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Lqotbnma TvamramtIone in lludw %dth -,4ybft2v4 by D, A, Kol"*Vo ve As Limms 12 PP* Uldsla= 42mml= u0 Ai-i*t Jan 69 Y, ~~ ~ ~', li ~, 1-1 1".1 o '! um fti-O ilzr 66 296A36 iiialcattiq did Ca)ling Mid fA)r 'act No Fasl;vU-.* eL ~4UUIUI Pabant Ito. 226 768 5 jwuo LOW# 1969,r 406,893 by Ultra- 0 -iran aiu its -Allpy 3~-Ilic VL)raticas, ~~y V. TA%rmov, et -d. 7 p, liljwtNyo :.etplk~, ,.'o 6, 1968, july 69 384t272 v#,-perlmetital Study of the Heating of the '361-td Rotor in an Asyncluvnously- Started Synci=nous Wtor, by O.V. Livanova, I.P. Xmissarova. MUTM; per Mjektri2!jtst-vo,,_jlo. 2, 1965, Pp T4-T5 1111/9022-03 1965 (3756) /9 P6 L//V Sci - Aug 67 337-413 NCII-202 5G5 Field OC Livarlova, (). J',; Nomissarova, 1. 11. t=~TTZ=AL SFUDY OFTu, RrATING OF TEE 1. Assoclated Elocirloill ROTOR IN AN ASYNCHRONOUSLY-SrARTED Industries, Ltd.. SYNCURONOUSMOTOR (1--,ksperimentalooe Issledovanle Trafford Park (England) Nagrcvii Mas;iivriugo Hotoni Sinkhrotinogo Dviptelya pri Asinkhronnom Puske). 7 Sep 65, 71) (lomign text included) Tllrl'-3756. Order front till Trans. of Cleldrichestvo (t.SSR) n2 p74-5 1965. An -Approach -to- tb~ tiotion of Urdt, by Ja. B. Livcak. ,MSIM, per, Dok Ak iiiauk-55,541 Vol 180, ilo 3. 1968 - IT V6-647 The Amer i.-;ath Soc Vol 9, lio 3p 19669 -~T,q L " v c 'q Sci/,v;ath Oct 68 366,890 101 ~yu axl# CI 23;,~ gLfttrMU="# $A PIrt*rY - COWIUSIMp b7 ito 1. Latuo No ma Uvmu*v., 5 pfe WS"s bt# WOOL 10" pp 16T-1?1- iple 4RA Scl-ILOI & meao sclames 1107 6T ~OL. Tlectroaarcoolfs Is GwyM - 9lbllt%mr%yo iyy xv Is ltvsM4 No No. Livantow,, 15 ppo MutAso bkj, 19669 pp Irc-M. Off k3eJA 46L)J &V 67 Jemmto mul, 10'ansors isoO, on craft for lmdonso by A. Uvontsav. I? ppe RL -ISSIX", Pat-, Chmstivital .ZV4~,g, lqt-~Cnt tcl -,Yj .1 a.. -421, kp,,)aK* nom I]AZmChody pp ,fLe L Toch Apr 70 4.06 (,,7 ,~3.1 ". JAC'S oor tue romwirp-1, ai lpr Jew Idljm'."') )-I,' VV, Per, iclcv;,~7 "al 45, jo 1)65 Sept. 140ow Dowasw VlQW e4 UMIIWA bs"Utlo ~ Coaftiv=ey by AUNaSo td-Ao 5 i~ pps I MW lors, - - - - -- - " NO 71 jla ~ 0, PWVvq .. .4 .1ple 9N W'Itcay Pol smt- 65 206,1001 Z/ vmzto Arm.- stame an laraoU rubIlle hwget by LUeser livnobg 3 ppo 1jv3& npo gd-~Vvr-otlo Tel Aviv* 10 Jan 19699 14M. 3# 6o i't-,k 47714 Pr 69 3?90100 rayan cans for rntmwivo 30OW Aotions in Vast nazwjk~ 0424 Strips, by ItItsbaq LIvnio, 1)". ppli pars, isamnah, Tal Aviv, Aug 71, pp 6.9. Oct 71 wa w 148maos larad's Forelp :Ollryt by 27 Jm,-- pp A% 6,~ 3&,216 ;Wa rmnoo promum, not w Oat glUbdt"r A*qUULt bY MARA T t TAMb=oh Tel Avtvv. 