIKI. NEKOTORYYE PRO- BLEMY ALRONOMII, No. 16, 1971, pp.57-66. 'D-HT-23-800-73 UNKNOWN MNSTITUTE DE RECHERCHES POUR LE TECHNIQUE// --/--/1973, Felix c-256 - medium capacity computer, 27 pp pp 1-26, AIR/FTD/HC-23-1774-74@@ RUSSIAN CSO: 8044/0976 25 November 1974 Unsigned HINSTITUT VYSOKIKH TEMPERATUR AKADEMII NAUK SSSR/,/ --/--/19741, V ---- ) N----, pp, 0003-0079 Moscow Most Important Results of 1973 Scientific Research Please publish and include all repros. h-operties of the Goils o~ the Imirdation Area of the Lower Cow-se of the Velika Morava River, by V. lqikodijevic. INSTIM ZA PROUCAVANJE ZE~UJSTA, lgt'D'2, pp 315-328. *NTIS TT 73-56o14 Feb 73 The Effect of Superphosphate on the Elimination of the Harmful Influence of Mobile kliuninwn, by V. Nikodiljevic. INSTITUT ZA PROUCAVAIIJE ZEIff.USTA, 1963, pp 620-627. *NTIS TT 73-56019 Mar 73 The Effect of Liming on the Elimination of the Harmful Influence of Mobile Aliminimi, by V. Nikodijevic. INSTITUT ZA PROUCAVANJE ZEKIJISTA, 1963, pp 794-799. *YTIS TT 73-56oi8 Mar 7-3y Hydromorphic Soils of Serbia, by N. Pavicevic. INSTITUT ZA PROUCAVAIIJE Zag.JISTA3 1-9695 PP 3-43. *VTIS TT 73-56013 Feb 73 Soil Erosion on the Slopes of the Mountain of KopRonik, by N. Pavicevic. INSTITUT ZA PROUCAVANJE ZE?.ffJISTA, 1.969, PP 145-171. *IqTIS TT 7,)-56on Feb 73 Pedologic Cover of Porecka Reka Basin, by D. M. Tanasijevic. INSTITUT ZA PROUCAVANJE ZDMLJISTA, io7l, pp 1-66. *NITIS TT 73-56opo Mar 73 14-Jan-74 Unc I (ORNL-tr--2765) Prof. Alfven on nuclear fu-3ion: comments on an open letter. MERTON, A. (INSTITUT FUER REAKTORSICHERHEIT DER TECHNISCHEN UEBERWACHUNGS-VEREINE E.V., COLOGNE (F.R. GERMANY)>. Apr 1972. Translation by M. Gerrard of IRS-3-6. 4P. Dep. NTIS $3.03. IBA fusion devices (thermonuclear); 201 physics (plasma); translations MN-20 P NSA 21-Jan-74 Uncl (ORNL-tr--2'179) Undeveloped enerqg reserves for production of electrical power. Attempt at a realistic method of consideration. FRANZEN, L.F.; MERTON, A. (LY5-TITUT FUER REAKTORSICHERHEIT DER TECHNISCHEN UEHERWACHUNGS-VFREINE-r.V., COLOGNE (F.P. 1;FRMANV)). Sop 1972. Translation by R.G. Mansfield of IRS-S--7. 23P. Dep. NTIS $3.25. - - - --- ----- 1011 energy sources; 18A fusion devices (thermonuclear); translations MN-2 P NSA 26-Nov-73 Uncl (AEC-tr--7480) Brookhaven report (WASH-740): contents and significance. MERTON, A. (INSTITUT FUER REAKTORSICHERHEIT DER TECHNISCHEN UEHRWACHUNGS-VEREINE E.V., COLOGNE (r.S'. GERIIA,4y)). 1973. Translation of IRS-S-9. 11P. Pep. NTIS $3.00. 18E nuclear power plants; 181 reactor engineering; 181 reactor safety; translations MN-80 p NSA 26-Nov-73 Uncl (AEC-tr--7480) Brookhaven report (WASH--740)' contents and significance. MERTDN, A. (INSTITUT FUER REAKTORSICHERHEIT DER TECHNISCHEN UFjirRWACHUNG9-VrREINE T~.V., COLOGNE: (F.k. GERMANY)). 19?:3. lransl.tlon of IRS-0-9. 11P. Dep. KTIS $3.00. 