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Anates de ta R. Sociodad Espanola de Fisica y Quimica. Serie B. 04imica 1948 Vol 44B pp 1083-1100 ntc 70-23832 AnaZee do ta R. Sociodad gapanota do Fisica y Quimica. Serie B. Quimica 1952 V 48B pp 5-16 ntc 70-24260 AnaZes de Za R. sociedad S6panoZa do Fi6ica y Quimica. Serie B. Quimica 1954 Vol 50 B pp 259-274 ntc 70-25033 ANALL5 UL LA H, 50CILUAD EWANOLA DE FISICA Y QUIMICAs AKIL b. VULMICA 19b9 Vbbd 042 PIC"118 70-11639-flbA X*>,* 190 vb9d P3-19 7041243 ($> ".i. 19123 vb9d fils-ga.. 70-11244 40? Anate8 de la R. Sociedad Espanola de Pisica y Quimica. Serie B. Quimica 1961 Vol 5?B pp ??3-?80 ntc ?0-14138-0?E Anales de la R. Sociedad Espawla de Fi8ica y Quimica. Serie B. Quimica 1963 VcZ 59B pp 545-550 ntc 70-24261 Halogenation of Amatic Nitro Compoundc, by Ilernan Pave2 Arriagada, 14 pp ISPA31M, per, Analeo Fnxulitnd a Ka~m cia., Univ era -0("I 154-161 P500253767 Dc?t of Nivy ONI tr 2261 SCJ/jj i 341736 Oct 67 Spectrographic Datermimtion of the C"Jiona OZ Some Spanish 1.11odicinal Mirtaxal WatarH, by S. Pina de Rubiez, C. Sirvent d'Argant, 23 pp. I SMISH, r--rj, Am Soc E~On Flo I Vol XXIX; v-1931, PP -03-5-M. ME 7-12 Sci - Chem SeP 58 S S 63-10381 Damianovich, Ulorado. INIVES11GATIONS ON 'I'M CHEMICAL INERTIA OF I . Damianovich, 11. HARE CASES. 1. ACTION OF HELIUM ON It. Title: Action P I.A I-I NUIN 1. 30 Nov 60, 9p. I I ref s. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-10381 Trans. of Soc[iLdad] ola de ri, ica ..j [i ca (Spaiii)-l928-,v-. 26, p. 365-371. DESCRIPMRS~ Inertia, I lelium group gases, *1 lchum, *Plalintim, Chemical inalysis, Molecular strUCtUrC. A product obtaim-d by the action of helium on platinum, ander the influence of a moderate electric disch. rgent low pressure, Ims properties cleirly distinct from Thos( Of LhO LnUtal itself and retains, the holiUm in --onsiderab1c -11111AME 11id in a fairly stable form, probably in .1 state of A)sorptioti compounds or mixtures of these with d0lnitC compounds alld CXCL!,~ Of LhC InCtal rCSLLl1h1g from dt-compoition of the complex. (AW110r) Offlet 91 UcWcal Servicti VF, V. 9, 111~. 11) The Addition of Mlaourea to Double-bonded Garbon cancands, by 1. Ribas.* H. Upias Ae canop 6 pp. SPANIM4 per* Analas do la-sw$aW Aspapola de xixv .9 pp 56i 1 1936 Sol,-A- Tr No 534/1955 SOL - mmmistry Kar 1957 CM/dex A I%v kbthod f or the Frepm*atlon or Mnobarium by Vic-aiate Irarao Rubio. SPAIMS., per., Ans,les Spied H~S~Uola do pialca y QaWaap Vol XXXIXI 1943t VP -743-7-50-.-- Phr 62 Vol vlr~ 10 2 Radioactivity of Barcelona Drinking Water, by D.-der Candlo Cramp, 1,) pp. SPANISH, per, Sociedad Espmola de Fisica y Quimica Anales, vol xLi, 1945) pp 44-423, sLA 6o-:Lo74i. sci jun 6o ~zg~; Observations on the Paper by J. K. Jones, "Conidensation of Glucose With Beta-Diketones". by F. G. Gonzale26 et al. SPANISH, per, Analyes Real Soc Espanola Fis y Quims Vol MJW, 1948, pp 243-250. CSIKO/No 6627 Sci - Chem Jun 64 261,240 Loss of Elements and Irrore in P4e Measure- ments,, by J. U. Lopez de Azcwap 2 pp. SPAIJSK,, per, Analoo do la Real Sociedad Espanola do I?isica I QUUdcav Vol xUv4No 5., 19481 PP 571- A.B.H.S. Hw"11 Tr 487 Goo Sci -/Pbqsice, Chemistry., Badloactive aubstences,, "Acn, tbaroup poloa 211 98 6 Apr 56 62-10461 Baker, J. W. REAUrION OF OLEFINS WITH THE CXRBONYL 1. Raker, 1. W. GROM ADDITION OF OLEFIN TO PHENYL W- CYANATE. [196116p. