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i-I.LA rresident Presents 6urve~ of Angola, by Agostinho Neto, 13 pp. diGLI6H, per, Ijavana, ,ay-June 1969, pp 31-83. j,-Rs 43~66 AT-Angola ol ~.~ct 6(,, 3,92-9157 Liberation Front Ioader Grants Final Interviews a pp. FMLISH, per. Tripontinental, Havamo Hay-Jun 1969', pp 97-120. JPRS 49043 U-14ozambique - 9. ~, , - --, ~ Pol Political Panorama of Argentina Analyzed# by Otto Vargasp 14 pp, LIMLIS11p per,, Tricantinentalf, Hava-na, '~:ay-Jun 1969v pp 121-132-. MIS 48657 U.-Argentina POI Aug 69 389,192 F,'GtQr;Lc ImPOrt 01' FOR foes Regime Analyzed, by Rene Usepestro, 39 PP, SPANISIft per, Tricontinental. iAvsm, july-Agu 1969v pp 6-33- JITS 49174 LA-laiti ;.01 j.ov 69 393,62k; dational I'lission Updates a-I ideology, Plans, 20 PP. SRWSHv perp Tricontinental. Havanat Jul-Aug 1969t PP 71-W. JPRS 49165 Inter-Aimr Aff Fol 14cm 69 395POO7 ~iriter Analyzes Cultural Revolution in Angola, by iiario do Andradep 9 ppe SWISH, pert Tricontinental Havamp Jul-Aug 19691 pp 97ml 6. iMs 49283 Af-Angola Sac Ijov 69 396078 The Unema as a indium of Revolutionary ~-4orlc, by ~)ctavio Getino, fernando salanas, 25 pp. I;wjana., July-Aug SPAIQ'I,ii, per, Tgi 1969, Pp 107-132. jpii~~ IP9265 DT-H--~-Xllj(,A!l- AHVAII-,~i Pol Nov 69 393.9% 11agazine I*viaws Third World Articlos, 16 pp. S.rAJJISI,',, per, Tricontinental, ~hvana, July-Aug 1969# PP JellS 49174 LA-Cuba '01 vov 69 393,326 Starting --oints: Zero Hour in i4caragua, by Carlos ionseca Amadorl, 16 ppe JIMLMI, per, Tricontinantal, i,,avana. 141o 14, Sept-oct lc,)69, 1~'254ii.-- '- jwA,-zs 4-9632 LA-Cuba .01 I-eb 70 40G,801 Lxperiences a-nd iacts: Africals ~-resence in Americat by lJose Luciano Fmco Formno 35 pp, perp TricantAnentaIg lAvanap NO 14l Sept-(ft 1969p pp -82, jails 49632 LA,-~:uba !,Ol 1-eb 70 4009802 Tricontinental on the vhrch: Soli6arity in the Dusert, by Carlos radilla, 10 ppi. LNGL16ii, per, Tricontinental# Havana, Lo 14, sept-~xt 1969.-~~"U6~1~7-.-' - j1hS 49632 LA-0~1~ ; -01 i~eb 70 4007803 Road of lion6mw iievolution flacussull, 25 pp. UJOLDii, per Ivicontinentalt iAvana, flo 15v llo,v-bec 1969: FP * - i-l--i?,s 49a LA-G',abs ;0i ~-Gb 70 403,4,% a"Isinformation; .;-rcxluct of Imperia-Ust lndustr~, L-rj ilernan bribe, 11 pp. I I GLISh, per, Tricontin -zvana, ~4o 15, ilov- ental Dee 196cl~j pP 58-71- j~ I-s 4c)810 LA-Uuba ~.Ol leb 70 40),405 Fortugmse Guima Canod 'United F)ront Against Imperialis.mll (Africa)o by Luis Cabralp 6 pp, ENGUSH, port Tricontinental, flavanat flo 15v Nov-Doc 1969t pp 1 -146. JMS 49903 Af-Portuguese Guinea Fol Ilar 70 402,223 , eru vxa-mple I osters uUmate of apectation, 6 pp. Ll,~Uhiii. per. Tricontinental Bulletin. iavana, vo 44, 11ov 196,~, pp 29-34. J ci-,6 49608 LA-M'ri i,',kAL 11 All, AIRS ~ 01 Jan 70 lwo,6o2 flootball ~,;arl CaUe6 Aash Between tligareldes, 6 pp. .I per, 'L4continental BiLUotin, iavana, No 44, Nov 1969 pp 40-.49-.