18E nuclear power plants; 181 reactor engineering; 181 reactor safetv; translations MN-80 P NSA 14-Jan-74 Uncl CDRNL-tr--2765) Prof. Aifven on nuclear fusion: comments on an open letter. MERTON, A. (INSTITUT FUER REAKTORSICHERHEIT DER TECHNISCHEIN UEBERWACHUNGS-VEREINE F-V., COLOGNE (F.R. GERNAqY)). Apr 1972. Translation by M. Gerrard of IRS-S--6, 4p. Dep. NTIS $3.OD. 18A fusion devices (thermonuclear); 201 physics (plasma); translations MN-20 P NSA 21-Jan-74 Uncl (ORNL-tr--2779) Undeveloped energy re3prves for production of electricai power. Attempt at a realistic method of consideration. FRANZEN, L.F.- MERTON, A. ( L1.5-T-ITUT FUER REAKTORSJUERHEIT DER I-ECHNISCHEN UEBERWACHUNGS-VEREINE C.V., COLO(~NE (F.R. cF.RMANY)). Sep 1972. Translati;n' by R.G. Mansfield of IRS-S--7. 23p. Dep. NTIS $3.25. 100 energy sources: 18A fusion devices (thermonuclear); translations MN-2 P NSA 25-Apr-73 Uncl (AEC-tr--7423) Systematic recording and evaluation of failures. rEFINDRICH, w.; rELDMANN, J.; rRANZEN, L.r.; STOLL, A. (TECHNISCHER UEDERWACHUNGS VEREIN E. V., COLOGNE (WEST GERMANY). INSTITUT rUER REAKTORSICHERHEIT). 1973. Translatfo~n -of. jljis-w- NTIS S4.50. 181 reactor engineering; 181 reactor safety; 181. reactors power: translations 14N-80 P NSA 3C -M a ~/ -7.) fic. rer)ortii: ~3 i t I ng u f v: Par cv ~ c ri Iinst;l It ons to Provent exter"al A r if! i nt ~rjue a t (, report. TTL~ ~'~~TTFRLTN, L. INSTITUT P.IFF, lll.:~' 17 1 T7 U; l-,Q~(ACHLJq(;S-VENEINL Dec 117.). Translation of ~4p. Pep. VI $ 2 nuclt rpnw,, r -i n ',,i I reactor haz rd. ; 181 a c I f-, r -,.,i fo 11 ra nt i on 4-Sep-74 Uncl (AEC-tr--7564) Failure rate compilation. Scientific reports. BALFANZ, H.P. (INSTITUT FUER REAKTORSICHERHUT DER TECIINISCHEN UEBFRWACIIUNGS-VEREINE E.V., KOELN (P.R. GERMANY)). [nd]. Translation of IRS- W--8. 92P. Dep. NTIS $7.75. 13 engineering; translations MN-38 P NSA 0 Agoneyo Urb&,i ftes Transpe A&# 9719/1752 P.o.,No, DOT-AT-40017 22 may 1974 TWOS Quatre Experiences do Pmotion des Tranowto C01100tifs. Auttmrs- goureet Institutf do IketheftQ40 'NAtk#PWtG Q, 1973 Languages Frequh Instructimmi Type WRIG W&00* NO PASTE-UP, Wave space# translate all capttans, Apacy: DVt. of Trouspol4um I ---- - 4orw P- 0- 30-: PS SM32 9719/2153 30-75 TItU-. oafety $a ItblU TraeftUaC 27 Aug. 14 WZ-" Autbcw z VOL-UM , a goo'"' 'MtUut d0 UftUt* des ftaWpato Z,, / -,~ 7,, Laamps rtafth 1-3S pp lamusetlows DO*U tyw COPY - fou 0%acut,". TAUS M be lapd!114" ZELIKMM~ A. N. //IITSTITUT STALI I SPIAVOV. MOSCOW. SBORNIK// -./--/1968,v----,Noo45, Kinetics of the chlorina;tion of lower titanim oxides) pp 8i.-8631ITC 74-to-oo66-o7im. cu 1 7 f I ~'~ -i A( iAL I tflYOI,,Ll I) N N VUL. I Jo I-1. H j '-X L K N I ~% L J N~~ I A L L A I I uN AS Z A! I i I ~. OA I. fli'16 tmoc -Gi- C'01'1~ " r Y-GVI i:.-, T I I U-1 i. v LJL t\ TILCHN I ~,L i I L PHY') I K ')~ P i 1;, 72 65 ofC -r; Y -C"- 2)-U701-7Lt Two Particle Electrodisintegration of the Ile3 Nucleus by I. V. Kozlovskiy, PREPRINT ITF-72-2411. Inst Teoret Fiz Akad Nauk U!~rSSR 1972. NAVY/NRL-,r-1266 June 73 Zautichnyy, Ye. G. Friation, Heat Exchange,, and removal of Material in the Turbulent Bounda2-g Later of a Compressible High-Enthalpy Gas in Conditions of Essential Nonisothermicity, Blowing, and negative Pressure Gradien 6 pp INSTITUT TEPLO- I M4SSOOBMENA AN BSSR, vol. 1. 