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Clinioal Test of a Now Cholagogual by H, Kopp* GERMANg per# Mediligigghg jjgltv 1970, pp 1789-1795 NTG 72-11351-06E June 72 Spocial Indications for lExpanded 'Therapy with . Electrical Cardiac Pacemakers, by J. Meyer GErMN, per, Medizints-c-he Welt, 1970, PP 1839-1840 1 WTC 71-1519i-o6z mar ?2 L 'xtui, I I.. E dud Ufo b1mo of 11acejiW=s by No= of Controls, by W. Irnich GERI-ANT, per, idedizinische 'vielt, 1970, pp 1.0-41-18442 NTO 71-15192-o6L max 72 Intensive Therapy of Kidney Diseases in the Practice) by H. Losoe. SUROPEAiN, per, Medizinische Velt, 1970; pp 1956-1957. NTG 72-10736-o6z Apr 72 A. Opitz Acute Renal Insufficiency After Gentamycincephalo- spcrin Combination Treatment MEDIZINISCHE WELT, 1971, pp 434-438. Nrc-72-17815-060 Jan 1973 %*Ub* Akw pla ltrG;0?2 Afte 1072 Titus modwomom 4madmm WW ftobw%*W 11pp HadlAwAsche W*lt 23s 072 Lo~2 Cum It"" frawtoos ey" dovblt spa*, OCWOSI put on SWA flyl,,ieno and Tecbnology of Food Products, by Stefan Kossakewski, 10 pp. POLISH, por, I-led Wete!Maryjna, Vol 24, 1968, pp 449-453. - ,,TC/O11NL-Tr-2317-70 scijk3411 Sept 70 Votaiwian Sodety Ilwwo Now Offioores 5 We polmllo por, 14ocbroym wo!eM2!aWnaj Lublinj MQy 1969# p 316-,, JPR3 48jW Sci-Sai.onti9ts & Sci Organs Aug 69 3899001D Notes From the History of Vaterinary, MedIcine, by T. Jastrzebskis 5 PP. GOVERMOU USE OM POUSTIs perp Medyma Weternaryina M~,, Vol 25t No 6l PP 369-370. ARM/FSTC/liT-23-ii67-70 Arch 71 N k- "'u'-ritioll zilid MI CO to I by pcr. ~Iecd. Vol 25 1969 641-644. ACSI-i~--0943 i4ov7l The Usefullness of "Ifomarov" Strain of NDV for Imminization of Chickens Against Newcastle Disease, by Wojciec%. Karczewski, Anna Caltala, 9 pp. GOVERNMOT ITSE ONLY POLISH, per, Medycyna WeteEynMina, Vol 25, No 11, 1969,, pp 646-649. ARM/FBTC/HT-23-050-71 June 71 Poasive Lmunization of Gnines, Pigs Infect-ad by Botixlin Toxin of the C Type Through Aerosol and Through the Digestive Tract,, by Miecqrslaw Chajkows1d, Jadidga liatras, c,) pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONU POLISH, per,, MegLeyna Wetej2=jnq,, Vol. 2755 No 1121 i969s PP 713-716. AM4/FSTC/11T-23-981-70 Sci/B&14 Jan 71 Chemotherapeutic Agents in Veterinary 11fedicinep by To Garbulinaki. POLISH, port Nedycyng W~ter.Xnaryina) Vol 260 1970p pp 513-518, NTO 72-10588-02B Apr 72 Effect of Diazepam.oii the Serum-Hilirubin Level in the Neonate, by F, Heubel. GERMAN, per, Med Wochenschr# Vol 96, No 26, 1971, pp 1142-1143. ATS-1513-GJ April 72 VlStlft Of Om.=Wo an ft*dmlcvdd*, 32 PP. FAM94 tk rA ot, # 1,W)'"llag & 96 &Yjam Iwo SIM* JlgrU. PP 3-9# 3-144., 16-33, 36, Al;v5.- Uwch 71 IMAW OmpVtOW M-Mv by Mt Hoonovieq, =d So gogo's 13 fp's S*It-WAUMj,. liars JUMLilks Vdi 4 No 13m ~5AC~-23U71~ MOLMMa I MM#c 1970s PP'19-23*~ Sept. 71 Application 01' Cuvp,.itcv Tof,.hriiqur,~; In Fn,roun I)y 1. 