11PSM, per L 13 Oct 712 7-9* 37* PM 54427 71 MachWd of Datermining the Speed and the Mroction of the Wind at Greut Heights ( A Royiew Of Foreip Papers)# by No So Livshic. kussim, per, Trudy, Tsentralu!Za Acrologich eskaza Obs=! Vol ISO 19650 Pv 4-8. NLL Sr-i-Awaspheric Jul 0 Stractuml artd 1--mictimal krinciples of Autovatic- constmetion Control Systw-at tV I- U"Ohins. 6 pp, per, lbaccw. No 3. 19729 pp 15-17i- J FRS 55933 Xs.v 7 2 05 Physical Properties of High-Basicity Sinter, by 8, A. Livshits* C, S. Vasillev, RLSSIAN, per, Izv, VUZ Chem !Ietp No 12, 196S. pp UISI "v_-5 X", Sci/Materials Jun 67 327,602 Researah Into the AvleotrbWof the Modulus of Masticity of PermaUas After goat and Hapetio Treatments by B. 0, UVGhitas,et &I. RUSSIAN, pers. Isay M- wis'NO 50 19711 pp 12& 130* BISI 9%3, Nov 71 street of therms"P419, froatuout on induced Nagnotte-Aalmotropy In pormalloy 50N# Inv Bt 40.. UTsh.. f Per# ol 3tt 1971# pp 211-413 0 - 12,441 W- bli HT 72-1 i4ly J)dy 72 Phase Transforawtions in Culd/Za Alloys, by Be 0. Livshits. 9USStAN, per# liv VUZ Chern Not, No 1, 1967,, pp 123-127. *cFsn Tr 70-58192 June 70 'AM 4&iD& of PaMoaut M24Wt Al loyri at TcrVztatjll~ oC 5534)0k-, by Lo .4~- kavalarova, 0. 1-0. Livohiti, I I pp. 12 i'ViStil.u, .40 12, t)V,, ~2 V,5 /S 6 (~~4 Oct 70 ,e .,~, 4 8070 C- The laser ol' "mviug Substance",, by D. L. Livahits. RUSSIAR,. per, ft Fiz 2Litk 393- V,' Vol ~8,, iio 2j, 1969., pp *Dept of' "Navy APL/JHU J-1422 'C', . . Z~~~v SCI-Mk'M is n T.'") S. L. L-1.4 a k; t a JAM 71 Generation Of Stimal" phostlork in a Mjpftvlve owltyp lw Be Lo Uvftte. Fmffwp vwo M A UK* Vol ", so MW 3,9698, pp ;5~7-559- em Am Imt of fts voi 14,, ra 5,, am 1969 L L ion 6), 393#930 ijissociatial Qnstantq of Dlictialal radvativas Df 2,2-Di,--~ianylie>:aflouro,)rojaie md 'Bieir -atro P --lem Twated inalcfjws, I~y 1~. P. Liv-shits. 4 -W,=q,, i)er, Mumal kA-;esqruzqole l%Idy!dx-sk Jx,,hd-- Lvo, Vol 13, Ao 4, 1963, pp 465-466. OiD 'E~754 !Ci6-363-69 j u;l G9 387l323 Y ~4. Sts)AUtv of At=MbWi* OPUMI ftqMrti*gt by do Sit, a"bitel 7 Fps 1w3sumt ;wg AN I", X-M No to 19650 yp at-26o FLOW4166-V rl 042-24-167-0 'gai/Atmw 68 356s781 LlcJA SmttorlM in the Atmxou"o 1-trt 2r L)y A - 1. limmj, 0. 5h. uvouto. 1w. pp. Mug.. MWP amwA!L4n-.