1972, pp. 4t-46 AIRIFTD-HT-23-0037-74 Kryukov,, V. H. Study of Heat Exchange on a Rough Plate 5 pp INST= TEPW-1-MASSOOBMENA AN BSSR vol. 1, 19'72, pp. 57-61 AIR/FTD-HT-23-28-711 Yeroshenko, V. M. Experimental study of the Effect of crossed Electrical ana 14*netic Fields on the f~vdrodynamics and Heat Transfer on a Permeable Plate during the Injection of an Mectroconauctive Fluid 6 lop 12TST= TEPLO- I MSOODIENA AN BSSRx vol. 1~ 1972, Pp. 131-135 AIRPTNET-23-W-74 I. G. inlco-~:! n 'r 'C'M TMIT TrT I1~ T "I"I ~fr Gusyv, V. N. Heat Exchange during Hypersonic Flow around Bodies of a Rarefied Gas 9 pp, INSTITUT TEPLO- I MASSOOBMENA AN BSSR, vol. 1, 1972, pp. 254-262 AIRIFTD-HT-23-033-74 Kharchenko~ v. N. Flow and Heat Transfer during the Injection X of Coolants into a Supersonic Flow 5 PP INSTITUT TEPLO- I WSOODONTA All BSSR, vol. 1, 1972, PP. 296-300 AIR/1,TD-HT-23-35-74 Grokholtskiy, A. L. A Methoa of Temperature CoiTensation and a new Hot- Wire Anemometric Sensor for Measuring Flow Velocity 6 pp INSUM TEPLO -I MSOOB~ENA AN BSSR, vol. 1, 1972~ pD_. 393-397 AIR/FTD-BT-23-311-74 Significant Research Results for 1971, Ilioll Tempe rat Lire Institute, Academy of oclelices 97 pp INSTITuT VYSOKIMI SSSR VANEYS ifH REZYLITATY - - - - 1972 80 I)p FSTC-HT-23-1010-73 also JP16 57058 113 pp ohydi,e)dyn-j-..,:!.c r;,encrat.-~ ~or -. combine.~l elrrtric lpowcr 7)1.,7!lt a Open cycl c. 'I T.)~Y'-s . INSTEITTZ VYSOK'IKTlf T,!,,,'PFRATUR. pp Aff, T-T PIT" TLKIT Dimov, G.I. An Investigation of a Pulsed Charge-Exchange Source of Negative Hydrogen Ions 2S pp AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. NOvosibirsk, Institute Iadernoi Fiziki IIF-35-73 AEC/LA/tr-73-47 JT 0 6T . 10 COLoi"Lrp".ug ry, B&hesia Micheii, Humberto et al Instituto forestal Chile Informe Tecnico,, No.21, May -1966. *NTIS TT 74-55072 URA, W. G. F. DE. 11INSTITUTO DL MEMICINA TROPICAL. SAO PAIJIM. REVISTA// A Tr~,,),,:uiosoma Lmrlssi AnL!;, c;r and !,.-b s 1"Cal cti oil 9 as 0'r, a 1,,Ieans of PvoLeetion ., IVLce A!"ainst the infoctl on vith Trypanoscy-In. Cnrlil MC pp 301-`05 ... Feliu, Alejandro Reig INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIONES AGRO- NOMICAS CENTRO DE -AVANTE, Vol.19, Ho.4, Spain, 1970, pp.425-443. *NTIS TT ?4-53020 Huseniann, E. A New Mothod for the Homogeneous Acety-Lation of Cellulose iNSTIMUM POLITEIINIC DINI LABI. wamn, v. 16~ 1 2, 397~-,-P- 3.47- 51. n . 1 2, 1097C TTC 73-r.96~-07C AGA 3-~ Y: iiationrl Scipnc~.! Foundation f)848/!)335 7,1-F"P-f 91 1 May IW` 09 ITU-1 Iflotituto AALarticu - (Aili-no. (Bol!,tin Oc- DIfusion No. 7, 1972.) f-'k, ~Gl) IG L: (into "n;.,;llah) Ingrualong: Pkaw.- tranalaUt pa:-.s 23-31 L'O an-I type onc, (1) copy. fXMITil" - DOE bY 18 Mmy 197% Fransisco Espanol Notes on Anobiidae. Instituto de Biologia Aplicada. Publicaciones vec. pp.4~f-b/, I~Jtu. ~Jpp *NTIS-TT-73-55060 Apr 73 Fransisco Espanol Notes on Anobiidae. Instituto de Biologia Aplicada. Publicaciones, 0 vol-.-47,, Dec. pp.97-110, 1969. 14pp. *NTIS-TT-73-55059 Apr 73 C t.