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The "into of iMatorazatiou a Pyr-101m, -.dtli 'Wowl JAhAl'-Z-1.14 FAMS XW% Vol 6f30 tto ': 111, 19650 Fp 2X093-2096. h CZ, 1 .1 - 4 2. Fj 0 1D =4,0,a.3,-63 -Sol/cha* Apr Uq 351,207- Sep 71 . - Z~ - ' cc~ The Facts of Organic Mercury Poisoning at the Zmbryonic and Fetal Stageop by U. Murakami. JAPANESE# pers Nippon MAW gamphi, Vol 61 p 1969, pp 1059-1072 NTC 72-11309-06T June 72 The Velocity of a Wave Front, by Yu. Ye. Hurakhver.. RUSSIAN,, pers Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1899 No 6, 1969, pp 1193-1196. Am Inst Phys Vol 14, No 12, June 1970 Jul 70 ",,I L). '**-4 T:-:- ~ M uR A K t~ V E P e 1k k. t 17, Stati.Aicvl ijoi, Ak Vol 184, ';0 1, 76-81. 011, I I Vol 14" -, 'Idedtirms f f L'Atio-as, to s u to a: ar, o 4Y ordgn Trarle a Aid to (Im-leal rogmu Vlottxl. by Brno iuml(azi, 20 PN ft-1kmatr Jan 471)51 ~Iflv 0 "Z- 3a'1665 .--T,-, 'T . ~'j .,. ~, ~', L -6 ~~ Stress Relaxation of Rigid Glass Fiber-Heinforced Plastics, by 1. 1. ftwalis) Ya. P. Baushic, 6 pp. RUMIM, per, Litovsk:~y M&Jmniche!Uy Sbomik No 20), 1968,, PP 129-135. MVMTC/HT-23-508-71 Jan 72 - --------------------- --------------------------- F. 14URAMATSU Analysis of.Heavy Metals in Atmospheric Suspended Dust, Report No 2. nuorescent X-Ray Analysis of Manganese and Copper Using Vacuum Metallized Standard Samples. TAIKI OSEN KENKVUj Vol 6,, No 1,, p 92, 1971. NTC 73-1-159-13B Mar 73 -------- Z3 -ty LAft, I I)IUIO 'urare, 0 kip. 'ANyolimionaria, Vol Ilt J i7! T L L LJ Fob 67 3' 5, ,tualon c-i Aut=otlc ~3hale 0-1~0 by Ga-'~ - Lig.d4 Clir=toojVq~i Fjhn~-- loodautimi Dntcctor- L. ltmlyolc clf ratty f~rzm Dz:i-NPn2,- DILIber OU., bkr Y; Lmo; K~ W, OPP! E0' A 6'j* 3 37- 3 A. G. 1-furashko One of the principles in construction of hybrid.computers.,.8 pp RUSSIAN, AnalogoyUa i Analo&o- Tsifroma Vych!s1!te1'naXa Tekhnika, Tz-d-vo Sovetskoye.Radio,.Moscowi-1971, pp. 60-66 AIRIFTD-HT-23-1409-72 dec 72 &XmOnful Mam-Itatim artw PrOL-Pkpd q7 'fentriCu2W FibrIUSUCC.* by A* Po VAWSajar V* To* ft~~ I's F-4 SaLvl~W.4 NO R4 yps Y=j, fb as p"go mom AZO UMB Arr 1, &onlubt Party splet In iauciditing 'Um ,iistmy of the CPSUG tq ~.Umshms 25 Flo- AU5~3 its Veb 1909t pr, ,-imy 69 376. 