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Studies of Soft-rot Fungi Taken from Woodeu Stakes in Field Experiments, by Rartin Gersoade. GERRIAN, per, Materi-al und Organisracu, Vol 3, No 3, 1968P pp 199-212. ACSI J-6S51 FSTC-ILT-23-161-69 Apr 69 380,555 Wid Tumid for Adoleratod Tenting of rvapoi2tion of Wood Fmaervatives, by 14. Gersonae. OMM11, per, Vol. 2. 1b. 6, 1960, PP 307-308 J)j . (-re i~ ~s e h4 J E s0i - hug Q 335-259 k. G-ek,.Sie-~) ThomtIcal and bq)eAmental Inveotiptions on Flexible Wings, Iq K. Gersten OMM j, rpt, Brwimick-o_ Tachnioche Hoebas4ula D4M,t_u_t i'mr �jM2MjBaMc_hanIk Report 65/27, 1965 NTC 71-15ZY4-OIA max 72 llcurOsis after uOing a quatcruoxy Amonium Salt for Dio;='oction of Injection Nuedles,, by F. &-rstl. GMWI, per, Wim voch, No 1141, 19614~ pp 6-95 F. c,,e Q Sci - Aug 67 33615143 u for the ukicuiation SiiieUh.o Layer# loy S. A. w, CL4r5tj,, 41 rpt, W4j;4-)-,8K 69-43. We 196(.4, t,~ ou~ uct 70 V-"c l4irr,atitfl the li)tm~ctiv-% ,i I-etals with, car4l-.~.- In 'f4ii, 11"'Vers. 'w" ,~ijj.iris ert ell 41 If A- Z~~'6 One Hethod of Detecting Halfunotionp by I. B. Gartsbakho RUSSIAN, pers VssoouznarA,NA]jobg4XA &QJBIVA MobghennAyA Dgya AAdlo Jugs 22--SektaiYalsoled2vARIZA QRoratgiip 1966, pp 7-8. NTC 72-10957-17B Hay 72 I tA Iailumao 60 ,;Ao Do ficrULnl;Uy" 160 2 1~ Contr1butlion to the ProbUm of the Saactim Between PIS Mm cmd aW In the Mmt ft=omo by D. GMtodbMv at olp ommo per. voi i, no. 3, X969, pp 86% DISI 7836 Her TO 404;062 On the Treatrmt of the Parkindou Oyalrore with Mmckmim Oxiiase labltd-torsAlaw ~ml In Cwhic,ition vith L.Dm, by F. Oeratellbmul- GM41, por Em-le Vol 54, 1965, pp 3.373-1377- M-Nm 10-49-67 Dee 67 346,167 Ilom Effic-Imt ~;Omgc I'Amr-emmt %, L,* Goratenberg, C~. 4~~hub* 12 ppo Prjr, Ln 3134-19- C- iedn V AU~, 6" VIM TIADAUM MMOL% by -1). CerSIiB-U&r&-,. GE-1.110ANO per$ Amalen da ~--hyaiO Vol Vito no (it struom a the wt or ed== Of mewwouva BVDUOMR ~r V. No ClOgfUrMa WWWO pw,# DDk Al MWA M& Vbl 183P N* 2p VA. N W-W ~ 2* An agm 6m Vol go lb 6v 1968 V, m . (:;- F- k~ ~ E /, f\~ Her 69 3*P"4 Lal.fte.,rad Infoination 3lurasu ~bief Amssas 41 Value of ~k&, 6orvi-ces for U.33? Toohydattl Pivgress, by W3., r1orsto 6 'Opt S61A% np, LqnLnL,,radslra,.Y9 Prat 4', Jan '6967, 21P 016 In44 u iJil ~cl.ljahavlorlal lar 67 -i'd ic Lzi~t~ o~- V',t~ ~;jvt ~alancv- ir, 3Lts-t Ion; 1 A '0;e t! i~ -,e P 0 ksif icuum ~;Oaou kmwax, q,~-Jratiul, i)y 6 py el~f 4165 6S mm or the InUlad Voloalty Red ~7 of a Vimp by Mau Gersten. OWWj lpt, Jabrb I= Mg GM laftaM, pp 172-190. HhSA TTF- 12. 1436 ,Y~~ Sal-Awo oc-t 69 393p 377 (in the Calculation of the Induced VelocitY3 17681d 66 a Wing, by Klaus Gersten. GERNAA1, rpt. I-lissenSchaftliche GOS0115chaft fur Luftfat%rt, ~ M p"0- -190.