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UWR _Nm 4&n 70 ~ . q , q b5 n e ~ 6 f') Ilatrix and Asymptotic Methods in the Theory of Linear Procesaes, by X. A. Abgarjan. RUSSIAN, bk, Matrichge i Asimptoticheskie Metody v Teoriy_MneirWkh_Protsesaov, 1973. *IPST Nov 72 It 'MI!t, se,r 71 A rormal Transformation of the System of Linear .Differential Equations, by K.A. Abgarian, pp. RUSSIAN, per. Izv AN Arm SSR Seriya Hathematica, Vol 5, No 4, lTf5-j -pp 317-320. ACSIL-K-2652 rSTC-HT-23-2075-72 Aiw 7? Thftn Iof NoratAtIonry system ot Auto- fttli'cantftlo. by r* A* Abg&rM* MSTAN per rok Ak ftak M S 30V Vol ik" ho a"&' Sop -1up VP =049.3* An IDA at Mp %'*I 15a, I%- 9o Mr 71 Kle-5 IS,/ & S 0 k. A. 4,b qe-~#W Apr 71 The AsYMPtOtic sc3olution Of FAiwitiono for a Controllable Proceas, RrSSIAN,p per r p '41~ -- 1),L- LILL Vol 177., T10 Doe 1967, pp m--T9-9. Am Inst Phys Vol 12, NO 1g-.. im 10 3,1161, (TI i Plec"t-Inic IAAeMneo With, T.-Imear Hotion, w.- GIM.01 MIT, I= (UTZ MMGABXMI T=,, Ele~:tra prmimhlmx,~. ar aoria ,~oa.,,oUan e6lie lialps Aftitia uri,,answ bj J. Abhia,, 7 por# An2ya.~ior Ulan i-atoro .o 1~1691 pp 31-%. Technology of Alrcr$Lft Constructiong by A.L. Albov, 28 pp. RISSIAN, per. Tekhoologiya Samoletostrojenlyat chaptem, 13, 230 47t pp 288-309p 482-496P and 562-585t 1970. ACSI-K-1819 FSTC-UT-23-1302-72 May 72 1,AtBtjVA,-A. L.-- R U APPLjrlATl',.)N UF STRUCTURAL PLASTICS IN Tff PRO UUCTION OF FLYING APPARATUS KONSTRUKTSIONNYKH PLASTMASS V PRtl IMJD~)TVL LEVATEL*NiYKH APPARATOV IMASHINO~F~OYLNIYEI, MOSCOW, 1911, 190 PP FST~-.-HT-?3-6137-73 111-110ral I'caltl In to Do '[,,ovolm, od A Ifv ~13 ,erla! by A Pi Al~! 1 C' t ~T"ns I MAO ll=ald Abbli, I ,V,lf7. 7:1 A. 16. Ablbov Alftnft coutnwtion Twumlou. IM pp. =Oslo,, 1970 pp T--SW-- Ali~hB:ICT-i4--!1515-'TI oct 72 Effect of Prostoglandin El on the Heart, Blood Presaure, and the Coronary Vessels in the Dog, Y. AbdLko. JAPAN=, per,, Ni22on j!nqg!hu Za8shi, vol, 65, 1969P PP- 86-87- YX 71-32873-06P Appr,mimt1o" of Pwatlo-a -y I Fb~r-WrmjtA Swap by V. .4. AbIlovp S. A. Agihw4v. WMIAUp rmv Dig Ak 1"- 6 "ll, Val 14~0-0 1,0 1:9,68., pp i24~-=." Mo Amm Math, Boa Vol 9* 1140 5v 19W Mar 69 omplian tdtimem~ U pr. Dr-T. PT11- 47245 :.O1 b Aato -.qsta:,q. of -0jrolizi-I i',XpL%bw,dv by s:,, lVoirr-lds 10 j pare Ar4yjn ior, ;'lan, Lator, o UN.Voll ay e, ") !~rao of pooplot&. U'reat cporAl !:~y Aldrz ~if (Z lk-::. 46911,N) M. AbIte ROPMWtv"m or RKtraction Promem on a laboratory Sea*. VALUN# rpt$. IkIv Omdtaft, ftsi onal a Dw 1 t&wga R"Ort HT/CU-70,4b.. 1970. M 72-13T994TA Nov 72 r~r I Regulation of the Transverse Thickness Variation of Thin Sheet, by A..G. Ablov. RUSSIAN# per# 1zleg1jrS Myngbikh Uchobnykh Zavedenii. Charnava Motml- lgralya, go 7t 1971v pp 90-95 M 72-60131-13H June 72 Lite,.