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cow sepu%ftft lost of Colw P"to$MPW PApor, Tf xo~ BNM"UV* Rwauq, pwo a" law" I Vol 150 It* 1,~ Ims yp 3--9* NOV InvestiGation of Separatitig Ability of AerUl Films on Colored and SInctrozomil Kateriala, by V. M. Bakhvalav. MISSIAN, per, 2h Nauchnoy -i Prik FotoEr i Kine- matcq,grijfItIv# Vol 14, Po 3p 190p pp 168-173. 41 R btf-24-429-61) CJ june 7v U.c Qctnll .ri aiw-" its L.TA!Ct C;~ t.,!u ~-, 1 -1 -*11 IV - Datarvidning tho Taqwatwm I'lold ~jl a 11111to Cylindriml shong by she 1.4 IlakV3hsvo 7 ppe AzW-bSSKS IMIlLia- S m i :!Ltw~ 1,0 pp 2b--4. Jan 69 370#856 ill 68(3 0' ztariw~ - enourco;s ri um we ftt 70 03inization wf 1~'uthods ill tile presvoce 0 u !I*.ulary Lwor by ~%LISSISIM, per 11 Zhurnai vyChislitclomoy al"zte~-atiki i 'r-hter- at ic I xsuyj FrUki4- Vo 1 1969 M-8,59. )e,,)t of Navy API/Jittl T-240r 70 4070 Poasibilities for Dsvelm ing a flir!rcl Tndustry In Yi~-goslavia Disoussel, by Miodrag, Bal"Ae, 10 pp. SFRBO-CROATIAIT, per, 0310vs:)S*"-.,3 -Invosticiona Banka, n Jr-Ps 56299 Jul 72 ! ~: (UCRL-Tran&--10598) ATTEMPT ATAN OIL- GEOLOGIC ZONATION OF THE USSR. Baldrov, A. A.; Ryabukh1n, G. E. Translated for Urdv. of California Lawrence Livermore Lab., Livermore, from Neftegazov. Gool. Gcofiz.; No. 6, -17- 52(1968). 11p. Dep. NTIS. geology; translations 08G AIN-51 P NSA on n ! Ac z dilo T t I. I i nal 'Ize jim). 4-MPMUon and ilwtdcAl ~maUes of it-In I . lAy(irs of ;~ww lodawdwtor ~:AVomav by 0. 3. zwdy,* V. z4. ~.bqvchmkot 6 pp. vol 200* Y4 40,19711 pp ?2-744 JON i rk t,,. Marmacotl=r,a,j,,vutlo Durvey) AVI., b7 J. G. Bakker.. 39 mn- MC4 parp ILAorlazd3 Tildualwirt v.~-ol~ com,ewmado "i"d CDC., rb 15., Jun 67 3i~i~;i62 Dutch Co=mist 'Reviews Anti-Co=mnlst Book,, by H. Bakker.. 3 pp o WMII., per, Politiek. en CUI-ttmr 110- 5,, May 1967,, ppe 200-2069 JPRS 41760 WE-Notherlands Pol Avg 67 333.,1811- Value of Statistics at Industrial Enterprises under the Pew Conditions of PL-amina, and Econmic Xneentive, by G. Baklanmr, 9 pp. RMSIM', per., yZropz.2~klonord~ki NO. 5; 1,!ay 1967,9 pp$ n6-JO. JPPS 42233 7 UMB Econ Aug 67 333j.51'3 by ~riM4 lAklmov, 12 pp, per, hit it -OtIcow* ~40 72 xnduat37 Notodo Amami PW* 100 IM10 pp AW.9 jlmllu~f JFRS 57ft D" 72 votoctlon of 4 61 T) 7~6 U. no a "0l J Electric Machinen With Linear Motion, by 11ja J, Baklev, Angel M. AbSelov, 12 rp. GUMMMT USE OM BUIGARM, per, Elektro Prmnishlenost i PriborostrMnc,_ ASI/FSTC/M-23-1095-71 T r7 an ,~V C.-I: 17 vi Price Rofor". Wnd For(agn Tr-)rlq, by Bakonr-, I)p. ;MRINII, tier, PIN 165-163'. 0 un 1-967, JPFS co n Atr.,, 67 cr.,.v Alo" Jay % lisko- "J, 'S' "o y pOlpt A A Jul 42 z; i: ~-, - I t', -~ -M LEML 36 7- fj 7 Thas Wvelopment of the I-.IItrn Autocode, by T, 6 WMARIAN) liar, ft-INS es Autumitika, Vol 16, .40 22 146% pp 57-55# Sep 70 ici Ut~ -Jcl ii! 4(AEC-ti-7324) 5PROBE METHOD FOR RECORDING IONS PRODUCED BY LASER RADI.ATION IN AFTERGLOW DIS- CHARGE PLASMA. 61~akov I - 1, A. ,_,, Kantor, I.; Kin t(Alcademlya Nauk,SSSR, Moscow. Institut Fiziki), doTrauslation of report aNP-18765. 