1.". UKW,114, per, 1,10 L, 11, 'Vol 7 196~, j,,r- )!,6-( NLL TRANS -!,ULL sci - Sep 67 1-1 11 t, 0 , 0 ~51 1 Tito h6CIAni8&tiCn Of 11012 ColleaM on and T=u- portations by G. ~~. ~Atmftn. GERM, - - Avtcmtizat-S:Lya _A14-mim" . No 6, 1965 o p 17. NLL RTS W sci-l"At NOV 67 345.263 Autmation Problems In kyriculturo, by ll')'toil 0 ,>ttulkov., 5 Pl?t B=PdIW, lx-,r, lbkhanimtsiya i elektrifilmt.siM, No 5~ my 1966.. ppi 18-1g.. JPR'S' 36133 r0, .!BulGaria Sci-Agri ,Tul 66 3o4.,73`,) Agricultural Aviation Growth Disoussodo ':)y Todor Yamvj, 5 ppo UJIMW, par# Mokhanizatsiya i Uektri- fikat" nn Selskoto St2RE;5tVoj Sofia, May 1969s pp 28-30. JPRs 486,Q Soi-Agri Aug 69 389,212 Farm J~,ochwdzatj-on Prospeats Doseribed, by Strakhil Kumvt 5 Pp- IXUAIsMIAN, port 14ekhwdzatsUa i. L1ektriLjhEt-s-ILaj Sofia No V be-c-Orgo pp 1-3. JPRS 49i~3 ' Sol-Agri Feb 70 402,102 =-ftlpru 840 Jun ?o IN-bap"A 'k, 0470 . . ~4- , . , . - - .-. ..t- ~'- ~ -~ swk4A Fob n Itanagement Problems of r4arm Corkploxes Disaussed, by L. Lazarov, 5 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Meldaanizatsi7q L Blaktrifl Selakoto F- anstvo katsiya na S.M I. sonap No-10,; M 71, pp I P.. ins 54846 Jan 72 Preservation of Winter Herring and Capelin. Perservation at the Factories. Results from the 1966 Soason, by Por Lohne. NORWEGIAN, por, Heldinger Fra SSF, No 1, 1966, pp 3-17. Dept of Interior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Office of Foreign Fisheries No A-28/May 69/159 On Loan Only Sci-BrIM July 61) 388,651 Odour Materials aml Odour Extriction by ~,'itey 1~',Lsliing, by A. 0. I)tvik-. NORivX-GIAN, per, Mcldinj~cr Fra No 3, 1967, r1, 74-92. NILL Ref: 5828.4F U-1 7S49) Sci/?.;at Dec 69 398,872 Storage of Capelin in Tanks - Capelin Season 1967, by Por Lohne. NORWEGIAN, per., moldinger Fra SSF, No 4, 1967, pp 123-144. Dept of Interior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Office of Foreign Fisheries No A-29/May 69/161 sci-B4M Juyl 69 388,653 Experiments on Versorvation of Capolin in Tanks, 1968 Season, by Per Lohne. NORIVEGIAN, por, Holdinger Fra SSP, No 5, 1968, PP 181-195. Dept of Interior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Office of Foreign Fishories No A-28/.May 69/160 On Loan Only sci-HIM July 69 388,652 Str4n, TerJe 1'~69 Proservatioii or w;j)ter atwtwn w1u ami,ijo bal,zonto it, oombl)3atiot, wit), Coni4ildoliydo or (Konfierveriiie av viritcrIctaft i:ied na-benzoat i kombii.aJon L~4d fomialdellyd aller hekMistylenetetrar.1in) [-~eldinger fra 33F (Reports fro-r, SSP), Fercexl, (3): 104-117. In llorwegiar, Tra!!fjI. Treyi3l. iaijg. Div., I)ept. of sec. of ;Itate of Catiada for Fm~c ~:alifax babontory, ~-alifax, 1971, as Tranel. Series I'lo. 1679, VT., typescript. Avail. oo '.oan D.C. Originui Article Checked! M kles'ad, 010 An -.ahuf loit o :,I pt,t),-an v,v rim.. ;,,,Iai ij-dor , rjr, u, I ork-w-oric-so.t, Cor V a It vm. ~ I ) ;io I c1 i n .