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Contribution to the Technique of Photoola-,AiCitY) by M. A. Biota MOOE, per) A~p4~p._~e -11a.-S-Ociete Scientif iclue) Bruxelles, Series 1, Sciences, Vb'f-T=,-'1933, SZ) t~) Se i -Phrs Aprii 64 A 144ss Spectrometric Study of the Decomposition of Germane Under the Influence of Electron Bombardment, by Do Mevergines and Delfse, 9 pp. FRENIGI, per, Ann Soc Scij Jk~ux.# Vol LXIV, ", N -__ _ M 1950, pp 1W.-O-MO38 ABC-tr-5322 Sci - Electron Dec 62 .21 Sygptoms of Hmpnese Deficiency in Citrus Control Measures, by F, Russo,, G. Raciti. ITALIANO POT AmaU Do a Wntaxione i e 2 t Agruiao ~o ~* VAM 9~pp 8=14*81T.' Sci-9101 4 Had SCI Kay 6 3 Some Problems of Statistical Analysis Arising From the Physics of Microcorpuscles.. f. Poisson Dism-butions and Relittive Wasurements, by It.:Breny, 26 pp, FRENCH, per, Annales~ de la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles,'Vol L=, No 3, 1957, pp 135-160. 9224820 AEC-ANL-Tr-47 Sci-phys Nov 64 268,732 Hydrographic Re.,eaxches on Lake Leman, by Bernard n Daso-ort, 30 pp. 11IRLITCH, per, Almales j1p la Station Centrale d'Hydi-c-biol APPliciuce, PP 137-20,"). Fisheries Res Boaxd of Canada Biol Station llanaimo, B.C. Sci. Feb Anadromous Stream JvligpTation of 451he Sahlon, and Gradient o2- Salinity, by M. Fontaine) R. Vober~, 10 vp. ~ de la Station Centrale 1;1113,drubJol FAMCH, per, Inq (j u -L ApplIquee, Vol IV, 10, 1-4 52, PP 339-3- Fisheries Res Board of Canada Biol Station Nanaimo Station Sci Fei) 64 Chemkcal Fertilizers and Availability of the Nutrient Elements with Particular Reference to Phosphorus, by L. Tombesi. ITALIAN, per, Annali Stazione Chimico- ~ia SperimWn-tale, Ser 3, No 231, 1964, pp 20-28. NTC 69-10526-02A Sci-Agri July 69 386,634 62-22799 ThmbesL Luciano. COURSE OF SOME EMYMATIC ACTIMIES AND 1. TbmbeRi. L OF UM CONTENTS OF KETO ACIDS, PROTEM It. K-H-5547d NMOGEN, GLUCOSE, SrARCH AND CrIMC ACID M. Kre8ge-Hooker Science DURING UIE PHASES OF THE VEGETAIWE CYCLE Library Aswc1aws, OF MCaMW TARACUM VAR. VMGM BRICHr. Detroit. Mich. [1962137p. Order from K-H $46.25 K-H SSG d Trans. of lone, ~C11,4,'Ico',A;gra40~1aSov[~1 R' 0 om!5A _ 9.. -9; no. p. - ; no. 119, p. Iff. A nc, I p. DESCRIPTORS: *Tobacco, *Nicodn4 Virginia, Phase transitions, Citric ackle, Starches, Glucosa~ Nitrogen. Proteins, Acids. Ketones, *Enzymes. (Biological Sciences-Blochemistry, TT, 'e. 10, w. 8) Offic. M Tuh0-1 U,,kn The Uranides aad Thair Pbp1cal Homology, by C. G. BedreM, 13 yp. FROCKs per, Awle le.Stiint Univ "Al 1. Cam" lui., Beat I WWV01 L 1955P PP 231-242. AEC Tr--4108 Sci - Phys 19 an 61 ~ S ;7 Y -2.