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lVatery Diarrhea, Hypokalemia i~ithout Gistric Hyperchlorhydria by non-beta islet Cell Timor, by M. Goillon, J.c. ilaguet' 10 pp. FRENCII, per, Rev Practicien (Paris), No 19, 1969, 2941-2945 NAVYPZI~tq 160; '~mlay 72 -.,- adefffth I . *" 70 I A\ - ~~vvq Fact.-I-rier, wit., T,'= '.r, Ball'in.%c U, s S' i .'A -V Effleiancy of CapiW au,'i plalmAll, ur 'a c0as"' UctIO-11, bY 11- 7 1-M, S I MY >-- -,, ~ ~ - Strait-el 11:3t-va, 1966~ r-ti- a-,270- DRS Conn I z pe A Z. , c " ", &;:7, At-Oulms t~-' P4 JU 70 GULVA3 Trios to Utemd ItubaSU-11A Cny-o Cl~lti- vattonj try To R* Bab# 5 FEW ., up.. A2~ pp Alla 19670 11") Is 2 3 Aug 1967 P PP It 3 JPM ke-596 Africawjulwa SCI-P,gle Oct 61 j 'all ?I PnI xto~~ an Pd - ob4soma F4 swt 20 C") U!, jurumlm. I - Im Inton-Acw TAt", iar4.' by 'so 3niiaravi 6 ppo -!elm L-'ngjisJj 'I'itic Lhiknown, by D. Miezrc, R. 'I'lichel. FREIN'Qi$ per, Byulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mjnejajo~jeet do CrisTall- ographie, Vol 88, 1965, 267-272. *NASA TT F-10,336 Sci Sept 66 n)l, r~ OLL~-,L solArM F* 71 "9a" Lqm \,\m~ Plb *A Ak~~L,e AE*A%"U f.5~66-u('Ie MW Ap." 71 )471~ Algerian Foreign Trade Diversitied and FIpandeds Vy HaS&n B&bIUIjt 5 PP* AUBICP np,, al-mujahids Algiers, 17 Ott 72, Vp 10-12* .. . . I JPRS 57495 xov 72 W ,e S. k to M' v~ -e C L e-a 1& 72 ltl'rica, by J, 1:!"a"Aer &1)6 pp- 33245 "-Thtm-f,~f rlca cil Pinanic Effects on a Dicitet Digging 1~ Heavy Loilz, by J. Rilu,. GETRO, per Val- 15, 170, '5~ 1965, pp 230-1,13T. Sci - A u C, 67 337- 393 "reil asnalcodUv zaiAm for AU ~4%~or inf-Afte ;.,Iwuusdo tW ~hl Ahm4 4-rin *hro 1.2 w. lo iAmAAftW'' , SA P" . &Oqqbwz rioh- 119710 m ?!iw7,9* j :-i6 Z54 klm A ~~vv, - Waterproofing Hydraulic Structures, by P. Bahr. GiMMAN, par, Die Yasser-Mrtschaf t. Vol 53, No 2, L166, pp 33-11. *%'ISST! W 70-56165 .%-bu A so ~~) GA--,Vw~ jut 70 j oi quAtvu, ~roijlncuk in mvo- insi!,%cm, by JIVANi !assitlul l.; P-Ple rpt, 4-7, 10-15. 1" slarvey of Congo-KIrshav'A %Utuatlonj Iff Pahri., 9 yp * GOVEMME ULT, ONLY FFMH, per.. itu rilaue. NO 349,, '17 Sept .M Af 1967s pp 37-40 42- JP.V GUO 2(06 -11-~ C, ~-j t-(" ro Africa/Conp (Kin&hwa) POI Dec 6? 