-j- rru ,13 r. Z~ ~ .oll-f5- :11 ' OM,~:' Qn. ~ ria nE ra i.s 'ur. , F ,. Len.. T)~ Dept of 'Wc, of St -ate of Canada, for T.,71 (,' Vaiiaoivr,r s:~ova,ot- C.., 1 Ci I I a aa 1 I-al n I . ~~o. idoo . -1 1 P. , t.. p,mer, pi AvU:1. On Louji Original Article Checked....~., Lie, Kara and Ter.le 3~4- 19,10 Pruuorvotto~, cr copulipj wit-it vadlum borzoaW a d fori,alict Experi;:-or-to 4ILir1rg, Vie unpollji flaJibig aeuso!- (ji'miaerveringsforej, :%ed ~.a-bonzoat i fomalit.. Loddesesonger: 19 70 Icldi:Ler fra SSP, (R6porta fmii SSF), -.Eer~;e: , (3): 5-95, .i Tra al. 11v Tra-ml. ~;x. , Y,~- . T,4- Mv. , De t. of Soc. of 'It Et I ~e of Cia,adn for 1,11: C .:alifax T,a~~oratcry, allfax, !1.3. 1(Q1' as Tralzl. 'gerfel; [:Q, 16~'!(- , np. , 1~1;Destlftpt. AvaU. oi, Loa - !-:1!-'3, gash, D.C. llrdahl.lille and Einer 19 1 Vie co:iq)0S1J6t% Antl distrilnition of Lite rni. fro, varioun row r4Lovlula ~o [,:o Vlk-u-a(l No!: ittattl and all (!.IQLtvt3 or roraelit~" fra rastoff Lil rerdi:-, r.~cl o, 01je) 'eldl 71-. nter- fra 17P, (1): 3-22 " o rwf.-,,7, 'I a n Transl. t. 13,ur., Lun,~. !-iv_ iit~jfl. of of ,,;tate or cwitt,ia, for m,.irnx 'u Oriator . a I I I'a x as Tra!jsI. 1 ~143, 2~p_ t puscript. Avai 1. on ),oan - Was P. 1973 TZNS. 'llv, Npt. of 3-c. of I;, o f C PjAa, ia .C, 1 11 P !'a 1, o in t or: a I f Ft.'s Ava 11. on I oni~ F~;, Clrigina~ ArticlG Cheao3d. ..... Sorption of Wool, by G. Nitachko. GERMT, por, Molliand Toxtilborichto,, Vol Ij6, Wo 1, 1965, PP 11-17. NTC-71-10375-11E b :~' 1-~ CI/ ~~:. i. .11 1~ I" Y Nov 71 NCII-202 f;Llti 1-l"Id I Ifs I. FIW,~-( EL, k, Nit. K ~ K..'~iIle, Tl~nll. T ENT] NC; 0 P CA I Z I I R IN. I ~o4;b, I ~oj, j( ,?j. DnIet, (mil rc : S16.110 :ks Vraw~. (If I C~ M h(TiOlt1l Ovt (4,melam, %,41; al 1122-,' 1965. - 01.11.111- i),)Vli:(,:; 11. lUt, .1, c) I. . I P.,[::f: "Itid 1, vfllloll~;, I?y 11 ,ll~-IIIIMIIT) porp Helli'llid Toxtilbericlito, Vol 1~6 t10 -, , 1, q ~) ~ ,T)TI 1~ 1~7)-hlt5 . i ' 'T C j I il -71-7071 --- I T.', "0v ?l Ck 1111J%)-l L I L Control of Uto ('011" 11tv, ak.ion of Wcaclkijlf~ T~iqktor by ('0111,111110klt~ TItI'Qti0II, bY K- Latibe, It zollilij'er. GERDIAN', per Melliand TextBer. Vol. 46, 1-1-0. 7, 1965, pp 727-729 cs im/i;o. -(916 Sci - Aug 67 339-4511 oxtlzrao Ynnis. 6y ner V"I 9 6 6 tri y Stevenson I'vocess for Continuous Finishim', of' Tol-- by E. Fell. UERMAN, pLv melliand TextDor. Vol. 47. No. 1, 1966. pp 64-66 CSIRO/No. 8057 Sci - Aug 67 339-449 Colti'lliumin Dyolllg, of, Wool WILI) Prallcolarl and Crinolaa Dyuo, by J. Miachoyan CIERMIAN, per Melliand TextBer, Vol- 117, No. 1, 1966 IT 67-68 C-S ilt Ojll~,,. 