- vAtwolbLvo Cbastf 2 3968 w,W'*Am,&,F-;53 'o. -"a sd^At?= 301 Dac &) 3X, 497 )-, 1A LIVSHITS, L. R u Royoj~ ATTACHMENT Fl)k THE eR-li)() FX(,AVAr0R Folk OPERATION IN FR('17FN SOILS STROITPAWYE I F)(,R0ZHNYYE MASHINY, NO. 111 1 9 7 19 P 17 FSTC-HI-23-067('-73 L-J), Muticity of the Moy 50 at A BI - 50 at .% Sn in Extemion at Higb Pressure, by L. D. Idvsbits., 6 pp. IMSUN., per, Dok Ak Wank SWit. vol i61, No 5, 1965, pp 1077-1080 - APOSTOPT-23-1013-71 r4b4ldrw Auto--Tr"ter ArUo by Lo lo Uvotdtal R"MURS rpt, 1()660 'T.3553 liv 22ok4*9667 I)OC 67 345.647 73 ftownry of m*DwTrogW PWAS# by Lo Go Uv"tA* mows Immi KWOM21MIA t POW",., vm-:.353 ID 2204WO aw 67 I I V-5H I TSt--A- ETL RU TECHNICAL SP~CIFICATIONS OF PAINTS AND VARNIS HES. VOL. 2 SOORNIK TEKHNICHESKIKH USLUVIY NA LAKOKRASOCH NYYF. vKH1.111YAll MUSCOW, 1971, 278PP FSTC,-HT-2j-o2i)2-73 lonizat6onatton of Intorplanctary flas by Livshits :W,AANI, tier, Astron. TsIrk-. '-'o. 419--l-3 1967 CqUIO/No. 96G4 395,670 July 69 4(AEC-t1--7379) ISPECTRA OF MAGNETIC PULSA- TIONS OF NONISOTHERMAL PLASN-IA. 'Livshitst Al. A., Tsyto- Y vich, V. N. r(Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Moscow. Fizic e-sTdi Institut). joTranslated from report iiNP-19291. 2010p. 24Dep. NTIS. 2,physies (plasma); trmslationS 21201 2gSTD-34 2gP NSA REVISED CARD 0 P.O. DR-T*2-13 Tic;la: SPECTI~A OF TURBULENCE OF 'WHISTLERS IN COLLISIODUSS PLASMA. Autbo--s: li. A. LivshiLS an6 V. U. Tsyi~ovicli. Source: Roscov,, Ordeku% Lexiiiia Fizidwsl-Zli iu, oid P. N. Ujedeva. Reports RP-1 A ),L- '22p. Laa,uta.a.,: Russian :) 4; SF;fjk litul plc-oo AeUvIty, Ly jig Mk2 faD. i-. vzv;~i,!Ur np 0., jml On tio PrW= Off the MWsic" Steft of Akmwl Mxtter In the S&rtU"a Crust ma in the UAW mout3A in tho 43A10 Mae or :4 un Pwafic Belto 14r Eh. LivdAtsj Ralms pers no It ito 19CI52 PP& V,'S 30679 Sci.M/A i'm 65 Ionization of Interplanetary Gas. 1~y M. Livshits RUSESUM, Iper, Astronomicheskii Tsirkulyar, 1967, No. 418 F)l)-. 1-3 CSIRO 9684 ETC-69-29535 '? )('. Nov 69 39G,051 Mltn of' rank ~nor; jlwao lo sw wres" of *m MA& **two on tie jwwun or us owtml xwwm **tmk tw IL IL Idwbmo at al, BMW^ W6 . IM .. - --_ - .m - V i~~" r.) q , / -(), aet-AM '' 1 -1, j4 66 ,, .1) taxbumd Lffoct 0t favtorx ~(? 17-1/ QU C&TtAR FURCtiOW 0." 44 0940413Xt Isy &a koo fluke m* so uVabiol &I pli, 9tba"Ims r voldeystviya ,Ott Wabini"14"Oya --- factou gGvQ.ixRO2,q volota as SokotoUla FMAXZSLI MgIc", 14-18 Jtma, 1965 sl pp.