-2, Establishment of Some Methods of Higher Accuracy for the Integration of Differential Equations, by A. Cotiu. I= ITALIAN, per, Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii, "Al. 1. Cuza"'din Iasi, Sectiunea 1, Vol VI~ 1~60) PP 585-598- *Redstone Arsenal Sci - Math & Data Process oct 63 62-IBW Pelle, Pierre. DEVICE FOR'THE CORRECTION OF TFLEGRAPHIC 1. Pelle, P. SIGNALS TRANSMITTED IN AN ARYTHKIIC CODE. [1962] 10p. (figs. formulae refs. omitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-18068 Trans. of_&nnales des T61ecommunlHcat~lcnsffrancc) 1947, V. 2 [n-o-.-4j p. 129-06. DESCRIPTORS, Corrections, *Telegraph signals, Distortion, *Transmitter-receivers, Communication equipment, Networks, Design, Synchronization (Flec- tronics), Telegraph equipment, Signals. *Coding. (Engineering- -Electronic, TT, v. 9, no. 10) JYT1- Spect-rim Analysis of the Energy In Fluctmtlon Phenommax by A. Blanc-Lapierrej R. I?Ortet.. 38 pp, =~per AID,,. ~Iqgmmi Vol UP No 7., ,my 19tis Pp, 2M-M., S.L.A. Tr 57-3o6 g1 70~- MY 57 From Linear Mechanics to Nonlinear Mechanics, by Julien Loeb,, 18 pp. YMNCH.. pert Aunales des'Telecomunications, Vol V~ No 2; Feb 1950, pp 65-71- NACA TM 1396 Sci - Electronics, Engineering '3 6~ 6 0 z / 7 Mm,dwrn Electric Cella ard Their Applicatirin in Tole-Comnication (Miniatures Cells), 22 pp. Ag by J. Pernik FRERCH, per. Aun-Tedecomun, Vol VI; N~; 5~ PP 12 2 - 12 6 SIA /1, Sci - Elec~tnn b- Feb 58 Tr-64-14236 Goareb. Paul. ON ACIWATED CADMWM SULPME CELLS. (19631 1. Goercke, P. 22p (rob omitted) Order from SLA $2.60 Tr-64-141236 Tram. of Armalao-des-TiWooommoicatIons (France) 1951, v. 6, p. 325-330. c t-iIkvidwi) DESCRIFTORS: *Photoelectric calts (Semiconductor), *Cadmi= compounds, *Sulfides. OPhotoclectric effect. Copim, silver, sonsitivity, Crystab, After a =very of the most Important properties of cadmium sulfide (CdS) cells, examples ars provided to demonstrate how thesis properties can be varied by the addition of activators. In the cuo of activation by or zilver, *:g.. the Influence of activator percentage ITIN *a spectral dhMbKioo of sensitivity. the Itasnal resistance, noise and response tim of the CdS calls is (Pbyvtcs--SoUd State, 7T. v. 11, no. 9) (Over) Some Reaulta of the Application of Boolinn Algebrn to thn, OIL' RaLly 10 'j- M-EIMN, [ er, Ann Telecomran, Vol VII, No 1952 57-3523 Sel Jul 59 /9/ 7//19/6 Solid Obstacles in Wave Guides and Applications,. by P. Chavancej, F. salort, 42 pp. MEH, perp Ann IeQqwq) Vol VIII" No 5p FAY 1953.- pp ~?,W,3-11 BLA Tr 57-650 VAL - Electricity -5- d, ~ -17 Aug 57 Semi-Conducting Cmplexes for Non-Linear Resistors. A byffeatnerp et ea, 55 pp. /Z)I% go per# Anualeo des Vol Vni.. NDt ), ]p 272. S.L.A. Tr 1177/1956 Sci - Electronics ~I-d Oct 56 M " 0 / /" Transmission of Centimetric Waves on Wire-jdke Wplt-Qguides, by P. ekaax Chavanee end B. Chiron, 5 pp. FRENC.Ut perg Ann. Telecomm, Vol Vll.(.