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aili Toxicity of 11hera-cutic Glcla-ti 1-,. Cas 1: cw-l;,Ar-utiV-V Invest i ~,atioa wi the Luroti-wi jJL' EDTA xid lbVIA iia the lorh~e oC by 1 !., 7 q 134, luu7, ilk)-1220 0'mC-Tr-70Vl) 7tO 4V, 171) ~tlmaldtt I'atu Plarit; Road to j owrt 4 pp -w, 66 0 F-F-11C Stand on Proodom or the ?,rass Attackedt by Marts Hurneck-Or 7 pp* 31RAITISTIF,s pary 11anto VVIDI tiago, Chile, fF NP27 71* Pp XPIR's 53.501 Pul 71 xm~: A Hewly Daval%)ed Compound Cost Steel ior haar Upus*4 Installati(hu, by A. dmisths, ot al, WPM# )vrp WeA,50,4orr,, Vol 16,, 1965,, PI) 185-169. 0151 4554 J~ 293,915 M ulectrw Content of t1w 10005p1mro and Its Fluctuaticasj, by Us flanisdivacher,, 11. A, flesse, at 010 QRW* per,, Arcbiv fur Elcktriadma Megan ig VO-1 III; NO 11; IM." pp Impt Of NaVY Tr 4565/APL/JilU T*1705 Sci-Elect Ap r 0 2998642 C7-j 'writer Considers Comon llarket,s !N).Wro, by, Chiavlas Haroahe, 8 pp, MIT, CH, pers Francs !Touvolla, Paris, -Tan 72, Pp ~ JPRS 5503 Fab 72 L oil 1N orl,05 ".-blicy, 'by. "'ni, rop. :nr 67 3,19 ~TvLa-"j-1aw '00=2141 M~ Coarboo ~vw 0: tu~l & ral) mr~m Jar, Vol -cl 24., 19 9 2- )-20). ;T f in Tando-n Aamzaco, I;y Thti). 140, Vol 2..; 02CH, per, :;o -oil 334-4 Teegdzg Mtlenwk gwir Yield in F;DUu6- Procesoi, by ;i. Ramko et al. Cm, per, Hut** UovP Vol ,ll., no lop 1966S pp 690-697. *B111011 5X9 sci-vhterWo Dee 67 investigation of Titanium Dioxide of Vederon. Pan J. hrahnort. U'121MLAN, par, 11isgeaschaft 1967, pp NLL Raf: 5828.4F sci-C,Iem Jurto 69 ne )Igglotaeration of in the Direct Spianing 1, by U. flarosle, Zeit, Vol 9, (!~.7536) 584,574 lavestigation of 'ritaidurl Dioxide oi Dederon. Part J. Krahnort. G~'-RIIJAN, por, pp NLL Roi: 5828.4F the Aggloocration of in the Direct Spirminla 2, by 1). I.Inroske, 'AINcit, Vol 9, (1"1.7542) S C i - C Juno 69 -384,573 a r t)Y 7 p 31 A SmAc om=-4 qxdt VI Rolud lbrrari.. P 7XAM4 par Gqienca~ A I ule 1967,- pp 'T6-131. *AMI I-M lo 2W401856y ,66a,xLW ~ sai-B&II my 67 - - - - - - - - - - - - Iliv ichavicr of Producti 0`7 '111.0tch, cleva-c ---W, of '-,evaral sui,:ars taiard C-Nne, by C. I~Iarncis,, );)e ler s zeitsdIlTift fu-cr .OTC *70-13S01-06A 0 jjo--, -u-, Scilb and, !-a 70 ? culoo 14 Doc 1971# npo Or pp 62-44. jar, 72 11, fit oe"'.imee :iuya) Bol J~4 Tma lo a *110 we iuent~? Vears of C;rinjo UglhtinC 'evlm, Ilk b~ aw lbrA iariAand. 20 nt, 6 Corlvio Statistics, by Ilarri Harrland, 13 PP. GERIAT', per, -',!mio JusU3, nD 9, 'tiny 1967, .op 2-65-269. JPM 41655 I-MAR; i-1AnR41q"vo SE-East uomaW Soc Aug 67 332,513 4-aimt Cvlr'4 am as aaraendp 13 V41- mi&U,= Croated tAth aadbis in crilm i-zlw, by HaxTI I~rrland* 17 pn.- pwr i-buo, us 2 id y PI-) 6S Ivan :o 7, 1967, 1/'Tw aNyl "un,:~ arz Foreip Trwde a the CM Comtrlea in rood Prodwts by Be ffarslzi~ n iv. WWW., pa$ jk!WgMMdW majGkOkVzTg- atvemm -Zbmnl* no 5,o 1967P PP F3;67---- JPM 43W3 USSR r4m Jan 63 347452 II ~-~;, P-m-som 1!