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Ifigh-Strength Oriented Fiberglass Plastics, by G. D. Andreyevskaya. RUSSIAN, bk, Wookomochnye OrimgE21~ -St, IC) p pp 261-368. 166 *Dept of Navy Amliffu j-1616 b Jul~r 71 Relatioashi~a in Certedn TbraTyDcbmar-aic Properties of Aigtaides, by D. N. AndreRvg'kiy. RUMIN., per, Nef~~~, Vol 5P Ho J-0 1965; pp 15)6-1U. SM TT-65-10734 Jul 66 305)570 Loading, I-ransportatim ~rquiNnent~Aubitocl' by 0. A. Andre~ovsklyv 1. 1. Gribove 6 pp. RLWSIX-ij per, StandaxtLA Kscllestvo. MOSCOW, 1110 Jan 19?2t pp Optiml Refinement of a Conuol Prosrwal., by V. V's Anlrayevsklyp 18 pp, ftn"s Pao T"Iedoy"I w agowke Polets so 10 19c5-,. ]m- 5-19. am 35.%* ) / j1q,,vdt-eyzF1!~kl~ usm V, sci-Ensr 66 PDs269 e. 4AJd /a -C Y; V Elautic of a Boc~y Werkonod by a ", 'ot of Gircu3xLr Orackm Situate4 J-.1ong a ?Imo, by A, Androildv, RiSsMi. Par, U.1 Ab; TIQwi S-SI-4 SR-v Ph~e, Vol 197, i70 RII I:ax 1971,, py 312-314. Ara Irmt of Phyr; VOI 16s 110 3v 301at 1971 oat 71 Biological Effect of Low Nitrobenzone Concentrations in Atmospheric Air# by N. G. Andreeahchava. RUSSIAN, perp BiolgzigheekQe Doistyie i Gigienichaskoe Znachenie Atmosferuykh zaarZinfienilt Vol 9p 1966 0 pp 58-73. NTC 72-loooo-o6F (P. 44-56) Apr 72 AlkdMCNI e IW 'Bubtfftm t0 mat"Mun it Mma~-Wd (Otbw) ALUP (a radr owlica -64.Um w 4. V. An&opt. Vk"-. 6, Ipp MAN=# ws 106" Noy 72 -:,.Vj~octs o~f Di:,,for*nt !.~orxk end Rost l(cutims on Subjects Kopt in Adativa Isolatio-ng bor ii, 1. Androdhoytaki, A, A, Vesolam, 12 pips Aws,5=* pwo AviakommichogM -'!odit2jm# 808=f 1~~ Is L9(>?~ iv 105-11?. JPRS 46,751 N. R t ev .;Cih~, ilov 66 370917? fUS4 T"IyAng. A=Uuan -IrAdaw, t:~ftoados the Mghts w 14 Awrimovs A* t4*dts)dyo 8 pp. R=I"v fm 20 Fab 19?1# pp 20-Ino JPaS 52648 u Ss FL I CalWatim of Interaction Energies and configura- tional and Smss SntMias Ln Solutiom of Tramoition Metal Carbidap by R. A. AndrLyevshiy. 6 pp. W&RO, rpt# C"Compe on Thp=q2xBE!!~LcS of Nuclear HatArials, Vienua, 1967. Alls'C-LA-4211-tr /1 ,-~ '- 1, - 1. 1 Oct 70 IAll!III 6 -W 7W9W ad-Awko lade av &w *F 70 L, Vo Analytical dependence of theresistance to deforwatio'h of.,stgel and othe.r.alloys on their ~hemi6al c ition, by 01ppos L.V. Andreyuk, et al. RUSSIAN),per Stall, 1972 No. G, pp 522-523 gee 72 L.V. Andrayuk Analytical Dependence of Reslatance to Metal Deformation on the Temperature, Rate and Degree of Deformation. ~TALI, 1972,.No 9,.825-828 *BIST 10961 Feb 73 Ccotradiftionts Arl" in TmisitImAl ~~dotiaa, tw alvoo k4flai 1 5 pp, ITAUX~q par, JMfida. Rime. 26 1-Ar 19a, p 31. ofps 52A8 ya-luly vol Anir ?I A Uu~~ I ANOV I L T A L k U NE~4 L)-LVLLilPi',l'ENT:) IN TkLJCK MANUFACTOKE - i 'iUVUYE V jl~~-uIZV(A)STVE GkU~OVYKH AVTC;MLjHILE'Y 1 ,4 A-') JI) - ~ -3 , . 