~ 19533, PP 373- 376. AEC Tr 2821 Sci - Physics M,al- 5VCTS Tables of Contents of Two ftmalk Issues of Annales dea Telecommunicattona, 2 pp,, UlWSSIFIED FIWCH,, Annales des Telegommnications# monthly publication of the National Center d-Telecommunica- tions studyO Vol Vni, ro, ilp Nov 1953; W No 12p Dec 1953- Navy Tr ggl/Mil 1259 WBur - F=nce Economic - Teleca=uications tMNLY /4/ a;z7 Recent Progress in Industrial Applicati=5 of Electrostatic Generators, by J. VOCI, 32 p~ FRMICH, per, Annales des Telecommunications, 1954, vai. ix, -?Fo-fff-j~j'-44~459- SLA 59-17035 Sci Mar 6o Vol 2, No 12 /Oz A 5 _41 Aictempt to Cllm_svl_,*Y iCertsl ~.'athoafi of tc ib;!! Signals. by Ao P-olo-Ov p3r,, Pm Talecqnnu, Vol 17q No A ect An Attempt to Classify Certain VAthods of Acoustic Preparation Anplied to the Mwical Signal, by A. Moleo,. 10 pp. FRENCH) per Aan Teleco=,nication, Vol IX, NO 7/8j 1954# -' SIA 57-2334 YA,y 5 8 ~ '? /,f / STUDY OF THE FARADAY EFFECT IN A PLASMA AT 10000 Mc/sj BY M. BONNET, M. MATRICON. FRENCH) PRE, ANNALES TELEC OMM UNICATIONS) VOL X, 1955: PP 150-156. TIL T 5278 SCI - CHEN 210)226 SEP 62 On an E.,preadion for the Pavers of a Matrix and Its Application to Iterated Netvorks, by A. Fekhikher, 14 pp. OEM, per, Ann TeleroMan, Vol Xj No 11, Z5j PP 237-242. SIA 57-1975 Sci - May 58 6 3, JP- / Technical Possibilities of Noize Reduction in the Re- ception of Weak Radar Signals, by H. Borg. rg:~ / vc 14- ;REEZiW, per, Ann. de Telecomm., Vol. 11, No. 5, 1956, pp. 90-111. *Y,orris D. Friedman for LincolnLib (Will appear in SIA later) Sep 57 i-6o/63 D-atectulon and Analysis of 1xifro-soUnds Propagated in the Pdr in the Range of 2 to 30 Cycles, by Lemid Pimonow, 11 V - FRI-MICH, per, Armales des Teleco= mications, Vol KTI, ,.lo 12; 195T~ I)p 41g-1123. 4~Pl /DC-JO591 Sci I~p r 6) 3 Partial Renections In the Atmosphere and Long- Dist~ance qpogatiqn#,by'Francois Du Castel, Pie=6 *- me, et al. FRENCH,, per, Annales des Teleco ons, Vol ME, No 7-8. 1958, PP 209-214. 9692812 DDC RSIC-166 Sci-Electronics July 64 2630160 7be Instamtanem Bpeatzm atil Analpis of a sipa in 7mumey and TIMO by P. D==.. 2D pp. PMERp pwp Am dw Telecomumi, Vol XIVI, No :L/2, 1959,-5 g:L-3e. --- ATD-TIAW 6d /,p .7, 7 4y 10 Na 62 Vol 4.4 No 4 Phonetic Recognition and its Neasurum-vnt, by Je C. Lafon, 37 plis FRENG1, per, Annales des Tole coanunicati ons, Vol 15, No 1, 1960, pp 27--37 Ad'11WISIC/Tr-864-68 GOVUNI,ENT USE ONLY Sci/Comn 374,197 Fe'D 69 I ANNALES ULS TELECOWMICAT104S 19bi V16 NII/2 P296-307 TO-22499 .1. 1964 V19- POW P-49-59 .,.. 70-12018-04A 0-ILCUi i;i`Lq,,,) 0 TC- H-17/63 'Bae Rapid Transmission of ',riftectrical signals Over P- Telephone Channel (Fart KI II) I by Georges Valensi - DC-10019-IR 3 6 W, PIMICH, per, J"=ales des 'De-leconmmications; Vol XXI, Nos 3-4, 196'1~ pp 66-6 . 