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Sievers, K. The production and finishing of nonwovens UND-=TSUiRIFI-EUE"j-E. - GLUML JZ=LN - DUSIUQ-.,-1973, pp 790-793, v. 23. NTC 73-12339-11E. I.. Fourrat, H. Preparation and Thcrapedic Acti-d-Ly of -.,,om c linthocyami Glycosides CIMECA TIEERATEU21CA: CIMEM TIM, WULUTIQLM, .2, MC 7zS-12608-060 Jaeger, W. Analytical determination of the thermaZand therrnooxt- dative degradation of polyamides by the Coulter method CHEAME VLAIUVA, v. 21, n. 516, t971, ppo W-191 NTC 73-13025-LZE LEIBITITZ, E. //GIO,aCIM TIMA// ... . . . I Entropy-Elastic Experimental Fiber Material macle from, Chemically Modified Polyethlylene Terephthalate, Pp 212-218,1'ITC 74-10304-11MC, VWX 9214/0251 Yoq. 73-92 b 16 Apr. 73 ~,'evallzv7 v~lv ir ii-tin opvrelonb~ puurstof bi., Fro 7:": 222, ~,)1,5. "!"J4-51 Dutch 9214/0730 23 Auga. 73 f:-'fl;j.RrziL d-;T -1 ~.c tall Idall Ji! Vol. 11, 72-~-32 (1934), tr~;n~J!Ae type .1 Copy Qnly. iveond cor-y of document to be. wed for pc9te-up. GRAAF, H. DE, Ground Fog CHEMISCH WEEKBLAD, vol. 67, no. 2330 pp. 110-122.1.971 NTC 73-10378-04B March 73 Vogel, 11. Dcatruction of ITitrogen oxides in Tail Gases CID11,171MR-ZENTIM -,Ire 160 3-965, pp. 632-635 E'TC 73-1270-0-07A 17 i- jj-j,RAC'Kp L~l J ar, Or, a 010~mica,T (I coal 7-7 1T LTI'1-71111~-O D) 7j~ THE TREATMENT Lf- WA~TL WATEK FROM FILM OEVr-t-u- PIN6 PLANT~) HAHN AND MEIEK LANG UAG E -C L~OUNTkY-GW LHOIKEk-ZLITUNL, 95 1971 NO 19 PP 467-471 42 FS I L-H V-2-J-0779-74 scllmiat5 H. W. .?widaneiitals and Pi-ocesses of the Rwifica-tion of Syntlictic Gascs (TtEMIKER-MIM(ly, V. 96, 3.972, P. 154-164 Available on Ican from W.PC as 73-L1711-07-A Beitham, V. Model studies on the hardening behvior of conden- sativeky crosslinkpd polyester-metamine baking. enawl.s. CIIEAIIKP,,R ZEITUV Vol 96, 1972, pp 208-214 NTC 73-13302-IIC Pah"onotiaho R. H. Industrial prooesses for the prodwtion of Cyanopon" CHMMER-ZEITUAFG, Vol 98, So 7, 2972j pp 388-396 M77M-3744-07A ~?-Aug-7~ Unc i LA- t Prepa,a t i on of st L na I ur 3 1 ~)rnjduc I -~-, w i t h t hr~ a I n3v c Li I t u re s anA recent ai)p I ica, t i on s ?f in the "'to9ciences. JUNG, G.-, JI.ITTKI---P, Cron :Iher. Zt a.: 9-3, :603-611(197 je- T-3 . 50 . 06 biomed; 18T) isotipes; translation7 MN-48 P NSA ab I ~ I at)e I e~ a i d of 8u t roph i c st at) Ip i gotope !3 F. Translated 28p. Clep. zei t" 0. . .Phosphate sm.-bot-Itut" and phor-phato-five dotergents- in the patent Ziteratum. CHEMr,UR-ZET.TLWG - CHEKSCHE APPARATUR. Vot 06,, 1972,0 Fp 883:091 NTC 7t~-14008-11K - I ..I . -.. r71 (c a CT ',Aamer, 'J. and W. 'Elein J 972 Residue behavioj- and conversion ?~ P,P,-DDT~14C and its ana-cip p,p'-DDR-~4C an(I p,pt-DDD-. 