- is oct. V73 1 U.: LI v: a -k-L 40pp Please type single SPqCO- Asoners =Arms "a/1864 7.04"00 1106-MS-RD-74 I Jay 1974 Titles FortifUmvion do Amwom Con Vitamin& a on Centro Americs y Fanw Authors - Sourcei Institttite, do 4utricion do Centro America y Paym, q Lanpuges Spanish 1974,1 V-368 pp 44 InstrMtional Please, translate fow Cava to com, type single sWe. NO PASTE UPp leave space. tcan*Ute & key SELECTIVE EFFECTS OF MUNUAURICULAR STIMULATIO N ONEXTkAFUVEAL VISUAL ACUITY L '. I I.. GLRUTTI, G LANGUAGE-IT COUNTRY-IT INSTINTU ul PSIGULLK,IA ULLLUNlV0,SlTA CATTO LICADI MILANU t 1'P255-286 FST(;-HT-23-0IdI-14 Explanation of Materials for Determining Economic Efficiency of Investment. 9 pp INSTRUXTSIYA PO OPREDEIMIYU E;KONOYaCMKOY EFFEUMOSTI KAMAL114YKH VLOZHENIY NA ZHELE7,NOD- CROZHNOM TRANSPORTE, Moscow, 1973, pp 16-22. jpRs 6a74 Instrument Methods in the Diagnosis of Car- diac & Vascular Defects, by A. B. Zorin, et al. INSTRUMENTAL'NYYE METODY DIAGNOSTIKI POROKOV SERDTSA I SOSUDOV, L972, 224pp. 3806 may 73 L,volution and Improvement of Tool Steels. 154 pp 1NSTRUy'JrI'4'TAL'NYYZ- I FCDSHIPNIIWVYIE SrALI, hoscow, No 1, 1973, 137 pp. jpr6 62925 RUSSIAN CSO: 8344/0040 12 July 1974 Tool and Bearing Steels; Thematic Branch Collection No. 1, Edited by A.K. Petrov Moscow, Instrumental'nyve i Podshipnikovyy4~_ 5tali: Tematicheskiv Otraslevoy Sbornik No. 1, 1973, pp 1-136 Please publish and provide JPRC/Ad Hoc with 12 copies of the report. RUSSIAN Devices and machines for navigation problems, by CSO: 8344/2178 V1 23 APril 1973 SP solvinC celestial B. I. I/aasavt-sev. Mo5cow, Instrumenty i metody morckhodnoy astronomii, 19722, pp 81-65, 87-db. Mawl Special type B Do not publish Ori.-inal -plus one DRUEN, CZESLAW, //INS'FYTUT BODOWNICTIVA WODINEGO-POLSKIEJ AKADEMll NAUK IV GDANSKU-IMPRAVY HYDROTECHNIONE ZESZYT 30// Army Digineer Military Construction-Hydro-Technology Art. P30, 76 pp, OACSI-5073~@ Heat Wle condeno-a-L-i02) a hicat DTIS)ZIZ4'~T~--o-7j-jCT---.T- r- 41 -01 7j) 777377i 1~~73 P',ovcmbur 19 "1 -TVC* Intepral?nYye "likro3k)ie,y Pol"PrOrOdnikovyje, ~d Semiconduc tor 'Ui ts .,'~CLD DRAFT PLUS (Mif: ,OT CUF i~()R' 80NOING OF GLASS LAMINATES TO METALS KOBES, JAN LANGUAGE-CZ COUNTRY-CZ INTERMETALBUND 172. CONFe ON THE bUNDING OF M ETALS15THe PP 62-75. )k FSTC-HT-23-0655-74 Villain, J. Measurement of wind and temperature in the uKper atmosphere, 33p I TERNIAL NOTES 0 PRABLISSEMENT DIETUDES ET DE RECH, No SUU, 19Y6, Z3pp NASA Ft F 14921 6-MaV-74 Uncl (UCRL-Tran!3--10701) Translations of papers presented at the third panel on the peaceful uses of nuclear explosions organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency held in Vienna, Austria, 27--30 November 1972. (INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, VIENNA (AUSTRIA)), ( nd ]. Trartslation of French, Russian, and 5panish papers. 