4612 Forelp Ald to Mmlelap by Sadt* Bahrmn, 10 py i q- PH=.. np., L'Action 5 July 1967j. P. 3. JPFS 42007 sfi,jot Africa-Thmisin Econ Aug 67 333#486 tj .01 17113 -0 p pp hc -Aniclic-,n "~atl-lvmqLi wl. Are 11c rmily Sho.;A M. Tk,.Jbc-,-,~~ x) Gov M.7111ETP UM aliLy CZEM, np, IlosNdaroike ipl,z GOO 'ti3 12-ftec:i E con May A j, 2 A. Parabolic System with SmU Farawters for the Leading DDrivativess by Ro S. Ithvalove RUSSWO perg Dok Ak Nauk SSSRj Vol 174, No 21 1967* ~--P-F5:2T~ Am Math Soo Vol S. No 3, 1967 14ov 68 3?0,443 Acoastmiwtric e&sft i3 1.4-4 &*11'riatsw 3f LlltMM4 17 4,4.b ~14, &,I Ind f*s 'W-7 On the Conformal Mappings of Circular Dwniainsp by B, G, Balbarin, RUSSIU, per# Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol 172p 1 '!a 3, 1967t pp 511-513. Am IMath Soc Vol 8, No it 1967 liov 68 370013 1(,a-CvcI,otran Tostalkiiiity (z Tra; Yu. T. r, t LL Ahe Influence of Gt-,moletic Field on vle Propmgatlou of IPL~' RaAoumma amund the Earui, by 'R, '.3* lladbulatvi wd P. B. Kmanushkino A"IM 11 , 1, " Pero M voi r14, i,,o 1? 1967P 34- IFL/J.0 Cret 67 343#W-? 'D u A1. -,P, 't IA 44 ,iorl- ct,-a~,~~urs zo- I S-4 V 11 "a OL A -ct b". Aahimmvwmto and Prospeetti ar :1,owt,; i.~witiy e and Al., Trmsport., by Ion DAcu., t3 pp. RDIONIAN L,r! I or per., ib-viata J,'An 2967, 1-3- F4on jla- Y Radioclilemical Study of tike Adsorption 03 ,c.Orthophosphate on two Tenary 'Plarate Ulasses. Part 1, by L. I~aier, 1".. herg, 1~cr, Glastachnische 11,erichto, Vol 31), No 3, 130-8. ~NTC 69-11645-11j; Z' cc, sei-lmllat July -61i 32 G: C. 5 7 o ' Y 1~jl\ W\- VaillwiLd lVidgo Constraction ii-Tiploys nonding Toobniquo$ W Falmt Baier. 5 zn'). pal Und GFR IN, port sl'f Sphione. "aot 1~oplln, May 71, ico .,TP-,q 53959 S 7 1 Coriplex AlwAnium. Uronzes: Corrosioti, t!O'sistallco awl Aimlicatinns, Ly J. 'V,iaier. ew" Ing Te c it, Vc, 1 4 1 96,'~4 P: :A ll , por , C I A 3615-37J. M.1. Vol', ',,,))2.4 Production of Flectric Powor, by Jirk Uier, 6-7 12 pp. CZEUj,, par, Enea-utika, No So 19658 pp 252-235. DIA V4 241-66 ,I . - 1) (I ulk- /~)Ic'Lk :L-.- 5cimElact t~ Aulo 6fj 307934.S 3. Baier it model oith phase modiffeation. 