576, Mm"Idt(ptlan 0, the cbemical I*dwAm of Bnotim Betvaen Rabba " Ble-oblor- "Vostic caqpmdo IAWIIM to vulcau"Stion't by L. A. tbmhova. WWWO pert Wook 000% Vol ms no 100 19681 pp 750-754& HM Bet 5w&4F (H.1=) ~,. CL. 8014" chm $opt 69 39110?8 ,econdary Cooling and Soze Features of Internal Structure of Continuously ca.--.t 'vAde Sla:Ls, by F. n. nurasov, RUSSIAN, per. ProblCOMM 'O"taj'nO4 10- Slitka, Proceedings of the Taird Ingo C&n-c.-Fc-nce, 'Moscow, 1969, nr~ 355-361. iili~ 8129 Sci/,'~at Sep 70 Cell, C~aV'ar),,, in the C.-ate Of RhiMm"'I'VI by A. HMMIAN, per, Ifft-m"bal. Untv VDI 23, !~*5, PP 293-3--*, W14-um Only on 111/m) Sci-BVF~ Dee 67 3 4 6, ICA, Behaviour of PhUo-Iodim and Fmmutlons Agaimt it in Foactor Accideats, by H. mawba. JAPAIMp perp GenWA ngpl~ Vol 120 zo T,, *66j, pp 37-40. Wzbmle Tr 295 (Loan) 43 324t302 sai - A,= 67 Studies an Removal of Radioiodine by Activated Carbmi - Put 2. Efficiency of Charcoal Filter in Rmving Iodine and lletbyl Iodine, by H. Murata, et al. JAPANESE., per., J. Atomic Ha2m soeietx of &Mp Vol 11., Oet lgrg,-;; 612-617. Windscale Trans. 430 sel feb 71 MURATA, T. and KAMIYA, K. Studies on removal of rad~ iodine by activated carbon. 2. Removal efficiency of char filter for iodine and methyliodide. J.atom.Energy Soc.Japan 11(10):612-17 (1969) (GE 30 Iiii. by B. Fortiet~l Of tn- Kirolliz pp. 43, !.)L-t upo Mao-rialdnesina -Gnvota, N~;. 6. jp~ Y) L' "'Con ftbok by ,,Aport IV bmco jUAstap of t -,OC,2myav# 10 pp. nN L~jq jlfL~~q t~%, Talikent, 25 iso 196-3. con 6Q 3744301 ~.esujts of j.--tunotile i~efom in -.1bedstan Utc~",# bY 5 Pi)a per, Lkonordh i ZUw.'. isshIcent, 1b 12, pp Wi842 con 381,367 I=VatloW vh~ ths rjef~ Has Intro&xad low ftter7ASe Flumdal Aetivity,, bY V- Ills so i= MM, per# 19672 vp 57-W* ill?r.e W93 V~ USSR E= Oct 67 342A35 i,roillt am" ita UWAIZ-tion =-~Pr ton by 3, P~) in I C - )l ( Nocturnal Sleep in Manic Syndromesp by A. Muratorio. ITALIAN P per# Neoggichiatrims Vol 34, no Is 19689 pp 16-30. UTC 72-10178-06P Apr 72 E. A. Muratov A Blood Parasite of the Genus Nuttallia Franca Isolated from the House Mouse AKADMaYA 14AUK TADZHIKSKOI SSR. DOICLADY, Vol 9, No 5, 1966j pp 34-37 NTC-72-14521-0611 Jan 1973 Use of L-lectric liand Caru . uratov, by N MSIM. I;or,, l2ftm Kha" U 29, 1967,, pp 88. *W-4)t of Intarior Fish and 6ildlife 6ervico Bmami Cwavrcials Pisberies Sci-Llectr 7-1 , my 67 ilodendziW TechnDlegioal Eqdpnwt Aboard the opicami" neeting Base, by ?i. F. k~Mratov. RUSSIMS part '40145, 'Ro I 1967t pp 46-47, Dwt of Intalop of rwm COMOMW pishevies Brwu& of Poreign llshwAes U13SR N. P. Murat6v Fftn jan 63 P3,5% U."llroadr, 4n the `;oviat l:-,x?on, ~,v I jLi L Lu 1966-19P rivosma of Ail Tmqoa Tr&604 by IN G* Rumtovs 13 W~. UAW W.