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General Carcagno Speaks to officers on the Role of the Army, 6 pp. IA PRE-NSA, Buenos Aires, 6 Jul 73t PP 1, 4. JPRS 59bOO Kug 73 Attempted Army Coup Aborted. 7 pp LA PMSA, Santiago, 12 JulY' 19?3, P 8. MRS 59834 Socialist Party Sector Creates Secret Network. 12 pp LA PMSA, Santiago, 30 July 1973, P ?* jPRS 598~ Text of HIR Instruction Doewment. 7 pp IA PRENSA, Santiago, 25 JUlY 1973, P 9. JM 59834 San Martin Speech by Army Com=der-in-Chief, 5 PP LA PPM5A, Buenos kires, 18 Aug 1973, P 7. JPRS 59930 Salgado, Mnuel Ninister of Economy Explains Government Policy. 9 pp LA PRMSA, Santiago, 20 Oct 1973, p 2. MRS Danyau, Cesar Ruiz Interview With University Reotor Ruiz Danyau. 5 pp IA FBASA, Santiago, 18 Nov 19739 P 9- jpRs 087 Drafting Cowdssion Reveals Principles of New Constitution. 14 pp, L& M43A, Santiago, 30 Hov 1973. PP 1748. JPRS 60988 Peralta Artigas, Alvaro Junta Member Gen Cesar 14endoza Interviewed. 7 pp LA FRENSA, Santiagot 10 Dec 1973, pp 8-9. JFM 6120 GOVMM T USE ONLY The Public Life on Lieitenant General Juan D. Peron, 5 pp LA FRENSA, Buenos Aires, 2 July 1974, pp 1, 3. 0 Investigation Undeivay to Clear Up Death of Traf f icker, 5 pp. SPANiM, np, La PrensaLibre, San Jose, 17 Mar 73, P 9. x JPRS 58733 Anr 73 SPANISII C8.0: 8048/PM .28 Jun 73, The stol7y politics of Cambodia. V,untemala, Prensa Libre: 28, 30 ~Iay, I June 1973- Spec type B Do not publish Translator's draft plus one copy. Caxizo, A. R. Fawcotine, A Ilei-I Beellic Medicetjon of Great Val-ae in Chronic Ptdmonary hmcesses PMTSA ISDICA ARGEIqTU;A,- v. 48, 11. 10, 19612 p. 0602-6o4 ITM 73--U77--060 Sereaay, m..s.. do I-lypoglyamic effect of :renflurwdne in obese diabetics PIMA IYEDICA ARGIMIRA, v. 58, n. 20, 1971, PP. 1030- f0,33 IITC 73-13174-o6o November 19T3 1. A Generalized Conception'of Information Processes 2. Conversion of Information vith Bewatic Heterogeneity 3- Establishment of a Committee for Certification of Leaders Obobshchennaya Koutseptsiya IUforM&tiOUnykh Frotsessov 2. Preobrazobaniye informataii a-A che Ne- dno" 3. K Sozdaniyu Komiteta Attestatsii Rykovoditeley Spec type A - Translator's draft plus one copy KHAPIYj YU. B. 11TREONAZOVAM I CHASTOTY NA VOLNV 2,.21WIl m.-1-119 741 V--JN ----# Fivquanay converter at 2.2 m waveZength.,.. Pp 2-10,1NOtitut of Space Research Report P~p-166,0 *NASA TT F 159640 Legal Capacity of Press Association Recogni7ed by Governmont, 7 pp. SPANISH, np, Presenci . La Paz, 6 MaY 1973.. p 20. JPR-S 59183 June 73 Sale of Strategic Mineral Reserves Would Hurt Bolivian Economy, 5 pp. SPANISH, np~ Fresencial La Paz, 10 MaY 1973s pp 11 9 JPRS 596 June 73 Goverment Plans to Ricourage Gold Production, 6 pp PRESENCIAO ia Paz, 26 May 1973, pp io, 16 JM 594o4 Government Plans Non-Dietal Minerals 10ning Policy. 