241p. Dep. NTIS $7.60. meetings; 18C nuclear explosions; IBC plowshare: translations STD-35 P NSA May, L. E. M RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON METAL CORROSION// --/--/1966, V----, N---- COMDarative tests on stainless steels for corrosion in atmosphere of air and water vapour pp 384-391 C.E. TRAN 6529## 'T 07- LIJ., I i.T ZO jT, f i" SAKWA. W. //35 TH INTERNATIONAL FOUNDARY CONGRESS// --/10/1968, V----, N ---- Production of granular chromium layers on iron castings pp not given *BISI 12599## SCHONESHOFER. M. //INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY --/--/1973, V005, N----- 3- Pulse rad-ilytic investigation of S 06 radica as intermediate product of tbiosupihate oxydation and tetrathionate reduction pp 375-386 C. E. TRANS 6522## 11MINAMNALI REVUS MR OTSARM HYDNBrowmll E00109ioal investigation of the Benthoefama in the BaZtio Cmal. J. AuteeoZM of Vtvile 4nd HOMIsessile speass on Pilof OvergrM zAth vegetation and atimals: Naorof4una. 5. mollusks pp 581-5920NAVY MOO 7-221, ForwrZy listed as NAVY NOO tr 558## A Decade of Austrian Cooperation With the USSR. 5 PP. INTERUTIONALE WIRTSCHAFT, Vienna, No 30, 27 July 1973# p 5. JPRS 60130 Polish-Austrian Exchange of Goods, Effective 1 January 1974, 5 pp. INTERNAT IONA LE ~,,IIRTSCHAFT, Vienna, 3 Aug 73, T)p 9-1u-. JORS 60028 Oct 73 Austrinn-Romoninn Cr-)r-ndity !-~,xchange Lists llubliqbed, 13 'OP. INrIERYATjO'rlAL',,' WFUSCIIAFT, Vienna, 17 Auf, 73, P-n 3, 4. ,7R,S, ~0314 ,,~Ov 73 Ails hrin n-Bloc "r-9de , ~;conomic GlooperF)tion J~eviewed, 1-0 nT). TNT-PERIJ-ATIONALE ~-!lFir",SCITAFT, Vienna, 6 Feb 74, p ,Tp?,s r,75 7- A -.-) r 7) 1 G. von Nieding Acute effects of 5 ppm N02 on the function of the lungs and circulation in healthy subjects. INTERNATIONALE ARCHIV R)ER ARBEIMEDIZIN. IMMTIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, Vol 27, pp 234-Z43, 1970 NTC 72-lS262-06J mar 73 NIEDING, G. VON The Phamacological influence of Acute N02 Effect on the Function of the Lungs of Healthy Subjects and Patients with Chronic Bronchitits. INTERNATIONALES ARCHIV FUER ARBEITSMEDIZIN, vol. 29, pp. 55-63, 1971 NTC 73-10207-06E March 73 -1 C- J-7 Ca;.'r, c~ rl~;-- c J,.-J -jil.."-l'... lendon, Ho Animal o*eriwntal inveetigations on BeryZlism poieoning. INTERNATIOSALES ARCHIV PUER GSWERBEPAMOLOGIE UND ,69WERBERYGIENE, VoZ 21, 1985, pp 408-418 NTC 73-23829-06T ,Rllpp. T"f-pp('1"s 11" InIT bromine 0011ce-Oratinnn ,)n nan T T, -~50 ~r ~711C7 ')-::1 Lehnert, G. Usefulness, Reliability cuid Practicalitly of the (letcrminat ion of Ileme Precursors for Checking Worhers E-poccd to Lead TUTP117TATIONATES ARCII'1V M,3 Gj,!,-JL~~MiPATjjo- ID -uoGjc, U1, GET.TEPMEHYGIETEE 25 106~, pp. 267-2f36 C 73-1-27,00-0:)J V,Uellel~-, W. Experience with the method or Cb~abecld and coworkers l'or the or w,ine delta-aminolevulinic acia in the prevention ot' lead poisoning. 9p1) 1111T. Pd3(`~[. GEWERBERPATM. GNERBEHG, Vol 25, 1969, pp 287-"91 IIIASA TT P A,864 G. Lehnert Usefulness, reliability and practicality of the determination of heme pucursors in the supervision of Lead exposed workers. INT. ARCH. GEWERBEPATH, GEWERBEHYG. Vol 25, No 4, 1969 pp 267-286 *NASA TT F 14,674 apr 73 Data Transmission Under Extreme Noise with any Degree of Noise Immunity, by INTER ELEK RUNDSCIIAU, NAVY/APL/JIIU-T-2704 G. Harms. Vol 26, No 2, 1972, pp 33-36. May 73