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-10461 Trans, of ISocledad Espanola de Fisica y Quitnica. Ana les, (SIxi 1 1) 1919, v. 45, p. 3BI -3911. DESCRIFI'ORS. *Ethylenes, 'Carbonyl radicals, *Phenyl radicals, 01sacyanates, Cyanateg, Chemical reactions, Addition reactIons. (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 7, no. B) 0M.. ~1 T-h.k.l S-1- ApIplicatidne of the Crystalline Adducts of Urca and oraanic Subs=ceo In the ChemlatI7 of FlatS- I. -sepumtion of Mixtures of Triglycerides and Fatty Acids.9 by J. ~,hrtlnez Vzmno.. at al, 12 pp. SPAN=, pors, Atales Real Sm. ES=. Fis. :Z n MM -- B.L.A. TR No 391/1955 scl - ftemlet J2m 1957 A7dez A Study of the Frocesa of Solution of Vaaedl= Pent=ide by the Action of IWogam Fcroxide,, by R. TrujIllop J. Beltran. Full translation. UA=H; An Real"84i2jis, M. Vol 47DJ Vo 11, pp 6N-7C4$- NW1551 zmmtnm TPA3/TIB Tr No T 061 Scientific - Chemictry AeronautICA# March 1953 On the Nature of Fer=1vamdates: Boution of Amonium Vanadate (1:1)'and FArogen Peroxide., by J. Beltran, R. TmJMO. Full translation. S PANISH,, An Real Sm Fis SHaR Vol 47B2 S e!M RO n. PP705-708, ftv 1951'. TPA3/TM Tr No T ho6o Scientif ic - Cbemistry Index Aerocauticsp HSrch 1953 A I*tbod for ~ Absolute Bets CwKings by C. Sancbez del Rio# 0. Jii*nn Repaldoo A. Bodripex ftnuer, 8MMI, Alk Sm. "P. MA401ta 48A (5/6)o pp - -."' TPA~VtM Tr Ito T 4m 1 acientim '. *flee %-.* . 13 3 J--- NjaWry of SqpIyj TPAStIU/P & TDO Layidwa RMd# No"Laosms ladon, S.R.9 Tamayo, M. L~ors, and Farina, F. THE ADDITION OF ANETHOLE TO THE ME711YL 1. ImIdazolea-Memical EsTER OF IMIDAZOLE 4,5-D[CARROXYLIC ACID, 11. reactions [1961] 16p. (refs. omitted) 2. Carbuylic acid@-- Order from SLA ml$2.40. ph$3.30 61-10894 Cbetnical reaction 3. AnedmAc-Chentical Trans. of plefigailijuLmiKel. So0nedAd a o~la _ ~ reactions Anales, 10W, v. 49 3 p. 89- S 89 7 4. Mile: Dleb-AJIdw reactlas 1. Tommy% M. Tbe behavior of various Compomb withthe -N ClC*N- U. Farim. F. con)uption In the Diets-Alder retiction Is studied. As the glyoximes give no condensation, the influence of 00 ( conjupted to the C-N in considered to various grou" )U 6 lrrddizole derivatives. (Authar) (Cbemistry--OrgaWe. TT, v. S. no. 12) Optical Methods (it Detandning Strwtwes by I-Rap., by Mercedes Cuberot V. Herwm&m Moutis, 9 pp. SPAIMp per, Anales R. SwAspauJisey quim, Vol XLVIII At 1952p pp 133-134. ) /,0 ? S.L.A. No 187/1956 3,~4 j Scientific - Pbyolca 9 Tr-63-18930 Rlus, A. arxi Crespl, Maria AlIcLa. ANALYIICAL CALCULAIION OF EXTRAMON IN 1. RIu6. A. QUATERNARY S=?,IS. 119631 lap 11. Crczpl. M. A. Order from SLA ~1. 