-ow-b"LumWA, rwom* ft Is f4b pp JERS 520? USSR EAM FAY ?i n3vats or Vag cmfftt= Of Conw-milk:, Electrification oe OWhD 4 3 CMM,, por, Zeitwhrift dM.-I, mmisation i'ar the Zgqg4~~t dOr V,2MAU-mu IS Z TX-Aug 175, pp. 1-1. JPM 33174 U ECOA I)CC 65 0,)2,.4143 Oscillatim3 of a Plasma With to E-loarcu Bean in an Extenal Electric Field,, by 44 Z, Muratov M. V. SaWWn. WSSIMI,, per, Zh Prikl Mickhan i Tekhn Fiz, No 50, 1965" r-P 3-as. NASA TT r-io,o92 2. Jwi 66 3028028 '111,911 #Ad tau- Frequeticy oscillatiGas in Plasoat by Vo Do Faofch*Ako. V. 1. Huratave I P'llo AWSM40 Fort y2wkwhastaut Svols%va plamys 19650 pp 119*126, WA7764) X-5,V14 ,! ~- I L Sci - M, y3 Au~, 06 FOA OFFICIAL US!!). 1'A*"'LY M,,- 3058t,557 orw Not" att"tv" -at tm owmakta. cow few"" ght.lialmol"pi Amp, .by To bb jk 19700 C 1 4 "oll~;t;Ctivity of 'vev, 2 3 17 7 A (17t-iO) ftge=W DOM*= of tW AMMVAW *Z eo=ma an pot'".-Owev by DA A l."J.-M.. va lb 29bus W dou. RMULN MR0 00 99 --I:VAV pp -,73* lid; ~ e. ~--, M LL e /; v e- v f~ Blood bvmAudm in Norb of Arb, by L F. Mvrama. RUSSIAN., per, Ygdalk M-drunji No B., 1969., pp 144-146. HTO 71-14368-o6B Feb 72 ;.,dour Permeability of Pblymer Packaging I-latorials' by Ya.G. Iluravin. RUSSIAN, per, Konserv Ovoshch PTon. Vol 23, 1968, pp 8-' U. 96 Vol 17, INIO 3, 1909, July '179 ThD Pole Played by Physical lixercise and Physical Culturo in the Prevention af Ilro-nature kjlu~,). by Muravov. RUSSIA, Fizichaskoi Kulrt'url;7 v Vrok." Irktike IlreZlidOV- swarMIN, 105" 12-irp. ITT NITTO-3=7 Sci - BTMI Soit. 67 341,30 Pate o2 Nltrotvn Exafetion in Namlo Mvomlcolw--'~' (maener), by z. A. iwavaimyn. EMSIM., rDt) Flzlol 2= Mal Vad Zbiv Ak nouk MM, 14t 'Blol Itmh Ijami In A. Ot Diol =018) PP 120-130. Dept or Literlor B=att o2 Commmial FI rl s Office Of libraign FlWwrleo A-304i~ 1969-Uo 12 on 1= NOV 69 396,644 ExIlenst-i"M tn lt--ea Uzlg~l, Al -'o'a dp no awnumto Study OC the Mact of Goo an the Famttw of Watmr-OU Vidn' s; by I. M. M=V'Ms G. Z. M=Blwv. wimm, In vm non I an Vol U$ ljo 4j, 10), DD cu~ 11v7 c,6,4-9 0- v Sept 69 394138 Altm-sbaged SUM= C&AiNplj, ru. ~-:. ft'wom:, V. U. -It"Ovev. 21 pp. lw-A-jwj, VA, AU mw4a. fAa-vok lwwg lm us F=-YVFA. vp lbv ,nL~, IL -Ft IU 7,#t: Ott the Possibility of Tracking Clouds on .3 the Shady Side of Earth fro,-i "Ieteorolo.