-- - j, 1,6 496 o-3 lidhh-kL-~. Al-FAl,i6 ~ ol Jan 70 400,603 E33dmomusl or tAe Usbuk OmorrI21at bv Carl-as &Aetgut 40 wt. INOMHV perk a linsba a Ila 3.61 JSA- F* 1970. pp 15-0# imis 3bii~ IA.-C&& p9a Apr 70 4064446 . hir" RAW colow -in I ~ , I ~.. , 5 W? amult PWO' $atoms" %." .4op Hmma ar, 1970 pw 0444, 'm iii lAmCW* pal Aug 70 Tto asou ot swealdma Odo'bria)f kW B" Glinddeq 9 pr.* ENGWE6 per,* 14 ^q"M aSPANOWv"I Hims"t w0 171 mar..#r .1970# mw3w. - Jim 30?29 .I AF-Ageris Fol Jwe 70 orogw; the Topsnmx, in AaUwq U pps IM&ISHt per# . HAVO&O no 170 H"N. AP 19704 pp 04 JiRs 30724 LA-Cuba fol Jme 70 I vogrim of the SWWOL Rhat of N&UwAl UbmUonl, 8 PP, 4 - -4 -1 Havam EINGLISII# perg L4,g ~~w I RO 17t Mar-Apr 19?0,1 pp 61-N# JI-Ps 50724 LAP,V~ i01 June 70 Simto DOAMO: the Voice of flifleSo 5 PP* &MMlia, perr, 09-40440 HltVg=* NO 1?9 414- Apr 1970. pp 106-310. &W 50?24 LA-Cuba Pal Jme 70 M.WS WA-A uls N~M. .10 pp. kriola5fis. Wo Tric-mg-a", IW&uo Do 17& MANAM, 1970v, PP 118-135* jobs 30PA LA-C-ubs Pal June ?o mdpm mdal (mum"que), OGLU E4 per% 19,70t Vp 4.41o im 31428 AF-Mazwftqtte pa Oct 70 um= baULm avUmD SUMe 10 We- &Mae YAY-Jme 860lidA Fmta AWPWs Wr In Cotftl ANSA(*e 10 ppo 9o="$ pert zdgr *""# no ISO mamul &w-Jmo Mo pp 92-103. im 51W .pd Oct 70 amp Avouvins t DO AtdegL Maqaos by 6 R3* VAPJMO JM 51437 AF-OMW Bns=Me Fol Oat 70 24 024 ~. ad fuUt At Mes Sides by Jal Tal"Im. 16 pp, =M=# pwo - I -;Awimulo Ina"$ elm -..u f 341-ft s pp 030* JM SPA34 wCobs Pat Ma 71 al A , 1441yoUn Aws md Yews of a Vogl, by artmas NMOASBt 30 ppe Mmo part t1w4"toWudo zwout No 19-209 All-ftt mot VP 51-820 ,-4- im 52454 TA/06a pol Na 71 Chlamoss ldmtMW uwwond, by, QDrkF cmmhow Is pp. Lym pm, IdgmummsAL H*Wmm, No 19-of jut-age Moo pp 150-l". im SAM WOA* pot mw 71 NM SWtind tho NM, 10 pp. mums par* I ROWS. so 19-20, ikut a PP -Itt. im 53*54 wcuba pol Mw 71 Starting Points -- Marx and Engels and Colonialism-y by Gregorio Ortega, 12 pp. MIMS, por, Tricontinontal, Havana , No 21-22, Nov 70-Peb 71, pp 17-30. J?R3 52625 LA/Cuba Pol Apr 71 Experiences and Facts -- USA: Policing the Enpiro I by Michael Mare, 10 pp. FITGLISil, por, 'T lov i1o 21-22, JPRS 52625 LA/ TrIc-Ontinental, Havana, mwrab Y1, pp 31 Apr 71 Brazil: The Last Days of a Dictator, by Lino Luben Perez, 10 pp. ERGUSH.1 p9r) LLrjp - mpntinental, Havana, ~-10 ~ 21-22, Nov 70-1,eb ?f,-pp 45-56. J~'Rz 52625 LA/Cuba '0 101 1',ar 71 i'uOrto i"ico: Crisis and Independence, 6 pl* Itivana, 21-22, -aov 70-yab 71, pp 113-118. 