5 pp PRESITC la Paz, 36 may 1973, p 18. FRS - 5ft J N Suarez, ffugo Banzer Banzer Speech Announces 1974 Elections. 5 PP PRESENCIA, La Paz. 23 June 1973, pp it 6. JPRS 59M Banzer, vela6co Issue Joint Communique After Lima Meeting. 5 pp PWENCI - A, La Paz, 21, JUlY 1973, PP 1. 7 JM 59834 Banzer Analyzes Bolivia's Position in Andean Development Plmudng. 6 pp PRESENC * Ia 2az, 22 July 1973, pp 1, 16. JM 598 7 Siracusa, Ernest V. 'Ernest Siracusa -- Diplomat or Secret AgentV 6 pp PRESENCIA, Ia Paz, 8 July 1973, p 10. JMS 59731 Montenegro, Gonzalo F. Closing of Alliams Harvey Smelter Affects Bolivian, British Tin Industries* 5 pp PRESENCIA, La Paz, 14 July 1973g P 3, JM 5977i Miguel H, Benjamin PDC Head Outlin6s Reorganization Proposal. 5 PP PRESINCIA, la Paz, 28 JulY 19731 P 3o JPRS 59915 Two arty A31iance Urges Change in Gavernment. 32 pp PmENciA, ia Paz, 16 Aug 1973, pp 49 5* 6o JPRS r01& President Banzer Delivers Anniversary Message. 14 pp PMENCIA, la Paz, 22 Aug 19739 PP It 3. JPRS 60M Cataldi, Milton Delfin New Concept of Territorial Defense Based on Independence. 6 PP PRESENCI , la Paz, 14 Sept 19?3, P 3, JP&S 0346 Cerruto, Waldo Political Parties Express Opinions on Presi- dential Elections. ) PP PRESENCIA, la Paz, 18 Sept 1973, p 6. jpRs 036 La Paz, ~Ejsencia, 12 October 19T3, PP I & 2. Publish in next TOLA report, and send an advance copy to JFRC for T. D.: 2 November. MR Spokesman Approves Econoide Measureo, 5 Pp PRE3WIA, la Paz, 13 Oct 1973, p 4, JPRS 60 Cabinet Discusses New Food Prices, Wage Hikes* 15 PP mpgcu, ia Paz, 12, 15 Cet 1973. im 043 Commission Member Releases List of Bolivians Held in Chile. 3 pp PRESENCLA, JA P&S, 19 00t 1973, p 1, J& 663-76 Bedregal G, Javier Opposition to GSA Tin Reserve Sales Persistes 5 PP PRESENCIA, la Put 19 Cet 1973, P 3- JPRS 60576 Banzer Outlines Agenda for New Cabinet. 6 pp PRMENCIA, IA Paz, 27 Nov 1973, PP 1, 7- jm R-78 Banzer Message: Declining to Ibm for Office. 9 pp ENCIA, TA Paz, 27 Nov 1973, PP 1, 7, 11. JMS 0782 Text of Agreement on Bolivian-Brazilian Cooperation. 8 pp FRESENCIA, IA Paz, 2 Dee 19?39 P 12- jpRs 6095 Armed Forces Election Postponement Proposal Encounters Mixed Reaction. 7 pp PRESENCIA, La Paz, 5 Doe 1973# PP 1e 7, JPRS 60978 Pereira Fiorilop Juan U. S. latin American Relations Viewed Critically. 5 pp PRESENCIA, La Paz, 22 Jan 1974, P 3- JP 1216 New Econoude Measures !~'voke Criticism, Support. 5 pp PRESENCIA, La Paz, 22 Jan 1974, PP 3, 7. YET T ~13 6 Undersecretary Discusses Industry, ExT)orl-,,g, 6 ,) T) . PRESP,T-~CVIA, La Paz, 14 Apr 74, p 6. -R, R , 1 3 ;,1796 ,Tu 1 711. Foreign Credit to be Used on 11niq Pro~eets. 5 pp PRESENcIA, IA Paz, 21 Apr 1974, p 10. ipm 6209 Peruvian Seizure of Opposition Newspapers Damages Freedom of bcpression. . I . 2~pp PRFSUNCIA, Ia F~Lz, 30 Jul 74, P 3- - jpRs 6285 Opposition Parties Oppose Referendum Proposed by President Banzer. 