11 i iy i, f i~o,y t~N i y t~ I I Mo SC ("Vi 1 19 11 1.3, ~ r - TC -] 11-2 .) - .- 19 7 -7 , r . //. '? ). At",e", "", , Asaessing the Quality of Gast Surfaccog by A. S. Andrianov. RUSSIAN# per# IsventiZa Yjagh1kh gbRbnYkb Zavedenti.-Chernayn Me&a11jjrgjYgjp N.o 6. 1971j, PP 145-147 i NTG 72 -60142-13H June 72 1) - C- - ;4 f'~ ~' P-' % %k t'~ 0 ~ The Dimensions of a Hydrogen Atom in Semiconductors and Dielectrics, by D. 0. Andrianov. RUSSIAV& per, Dgk Ak NAAk j�a4paize U21-0 Vol 201# go 4# December 1971, pp 884-896, CB June 72 \~ - '~Wvznta m katlative In llold ut-tillm" by V # AneAwov I () in:* 4 a U r4ro ~~wy a ,osca o Auc. In w.. , .030 p 2, j i;p!,Li _54310 0. A 71 t;wp~nU*n In Ab"im e4volow bodustry ftdwadj~ by V* A. bubdaMs 6" Pro MIARS per* jfto-l. !~oscowo 14 1971, im 2?-30- 53400 July 71 `5 tyaolltir, rZeadineaa of rllotfo' tO POITOM- i~on 7,ustat operations, by V. VSII-ITAI~310 perp 10 u 7 3' 2 Apr 71 ty improverimt in uAlalls i~~s by 'v', us fmdriamwoo 6 pp. ~ILis per# 4. 19719 X"R~ Y,945 lv'ov 71 - -1 ,-. az"!L' (~, r IL, Stress DIs',xibution Inside Ifor.,togencom ilock- Talus Dalm, by i.-. A. Andriwi0va FIUSSIL~lp 1,10r, Gidrotell-duitchoskoc Stroitcistvo, i,o 10, 1965, Pp 50-59 i=v ?1-166lo-13rt: Ebb 72 'Ll*s' Lid to Of VKI, riL, Ti ANDRIEVSKII, A. and others. Spectral flux densities of discrete radio sources at 3. 5 cm wavelength. Astron.Tsirk. (494):1-3 (1969) (CSIRO/No. 991Z) A. Ye. Andriyevskiy Highly sensitive modu+tion radiometer on the 3.5-cm wavelength. 29q pp M SSSR. INSTITUT KOSMNESKIKH ISSLEDOVAIJIY. FRUfURT b20 iV719 pp AIR/PTD-MT-24-47-73 apr 73 Self-Dihhdon of Carbon in Carbideb of Group IV md V TrandUon flotals., by R. A. Andrievskii, et al. RUSSIM,, per., Fimika MetaUov i Ha332ovederde, Vol 28, 19692 pp 298-303. HTC 71-13620-11F Feb 7 2 Imunaglobluin Lo"Is 4h the 01004 Serum of -Uranium mine workere, by A. torisek, and J. Andrilikova, 6 pp. CZECH, per. Pracc"y Lekarstvi# Val 2-2; Pt 6f 1970o pp 214--YIW.'7 ion 72 411 L Z, A , 1) 1) cl p- 14 ~ ~) N) c. / an JIM AW 70 405olk UWJR M D" ?o r-atift.ta"s low rindim =d moft"tua of optiftl UdistiOU3, ty 1. I..A&lWwI4 V. Cr. WIWI, 23 pp. RLIMMI PWO wilm - Vill 9A!BM pnolummmt) NO 41, 1970.. MOM/W43-0(9-71 T. X. P&;8 MW 71 The -', mmsion of kl= Ono-M-onsi =-l Una-sr chock Li a I~Ustic , bdkmo L-j k I:j 0 6 iaridn, S YVo aussu"lil, per, Am. Illatitut, !n&$ ilo 50 l9cov pp jan 6-9 rationfatV Or MatIple HOCIM SOKOO Of a Cat*bta Uawr GivqV and Mittamle Hyrptl=ls on Uacl-mle SaUs of a ayMInatto GroWj, by A. 1;. ArArimv. MmIk.", per., Egk Ak N&-& SkM Vol Ib3l a I) 10: m0 zm An I'sath Vol 90 NO 6p 1968 376,4.1,6 Lna2ytic Continuability arri Ametional Equation -for Zeta-.