'I o'- 6 Sci - Aug 67 339-452 AdhonLon-lhldlnj~ ar, n I-1nnufacturInL! Poualbility for Ilatoriala Doccription of Chemical-Physical Relationships, by D. Eisele. GMIJUT, per, Molliand Textilbericlite, Vol 47, NO 1, 1966, Pp 32-87. NTC-71-10070-IIE Nov 71 Textured Yarns. Part I. Introduct"'I'on to t)io Crimping of Synthotic ?ilnr,~onts, t)y I,. Scherz-bere;. per i1ellinad Textilber'-chte, Vol Ij7) lin 2) 1960", PI) 131-130'-, NTG '72-11033-11~' 'Iny ?2 Poaqtbilition of Continuoua Fishing Syritehis for Wool Fabrics, by G. Uttan. GERRAN, per, Melliand Textilberichte, Vol 47, NO 2, 1966, PP 173-132. TITC-71-100"J-4-1 IE Hov 71 Textured Yarns. Fnr-I !I, b~- ji. Schor-borg, !I(,))" iLo LIT I."]) to vol 47, No 3, 1~,66, pp 235-21-3. NTC 72-1101q4-11"'ll ila y 7 2 Textured Yfll,lls. Pqrt 11. c0 r! tj nun. tio ~0- 1 ')y If- Sch erzber,, i oil to Vol L 1035 i.iny 72) Part II. co'nt-aurtion lio. 2p by H. Scherzberg,. vl~, IVY e. r )'.,'e t 0 Vol 4 C' 4 1, 0 5Y ATC '72-1 10136-1 f'.igy 72 On 'the Utility of Voclern Cotton Modifications, by J. Nochealc IDRIIAN, por: Itelliand Textilberichte? Vol 47) 110 5, 1966), PP 508-513. NTC-'(11-1129q-11E ,,Iov 71 SCHUT,TZE, W. Effect Of solvent and additives upon th photochemical decomposition of several pigi-nents. Melliand TextBer. (5):537-42 (1966) (GB 167) The mmicia mocuri=tion or conulose. Investigation of the Incorporation of -polywere in catton CeLuaose and Their Uftets on Abrasion and Cmm-Paslstance) by U. Mocko W. How%. MMANA Wp Melliand Texti2berichte No 5, 196G., pp 54T-5ri. CbW Tmns Bv 2M 326s,408 May 6T Textured Ypo,us. Ppl-t IT. I oy Scherzbor,,, Per, kj~iazid Texti-lbeZichte, 'q/ , I UT-7-7 VO-1 47, NO b =6~ J-TT-j 72-11037-11 Hey 72 The Significance of Absorption Curves in the Selection of Cationic Dyes for Dyoiu8 Polyacrylonitrile Fibors,-I. V by U. Mayer, ot al, GERNWN,, per,, ~Wlland Textilbericitte, Vol XLVIJ, N~7, 1566, pp 653-657. Chem Traris Sv No 2736 Sci-Chem Mar 67 322,116 Textured Innis. Part II. Contilluntion ,io. 1, by 11. Scherzber,, -T I* 0 j"ll Ili A 'o1 ,ox ,, Uh f ~ r 10,111.- o 9 , 1) ()P , Li L~ I Lial IL" - , ~11. _,- , f ,- Vol /~'/ V11,10 V'I () () ~') I I I, , . ? y I . . . I - d ru 'Il-1 10 3 8 -11 ~11' Mv y '7 e, Tochriolo!