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IV7'C 7.2 - / a ~~ 6 _ / V L-,e- Hirota S. Electrical Conductivity of insulating Materia,ls DENSHI SIIASHIN, V01.10, No.3, pp.84-94,1971. A.T.S JS-'~G-T- Kutsuwadaj N. Studios on the Transfer of Electrophotbgraphic Powder Images. Part 5. Configurational Studies- of Magnetic Brush Development, U;4,13111 SI-11ASHIIII, Vol.10, No.3, pp.105-12, 1.971. A. f-.~T-TS-=j Kishida, f1. et al Discharge Figures in Liquid Insulators Obtained. by the Liquid Development Method. DENSIII SHASNIN, Vol.10, No.4, pp.131-1 35, 1971. Vlondo, A. et al Corona Charging Characteristics of Elec'tropho- tographic Photosensitive Layers. Part I. Q-V Characteristic Curves. DE14SIll SHASHIN, Vol.10, No.4, pp.1.36-116, 1971. Tsukahara, 11. Process of Fluorescein !Dye Absorption in Elec- trophotograpidc Zinc Oxide Lay(-,I'S j)L;!,ISHl S.,iASHIN, Vol.10, No.11, pp.147-55, 3.971. fi.T.S JS-3116 Hirayama, 11. 14casuroment of Millute Currents and, High Rosis-~ tances. DY]OK SIIASI-Mq, Vol.11, iqo.l~ pp, 18-25, 1972. A.T.S J8,3118 Saito, S. Determination of Dielectric Constants. DE14SIlI SHASHIN, Vol.11, No.1, pp,26-32, 1972. A.T.S JS350 Masuda, S. Mleasurement of Electric Charge on a Powder. DOSHI SHASHIN, VOI.11, No. 1 pp. 33-38 51972. A.T.S JS-339'-- a a be, 'A. W t na Measurement of charge, on Partiol.cs. i na ljiquid.'..~ DENSIH SHASHIN, Vol.11, No.1, pp.39-44 1972 K.T.S JS-351 Ohb m. Measure,ment of Ligh :, t (Density of Luminous In- torlsity, EncvgY, and Photons). DENSHI SIHASIM4, V01.11 140.1, pp'l;5-52, 1972. 7 -.7,:: suzuki'. A Simple -Electrometer. DENSHI SHASHIN, Vol.11, N0.1, 53-SS , 1972. A.1% 8-118-35 3 Takada, T. e ta I New Measuring Method for Obtaining Leakage Cur- rent from the Surface Potential Decay.llroces3. DENSIll SHASHIN, Vol.11, No.2, pp.58-67, 1972. 7~-.T.S US-341 - = ~ Hirayama , H. Takeuchi, M. Photoconductive Properties of Cadmium Sulfide Powders. Part IV. Distribution of Traps for Charge Carriers. DEP,ISHI SHASIMN, Vol.11, No.2, 1972. A.T.S JS-35r- lid a, T. et al Temperature Dependence of Dark-Decay Properties... of TiO2-Polymer Dispersion Layers. DE, Sill 14 SHASNIN, Vol.11, No.2, pi?.82-89, 1972. Color Im age Holography System Developed by NEK DENSHI TSUSHIN GAKKAISHI, Vol. 54, No. 10, Oct. 1971 FSTC-HT-23-2240-72 111-T TU"U-1ST-'oj-,-i mmica lo jTT's, Wch ,773,VO022~ M002~ 6 nj n -L10 lFYC 711- COMPLETED SPECIAL CSO: 1089P 12 Dec 67 A&nini8tvative department of Security (Decree 1?17 of 18 July 1960) DEPARTAAENTO ADMINISTRATIVE DE SAGARIDAD (DECRETO 1717 JULIO 18 do 1.960)., NO 1?17, Bogota, 18 July 1960 FUl,& I I UN UF It I I: fiL I VL,'- CLlk.'lFfL(-- A R LJUN I) LE OUR I NG OISIRALTIUNS JU AUUIlURY STIMULI ALLAI"AttM L A NGUAGL -SP COUNTRY-MiX DLP;kTMLNTu OLIFISULUGfAv INSTITUfu UL ESTUDI US MLOICUS Y bIOLUGILUS, PP F.