52625 LA/' ;uba Pol ~Iar 71 Ala 'UoOks of Today - I rl&-ella! Creative Life and Action, by Joaquin Cm-mra Perreira, 5 pp. U11GLISH, por., I ontineWbal, Havana, 441 -3, o 21-22, 0v 70-MOI 74~j, pp 119-14 J-Pi~s 52625 TA/Cuba Pol Mar 71 Jews Behind the Not-is, 12 -p'p~ ~211GLISICI' Per, TrIcontinental, llavanal, Jo 21 Nov 76--Ye-b 71, pp 12 J -22, 4-135 t JPRS 52625 DI/Ouba "D 1 40 1-ial- 73- tj~p voooy)1o's AI'MY) VY VPQ Grouth of , I Giap, 11 npe 'MW tillontal, Ra" 70 23 ,,Ltl 7" Kayson Phomvihan on 2,e,)th AmniverBary of Independonce,, by Kayson Phowihan, 41 pp. ENTGUS1.1, per, 'Pricontinental, Havana, ?,Tar-Apr 71, pp'*~- --~' JPRS ~53505 Jul 71 Youth Against tho System, by Peter Namond, 9 pp. RIMS% per, LdeontingLql, Havana, to 23, Apr 1971. pp 6343- JIMIS 51,14% Ju3,v 71 Notes for Iiistoryt Yes to 28 pp, UMMiiv pw TriemUngw4l, Havam, No 2), i,:Kr-Apr 19n,: 1- 0 IDP JPRS 53496 July 71 iian and ifis Word: A Voice From the Vionstor, by Charlene Pitch" 13 pp. ENIGLI.Shs per, Trigontinental. ikvana. No 23, ela~ Apr 1971s pp jki~s 5Y+96 July 71 'TrIccntinft"I' On ths 14mh.- At the Aarting, Idneg by Carlos ' 9 6 ppo ENGLIS14 per,, 14M. , Havam . No 23, I"Ar-Apr 1971, VP ldl~ JM 33496 JuIY 71 Ssmdino, Ftaletarian Guerrilla In Nicaragua, by Carlos rimseca, 13 pp. Fl,'GLISII, per, antal. tiavam, io 24, may- June 1971. pp 7-19. J~FS 54549 Doe 71 BrItishp U.S. Colonialian in Caribbeang by stank MoDmald, 16 ppo EIGTAISHp per, '.f ric !9. Hav", i,,o 24, , RLqent ..AY- June 1971, PP 21-37o JPF~S 54549 Doc 71 ThO Uscrepant AUUU70 by ENGLISH, per# Trimtioggl, June 1971,1 pp J.PRS ~4~ Gabriel MAIna, 14 pp. Havan, i~o 249 PZy- Doc 71 General Revolutimary Objectives Uutlinod, by Pedro K, Iligap 7 pp, !NGL15H, perv, grkennLAII HRVSMt No 24, 114y- June 1971, pp 0 J 54349 Dee 71 Argentina; Chronologyof Violence# 14 ppe MIMSH, per, Utcon ent4, &vana, No 24, vAy- p%L_ Jim* 19?1- 1. 67---9g. if-RS "9 Doc 71 Chile From Yesterday and Toward Tomorrow, by fiernan Uribe, 10 pp, EiGLIS14per# Tricontiental, ikvtm, 1% 24# ;~,v- June 19?1, JPRS 54%9 l'-00 71 rbxpa=ras Seize A--)LWo to Horm Cho Guevara, by liaris Esther Giliol 16 pp. r 41, Havana MAY- ilIGLISH, pert TrIcWWW , i;o 24,, , June 1971s PP 136;l-51-- ji~ 34549 DGo 71 Yhe Dirty War in Utin America, bY )duardO G81MO, 6 pp. UQaSht par* TrIcontinental LhtUdin. Eavanst iio 69, Dee 1971, pp 2(~-29- jfl~S33= Jan 72 Juan Mari-Bras on Colonialism in Fuerto Rico, by Juan liari Bras, 6 pp. ENGLISH, per, Tricontinental, Havana, July 19?2, PP 11, 115. im 57698 Dee 72 [-artl, Potential by Ecce"Itric o tile 1. p,.-Lif olir. i)y il. 11'.0 , ic)JIqj ASSOC It rjm at vtolilc EXI; S m ia C %II of Jul 70 L-I~w on lQ72-1971 3 ',-,,,,dFet I~ropjal,-,,atcd, 11 n!). A'.-IIAFIC , r~)t, Trinoli '-kadio. 2-1-00 Gl,. i I 1 - -- ) r 7 2. li?Rs 51~650 f. n r .-.. I ,'oronizir of Aeal by O"prayinp vrith Jolid ~.*rorl- tlontaininL iMoys, by j. 15. lxmkov ancl, ~i Uv 6 'esmereril-cova gl-stLt-ute, ilo 234. 1964, p~p 15-82. ;jlj .1 7?W 0-cl--oth and LaIii-L, I)GO U7 Coller on ti~o Ixtic Cman and a lor Calca Uring Cortadw Ice lile-Rolmm, 193 FP- ~MSSL-k~-p pe-rl 1!2EtE of Vw A-rctic. as-Al .4ntarcuc r for the I i =nca- o tile -ouncill & -tillis m of" tho 1967. all 8 ~ cy" 's .L DVM, of 'Jr, t-r, 26,10, Spp 60 3,)3.,2'1'2 intenso - iercm-ave !'"