0 in higher piuta (I'Nokstandsverhaitelt jtnLl 1Tmiandlung von p,VT-DM'-! C. und _ - _ -),p'-DDD-'4C in hoheren seiner AnaLogen p,p' DDI. K und PrInnur.) ri 3onwu. Trans by Trann 1~ur., Fgri. Lang. Div. , Dept. of Sec. of Stnte of Mnads, for D~~pt. of I-hviron. , FIVC 1,4r. Ecology Lab. DGrtmouth, V.S. 19'(3, R:3 Transt. Serium Vo. 23132, 7P. typescript - VAL. oil .ooll Wash. , D.C. Original Arlicle CheckedlV; RaO-LTX, A. //CHR,IOSPHERC,// pp 01101-0122 Use of electron microscopy for determiration of the C;rantilometric distribution of atmospheric aerosols with radii of bezween 3.5w!0-3 un) and I un 17C 74-13,819-011B Further Studies of Antiviral Activity of Natu- ral Production on LLCN Infection. Chemotherapy, Vol. 13, no. 3,.May, Tokyo, pp. 172-175, 1965. *NTIS TT 73-53045 Acupunctiire 1,landbook, 7 PP. I'13'," OINLY SHOU-TSIE, Eon~,, E'ong, metr 73, TT) TZI].. JTRS/L !1B79 A i~ r 71L : /" , ") 9 i. (11"'? 1 C11INESE , / S k , , CSO:9311/0213 27 Jul 73 PekinA Institute of Chinese Medicine C Illustrated Lxplandtion on the Clinical Selee- tion of Acupuncture Points. CHEN CHIU LIN CHUANG C11U HSIJEN TU CHIEH, March C, iT.'L*1 "--lCS El --Ja, CSO: 1-?. JunL 1973 37: Ly Acijpunc I-hr J, pp 1-309. (A cu out all cc']~,~ 0' Kazanets, I. P. Ferrous Metallurgy in the Ninth Five-Year Plan. 105 pp CHERNAYA METAILUMIYA V DEVYATOY PYATILETKE, Moscow, 1972, 110 PP. JPRS 60725 .The Meteorologiml. Bad". -Djustion for the Cohereit Scattering of fledar Waves By Cloudl Droplets &A Raindrops,, by lbe Chi-chan. .M-.D-Mj -pauj, M111-Holang gBiAg.-PH-00 Vol 32P No- 2P june 1962. AF=,-Em-67-i5g SCi/AtmG D--i Doc 67 34?.,2oo PRC mransformer Repair Handbook, 19 Dp. CHI-HSIU SITOTT-T-SlE--PjEN-YA-CH,I TI FSIU-LI, Pel~-in7, Sen (2, 96 pD. jpRs 60285 y N OV 73 I ~e. mmw Laser Applica) ti6~n In CSO: 8311/0938 16 November 19T3 Meteorological Survey Peking, Chi-kuang Tsai Chli-hsiang Van-tale Cbung_jj Y jNjy~un , June 1973, 53 pp Please publish and include reproduction if possible. DD not clip doe. Please provide JPRC/Ad Hoe with copy of report. -'K T - C Jn n T 'ion of ,elay P.rg) St rin Omp 0, las 1" a 1 In i 0 11, 0-111 T. rl -1-7 -0- 1 Ii z0 ce 1-ion 'j nd j)p. T Jo -n7 3 np chine.,*,e~ ri,6 PP, mono, nic-harp 1"lov 19yip pl) 1-50. 'win 1625-T.; Soo J'11t, 5 9 9 !~.`Lrror Vieu of the "Almost" Theory, by Chij C"11"EsEo P-r) P4~11 -- N173; NO 23; 5 Dee 1959, rip 10-P.J. ORS 2754 U71 f oy l-'IjLrl Pp -10. Pol - Soc jun 60 PRLPAK,~f 1011 OF LoUi0CNSL LINES Ifj PRECISE MEA SUKING Tt(;HNiQUES YU Loll-LILN YU LANGUAGE-CH COUNTkY-CH LHI LIANG (,Hl SHU YU I GH41 CHIH TS40 V 3 NO i IV65 Pp 45-5u FSTC-HT-23-1667-7.3 A. SASAI Studies on the Photographic Developers of Ferrous- Ferric-System. Part 1. Formation of Ferrous-Ferric- Edta Developers and Their Formulas for Positive Films. CHIBA DAIGAKU KOGAKUBU KENKYU HOKOKU Val 14, pp 53- 60, 1963. NTC 73-10320-14E Mar 73 S. MIZUSAWA Studies on Photographic Developers