-Tal kaints ii-L i,crluurr,--d Circles, AhlialL-ove Ir WSSLA,i., porl Pok Ak Auk Vol I 599~-6,02, ~o .'L,h,- Aniar at. "300 Vol 9, --o 3, 19,;- 0o. S j' L 0 c t -ys 4, 6, R LL c V stut of W Spin Isomr of Iron(III) Comlons ,nth Thtoootdcarboamea of opoxyWnzadebydon bytho Mothod of GmawRasonance Spectroneopy, by A. B, AbIOV, VUSSIAN,, per,, 24 Ak Vauk SISRm CLOla-t Vol 196t 'To 5, 197% pp MI-IM, (M Ilov 71 XCi-tlii~L ,Ul4i I! 5tittavo `w i cr ~11-oloatcs, i..v 'Lill, A V. Nut, Ft;`~ 7i Joniorsnoq) on vw o" 12 CoixMimo fQr tblo EzUlt=M CC f*,b4 aecUvmvbmkd Weet la ooll torli. So Ablon, lbi al MA rTv-(Z-Wvm ecl Jul !~i~o Buoir, for aliz"tion of Idabor into Con- strmtion, by L. !-.bjy-a--av, u' jM. ole Civil ~f Al""irine Fni~-.-. j7M i,1;3 t -vi and, Industrial ~403:llts of ti!o 'P. 'i ~. f~!j -, ' r. 3a. jurewiz. GF~ ffi'V-11. Per, J-,!ig L4~bcrtnv,~.itt ind'u8t~--io- Vol j4, ?.o 7, BIG% 263-26% Al"ST 3-3515 FT 2XiOW-1467 Scii, "v--~rivoj tam Jar 19 coorlo lvDlw 0-4, AUIA coostluia 04" woulsoiriaft., iv U QP* Vod MCI 11-3-a'9. lwdt ol: z4allZrw aww"A oi., C=,=!Al 8~por4m k4ft Oct 70 14-f-, Le Vol Te In ~..glan by npo rl-to :x,- iArno-mq eon some N-aw ne4uits on t!Le iAsintwL..ratit;a oc, 23IPa to di '70 227,c, by i1. AbaU-1,0-lia. `7 I?P. FREW.H. part .1 Phys, Vol 24, 190, Awl SIC-Mll-l- 102( tr) Oc t 70 bma "I ltront of Urijimrj Lifections by a i!eir AntibactoxiU- Gonbim-Alon. Azoellne, P. Aboloker FRL:liCill p=t Gazatto bdic j qaq de Ftance, IV, ol 75, 196,S' 'up 128,1--129.1 l"Tc 71-15124-060 Max 72 34-0401 aid 4 to" oat 70 \ , I~b rj\t 0.- SdUng and AWUt4UQU Of fACS TAIM UACUSOado by T. Ab*Mv 3 PP. RU5-51M# perv ThrUt 4 4wcwo ~~o 211 Hol 19710 PP 2. . * 5W)3 jan 72 '.balfi Of Itate ArLdtratior. t;W per, ;a-lclaar A:~t1corrmnVISUM3 ork -Cegerilowl, Anatole ALragAno -surice euojcl,,Ajj,, Ig per, At Paris, .-ov PIP Ji-W-'A 32'?2 'L~ Tach jan '10 3'99. 179 N~altlqlicatioa of QW-0,ackia A4 Virvu in ~~,au C~.,U Chittuvaj, loy A. at till ERM., par., Ray tmilco IV kaij Val Ui~llj 1.)vj) pq'143.71.171-~ Mr-f MN 5-7-61 Scl-BM L~ Jm 07 3,29o 03 " .'he Prorr=-rAnC, of the Pericless-Hiclialct !.xcchan,~I-o, Me Nonitor Pro,~,,ram, by G, Abriham. FFFICIII, Dur, CoTimittation ot pp 7-15. 7Z C ~, -71-10191-09B ~ilov 71 The lllro~rzmzlng of the Pericles-h-tcholot Exchwnfl-ol S by C. Abraham. ,i,Atchin~ ProCral,.m., per, Cov.