-diadon from a Lonse, 11."n- ,~k stable dasnrr., Uy T. ii, Jai-sont k., .-Scott, Thoordical and Avalied MUOW11 LT~-. on Soportic's and A,,)~ACationr, of 2-11-120, ar PA Parabolic Relector With Screenso by V. V, Vitkovich,, P. D. Kalachev. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy of the P. N. Labodav P~pics Institute, Radicteleskopy.- 1101 millor 19650 pp-46-500 *XS1 J-0328 ID 2204037366 sci-Phys Jul 66 Oa tb-* Tranof orm*tion of the gntropy of a Ranicm: by V. S. Pugschev~ 5 pp. RTISSIA414 pv, Tmly. Tbird. All-UnIon Nith, Coafe~e ~ce Voli= Z., Sun-Jul, 1~56, p 125-127. SIA R-1588 Bef Jul 58 ~. 71 a 111faerculoze filpicirapt Vol x1j, "'OZ-1 7133-745~ DD X-3532. 59 P.O. 1 116- 5 57- 7 2245 Tith: %w=y of a prolimaLrKay rq)ort cc, artMcial propa3atimi of ~Ijo (VabTicius) ~r ~q MM~M Authoz: I-Cblu 1-4yan, Yun-Ii-In- It-n-A .mrou: C4>11. Roprbsitat 1V7o,,M3 Vdano lxal)vp Tdimaz ribl~,Aas 11,,~'-'S. L.3tit.6 Vol. 1, pp. I&X"m - cial Instractimm T=islate aurd trpo in ey:7. iir of th.,; Zif (I Dln?, Turbo BoJL,~r -to v -lot - 1u` Ast of -oinoJltif,,.~s i:ot ,ubjcf~t to T*tnioc;-,c~ ilax, .'.iorc)dn, V. Volodakhin, 3.9 =0 b'::, Tax Patcz anc., 3.,966, Yi vl. J. j- 0. ~1- Vu., 1 0" Sto LTFIII/FM R-7214-D 1 JUL" 6C) 1. Effect of Vit.A on the Content. Of Pyrom. cemic and Lactic Acid, and on Anaercbic Phospho- rylation., In Anlm3 Tissuea IV: K.M. Loutskii and V.0. Livke From: Ukrainian Bbodheadcal Journal uo 1, lc~63 PP19-23 (5 ntp) 2. Effect of Vit. A deficiency on ortiding phospho- rylation in altochax1ria of the liver of alb1m ratD. By: IqW=ichl A. 1. Gi-lmalyuk From: Utidnian Biochadcal Journal m 1) 1963 pp 25-29 (5 pp) Mr.rainlan - est for vds: Translate and type 1 origtnal copy. Dc) not mutilate doeument. The Developwat of Aircraft wid Rocket Design in the Ukraine, by S. Yu. Protsya-. UKMINAN, per, Ukr Engineering News, Vol XVIll Nu 3-4, I)p 79-93. 1966. NASA TT F-10,749 GOVENCIENT DSE ONLY Sci-Aeronautics Jar 67 320,842 Underwater Tank Maiieuvers, by Josef Pesl, 5 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CZECH, pe-r, 9699506 FSTC 381-T65-590 ACSI 1-8621 ID 1824046564 EE-Czediios Mil Feb 66 295,448 1e:',-' i(ORNL-tr-2637) IHEREDlTARY DIABETES AND THE EFFECT OF PREGNANCY ONTHE DIABETIC. gGratton, Armand. 10Translated by R. G. Mansfield (Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn.), from ,Union Med, C", 95: No. 5, 596-9(1968). 2D12p. 2IDep. NTM-' 2ablomed; translations 2~J6 2tMIN-48 29P NSA 0 A Critique on "A Talk With an Authcrity on the Constitution", by Sa Meng-wu, 3 PP. TRICLASSIFIED CHINESE, np, ~ 3~ 17 Jan 10,58. CIA/FDD X-2803 Fil - Formosa Pol X)Px 58 Apr A Critique on the Article "Further Talk With un Authority on the Constitution, by Sa Meng-wu, 2 pp. UTICIASSIFIED CHIMSE, np, ~!nited Daily News, Taipei, 20 Jan 1958. CIA/r-DD X-2805 FE - Formosa Pol Apr 58 A Critique on "Malk With an Authority on the Constitution", by Vao Pai-chluan, 3 PP. UNCIASSIFIED CHINESE, np, United Daily News, Tapei, 21 Jan 1958. CIA/FDD X-28o6 FE - China Pol Apr 58 to"! 