~ TL-11 I I o~,e- 1-i Gravity Chart of the Southern Andes and Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies od Central Chile, by M. Dragicevic, 42 pp. DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOFISICA Y Di-ODLSIA (UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE, No 93, ODMAAC -'TO- !,!S~ JLlnc 73 ASOMY1 DOMUO & MOM- OU, Aft. COWAWUG%t. p 60. 1,10. "48ASS6 17 Apr* 19746 Title$ PROGRMA DE VIVIMSIONO S RUIOAVUDAS 1972/1976 Somess DEPARTANOTO DE OFVWIOfM DE AtftO'qAVSS CIV= DOGAIC Lampages Sganbb SW (14 mos tool.) IneftwUmso Itsm t"s 6=u0 $Pao*& t"a & trandaw all umLfso No" toomlato an wtsima in VMU way* ftnoun, Driss 1971 Fish canning Industry probleMBI L036 of pWnoh quota, fish scarcity La Depeahe, Casablanaa, Tune 26,27; 10, in Premoh. Tmrwi. by JPM, Aug. 19'ri, pp. 43-46 in 66p. "Transi. on Africa No. 1057, " 4D. . processed. Avail. MIS as JFRS Tmn3l. No. 531('J2, prloo $3.00. Avail. on Loan - NMYS, Wash., D.O. 110 Original Article Checked.Yr.- 1"MIA. P1,101"Pis I IGEM I DBIWOT6073RIWAT.~ ll:~~'fnclr, of Ton-merati-tre an"I 1,10-1 stuve CoWl"ent, o'-.1 Ille A o ol.-ul O'T.Grooll alld, S c nX., O?w. dwo 0 U.- 1,7, UP C 17 6 Oritz, Y. Lipoi(I.-Froteinosis of Urbach-Wiethe. Study of a Can e DEIMATOLOGIA. 1,Tcxico, v. 16, n. 4, 1c)72, pp. 41-65 I-TTC 73-1,2531-06E, DERMATOLOGICA ET UROLOGICA, JAPAN SEE ALSO RINSHO HIFU HINYOKIKA Stmm~ W. ReOMRS External Gricin Treatment of Dormatopbytosis DERMATOLOGISCIE WOCHEMSCHRIFT, V. 154, 1963, P. 78-80 IqTC 73-11870-060 IIDBSCBZNXON XS 087ALLArIONS ACOUSTIQVIS DU CZPR, OWN DtJWSAZS DES PROFUUNUM11 30/0 4/10 74j, V.-,ON.,o Do8orlption of ammVaal imtalZatiom of the WNW for testing of propuWon eyetom, 7 pp, Report 551ZDLI74,VASA T IF F 16922#0 'I'ai', let , J i:,r)' ei~,cijt at-*, or, of a Y-~et I iod For noi0c swurces in jcG,3 ij j L I ITI U I i-J:31, -'N Oi~UVA'Z D UVE I CIL) J,." I-IIE Gill L 'T C! A ITI I - 1, N i j F IA 1"', C Z PA- Kulmshev, G. I'T., on In" nrpreting ring str YOWTSE'NO STRUTUR soadorro, f,.~f Sr~iancor, USS.R, l-r74 r q -,'YT~A TT F 1-r, I I Pergent, J. ,rhe French rerritorial Defense 12 pp DESTERREIMISCHL MILITARISCHE ZEIT, No 1, 1972. FSTC-]IT-23-2417-72 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.5, GOV'r AGBNCIRS Schnurer, H. Licensing procedure under atomic energy legislation in the Federal Republic of GenwM. DEMSCHES ATOMZM E. V. (DAtF) S-1 JUy 19721 32 PP. C. E. Trans 6219 2-Jul-73 Uncl (ANL-Trans--942) Creep behavior of oxide fuels under neutron irradiation. BRUECKLACHER, V.; DIENST, W.1 THUMMLER, F. Translated by J-L. Routbort (Argonne National Lab., 111.) from Paper No. 251 of Reactor Meeting, Deutsches Atomforum, Karisruhe, Germanyq April 10-13, 1973. 