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a. Bank Moplopoo A#k for Pay Increase, by A,. Apostoloup 6-pp,,, GREEK, np, E ikiLifto Athens, I Jun 72, Pp 64# 65, PRS 56403 :al 72 Re-nort, Cites T-ower Stat'llF of' by A,~Ostolou' 5 -).r. 'r '-- & I ens, lo Arr 72, -um, pp 55P20 brl,a 7 -12 , I -o,7 T-a-: i'!--asurtls 'rlaloror P~f ",or, Y-.-nilcaira, 111-20 S 5 -5 2 1 "ar 72 Nta ~ ~Iollutlon scall -0-0 "r."V11,01=4311ma 1 0 Sorlous, b7 A, Apostolou, 5 pn* nor, F'plftalra,* Athansp 'Io I'10, 71TOV T'l 1 C. Hrealth MinAster roserlbos rublic ftalth rilans, by !-vgoni Apostolov. 8 pp- npy ~Z!-dmvorn Pront, Soria, Jull el pi) I Oat 'I'II DaLgaAan tiowgraphic itm-As anti r"utilic per. "-tm Tm- ot ;~o ul lov 1967. 46.570 4- Jan Sam Current Y4dical and Social P:~.,oblemz of LarGe Cities,, by Evg, Ppostolov, 11 Ppe NJLGARTAI, per, QWqnq i zd=,reoPgRLane, 110. 2j, Mar/Apr 1967.. pp. 322-131. jprs 41766 SOC AuG 67 333,YI5 V. gpostoLOV 6FOU of MUO MMM OWbadb b9 V, Apnt4m* 3 ppo MIAN# ape 11 gumm, i&vt 2? July IYAw p 3. JPF6 Aw 50"Pt ?l ThO POUCY 00 lUtereSt IlUt4M in C=,=c:Lal BS&4p b7 1. AMftlWi(!j. 9 pp. SWMD4MU'W,# perj, Vespik JAILO-CloveUsille Imst ~O~w Sept 1967j, PP 15-13. ipm 43044 i= 6-3 347#224 t a lur',,Y, Jun k,!~ The Application of Powder -c-tals in Auto 4alljile Construction, by i,,. G. Appol. rpt. 2nd Luropean Congress o.,i Powder "etallii-rgy, Sci :,.;Ly 3 7 7 S twuftsiLgatiow of the Natural Frequeucies, Somi FunctLo=q UpamLon PawtLon&# W Daging of Tranever"ly OscUlati% Pial Rod3 in tha Na-I SbWy* by K. D. Appelt. 45 pp. RUSSIMO rpto KFK-923. SCL-Phys Oct 70 Cotiposition and Perror.--ance Properties of I~eat-!zasistant Coatinzs, I) v A. A. Appen. bY, Temperaturoustoyc"tivyyc Neorganicheskiya Pokrytlya, C), apter 4, 1967, 1,07-194. ACSI J-4433 f'7TC-i~T-23-93-(-3 "lei.-';nterials ~! ar 6", 37S.433 ricac" try V I ad, ij I a"r The i~xi)erimontal l,ast Reactor i,1011, by i~. P. Appleby IS pp. 1-1111,Ncii, 1,cr, L-nergic NUCIClifC, VOI 12, 1, 1970, pp 33-3101. Al'C/B.N'L'L-'Fr-5 1- 70 Sci/,' ~ucl Oct 70 R* A#Illsb)r 1171 'Pro plum* Ob V~l 12,P No Xs luct 70 P.DrO ReVie43 Aspeate of Draft Cori3titvtio~uil A-endments , by Antal Apro, 5 pp. HMITGARIIA,hr rml Y 72o 16 At JDRS 55391 May 72 Stato=w Urgas Umter Loonomic Coopmtlonj bY Antal PL-lvoo 15 PP. jUZ&-IIAll'i, par$ La_rsc&Ini -SM~Lq ikAayvnt# Doe L96C., rP 3~43- Jiit~ 47IPj~o -o Tn IDAVarios-Swiet scamde Cwwrutionv by Antal 10 pp- 3MAr",, per,, T~gjtbM, Sm-lel W ll,, Fiat 1967,, PP 17-~25- JPM 43625 6-1 -,- - " ~/ !,If,/ f " 11 M-ijun&=7 FAM Jan 63 147,146 Econa'-.