of Ferrous-Ferric- Complex Systems. Part 2. Development Properties of Ferrous-Ferric-Edta Developers for Negative Films. CHIBA DAIGAKU KOGAKUBU KENKYU HOKOKU. Vol 18, pp 39-45, 1967. NTC 73-10319-14E Mar 73 S. MIZUSAWA Studies on Photographic Developers of Ferrous-Ferric- Complex Systems. Part 3. The Ferrous-Edta-Phenidone Monobath System. CHIBA DAIGAKU KOGAKUBU KENKYU HOKOKU, Vol 19, pp 77- 84, 1968. NTC 73-10325-14E Mar 73 S. MIZUSAWA Studies on Photographic Developers of the Iron Complex Systems. Part IV. Oxidation-Reduction Potentials of 1ron-Edta Developer Solutions. CHIBA DAIGAKU KOGAKUBU KENKYU HOKOKU, Vol 20, pp 235- 241, 1969. NTC 73-10321-14E Mar 73 Clash 't~etween Confucian and Le,,alist Schools on Pnistemology, by Ou Fu, 6 pp. T 1, 111 L - M'b ~'IT I j S -17,' 0'N, LY IOU N CUP-7SE', np, Chieh-fang Jih-pao, Shanghai, 18 Dee 72, p 3. tMIS/1- 4511 Y 'T 3 a Political Night School Depends on Cadres for Success, 5 PP. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY CHIEH-PANG JIH-PAO, Shanghai, 9 may 73, P 3. XPRSIL 459d Aug 73 y Floo-'fyrlo ~-jator rupificall-ion Plant qnavit- y nesirmed anCl Fl;AD,, 7 pn. I-E ~ -in., 7--o 1, Oct 73, H ~ 'T-CHT~ YST'~TT-PAO, Poll -, .. C ' - - - J11"Is 61933 jr.j -1 ` AbstracIt's, 10 2, Doc 733- ........... Infection of Small Doses of Bac terial Endotopin Helps Clear the Blood of Bacteria in Rabbits with Burn, by Chu, Chao-Ming, 6-pp.. C,.HIEN FANG CHUN I SHUW_T3A CEY4 V 2 no 1 1965, pp 24-25 ACSI K-0221 apr 73 insights on the Excision of Third Eschat by Stages in Extensive Burns, by Wang, Liang- Neng. 6 pp. CHIEN FANG CHUN i SHUEN TSA CHIH, V. 2, 1965 pp 24-25. ~-k'51 'K apr 73 COO: 'j3ll/()L,"O,- Oct ~,Lc C Do , 10 L A. is 0.17:lft Cliz, oll(,~ coj--~, oal..~ ti,~ofc llj-,Iss~,,~.Cs w-r"~C-6 -ITith n ChCCL JOURNAL OF BOTANY CHIH-WU-HSUEH TSA-CHIH) a quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 1, 19.74, of -each Chinese journal. ", I ~ -11enum Press Raciuved In Lz~tter ~~ovember 29, 1973 Tables of Contents From DPRK Academy of Sciences Publication fChijil Kwa Chili, (Geology and Geography), 9 pp. CHIJIL IWA CHILI, Pyongyang, Nos 1, 3, 4, 5) 61 JPRs 59475 Sul 73 Kitaoka, S. Naturalization of Worble Flies and Their Control CIIIKUSAN KENKYU, Vol 22, No 11, 1968, pp 33-37 *NI'IS-17-74-53382 Yiiko Chiliara Amino Acids contained in the Cenozoic rcmations of Janan CIIMU KAGAKU (TolWc), v. 2-6, no. 2, March, 1972~ pp- (39-79 TIASA TT F-1-5002 Itihara, Y. Amino acids in the cenozoic sediments of Japan. .. CHIKYU KAGAIW, Vol 26, No 2, 1972,Tj) 610-79 *IIAISA TT F 15,002 1 s il-Storice I 1~0 I e '--,'evaluated, -11'ro-ved ~I 0.1 ~,,Tjrri 7 C, q A, ;,t ".- ..., ~; 01.,Ty C-'-'T -IT-T 'cirin, Wo 7, Jul 73, r Picatinny Arsenal 1 9219/2556 18 Nov 74 Roq. 75-20 f I . Title: La Deco,,Vouition Thanaique des ExplOgiff) Solides et Vexplosion qu'eile provoque, fwthor. Garner, W. E. Source: Chim. Ind. (Paris). Vol. 45,.Suppl. 