11.5 t:i t; Ic 17 KIM of. 971-014.0-W7016 I Titlez UIVAG corafftic $70tes Autbov -Vidw Imm: Wvft Lausap t japsom I . /~- IS-Ur~--r I 0~ ':L M1,1-71, SPOO141 bUtnOtUM: VISIM MMIA0. "IteA duft only. The aadius and Slippo of the 'Llowi, by A. RUSSIAI,,, pe'r, Univorsity olf Kasan linilcl- hardtc I.)Ci)t of i 2660 p 5 0 02 3 S Uv Sci--Astron Aug " ') 9 383,521 Joaa -~Osydcr. r 000, Ord c 7, 7=. j5cl Ocow, 6U Acm~aulat- !.on ol' Margnesc in E-6roccn Su1j)", t c - B ar -1iaL-, liaters o-L" the Blach Sea T~yTc- Da.-lins, ,i)-T 3-11- '~,-oi)intscv, T.P. Popovn- I -oer, U.S.S.R. And o'--"cdcliceE~, Gcol. i RUSSIAI ) 1 1) Inst. Tralls. No. , Vol. 97, 1903).. r,!~ I mic/c- A-L'I"', u7 Suporsonic Flow Around Ellipsoids,, by A. I. Shvetzl RLbSIAN, per, USSR Acade-my of Sciences Itoports, t*chanics F, Machine Construction,, No 4, 1964, pp 29-32. AE-C SCL-t-66-2SO 6ci/Ew,r .Jun 66 302,510 Status and Development uf Shipboard Power Plants Abroad, by Vs, Ps Pozdnyakov, RIMIA14, per, W,94 ~ovigj ~Modldims No 2* *Dept of Navy 0111 Sci-llechl, Ind$ Civil and IMarine Engr- Nlov 67 Utiliv.atioa of ComemivZL Gaser. Ao FiW,-a mt, Mar 1962, --,nal to R-e3a-62. 6 3 ol. iva 6P- Theor,~- Appl`cationr, r -l thO 1,10tiot .7 EIFCH, per, Variable Freq~icncy Elt~ctri.. IT, Eel! Teclani--al Jour,21.11a; 513; also Theory eX Ca~.!.~mnlcntion, Jcurna). o-C tl~ I Distliti.tion o" Electrical Engineers, Vol ',.CIII, 11~kr~l I 77o 26, Nov 1q7G-,-p-,T~29. -` Lk 9 0 3 7 ("-jn r'111---,2. i1j,"O Bxanr-~ "--np T - ~-O Rmovdim Of )Vl4dt*%: by Imm Mae Via* 9 ". ERM14 up* 2adu rmdo 14 3"t Iwol, pp 3# 7; 21 $apt 1970o p 3, ins g5m Sid-Agri cet 70 f , !, .~, As c,~, ~a, 'able :,t, F.,-, , .-- ~ %'o, ~ - 1, . - - , I., EK, 'N'-; ".., OC-C -I!, Ul L P ~TJS,". T V ~A 'IPA) Studies on the Browning of Tobacco Leaves, by S. Matsuyama. JAPANESE, per, Variety differeneez. J Arric.-Chem Soc Japan, Vol 35, No 6, 1961, pp 11~8-501 Gl~/l 16 Sci - Aug 67 335,07i Our "Guacharo"Tubacco, by S, 0, Oturo) 5 PP. SPANISH, per, The Venevaelan Farmer, Vol X, No Ill., pp 20v-22~ 113., -105. SLA 34o6 Sci ~-' Chem .;8 A uG " A, 7e ~, 6,1-1 k,. L .)r Of vao iik Dioz, by T4. kUtrialikirlich, 16 Veterinary Medicine and Biological Warfare, by A. Burckhardt. 13 Pp. GE=4., per., Veterimu Medical Montbly, Vol 22, 110 3., Peb 1967, pp 8147. HAV/NIC/Tran-2916-69 Sai-BUI uov 69 30.k,674 immunanuorescence Reactions in D--',agnostics of Bmeellosis, by S. Bileckl.3 "I pp. GOVER12-24T USE ONLY POLISH, per, Veterinary Medicine, No Ll, 1925, pp 656-658- MI/FSTC/YT-23-056-71 March 71