-Ic cucp--~"'.On Countries, by IT. 'Ova: 6~ i-~761 Pardi I.nilarviewou', on '972 co:x~i-iic Plan, by w7a Arro, I'l p-). -7 ~To 7 Fal) 72 1 I Ji L-i~3 IG I.- T. a - A P s c ~-,) +-,.+ c) \( The Effect of Mineral Feed Level on the ProductivitY Of Five-Wooled by T. A. /~psemctov. RMIAN, per, Vestn SeIsImkhoz Nauk-, No 10~ 1967~ pp 27-33. *VTIS TT 7P-51051 Aug 7~ 00 RWI*tWG UMP"U 10W 84 AbUtLIS 204y SAW*, L a--&- 197of jw7l-WtU* . MW M W Spocbl 231q*M 301 Pc, i4 'N'ethods for Neasuring Quasiharr.onic SiPmals, b~ Yu. K- . P n~-a' - I RUSSIAN, rT)t, XXII Vses Nauch scssi\t Ilosi,yashcher.nava I)Ilyli Radio. Sektsiva ll\adioizmcrc,,iiy, 1900, IS. JPYIS 37S17 Sept 06 InflMMce of Low-Temperature Deformation an ,.the Plasticity of 13% Manganese Cast SteIel,, by N. M. Aptekarl and S. P. Karp, RUSSIANO PER. Metallu!M. i. Gornorudn. Prom., Vol 11, No 3, MOt pp 57-58. HB 8317 1~4 Z. L. iq p t e A~,9 i~- Jan it V., '-I'Lati art of Fb~,v7rts -:5f 4L.,A) 0311yc.'J- of AA'i,,ztl, t-R! Slt,~d, TLI- L/ SoU-1.daptation of a ~QCujntjon Syste12 ',.,'Jtll ItIju %ifle of M?l Aij-Q-ogmo Co4putar, by 11. Aptar. YT17-MI15, pm-1, Annalas d2 Radioelectricitc. V'ol 22, '10 !-7s 19670 pp 0 v e a r c e i i t r v ) 1, - A,, t a v a 5841.11.417 (N.7474' 'July 69 S57,Kmo CryutaUimtlou of Umtbom lUstomerso by H. P. Apukhtina and A. I. Mwei., et al., 5 p. RLIB=p per., U!aaaeh SoedlwB~j2 q=M Vol Vni, No 61 1965.. pp 1U7-1121. ATS-aSQgR sci-IM Jun 66 304,454 oa the similerity cor Breekaom voitezes vith a o=w mmuoaes i)y ye. G. ApuMtine. =SIM# parp Ity Alt aluk spal am i TTW=t, lb 2. 1,Sor-Agr IWUP 34-130- CEW/C.E. TMW 5191 Sept 69 3)AGG9 ~"bl" of Are-.I= AxaMrstion AscasrAid, by lalah el-OAod, 0 vrp. ARAIBIRO per, A.-Almm au--ht-Asaft 15 -b"r 19,67 0 pp 55.57. j;;P- s 4W~ 50 0 iful 6~ Nati on I s JmLml rl%.asoam by ba'id 'Aqla#, 6 p IN ARABIC, np. 14,00tobar, Jill"s 56140 Sitzlitiart DGacriberl, Aden, 10 Apr 1u 20 PP 3, 4. June ?z J spectrum of Thunder, by V.I. Arabadzhi- RUSSLO, per, Pr1roda, no. 7, 1,"55, pp. -~+-75- NTC 71-12936-07 eltrato and Tbm6nvtm VAp b7 V. I. Arabodibit 1. "'p. MMM, port &kodap 5 -?,)' CFMI AD-u35.*CC" sei 3Y--'t 23) Jul 6T _rJIM4 in -i I'lo Ac, Itic V, I". kraWsl ,,4r, ir 0 S C., e jf ,~.',&rty !.Dr~'r !~ jfi~- of t'ho by Ot' V'. i AF6A&gwU m Avg 70 StUlY ~-,f L - 'A Tellurtle E'riwirit! -m In Pa JL.