3. pp. 111-118 (1941). Lang,uage. g French Please trauslate & type I c? '?y T11 Translate all r. ; captions & keys - Cut & pas d w ev~ necessary* UNKNOWN Gil MI L- AcrUALI TES/ 28/03/l973,V----,N----, The Continuous-Operation Absolute Bourdale Filters, 9 pp pp 37-39, AM/FSTC/lIT-23-30-7400 MEGMATOV. S. S. //CHIM. PEINT// --/--/1973, V0036, nOO06 Influence of ultrasonic treatment on the adhes Df coating to metal pp 195-197 *BISI 12592## CHIN SHU HSUEH PAO ALSO SEE ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA Canton 3~)rin:-~ l2rado Fair ~ 5 01). fl- . np, Chinf-,,-chi Tao--oao, !,olj,-~ v 1, -Ong, 25 Apr 73, il i7.- J:,-'i-'3 59322 Ju--, 73 Tntoi-rated Circuit, Gafes Discussed, 15 Pp. MAI-Cll- TUNN, Sfilj-T~-'U . 1. --~ in. , -IV- ei Dec 71, 2T printTnr~ ADr 73 o1 1 9 P 320 ny); Vol TI. 227 ~)-P; Vol 111, 305 pp- ,7PR3 61666 May 7~j W,UMIG ~ H. //CHIRURG/'/ --/--/lP72,voo43,N----, p o441-o445 Experimental and clinical investigations on the release of gentaraycin from a bone cement NTC 74-12148-o6E BuchhoZz,, H. W. Prophylax-lo of infections and operative treatment of the creeping deep infectiono of the Tha. CRTRUG. Vol 43, 1972, pp 446-453 NTC 74-10181-06E On Loan Service Charge VC Ty Bychenkov, V. A~ Calculation of Transient Motions in Fracturing Media- CHI SLENNYE ATODY AffYJIANIXI SPLOSHNOI SREDY, v. 3, 7t. 2, t972, pp. 3-V WRL-Trans-40660 STC 73-2Z5ZO-20K NTIS N7343029 Unct (UCRL-Trans--10660) Calculation of transient motions in fracturing media. Bychenhov, V.A.: Gadzhieva, V,V.; Kuropatenkol V.P. Translated from ChlsIenny_e,_Meto4y. Mekh.., SpIcshnoi Sredy; 3: No. 2, 3 v_( i�nj. - np. ,Dep. NTIS. - - - .. 20 physics; translations MN-34 P NSA 0 Glagoleva, Yu. P.. Fundamentals of the "Medusa" Method for Numerical Solution of two-dimensional time-dependent Problems in Gas Dynwdes CMIENM, MOTODY MEIMNna SPLOSENOI SREDY~ v. 3 n. 2, 1972~ pp. 16-55 UCRL-Trans--17062 NTO 73-12891-01A Blfir=o YU. A. IICRZSLI;hWYYE WODY AMANIXT SPLOSINOY SMDY11 --l-110720 VOOOSON0004,0 An implicit systiom for calculation of f4v of a vieww, heat-onqwting gae, pp &18,INASA 2T F 15,,99209 28-Jun-73 Uncl (UCRL-Trans--10689) Divergent modification or a scheme with separate sweeps of the gas-dynamic and thermal-conductivity equations. TROSHCHIEV, V.E.; LADAGIN, V.K. Translated from Chislennye Metody Mekh. Sploshnol Sredy; 3: No. 5, 68-74(1972). 9p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 20D fluid mechanics; 20M heat transfer; translations MY-38 P NSA I-, I-Jun-73 Uncl (UCRL-Trans--10686) one class of invariant difference schemes. SHOKIN, YU.I.; PEDOTOVA, Z.1. Translated from Chinlennye Metody Mckh. Sploshno; Sredy; 3: No. 5, 85-94(-1972). 