-Amctions Ilith llmiabelimn CharactGro of Sim,-1m Almbras Omr i~rtor Fioldn, by A. 'i. Andrianov. TUSSIAT', per,, Dok Ak Uwak SSS~, Vol 1019 1:0 4s 1960j, ~P-777--WT-- An ~itj, Soci-Oty ,roi 9., ,~o 4.1 1968 Jan 69 37-1,9246 Sht=ats ConJecture for Siegel's Modular Group of Genus 3,, by A. N. Andrianovo Russim, pero Dok Ak Nault SS-SR, Vol, 177t i4o 4, iq6?v ~P-735777-70"~' Am Math Sao Vol 8t ijo 6, 1967 i)ec 68 354,370 ob urudmuou Le Afrka am us kmum* an " EMC Procos'soo, by 8, V. ArAdtwo JS pp. RUWAWS q4 UMM, Wald P Nam 2p~~Gn c4n- law" Odsr&IF.'VWM#. 90 AUPM to W &VDmjcT r95R:v JPRS USSR E= May 66 Ltfm-ts tO Promto ~;wlal I-larait-F, bj ut. ;. k4rialm, V. 44 lloshchbis 6 Inv. pers ~o Ile pp :g-:P. Mis hcon Jan 70 3F)-9t 32,'~ 1~ " c a azxw Val 4b Iq"-Oved P1811ning I'lece0saa-i in lbc-jiire-Tbol Bllilal~p Iri 1. An4q-ano-V-.,. 5 pp RissikT,, np) ElconomichsoltaYa Gazcta- 1,410 2, 13 Jan 65, pp JPM, Z-557 u IS, s R IPI- 65 '277,7".7 Tliermophysical Proporties of a Silicon Urgallic FS6 ii0at Carvii!r, ',Iy R. A. Andryauov, V. A. L,VC!)il%;lilOV. RUSSIAN', 1.-jer, Y'd-m Prozi, ~--Io 1, 1916ti", pp 23-29. FT i'1 - s -;S 3 5 ,A%pr C9 Ic"o 8()4 Ybioepuiogwietic Pwactioa of Alkellyl iUkylsiloxen, by K. A. Andrianav, 4 pp. RU,551ANS perp .711ur WSW IOILnuis Vol xkxvlo iio 90 I~bb, L-ept of Navy/Tr No SOINIU-11 Tr 2271 Sci Fab 67 m tto 0 by 0 -Y, ot., '11). 6000M WOrld i4lr P8rti-SOM '~OV=lt CltOds bY V* Am~wl 3 PPS RIZZ-o Port -:Q9=& -b 7& Jul 196-9., vp P-246 ims 4c,?65 L) Precision Sighting,, by V. Aniryanov,, 7 pp I'll, RLU$Ixi, parl, Sovetskiy Voin, 1966j, pp 8-12. 01 A I;i 10~-67 - A " ,*;i:iv 5r Jul 67 W,M lufll-29mme *2 a PlanstUy Atmosphm D-.rn-n- tho ftvwAl KffrwUoa of Mtreabort Waves, by V. A. Andrjawv. MMIU, part ftdIqtekbnIIm i MokUmUm, Vol 14" a0 8,0 1969, w 135V-13u. tw/=/8T-PA-"P-lOXA-0 Available CMI Bel-Atma Sol wt 6) D2,916 Limits of Vplicability v:f the Cuncel-t c1 "Equivalent Radim" of the LUirth, by V. A. Andriaijov. KUSSM4, por Padioteklmip'a i I.Icktrunika, Vc! 143 bopt u-f Interior A-36--Feb IWO.;Nc 815 Or LO an 1~~, y 70 AppucalXuity or the "Oncor v 3t flquivalont l(aftust; Of VIO FiWtlio b~r V, A, a rp. Do 2 'Pp WhiS 48W2 4&c usa of abime as fatrochalala Base tor V, 1A. AMiiiyWm-v ?