2 pp PRESE14CIA, Ia Paz, 30 jul 74, p 8. JPRS 6285 Unions Consider Restoration of Democracy Paramount in Transition Period. 3 pp FMIMIA, la Paz, 30 Jul 74, P 6. im 62 Venezuelan Mission Surveys Agricultural Conditions. 2 pp PRESENCIA, La Paz, 30 Jul. 74, p 8. MRS -6 President Sets Guidelines for Katidnal Council on Structural Peforris. 6 pp PRESENCIA, la Paz, 31 Jul 74. jFR5 6265 M4MM, CARDINAL 11MMENCIAll 04/12/1q74,V*ww.w,N-wwm, ppooa Biishops Ask for &tensive Political Amesty 5 pp ins 63788 Parents, Children Briefed on Drugs~ 7 PP- SPANISH, np, Presencia J-uvenil, La Paz, I --TT:T- 29 J.Tar 73, -PP - JPRS 58943 ! ") -[ 'I ~ Holub, J. A commentary on the Czechoslovak taxa of the family Equisetaceae. PRESLIA (PRAQUL), 1972, pp.112-130, v.44, n.2. NTC 73-12190-06C NLL RTS 7592 ROTHWER,ROLF 11PINSSE.. DIE11 19108119 73, Billions into orbit.. The diamaZ b4twt'00 sheet of European Space activItioa, 5 pp,, p 3, N&A TT F 251660 Trl T T, r? T' A ~T T'll Le Prasse du Cameroun 1972 i4shing industry in Dowla seen threatened La Preaso du Cameroun, Douala, Jan. 4: 8. In Vrenoh. Tranol. by JF93. Jan, 1972, P. 1 in 31P. "TMnal. on Africa No. 1110 " IP. prooeoned. Avail. ITTIS as JFR3 Traml. ilo. 55(i6' prile $3-00. Avail. on Loan - Wil-' , Wnah. , D.C. Original ArtWe Checke;l.* Resolutions of Third National Council of UNIC, 7 nn. LA PRETSH DU CAMEROUN, Douala, 29 Nov 73, p 8. JPRS 61091 Feb 74 Press Reaction to Tsiranana Statements, 5 PP. FRT~;NCH, np, La Presse 1~~ ~, Tananarive, 16 Mar 73, Pp 1-3. JPRS 58931 may 73 Plichet, A. Mandr,sZorn, or Giiisong, and other Sacred Planto PRESSE, I.E.DICAmp., v.' 68, n. ii, 196o, pp. IM-406 TUC 7, Agency: HEW/FDA p.(). No. PLD-0869-75 Call # 19 Title: The hypothalamus and cancer Atithar; A, Lacassagne f Source: La Presse Medicale, Vol. 69, Nov. 25, 1961 pp 2285-8 Language: French Instruction: ~11C,1'3e trinslate & type single space paste up when necessary De4mj,, J. Neurophyciatric effeats of operations with-, Ion d pro Ve aircutatory arreat in deep hypothermia. (Seuropsychiatric Psychometric and Vectro-Encephatopaphic picture) PRESSE IEDICALE, VOL 69, 2961, pp 0539-2542 NTO ?3'--21829-OOE Naso-Orbito-Cerebral Mucormycosis, by C. Blatrix, 16 pp. PRESSE NIEDICALE (PARIS) V 78 1970 pp 2113-2117 NAVY/NNTTI-1640 May 73 THIBAULT.PY. 11PRESSE WDICALVI VOO?OJN----., I*dioaZ news. Thoracic mmifeetatCom durtngr hpmopathies, pp 9-IOjNTC 74-11404-069## - Bouhadiba. Alya Education Hinister Discusses All Levels of System in Interview. 5 pp LA PRESSE DE TOLSLE, Tunis, 9 Oct 1973, p 2. JMS ;062 Varied Armroaches to Pollution in Lake of Timis, n nn. I EA l)HEME DE 'Punls, 17 Apr 74, P 8. 71733 62022 - Jii 1 7) 1. Nature of University L~ PHO)SE DR rm 1, 1-~. JPRS 6201. Di3tilrbances Probed, 10 pp. 