- Rmlog Mc jal 66 73 TheBelbet of Space Flight Facton (1-1 Functions *f the Central Nervous Systevo by S, h, UvAits,, RUSSIAN$ Me Wiganij! Faktorov.Kosmiegko Poleta na ty TSSntr&1'u2L-!!.M 1969. P91 HASM TT r-413 scianH Jul 67 331,764 k,ffeft o:r ,;0m bpeceflight k4oton on the 7 2< Gmtwa i4arms Systwq by H. It. Livedtal z, i, ASuawaov 23 ppe RUSSM, perg Um~,ft a~~ -- -2BUS Powme Pmr-Apr 19699 pp 256-M. OJIS 48439 N N ~ i ~) s H', Ts Ju169 Oo4q? 0. P. Lioshits t~,=-,fer of toot material in the process of cutting titwiium atloys. RUSSIAN, !oscow. Priv,?eneniya I?adioakti=kl. liklikatorov d!ila Isal7e-dovaniqa i Kontrolua Iznosa Instrumenta. 1969 pp 51-65 AL?1?TV-HT-P3-582-72 dac 72 Fqalcal Foam= bW Wme Eriwbgwt KatortaU Possese Good OmmUtIon Chwwterlatlca, by Fe S. uvauts RM=.. per.. Moid-gbal-gtv-, No Ils 1966, Pr 74-71- A'% W.' 9022.09 (4633) v, Set-Electronics Ja 68 360,035 pi,y.-;ical RQason,, ialic POSSCS GOO,~ Ccannutation Characturi!itics, by 211. S. Livsllits. RUSSIAINI,, hl,-mtrichest-vo, ~s:o U., VP 74-77. cl,'~-l ","ligost COL. Trans 408 Diac 68 372,11.25 immmoinc ths 14mgV-1 of '-,'acatilon 30, Ar Synthesis of Polmorle Rmaslflers Bmed on Methyl- ce3lulose Graft Copolymrs, by R.M. lAvabitz. MISSIAN, per, Mokomolskul ,y!M Soodponlya Serles B., vol. 11, no. 8., 1969., pp. 620-623. IM 71-M03-nI August 1971 .1Avo-i of stvo ~?Iravoj, 773: Status and Prospects Of Research in the Field of Graft Copolymers of 0911ulose and of its Derivativea) by R. M. Livshits. RUSSIAN, per# KU312a I T2khAQ1O91ZA Prgizvodukh T2611131M, V8e0OXM3AOe N&uqhnO-I0zjedgvg&gjsko2 Bovembohanie RO Xhla'11-11 bno -ORIZ L Proiandovkh TjM1bM1o-Mjn2- 2). voklag 1 1966s pp 157-M- NTC 72-11339-111 June 72 .9 0~ 'llaIMS by par# iagm Apr 72 m ~Aldilf~,b-,-, by, ts 'd Nr,, W.S~'y~ Ohm ~;-zto -!Tmvou%.x*a=7 isms, by V. & lAvabits., 4 Myt4dumum limik. EMBIN.0 pffs Pq Vol 9% so 2p X969 pp 393-3W Dept of MM AP41JW T62V4 Nov 70 ell jDvastigation of Transition Process of Self-Instruction in Man, by V. IN. Livshits. RUSSIAN, per, Pro-blemy 1nzh Psiklhologiy, No 2. 