- *UASP. TT P-12,426 Scl-Acro Jurzo 69 7,R3G Vil AlItUMUC 9300TOM God Traawleflim Instalo IUUCD fOr NWUWVOIOSLCSI DatcLp bv Go q~o we U. solm,, rr IV* GEWM., perp lettwbrift Car L4t2Lr2]~elf Vbl 18, so 3-ks M,* PP. l3e-1410 am 331me Euxvmw -sei,.M/A Doe Ix A0505 An Automatic Data Collecting aud Tnnsmitting System for Mtorological Purposes, by G. Gerth,, W. 11ohne. GERM. per, Z411.1sphrift fur Meteorologic* Vol Is,, IND SjC, 1958, PP 132-141, Dept of Navy No. 4922 MI tr 2171 Sci/Atmospheric Sciencos Jun 67 U7,.629 '71=3port- iolVv in "1-.I1 kd*U*n 'As"emm" ~,Ahlaralnv klwwl: -~~Inltlorl 16 "IN ~-Apkf -A* 6p AIMMAft UtUasMft f,,=tWj9tka TOZ-4 GLIAIA~Ro For'o MW 6. po 0, IsotqiC Analyals of FlUtoniua by Optic Spactro- soc~jy,, by S. Goistenkom. GUM, per. SpectrodiciLea Actao Vol 18, 1962, PP 353-362. 712873 - ~ , ;2. ALC RFP-tr-12 o, ~ sci/Suclear Sci Jun 66 soltin Vol, Oa the Coamr4ce= of the il4ylei.,,111 ig s. Ya. Gertxemebtein: MUSTATIT, per. lbk. Ak. Delah Aa~; i.969., '0 - - - Pz.,),,rIean lustitate oi~ PkIsier) Vol At iio 3) T eb 1970 Aiir TO 3. V On Three -Dinens ional I'lavas in the i5oundary Layor, by S. Ya. Gertsensbtcyn, !ZU!3S'jAN, par, Izv AN Sc)Sll,, - MoV-Ah Mid i (",azat No 4, 1968, CIA X-GS25 Doc (.'B .171,001 'by p v a !4l ell Ax-/ Kay: 72 iattwTw of Pallmros# by j,. i.ordowidy, ]a PPO Irkk'4AIR'I per$,T 19%* SOT ABC tto 67 A CbmSerrome an Urgmt of &matAc Imentive ftr T!~~a lmwm~, ty G. AWAS-4-ma MI 010 OortwAricit.. 14 irpp- TIMM51 per# tlb Jan 1y$", np-t P M 5L5 3 Cf, ,"Iodoctlrq tho "lawArig and ~%nwamnt of the liatknd Lcommies of the "mrvoeml C~."Ijj CoMitries, by % ~iortsovjcb, ~-'5 pp.! lIXT51ki, per, Vorwo Elzmailkil Ilb IN "apt W365. pp J 3 9122 Jan (37 321 5. 00, 5 ~apltal We Uargo beneficlal to k, L- ,"A i -Wbc-M b5r 6, ',* TZLrn*V3%4'q 16 Pr,* per, w=cowq i-co 4v pp 48M Lean IL jui,y 69 WAt,~ rorL,10, Tr~,%de pmblems fiu=ntriZeat by G. Gertso7ich -Izkd Yu, ebvJ-,Xvls 19 PPI RUSAl."O. per, vomosy OWDOL'UL NO 4, Apr 1903, vp 53-70-' ipm G ti U Z' S R ay, (~- , 7, mi Ution of Production in -VI941~"90 ono c Stimf C1,14A.Comt= Discumdp by Cy. Gortsovichi Be. lAkhaylov *, 16 ppo EUSSIAN, port VoprogZ Elmadu. FGsc(rds 110 30 19721. pp 88-990, JERS 55~A-8 I-IV ?2 Mo DLrrwl= or Mdo, $a Mcklel-Bwo Allow'ap by pjRiglgft�;pm OAA ToKovatmufte Mugs -lab __ _1~ mvzml.metd. Sbom ftich IIM&M -, W*lbp 17P-16U-177- OrwTr-64-13093 "D, ko. yAtl*b9i Aug 66 307M StWy of Electrical Transfer in I~R'thod of Inert Tags# by So 1), RUSSIAN. pr, Ukrain, Fiz. Vt. *CFSTI 17 70-5-7031 70 Steels by the Certsrilen Ot U1, 60 1961, p11. 129-135. za, ~,~casurements in tim, I'llioinsbivrl-, Nuclear Vcy.,icr f,'Iatit. ijy ~4'. Gerullis. U.E. 