- ical by L. V. ~Iuravlyeva, Ye. &t~r-alarkaryants. RUSSIAN, Per, Trudy Lcningrad Glavnaya Ueofiz Ob~crvai7oriya, No 196, 196o, AI II/FTi)/tVf - 24 -256-68 sci-jll~tvlos ~ci Apr 69 ,.,Svc Aq, 31V5 65 /C) nepat of the ouitral Omtrol amission of em CPIM by N ~% -thwavyawd, 10 pri, Rm-SIZ 'n*pO."Pramla 30 march 1966, pp, RM 35t593 9. k - M u fc,-\j ~ C) \jc"- USSF - pol 303,444 Jun 66 Mlacb.incry, induutry, 5'P*30ieLli:mt4Q'.l In CEI.P. Coi-ir,tries ReVieuled, by lialina 5 P':)' i J7 par, Rnlk grar"icz-no, Varsatu, !,Io tr 7 25 V, , 2 T-RS 55166 An ~ n 7 2 9 ft L-, m % tA U- a V~ U) a t~' R Machine Tool Industry in CEMA Countries Reviewed, by Halina Murawska, 6 pp, POLISH, per, Rynki r4agranieme, !-,rarsaw, No 51, 87 Apr 72, Pp 3, 6. JPRS 56299 JTUI 72 i aces TlArd Year of .0181"em, LIMUCIA, by "o :way, A ,t, smtjngo* 19 Dw ll:V, T) Joc reb 69 374.605 , ~. ~ e, -. , , , " ~'-- . . , R. , , I..~ - I . t , : . . - . . % - "I I - .:; , ., " : ~: : 1103.iticim I'= Boliviat InterviLnuied in Chile,, by Osvaldo Q. Maw) 5 pp, GOVENUM-2 USE ONLY BMW) np.- 1,020 1~ !'-V 1967P PP- Y-33- mrs w0 2439 LA-BoUvia J%ay 67 3301 I.indso !)uricicition and -vr-,'hcIcIJcaI Ownicteristies- Plant Vintses, by PaUi iurayama 17 USE Oid'y per, Nihon 'Sholitibutsul'yori %I-kaiho, Vol 310 17 eel) licu,!Imcss of ~~tcc` 'and B81-t3'"r OE' 'llyd"I"f t 1"IfG f-r ~'tocl in Hot &Uslon 010 by T,Q,,din, Vol 43, 19,657, 7-0 Daratim of Mass of CudinaAeUvity UrKler Conditions of Loa iiwtW Pmwm or QV M-n in Inhaled Air, by V. H. I~AmWohko, 5 pp. Russmit pwo Ai -Ejtngj~l JPRS 469751 V en k o ilow 63 Influence of Cobalt-W Y-Rays on the Automtic: Activity of the LyMhatic Heart of the Frog, by M. R. IUM I ev XMIAN.. per., Dok Ak lauk SSSR, Vol 1.77,, Ho 2p ffov 1967, pp 4-79--W- CB M , ~ . !VI L4 P, 4 Y ' L-- V Aug 68 362P349 Productiml of Sulphur by Bacterint by i, P . N* Numayev, P,U551A'i# par, 1xv A naa SSS11, Se#ya DiologidmkUyap NIO 5-0 lqrj~v .1 LL ATS 3370 01) Loan chly 5ci-f~jhom Jul 67 330,612 T. 1-110-:Mi*l-,K),"3l L Dc~formaticn of Intermeta'llic hx'cru:.;iuii 1-~ethod, v)y KJI. ll-lkirbeivcv, HS'S I Alk , "i'r I nst Yederli Riz , IDI., 131-135. A,-"S I - Y, I G 1; ,j FSOYC- liT -'e'- 3 - 1). 