9p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. radiation effects; IBJ reactor fuels; translations MN-40 11 NSA is Moldt diecusm OR foreign policy,, U. N, ta8ka. 10 pp. DEUTSCHE AOSENPOLITIK, East Bertin, JanlFeb 73, pp 5-17 17PRS 58397 GINR Journal Okoviews U.S. Attitude Toward -European Security, by Karl-Ernst plagemann, L 17 pp. GERMA'T. ner, Deutsche Aussenpolitik, East Berlin, Jan-FOB-73-,pp ,P2RS 56536 Ai~ 1, 7 3 Kleitke, Dietrich GDR Views Limitations of West Euripean Mili r System. ta'y 14 pp DEMSCHE ALTSSENPOLUIK, East Berlin, Vol 18, No 5, SePt-Oct 1973, pp 1141-1158. JPRS 60699 Urban, Guenther GDR Views U.S. Strategy Adjustments to Inter- national Balance of Power. 13 pp DBMS= AMSENFOUT19. FAst Berlin, Vol 18, No 5, Sept-Oct 1973, pp 1259-1174. ins 0591 Jacobs, Paul. Foreign Affairs Organ Surveys GDR-Yugoslav Cooperation, 12 pp. DEUTSCHE ATMENPOLITIK, East Berlin, Vol 18, No 6, Nov- ec '(3, PP 1335-1349. jpRs 61032 Feb 74 Lupin, Karl Foreign Affairs organ Emphasizes Importance of Socialist Consolidation, 9 pp. DEUTSCHE AUSS-E-NPOLITIK, East Berlin, Vol 18, No 6,'No c 73P pp 1350-1360. JPRs 61243 mar 74 Stoecldgt, Rolf Views on Interparty Cooperation in GDR Given, 27 PP. DEUTSCHE AUSSEXPOLITIK, East Berlin, Vol 19, 73-77TM, pp 73-8-57. JPRs 61393 Apr 74 Grafe, V. German Deutscher Bundeswehr Kalender (Basic Guide to Mil Pay and Personnel Actions; Parts A-z) 1974 Part & Pages C 01-22,35-36; DO]-27-33, 49-53; D 02-23,34; D 06-1-3; D 09-1-6; D 10-145; E 01-7-12, 19-26, 43-45, 68-70a; E 02-13-22, 43-44; E 06 1-2; E 03-1-4; E 35-5-7 DIA LN 165-75 GERMAN Deutscher Bundeswehr-Kalendar 1974 Regensburg, W.Germany Part D 07 Pages 3 - 22b DIA LN 509-74 GERMAN Deutscher Bundeswehr-Kalender 1974, Regensburn, W. Germany Part D 07 Page 22c-84 DIA LN 448-74 GERMAN Deutscher Bundeswehr Kalender (Basic Guide to Mil Pay and Personnel Actions in the Federal Armed Forces of West Germany 1974, Regensburg, W. Germany Part E 45 Pages 51-53 DIA LN 167-74 GERMAN Deutscher 13undeswelir - Kialender 1974, Dept of Defonse Regensburg, W. Ger (pp 22c - 84 of section D 07) DIA LN 448-74 (20 Jun 74) Cobrecht, H. The Silent Electric Discharge of Ozonizers. DEUTSCHE BUNSENGESELLSCHAPT FUER PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE. vol 68, pp55-63, 1964 NTC-72-14658-07D Jan 73 schloser, E. ' -G. PartioZe aixe, partioZe shape, and oataZytio aotivity of.... metals. DEUTSCHE BUNSENGESELL50HAPT FVFR PHYSIZALLISM CNEWS, vot 73* No 40 1969', PP 385-366 NTC 73-22151-07D VQttcr, K. J. The Formation and 1-jaLure of Corrosion flits Pro- duc.-cd Duri.m, Ilittino of Tron, and Theorotical Corrosion. in Respoct of Pitting FLIEP PHYSIKALIS"'ClIE, v . 7 It 9 7TI --1 -'r(T 'OTC 72- 13012 1'. P HIA, II,iC 7N6-93'1~. '-BuL, 11011? DEUDSCIBI, EMI URONATU W K Vol 24, No 1~), Oct Au 21-Jan-74 Uncl (SLAC-Trans--158) Calculation of the current In an ionization charober In a pulged elect romagnot I c field nnd comparl-jon with facauuremants. Application to radlation monitoring In electron storage rings. DINTER, It.; TFSCH, K. (VOTSCIIES CLUTRUNU-SYNCHROTRON (usy.)o URMBURG (F.R. GERMANY)). Oct 19?3. Translation of 46p. Dep. NTIS $4.50. t6D Instrumentation; 2OG particle accelerators; translations MN-26 P NSA 8-Aug-74 Uncl (L-Ueb--180) Calculation cf the tolerance for the main parameters of the darping rragnet at the Erevan synchrotron. KOVALENKC, V.I. (D.E.UISCHES FLEKTRONEN- SYNCHROTRON (DESY), HAMBURG (F.R. GERMANY)). 