0 41-o Basic Solutions to th"-' vectorial E,:,~Mtlon of Waves in Teroz Of SPher'cal Coord-Jn-atCEI.. bY mawice BoLAY., !5 PI). r Annalej; del) RENCH, pe 140 5/0", 3-6 hesi 1-5015 !D 22-13-725.) Sai - Phya) Vath Jan 63 Overflow Traffic, by P. LeGall. GERMAN, per, Anngles des Telecom-muni- cations, Vol 16, 1961, pp 226-238. NTG 72-10154-17B Apr 72 Connection Matrices and the Algebra of Networks, by M. Boisvert. FRENCH, per 11 Annales des Telecommunications, Vol 16, No 11-12, 061s pp 268-287. NTC-69-13091-12B Sci-Math Sept 69 392,773 Space Commications with flultiple Relays, by G. Valensi. FRENCH, Per, Anales des Telecommunications. Vol 18, No 3-4, 19630 pp--6-0-=. MTC 69-13090-17B Sci-Nav Sept 69 392,797 IT_j~/(.',3 jt~ ~rE,jD A ItTe char, --cal "Vocorler": -~he jewl,Q ,amile T TIMNCJHT~ ICl'., Annales des TelecoiLorunicZations, Vol ITO~- 1._ AT= 1, 11 6; !",~63; ~-.- 02-67- 1,TPP,,S'/ DC 111, SE C ILL Sci - En~p: se.~t Experimental Research on Geomagnetic Guiding. of Decameter Wavesl by F. du Castel EUROPFXI, per, Annales des T glecommunications, Vol 18, 110 9/101 19631 PP 177-184 14 -16329-2011 ITTC 71 tu 4 S R -r7 /~`- )?, ozl max 72 Models of the Aunpsphere inferred From Meteorological Observations, by Pierre Mism e,,i 17 pp. FRENCH per' AzuaIe&des.TejgcQmM XVM$. No 1963. pp 294-300. 9695561 AKmer metearol.- goo T-FwO Sol - 244S 131~ Ian 65 270,920 Reception Threshold1or.Frequency Modulation. Estimation.6f the Theoretical Limit of. Its Improve- ment, by -G,. BAttafl. FRENCH, per,~ Anniles des TelecommunicatioIns, VoI Mj No 1, 2, 19624P pp 1-28. NASA TT F-9043 Sci-Engr Nov 64. UsS-0 GOVERNMENT ONLY 268,795 Evolution of the Methods of Measuring the Uniformity of the Apparent Diameter of Threads, bj A. BareIla. ITALIAN, per, Ann Textile No 3-9, 1956, pp 62-77. imDoc-T2o98 Sci Aug 58 ~~ L4,4(u,) I&C- I . i I ANNALES TEXTILES 4q % 1106 Vi2 N4 P31-73 ~ ~'- j-~ ., 70-2249B 0> properMap of a Now Hj&~J~Jty VUcose Plbarp by R. Temermup 10 PP- mat porp Aim fttlimp No 4, MA Tr 57-1791 set Ja 58 6 7, n9, Rase&6 on the Damage to Wool by AIMM; by Di, Fob~m-tp 14-1. Dielen. F1,42"NOP parp L"Mies --Lbzviles. va ul.~ N'0.4,~ 456.- 92 31-M- esm 4&r4 sci -m Chem 1031 /7/ e1 ~ ,xi 62 'o4mamic Similitude and Mcdcl Tests In " Y= Applied Hydraulics; OMpter 3P Technical Ap- -olicationa of MmIel Tests; by R. Spronck. =MCR: par$ A%nnales Des TAvauz Publ-ics Da Belgiquep Feb rc~r ro W-18 O'cientif ic Engineering Jm, 55 CTS/= 61-18930 Rlessauw, F., Dooms, 1. and others. THE NEW PRESTRESSED CONCRIM BRIDGE IN 1. Riemsaw, F. THE RUE DE SMET OVER THE CANAL DE RAC- 0 - Dooms, COMMENT (JUNCTION CANAL) AT GHENT. (19611 34p. Order from SLA $160 61-18950 Trans. of Annales des Travaux Publics de peoqm, 1949. 1. DESCRIPMR& 'Bridges, *Concrete, Desigm Can- etruction, Belgium. (Engineering-Civil, TT, Y. 6. no. 9) offit. of T.A.1481 $.Me's 61-18946 Dehan, E. and Louis. H. THE MEASUREMENT OF THE FORCES AND THEIR 1. Dehan. E. VARIATION IN ACCESSIBLE WIRES IN PRESTRESSEC U. Louis. H. 0:)NCRETE STRUCIURES: ITS APFUCATION TO SCLAYN BRIDGE. [i961154p. Order !roin SLA $5.60,- ti-1894t! Trans. of Annales des Travaux Publics de Belgique, 1950, v. DESCRIPTORS: O'Steel wire, *Cowrete, Mechanical pmperties, Stresses, Creep. Structures. $Bridge@. Belgium. (Materiels, TT, v. 6. no. 9) 61-18947 Cattelsin. P. THE MEASUREMEMr OF LINEAR VARIATIONS OF 1. Canelain. P. CABLES AND ITS AMICATION TO SCLAYN BRIDGE 119611 6p. Order from SLA *1. 