-I.on for tho 1,witifacturo of To,,,t;I,Io Flat S)Lruchtroo. A Comp,,,-n-Alvo Evalwitioij, by Schenkel. GEWUN, per, Nelliand 'Lextilbericlite, Vol 47, I 1110 7, 1966, Pp 749-753. NTC-71-11315-IIE Nov 71 concerning the luportanoe of AbaozTtion G=mu in the SeleMou of Catlmdo DAs tor the rysing of P*J~yacrylonltrile Fiben n.., W U. Mayer. GEMM, lxw, Helliand TextMtr, Vol 47j, No 7., lop pl? 7t-WT-- mm Trans sv 2996 326.,393 Sci - Materials aw 67 _tj()"I Texturod Yarns. part TT. CoZjtj~2Up N, 0 . b I 1-~ - 111. Schel,zborj. G , -,R ]U ~-: , .0 e r P1,elliLnd Te%tilberichte, Vol 47~ uo 9, ic~,66, pp 079-c",80. ifTC 7P-1101"111, !Iaj -f " Texturod Yprrs. Part III, by 11. per, Telt.imurlditc. Vol 47, Jo 10, 1960', pp 1105-1114. ~,ITG 72-11040-111" il-lay 72 11111110trt"11 Progrow; Throll'11 1,10coarch tn tho MwIproc.1-11 Rlalat; of Toxtilo Fiborr, IIziisfiLtir; chefidcal.,~~. and Production Ilachillos-) by C. A. 'Windhorc~t-lleicjr. M-111, Vlelliajid Textilberichtes Vol 47, No 10, 1066, PP 1147-1152. _17 ITC Nov 71 Cancade Lock for Continuous Prescure Treatment 3Ystoms, by R. Goller. GERMAN) por$ Mellizand Textilboriclite, Vol If'(71 'CIO lot 1966), pp 1160-1162. Q NN-71-11314-1 I E 110'~r 71 A Simple Method for the Infra-ved Spectrocopic Alillysis of Fibers and Fabrics Without R Special Fre-L~aratory Technique, by M. Schuetz. GERMAN, per, Melliand Textil-berichte., -vol. 47,, no. 12, s~' - I pp. IA12-110)i- i 66, RTC '(1-111 I-M, August 'FI Process Control in the Textile industry, by H,Malaio. GERMAN, per, Mell.iand Te,,:tiI.b(n:iohtc, vul. n(,,. 1, 1,1,. ,-)2-()(). NTC AugUst 71 Text'ared YRrns. D13rt VT. Teyt-ured 1',,rn~s ir, tile For-m-1:1ni-I I L, 0 PEtr, T ex t i 1 -b -er -ic h -te I Vol 1,~") 1(,671 pp N.TC 72-11041-111~, Np.y 72 Standardization of Testing Methods for Textile Auxiliaries. Report No. 28 Flam- juability Investigations in Textiles on the ArC TeSt Apparatus and Pratical Evaluation, by G. Shoon. GERM&N, per, Meliland Textilberichte, Vol 48, No 2, 1967, pp. 215-7 NTC 69-10551-111-' Sci-Mat July 69 386,792 Testing of ftedled Web ftrpetso by G. GMWN, per., MclUand Taxilberichte Vol 48, 1967, PP 451-453- - M Faf: 5a28.4F (7049) BE-Rast GermaV Econ Aug 68 362.,282 Comparisons of Capabilities and Principles Between optical Microscopes, Penotration Radiation Uloctron Microscopes and the Mow Raster Incident Radiation Electron Microscope Stereoscan 1966, by 11. Reumuth. GE.RMAN, per, Melliand Toxtilborichte, "TH p -4 Vol 48, iqo 5, 6T, p -sT~ NTC 69-10899-20F Sci-Phys May 69 382,718 Uirefringence in Cross Sections of Indi- vidual Nylon-6 Yarns with Special Refer- once to Change in tho Lateral Orientation of the Chain Molecules Due to the Toxtur- ing Process, by W. Wegener, It. Jammers. GERMAN, per, Melliand Textilberichte, Vol 48, No 5, pp 513-517; No 6, pp 633-641; No 7, pp 741-745; No 9, pp 1003-1011; No 10, pp llS3-1161, 1967. Parts I-IV. NTC 69-10899-IIE Sci-Mat May 69 382,667 Birefri 11gence in cross Sect i oil', of 111di - vidual NY1011-0 Yarns with Spocial Refer- ence to Change in the Lateral Orientation of the Chain Molecules Due to the Textur- iiig Process, by W. Wegener, 