1974. 16P. (In German). INIS. 4 figs.; I tab. Translation of the Russian EPI-- 28(73). NSA revision C. Hickethier The economy of new corrosion protective systems. DEMME FMBM-ZEITSGIRIFT, Vol 22, No 3, pp 106-109, 1968 NTC 72-15127-11C mar 73 ~r(IDIFS OF PI,A.SfIC MJUKLING OF SLENDER METAL C I ,Yj I m)l ~S (IN I MOAC i tk I i H Mt.-TAUL IC WI-111RAOCH G Jt 4~ 1 ('[)I)NrkY-(;W Ti~-(,HNILAL kFV0kl k) IA,/70 1-)F"t)TSCii-f-'I(Al,JZtJSISLti I-S I:f)RS(:HlJN'6SJNSIlf(A ~,AINT FS U.-HT-?,-i-0363-T4 Pk0PA(;4T10N ANO ATILNUATION 0~ SHOCKWAVES IN T(JNNFLS Q, '',- ) P, ~ ~C/, - (--~ k 1 0. - -- 47 4 /j ~l BOBIN L ~01101100 1~ LANt,UAGE-GE COUNTRY-GW 1-0k.SC-HUNGSINSTaUT SAIN I-COUPS APkIL 1972 FS-TC-HT-23-03 16-14, Bexchep Juergen Experimental Study of Wing Profile irith Fo wler Flaps and Slat s DYM PAPERS ON FLUID DYII. WITII EMPWIS ON BOWDARY LAYER TREORY, Part 1. 9 Max. 3,972~ PP. 7-44. N73-331W F "ASA TT -15MO Schwantes, E. The recirculation flow pattern of a VTOL lift engine. Ph.D. Thesis Brunswick U. DEUTSCHE FORSCflUNGS - UND VERSUCHSANSTALT FUER LUFT - UND RAUMFAHRT, (W. GLRMANY),_DLR-Fr-7Z:bU, 1972, 179 pages. *NASA TT F 14,912 may 73 nister, 110 ln ,72 TTeat German Acrod~mmjdm Papers on Bom~ Idary Lkrers ..204 PP DEUTSCHE FORSCHMM-TAM VMUCIMAITSTM FUER LM- UND jJYM LWI U, - 13 PP- 60-69; 7d-110; 1.25-1110; 164--172; , vol 179-209; Vol. II, Pi) 217-390 AIR/F2D-M-23-1581-72 Di,~,,t-xibution limif-,cd to LT. S. Gov't Ngencien o0y; cop,"F,d.~,Ilt -111 -,~' orm on.-, Othor reqlzelnt Pm- this dommient nve rofevred to 1~-PD, of this docmlem~. aro smspected to be sub"Jact to Copya,-*Lgh:~ j)2:0,k,ectj.0n. 7 7- DO-leii, Lnni.n Research and &-porinental. Instit'llto Por Ai-o'- and Space Travel 95 pi) DBUTISCITE? FORSCIMMS-121D VERSUCIT41ATTSTALT FUER: LM- TYND 0 ff, WIRT, IT(), PP. A.1j,'I"ll.bill-doll to U. .13. Gfovlt ligolle-les, mily, Wier requent, for I-Iiin mllnl.~ bo vc.Conrf~fl PTI), Tlif,, oonlxmts of k,li-'L2 clooumcn~. tiro nm','pe(',t&, to be subject to Copy- protection. Nitsch~ J. Heat and mass exchange,on ch-opletalathigb p~rtiai pressures an(l high vapor partial pressures, applied to an injection cooler irith parallel flow. 133 pages. DEMSCIIE, PORESCIRRUS UND VERSUCIrSIMSTALT FUER LW111 UND RAUWAIM. 