~. F. SoldMainov. Poo 2 p y fta pill"! is WAPPDOUN iAo *A b"Am No fo~ AM last at phr Vol 16,t No Is V, t9 A.)J NI OV Avg 71 T-,fl, Jtm 71 ;-010 of Ce~ntral Chan.;os of tlho ouoros Ocro-, Gry I'unc- lon of tho ar", by ~ivj,--Iriancva 10- ,cas f"Ct '-"0 Groif;;Ia., by Lo V, kidrltwrU,, am-l-ka, per, '10 jPI,3 33,4-47 1, DO. ln~,F aw,)-R~ 0 TL o.i C-1, a-llor. of' :-,,ro-:oLtcx) mloi i. t I o u u Carmogenm ProTerties SX Purple and 4R Purple, msm,$ rpt, pp 61-65- Acsi j-9826 FSTC-HT-23-74&71 of Red Food Piownts-Amwanth, by M. M. Andrianova. ,t r !", ~. 1, , , / .; . . .~ /" I June 71 lit. sa Y'--57. .o r e ')'en loare of Aolcrsl(ml Inmugations o,~, tt%t-. ~'~O%det AWArctic ixpi3dition f'~* Apiriyashm. ~qmticn ,.uueun of, p-lip per. kil Tlent of ~,Avy ~.Aj tr 'Arl Cl 341S 1135 The New Species of FAlpouts of tm Geaua lvw~&q Gin (Pise", zaadidAr) irw Batbpelalf;lc Depths In the Sootia Sw~ by A. P. AmIrlyzalm-mv., Yu. Ye. Peniltin. RMSIO per V Vol b.: u. 4(m, Dvt of' LiWr 2WOFF A-33/riov 0/36 on Imn Onij Jan 70 oll "Ifilati-i o-., t;%~ ovict 578 3516 ~6 7 "04 4 , 6.~ I statiatiml Syntbwds of Optiml Paco Coatrol SAtam for Spsw=ft with Conaiderntion of Structural Mdtati= of tbo S~mt=, by A. Yo. AndriyanIn. 12 pp. M81MI, rpef.; TYAC Tech Sessiou liq 49, 16-24 Jima 32a) pp 101-114. TX F-12~492 fA- Tbch 69 391), ~A5 a --0 - Evaluating the F"cision of Specoomft Control System* by B. N. Petrov# At Yao Andriyenkoa, 12 pp. RIBBIA111, per, Up _ , " ow*cLie klpi.. Appar A - L-- - A ~A~ I I -- - * Howwo, 197-l# ROO JIMS June 72 Into ~~Mhan'Lml go 41, 10, C: & Lim- S'Aluml.-ile Maazdz Uwd at ""13, pl,ow Umt, ki N. U. A"Lr :o,, ma I* Ir. ~ rill ~uw va" 5p oevt-oci I, pp. ln~ J- USSR .xx* .Aw .;;ova River kasgenger Ocat itovary krofitable, Irj -. 1. &WM~yws'Iye '9v apt i9f, ap 47-49. 49617 J., rJO '~39 94- 13 Thermod.vnamice of Interatitial Tbree- Component Phasse of the Garbohydride Type, by P. A. Andrievskii. RUSSIAN9 pers lQjgrnjti2nSj al2mig Energy A&RACY, SX&POsium !2n lhgrmQdvngmigo of Nuclear M4te;EIRIP, Visna&, 1967, PP 457-466. Apr 72 TRC-tlfc Systemso Iq R. A. Nidriyavskiy* per,, Vorqs.hko=a a ',Iletalls~jLa. No 1, 1967, 67 53U,667 V4;!v,Ir V. OF.--: ed liy t46--Uacc IfTir-7.7.1 t4. .7 ;;-73,.77 ,~jt~ A SUr4vj an C=Utt% in ,Iaob pDarle MI 1,AMBlaV 140jer, J,P MO 415W julj, 67 constnit.tion, operation of Iron -'allea Sqs,'Velra zevicwadp by Ton AnAdz na-cho, 1,~ --p-, por, Revista do ~uaeffiaromt -,TO Jr, 7 2 Nork of Gcoqian ei-.ystriu-6 wo lilz~LitUtion~~, 6y 'TidmAka.,~1villo 6 p?. i~vwspapers 111-1 -L&C. , vallit'i'% -6 !Rw 67 s, ?,. 1. 43,8571 Jan ~3 Ar~ 1,'170atfl~- AtiOll Of by 04* A.- 11-VORtiraltion or ntram,,ccula", A. L 1.'3 S. TA L,)ol,. Al, 71aul, 333n lqoT)i Oct 4CIft" mooft lot anwa now*& Add& 4t 3 -1 IW)M* ~os~ v 04Y