13 pp. POSTA SI =COWNICAT11, Vol 15., No 2, 1971, pp 82-67 A IP.IFTD-.;I-r- 223-1693- 7 2 D1,TMUTION L1100, TO COPYRIGIN INFORMATION. TO FTD US, GOVIT AGENCIES ONLY OTHER REQUEST MST BE 0YRIMED mar 73 Emission of P4otons Suring tue ouctrowagnutic &Wihilutiun of deavy panicleso, by V'X. baier, Ve .40 Mose* 12 ppa rdli-SIAN, per, Yadevu. Via Vol 2, 196S, pp MOM* 92UI67 ALC SLAC-tr-50 Z/ Sci/.iucIc'u JtuI 66 L02.487 iluantura LIe'o*&urizatiQA of iilectrms ill a i'wv notic Field, Ly V,N, Baier, Yu, Fe Orlov, P~u;SIAN' xj't' XmtovUa WL)Ul arizatsiZa Elckft tronov v !Ahmitnm Pole Uovosibirsk, MS. b pv 9252741 ALC SLAC-tr-31 :;Ci/Nuclaar sci Jun 66 ;tl- il*l t4t v local sh"r in a umucal Tftgwtla Flom.. by 1. S. BBWVo 14 pp. WMIAN,p rgt$ P. N. Lobed*v Ph"ioal ImUtute USSR AwdW of Scium,, lbsomp 1966v pp 1-16. P gLu46967 AEG Up 14"T-1512 I. S. Baikov 324..407 Oci - Rucicar Sclence 67 Mect of IrCM klik the Phaso Cv)~,Wsitioa, ~tructurc wid Prep,%~rties of ficat-Resistant 1611 TuaOtert Alloys, by T, P. blaikova, et al. tUiSIANO ?ere FUZOVY Sostav, strtjl;tura i Svoistvn. Luirovarillykh '$tatci isplavol, 196~, pp 55M, OHL* It-Z 3- 1002-10 Auf, 67 U*So SCOL-9 to ~~Stablidh CanLqot with C';alag by i-A=UIKI -VZwo pp. OR&4rat Aug p rjo 1%90 jilt.; !A-4;Uba Vol *Ot-.t - )i~ LAP,Cda~ 6 6,-Iaz~ ka sopt 70 krmtlLaums Concorma W11W cam= M**WOXW,k4j !V U. &=M)ap U. GMW, --=: lX=wtQU, Vol 222 U10 2,~ ZZAJ."" 53-Af on the ~ximation ot Intardiffusion, by F. W, illy- 4 pp. FREZ-0-1, per, 0. 1'.. Acad SCL. Vol 2U, D'As, pp *UO Tr 7,')-57,--j46 Ju. 1 T- Intardiffmaion in tlie souil state 3.atmei 11gre zjne'J~- 'CdTa: E~rimental Resutla and laterpreation, by q. F. Bailly. 4 pp! 11V FIM&M, par, COMetea RatUlUa AC"- Seis Vol 262, 1966, pp 635-633. *NM IT 70-Sh45 Sci-chem Jul 7i J. R. Bai I Zy Fractionation of the Humic Acida of So-Ili or. Dectran 31,311. i7m) RosuZta ACADE.'flU DES SCIENCES, PARIS. CQ,*TTE, JUND SERIES V 4-73, 197Z, pp 306-309. C,UMO-Tr-11025 -72-14903-02A I WC Pcb ?3 Citanzas in Green and Yallow P!&.te-.nt ',*ontcnL- o; IoLacco Loaf Ifixich Occur Duirink.T itn ftniod of Laturation, by D. Ehilov. 1.. !Icchanslca. BiLGARIAN, per P4unt Scienca. BalGaria. Vol. D. No. 1965, PP -15-23 c,", T'R i)/ I -'o 7 6 2 1 Sc 67 Ttrm.roture and Ommatration DoMmImm x" tly.. Du--UUty of BUwy Ox.TAr-Ilickel AUTas Ly & I .- Bal&otmp A. A. PMWsakov. IWISSIMp per, VocULU JW. Mm. Sslmli~ Val 23, 1410 31 1967Y AL 9M-4 (66/32) r 6 9 I ecti. tl.c ~7! t4vru3 'I alls( I _7 At 7 3 a4 joil vtilvu of k:iilc u vs, Jun I zv i~ C The "*tbod 0c crvtimm! Plolluk, Col%,Utl'-,~Ic paw, WtTk- '~&-JAtjpr. cl,-~Wcsp ra. mmau, per. :Ezv VUZ che 6 32, if ;T, lal 7336 Arz tLe haluo:au us' kl-il.ot (A y , A in,.