-lubatioa ot. EloatMnique No Dp 7-15. '.;TC-71-T01'0-09B snob" Am"" v h" AUWU, 00yomm WN ~Gw- ago" Aiv*t 29 Sept pp 44-19A 3w ,TV r qj \ Development of National Highway Ifetwork Disoussedp by Kalman Abraham, 7 PP. HUNGARIANt pert Xozlekedesi Kozlogp Budapest, 21 Nov 71t PP 8144-OTM- - J-PRS 54909 - . Feb 72 j-Ay 6 ~zCdslav Akim~n --tronaes Lm, rtance w bs kneistav Abafthwi, 6 ~,LK-A~q np, Mv,',Ip L~r~olavaq 22 June 4'a 4r 1.45 ~--6 L 44M Of stmtvmi arquts in the 2300-3106'K Empp by s. ij. Dwpwr md u. Abrakbiwv. pp. AIS=,Io IDW& bulaMmm- Lidwaiv 9A 2= 03 No lb 1969$ ppi U-1100 ALMYTD-M-23-95-71 pw 71 uwtio 20=y 01.1 t1be TM=l ccr~zlt;illt~ ow MAUM at Lm Toqpmtu-.W. A. C. 4z=-44wo T* UO AbMaxII3. MGM Vol I't NL) C', 113c"), Davt 0c ~V= T-aTi-2 DD.- 6J 3 3tAy Of tbS rl=lUUty Of ln=Nl-.i4 talO AAM4- - 016' WAU-(k*Ud PaKton by the MonolilmUaa olf That EKdm)eo *a a bmult or ArtilUlia by Sh. P. Abrwidwo G. al. Wxwmitaivillo pws Os= amwoo Vol 2TV Ila 6, Dw 196), op 54T-5W). Ur'st of the zhmvy Me Trw10i~q Jon 71 LconaAe koforn, 3-n RaU ~raiisrort iAscuzac~dv by A* Abrwaov, 12 pps i-clif-SU16, npo ~~v ~bsccmlj -OW '-ar The Propagation of a Cienical Reactivo Front in solids, by A. A. Iturawov, Ye. B. 110pov. RUSSLL14~, par, 7.hunral Fiz LlAfAy; Vol 41, 1967, -,)p 22,~2-2265. -'TC 69-1,0~126-.)7..*' 3ci --Chu~~ .lay ~l ci v c oi 1~ u i 3 1. A. A. r;i,~ veni 0v "Oki 71 vilti a "juaIP', ity o, As ~olstoyv !I. i. lkrn,~,jvf pars zilarral 75(- jr,", study of !,riiisssivity of Oxidos and Corcrotes in Infrarad ReEAm of 6pectrimi, by A. S. Abralmov. i3arykin, 6 pp. Rub,-IAI;"' per, 'riij ya Kanala il~(,D-Gcncyatora. iVoscow, 1969, pp 129-1341. J 53939 Z' opt '~l 6 - *S" . F~~h 61 f'r w; D "/ InvestiCation of O"pectral jidssivity of kaddes and Concretes in Visible Region of 6pectmi, by A. 6. Abrammy 0 J. M. Barykin, 10 gp. 4j1 dly -;anala ~`(T Goneratora, per, ~&stmA 1-bscowo J,i~s 53939 6 ent 71 Collectivization --acesses A. Abra-mov, 1~. Xi \Invarov 0 ~ 1 9 36 prg_- j~ TStorU per, Lo 1972. ril 13-39- j*;-j~,3 5612,t Jim 77, Zvrovied vmat Tor 4juit and dranobe by Aljmt=t to PPO ; RW,SIA,jl, Pori imsi i EEdi~j CRY# '0 130 t.ud 1968, P.D 3-60 0. working Uus Them in JAterature Dicaussedt bY I* Abrvwvv 36 ppr RUSSIA, npi, Kt.R~quM" ILA -loscaw, 31 'Ar 1972, pp 8-9. . _ , _ yA, 1 JFRS 56253 June 72 at'd IVAf CA! the by 42, A t: t, 6'T YJ7 V-1 bothod for COV*,,UW so" ftnu*Aws for tim amiromamtel Cot"I - VAM of 0 - 4acestdt, br I, P, Abrsxovw a pp* RUSMM*~ Pers mosomo. Vol pp apm 075 Aug 72 , oaa 1,~-w In Its sa~ata'=., L7 !0001)nciit~ll Eq.W.Itiov"I for Rociprocity T--w I~cdluro at Mg minm -1 .1 -L _~h Illm nces, by L. 