60 TF-63-199 Trans, of Socliedad] Eepakola del Fis[tcal y Qd-ftcaj. Anales.; 1952, Y. 480, p. 131-139. DEXRIMRS; *Solveijt tutracdon, Solvems, Mme etudes, Graj~dc &Wysia, (Chemistry,- -Physical, 7T. v. 11, no. 6) TT-63-18979 Gindara, 1. L. Otero de Ia. REPRESENTATION OF SOLUBILITY DIAGRAMS OF I Wodara. L. 0. de Ia QUATERNARY SYSTEMS AND CALCULATION OF EXTRACTION COLUMNS IN CONTINUOUS OFERA- TION. (19631 9p (ftga omitted) 4refe Order from SLA $1. 10 TT-63-18979 Traris. of Sppiledadi Espa~ola dal Fislical y f,ukaLIR~J'. ~Anajas, 1952, v. 48B (no. 21 p. 179-IB2. DESCRIPTORS: *Towers (Chemistry), Design, Mathematical analymfe, *Phase studies, Solubility, Separation- (Engineering- -Chemical, TT, v. 11. no. 5) 0115- 11 T-h"1-1 oil cly"a Ht, CL 22 -pP - Vol :uArIT"7 P'. j3- L.A. fo 3 lscientii,ic Ohomistry 11, Applitaiion at the The-dry. to the L?:tpsri- montal ftmats, L-j'Ac Kwin GorrI3. -4 aig 16 ppa SP4.141SH.. po-~y AWIp,"po :9%= Fin y qa1mj Vol XLVIIIB, 1952, pp 8410950, L.A, No =,-556 Itay 56 uWaa-., Optical Mathods of DeterminiM CrystaUine ol'tructures III by L. Bruj ot alp 22 pp. Cftl $ SPAH3BIlp #erj Au%Uv Ca Vol XLIK As ig$Sj' i0j'77-M. 3 vj *4 40 S.L.A. NO 176/1956 Scientif to - gh"&obW,*, Pbpice Calculation of Struatme ftetorm by Mans of Modif ica- tion of Ellerts Optical AMratus., by L. Bru., et alp 6 pp. BFAMMj Vol nU As 1953s PP 311-3-140 3#1#0/ S.L.A. No 177/1956 Sciantific - Pbyalce Application of th 'ryzt&Uiw Compounft of I~is to the Chadstry of Fats. lilt Frationstim of fatty Acids mg Their Wwors Through & Column of Ursa,, by J. It. Nuftnes Morenop A. Vazquez Rowerop Me La Awr Dal vane.. U P. MWIMP pers'sop - qUiFI;;kAMI"$ ws 40~# PO 539-546- sIA 6olo525 set xay 6o Vol 3 t No 4 62-17789 Barcek~ J. and Bellanato, INFRARED SPECTRUM OF SOME VEGETABLE 1. Barcelo, J. OILS. [1962] 10p. 11. Bullanato, Order from K-1i $12.50 K-1-1 37tO-c 111. K-11-3710-c IV. Kresge-Hooker Scicticu Trans. of Sociedad Lspa-nola de Fisica y Quitnics. Library Msociaie-,, Anales (Spain) 1953, v. 49[~ no. 9/10, p. 557-564. Don-olt, Mich. DESCRIFTORS: *vegetable oils, Infrared spectro- scopy. Furape Darivati-vas. 14. chrointographic "I'tudy o-f Sugars M and 0 -keto EsteTs,, by Vo Romm, F. Apari~cio, SPANISHO Do-,,,, octodad EV.-mola do Fisics y -Vol LB,, 1954l pp 207-2M, CSIRO/No 6234 Sci-chem AW g 6 3 Sfftct a Orielatation on '!(,,be Actwities 0-.;- In,adUted Trobes,, by m. do A. Vigon. SMM., yar,, Anales mall aoc S;p-a fi-G-y _qdx-, Ser A LO Fo 11-19*4054, pp R15-220. ATS 313-BF Scl ROY 59 167a ;~ Determination of Uctic Acid by Oxidation With Ceric Sulphate. by J. F. C. Luem SPMISHS did Hs mola do Fisica Y 'or$, 8 0 'iE 'a" ALatagles- lo-i-i a. 1954-0 pp Sig~-538. MDOC/T. 4911 sci-atem Jun 63 Contwibution to Study of the Reeicti ~' bctveei~ Oq-fi Calcim Wde and Miele Compounds Activated at Temperatures belov I "jti",)9Cr by F. BurrIel- Man"i -~ SPARISHO rer$ An Real Soo Espan Fialca y qglg; Vol. LM,Bp Sci t. V's 5 8 7Ji ,kr - 'i 10j,le --,*. ir synthesi!l Of A A . by Dr. C. SchAlf? 30 1"I)~ Allal , S, SPARISA, per. -N o 2 17 3-iRr. 1955, NIH Tr Ni A 1,- Scientific - Chemi-.o-,rY Syn',J11-uit! of Alka It Idt; ai:l t.-f Ana Logo~is Carpuund,'3 i I F-m -aiid DPI,~ Dr. C. School', 3P. SPI-1111110 per, Aml. Soc. ' Esp. Fis. Quim, Vol. Llb, No 3, 1955, pp 247-260, NIH Tr No 116 3bj Pertu-rbatton o? lqcutroa Diensitica by 74aaaa oZ Probes, I by M4 de A. VI,"on$ L. Dim SPA M-11) prp timlos Rm.1 QDc SGqM rtr, y ;jjtr~j, Vol LIZ (,"%), go 1-2-, '1056, -RD 5-10. .