'Ilimiq, 25 AI)r 74, I~en 7~1' Origins, History of University Troubles Oat-lined, 19 pp IA PRESSE DE TTJNISIE, Tunis, 27, 28, 30 Apr, 1, 3 May 19749. ins 62147 Pavlnv, V. A* Influence of the Torque of a lbrromotor on the. Dynamics of a Gyroscope. 6 pp PRIBOROSTROYMYE, ladrigrad, No 8, 1973, pp 65- W-0 im 62187 Sliv I E. 1 0 Errors of the Extremum Method of Finding the Meridian During the Initial Alignment of Inertial Systems. I I 5, pp . PRIBOROSTROMME. Leningrad, No 8, 1973. pp 68-71. jpRs 6218? Urman, lu, me Computing Power Characteristics of the Oater , Spherical Suspension of a Cryogenic Gyrosco.p'eq 5 PP . EgBORCSTROYMYE ., Leningrad. No 8, 1973, PP 72-74- JRS 62187 F~ftkav, Vo I. Transaission.Consistine of a Rolled Wire Worm and a Spiral Evolute Gear. 9 -PP PRIBOROSTROYENIXE, Lardngrad, No 8, 1973, PP 75-.- 80. JPRS 62178 Lestev, A. N. on the Dynamics of a Gyrostabilizer With a Relay Control. 9 pp PRIBOROSTROYENIYE, Leningrad, No 9, 1973, pp 6?- 72- jpRs 61943 Vorozhbitov, B. V. On the Error of a Statically Unbalanced Threee- Degree-of-Freedom Gyroscope. 5 PP PRIBOROSTROYERIYE, I/mingrad, No 9, 1973, pp 72- 76. JPR5 61943 Filaretova, S..A. On Problems of the Inertial bystem of 6 pp PRIBOROSTROYENIYE, JPRS 61 3 Errors of the Analogs of an Coordinates. Leningrad, Ho 9, 1973, PP 76-78. Pykhov, K. A. Study of the Auto-Oscillations of a Doubly Inte- grating Vibration Accelerometer. 7 pp PEBOROSTROYMIYE, Leningrad, No 9. 1973, PP 81-85- jpRs 619 3 1111111yeva, 1"'. A Four-Mirror LonIrl-Focus Large Aperture Objec'Give, () rn, Leningrad, 'No 9, 1973, "On 7-10'27--- ipir~s 6191-1.14, 'Till '71~. DicreasirlF and Photoel Jlle FOCUsing Accur,cy of 1jisual I,RlBol,,o,,,,,pJjo"~ric SYsterns, 6 np. LOningrad PIP 10 110 9, 3-973, JPR3 619W4. Ju 1 7) r Kogan, N. Ya. On the Motion of a Single-Axis Gyrostabilizer Nlith Relay Control, With Dry the Bearing Supports Taken Into Account. 8 pp PRIBORFUrROYENIYE, Leningrad, No 10, 1973, pp, 66-7o. jPRS 91T35 Dardlovich, L. No On the Question of the Accuracy of Orientation of an Object That Has Begun ~bving From an Inclined Starting Point. 7 pp PRIBOROSTROMIYE, Leningrad, No 10, 1973o PP 70-73- 3PRS 61~ Raspopov, V. Ya. The E~mamics of the Start-Up of a Pyrotechnical Gyromotor With a Turbine Rotor. 9 PP MUBOROSTROM11YE, Leningrad, No 11, 1973, pp 75-79. im 71, Proskuryakov, G. M. On the Elastic-Damping Yielding of the Structures Of Gyroscopic Devices. 8 pp PRIBOROSTROYENIYE, Leningrad, No 12, 1973, PP 53-57. JPRS 61 3 Yushchenko, V. 1. Influence of the Rolling and Pitching of a Ship on the Reasurement of Its Speed by Means of Logs. 5 pp PRIBOROSTROYFIUYE, Leningrad, No 12, 1973, PP 58-61. JPRS 61943 Filimonov, A. F. On the (~ueStiOn of Compensating the Systematic Error of a Gravim6ter. I . . 