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V I--- 7-- Okudr,, J. Cal-ri-il,ition of the Prol)mAics' o'? Renon'ator tw~o 14tif flers I-TIPPO'lli Gt, 0 19,71., 363-337, Fc- ;~(,,:75j7-,?-2C".OA ITTIS N72-269)~7 ~. - e 1., -1 1 YO.sllirwtru~' , 11 Infl',lence of kir Flolr on th.e Aoollstic Clianatbristics or an Excprmion. Chamber'Filter., ITIPPOTIT OW10 GPJMTSIIII v. 27, 10,71 P. 501-507 fl-T ~-773 :,I-~ .1 ~- 3. 20A ITTI'O ',172-265115 IPPOPT Olnyo Eald.116 Air ITTC 1971 %,9-578 1. Mdyaji Air pollution and respiratory diseases in the Yokkaichi Region, on the so-called Yokkaichi Asthma. NIHON KYOBU-RINSHO, Vol 28, No 4, pp 69-80, 1969. NTC 72-15108-OT- mar 73 Kawase, E. The genus nephotettix in Thailand. NIHON OYO DOBUTS ZONCIIII GAKKAI-SHI, 1971, pp. 70-75, v. 15, n. 2. NTC 73-12037-02D Takai, A. Study on method5 for estimating the number the overwintering green rice leafhopper, neophotettix cincticeps uhler (hemiptere: deltocephalidae) and their population dyna- mics. NIHON OYO DOBUTSU KONCHU GAKKAI-SHI, 1972, pp 67-74, v. 16, n. 2. NTC 73-12040-06C Iwata, T. Black type in the green rice leafhopper, nephotetti-x cincticeps uhler. NIHON OYO DOBUTSU KONCIEJ GAICKAT,914T, 1972 pp. 162, v. 16, n. 3. NTC 73-12038-02D Ohkubo, No KOYAMA 3 J. //NIHON OYO DOBUTSU KONCHU C-WM-SHI11 --/--/1973,VO017,N ---- ~ pp o147-0153 Studies on the diminution of insecticide application to rice stem borer, chile suppressalis walker. Part I. the relation between the damage caused by rice stem borer and tne yield of rice NTC 74-12653-02D Wita, H. Ito, S. Effect of various environmental factors on transpiration rate of pinus densiflora and pinus thunbergii under controlled conditions. NTPEON RINGAKKAT SHI, 1968, pp.187-190, v.50, n.6. NRC C-12077 irlDE 'TI A .101T REMmy / voon, lioOlcl, Tc pp Kato, T. An epidemiological study of malignant ovarian tumors. NIHON RINSHO, v. 26, p. 1855-1857, 1968. NTC 73-10844-06B Space Activities Budget for FY 1973 Outlined, 11; -op. GOVETRITMITEllyp USES JAPA111E,'SE, per, 'Kaiho, Tokyo, =JPRQ L 4529 ONLY Nihon Roketto Kaihats4--lly.O9illai Dee 72, pp j.Ta .4 y 73 Changes in JaDants Space Industry, 22 pp. GOVBR'11~IEITTI USE ONLY por, 'Nihon lJoketto J~aihatsu Kyogikai Kvaiho, Tokyo, Ded 72, pp 1-2--3-97- JPRS/L L~529 Ma y 7 3 Construction of the Tanegashima Space Center Progresses, 5 pp. GOWE'RNME1,72 USE ONTLY JAPANESE, per, Nihon Roketto Kaihatsu Kyogikai Kaiho, Tokyo, ian77-57 =-3. JP-M-37L 11-529 j;1a Y 7 3 FY 1973 Space Budget Up I-lore Than 50 Percent, 10 pp. GrOVERITMO-IT USE' 01,11,Y JAPA'11731], per, Nihon qo1cetto 1~aihatsu Kyofrikai Kaiho, Tokyo, Fab 73, PP 1-8. 77-R-37L 1~525 May 73 Details Provided on STA Space Research for Fy 1 073, 10 m) - GOVERNME17.1 U~ ~0 OITLY JkPANESE,, per, Nihon Roletto Kaihatsu Kyogikai Kaiho, Tokyo, JPRS/L LL5,215 J,jay 7 3 Space Development Commission Analyzes Rocket Test Results, 9 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY NIHON ROKKETTO KAIHATSU KYOGIKAI I%IHO, Tokyo, T15-H-73, pp 7-16. ,TPRS/L 4705 f T n v'I I OVERMW USE ONLY Now Facility Will Test Rocket Engines at Simdated High Altitudes. 