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8, fi. 8*6R~,q fi) AWMAOU of laou a hwuOtto "w"'Acas So tU Ar=Mm $SJ6 W 16 A., Bow=* 5 ppa Malmo, Vwo ... 1 44. 10 Y&NMN* HO 39 19no pop f)M 5305 Sept a of Pond 1-isheries Itacet', by %4# PCTO :4 l9n. pp J~i'L b ?2 Ir-he So-v-lctb Unlon's MuGll FisllinG I-Ildast:IJ and Its Rrospoet of De-,relop=n' ) by K. L Babapaj, 1%. V- 1CMtovp 5PP Clulmm, rptt Yu.7ye4 Yqn-ehiu Wei- an-hui Ti-chl i-tz "L,. Ch'uan-t'i Hui-i Ian-well-ebi j, Feb V1,61 pp jm #7o6 Sci - Diol Ned A ju - (3'-( 11 -70 A New Stage in the Culturv of FiSIIOSVSby K. L, DA4YOO I Vol XLII,, Ar) C~, 119b~, PUSSIM, per, Pybnve Khozo j,p 4-7. P'ttilt OC Interior Fish and 'idlellife a"ervict" BCP, 4urcau ot! roreign Iisherics Jul 67 332,9B4 St by jA r",,,0 Ol" 1-1-ld'sp by :,ob,-~Yov, dr, "Toscou" IN con Dullotins fo the All-Union Cewraphic 'Socicty, by As fiabayovo 3 pp. AWSIA3,, pars It VsoLojuxu26v 9 1" - 1966 'boilclicitya 77S C.Yr X98. V.wa, No 5 ~ci-L. 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