08p. ADep. NTIS. 2011YS'" (plasma); translations V201 ,,'-TD-34 ~,P NSA REVISED CARD *1-*Uq&ddft PftjeCt ~ DisMasedl, by rbmbim ma&.i sakro ARM(% NIAMMM# k6rto=j, 12 may 72v P 17 19 may 1128 P-3p mis 56389 Jul 72 -1. Oct 72 x-, , ~ ~ Z -, 77 7 77,, 7c, ~ ~-, z ~ 2 ~7, ~b, - R) a M~~ Fas"r *ww UNOU huve Of rAttl*44ttaft Fn3"tt IW R*mmd No%aUDaliz Da Bmkre 3pp" AUMCO nief 1 3 Jay 19M p 5# iffis 57076 Oct 72 'XI'. .1 I", IOLL: la -V. 73 I171 , k.~- ggw-1zb-j;ze-, ~At ?o "~~ , &XN-q, -,=Oat's "*.N- . a -- tNaumtlmof I troellealcal .. -atorials ,~Wedj. by 1,,. !~*kdywav 6 -pp. RZE-61k,"m p*rs awr~.OAQWVA~alao, -Ibazw, ?.;'o 8". 19AW pp 85-0?,, -%31?. Wt 73. qlas so 72 A" JANA### PP* wt so& 7 rw 19700P 9i ism -na per, illi" tr 25 ov-100 ,'Itil ti-16120"l-v by 1.0yov, Yt. I. loc 3 f ~ 326 atnlv! On A. let, ro 1 anA 7JIV - zu~~-~tN RAdioactivity of Waters. InWDAhsastern imet, of Atlantic Ooftne by 1. P. Baksheyevas A. D. Zemlysuoys 13 PP, RtESIM.4 pper, Okemn , MOSCM* NOV."Dee 19?1, 140 6, JUS 55?43 Apr 72 T~ `4 MA M I Z, T-linctio.-i-so I~y A. iz~idi.stvs. "le"l, Al: ~'ZllfE V-1 1S7 V. 171, ,~zmthsUc !WustrlAa FAsrznds Ir-m-rWt 7.aot*r -"Xl-twt Wolityll by V. N I Ah4l 7 Pv* pars, OY 72 I + Industriul utp. of mxvmis bzMasir"."s by V. a. radly 3 pp, ~*~~itelv go 10t 1967p awl-4p part pp 29-31- im 4vT3 u rz. R Eccm i= 63 31)78ir.~kq Frapato of tkw Dmlopmt of FIV4100.1m Gnu I~w 4c systlwue mama LwtrawAs., by To Lis Dalmll AW So to obawm* 6 pp. Awl"i wo PM, No* 2 ifits VIM USSR ?9= &Tt 67 j3iis 973 Cow" the IwFxw Od: ~4,pw-, $ ~~Y Q. A. &*A$OvCffl*# L & 1Q. um -map 4vto To ALUVAOU Salome axwXch Uff Ututd Ilay 0 vowlaw vuwaw *WWWOOM aid or An Experimintal AuL~y of tbc~ Uperation of an Reflex ilystrmi Oporatina in the Uirr;~~--L~antinetor 7 L~l i)and in Vie Increased ~aucr ;.'odo, by ak A . L . uacv, 6 ppq RWSIXi, per, ;'ic~Ot -V0 ~ra'.L - Tekhnild i Teklmiki ~>-vGh '.01 ~.-i D5, -67- a~v , " 0 .1 ~s Aviation inst-it-atc., ifnad 6ergo Cird-shonikidze), I~p 25-2,). JiI6 6 eDt iAulrarwots for Uompozmt StabMty of Cohomt-FUse Radwsp by k, A, tak-ulev, 15 PP, RL6SWil, bkq Tearlya i -%.L)-JuAka Radialakat2g 1966v pp M-13-31. jeas 47t6go Soi-Uect &. Llect mggr 378034-11 Apt, 69 %, --p (9- Analysis of the BMcleucy of Systems for Selecting I%vin Tanots When Uemg Interporioa Compensatim Lwices,, by fl. A. hakulovq 5 ppf, RUISSIA1.1,0 bkj~ It9EW i IMI-R o1okdaii. ROSCOW, 19?1* pp 0 jfr~s 36143 June 72 -~~ a - eakIl4ZI-I Joint Frobability DistrIbdion Denalty of the Amplitwle Ufference and PMae Ufferenco of the $vm of the Sigral wW Correlated Nolse in Interw. pGriod Substraction Circuits, by P. A. &,~kdev,, E. B. Twdn, 13 pp. RUSSIANq bko ZB-O-rlmki Ledpi4 Rudolokateli, V 1971 -pp IWIM. JF,~S 36143 June ?2 ~~ (9 - V-i~~ ProbabUlty DistribuUm Demdty of the Plase Differmce of the Sm of Mpd W CormlAted Eoise. by P. A. Akkulev. 8 PP- RUSSIAiij, bko - -- I . 4Lka Radiolo sli. - MOSCOW. 