7 pp NIHON ROKMO KAIHATSU JKYOGIUj KAIHO, Tokyo, JuIY 1973, PP 1-6~ JPRS/L 4735 GOVERNKO' USE ONLY FY 1973 Rocket Tests Sumarized. 14 pp NIHON ROKETTO KAI SU KYOGIKAI MIHO, Tokyo, July 19?3, PP 10-17- JPRS/L 4735 GOVERMT USE ONLY Iaunching of Experimental Satellite X-3C and Tokyo University's Second Probe Rocket Test Plan. 22 Pp NIHON R0n=0 WHATSU MgMa.-KAILO, Tok7o, Jan 1974, PP 19-36. JM/L 4947 Mein Items in FY 1974 Space BudF USE, OTITLY Set, 23 PP. 71HON ROK-PIPTO !'~hIHATSTT rYOGIKAI_?'ADTTO, Tolqo, - - I I 7-65-77T' -i-0' 5-33- .- J'PRS/L 4975 SeP 74 Studies of Anthrax infections and Immunities, by Makoto KAGA, 8 pp. Nihon Saikingaku Zasshi (J of Bacteriology), No 6, 1956, pp 477-480. NAVYJNISC-3412 May 7 3 Studies of Infection and Immunity in Anthrax. III. The Effect of Chicken Yolk on the Evolution of Local Lesions in Anthrax Infect- ions, by Kaga, Makoto. 10 pp. JAPANESE, per. Ni2pon Saikingaku Zasshi, Vol 11 No 9, 1956~ pp 755-759. NAV/STIC-Tran-3300-72 June 72 KUMURA~ A. //NmOfT SAMOTBU GAMI 1=//' --/--/lq65,VO033)hT---- Studies on the Dry $atter Production of t~e Soybean Plant. Part 1. Ontogenic Changes in Photosynthetic and Respiratory Capacity of Soybean Plant and Its Parts, pp 467-471,RTC 74-10721-02M,@ Uncl (ORNL-tr--2668) Immunological studies of soluble proteins In the human placenta. Hara, Y. Translated bV H. Kubota (Oak Ridge National Lab., TN), from "Sa Sanka FujioKq Gakkai Zasshl; 21: 2C-34(1969). 27p. 06 biomed; translations MN-48 P NSA P ,, C' Uncl (ORNL-tr--2667) Immunoserclogical, clinical, and histopathological studies of placental protein of rabbits and rats. Hayashi, A. Translated by Hisashi Kubota (Oak Ridge National Lab.9 7enn.), from N!pyol Sanka Fujinka Gakkal Zatshl; 21: 309-318(1969~- HTIS. 06 biomed; translations MN-48 P NSA Nishimura, A. A statistical investigation of ovarian t=ors. NIHON SANKA FUJIMA GAKKAI ZASSHI,, v. 21 p. 1457-1460, 1969. NTC 73-10924-06E T. lida On the Fl'*rsiological Dnportance of the Vascular Reaction to Cold. Part I. JAPAEME, per, Nippon Beirigaku ZasslU, Vol 11, 1949, PP 73-78. Order flvn NRC as C-Iao'ft) nx 6o614-o6P Nlcrv 72 -lem2ts"), ,&t5wA 19-i I r,oelaj lla,;iliteitloz; lii fe-Iiiig lb,ha,lcr of' Whe 6uppl- r1. p 1) olicru 3 of i t, ~Wr Lu-,R lupt Ii I .-wq nershoku ;~oJo nc tihall-nitcil lahil, soi-3hin ,o kl,~o) -7 Suga, T. Studies of Lith Development. Part I. Discussion on the Lith Effect. NIPPON SHASHIN GAKKAI KAISHI, v. 32, p. 87-94, 1969 NTC 73-10953-14E IS'poctral sensititation of Obs by Dyee.,, Par-~ 19 PlivLoconluc~-Ion Songitization of ODS. Fbider 1FLUX SIVSKUT GAIGUI !MTSHI, V. 3~, J.~,69, p. !94-200 NTC 73-11680-07E Nakatsui, 11. Spectral Sensitization of CD3 by Dyes. Part 2. Detemmination of Thermal ActiMbion Energy and Depth of Traps NIPPON STIM11M GAITAI larol-11, v. 32, 1969, p. 201-2o6 FTC 73-17 9-07D Igareahl , ~Asarao, Koichi '!Ana, "id Wra Tshigahi On the studs of a li-111P ('Aphlus cavirostria, Cuvfer)- hcad blubDer oil (t%ImLQ gctroyu rd tGulte) '11holl 81113arl galdcoialli (T'Itl". -rap. %~.'