&.Ts 1,14-sp Sci Nov 59 /0 5/ VC12 3 1 62-22406 Ollero Gomez, A. and Paneque Guerrero, A. DETERMINATION OF CATALASE IN TOBACCOS. . F 1. HkI [1962] 21p. H. Paneque Guerrero, A. Order from K-H $26. -1i K-H 5258-b 111. K-H-5258-b IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Trans. of Sociedad Espahla de Fisica y Quirnica, Library AHaociat", Aii:d~~ (Sp-)w) v. 528 (no. 1) p. 51-62- Detroit. Mich. DESCRIPTORS: *Quantitative *(: 'Tobacco, Smokes, Nicotine, Cigarettes. (Chemistry- -Analytical, 'T7,v. 8, no. 9) Ofii- F T-h-.1 S-i-, pplicaLions al" the. 5-jutuaa Cr,~D-y 2C r i), A l. J '!a t! .P-c-rG,-)hota,ir--ti:,Lc Anallys' s, by F. Calaten r it~4 - u - Lar-hdcla Gn=,..Ido~ 19 5 'UMUT, per, Pmalco d'o a Ic. llc!all Socl CoLad R p vaoh'. ae I'ioica -'; Quimica, 9T('VJU -IF T j/ -Y Study of Sulfur Diablaride by Infvared Spec- , troscopy,, by Clam Otero& Jose 4 pp. SPAMBp per, Boo Espanola de Fisice y QuImica A=aesp 1956, Vo-i-LURO No 5p pp 291-294. BLA 59-10498 Sol - Mem OTS 1, 12 Jul 59 Spaying LiquIds In CentrifW Discsi, Pwt 1 Droplet Z Size azd Variables of tba Gp!~,~xut- ton, by A, Mue KImp et al. I; 1 11 OPANM,, %*rj, Botdoftd SopwbAu-Mokca V Vol IlIltb),, M -Wf6 PP 73-86. Como H6," 7dy Sai - Chem ft 62 I P'r .2 DI so. s .3 nyii)g Lirwids In Ccntlfu,.,! s , P-irt I I Th P- Pnths and vel,,~citlcs r)f '.be Drop'-ets. by A. Titus Min ct a, S PAIII T T!. rr-- rS o c I m- d a 0 o I a (I c I;Isica Fc I CSTRO Scl Chem Viscoolastic ig-mivior of Pruj~jrtics of sinj~le Layors Of SCToalbuma and Gwma Gl6utiliri (bouvine),, by J. Llopis, A. Mort,, 19 i.-1). SP94MIS P", kialos do la [Wul Sociodaul lispanola ele Fisjlz~ Y qui ca 6er. i;. - Qtdiaica, voi Lvjqj wD ZI 1952S pp AUV-11b, Fjcq,t '14avy Tr 4099/1411 ~iu. 1009 Scl - I'llys i~,)r GS 278,230 Mr~jc" cc--C. - L A " herd cal Fact(~-.:s o-F P os j Ible Bio"O i -idficauce Which Tnfi-tIellea t~ CO tellt of' .. I--- Diff-Cra-rit Frarettons of Silica in suluti-Or"', CC Ca*--,5:0*rOC, per,. Fi5lcu y quimica, Vol LV, No 12, 19.59~ ii- - CSIRO/Ho 6377 Z' Stracture of Zinc I.,letaboratue Zn40(BO2),--, 1)y P- %.dth, 3 PP. SPANISH, per, Socie id Baanola de Figizg-ff_Quim~ca Anales. Serie A-Fisica, Vol I LVIIA, 11o 11-12; lrIOT) 4-~ PP 2663-~263. Natl D.Lreau of' Standards Sci - 1~jjn/I,Jet oct 62 212. -A , j~ -,~ Alkaloids inMents of the Cana y Islands. Vir. Nicodana NicodAm Padculatat by k. a. Gomalezi P. DIaz RodrIpez, 14 pp. SPANMI Part Anales SociedW Espanola de Fisica y Quinica, Vol LVJ31B, 1962, pp 431-436. SLA 63-18429 Sci-Biol k Med S cl MPxch 64 252,059 Pmub an tbo Omlw Attwk In p ads ocubw I it Inue of swusm MwW# bV B. R. *Ms.. 6 pp- SWIZM4 Pot Ana2miGodabd MOZIUM do 7 1 7v rm; 23# %It IW# Vp 25---.L. sm M6~627M 324Lt358 Sal - Biol & *d Coztribution to the Study orf the Zamias in th-,, Dadni Republic, by Iticourt y Regus, Rm ntkrTacia, 8 pp~ ;tf BFIM18H. per, Analw de la Univerali4o-t,:- -Esom~~C DamikftOv V-a -XIIo 19471 ? 