10 61-18947 Trans, o(Annale See Tr 195a Y. Ir, 01-02TIP. DESCRIPTORS: *Bri4pm, Couaumctlor~ Materials, Offire, *Cordage, Messuretnem Belslum u (Englnftrlr;g--ClvLl, Tr. Y. 6. w. 9) Tft6ltel Hermite, Robert 1', ECBqT RESEARCH ON CONCRETE. [1961131p. rder from SLA $3.60 61-18919 rans. o(,M ales des Travaux Publics de Wgjque -2- .9491 v. W2, no, 5'-P. -4ff--51 TORS: *Cements, Production, Elasticity, Me- properties, Vibration, Tests, OConcrete. (Materials, IT, v.. 6, no. 9) 61-18919 1. Hennite, R. 1'. 61-18070 So"a, W. and Vancrombrugge, It. 7112 RESISTANCE TO FATIGUE OF WIRES USED IN 1. Soote. W. PREMESSED CONCRETE. [19611(21~. L2 rds. H, Vencrombrugge, R. Order from SLA $2. 60 61-16870 Trang. of Ahnales des Travaux Publics do Od 1 0; 1 IT 1949, v. IW-nio, ---5 ; DESCRIPTORS: *Steel wire. ModarAcal propenies, Fatigue (Machanics), *Comete. .. %) A (Materials, TT, Y. 6. no. 9) Met of Tockoist) $mhes 61-18959 Ballar, K G. PRESTRESSED CONCRETE POWER-HAMMER I Title: Power hammer FOUNDATION WITH CONTROLLED VIBRATIONS. 1: Be),ar, K G. [t9611 42p, Order fran SLA $4.60 Trans. offinfUtut Techn &3eB9dt[men1qjbs_ - I tjhi U; 8,117rfice-) 1955, v. S. kaft d I J.?1A es Tim jS no. 86, SML p. 171-1 4;---'*' 4 DESCMMRS: *Hammers. Forging, *Concrete, *Fowdations(Structurep~ Cmitruction. 1 (Engineering - -Civil, TT, v. 6, no. 9) 1 office of T"Imi"I S~Ie.f 61-13962 Saillard, M. Y. BUJLDING METHODS IN EASTERN EUROPE: PRE- L Saillard, X Y. CAST CONCRETE RESEARCH AND CONSTRUCTION IN EASTERN GERMANY, HUNGARY AND THE USSRI [196i] (621p. Order from SLA $6.60 61-189621 Trans. frornibstim T=echnid ,;qfte,L,~ T I(O'WrIs )1956 P93 ~&p I DESCRWMRS: &ructwes. *Corwxete, 00mouumiom Gennany. Rugary, USSR. (Engineering- -Civil, TT. Y. 6. no. 9) Offl".1 Tw6WA $"Vic" 61-18964 Kopciawaki. J. and Maus. W. TEN YEARS OP INDUSTRIAL ARCHITECTURE IN Title: Amh1tecture THE POLISH DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC, [196111611P., Kopclowlki, J. Order f rom SLA $6. 60 61-18964 Maus, W. Trans. dlnstltut T~cMlque&u ENatiment et des (Prance) 1937, fv, DESCRIPTORS: Industrial plants, *Structures, DaslM ametruction, 'Conocre", Poland, sCivil engineering. (Engineering - -Civil, Tr, v. 6. n% 9) English Title Unknown, by Z. P. Tesic, 2 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Annales des TraVaux Scientifigue de la Faculte d'agronomie de Novi Sad, no 2, 1958, pp. 9-10. *CFSTI T 70-56059 Apr 70 Friuckples of % Now General Zxory of COUP./ P'erclve Foreep by L. i~eelj, 29 pp, M%M, mr, Aun Wv Grer.41's, Val ml" 1946,o 2 e6m, Sol 'Aa 58 COS7 ghter ARimals, b~v, DOVJ.d'oois in Sjtva~ Cj.esla, ]LO I)er, ales Tj I p k~ aia~ ~:Iltj lo Flo 11T 57r? Sj pi.l. I - 1, vol- 51) IN 10 (P-S 60-21-1516 PL-41) I (r, t V I)ec 61 A Prolidmary Repwt on the OCCMTO= and F=mmic Slodfleaum of the MWesua- ptmus Lmot aWdea In Lubllu Pmdnmj by Mmtanty Strav~s, latu%w secakowskas 14 pp. PCj=.