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Thermal Insulation and Confinement of a Plasma in the I'Sirus" Stellarator, by 11. Ya Burchenko, 11 pp. R.USSIAN, rpt, Order of Lenin Ukr SSR Acad of Sci Order of LcnirrPhy-Tech ns; KhFTI 69147, 19697 AEC/1,11ATT-Tr-94-71 Apr 71 Vy CL j Alfred Bircliett IntervieuG lQuned U..) Piloto In II)ALI vialol"nu-"p by 'Villi'ma Wrci.,ollt. qo 'TL - %A-IMN, per, OroM!,-Vijn~:, 2-3 3; 112 Qc "I 1~ui. 31-4 Alfr.--d Bl.ircLletta 'i4ites on South Vietnai.; for *8ga 5tar, by Alfred Darchattep J PI), i 23 Oct 1.~Am) W SSIAN, np, Kmsg~a Vvazda and 26 Jet 1~~by P- 3- JVRS 3 '- 07 it FE-Victnam PA Dtv- U, 3-14,SI3 Exchatt Intervicus Douncea U. S. Pilots in x-th lllietmri, by ~11--.Crei D ire iett, 11 pl). I Max -,)rm ng-ViLaj,j, 1) and 2-1) k)et, YW4 c-It F-2-vietmou YUkIUM-11, r4pt I'lp% 17 PP 452X~ Veterlmw Modicift and Blologiml warfmo by A. Burckbordt. 13 Pv- ammo wo Vbmtobefte far VaUwlmrwdftia, Vol 22j, Ho 3; M.9 pp =T ovt Of Ilavy = 9916 a. &-,vckho,~,d-t Sol-B.1114 sov 69 395s753 boStla (D-A) QW-ca Stultos m tll,-- TIVOtmaut a C,,--o=V ArtwT Diso=4, IW 3). strudos D. Dirobwat* MANi xr* Vol 1b 20.- V, 5# Electrical Shielling of camed Circuit for Solanoid by P. Yi4 Burcheakop Ye., D, Valkovo 77 POSIAN, peir, Fisiko-Tekhnitheskk AnStlt& KharOko AN USSIR 19660 6 pp, MPT-B Irr sci-Hlact kulclectrical Jun 67 Recent Bethods of Fish Detection$ Localization and Identificatiou, by J, ourcsynski,, POLISH, per* Budowaictwo Okratowe,, Vol XI, No 7-8,, 196(),, pp IS7.33r. *Dept of Interior Fish and 4ildlife Sarvice buroau of Com mial Fisheries Jun 67 Obseam of CoMmvnts ol" tho Riopphoti=rcraca '~,Ystom i. u - a f tant or IlRacherlobla i."o2i 1?,.12 th a .!amgod Carbdkydrato 'I t=jport '~~yston., perp t-01-alt TIOI (~bskva)o "ol. 2,0 C, 68 368j,472 The Averaging Principle and 13furcatien wf' Nearly Peri6dic solutions, by V. S. Eurd. RUISSM, per, DoL Ak Naul. S)ISSR, Vol N7, No 6. 1969, rp 1219*1221* The hi V.1th b0c Vol 101 :""o 40 July-.Aug 1969 On the Stability of Almost Periodic Branching Solutions of Certain Systems Of Differential Equationso by V. S. Birdl T. Sabirov. Russia, per, DDk Ak Nauk smo vol 176, No 5,, 1967, pp 991-993. Am Math Soc Vol 8t No 5, 1967 V ~ G, 6 (-, z d Nov 6B 3549306 Chall-L,eS ill the IN'OlatiVC SIZO Of the Jaw Appratus in to AtC, by V. D. Purdth. rer, Volirosy j1,htiolc,,--JXg Vol 6. ~4-w 6(53), Pvi,t of Interior 11 iltArcau of Comercial