-ots wi t4k; Prctiuctivit), c4' luc,- i:i:: 6~ 'Vt AA~,, 1 zv. VUZ Ciwn, *:,.LA "M7 .-,Ci-: 0t 3ou Boults of HAtew Observatlow at TWO WMIMWAP bz I* Vo wrochenko's V. I. Ykieniks, et &I. MMIA per# AWLMA RMSESE Zaital OWfislkk I AS 4~: bMwtolu =--d My-notea, A Uo b$ 1965., pp 26-2b. PlWlUj2,o7 Aral T-ri-636 At=0norq And Aztrpby2 jua 67 (1., 64' er, ci, ..I, "aul, Vol L,I-l i3 I ~ I L Yi,11-1~ the y;ili,.,c Ait(~r Crmmil,.~cii rrf..,L: Fre-,in0s I'lectyon .'',icrvscore ~jttidlics. by A. VOLIA:.. pvr, ;-441 Stac Ital idul tj-c;r, c, 4, lll~v, Econo.'Lic ScLmce in Service to tae Ilatior-al Ecanoi-xi, by S. Balsholf, PPO RUSSIAN, per, llarodno,~a Kaoz~aystv,j Kazal,~I- No 3, 1)66: 17-21- JPRS 303~4 u-qspl Ec In content o 7 C*nQOtX&U* In an ACMAtio Fia]A, by A. A. Unishilakov, RUSSIM, per. Gorn. Shumal, Vol 145, NO 1, USI $649 Jan 71 Tvwty Ye4m of RWa Physics Fewtxchp by S. Bidefts.. 19 ppe um am P-Mmu# pw.. &AM32 smiest". Vol VII.. so 80 Do* 19650 ypf 49M05 JIVES GUO 1164 p , S ~) I -, -S) 'o c WS-Fr=0 scl-Pbys. My 66 309o126 Ap--,;M-u6lm tO ';e~e a'Jetion LLIrfa0en at UJI Lo.%IL 0 ;--,a lie (n5G) "at ui: C: ~:or . ~.'W'!dcs Lutten, Vol 21-1, I',,- P TI ThruuJi Vortex J. ii~dxt~ni5, t.. !:,corflcv, 17 J I "k C/ L-A C- f 12 7 1 7C) 7-aJan t'),iscusz-oa Agrar."ari '~OliOY, b~f lit, P,.-"6 :-4~jo Goopodazz 'j- Fz 0. Jim 7.1 Liy 1: STC-l-2 3-350,01-70 h x c 6 9, .17 S 1 Wwg# apt UMW~~ b 4A4mA---*# a JOIN 19M pp lo 36 70 403#637 QOMqO. (~RjeqLP~JQ APPIWriate PAWty-p XSR Forum Needed in Combine*, by Romm BaJorlaJus 5 pp. FOLISIrt I.T98urA Rabotnioza,, Katowice,, 11 Aug 77. p " ; ~r~ g M JPRS 57435 ITOV 72 E. -Y, ~,c,z lavic~ per, ',3, 33a-336. c. ~~n On 1 c Heat Transformation of Sedimentary Organic Matter, by M. Dajor. FEWE, per, Soaete Nationale des Fetroles dl Aquitaine, Parig, Coatre de Rechereche de Pau. BulletIn vol. 3, no. 1, 1969, P7-D. 113-124o NTC Tl-11009-07C August 71 TY 1,-116216~ NTr- Somo Invostigations into lk-~ Rmoons for Dimennional Yluctuations im tho Damor Z-04riL,, 1r; if. ,:njQrat Uclsu.- Vol -13. No 4, 1965. pi, GMWI, por, Al-La;22h ACI ~1.40 sci - SOP 67 cable uscillatory Rosistanco measurewayAt With tho PolyseWe. by W. Rajorat. 5 1,11). GWIM., per., Die Kunlnforoatlon~, No 14j, Nar 1965,0 PP 31-033~, ACSI 1-9691 10 2204025466 ~j 302,142 SOI-Api F F,~;