171-100. General Critical Review of the Methods Used In the Streas Analysis of Important Arch Dviwu~ by J. L. Serafim. PORTUGUME, rpt, Analive Geral Critica dos I - --- " ' etodos de Calculo Maio Importantea don Burrageni3- M Abobada: Lisbon., 195S.- 21 PP. Dept of Gammm== Interior W Bur of Reclamation Technical Lib Denver, Colorado, Oct - Engr sep 60 R-37/64 Program of the Association Latino AMericana de Libre comercio. ACTEL takes form .7 SPANISH, per, Analisis, No 149, Buenos Aires, 6 Jan 64, ppA6k2ft 24 - 27 & p 30. /JPRS/IDC-1025 I /Special Las Amer- Argentina Econ Jan 64 ,T-1428/62 Analysis of the Evidence Attached to the Main Document File No 1, ~2, Of' SPANISH, rpt, Analisis de los Elementos Probatorios Anexos al Escrito Principal - Legajo No 1, 58 PP. 1~~/I)C-8253 LA - Venezuela Pol 26 Nov 62 a-m Analysill for tbe PUrpoSe Of ftgiOMI A'*VelOf0M4 reverse translation - 20 PP- aMZM into SPANM,, ADRIIBIG De Terr-M.49. GOO. - - - , ~ I-A* Fines de Dep~~-ftle , a --- ..... .---:--.. WjJ"S/DC-2377 Jan 59 Anansis of Solid Fuels,, by B. Roga. POLISH8 bkq Analiza Paliw Statych, 1952. CFSTI Tr 61-31316 Sci - Fuels & Prop Aug 66 maw 308,362 Detection and Determination of Small Concentra- tions of Palladium with I-nitroso-2-napthol and 2-nitroso-l-napthol, by Elena Rosbia Alvaroz. SPANISH, per, Anales de la Direccion Nacional de Quimea, Vol 20 1949t pp 88-90, *VAMSIT F-11,836 Sci-Chem Jwic 68 Analytical Representation of the Geomagnetic Main Field and its Secular Variations by H. Kautzlebon. GERMAN,, rpt,, Die-Analytische Darstellung -notischen lig des Geomap Ltfeldes und der Sakularvariation, 1963, pp 90-92. *ACIC TC-1247 sci-E.. sci Jun 67 ;Jam c1 Be dea 9/14 f.geu~-y.. reder;,j rnilrotd ldminirtr-.tion tle -4,wi-34se do bri Damnnds 7by--geuz- futhor! MOF I.Oarvi,-.9 do 1- reiiharahe 1 ,L,Mauga- French Pxvie- Hof ap7Aiaable In-,tnv.-.i T'leass transInte and 73 -7 o 3 6fr- ty;v one copy ouV Quantitative Analyda In t1h=analyals by an Flectrode Probe, by J, philibert, FRFA,'.CH,, rpt, L'AnRIXM ~,umlmdve on Microanalyse Du Sonde Ew-mo Feb 1905, *NASA TT F-9339 sci-Electr Jun 65 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY AM*" of dW L" LaWWo of alvo- Pbaft Flo& IL V&Utka of CWftwatian and rssuibAtft of do Aniw et B&bkwo by C. jActale. . vim A F"1-404* tv4 sm", 1"Wao do LOCWIS d%A JAW Oa L964# OALC sd-pllya Ju 65 bwaKied tadyoft of rbe. uxaltamau'le a a Two-phm PIM. L. tvar4ar, cc te ,-,Mvat it WAM by c LAdWA6 7'. W I% OR r l' ~FA imam. M Aman F #A, Aga" dt Fd) 19" Jan C-5 AnalySIS of NUClear FUol. 1. I)issolution of Irradiated Urarlum Samplei~ by H. i4rantfi,, et al. GE1,11fill, rpt, Analyw Von Nuklearen LWemstuffon, 1. lwflmM von BostralUten UrA3~r&oj_ 1964, 17 pp. *AEC sci-Ns j1d 65 61-14000 Herbo, Cl. THE ODMPARISON OF WHIGM BY DIREC17 WEIGH 1. Weights (Analytical) ING (Comporalson des Poide par Pea6e Directe). [19611 2. Weig" 8p. 3 refs. 1. Haft C Order from SLA rnJ$L K ph$1. 