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Cultural Waft Rm StmoSU Donloped durlqg Past TWO Years tio horican war or Wetructlam-P by TM8 Nooms a. we v I AM-To- No 79 MY 1010 VP 5"3 ~ip, Me hew MR-Nom soe Oct 67 ArUclo ~ibows .".ow a 'Aim i-snde by Trcne. Ibis 5 ppe npo jAudtdo j- rz 49276 oc hative IAca Good In iande 6 .0t 1>691 p 2. A 1tview of the D30k Me vic At . 't lion a , - 'Altav-~s 5 PP* A!.~ by 2S4 6 t v- .0 iiv- I f Act". IMP 1- 3, ;gm DOI mm JPVS M3 Fril-vietmr, POI J-m 65 W-1 0 5~jj A Review of the Book Me Victory At Dian- Bi by Tr=g Th kj pp. VZMMGM., ii~ij 2ES Doi Nhan DEm 6 ft 1965) P - 3 s MRS 30513 FE-Vietnam poi Jun 05 2Bl.. 597 ANN litso. ft*aws 04" AWA In ft&b* U. mma, 368-Tr4- TD-IM134 IT. Tronnier At= tf"il 148tribudon of TiallU Aram LWIM tho Oold RolUng *f idde ftAp, bsr A. T"ost and ~* Alkamug* QkRIA*, part Anh, AgIghs ~,*l 48, Jan 1967v pp 31-40. mi %a CL- - -) IL-~J ,Nov 67 3450M A&osion of I'laraffin on Surfa0as of %farious Trposr and Application to the Prevention of Paraffin Doposition in oil Production, by V, ?. 7~onov Imssirls pop Al, llauk S3311-1 011M Toch", V0.1 16P7TO-7-10EYW9j,- iv MA-1143. P P- Nov 70 e Calculation of Rolling rorce anti Torqu During Strip Rolling at fligh Speed, by A. Troest. GERMAN, per, Arch Fisenh, Vol 38, liar 1967, BISI 6017 fA I(Oqo - 7 ft Oj ~-O sci-mat Mar 69 376,21~)O t*tqr%bw1Am of WIN Tomw b 2011int Strips, T&LIAS PAUoplatt"ims lato """to by !P4 *9 ftilamg Ae Inset, GEWANO paro Stahl Runs Wei No ftf* 100 po"s, pp x1i'MT., 8151 48" Jul 66 39604S7 sb4,aulm aamlbam a: RAI umkamtinc~ Foras and T*npa In steel StriP lbl"IX4 am., perip stow Moon Vol ~k ~a 1/"x A. Troost MAIO 43d Maim LITAl"Ortrul Effoct of VwWing the Work Roll or Back-up Roll Balancing Force on the Distribution of Strip Tension ftar the Width On Cold Rolling 14do Strip, by A. Tramtv~ H. Wilkening. GEMN, per, ArrA, E*;et*s, Vol $70 Doe 19660, pp 935-946, OISI 5442 C'5 sci/materials Jun 67 327s740 Conditions fbr Acbdesion to Soviet lHigher Edautional Inctitutions in 1967. by V* Is Tropin, 8 pp* RUSSW, per, yarogZ i Oly2k# No MAy 196-7,-, pp. L&5z. JFRs 42432 USSR Soo Sept 6? 377,964 I 'i') Tmetbing Young Xona Offiam to Lwe gAir , -~ -, chom Praftmdmi, 1w V- Tropup 5 pp- MOMp app, MMgW Zwomda 11 Doe 1965j. p. 2. am 1140W p USSR Nil ftb 66 Zbo%l 7'7 TROPLEVt P. au NETWORK CHART MUDELING AS APPLIED IC- REPAIR 0 F AUTOMATIVE VEHICLES VUENNA TEKHNIKA, NO. 6, 1972, PP. 8-10 FSTC-liT-23- 1116-73 Tito Efiect of a Magnetic Field an the Stupationpoint Flow Past a Olunt OWY in the Presence of Ablation of au Electrically CoAdacting Shields by E, A, Tropp* LWSIAN, pors, Zhur Priki HeMi i Tekh Fitt No So lwb~vrp 17-25. Mb-IIT-67-455 VC-0 Sci Phys ~Ur 67 -ptia, ci: 1-auio Wreacall I'lztallatic'nA atk~ t:x~ ~Z'~="Urei it, bi 1). 