1971, PP 1-130. ABI-FTD-NC-23-1593-72 Distribution liraitca to U.S. Gov't aZencies only', Copyright Information; Other req~xcst for this document imist be reforred I;o 71"D. The contents of thir, doewilont "I're su~spoctccl to bo subject 'to copyriglit Prot-ection . Kotowski, G. Calculation of Natural Vibrations of Single Cylindrically Curved open. DEUTSCHE FORSCRUNGS-UND VERSUCHSANSTALT FUER LUFT-UND RAUMFAHRT, Dec. 1971, 7 pp. * NASA TT F 14,979 AG."EACGI]TOUR A Rew Fihi for Simplif il ed I~roduction of A qu i de n -~ i t, i et,~ DLUTSCIM, FORSCHONG's- =i VERSUCTISAIr,3TA112 FUR LUM-1- TMD TUILZiFAIIJIT E. V. , ABTE- ILMTrT FUR T,"XTRATERMHE'SIT C11-0 SE32MRTECI-211K, T WESSIMIG12BB., 21 pages,, J'L*ale 1.973 INASA TT F-15,112 STEINSEUER, J. 11DEUTSCHE FORMUNGS- VND VERSUCHSANSTAW FUR LUFP- UND RAUMPAHRT INSTITUT FUR AERODYNAWKII -10411974, v---- AN---P CalouZation of -the affeat of f~viation on the lift of cm aorofoll section with slotted flap,,40 pps Report Nw*er DLR-FB 73-04, ISRO 2T-43,ORDKR FROM NTISO IIDBUZCU FORSCRUNGs- UMD V9PSUCOAVIVATZ: MR LUBT- WD R4UAaPAHR7 XNS?ZgW FUR BRODUAMMO -102119?40 ross*fliti,es of cm dirbome tozovision syet*m*28 pp Report Nwtsr Dkxmtt 7&09,0 SSRO T!r-20,,Order from NrXSO# IIDSUYSCR IMUCHU10- UND YgMUMANSiAtr PURR LIW26 VND RAVAWAUT. XNS.TZW INR ANOWANMEWDYNAMC11. -1-11971 v- N- N As miaitity"of alooed bowukzV Zayor 'Osparation areas on aonioaZ bodies in hporwonfa fZOw am4tions, 121 ppj, pp 2-122, N 71-77, ArR1BTD.HC-2&26?f-?4,, DISTROXXON LrffTED TO U.S. GOV'T AGNICUS ONLY, COPYJaGHT ZNFORNATZONo 02WR MQUWST FOR WO DOMAENT MUST BE ZFERRED TO FTMO NSUBER(WR$ A. W. 11DEbTSCHE FORSCHUNGg- UND VERSUCUSANSTALT FUR WFT- UND RAUNFAHRT INSTITUT FUR MOWN= GASDYNAMIKII Methode for thoo calculation of the oompownts of the electrioaZ conduotivity and the totaZ radiation of plasmas in locaZ thermodynago e*Zibrtum, 115 pp, Report Number DLR-FB ?3..510 KSRO T21-36., ORDER FROM NTrS## 11MYSCM FOOMM08- UND MMUCISAISSM FUR Un- IND R4UffAHfiT.lNS2TfVAM'JV~ MMAYM:~ -102119 740 V-,l I-p adoratioal flom fistd maZysis for the 4muUm haZZ aooeZsmtor,, 36 pps Report NwnWr DLR-PB 73-45, ESRO 27-28*0v&r from N?XS## Contributi.on o the des gn of. reeab~:" 1~,o x-L e pp RUMS 11'1-1~ _TJ TD. VhR5uC.TBXZTADr I'M R LUIPT BUTDy MU1,51.11101-TV. INSMU2 'IME'R ANGEW&M-A GASDINAMP"') Nr. T), 1,1Mv )-M~ PI). -1-10!-i AMR '-,;TD EC-r"J3-""3'3-7;, tv C.", c-1-1, 0 be 'Lx, -TPTD. The contents of I-' L. 11 u rhi-s drmn.%,ent are 6-,-,specl-eJ to be lubtiec' to DISTMUTION MIND TO V.S. GOVPT AGENCZES 0?lrjY C0PYArGfi,T INFORWION. OTHER REQUEST MVST BE AFFERND TO FTD. THE CONNNTS OFTIZS WMANNT AN SUSPY=D TO B9 SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTEMON. SOILIBIGEII, G. //DEUTSCIIE' FORMIUNC10- FUR LUPT- UIYD Ul-U114PAIIRT The U,,~e of Density 'Mleasureuient,; in Report Eo DLA-FB 73-8~, E3RO-TT-8-" available at UND VERSUCHSANSTALT INTPITUT FUR Ai~G'EiVAND 3cutterlrag for Local Rtirefied Gnise2, 1)47 pp NTIS WEBER, P.J. 11DEMSCHE FORSC71UNGS- MD VERSVCHSANSTALT FUR LUn- UND R4UAWAIIRT IkTITVT FUR ANG9WANDTE GASDYNANIXII -10$11974, Some investigations of the Zimite of the working r=ge of mataZlio apring materials for wdnd- twml batanoea with strain-gauge oyatemo,061 pp. Paport Number DLR-FB 73-.81, SSRO 27-67, ORDER FROM Sflt##' W. UNID VEI~3UCHSANSTJaT "UR LUPT- UND RAL7viFUIRT INSTITUT FUR 1U1'GEWAMDTE IKATHEi~UTIK U11'D ELECHMUKH The Influence of Aerodynamic parameters on the Brosion Rate Caused by the Impact of a Liquid Droplet at the Stagnation Point of a Body Flying at Supersonic Speed, 60 pp Report No DLR-!