Fisheries office of Forcit,.,n Fisherits A-34-Vec 1969-i,o 9 ?,'a r 7 0 4 0 474 !.i F. 1. Burdakov Improvement of a System for Ueasurement of Radio Echoes of Meteorologica Radio, by F.I. Burdakov, 9 PP. RUSSIAN, per. GIBY lara Geofizcheskaya Observat- ory Trudy, No 2, 1967, pp 105-111. ACSI-K-2335 FSTC-HT-23-1720-72 Uay 72 PhyaLcal Problems of Space Thrudt Power Onginearing, by V. P, Buedskova, Yu. Lt DauLlov. 489 pp. 1~)(-) MSSIMs bk, Fizich"kiYO, PrObIeMY 9080ibbeski3y RagwoZ Rnergetiki , 1969, pp 1-400. t,IR/FTD/MT-24-420-69 v 'j. 4 tt ad&A~O t/ sci-prop JUI 70 Tho Accuracy of Wtmining. the Altitudo of a Padio Scmd 6y the Use of Rmi,,a-VI"ing Attathfvent to e "Malachit(P Radio Themlolite at Cie harolo,oical Statices of the iiydrmvteorolop_icaj ,~`erzice o~ the UzbeL SSk. by S. A. burdarina, I[k pj~. RUSSIAN, per* TrWY Tashkentsko-SmAteaziatskly 'Wouchm-Isslodoystallskay M.Rrzttqrr~,IC~Ilvs iY Instittal, MT 1:7 15 70 Fimt PreaUIMt or the AaiftV ef lkdlqa I) I scifoom UMP, U. H. !Lu~TtA"x by A. 0. 14-iLq9*Lu# . 9 rpo awm.. VCVf 007-ow ?b 4~ ~LA; va'. 95)- * vpfB 30302 U M-H Sal-ase JIM 6.5 231".T~j Influence of Nitrogen on the Lowering of the A Point iii flie Systevt by A. Wrdc-,e, et .I., 171ALIANI, por. Ital., Vol 5191, ijec 1.967, 91 7 4S !4ar 70 404,191 Claude A. Burdet Keplerian Mavemmat and Harmmic Oscillators. FFMMj per., Journal fudle reine und mMpvand+e Mathematik Vol 23U, 19690 pp, 71-64. NASA TT F I ~4n Oct 72 I !ood of Tworrow, by H. G. Duccau FIVIXE, per, lWeetries Alim-oatnim;, Ho rob, 1967, I~p V75. liT IIIACSI 10 '-2,C4,335767 Bpoft= for Qaculatim of SUmbaul Factore MA 2*lr Dwivativo In the Caw of AnbotMlo UMMI Vlblatl=o by V. 1, DR41M. WMM# pwp D* Ak Be& M., Vol IMp so 6, Oct), X968,, vp IM - Mie Am Imt of FAWs Vol 13s N* 10# AprU.. Xc)(9. K' (I f-by 69 382o838 ~3-- Flqrant Sliort4oalngro In UthuwAa FioudN Con- strimden, by Yvo Bmdrisp & Vasardam-as 6 pp, RUSSULN, np, Sovet Vil 1 18 ADr nywo 1972# p 2, iFr,s 36050 MY 72 4;toam POUW Plant Des~ Wonds in ftwiss by C,, Wr&wsa, ? ppo j-u.-W..jjAjjv wp* k~23~ Fk4zmstg Feb 196gg pp 7042. jr-as 48no Soi4wrGy Cm (Noa-h-op) 4ul 69 384o9?2 study of the arwoutle Me=* Vima by 0. auduces,, ot als ff*MMj, per., Stud RLrCat 1 crotdol, ..