17 7j, 1:-KjGt ,C---C44 2-( a r ftwumL awwuan Vith "Ircult. L~ iWO"M I'M 245 ood 4W W~ 14 a. Traqw. mmas Dwo 4mevAg., Wv um-u~. 41 5153 -kin t:o -rar-Airinat c-!- i~aAt- i4ifect 0-11 Cyclic PI"tic strairks Ou tal raglijuv Lit .4"age"Ous 624 InhaDoganavus Ans of $%ressg by C. 5. Pisareakol, V, T. "I'tashchanko* et *I& IS pp. kW. 1A.1j, pare PrWa&.Gy va 4kbulkal Val It NO 1* 190-0- pp W-611 rlo"M? M TY C45-1574 I /,I lid I 44319atorials Mar 0 Investigation of the Strength and Plasticity of Refractory Alloys Dning programmed Variations of Temporature and Load, by V.T. Troshchenko, V,A. Strizhalo. 19 pp RUSSIAN. per Ni MrSSR9 Institut Problem Prochnosti. esoyuznoye: Nauchno-Tokhnicheskoye soveshMn ye, 5th Kiev, Dee 1967, Termoprochnost'l-laterialov i KonstrulrtivnykJi Elementoy, No 5, 1969, pp 137741 XIR/F'M7FF- 24-251-70 I C-1 currents of ,uastitmj)ed Particles n1W Tigicir Inte7action witia Vie (,oor-,arnetic ",')y V. U. Pletnev, 0. A. Troshiclivv. per, Kosalcheclol-Itye vC.1 5 IN, a y 532 . 044 soze Characteristics of FAtabolism and Coaditiwwd Reflex activity of JO AuLaals Wring Prolongad Stay in a HeUum-oxygen Medium, by G. V, Trwhikhin. R16SIA,4,, par,, U&I Akad Nauk MRP Vol CLXIX# No 68, 1966" pp 14M-1482. NASA TT F-10j,617 Har 67 zqmtim glor the IUT*Alvo Poteutlal of an ?~ Atam idM OscLIUAWT Conwtiwo bj 0. V. TLvsbln. mmm, per, izv VU Fulb, ljo 5. 1968v pp 36-41. *MSA TT F-12*736 V - 1~1-~ , t) Pull~l , Sol-ptp DSC 69 offaulAtion cormation fbr Density or Exectrom of an Atm,# by 0. V. Troobin. 10 pp. WSW, per, In vm vu) no 4,1 1969j, pp 9o-.96. am Tr F-12s,409 6~-- -~/. 84-pbp Nov 69 395tW CalculatIm of t1w ZouW of aa Atom vlth a camum Do to owulaum In the ame Pend ftW o by 0. V. ftvoMn. 6 y9. MWIM# per., Uv VW PUp so 4p 1969# pp 56-". =A Tf F-329 W ,1~, V, 11Le~ Sol-mve nov 0 395,W7 vi tic -zrf~,,'j li.w-i ~,nf~ 14 0. B. Troshkina The 8tudy of certain therwdynamio vaZua8 duriwj spectraZ identification of Lantiummis Yttriwn, and cerium. 9 pp. RUSSIAN,O Spektro8kopiya atomov i moZekul, 1969, pp 27-22 AIPIPTD-1-17-24-182,92-71 sept 72 Dolmdary Value Problem for a Ayatem of Equatio" for a Barotropic Atwsphere, by L. V. Tromikov. RUSSIA, per, Dok Al Nauk SSSR, Vol 17D. No 6 0 19680 pp. 1322-1325. AGI 4 1 L/ rl-c -, "I j, k IV Jan 69 373-323 11 i / Mechanims of Varlous "a of Dwage Affecting Gear'Wheelo., by A. Tross. GMM,, rpt,, Sebider Teabulk und Tribologie ft-Juas 1969., pp in-Im. BISI 10M Oct 72 /1-36 ladustrial MAStwe measarmnat with Neutmiss Isy A~. Trost GGERMAH,, per, Uitschrift fur Instrumatenkunde,'_ Vol 73* 19OSS No 12j, -Op 379-;&% Ha No 7180 //o 10A~ 1 5ci - WUc Sci July 67 332s827 A-...