19?10 pp jpRs 56143 June 72 -~O a - beak U& ivdbablUty Distributim Dumity of the AmpUtude Differmce of the Sum of tho Target Siffal sM ComAaW Noisev by P. A. aikulm, 7 pp. - W i T*-JZik&-,r%dJ-dlpkltsU , RUSSIANIr bko Teorl k-Osew, 1971. pp 1-5-6;1-62-. JM 56143 JMG 72 l'achanization o-~ opentims at pores-t-chemical pp. NWSUNO per# CjLdrOliMga I L3~ us-~~O!Tv~-,, 1;,oscuwp No 20 Feb 1972v It!) 27- 28. J'PS 56o25 lzy 72 Study of Phae and Diffusion -Pasistance During, Condensation of AlkaAl Metals.. by R. V. Ealculin., N. He Ivanovskiy., V. Po Sorokin, V, I. Subbatin, B. A-Chulkov, 7 PP- WWI) perp Atmm EneM&a 100 May i967s pp. 413.415- r 5p JPRS 42013 USSR Sci-Phys Sept 6,7 339,o46 14-1 Tilt EcOlOgic COWlwx Of the Bacterial Flon of tha Nasopharynx of Diphtheria Patients and Carries$ and Lysogenlicty of C, Diphtherias, by E. V. Bakulina, 20 9. RUSSWO per, Zhurnal ~dkrobiologii* ElAdemulegii 111mmoloffus V-01 XETI, ro-r. L965, PP 130-13S, ma TT 66-60397 GA (U LI- Jou 66 K'Sp689 Metbod of DetermLnina tb-- VelockLY, PaL-Atim of 1-1-C Effective Flm of a Byperomic Vied 'Amel: by L. V. fiavMv, B. 1. Was. 6 Dp. M=ul rpt.. lzmtisa AN W)SIT.- Elbirz!=Xe 01,dalm Sqr5LA TCftlchea j, RD 3, 1969) Tv 10 %,jr4 71 aw WOOS te Am a AA ow ft ftodles jot, VL - ------- a*vlk. T goo NASA IT-M. SO ~e. S. 4 alo-121") MY 71 Dust-ItWuced Turbulence of t1lia in a Hypersonic Nazzle, by B. 1. Aakilm. 7 pp. CUSSI-AN, per, Lzv SibirsL Otd Ai~ad Nau'k, Takhn Nauk, Vol 3, No 2, tq) 32-35. NA3A 'IT f-12,743 /Q eL 4- L IM ~Sc,--Phys June 7-,; 0-ptinum octectian of a Quantum lli,4nal, 121 11. A. Iiiihir), S. S. Six-hurav. L "rISSAA71, 'er, Prol;lun-y Peredachi .11, .1 p !1~~, Vul 4, F-l'u-S-206 Jar 61. 3 7 3 , 2 2~ 2 kaprov~x) 7ac-ft-ploi7y tani pm" 4911, COn Jun ~'ayo U) "i.aivin thf-I 1'en). Low.1 of i:onrtro~Aio., Under tho 06 4,matrwtion Nwds Autaution In '.sr=go7wnt# 13Y Ps f's 4",k=# 9 PP, RUSSIANO Wo ~Z"tens strolteligm-IMMIIS& ~Ioscm# Jon 1969, pp ~-7. JF& 47o547 p ~ c- , 6 i) ~~, 0 1) ~ /4 U~16R ll-iT-l =17 C~lculstlcu of Ingot tielaht" by So P 0 , - ~ ~ ~, MOW arA BO B& CUIYNVG TISSLAN., pers, Isys VUZ Cherns Pets,, 1967.,j, Bl--l ~vm ~!~ L -, -J~ 1 f ~ I., sei-yat MW 67 _-44p Olh. .~,ron~ ~',-rar"%didtas for Lwvalop~nait oi kstmr itwuaUana by V1. i'll"boA, Dar* 54!A2 of k~wicjntrattwi kroXilv ca 3 Lks ~UL h-'av i(VIOV j,' I.S -79 a. v- ;L ko v e v o-, J6 o- ,all flaLglarintim A3,-owlthm Dor Umar Squatiom wM UAa~ Avrstm, by A. D. PAM Hiscoliffils Der.. D* Ak lkft* FM. Val 183p 'Alo It lop ML n-140 me Am lZth soc Vol 9P r10 6: 2968 ,/S- asumm vw amton or mmtauic 'I" ow the ?3W0 wbm the ftv~wea z"Imo IV TV Of 14trusboviolh 10A, mkatop 5 W# qw=6 PWI, &law. lb I 'HV jwutro~.~~"o~-mtrio Motor- c-f V- 4,onteat t-., iaarl ras to# -1,;cy i'll per, Wt, o of ilshvic-.- -Tanch w' 1511--1 iov St.B-AL'AP and others. Technological preparations for pI rolling. Freiberger ForshHft B 87:57-87 (1963) (CRL/T. 3927) ru j,". Olzu'L 40r "I'l 7308 1, iA u oct 69 itot-rull-2c, 35, i.--(j 9, 1963, 395 12911 BALABI, N. F. and others. Application of mathematical i-nodelling for investigating sodium aluminate crystallizatic 0 process. Izv. vyssh. ucheb. Zaved. Tsvetn.Metall. 11(5):140-5 (196 (GB 160)