-,~rf. G1.0 by 1 0. Arl,,*J, !,. pr,nfln' '; 71P. per, G-liou-411I.. Ak-,..~. ll~twk Uzb SSMR. P)1 A is Dec 67 346,206 -mi P014o 7 Dw, 197%, Mill, ion iatio of the Aipjit aiW Linear 'A~-cnsions in !;oze Representatives of Fivsh-4at6or RcuVios, by I, P, Vabiua., S, 1, 6,avriluv, per, Gldrobiolo4icskiy Zhurnal, Vol III# :No 29 11)401, Pp 71-73* *Dapt of Interior Fish and t'lildlito Servicm Rureau of Co=-arcial 'Fi-ihories IY-B - 1, 7 May ( or Inllostlaolvit ?iarl=as ,paont ,qgTimiltunal Davollop b~j t,, pp. ARA I I I C; , n,. i ~Tov 71 A Plot ;A' to ~~ it KMI; U i~uality Requireuents of blotor Oils for Mo&--rn Tractor Diesel Zngiwa, by S. G. Arobtan, G. P. Belyanchikov, at at. j pp. VXSSV~Nq Nr, Trqf2 Vaes Nnuchno-Tekhn Sovesh--h po Prisa&am k Uneral 'Me hashimp 2ndp 13'66, 196i3, pp 266-273. Sci--PrDp L Puals Sep 70 (Lu~- Coact Kulesset Speaker Behalls Yemen, by Arye Arad, 9 HIPTRO np s Buzn~f- neh, pp 12-13. JR-9 5620"1 Harsh Childhood J~j pp. 'T101 I A v i'~ -1, 1 , 3 MuY 72, Ju'-r 1 7 2 ~\r\-Zk '~e of Monshmn iiegin, by Aryah Arad, Parly U 7 ',)P. m b . f ~~m por, Bemshaneh, Tel Aviv; 22 Doc -1, pp 10-11. JPRS 55291 Mar 72 mi to~ village Shaikhe Upado APICUItUPal Progress in Dongolam, by Abu-,Avarat,t 6 ~ pp. ARADICs, ups al-VAM. MrtOuln* 6 Oct 72p jpRs 57498 Nov 72 At-agan iA*. :cc 195 a Q VIC i V~o , rw--~ `r~, # bY ATAI 'M I. Jo 30 MIC-T o1 ab n-,.~)v Las Lettms i-empAppas wAss .at 1"6-, p J 4':;35'1 ca J~,oc 3 Y.U'35 c- I I \.- , ~ ~Q -111, ~ I I Q - ., , N ---C, - %\J , -- Fialdng Induatry Achiavanignts Outlincd, by Etd.lio ILmogones, 11 pp. SPAMH,, np, ~r_ar jPF-9 5616o,, Tza, havam, 10 Apr ll:',72, p 4. June 72 IwId3strial k4"Utwilig V's Awl Umlatr- is P.NMW.. by ftUMI 14144-5VA aw JAV4 Pat, pg* IU4 1;rfact of the Type of~ 0iiY birt and ganic "uilder on Ivetergency, by Nor Arai, "0. AoLi. JAPA,',,L,SF, per, hogyo A'wgaku zassbi, Vol 71, NbAl, NTC 69-10673-11i: July 01" ~Aao w,.rl )"hato ~Ju atarvaq ."tool .Orkal, SlLxltm~o latal A r. ,i:m K. Liasald. part Vol 6, C"ting -coaditiono, 4,04 swoutal Other probleas in the C=tinwm c"ung of swel't by T. Araki jamise" ftt*u-t6-u!ga"s Vol U, go 4v 1970, pp 4-S267* IV13 Sci/mat Fab 71 C-IkE' Salfur ~-Jl tht "ad t arin- -xir. t o ~�,tu i r. r '0 i., 6 D RTC i A 70, 0, o" . "A Armalan &mcode bimot&. W ~A.. Arska3ym. 7 ppo Rmmo port amw ,kik s - ft-mi - . .