14p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 12 mathematIcs; 20 physics; translations MN-34 P NSA 0 14-Aug-74 Uncl (LA-tr--74-22) Formation of a ring-shaped vortex in the rising of a light gas In a heavy one. GLAGOLEVA, YU.P.; ZHKAILO, V.A.; MALISHAKOV9 V.D.; NESTERENKO, L.V.; SUFRONOV, I.K.; STATSENKO, V.P. Translated by H.J. Dahlby from Chislennye Metody Mekh. Sploshnol Sredy; 5: No. 1, 38-52(1974). 16p. Dep. NTIS $4.00. 18C nuclear explosions; 20 physics; translations MN-34 p NSA REQ TR CHE(K ii-07-7~ T019 TA13LE OF CONTENTS ~,IIARCHUK, G.I.; LEBEDEW, V.I. UR: CHISLENNYYE METODY V TEORII PERENOSA NEYTRONOV, pp. Numerical methods in the theory of rarefied gases 194 pp "CHISLENNY-M ~,TTODY V TEORII RA7,REZHMTN)n~H GAZOV" .1979 ITASA TT F 638; F 638 1 iotion n i ) io 1) 1 ri of ,rT;r I cr C) c I I o 1~!, o C.I. t C- 17 U'll I J 7D' T! P c-" C 0 Dly I I "' C, I ~l -'I I f o. 7 2 Ll. "i" i. 1 Cl -Y~ TD f 5 -7 P Dymnikov, V. P. Nonadiabatic operational scheme for a short-term weather forecast. 12 pp. CHISLENNYY PROGNOZ POGODY I TEORIYA_LLIMIATA, No. 272, M2, pp 15-21 - AIR/FTD-HT-23-183-73 may 73 Yefimov, V.A. Periodic spectral solutions of a combined system of equations of the planetary dynamics of the atmosphere and hydrosphere&028Pg6DY CHISLENNYY PROG Z I TEORIYA KEIMATA, No.272, pp. Z4-4-3-1- TW4. AIR/FTD/HT-23-184-73 may 73 Kim, V. F. One of the difference systems for a numerical solution of the weather forecast problem. 10 pp. CHISLENNYY PROGNOZ POGODY I TEORIYA KLIMATA, No. 272, 1972, pp 79-87 AIR/FTO-HT-23-186-73 may 73 T11 in, R. 1-1. Selection of a first approximation for Numerical Solution to the boundary value problems of Atmospheric Dynamics. 8 pp. CHISLENTTYY PRGrrNOZ POGODY I TEORIYA-nIMATA, No. 272, 1972, pp. 88-93. AIP,/FTD-1-IT-23-188-73 Grib, N. X. -Statistical Methods of objective snalymioo of meteorological fields. 13 PP. C-91SX&OW MOaNOZ FOGWr. I TECRIYA. KLDWA, 10-- C, 1972, pp. ~4-101 AIR/ '/HT-23-187-73 MY 73 Gubarev, A. V. Nwnerical calculation of certain two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic flows in channels. 81 pp. CIJISLENNYY RASCHET NEKOTORYKH DMERNYM D-PIT-24-17 pp may 73 RUSSIAN CSOO 8040306 17 11973 1) STRUYNYE REGIJIYjVI'ORY PROMODITELINOSTI PORSMEVY0 KOMPRESSOROV by I.I. Krasilshchikov 2) CLUSTO-STRUYNYY GIDRAUICIESKIT-a"MIONNYL I by G.G, Molchanov 3) PNETMA17-OWSMY DATGJIK UIWVI4YA KRIUNNYM, ZJIIDKOSTI:Y by V.N, D-mitrow Please publish and include rep roducti oils. dumzllt way not be cut or outilated 111e.ise provide JPI,'C/iW We with 3 copies 91 j.APAhT Plan center nevs. CSO: 8129/0209 W 3 August 1973 U In no Tokyo, Chi"11 acii'm Gil? 73 7, PP 1-91 (section marked off) Special ty p(,, B Do not publish Translator's draft Dlus one Kuberski, Jerzy l,anister Kuberski Interviaied on ftral Blucation. 