% lwp AaiW a Wiv~~ Variae Cural-- Vol vnp N613y-iWs pp 473-W- 2.9 1716 '7 om 6o-gLho6 PLJM sd - Blol -41 Axr 62 'k-.~e'4hod of Determining the Coefflcicn~ of Soi-- Ile-llaecl, M' , " S,cfan Ul DY ~O 16 pp. POLISH,, per, Amnales Universitatin Pbriac Curie odim,roka, Voll VIII, No 3, 1953, irT71-577 11 5 M OTS 60-215,24 P11-480 Sci - Gco]~hys B?c 61 Studies an the Imlu=e of Flwantral ldxwt Prapxed by PDAtov's Method on the Tk=ain- w4Atlan w4 Growth of Croalwllc Twor In the ftwe,, bV S. KQwbml.. 15 pp. PMM,v pap Avqgp U lywaitatIoMajea curie-SkA&O".. Vol 1. iia Ito Us 1954, PP 5948. NZ Tr 4-5 174;7 -,~z my lm OTS/Am Influence of Long Feeding of Radons on the Capability of Rumtmits to As6imilite It, byt. MeUsz, 3'. Skulmoweld-7 POLISH# per's Universitatis MaUe Curie- Mdodowska, Vol Xi No 2~ 19551, pp 57-65. OTS 60-21575 PL-480 - Sci - Biol & Mod Sci Aug 64 264p. SIC Banueace of Irm on the BloDd PaUern 1u llamra3. Xens and Those Axtifteia4y lafected With Chaem., by Kaztdcra Vm*da,, 30 pp. ME% POT., AnnaQV Y=-ine L,=ie- '1955"JO 4144=1;%~Xa X) see M) k6 OTS 60-21M Soi - Mad Apr 62 METHOD OF COMPLETE CONFOUND114G OF INTERRACTIONS WITH SUB-BLOCKS IN FACTORIAL EXPERIMENTS WITH TWO, THREE, FOUR) AND FIVE LEVELS OF EACH FACTOR, BY WIKTOR OKTABA.. 65 PP. aWfi&"? PAPXER, ANNALES UNIJ~E k,5_VARI AE %3A1 CUR I E-SKuMPW5jSA_ _LUBL I.N, VOL x 11 61 1956? PP 12~-_186. JPRS 16992 SCI - PHYS JAN 63 219,090 Seczkowska, Katarz:~na Species of Th.sanoptera !,,,ew or Rare ir, the Polisi,. Fauna POLISH) per, Annales Vol. 11, (pa s~!c. C, Lublirl, p in~,6 pp. 22'3-225- PL 48o m 6o-21407 ~ 1961 FOLIM, per, Aw ale a Udv*rajt,,qt Dg,p ;Ls cors 6.,.u343 Scl - Dial & lbd Soi 16 Jan 64 62-17511 Mahrburg, Stanislaw. ANATOMO -PATHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF LUNG 1. Mahrburg, S, TISSUE CHANGES IN MICE AFTER INHALATION OF 11. K-H-10693-g TOBACCO SMOKE. [19621. 111. Kresge-Hooker Science Order from K-H $16.25 K-H 10693 g Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. Trans. of [Uniwersytet Marti Curie -Sklodowski el. Annales). Sectitol D., IMedicins) (Poland) 1958, v. 13, no. 4, p. &S-44, DESCRUTIORS: 'SmokcB, Tobacco, *Lungs, Pathology, Mice. (Biological scienceu-roxicology, TT. v. 9, no. 5) office ai TnWcal smtl~ New Biotopu and Now Fwm of Sme Tbysanopters Spaejup by UtAnym SeczMvskiLp 2 pp. Pomms IMP Amalft- Mwi" curie- Bee* C. Vols 13* No 7) 1958.9 pp M-IX. 908M OTO 601-91" PL hw u Sol Blol Oct 61 Studies on the- Occurrence of a!