11. Jammers. GERMAN, per, Melliand Textilbericlite, Vol 48, No 5, pp 513-517; No 6 pp 633-641; No 7, pp 741-745; No 9, pp 1003-1011; No 10, pp 1153-1161, 1907. Parts I-IV. NTC 09-10899-11E 7, 'x~ S c i - Ma t I I May 69 382,667 Direfringence in Cross Sections of Indi- vidual Nylon-6 Yarns with Special Rofor- once to Chango in the Lateral Orientation of the Chain Molecules Due to the Textur- ing Process, by W. Wegener, 11. Jammers. GERMAN, per, Nielliand Textilborichto, Vol 48, No 5, pp - 17; No 6 pp 653-641; No 7, pp 741-745; No 9, PP 1003-1011; No 10, pp llS3-1161, 1967. Parts I-IV. N'TC 69-10899-IJE e.1 Sci-Math May 69 382,667 Nlow Knovilodgo in the Oponing, and M.11CIIII!- pro(hlrLlon of synIhoU.cI,;, by 'U. OERI IAN iwr Moll:U-tnd ToxtUboriclito, Vol 118) I I I - 140 3) 196-(, PP 0`73-MO. !,FTC-71-11322-1 I Z ~Tov 11 Poracetic Acid In Wool Djoingt by E. ZAAwigo E. NAP1. GMW,, pert MoUland Text Bar., Vol 480 no 8,, CSIRO/9239 soi-Isat Aug 69 389,620 airefriagcaco in Crnss '~craious of lutli- vi~iual Nylon-o Yarns with Special RE.-fer- uncu to Caan~gc in the Latcral Orientation of Cie Ct'vuin '10lecules Due to Vie Textur- isil, Process, by W. llc,,ener, h. Jawaters. ' 'NA.'4' per, lielliand Textilburichte, Vol i's S --0 TI ~'Aj 7, en 741-745; No --t, pp I;M3-1011; N 01G, pl, 11.13-1161, 1907. Parts I -I V. 382,667 rz , ri. '. , , %: ; i c e~ i ~ - ~ v, ,, "I lpvctiolls 0, 111,ji- vii;Ual varls "Olti" "q,ocial J-,.Qecr-. t C C 0 3 j Ll 4;, tO t IQ VAt Ur- Vol I j,,, 141 - 74S I - I V Pl"toobocd=l DogradatAon of PolyatiWiens (tricol Ter"hthelate Mon.. by G. Vanp M. I, Kehron. Gmw., per.. YAuisrA Textaberichte. vol 48., NO 11., 1967P vp 1331-1334. MC-69-12766-ni sci-liat airt 69 3912212 Change of Fiber Length Distribution by Crimping, by IV. I'logener, G. Hotli. GERMAN, per, Mcilliand Textilborichte, Vol 48, No 12, 1967, pp. 1393-1400. NTC 69-10550 Sci.-Mat 336 M 'July 69 a 91 Growth loywap arystaUteg? arA PotentUa Om"Unkag" in Natuna canuione Men.. b3r H. a2much. Gmap per, Lberichte Vol 1)8,p No Igo 196TP DP 1449-1455-0 Mr,69-1273�-us Sai-mat _q aA 0 394209 plotary scroon printim,~?, by 'U. slot. UlPIr'Allp pol't Molliawl "extilboriclitof I Vol lf~), 1 ~'o I , 19, 6,9 , p 1' 8 1 ~ - s q . NTC-71-1132~,-IIE NOV 71 Tochnical and Economic Aspocts in Evalua- ting Various Radiation Processos for Toxtilo Finishing, by L. I'liesnor. GERIkIAN, POT, Tielliand Textiberichte, Vol 49, No 1, 1968 PI) , ~9-102. RU 69-12581-11L Sci-,'.Iat Aug 69 3-09,429 Rational Dyeing of Polyacrionitrile Fibors Using tho Dofithorm Procoss, U. Mayor, b1. Brock, 11. Fleisbher, 11. Pastor. GHMAN, per, Melliand Textilberichte, Vol 49, No 2, 1968, pp. 195-201. NTC 69-10669-11E Sci-Mat July 69 386r;797 Fireproof Taxtilea, by