~M~ to maijach l4ortop tv "Ided1w Haml, 5 pp. M-WIA,49 npo -- wohansto 16 oat 1968o lip 1, 3. Jas 46g676 Pi / C, OL /., G 0 /j /2 s C, 1:~Jftmania Low Dac 68 354083 ik)Qm to Join Labor Forco, I,y trmido Ilartp 5 pp. 6PAII I IWO np 1tvarz, Jtm 1969l JFM fA-Guba illol Jul 69 3~11 cl yC ava-.~a, e~ fbv chouid tile Purty mmlei r=rctae Qieu, S/ vanowd Ible in Productim Tolmol by An=do Swtp 5 rp. MUSH 7 0 23 Feb 1966p P- 2- ipim ~5, 0- LA-Cuba pol jun 66 301.'r,,04 Ant! Disc3c vwnd-) NAr 25 Lt-A- Adhosiven for Floor and Wall coverinzs) by W. Hart. GMWI., per., AzUiasion, Vol 9, !To 4, 1965, pp 16-,-)-164. GB 39/Pa/M131/4/400 W. /j/9 ~? r Sci - ila 6,f 333)630 .rgarlication m7 Toolllolom~ ;,!m C-6 to Agrivulturog pvzn-,~o 'art .'rr'.0-loso K.D,... per. 26 at The Existonce and Preparation of Ortho- Carbonic-acid Tatramethylester, by fl. V. ilartel. GLRMAN, per, Berichte der Deutschan Chernisciien GescllschrsF-tV-olO6-, -f967 lW4-1 *ACSI J-6323 *FSTC-liT-23-643-68 Sci -0101a '-l mar 611 lh~t Statutes for Atyie-Ult-aMl COOVO"a- as, 1)y acatia'. 16 rup. viv Problem e-conatillce Vol =t WW''IPSY Nrl ,go 1, j= 1966) Pr 50-634. JPW 34r,6) Econ 2 5 Apr 66 Taem of 1=1maUnat slatiation in Fon=st c;c&t ~7- 4Wt29# 21 IT# rAr,* angna E~apt ibr33x* ,-Inn 1969o rp 305-310; 312-314* jf,Rs 4&nL ez.-& seet, 619 .halysu cavaims 1960. 1966 bduttry iroduction, t~r GMAor 6r-~J,-,t 14 TI). port tischo pmLin"t VOL Jld 1963o 371-375. and GrmrCI .s, Ly Cunter I-fartig, "I r, Fraceve.Engluccring Deoign of an Esterification.Columuf,by Hs Hartigs SUROPURs perp QgMjg-jR92dM- Tgghniko Vol 43, 1971jp pp 1001-1007 HTC 72-11608-07A June 72 W the Correction of Ametrcpias by Means of tho Ground Contact Glasses of Zeiss, byj~~~, 14 pp. GEIOM,, per,, Zentralblatt fur die Gosmute 22t1l. almologie und lgr-e GredzLebietoo Vol 23, No 6/7,, pp 366-370. SIA TT-61-14209 Jul 66 3030835 CA/S~ 212 ., by Iv,errA-.r Ilartke, Ontnaxiam of Havca.=n 9 :z 7nL) - C-SORMAUp per, Die Zaitt 13 1-hr IY-Wo P- 3- JPFS 3~397 ~ ~4 . 00'-Gqm~,r Itie/Ov(2k, x/im, Pul Apr 66 , 2-13j/~31 .IV )II., , ,-.1 Analysis of Solid Pig Iron Samples by Means Of a V,,,icuuj,,i Quiantometer, by M, flartl, CZECH, per. lhutli Listv~ No 4, 1971, pp 301-303. HSI 9358 Jul 72 I/. luledde PrapatIm a~ I Fillm. in ITInpauu, Moab-,, ~-.# tv U. IW 'r MM p WWctmqbldm Ada, Val 212 W,7.M r. cbm 3U,5 M, Harlul 321..756 - amastry 11767 ,~AuutwatrLu Analyeis ut Slap, by H* Hattl. / 0 0 ~1;113011, per, Ma.L-LaRt Vol 241 Ho 4p 1909 pp 331-332. BTA 7423 Sci-41at juile 70 ~~, \\Q"~ ~ Tito Filter heps as a Ionochromator of Fast Electrons. by i"i. A. n. vlarti. GHOUL4, per, Zeit fur PhysiA, Vol 101, 1966, pp 487407. S829.4r- (12921) Lj '-L rr.,. .1ay 69 580,826 VOL as C*1 fo Part At lji ;. iiartliab. 