- -, tm- lklwam prdiia-iftiao IfelvAbiroks N6 59 1972. pp UW- JPRS ROD Doe 72 ~,-,Wonorlc of Mo lo ob 60., "1 -2 j.,,rAmL-jng and imitaritig tho ~)p*Ur_l klAmater- isUcs of ~xtem*l i~wms ol" the Yerevan lUng Llectran A=eleraUan, by A. Arakolyant 6 ppo -par* iAbo_M i 1,05mi, 'No 4, a-'Ov In Daterrdming the Luminosity -'unction and ",tar Density in the I:eiCilborhood of the SuDs by IT li. A. ArakelZran. RUSSIA' I per$ Dok Ak !.-auk =JR4 Fizilds 1,701 179., ',Io 3s Mar 1 Us pp 555-557. Tho Awrican Institute of Physics Vol 13s ~O 3s Sept 1968. M , 4 4 kE L Oct 65 368s373 4(BNL-tr-512) 5STUDY OF THE RADIATION Plt(-)- DUCED BY A MOVING CHARGE IN A PLATE AND INA STACK OF PLATES BY USING KNOWN AND MORE' SIAIPIA-l' FIELDS. sAxakelyap_1 Vu A.~ Garibyan, G. M. 10Translated bv Sm J, Amoretty (Brcc&vcn National Lab., Upton, N. 1'.), from j5lz'v.AJcad. Naulk Arm. SSR, Ser. Fiz.; 4: 339-51(1969). 018p. Dq-~p. NTIS. 26AYS'CS; translation,-.. ,20 20IN-34 23P NSA IRV Study of the Radiation Produced by a Moving Char-e in a Plate and in a Stack of Plates by Using Known and More Simple Fields, by V. A. Arakelyan, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Izv. Akad Nauk Armenian SS-R, No 4, 1969, pp 339-351. AE.C/BNL-Tr-S 12-72 Jan 73 Better we* uilw~ Food Sordes EdmVissag by U* Arskslpn4 7 ppo.' RUSSIM4, ape Terev=v 19 JuI7 19?20 3* Dec 72 Youniscst lklc~z. ;o,. of Vic ftrvatur k.aucasus by Al 4w f fe-at *f Auritonite Grain site and Vorgittq- Reduction on Pe"tte Banding (in Steall by K. Kusaka, and S. Araki, JAPANESE, per, Tatsu-to-Hagane,,'Vol 34, NO 9, 1970, 957-9ty.- Ha 8647 Jan 72 Beliavior of sulfur in the Basic Oxygen Process WUR Bleving, Dead-Saft Steel, by T. Araki, K. Yoshida, JAPMESE, par, Tatsu to Hagant, Vol 51, No 49 196$I, pp fib 6745 J01 66 05040568 vrect ox DDOXIdou on the I-tacwmbiuty of "I Sttal.. by T. AmM and S. Ya=wtos OXAM.- per. MmitNmi Vol 55s NO 3~ 1969. IM 8004 rollMot 7 kR~~ IV 70 ,I -,~A Effect of No.woetallit. -InclUstons and Hicrost- ructure of 0,450 C Constructional Steel Upon its Fatigue ;Oh&v*orl by T. Araki and S. Seki, JAPANESE 'par. Tateu-to-Hnane, Vol 56o No l1t Lecture 189, 1970, RB 8425 Awak, aus W~za a, Low 0A, lt~t j-% Of Y pp Developing Efficient Use of TerO.torlal i,4yslcal aalme-00'0 by V. Avam, 6 ppe RWSIAN, per, SnsLbzhcn:b-O. Moscow, .40 2, 1972. PP 311-34. JEWS ab-IOM4 pa I" ?o I! lk:La I) L E112 LIO I I Of -"u;- Kiaia~bztvmj, ixi 'I'll, r i'_', M IT- ~'.orr ao ~v 4--,Lal icrdo voi 0 i p~~ "J-7 Al ;,oltmiel Arana to 'tiam for cuatem-l-a by ~arlos i.~* taw= LJ, rrte 1969s pp 4-5. C. 10- L f-y) f-Z Ar