50 61-1400D Trans. ot Mlm]rA Arm (Netherlands) 1947, 1. P. 12254- 9. (CherniatTy- -Analytical. rr. v. 5, no. 12) TT-63- I RS76 Peltier. Stmonne and Duval, Clement. CRITICAL S7`UDY OF THE GRAVIMETRIC DETER- 1. Peltier, S. MINATION OF CALCIUM IN TTiE PRESENCE OF IL fluval. r. MAGNESIUM (9tude Critique du Dosage Gravim4tripye du Calcium en Pr~~nce de Magn6slum). (1963](21 (foreign text Included) 30refe Available on loan tram SLA Tr-63-18576 Trans. of Analytic& Chimica Acta (Netherlands) 1947, v. 1, p. 408-416. DESCRIPTORS. OCalclum, Magnesium, Oxalatea, Chemical precipitation, GraAmetric analysis. (Chemistry-- Analytical, TT, v. li, no. 1) Analytica chl.='ca Ac~a,, Amsterdam., New York 1948, Vol 2, pp 17-29 ornt-tr--2337 order from nto J`~ 1,0 -)-~ 70 MALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA. ANSIEND ~ Ko YOM% ~~ l9bu vis olb3-lbe - - 70-4~2 55 go>.:,i. " 4,I - . ---- 1 .1 .1. CL mirati.0-no.. by 11. F lb~'ccWaL;, ~2 -,i-, p per, Amlyt c4 CLj"-lca o1 -p-hpics ~6 63-16906 Flaachks, H. and jakiDblievicb. H. THE USE OF 11110ACETAMIDF IN QUANTITA1 WE 1. Title: ninacetamide ANALYSIS. 1. DETERMATION OF AMIMNY. 1. Flaschka, H. [1963112p. 13 refs. H. jakobIjeVich, H. Order from SLA $1.60 63-16908 Trans. of A Ica CbJM1C9 AM (Nethertrads) 195(~ M v. 4, p. Z W DESCRUrMRS- *Antimony, SuMdes. CbEmicll P7ftiPi tation, Quantitative analysia, Amides. hcetYi ra&cRb% Thio radicals. Thioaceramide Is used for the quantitative predpitation of W3 In acid solution. The preclPitate. in Its red or black modification to dried In a current of CO a, o ? ;~ 2S0-300 and weighed after cooling. 71be black . can glao be xelghLd after drying at 120P and was" with warm CS 'Tbe results cf analysis of sbzsl - - I (Che mist ry- t'ganic 1 71" V. 10, Ito. 7) (over) Office of Tmtvical U~ta 63-IB251 Mmuler, a, Roesgen, L. , and Monider, R. POLAIZOGRAPMC STUDY OF HEXACHLOROCYCLO Monnier, D. REUNE (19631 9p. 8 refs. tweagen. L. Order from SLA $L 10 63-18251 111. Monder, h. Trans. of Analytica Chimica Acm (Netherlands) 19K v. 4. P. 309-315. DESCUMRS: *Cyclohezanes, *Chloridow, *Polaro- g-phicanalysis. Molecularlsonwrism. Separation, *Insecticides, *He=ch1orocyclobemmw. (Cheadscry-Analytical, TT, Y. 10. no. 11) Dffkt oi Tedwkil Senim Utilization of the Halogen Cyanide Formation in quantitative Analysis. V. Iodometric Method for the Determination of the Chloiites Be Hypochlorites and Chlorates, by E. Schulek, P. Endroi. DUMI, per, Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol V, 19fi5l, p 368-374. SLA TT 64-30063 May 67 325,012 Valm IL Vm RAPID DMRMINATM OF NITRAW IN SOUMON BY CATALYTIC RROLICTION WITH HYDROGEK [1%01 (sip. 11 rds. Order from SLA mIU. 8% pb$t. 90 W18116 Mmus. of Awlytics ChImics Acm Oisthm Unft) MI. W. 3 Inm 60-16116 1. MhWa-Datermlotion 1 1. DAIM E vaz /V;1 A Critical Study of the Quantitive Determination of SUIPbutes by U- Frey- UMOM;, perp Awlyt Chis Actap Vol V1p 1952,~ pp 126-132. TPA3/TIB Th341 0 International , / all Sci - Chemiotry Ja Spectropbotmetric' Inalysis of Aluminium-Baw Alloyso ~y bk4i~n.' UT-W W, Awachiz'~c'tq voi vno 1952, pp 523- .TPA3/TIB T-4163 cAentific - Chemistry A% 54 cm Isolation of Techntium, by S. Tribalat, J. Beydon,, DUTCH, per, Analytica Chimica Actat Vol 8, jo 1953, No 1, pp 22-28 STA TT-64-1-8347 Sci - Phy May 67 326,506 