121 folia Phot~ Vol 2% isr~a, 9ro ,.jo, a;d t? Lf"~p t. 70 lra-~Ier llamln~ for a S%O~o t )-WACI- Aalo n-.,) 212-2-25. ~43pt C.-Ontinta T-r I J, b -Ni FARTTIAN G Clk G L- uk: I HE U LW4 I Uk L+ GIILL SL PCk I" I JNS I IN L AM I i~h T t D F I L j~,l P ~-I CK A G rz S Ubl:,~ Ll-"AS V Li,,h A L [ bi VLJA HAR T- UN6 SCN~ IT I K AS t: P LI ; 1: 1* 1 Ul ~ F- :1 ~i;-141 Vl:;*',bUi~L)F:kj~Lit--~,i~l-ALKUilu~.i-I XJI.LISCHAU VUL Z3 N-, C) Jui,E PP 1~2- 134 /-,o 7~~o 141 F ,-; T -, - h I - ~ 3 - - :) -1 o- 7 :) Cu=uflurc Against Radar Recomlosance. CaMufloge Against rufrared Recowmissance. Cam=flago Against Infrared 1-hotoSrqplV,, by G. Hartman. GM~%Mq, rpt, Der Mnfluss app Gelandes sud dle Organization und Fuhrmayon GefechthmEmEn 1 _W`--73. - 1 566 12 *ACSi-j-74u ID 2204003069 oat 69 /V ~- ~ et, /- -, Long Tests at a Depth o~ 4 to 23 Atriospheres in a Pressure Chanher, by Horst, Hartman, .35 rpil. GERHAN, per, 5onderdruck Drager-lieft ?6-;, Oct-Doc, 1966, pl) 1-18. NAVS!IfYlS-Tr-!'.15,9 i,ov 71 Ay CmVotoim of U-M Ulitary Cwrts by ALtred ILkrt-mmuit 7 pp. GURIlLit port i'ouo 'Justia-, hAst lbrIling io 21, io,ov ig6go PIP JFRS W75 L~WL lAl Jan 70 3999 156 ~j 0: Influence of the Radial Gap Turbine Buckets on the Effiaiency Multi-Stage Turbines# by D. ENGLISH, per# 2ogtoral Zhe at the Hang .2jer--R!jij-orgjtj, NTO 72-10502-01A NRSA 'T7j: -0 of the of Hartmann. igs ftesenjed 1967. Apr 72 -file affect of Size of surrounL' on Verceptiait of a~etaii, by 1~. iiartmaim. 7, 1-466~ 7~;A-SIA AL fvA,ci: S196 (1436) Sci -NiYs July 6~j 377,406 .ivii~t ~-Yzaaatlori of ~~atcliltv 6e Electron Colitclit of the for I:Icfnhcub;ichor Urlc!Ac,, *1v IS, l9kl,!,kf r,.f' C- 70 407,110 A Datmtdwtion of the He]-bx2 and MtroCen -! L/ 6, ~-, Oxitent ol' the lower Tbemsplmv, by G. &rtmm, D. lbmllar. (4) pp. rpt. IIASA TT P-120212 e" I/V,1,2A~-L, sci-Atwo sci vw 0 395,043 Q-'v,,jjjty Dinrtmzaim, por. ,;tala Bison, Vol "37 -J31 6051 0711 50, vo -J) J) M L' Pathogenesis and Therapy of Air Embolism in Terms of the Problem of Treatment in Overpressure, by H. Hartmann, GERMAN# pers, Aaftentheligt, Vol 150 1966s pp 359-363. RTC 72-10296-06E WA S A " F - i I 19 4P Cc-,-L 0) Apr 72 FLnizhing Proeesraez for cotton Po%ain, by H. J. H-artnami. G M-W11. per, S V G VutIM Text veredl, Vol 20, No 6, inf, 74-363, 1965 G13 ---glal LT 2403 y., ~7 , Ii F4 1" 1 1 1'? /4 /V Ai S,-i - Sep 67 czw i:. n:.a uii~uirtior i,cskiltiu- -C~-iv Our LlL-L~ L Simulation Ex'Perinc-nt for V,P, Synct:~ronj - zation of Inte,orated PU 'Net-.,!or'ks, i)y fl. L. Hartmann. GERMAN, per, Frequens, Vol 22, 'No I 11)69, isn *ILL Rof: 5',022.81 (414791) Scj - E Irc .1ar 6~ 3 7 (-,,9 9 8 Fleece Subotancos With Special Conold- eratiou of Spuu Fle.eoeq by RITOLISHO per, In 1-0 HAII2841 2URL"I 21-23 September 1971 NTG 72-12263-11B July 72 4"Xiz. I o -Jiv ;'Ov ~;?:o V &ec~, Kmquva nwo -' r ;~.ppuo,~uort ~4 , - -1 " , to Uj.3 'at---rJAm i1c4l -In ancl % ~ 1 ',~nrt7-z~mnt ~'ko Voll 0)" Apr G at Upedonce wLth the LEULAg of Steel Ludleg wLth Rambg Hizes III - Introduction of Land PcurLag Ladles In a So Lc gwse=r Stealuorks by T. Harttu=. GM2109 pert SL4hl SLaen,, Vol e9j, 2 Oct 1969t Rp 1100-HO2. BISI Sc L-MA t Oct 70 ze btl%Uetlm Of Haned stea F=Inc Lane 7/ jUjDV &t the Mwkbwm Buia Smsmr Stool- vorlm of Ausuat Tbaswa Hwtte AC6 by T. Hart w-nn, OEM.. per. Stsa Vol 89., lio liD.. 1969. ODMI 13M E~mj' sat"'t -~, Apr 70 cllt~ll wtkl ~0,~oO6', torcutactic 1. ~; ~Ai IX")Sj 67-100, 7-2~5-65 (OAl Lom) Study of the Pleactions CIF3-mbr, ana M~F-M.,Ppi, by Ideftel Lace aud MIver Har6=066, 19 pp. Fmmj~ II)t,, cr-A-H 3210A mar 1,07. P9U410167 AM AZZ-MW-524 Fab 347:53P -A, Research oan Fish Behavior-roundation for the Improvament and New Development of Gear and Vlethotlc4, by F. I-lartunr 7 UETRMIXR, per, Fischerei Fovnchunq, vol no 1, 1960, pin. *USDI15%CF TT 70-531qi/i sci/v~atll & equip !.~ay TO UIU Osing Uactiric Shook bi Dm~v ~za lFishing, by i-'. Ilar~,,av 15 m-- Glli~ANO FW,; .13mAxt-mLian Loi-p-Ago f~av 19690 pp 9C4-1,1,08. jkAs 4945o ucaanog Jan ?o 399t7,23 41-1:171- 1 L~~- Cavitation Research Problems in Hydraulic Steel Structures, by F. Hartung. GMMAN# per# Regj ghgr alehlkau VerbRud, 2 June 1966, pp 1~5-14o NTG 72-11335-13H June 72 Or, HARTUNG, R. and ]~OBIUS, H. H. Oxygen ion conductir il olid- elecItrolytes and their possible applications. 25. Lo, limit of the working temperature of galvanic oxygen meas cells with zirconium dioxide solid electrolytes. Z. Chem. Lpz. 9(5):197-8 (1969) (CRL/D. 1030) 1 ..,ations of the lhd~mt of Wor -er Ustocheniml Investia I loney Bees Mlhicb Were red Pollen Substitutes, by k I, HUI tvig. MISHp per,, 11'smalnicze Zes-zyty NaWtoim, Vol 11: No 1-3) 067) pp 69-7V-- VU219 TT 71-51M1 Tuly Demonstration of the Alpha-To3dn of Cl, Welchii With Test DiSkSg by 11. flartidgko EUROPEAN's per# Zentralblatt fuer Veterinaer- medizinP Series Dv Vol 16s 1969, ~p 266-27Z. tm-M-13182-0614 Feb 72 H., Hartwigk The Occurence of Nearophorum Thjotta 1945 in Animal Material. GlRW,, per, Zantralblatt fuer Vaterinaermadizin. Relhe , Vol 13, 1�96-, pp 601-610 NTO 72-60466-02B sept 72 Dielectric Waveguides and Aerials fro 2 mm Microvave Interferometers with High Spatial Resolution for Plasma Denisty Measurements, by 11. Hartwig, 11 pp. GERMAN, rpt, JUL-473-PP, Kernforschungsanlage, Juelich. AEc/cro-756 Jul 71 7L., gachar)ism, of Long-Rmge Poversiblo Aiqjlif,-i- V~ cation Pluctuations in Ilhotmultipliers. by V, llartidg* We Esdirvp at alp C214MO par, "Coatsbarichte der Dautsehon A d--r wissensciVE'en 'zu'Borlin VOT '4*V%T Ef ~hv 5.60 10;0.'pp 37=. *FTD-HT-23-1128-67 Au6Y 67 I et !I! o ti f i Fisfierioss. Vol of Intcrivr Pf co',--,i-~(.Jrcit Irigim7ii.. VISll V I C5 T-t