&WOO AWA iM Q a ftdo" movemm", J40U moms ftebo Ikk 0;6w-c~ malma awdr4pe %w 46 14 16 16 *60tift J6 IF J58314 3AD% 10 b Trostin ~ e . a . --m- 0 's ~- ~ Ft t~ S )V- q ~ 09 CopolpWs of ftynas with n-MILW1-Boazene =d their Imdtons by S. B. Trostysiskaya. HDSSMP B=O,, J&ntes I I limb 1l gd I%ehWL mderialsto 1966s pp 17-22. NTC 71-16834-07C Mar 72 e-. 0. Tqc>st~limSkOYO DurabMby bwowe ju arqUto-RoWwwd Yarn~ by ye. B. Trwtyanakwas 7 pp. Rmrm, rpt. ARM/F=/Hr-23-717-71 Aug 72 () I-~ (~- 4(SC-T-722489) SAPPLICATION OF COATINGS MADE FROM POLY (TETRAFLUOROETHYLENE) IWITH PRELIMINARY rLECTRIFICATION AND POLARIZATION OFTHE POLYNIFR IN A HIGH-VOLTAGL ELECTRIC FIELD, Gol'dberg, M. M.; Chernikov, A. A.; Berezovskii, V. V. 10Trans-' lated by Patricia Newman (Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N. Mex.), from 15Lakoki-asoch..Nlater. Mi Primon.; 5: 47-9(1971), 2~14)1 24Dep. NTIS. 28chemistry (organic); translations ~X 20'N-4 21P NSA 1hree Dimensional PolyaWf" Containing PWzO=usv by E. L Trostyuskaa, RUSSIAN: Per# kvielekUMMe inedyall Vol IOB No Ilp 1968, pp 841-844. NTC-70-13071-III Feb 72 insoluble Polyclectrolytes with Nobile Functiowil c,rcups, [j), Ya. il, Trcstyuns~aayas NefeJow. RUSISIM, I-or., Vysakoviolctul Soedin, Vol 7, No 10, 1965v typ 1767-1770o ATS P13-5035 VC July 69 385,40 010104 BODOWO CA tlw &At=" ot ~ 6- 4m" MM %4 14 nwuo%l tr to,* & 9 - -1 1 W~ lb 34 mom vw~ so-dAdwml sm V6% ff of-W.- sm it pa%w ad-WIN ~ . 6 . 7,1 zT Y*,OU6 Influence of High Tesepratures ca tive Strought 107 of SoUdLfied R"Ins and Materiasl B"od on ftsins. I Effsa of Ugh Temperatures an Vic StmSth of SoUdifted Resbw Contabing a fletereatiom In the CWosition of the Ringsi, by Yoo 8, Trosty=skayao st ala RUSSIAN, per, Mekh, Pollnorqvo~ No So 19660 pp 746-7S4. NASA TT F-100934 Sci-I'Mach Jul 67 332,097 63 ; OUgolmd4m and BwU=IW-stftctur4d Polylnldw P&M an ZWap by To. B. ftStpookWof, ;0 pp. '=Slop pwt PWlkmd4Dm&Ulgsm Pilkot Nuys lb 9.. 1968p BM Tr Doc 69 I' sle Fie= ammatm TOO= Swm=UWO by Hyss&M Trots It ppe PMUHO part RM & 11, oat 1968, pp 3-100 -rp, 0 -6 JPHS 1#79202 a~.