W. Kruse. GERMAN, por, fielliand Textilberichto, Vol 1[g, NO 2) 1963, pp 203-212. NTC-71-1132-3- 11 E Nov 71 Properties, Processing and Applications of Unstomeric Yarn. Part II, W. Roehrig. GERMAN, per, Helliand Textilbericl"ite, Vol 49, No 4, 1968, pp. 383-90. NTC 69-10670-IIE Sci -114at July 69 386,798 A Now Mahted of Characterizing Imperfections in Yarns, by W. Wegener, 11. -3. Vogt. GHRMAN, PER, Melliand Textilberichte, Vol 49 No 4, 1968, pp. 399-405. NT~ 69-10680 Sci-Mat July 69 336,799 Effect of Water Soluble Polymers Combined with Dispersing Agents and Wetting Agents on the Stability of Azo Disperse Dyes, by F. Waif,, M. Bauer. MU., per,, MUiand Taxtilberichte, Vol hq, .no 4, 1968, pp 464- mr,-6q-16ol3-13.c 3ci-Materials Feb 70 403; 035 Tho M' it N(,w 'Pocluilp') oC Treatinc, SPocii~jons of Polymers and 'Wool Under the Stcreo.,7,can for the Textile Industrv, by J. sikorski. I CIERCIANI poill 1.1olliand To%Lllborichte, Vol 2tq, No 4, PI) 471-474. 1.,'TC-71-1131r-)- 1713 1:10 v 7 1 Devc-.Iopmcnt f Illdil:o!~ I by CITNINi't jlCr, ;,"ollillno, 'I-est-14"i. Vol 49, ""o 575-S77. G Vol 17, 3, A 6~) Studies on the Stiaing 1111cuoixita in Cotton, by 4. i i. Talpay. GM,41dls I)c)r, Ncillitald 'I"Atilbori6to, Vol 49, No 6, 1968, oil* 641-0470- ALL Ref: S928,4F (1',;.7610") sci-,.tat Sept b9 ikiO,244 To Solvo Four Problews Rxilatinj; to itunoydew Attack Oil cotton, by 1. liadwick. MINIO, per, ~1011iaad Tuxti 11j(-- riclitc, Vol 49, No 6, 1968, pp. 048, RL Rel: 5828.41' (ti. 7619) sci-mat Sept 69 39.~,245 Moth Damape to Treated Wool, by L. Muckel. per, Malliand Textiler, Vol 49, No 8, 1968, pp 929-Q32, CSIRO/No 9527 ~--,ci/f lat July (19 386-833 ~;Oj 3, [It, 1 4-1 ar; o/11), (11 O,oln o f lo 1.11. 11, , ntlA I 3~ 111 1 ?c Ino v ~ I I ,hy I.I. 1"olluk. por, Nolliand Text 1.Lboriclit- Q I ~01 1'.9, p1) 12l3-1219. NT' I!,' i Hov '~l sc rc, 'C' Vol. TT Dywl'nj~ or "')Lvot(-h Yni-11 Rockk)L I-11iff/110w Cor ilonvy Rockat MuffG, by K. 11. Heselhaus. GERMINT, per, Me.-Iliand ToxtJlborichte, Vol 119, I NO 12, 1063, PI) N'ec-", ]- 11320-11 L' Nov 71 MELLIAND TEXTILLERICHTE -260 . VoZ 50, 1969, No 3, pp 254 NTC 70-10164-11E IELLIAND TEXTILBERICHTE, Vol 50, 1969, pp 281-284 NTC 70-10551011E Industrial Machines in Connection vith the Thernasol Process,, by H.-U. Etz. GEMU., perp HoUland Textllberichte~ Vol 50., NO 3; 1969j, PP Z3- - NTC-69-16381- nE sai-materials Feb 70 403A26 MELLIAND TEXTILBERIC)ITE Vol 50, No 3, 1969, pp 335-339 NTC 70-10205-119 MELLIAND TEXTILRERICHTE, Vol 50, No 4P1969, pp 388-399 NTC 70-106717-71P,' The Hydrodynamic Fleece Ho=rvj " no Pro- paUes as CoqMknd with Other bkthods of Molding, by P. Graff. G=W, perp MoUiand Textilberichte Vol 50, 19693, pp nr.-69-16469~-13 801.1faterials Fab 70 403YM