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I Developmat of UAR Petml(rinp by Alumd !,Ow-dl Kl- -Badad# 5 vp ABABICo npo -AI--Ah-ran Mal. 65, p 4. JPRS 29621 ~p 23 1 liE-Ekwt Econ ,yr".l kl)r 65 /1026 !'u-e.2~ Ile-asoas Beland ilnapia~? Op, oi, at kVixmiria Nit, by Jax-r-I Da,~,,rvi up.' Jlm!cor., ARADIctn'r, 9=11 ~Ullml~ 22 Fab Mt A p r 2 j), -'0 ~Jbjoctivas of Lortiat i~rjtmjm UutlinW. by i-abil ihftdo rrl. AJIA~ji-'* npo p 3. 70 ,by Nib Vo soomwkwt D. Nil toodrik"o-I IV, Imlat Pro v'sloo N* 68-nl~ 19700 IT P-15-m- 72 U5,1 tie Fund f,,r lkw Ae Bmam avat'. A* Saa!;lew,,, 1.~ t"L cl- An rm* i~~es of tww Tmw~c 'Urea Uscuends bY part, omm, n. pp 1-40 thui 72 Determination of Conditions for Vulcanizing Tires Using a specialized Vulcan Computer, by P. -F-. --Bade-nkQf4 L. M. Kepersha - RUSSIAN, perl Kauch Rezinal Vol 28, No 71 1969, pp 21-26. FTD HT Special 375-70 Sci-Phys Dec 70 ;;~~ in -.~tractk= awl f)., vl= lechvdml Aotloa; Ife. V. =C-Urij per Lbi: Ak, !XW; vrol The Purformance of a d.c. Transmissioil Systes~i teitia Externally Contrulleo Invert- ors, by C. ilader. GEII%~AA!j, per, LT.Z., Vol Pvj A, 1.,)v',-), i~o 11, pr 263-27-6~7- ivLL Pef: 3774.S (1318) S c i 0 c ay 6~1 3iV i , 7 4 I N The Babevior of a ZC TranmAosl= Systen vit4 SeparetWs E=itod InvoAms, by C. Barkw. GMAS per$ M'Z-A, Vol W,, 1W 1968~ 263-265. MM/CIOE. Ti-a-m- -7966D C, 6r Sept 69 3-92, L&52 M,f A) S //. eof dek- mraldng the AEC "MarderA hWhibiml, by Rm H. Bsder. GEM, per, Soldat und Tedmik, Vol 7* 19ati, pp 389-391- *MTC-I]T-23"0861-72 Ilov 71 Tho Strait, of Ilran rond Intentationel Olitles, trj Janal .'arcy Bador, 6' Pla ARABIC, pir, al-~atirm&l 1 jun 3.967, pp, 20-2,1' jpr,s 41815 3V 11 il L I i 74 if i) A2 Af Q1 A New Aspect of the Determination of the Earth's External Gravity Field, by R. Badescu, 1. Dlaconu, 10 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Rev Roumaine Geologie, Geophysiqtk4k et Geographie, Geophysics Series, Vol 15, No 2, 1971, -158. ')P 151 ACIC-7C-1640 GUO Ma? 72 "I' Ila E'l 4-117 i(T I L Of Xor ;:e.avy J~Jaljt) a c 30 6 3 3 3~17, 537 ttP- Co"Ni GYstem, bY W. Badia. 4 pp. FRZiCII, per# C.R. Acad Sci, Vol 264j 19679. pp 1-4. *MBS IT 7.:)-5766! sci-che, c Jul 71 7 DiffUsion in the Fe-Ni Systam, by M. r-talia. FMCH, per, C2fttes Rendus Acad Sci, Vol 2541 1967, ST-r C, pp 1520-153le *CVSTL TT 7,)-Sa2l7 June 7~) 'GlwdU%W1ft ad U*mx%n Uftot 1. 9 f b7 He Bmdk Od 1. npa. FMCH ,PWO WA 4UL.SAUVd 66 Doe 1969; SdAut Jan 71 Contribution to the Study of Iderdifftmion Ehenmvna ii Substitutional AlIc7s - Ueterclifftsion, In Transition Metals of the Iron Group~ by M. Badia. FEE=,, rpt,, Premiere These, Univ 12. ~an 'Tune ic,&~ ~ pp 1-85. *,MU/MS TT 71-55207 Available M Wy M - IR Prcj .~ F1 JU1Y 71 Stu4 of Diffusion in Solid Metals by Nuclear 114gnetic Resonance, by M, Badia. FWMq rpt,, Deuxiem Theaeg univ de uaney. 1%Q im- 1-30. *am/as TT 71-55206 Available M38 Only M - rr 4 " P, July 71 7~i~fuc-'On In the iron-,Iici sal port Acadorlio Scionco VOI 264, 19-7, DID 1,1'*.Z~-~-1531. NOV Evaluation of the Thickness and the Permiseivity Faetor of a Polyethylene Film Subjected to Partial Discharges, by L. Badian. FRENCH, per, AcadeMA9 doe Sclences. Farle.-Compteg Readusp Vol 261, 1965v pp 2181-2184. NTG 72-10533-20C Apr 72 variutt(A of the A4"IT-tion in Cavit"tag Soluticas of Concatiatiun. tv laurico vt al. MACA' ~,Vfo Unotea I~WWUSP *,"tpr. of NayV1 AL of Ultrasonic Emo~q~ as a fm-oicm Vul MAI, I. Ji. C, hu,~ , c , "1l., /,. ', -1 , Z,- ~ ~, - - louth Leader GiVes Ids IWOO-dOnz; C~i Cuba- bY Luis eedinav ? PP. si,ioasli, np. ~a-!Asomf swtift-0. altle, 1 Jan 1972. p 5- 55C419 f,eb ?P- To Use of a Piocess 4tor in a Universal 'Slabbing Kill, by, W Bading, GEPAU, Paper pre";tod at (cooference on Lwto. MAtion in Iron and OteelmakiLft"I) Luxembourg, Dusseldorfp )rpr*# 1970# J.0 ppio BISI 8911 Aug 71 \N I ) C/ , 15 (q dl, 114 klAid JAR 7i The.Use of a Process Computer in a Univa"al Slabbing Hill, by W, Bading and L. Weber, GRRM,, international ConfereAce on Iron and steel, 1�16 %~tmatiG~ In- M;n- ZZ sGe-1 Works b sT-8549 be on, 4t loom eon4va oardws b a ftima iltr vo %ant ot 4. ow" - . I -AM* 14 901, 9 hly IM# No MMO mu a" * ~ ~- Z/j SdA" pa 71 Transparency of the Earth's histribution of Cie Optic