CouUrWmtlpn to the lBtaSy of Electrotitrimtric Dolap Met~ddsv by Go Dqcbawtop U PP's OMAN,, pws, Awl Chft Act&# Vol Vlrlt 1-953,v PP 57-65 8,:Lir A. Aug (20 MUzation of Polavi7ation Curwes U Mae bro- dumical DMW. IT. Contaut Voltap Ageramtrj#' by R Gaupb And 0- QwIotv'39 PP- !Amf per., AM, Chft A.011s.o Vol VMv 1953# PP 63-- B.I. A. - Tr Sol - chemutry Aug 56 =/4m Tr-64-10127 SchWek, E., Pungor, E., and Kethelyi, ). CONTRRMONS TO THE VOLHARD METHOD OF 1. Title: Volbard's DETERMINING HALOGEN, (1963112p 3refs volwnetric method Order from SLA $1.60 Tr-64-10127 1. Schutek, E. ll. Pungor, E. Trans. of Analytica Chimica Acta (Netherlands) 1953, 111. Kethelyi. v. 8, p. 229-234. IV. SLA-D Another trans. Is available from SLA as B. 12p. DESCMPTORS-*Iialogens. *Chlorides, Volumetrtc i analysis, Silver compounds, Potassium compounds. Nitrates, Chemical prix1pation, (Chem Isi ry- -Analytical, TT, v. 11, no. 5) Determination of Silioon by Precipitation of the Yellow Silieo-*lybdic Cokplex by QAxinoline,, -by M. Amud~ J. Barth=. (HOMS . AM) per, Awa ChIM Actes Vol VMs 19531 pp 510-525. RAN Tr 774 fti - chemistry Jul 59 f pok Indirect Determination of TunLrstcn in 1,1incrals by Neans of Complexometric Titration, by A. ac. Sousa. GM,W,T, per, Analytica Chim. Acta,, Vol ), 1)53, PID CSIRO/1,1U.U2,~1 S w - JU.L 0 1 JJL) (,-,j Anatytica Ch=ica Acta, Amsterdan~, New York 1,95.3, Vol 8. pp 309-323 nto 70-13709-07B Prediction o-L' the Cunes in Bimetallic Potent iometric Determinations by Means of Polarization Cur,.ts,, b.., jo Co-araierp 8 pp. CM.910.0# perp AM),,ruica Vol X, No 3, 1954s PP SIA 59-1051 scl - Chem SeV 59 VO I ~j NO I .10I 6icel, pt; Anal Chim Acta,, Vul X, 1954, British Iron and iZoel ItW Analytica Chimica Acta, Amaterdw, New York 1954, Vol 11, pp 221-224 nto 70-24062 U,,U',, U,' H DijiWil, per, Analyticla ConUibutim to the Modal 0 Detevd-istjom or Werlels CoutWWdjzg LevAj, by R. cQuee, 15 rp. I x1v ==A, per# halt Cs (a tw*~,Vbl nrms~ w - madetry 67- 1085 Oct 96 A hvoi3ion TranAtowtor, t7 L. Giarst, 12 pp. GMWI$ per, Awl Cbm AcUs Vol No 1936p pp 262-270. AM Tr 2682 Soi - chodotry -~~ IRd Jan 57 M V Spectrophometric Inveatlastion of & Few Analytics1ly Important Complexes of Titanium in Solution, by X, Okmc) L. Somer. POT"a ;4 10 r, Avalyt Chim Act&, Vol XVt 1956, 5t3r 5 Pp 7 DSIR/29275/CT Sci - Chemistry -4 Oct 57 qMs Determination of ThWiUM 018 the M11mit"Ptm Scqlop by E. PICCIOttgpo So WIlPiu, 11 pp. GERNM, per, ftal ChImActa.. Vol XVt, 1957j, pp 530-540. -- AM 083 Bel - On J&D 59 7~ 761 On the Distribution1d Metal Derivatives Of 8-oxyqukoUne Between Water and'Orpnic Solvents, CommunicationVo 3. Photometric Determination of Magnesium After the E=acdon of Its G]WnUe With Chloroform In the Presence of Amines, by Fritz Ublan4 Werner Hcffmann, 17 pp. NV~, per, Andytica. Chimica, Acta, Vol XVU, 1957j, pp 234-246i AEG-Tr-6346 Scl-Ghem Jun 64 260,497 C:w I i it, It., A I It, it onq I, J. , a ml Votwnardin, It. A S011RCH OF F'RROR IN TIIH ClIEMICAL DETER- KIINATION 01; IN SPECIAL SIT"I'lls. [ I 9s B I 'i. 1'. 1 t c fs. Order It om SLA $1. 