'lichao-lis. 116 70 Ll C J)y (24 70 I The Five Mater Mlliwter Spberim by Po No GmuAv 21 pp. RMIMI Per, RMaaL)-TeMvdcbeskmm Obhehestvo RwRotakhAM Elektrosvywi* Menma SpItalyu. kt go 4s M59. irp 3-15. Tr Ros P'-XIl 1970 AIB/AFMt/7NM8 ryi e L4 Gel/Elect Sept 70 :nov 72 p . I . ), S4 - AEsr Rw 67 X?6MO dA Stullif,'O SOO COV 17 NOV Goologie and G00060101 Studiss oa Prmosed Sites for im 300 City Accelerators, by J, Gervaises, Ch. wist. 32 pp. FRNOII, vptv EtL*s Goulakdayes st Gautedwass Sur 105 $i US - PNOW95 Four 2a Accolora-Zeur do 330 Z;V. 1 Nov INS& AEC UCPL*tr-IMO SdAarth Sci Jun 66 S01,140 ummu(ptim of the &l)lru.4t7 in DowaAnsi- tim at valwAty or Pro"Wo or a SWAAC wom fm a fteAl-TIM WrMp tGr He L, GervOr H. MI&Awdcb# 9 pp- AWAcii Jie.* MWI vol 163., go 6,0-ljwo -PD. Tv?-*30- 020 f)~, L. uss-l"t Scl-W/A NOV 0 i. A. Oelvido '.. , I :~wmt - A new haat-rew~..,Ytrmt 1,*nin , 4,O!lu'b(Yl,i,'t;C Cc 11 11 , laatccriaZ. 9 pp. Stroitellnyyc -iaterial.. flo 3, 1DG9. pp 14-1r, I. . z~ f.1 'l;V,' - TD-!."P-24-1912-71 A oct 7e", :oat 71, . . o I I ~ I, : - I-' com-ordw OT Loilam frm rulveaced-lwl C-~Vl k'wlt by 1. P. CWelA, IV. At. ~-J 19 por 1`61 6s fio 5. r95-1, . .u. Fie!, 'Z to pi, 3-6. ye~ ~e- 6:e-skete- Danage to iftlut-Infested Plwts Caused by Stem Rust) bY Ye. Ye. Geshele. VES= SELfSKOMOZ=7mmS NAUKIP No 1, 1968s pp 31-33. FSTC-HT-23-710-70 Feb 73 Prison Sentence and Crime Rai)at-lition Correlated, by Berrardo G-eache Mallorl 5 pp. MVERR"TDOIT'll USE, ONLY SPANTSF.j im,, F1 Mercurio, Santiago, Chile, 26 Xan '72, 'D ,TPRS/L 4100 Mar 72 Control und Aiut-Omtiun of LOt ~Arip Cuilers, by 1". ("t'SCIAC. per,, I'da-,ens Z., Vol 40, -No 10j, _777) I no Laval, Paier of Representatim of the Cainain Uuder Existing i4laritim J,aw afid Proposals Zor a Faturo Adjustmut,, by ilmis Ceschwantitner. 18 pli. Seeverkehr, NO So pp 210-211; No 6 0, p ~ i -p 260-261; Nn 7. pli Y)2-MSO 1967. 1'500092768 Papt of Navy NIC 2565 aiedited rranslatim rici/rartlh -,ci & ocesn" MY 68 U-nadited Trrmslaticm 345,057 Sew Inutrumuts ona LWipaont for Ciozt owaary) by t . 11. Gouaovl-,,h and H. 0. Gozifb) mr-ams bk~ IA-- VIO YWA.,port Waxt, Nbacou A. M. Geselewich Sel-Bmid I,b r 6-1 pl: ~., try va'di oOvh%kavj 9 :,nrl ~o 6s, Jim 1~63. 3. NO AcUtva ce, a ~Itrs Ar,=t ia Commti,7, Glavmg Ilpt V, u r, a 351,le W Agricat=a ci=us in 1966.. by vrawAszek ./ cesimp 6 ppo PMM .pert mm bwctws No 3.7 1-15 Feb 1966s IV* 4~6~. JPRS Y" Fk4wcl'SZ(I~ ccl~e~),~ a-polaw v 2cou Apr 66 293..154 Ignition of Combustible T-lixtures 'by Single Impact Sparks and siuulation of Spark Farnation, by S. S. Geskin, 1. 1. Strizhavskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Bezopas Trud Pron, Vol 12, lo 4, 1968, pp 49-50. Ref: P>315.4 (5614) e,