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Princialos -uf Dosi,%ii an6 Use cof '.Idical InfOr- wation iletrieval mussife4a por, Nvkotyry4o PrOlmii)' iUp.%il7jql'aqiki, Primpueni,ya- El troniki v Violuji i 'vditsi-m!, -No 1, 19670 OFTP,-~4T-24-291-67 Sop 67 1.1aV,mratIml ~-'_bdvls in ~~;cdlcin-_' ~ Oy Pei-, W, Jan 0~; J I th.) ~cr iL Im 255-26T. in I;Jojcj~y 0" ; L4 0 :-,nsov, -r. Aleyev and v. G. Ilk iye 'r Ftclc~-- I 37;M je ' Aw a&t.9 and ow AM03079 32 pp. AUSSIA14t port iaWm i aiin, pp C4-79. LIATP/Ad T-2 3-1332-('7 Jan C9 370, 335 Autolrau'o sy Las for"?,azq~al locnorq, by Vo Ax#1090T, 13 IPP- RW'61AN, per, LAUSIA-0 Oann. R~Vozkmmst% h A]-,,a-Ata, So 1, Jwi lq~(2, pp jr,j,,S: 55t~63 ~Ay ?2 .1 044prU .1 so .~.: kv 70 hAc. -Aa ~~ A ~ ~-- P,c~ , `~ m %-, 0~, -,C. I \ I Dielectric Behavior of Polymers in the Microwave Region, by .". Amrhoin. G ERM ~N , pero UllaidZZeLtpahrift, und Zeltschrlft fuer polmrap Tol 216 217 1967s PP 38-46 NTC 72-11507-07D June 72 Didectric loases of fibmaes in the 111'emmlie Panvp by E. 1L A=bala. GEM$ per.. GImUM.Miacbe rariclae, Vol 4".), no a;, lrs--f)p Vp 52-~sr* MV-69-16c03-11B Iwo TO 1*3~ 031 1:-1)C-~r:&1 Z-~ Health Minister U es Social Security Worm, by Salah El karl.P9 pp. ARABIC, np, al-Sabah, Tunis, 10 Doc 71., p 20 JPRS 55183 1 Liar 72 Metallur6ical ApPliCatiOnS of Micro-Analytical Techniques for the Dimet Observation of Nuclear Reactions, by G. Amael. Faa.'Cll, per, Rev de Phys Ap_plique, Vol 3, 061$ pp 373-13b. *Nat Our Stind TT 70-5t)31 Sci-Phya i) p"~ C- ,-- Jul 7j (-r ~ , '_ L. Comparison of the Change in 1--J'eight Curves Versus Oxygen Dissolved in Gamma-?,r During Prolonged Oxidation at 8500C, by G. Amsel. FRENCH, per, Comptes Rendus Acad Sci, Vol 267, Ser C, 1968, pp 301-304. *Nat Bur Stand TT 70-57912 Sci-Phys Jul 70 -!r-Amitific ~'qVioes Ilisin, tA Vi- J~nntvuotlnn irlsto of VIO ;~Osakjl Cl 7P. 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P - Allf"ISTAS I I Princir,les of ~~Clsjcpj of -as pul,ifica,-joll ctls, t, 1 -1. kzc)v v p PT NF R G; T I K ITJYI"~- 1313 'a r 7 3 Rome- , rch ,,n if -, t -m ias 'A"innsfear - f the Fr. C~matmmtlt%n lfacla,ir PrAmr Pl--mt In Vg- -)al ~vl i, I!v P !~aivt,sik~evia, 14 SEMO-ORDATIAN, per. Makle ma Ewrgil;,., V-10. 2. C- 5 p P PICO~WT Oc c , 17 r,-; P'llicallial-I I.:-Irado Ix"ith rAlItIA"In JLmrican Cou-', itrios b-j, Yordwn. minot-aaav, 5 Dmp. I\J -'s V A. A. F X., a4cla- 64 i-~A Mmsbmm6w" qp AM - Am W* 4 J6 :.="o I . qmwqmv rob 72 pastow Aftwasm the btok vith 5 /) , f) 'uq t C, tI r~ I "V 0 3 UIP036 Anawllyev, -t p1j. pur, Kio JKS Accomplished At The nj,T.;.ecrinff. ITjstjtnt(~. 14 pp. P~,6%~, 57-02 ~'~oscov flover 1,1 jaL Vi Cali;ositional Features of Upper Precan-brian i,'Cci Bedso by A. 1. 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