10 61-10437 Trans. ofpAnalytica Chimica Acia (Nutiterfands) 1957, v. 17, no. 5, p. 5.W,534. 6 1 - 16 137 CA F~l ro, It. Allummid, 11. DESCRII'VORS: 'Stcv), himillurgical analyfils, Nllrogpi, Docinimmion. Errorq. 6 n - Op 7/f 5, (Merilhirgy--I'vi-rowl K-laln. TF, V. 0, lio. 4) Sauvenier, Gh. and Duyckaerts, G. POLAROGRAPH(C ANALYSIS OF GERMANIUM IN GERMAN"IFERROUS MNERALS AND CONCEN- TRATES. [19621 [61p. 3 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-16068 Trans. of Antilytica Chiruica Acta (Netherlanolis) t95.7, v. 16, P. 592-596. DESCRII'MRS: *Gcrtnankim, Polarographic Solvent e-mracdon, CJheinical equilibrium, ElectroNtes. 62-16W 1. sauventer, C'. [I. Duyckaerts, G. A method is given for the analysis of gcrmainulm c~rii- bining the emractiw of GeCl,t by CCI, and tLe T301P.I.- ographic deternalinatlan of GeIV. After a study of die listribu-,ion coefficient of betweeii c-arbon tetrachloride and an 3qut versus die normality in hydrochloric acid aiio "I" (C]ietni s try- -Analytical, TT, v. 8, no. 6) ~.V 1:: OR- ~f Application of the Hanging Drop of Mercury to the Determination of Minimum Quantities of Different Ions,. b W Kemula, Z. Kublik. -00~ff-, per, Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. XVIII, .1058, pp Sci - Phys oct 62 *SLA The Qaalitative e--.d Qaantitatllvo Ary~ Hmm.f Tar rAln by Gar-, Dupire, G. Dotquin. 7cl pp Dep "a Cf 1L, Bu or Kim) Petcoleum &Prr 5U, Lil- BoxtIa3vill'.", flsllv~ - Tr 72 Sci Chem 1172 a~215, 7/ SYNTHESIS AND PROPERTIES OF POLYMERS Vill A CONJUGATED SYSTEM. 11961114p. Order from ATS $19.95 ATS-95N48R Trano. of Ans ChImilc2l Actj (Netherlan") LgJcaL 1958. V. DESCRIPTORS: 'Polymers, Synthents, Electrical properties, Polymerization, Semiconductors, Conductivity. 61-22229 I. Berlin, A. A. 11, ATS-95144511 111. Associated Techrdcal Seryices, I=- East Orange, N. (Chemistry- Physical. TT, Y. 6, no. 2) Mercurimetric Determination of Chlorides, by B. Dannenberg, I p. DUTCH, per, Analytica Chimica. Acta,, Vol XVIII, 1958, PP 315--~16-..-- - ---- Broken IiiII ProPrietary Co Ltd (CRL/T 105) Sci Nov 61 63-10254 Kemula, W. and Kublik, Z. APPLICATION OF THE HANGING MERCURY DROP 1. Kemula, W. TO THE DETERMINATION OF VERY SMALL 11. Kubiik, Z QUANTITIES OF VARIOUS IONS. [19621 10p. 8 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-10254 Trans. of_6AaL4jg&Lbja'd~NethcrIands) 1958, v. 18, p. 404-411. DESCRIPTORS: Ions, Quantitative analysis, *Drops. *Mercury, Mercuryalloys, *Electrodes. (Chem istry- -Analytical, Tr, v. 10, no. 9) 300 49 Techni" Zerikn 61-22152 COLORIMMIC MIC ROF)FTERNTINATION OF 1111OLS 1. '11dols- : :crillination IN ALCOIN)LIC SOLMON W111i N-11--1'1i)'BLALH1- I. Prctkfi!~; a, MIDE-, 119611 7p. II. iF Order froin Al"S $3.&0 ATS-86N-11SIF Ill. 1'~~hntcal S(--rv- Ices, Inc., 1~-Isl Oran'~e' Trans, (if Al, 11[yiwaj Oft)(Ical Acta (Ntilm-lands) N. 1958, v. 19, p. 5.12-547 (Ch~-mistry--Analydcal, IT, Y. 5, no. 11) Estimation in Mineral AWvals by Extraction With the Aid of Cala=a Cationa,, by L. MW DUM-et) 14, Drouillas. 098M, per, Ansly+Aaa. ChImIca Acta,, No as 1959j, pp Broken MU ProIxIetary Co Ltd CM/T.557 set - Min/kAt Oct 61