6 pp PRIBOROSTROYEINIYE, L-9ningrad, No 12, 19?3, pp,61., 64. - JPRS 61943 Nesen~uk, L. P. Synthesis of the optimum Dynamic Characteristics of an Inertial Meter For Measuring the Alternating blotion of a'Ship. 8 PP alBOROSTROYBEIE, Leningrad, No 2, 1974, pp 65.70. JPRS 62187 .. Vedwdn,. V. B. , Study of the Motion of a Gyrostabilizer During Tjydform Rotation of a Base. 10 pp PRIBOROSTROYENM, Leningrad, No 2, 1974, pp 70-75. jpRs 62 7 - RUSSIAN '05-45351 CSO: 8344/0420 .J ?I- J+ 5 September 74 Translations on Soviet Guidance Technology Leningrad, PRIBOROSTROYNEIYE, p. 62963-68, 73-79, 88-91 and 95-99, Issue 6, 19 1 Please publish Suggested published title: "Translations On Soviet Guidance Technology" ----------- ZAYTSEVs V.A. //PRIBORY DLYA ISSLEDOVANIYA T*MC!.I. OBLAKOV I IZMERENIYA VLAZHNOSTI//- Instruments for investigation of fogs and clouds and measurement of humidity, 18 pp, pp 72-661AIRMUMT-24-398-70 REMOVING THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD OF A LOW-F R6QUENCY DIPOLE IN ROCKS CGORODNEYCHUK, LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR PR boRY-1 vfrTPMX AVTQMA*rTwT 1969 KHARIKOV Uo PUB. #8,70-74 ~STC-HT-23-0907-74 Rudnev, K. N. Current Soviet Instrument Building. 6 pp PRIBORY I SISTEMY UMVLENIYA, Moscow, No 12, Doe 1972, pp 1-2. jpRs 61o16 Silayev, V. N. Technical F-o-cilities of the Sirena-1 Data Link System. 10 pp PRIBORY I SISTEM UPRAVLENIYA, Moscow, No 4, APr 1973, PP 1-4- JM 59662 Didenko, K. I. Organizing the Interface of the Hardware of Local Data Control Systems With the m-6ooo AsvT-m Computer Complex. 9 pp PRIBORY I SISTEff UPRAVLENIYA, Moscow, No 3, 1973, pp 5-8 JM 59612 SlwWkov, Yu. A. Unified Computer System of the Socialist Countries. 12 pp PRIBORY I SISTEKY UPRAVLENIYA, Moscow, No 9, 1973, PP 4-7. JPR3 61131 Shmykov, Yu. A. Models of a Unified System of Electronic Computers. 20 pp FRIBORY I SISTRff UPRAVLENIYA, Moscow, No 10, cot 1973, pp 1-5. JPRS 60906 Mergelov, G. S. The Economic' Refom in the Instrument Making Industry. 9 pp PRIBORY I SISTM UPPAVLENIYA, Moscow, No 12, 3.9?3, pp 47-49. jpRs 60a75 RUSSIAN ),'I CSO: 8344/2199 ~'5' 4 ;~P 5 June 1974 ASVT-M Control Computer Complexes and the Future of Their Development, by B. N. Naumov Moscow, Pribory i Sistemy Upravleniya, No 4, 1974, pp 4-5 Please publish BESM-4 and SDS-1604A Computer Videodisplay and Its Application in Processing Spark and Bubble- Chamber Photographs, by A. I. Yefimova, G. 1. Zabiyakin, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, Moscow, No 4, 1971, pp 91-96. JPRS 58713 Apr 73 L.e*erg, Ye. A. Using Pulsed latraviolet-Waveband Gas Lasers to Mtch Spark Gaps. 5 pp FKBORY I TIMENIKA EKSPEMIENTA, Moscow, No 1, Jan 1973, pp 140-142. JM 59677 Kurbatov, Yu. A. Time Characteristics of Spark Gaps Activated by a Iaser Pulses 5 pp PRIBORY I TEMIKA MaLimut MOSCOW, No 1, Jan 1973, pp 142-144. JM 59677