. of c3ci- Fish.). 1 (10): 3 49 3 -jig n lapanese. ' rajisl. by Trans 1. '411'. , legn. long. Div. , Dept. of Sec. of ~,Wte of Carmila, for Dept. of Environ., lalifux fati., 'aiifa~' 19A, as 7.ranr,!. Serica No. ig;-)r, ilp- typr.z"'I'l T)r" Avail . on Lcan I-Taxh. , D.C. -J~ :.. ( ~'J'Jt!Af I'.Wdft,G u1; tile uhule cdl. VII. r-att"', &Cikl.%3 of bot Ic-nc,3(- -ghsle oll. TIt. L, on the licqq nc n,) kti,O~Ifv Vf T , Tsuchty.;Q17a no (&I iilpoo) Atava afro aturt (to-,alul,U~ ni t3 1.; ~ V ,q~;rioii a nia;LiL a j ;iii or thQ -1 Qr). z~o, . of ~Ci 5h. I, 49'(- rarx, I. 1,,y Tmii~ I ur. I'mm. D~.v. Dept. of Sca. of L 3 1~ 0 r 'I',) Z4 f o r I ~ f. 1) . o fv -I r "', ~'. A I i A ~,. , a I t14 '. , ~~s P ed,~ E. " F Oriqjrinl Artirlp f k(~AA~0111,f ~'P-U-A. i 9A !'mtt., T.-Ais co-.:Poultion of Lhe Va~Afl.~ AiAt m the ~?R;,;t.,rm oi' ( su.ihll~uJira a0urm i,. cAWI~o:jmn umlb,w (6.!Jc J'i trujtp,) lim, ~iutsuii (-ut i -or the ralo. .:,i. cif ,ci. I.-lah.), 25 isii,31. hy 'mj)ul. 'ur. , Fgn. of of St.)",: of fol. ill~?'t. Of LI, f-)fialnal Arlick Chw4A4 oill 'N'.~.' 11" ~ Orl uu es o;~ wlv~ if~ i I lie 0.04:.:W~rsit toil uf uImpol'ina".1, nu kel.1" u 'O'U'a r:11 Lu of 'vc. of or Yn roij. iillax a"!. , :Ier; ets Ea. 0- A, t,. Tax M . Tamotsu 1963 Methods of investigating the function of fish eyes Nihon lulaan aakksishi.(Pull. Jap. Soo. of Sai. Mh.), 75 89 'In Jaranese. Trsnal. by Ministry of Agria., Pish, and Food for Fisheries Lab., Lowestoft, Suffolk, England, 20p., type4oript. Avail, on [,can - IMS, Wash., D.C. Original Article CheckoOk SUIM, MI*1%0, KIkUlohi Hakajift, and 1965 3umakU NOMIM 8tudies on the prctetn and non-protein nitrogwwa constituents of euphaUSIg (OKjaMjpUj no pnobJ580 USOUutsu ni kinum kGnJqm) Nihon Suisan Gakkaishl (Bull. Jap. Soo. of Sai. Figh.), 302-3o6. in japnese. Tranal. by Tranol. Bur., Fgn. Lang. Div., Dept. of Soo. of State of Canada, for Dept. of Environ., MG Mar. Eaclogy Lab., DartmouW N.S., 1973, 66 Trml. Series No. 2510, 9p., typescript. Avail. on Loan - NMPS, Wash., D.C. P? !Ura'larm' .!Azutalk~u 9t, 5 3tudies oil tarLr ~'Qntrol b,' filtmtwr, tllrouOi sand, bed is, a maritT Pquarlum with olostic! circulatir4r, system-T. (!oiscQrtptIoii duriw-I filtrAtion as or. index in evaluncirl,,: the de_,,rce cf pwIfLuatiori of breedin_ tmter 'I ;'i Or sulsal~ f-"U11. J&P. "Oe. of ~ct. 71311~ ' i 0" 3 ~' '. ' J-1 I s ~2-: 1~~ ~,- 'I I;euc. 97'1 Vu ~Jaye Tm'XI. fou "IFJ10 19f" 1P., typesal-i'pt. Avnil. oit ',uan - ?;~ik:.;, Iftsh., D.C. ~Izut5u,,% ~, 9 at,jdios On .later colitv,-tl bl: fiAtratiall tIUIOU~~I 3and beA Im a %arlrle aQ%,j-nri,X, ~~rith cloSed V81;eL~-Z". ~.t~latjcu of filturil~-~ veioclty znt~ .F!Pth of bfirl'! lpryep to of niler 50.5an t~~akbzilohi iumll. 'no. of ci. Flull. `m41- for tyn .