8 pp CHLOPSKA DROGA. Warsaw, 7 Oct 1973, pp 1, 6-7. jpRs 60566 Gianchi, G. Penetrdting power of electric plating bath Rep. No.l. .. LA CHMIER a LI INDUSTRIE, 1963, Vol.35, No.6 - pp.414-20. . *BISI 11337 ,Pueblo 1 Canturc -',ocallod by E-einbers of z3oardi arty, by Ch?oo 110`01r, 7 ',)P. nor, Chollima, Ilyollrl'yillllr-, 0 2, 1 Feb 731 'o't) 5-0--775 - 59257 Al-I Y3 Construction Minister Interviewed on Year of Constructiow, 6 pp. CHIOLLIMA, Pyongyang, No 3, 1 Mar 74, pp 21-23. JPRS 62529 Oct 74 JA PAIESE: 212LI-2= (Intell~Fenre HIMetin-Monthl-y) Vol 206 Vol 206 SuPpIement. (entire documents) DIA LN 397-74 220 pp. Excerpts From 1971 north Korean Central Yearbook, 43 PP. KORW, bk, P-hoson Ghmgang N-yongam. 1271, Pyongangr 19?1, PP 138-139, 148-149, 219-222, 224, 227-230, 232-240, 2-42-M, 250-255, 276-2?7, 280-282- JFRS 58979 BaY 73 Young Ryong Bae Adoorption equiZibrium of nitrogen-oxygen mix tures and dyncarttc constderations on the proce8s of qzjgen concentration by moZecular oieves. ? PPO CHOSON MINJUJUVI INAITN KOiVGIIWAGIJK KIVAHAGWON TONGRO, No 5, 19?1, pp 51-53 AIRIFTD-HC-23-P82-74 A Chong-ok, Yu Story of Porth Korean Family Life* 22 pp CHOSON MUK, P'yonuang, 9 Aug 1973, PP 34-43. JPRS 60711 L4. L pid 11 (,,u c~ L -.L C r c c -I r --ins 1972, 1) -, ~r) 7 C Gladen, R. The determination of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in automobile exhaust gases by column chromatography. CHROMATOGRAPHIA, v. 5, p. 236-241, 1972. NTC 73-11094-07C 's LI i. Li C.. s f f 1-111 hi-h- 5, 7, 1'1"'7?1 G*bs Ke Techniques of capillary gas chromatography. Possibilities for the full utilix4tion of high-perfomanoe coZwmo. Part 2. Manipulation 4nd opemtion. CHROMATOGR4PHIAP Vol 5,0 1972, pp 382-391 NTC 73-14490-07D Fischer, H. Glass, B. 1956 DietriNtion of brealto and sohromatio regions, In the ch"Mmmes of Xjg&A tabi after treatment with heavy metal salts (Die Vert6kl#ng voin Fragmeritationen =4 aohmmatisahen Stellen a4f don Ohroizoxomen von Vicia faba naah Behandlw mit Schweretallealzen Chromosoma, 8: 260-2k. In German. V'XT 15 - -IT-- N - Original Article Checkedk RUSSIAN CSO: 8044/0607 I October 1974 What is happening in the Soviet Undergroung Russia, Chto Proiskhodit v Sovetskom Pod,pol'ye Special Type A Do not publish Single spaced draft plus one CHIME k. cso: 83.U/1883 10 April 1974 ief Histor Study, Standard Profiles and Distribution of the Vai-yuan Group in'North China).. by Chi-chving Huang Ch'Uan Kuo Ti Ts*eng Hui 1) 1959) pp 90-93 Specia-1 type B DD not publish Single spaced darft p-Lus one Asakawa, Konji 1961 Fishery production and policy in COMUniOt China Chugolcu Kenkyu Gappo f0hina Researah Monthly), (162): 1-29. Tn Japanase. Tran.-I. by JPRS, Fob. 1962, 52P., processed. Avail. VTTS as JPRS Tran3l. No. 12253, priae $3.00. Avail. on Loan - WFS, Vash., D.C. (I Original Arilde Checked.&-,