0 2 -- 7 2 Compcund~; ~-)y an 6 Itlo 10 , I YGJ L'ay 7 2 Lloras 1*,'.9StrqV PraiS*S WM4~ Of LICOrat bY Carlos rtmmiav 6 pp. 27 A.,)r 1972, pectador, Bogota, pp 1-Al 9-A$ i iiis 561193 Jme 72 '11,7 1 LIU~- ~4 t c ~-,e ~,I,- Liems C" for Liberal PartY UAiVs bY Carlos ll:v~s 10 pp, ,2rv J3ogoU* 21 Apr 1972t SI'AffSH, npl, J2 69 IxoW pp 1-A. 4-A. i MS 56125 Jwlo 72 rw ?Duey for kwustrisa br )*924 PP& 28 ignv p 4-u im 013 ?I A2geria Affr1ras Expropriatico of loreigm i1, JAWP. U,.Gr, pp. Z) -et lk'- rpt. 4?*) 69 3,65 3n,L ILZ, f, I "%mis Sul""ariviv in t.".c ond its InfITICTIC"., C'13 'kSAA~.', rcr, DoL. lip-Ld, Vol 11"b, 19ttl, Taii 711 C v A PS-4 of SodUte In Vm Axr&b4on-!oM- Odboari Mao-Mft 2afts by L 0. lur&mmlo N. 0. pr*b*ts&w. Howt Dak Ak IWA Vd 181, No 21 Xp68,, pp MMA--,Of AGI I Q j M /3)) _i- , 0, olq P~r 69 36DOD2 Bettor Machinery Neaclod, by Adrian Prodm, Alexandru Murosan, Constantin CaPrame and Nicolae Mlocanu, 10 pp. RUMANIAN, part Scinteia, 2 Feb 1967, P. 3- JPR3 40033 A LL~l E&-ftiania E con i-lar 67 3191530 *py VW-Atra -izeamp 0 pp. .up *PR5 46, 14 In P, U QOpt 1,. 68 365s?-39 tiroup to-loal -,-'Oruice ractives jAscribef.-4 toy I p I'M"mr-I -6 I-R)o .~uiikd&iq pers ~~69, pp " ~c~kp JuclorsAg I~opt i - ~ - 4959) ~, , -1, an-- -. -'el z Jan 70 W-00552 ;lv.~atixa in F-TIA. N Ov~w 'N !L L-I~ 1 T,'~(k',Prations ir lailblic Walt"A Statistics, by Dr. Petru 'laroaaa, 6 Scinteia, Buclwea, 20 Avxil 6-1. P. 2. xr"I's 45,t,,3-j Z,.,~N,wztmia) 3 531 56 7 C,,,.I.t vatic o "I'etc-Litural m --saps csca--ch cn uzoin keoimiaea - rorz iifil-olkis 4-pto jZo~llql-m A9d Jan J-A-S 47730 A,,n r 379 917) f~c~:Me' I-tivitlez or Igm u P.rpap U* ew Dr* 'L. B'~Xtaj A or., p ka 0-~G jGjj-.,jf;'C Research Contribut;o-O tO Plant ki A osall, PP. r-rociuction, by T. llUr p.. Froblo= lb- q, per, ~TjAi .0y jjrAr 7'flj pp 110 3, IT-Rs 56173 Al 11 7 2 The Cradle of the Rumian Lathop by 1-3 " Rmalin Muresanu. RU-MIXis per, Viata ,)iUtara, NO 12, 1966. ACSI J-2069 11) 2204015567 L-Eur-Rumzaia mi I Jul 67 330,229 TralnliAS Use Bomm Vion kite.-alomp by Yu* Muropyt Be Dmdx-vWdyo FOR OMCIAL (M ONIZ RMIANjo pers. SUrob-;;z SarrAmit.. im 41 1*., Vp 36-27. PSVC-M-23-0-68 P200VO)W L4 , fY7 u PZ G I E V WmAkul Oct 68 36Ts6ql