- RaeaL Vol xvl~ So 5$ 196% 403AOT. mu BE 4uu 67 329071 Stuaies of the Valence-Band Structure of Imliun, Arsenide, by Yus M. BurJukov Rnd U. Zhumakulov RUSSIAN, per, Dolt Ak Hatat SSSR, Vol ]:Tay 110 5; Feb 1963., PP 1043-1046- Me Am Inst Phys. Vol 13, No 2, August 1965 1 , , M,, qC4k(IUi6v Sci-physics 0 oct 631 ~66,,o,31 r-1) 1, k P , B LL Ok- ~ 4't C, Application of I~ybrid Cmqmters in Scientific end Engineering CalcUationsq by B. Burdychj 19 pp. CZECHS, per, Autmatizace, Vol 12, No 32, 1969s Pp 330-335. AIR/ETD/HC-23-819-71 Jan 72 Clinical Use of Transftnions of Erythrocytes 56 Presoned by SWer-Rapid Freatingo by F. A. Burdyga. RUSSIAN., per,, Probl. Gemtols Vol Xt 19650 Vp 36-430 Hall NIH No 3-33-0 7 sci - B/bi May 66 301,339 Midaa vot Of TMA12MIMB 40C grol=qtOG Pnosved by aVwakldd ftutn& by F. A. vv. ProbloV, glgtol w# M ftWILTOm p VbL 10, ro 10, l9b5s IV X-43. TT-6"W F. A. aardyi;a Oo283 Sol - B10209twi wd r-O&UMI wimm A"%. P? Some Characteristics on Gelatin., by Go I* Undzenas of the Effects of Heat Burdygina and A. I, IUSSIM, per, DDk P& Mawk SSSR, Vol 178, No 6) Feb 1968., pp 1360-1363- CB 6 - ~f B 14 '0' CA '-I I I K) A Sci-CheAstry oct 6-3 366)063 I, wom 4~*41vf 4moles its Moon of EAtio Tuo*ftts"l C"taua" ArA 't-woults TOOU* V A* SOItYADUS :~* 4alles or llratmz~ Vcrdols t,.oUm, by 4"s -godainoi,44. 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Yuo 1, 4hazovs tie 134 burciiinas UMW,~.q pq's V"rosy Ai-X-FOL, 19704-il, 119 Lj 70 SelncUai of bie '~ptiiarn r-tdi ~lirkbar for the Fla.,7 of a Jawnifona llbe"~-r~siwi Phzra in m. .-ADD-Cellerator Dxt# by D. N.. liure-rikov,, A, Ye. 'Llbrozov,, et aL 10 IN). -CLE Ull CGLY. MR L' JUE. RNAL W-1 "IrM iT i JR OMZL TiE 01' adllca~ ClU, NOT TkDR Mi- 1;-XM;lLlTY W DOOY,UUMal G-11145LI14 M;SIZU,, ncno,, li~~idm Ilp posurn pro m4u Elgrtraarkarqii s Parmshcti'yu 7-Ml Cena-ratcrov Scilzbui% a. kk5i.-R. 1966,, j. ilmtri Vol 12, pp 1-12o PaR/P.PDAI-IL-23-100-69 sci/i~lysics LCI~ Lbc 69 398,379 On OmpAtlcm of Abolubdy Contimms ftwtim NA cospoiticm of FuWUono of Bo=dtd Variatlcm., by V. 1. BurenlwVo RMSImp pw. Dok. Ak. Nm* 8=,. Vol 1899 No 2p 19690 pp ~34-27.- AMS voi lo, No 6p 1969 MOW TO ,~ , ~, Lovosioc ificials Liscuso I~artlllzor by -,'arcil Bures, 9 ppe (:Z!~.i;, per, Zomedelske ll'~qviny, raCuo, V. .9 p 2. 41)31--) Lea 6n 3,117,556 fteetrifte4tim or GoeilLuma, t'g~'Atwe :U2 comhoulovakiap by Josef pa"O 0 pp. awaamm an MY CMU, per,# Lmmedelvvyl Vol 17m So 10, Oct 1967p PP 309-3U- J,P.rls CUD 2641 Ikon jan 65 AIP369 Cmatruction Inftstry Jobs and Oages Dismssodg tv Stwd$Uv Bmse 9 ph-)* MR& T = WLY cz6cjlf per$ S'latistikao Fragw,, kab 196c). pp JP,Lis GUO - 3D83