1965, pp 26-34. AIR/FT414:1-24-228-67 t . )-n i SCI-Ijeh ~.' Soci sci APr 09 386,377 InvestirpUon of Tmalent ktwwa oL 3 Ldumtian oil ium In -Asae of CanvoluUan of ,ontionst bLt Livabites D* is Lowvt 10 pp. i ,.U, lid JIVSA Dv~,UAN: I rpt- - 41 Ltb92L 1 b., va 1566* nb 6~i )72 awn) Criteria of tbe Nmainearity of MAutso tv Ya. D. - 4 Vol it ER91~m,pero Pr --- N, o 8, 1965s nn 17-M- StA TT-66-Wi Y- i"p, I ~~, 4). sci-r 306ol75 Jul TheW of qper&tw &&a lo,anwt by M. S. ravoic. NMM� bkf Aum I OU2!dma llr~m 19n 4 *mwicm Awwwaca soeety Am 72 an, n!. Furtlaar Pmgress to Strive for Greattr rul- fill=,t of the Sea TmuTortatiax Production T&4,. by Li ~~IcWmgj, 13 PP- CMIM, per., ZA. 't 7 Jan 1966s aq pil. 3-3. P, fn 35766 am The Gtv&.w mA Pimetime oC Aaitml ltasbwdry in " ftt4aAl lcmoq$ by Ll Ift-Chlao (2621 VQ9 3390), 9 PPO CITIM: par., Yen-dd,.I, No Up 20 Rov 1965P pp. 23-27- JPRS W63 jan 66 295sl5l Val 2 7 5 5 3 P R 1)G5, Wo r.v 41 B= ja 65 i-Anutbature of Sldpboumd Caorimtwo U WOV4016 10 ppo -M:= lit~op Vol 79 i4o 2p ig-65s pp 195-1960 MIS 50M soi-t" ita LIXANDRU, G. On the determination of the critical dist of erosion. Stiinta solului 6:12-18 (1968) (WA M - Li xoPjJP-u- %liles for Reckonirx~?, Poreign Trade Efficienc7 Sigplored, by M. LizzAndru, 11 pp. ROYTAIIIIAllt per, Problemo Foonomice, nuclaarost, ma r ? 2., 5-6r. - JPRS 560gpo' I- Ain 72- Rvocent Advances In tho Peaceful L'so of OA-car -norgy In t~onvnitst China. by U Yan.,,.# +,,;(;If, per, ~,noa.:Io ljucl2olro, Vol 4'W'19 j Wr'7~h 1-1 . . "Ar1.0 or 000tto"',, on VIA ~w I jotal .;.bd U, t,", tinil ~.,tQ240) 0 by *b A ~-a ~--24 -rL xt cial h 25 A~IAL-~atiii ~i,artu o1 350 69 - On th P m - Cam,ras fbr '-U&-riatiGn of Artificial IMMIl SaWIliteol by ti- Uylgant aiml,via, --pt" .111r, 92MISH Tartu. .;Ast3vfUicheok2y Jbmrvatorii. Publikatall) Vol ~5p 1966, pp ',~64-2JJ i. *FT-.,)- irl -2 -63-C itch, 4f ull the Twjry or vrwaazg Carmms Uoed in CatelUte Observati=.. by M. Uygmt AW rpt* AN MMR ,* 1~~Ukatsil ,A~JmAtorj * i I Vol W15A pp 203-249, CUICA-5 ce Tech Daterdainu the Parawtors of a E4=11 Circle lbutA.p ApproxLmtirg the Visible Orbit of an futificial beA Satautex 't)y R. uyamt IMSIA52 rpti, AR IM. jWtu. Ast"MISh Ub"rvatorlio PaUlu~ 0 Vol 353, 19660 3 250:r03"o 7 "3-5a3.68C Sci-Spoee Tech At* &3 Oblu, 27 u - LiK I Pao (Acta E,- I v0. Jo 3p 1965s W6-5390 Uectran-Phoaan coupling In tho Problem of Impurity Absorption hand (1). by-Yin-,vuan 1A and K"o-hung c"Itu, a, par,, Wu Li Jisuah-kao, Vol XXI, Na 30 1965, pp 461-495, tFTID-UT-67-159 Sci > -r-.Icctr & h1ect Lngr reb 67 anl' Pwo ne'a Gro 04 the ivilti-Layw Miamme atmewdo Tranwkawv tv U you-A. Ca"Ev pwp Aqla Agmt-Im suft-A Val 30 No 29 1966t PP 111-112, OAF" L / Li :, -4 -- ~ / I soi-Navi Lice 68