'E. lbrnov. por, '"hurnal j"Imiclinni I Pril-,ladnol' i "anonatagafq, 'Vol J1. 1969, lyll 411.9-47 `TTC-71-106~)9-20~' NOV M - 1). i'-~ 10 a,- G- A-n 0 q ChanGes Due to Age in the Gdn and Par of Mink, by M. D. Abramov. RMSIAN., per, Trq1ikovodBtvo i Zycrqvo~tvo, Vol. (3~ ?p 10-12. No 5, 1965, r *M7S TT 72-51083 Aug 72 ------------- W.A. PtbaR M04 owsautr am jolAt -- for Dampso by go A* Abmumv . NO luaws pero i me"wo No 89 IWO pp 55-wo ins 57W WoV 72 e.p. by Re A. AbMow RUMANt pert va No 9v 1970# pp 69-71 A.AlsoRdmob 71- 72 ev. RleNmcw Dust in the ffamapbere Ovex the Atlantic Ocmn~ by R. V. Abrmov. RUSSIW~ bks #v Atmoafere Wad Atlanticheskim Okeanm 19'11. Results of Resmch on Intemational Geophysical Projects "Cond. of Seaimnt In Atlantic Ocean. MISS TIT 72-50018 Ika,cb 72 edUtary kublishing doase Activitiog voscriboci, by "J. Abrar-ovs 5 pp. jiUSSIAii, porlp wtgrak!mm Uaco ~~o 44 Oct p 30 MIS 4934'1 Doc IXt 5" wa Zoafficienet of PblWner 'interlals so a Irmetixi oil' the Stress-atmin State., Ly S. K. Xbmzvo V. A. XO-iala. 6 pz). liwSmij, pw) lbstanktg -T-Ict-litut Ila- PIABLMM v le-o. - - $. M I aod=zhn= T=Omorte L6 L-,), 33-34. ials NOV ".) i I Universal Apparatus ror iletcrrdninv t!ic~ 'flynamic Characteristics of llolyt,ers Durinf,'Pure illendirij~'and Torsion, 'by S.K. Abranov, I.V. Viltorov, 7 pp. T InzilenvTov 7hc ransporta,-rpt, ~-!o 60, lN*,7, (,p ~7-.)I. I T i 1.1 T - 2' 3 -9 -C.- , 6 /~ tz 61 ~' A Improving Economic Ccst Accountin,- and UpgrucUn~, Sovkhoz Efficiency,, by Ve Abraw, 6 pp* RUSSIAN, irp, Ewnwicheshga Gazota No. 20, I'laY 1967.- P - 35 - JFM 4-15-19 USSE Boon !1u,9 67 Purchase Prices and Autonomous Financing Intro- duced on Soviet Sovkhozes,, by V, Abrarav., 5 PP- IUSSIM., per., Ekonomiches.L.Va Eazeta,, llo. 24., June 1967# P- 37- JPFS 41710 A USSR Econ Aug 67 333.,157 Principles of Sovienoz Cost-Accowiting Disclissod, by Vv Abvrov, 6 pp,, MUSSIV, na, fraz.otat0 imi 1967 P. ~2- anas 41635 U 6 r-,' A U831" coil, 332, 53.5 c,mtraliW sooloz invoctmonts mcl Th~ilr -, imn- cinFt by ~* mora-movg 6 pp. io, ~Jklq perp Aamarlphoullmim Awt-t ~o 4D.4 ct 4350-17 (r) o YAA%Otary Pay"nu or swkbmfj for rlwd Productive Capital, L~r V, Abrwzrr,, p, . MUH, per, am"Imehm- t'ug 1967., V. 3 J?f'%:", IC2647 Oat e( Tio T;ico&jjtc,, I)y V. lo Awranov, 14 I~uro Gcodeziva i Laitv~-rnf iva 4, 14.1, V, 11, Abxwwz) Av,ooZa of requiyw.,ents PUVSZA,11,0 F ou smaZZ-scaZe atovdc powr in neating pm" in remote regiona. 23 pp. lwv ?"" ArRlpn~.l rj.24-2w-~i' oftttae ll~w~r ALI. owllftzm Afttdo: ami rlfttl MMIOLKI 0k V;ut *-AA. tu%milo varwave, "N%gymm "NA4^