('B T~-77 L'2RO-TT-86 available at NTIS SCHULE-JANDER, B. //DEUT'O-'CI-I-E FORSCHUNGS- UM) 'VERJUCHSANSTALT PUR LUPT- UND RAUYFAEIZT INSTITUT FUR ANGB'WAI4:DTh3 MATHLIIATIX UND MEGI-IAI%IIK// A Multi-Parameter IntoGjr:,l Method. for the C~Aculaticn of Licoaipressible Laminar and Turbulent Velocity and Temperature Boundary layers, 75 PP heport DLR-FB 73-24 ESRO-TT-88 available at NTIS hi NEUBAUER, R. F. 11DEMSCHE FORSCHUNGS- UND VERSUCHSANSTAL? FUR LUFT- UND R4UIFAHRT INSTITUT FUR AURMSSYMM911 --106119?4,V----,N ----# Daternrination of the oore and boundaries of hot free Jet# wing high-speed photography, 34 pp, Report Number DLR-PB 7349, ISRO 2T-69,, ORDER FROM NTIS## SCZfULTZ,K.,I. 11DEWSME FORSCHVNGS- WD 79RSUCHSAYSTALT FUR LVFT- UND RAUMFURT IMSTITVT FUR ANTRMSSYSTEAVII Investigation of the oonkined heat and moo transfer on a vetted flat pZate in paraltat flow cod vith turbul4mt boundary lojer, 53 pp,, Report No. DLR-FB 734lj SSRO TT.66j.ORDER FROM NTISO 11DEUTSM FONCHUNGS-MID VIFOUMANTMAg, AIR WJT- WD M&WAM ZNSYZA-Ur FUR ANTROMYSSIS11 Esperimontal resew-ah end fln&ngs of sspowntiaZ Zwo for the gm4ents of toWeraturep wtvatty and ao-ommmtratplom in hot nitrogen Jot md in nitrogs*propaw flow at atmoopherto pressure, 35 Pp" Report Nurbar DLR-B 73-05,, SSRO 27-7 Order f~rom NTAS## SCHMIDT,N. 11DRUTSCRE FORSC71UNGS- UND VERSUCHSANSTALT FUR LUFT- UND RAUMPAURT INSTXW FUR ANTRUBSSYSTEM11 -103129 74, V ---- , N ---- , Daterydnaaon of the Themogaodynamto oorretation between shock-front coigle and heat addition in oblique ompreasion shook, 44 pp, Report Nwzber DLR-FB 73-21S ISRO 2'.-,-28s ORDER FROM N2'IS##. W49ILRR,,Y6 11DEIMSCHE FORSCHUNGS- UND YsRsuaiSANSTALT FUR LUFT- UND RAVAiTAHRT INSTITVT PVR CHEAqSCIIS RAMENANTRUS911 -IqJI29 74, V--,,N--, moohnioal perform=oa of aimple -and aompUx A Zithium co;Vowxfs in literhgolia oyntarm Part I- SiPpZo Zithiwn ooTounda, 65 pp, Report Number DLR-FB 73-23s ISRO 7T-32,s ORDBR.PROM NTIS## .KONIG,M. 11DEUTSCHE FORSCHVNrA5- VND MRSUCHSAYSTALT FVR LUFT- UND R4UMFAHRT INSTITUT FUR CHEMISCHE RAKETENANTRIEBEII .-10311974# V ---- jN ---- p Full-soala expartwntat inveatigation of main takk injeation for UDWIW204, VDWIWFNA Ad UDANIRPSA system,,101 pp, Report Umber DLR-FB 73-65, ESR0 n-30a ORDER FROM NTIS## nffuNOO W. 11DRUrSON FORSCH&WOS- UND YRNUMANOWT FUR ZLWT- LWD J?AUAWANH INSWUY FUR CHWOR MaNNANMON11 MM/01/10 74', V-Offl--a 2ft ignition eharaoteriatioo of hypergoZie fuste zader waterO 33 ppo Report llwnWr DLR-.Vttt 7&07, SSRO TT-22,p Ordor from SIM NTXS##