--d E S-POIS33d pol Jan 69 372v407 /- 4(ANL-Trans-927) DEMONSTRATION OF OXYGEN MIGRATION DURING IRRADIATION: IRRADIATION L-1. , Trota-bas,A,; de Kerculas, F.; Gatesoupe, J. P. joTranBlated for Argonne National Lab., 111., from jTPaper 19A of Panel on the Behaviour and Chemical State of Fission Products in Irradiated Fuel, Vienna, 7-11 August 1972, 2012p. 2.,(CONF-720843,--9). 2, Dep. NTIS. Uphysics; radiation effects; translations 2,20 2SMN-34 2jP NSA Utilization of Sma Alcohol$ by Gram Photo- synthesizing Bacteriat by To. A. Trotsanko- RUSSIASO per* Dok Ak Sauk SSSILS Siol 32L., Vol 178, no Ig Jan 19689 pp 213-221. CB ~A - 4 - -Fp- D-L S e f3 k C) Jan 71 - -.: ''. I - I I- - I I ~ ~ ... ...I , :~. ~,.: - ... .. -, . , -.,. "it. . .. ~ ~ ..- 1~~- F ~ ~ - . . . ~. . m. . ; -~R, 4 ~ - I r . " ': ll~:,.:-,-.,~ D4ZkRA~~,17DA -. , -cjj(jifyj,,jkI Cllar2ctaristics ~-,urin;,. "onourbitit;s hY "rouve., per, Intenatioule 'W" j"M~.,; , , ,, C) I T,~, 4 0 Tow)craturcs Ct ~a,,~ractjl LiO, py -2EMID. A Method of Determining the CaVlezitT of the work of Long Distance Switchboard Operatm,, by A, U* Troyankerg S ppv RMSIAN. pta. Vestaik Svyazi. No 3, 1966. JVR,% 36144 Re Q. T~,opv~Vqr Sti - Electron 3076m Aug 66 I=UWUIAa D"Oupwat pxo.%cU In TvUwav by spatu TMUDS 5 go. SPMMIM6 Mb R.Suac, 6 Dept 3,967s, P- 9* jpls 429% 1 1 ~- 1-11 ", ~/ Z~,~ 4, - -, LA,-Col=ftg - Ibm vm 67 AksO59 4(ORNTL-ti-2584) 5DEPEINDENCE OF THE DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS OF FAST POIVER REACTORS ON THE VARIATIONS OF THE USED DESIGN CONSTANTS AND NECES- SARY ACCURACY OF THESE CONSTANTS. GZaritskii, S. M.; Tj~~~. !IoTranslated for Oak Ridge National Lab., from IjProceedings of Soviet, Dutch, and Belgian Tripartite Conference, Alelekess, USSR, February 23-28, 1970- 2024p. 23(CONF-700217- 1). 24Dep. NTIS. 26reaotor physics; translations 2118K 2OMN-80 29P NSA !;U,dU* 40 On IVIOM of UM awotw% tv a* L oom*4104 It -moms 3 R70 Inowmpp ZVI fttag a A POO Aa 69 3D6,rlt v 744 coledeted ~ sl"s at! U* OandeAstito of 3st ~War 14wct4l)re *s Pixmdma of %4t4aUono *j t,~,o ~wvtaatr '4od U tho c~4odsuon aw. wAls 4, Ac"May of ttme ~- l 9. or Mstmtso by ~;d 64 ijuitsksyl t. t'. 4,41'r, 522)0 m .-elf zterials ;,ear 1. TroyanovikAfJ- i,~, I.A:i c Apr Comamdol Ildwy fttmtiikUUos of Some Baths. FiSbOS 18 US bbrM AtIgnUce b7 F, ~,e Tnyuo"kU* HUSSWO piff, mm am %i wt it n, 1%6, pp 4.7, Dvt of 'Taurur ft -? of 03=001&l Fidwiss Bran* of FOPAP Fl*mrios F. 14. TrOY-ancvsl&iy usm Eaft 'Yen 68 0150 prospeou of Flownt fm km klab" in the krth Atloftea F. M. bWanwadi. NMUH# ywo fte Vol lit 19669 13P 441 um ads 9022*13 (IM) m 68 349o622 Cammial Petatial of Cortols BathMIngic 41 Pish to the North Aflutle. by F. M, Tmuovsklys RMIANs paro RM,w lam.. No 1#0 19660 pp 4.7. *Dept of lntft4or fish *ad IdIdlife Service Dunsu of Camicial Fisheries sti-Ear SrA May 67 Problerv wd SiTars In JAwd fc-elm-ation, b.Y G p TrOYIDPOl " 6 UY., 'T pr,. WSSIAII, npj Pmvia 4 C-ept ly,;-, 1), JPf,-S 3-3450 UOSS Fzon aw C-L certain Peculiarities Of ,ii by cranc. sj~ -r me-.1t on tile P C- TrUL FOR OrFMCIAL !-,0 r,.USS17~1~7, pp-r,, 1968, PP Sci-rlecll 385,256 July G9 Adjustment of Electrolyte In Alumin= Beth by Mans of Fawd Salts$ by L. I. Trubwbevs L. N. Antipin. RXISMs per# xgn~m !tISUR Vol 38.1 NO as 19651, pp Wtg). ATJ-23SW Sci-Chem sopt 66 310s358 1u DtalwtrLc stv"4tb at Lutcapouw Mir-& Pow a" alog"I" lawl4ka", by S. V. A14MAD&W, 3. 0. Imbeebw. 104"TAIlt Wo 129 190l pp 47-50, Doc into rn b7 beh Beano, the Boyative abateaug of stem TdbiMl' DAM, by N. A. 2nZIUMS S. A. PSONX"V- ~tsuW s Vdl 391 MMM.v VW,!,IMAAIA* 6 vo 6., 19CA 99 30--32- m& Bef: 9022-03 (4315) /'V7 b ecl.pxw Sept 69 390s 319 En*rimental Data on the Effect of Cations on Mien, by A. Trubin, RUSSIM, per Izv- Almd. gm~i turkmen. BSR Ser. Piz. -tekbnich. khim. Geolo . NO. 1, 1965, pp 93-99 CSM/NO - T&M 4 7-P c,~ b / ij Sri - Aug 6T 337-~Tl HSaftroMbt Of thQ Vi$COGity Of a In Oydrautic QLbration DaWso by A* N* Trolbiu* 5 ppe HUSSIARN pa # 'xv VUZ fleft'i Gazp 1469s pp 33-3S. AR/MAM-23-173-N a , ~L- < bf ~ j t) LUbricaot Used 117 V. Ya. &opylov, Vol 120 So 1, Sci- J"a 70 On a Notbod of Solatift of Int*W IS pli M. g IN NJ PAICI)JIM of a so*" an&,, by V. A. ftibin., BMWs pw. Bak. Ak. Bank MR Vol 189, No 5p imp IV ;;;:9T. 0-2~" ^.. AMB Vol loi, No 60 190 MW 70 ~ e7-11 Perfectimi, 1'.'otheds of Furein~, Techniques. by V. N. Trubin,, et al. W~SIIU,-, lie?, 1,uziieciiro.Sh-tL,.,Iil-",Iv, Vol 10, April 1968, r-1, '6-9* eJS1 712S Sci-,Mat NIFY69 382,464 Forgi% of Larip i'wged Fiems (Part 11) by -V, ""is TrtilAws Vs A* 4Wokhu=# 40 pp. per$ tL 11 " 0 f-0 2S 196,% pp 2 i~jomn?6pv V ,rll~ubilvcl~ Sw~-'Ch, Lai, av & i'ar 1~~ ~~Opt 68 1w e- . ly- c) 1") 1 - f -S ~, / / %-) T jAor Tranjqx~ Developmat Discumods by is$ Triatips 8 ppe I= RMSIAN* per# - - bo-APNIS Yalcows No-2, Feb-19?3o pp 1-4. JFRS 58338 Apr 73 \- S-1. \ -,, Now sks of Notor Trw~~ Discused. by le. Trubitsynt 7 pp* RUSSIANg pert AvkpwbUINzimFw I WSCOW$ No 2. Fob J FRS 55475 Var ?2 ; . : , .. .. ~' ~,~t , - - .- . , , . " ,, . .. . " - ... - ::% , - - ;~; . , . . -.- ". %. "''l! ~" - 1. .~ I ! .. .' ., , , ; L. , ., W.. :i .. 1 .1 4 ~ .,. 1 11 .~ ~ Q , i - - delc I.otor ~ 0, ~ Tmnsport Rogdations by !.* Trvbits,,,np 5 ppe per, Al;towbil'p pp !-oscow, 42-3a J 7- 0l Jukl UvI