- and B-Carotenes in the Plant Kingdom, by 9, Sykut, Z~..Wierzchowsld, 10 pp. P%MMH~ per, Annales Universitatis. Mariae Curie- Sklodowska, Vol ME, No' 15, 19580 pp 261-271. OTS 60-21575. PL-480 Biol & Med Sci Mug 64 264,113 Dissolution of Tricalcium Phosphatu by Different SUM Strains of "Phosphorus Bacteria: in a Liquid Neditmi, in Sand and in Soil, by A. Dobrzanska, J. Colebiowska. Universitatis Mariae CLIrie-Sklodowska, POLISH, I MAX Lublin, Polonia, Vol XIV, % 4, 195~, pp 67-76. CSIPO/,'Nlo 5751 Sci -Jan 63 62-17506 Lysanowicz, Win Czocbra; Gorski, Michel; and Kedra, Mleczyalaw, 1. Lysanowicz, 7, C. THE INFLUENCE OF NICOTINE AND CAFFEINE ON 11. Gorsid, NJ. THE MVELOPMENT OF ARTERIOSCLEROSIS IN Ill. Kedra, M. RABBITS. (1.9621. IV. K-H-10938-a Order from K-H $31.25 K-H 10938 a V, Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, True. of [Untwersyret Maril Curie -SklodowakJej . UK-Croit, Mich. Annales]. Sectlio) D: (Medicinal (Poland) 1959, V. 14. no. 20, p. 1.81-M. DESCRIPTORR 'Nicotine, *Caffeine, *Anertosclerosis Rabbi%, Pathology. (Biological Sciences- -Toxicology, TT. v. 9, no. 5) Ofte 0 Tttbn1cz4 Smkvs Morphologic: andjilstochernical Changes. In the Adrenals and Other Organs d the Mo*ey~ (Maucus Rheous) After. Air. Transport,, by B. Rubaj, 17 pp. '30L'IH, 'r AnnaIds Universitatio Mariae Ctmie ! 1 db pp Vol XV, 1960. 4 OTS 13 PL-480 Sci -.Biol & Med Sci Jan 65 271,057 EWrimental, SUdes cra the Relation Between Dental Caries and the Environment, by Joseph Jarzab, 20 pp. IIOUSHI, per, Annales Universitatis Mariu Curie-Skloclowska-Miblin PolMla, Vol Off No 2-9,, 19609 pp 315-3300 P100064567 FTD LIT 66-120 Sci-B&M Mar 67 340r488 Dmatigations into Hydrogmdc soils in the Huezva Valley Near Werbkowice, by Zatairriin Zawady&, 21 IV* POLISHI rPts AmaleD Uni'MrsitatiS Marige ftrie- klodovska. I TV 7-30. S , See E, Vol 17., No 2, NIS TT 70-55042 sci/mw sc~ Feb 71 Iuvestinations of Ilydrogenic soils in the Valley 0 of the 1IYCZIi'A Mear 'L'orbkowic, by S. Z;11.','Iszki. POLISH, por, Annales UACS w Lublinie, Vol. 17-1:1 1963, pp. 7-30 *CFSTI IT 70-55042 Sci/ear sci Feb 70 402,454 Modern Cargo-handling Systems, by E. Fasano. ITALTAII, per, Annali Universitario Navale, Naples, Vol 32, 1963, pp 467. (GB/17/2o26) Sci - Aug 67 339,923 English Title: Unknawn~ by J. Besson. GERITAN, per, Annales Uni:versitatis Saraviensisi Vol 6, 1957, FP 17--36. -var-TD-TIT-23-980-68 SciAlLse Oct 68 Wasuring Eqpipment for the Tavestigation of Rapid Halogenation Reactions, by W. Walisdh. FR--.MH, per, Annalpq Vniversitatis Swaviensis,-I - Vol Vill no ~/4, 1958, PP 311-315-- - CST20 5552 Sal, - Chem Aus 62 " a -/, -, 1'~5 - Imstigation of the Raparesentatinm-as of a Mcrodimate Statim, by Z. W=I. MUM, per# AmsUs Udvorsitqg~! Se i Iftafter amau, EM.. Ft Belvoir T4,QO 301 - Geofts y9w 62 Kinetic Investigations of the Oxidation Reactions of Inorgaric Hydro:7y Acids and Peroxy Acids, by J. Trompler, E. Pan-or. IMIGARM, per Ann. Univ. Sci. Bude.-Ptst. Rolando Eoetvocs Nominatac. Sect. Chi Vol. 2, 1960, PP 73-84 CSIRO/ No. 7680' Sci - Aug 67 - 330-4111 Annales zoologici, Vol 16, i1o 17, 1957, Full tr by CPSTI T1, 67-56112 Available at Ly Serials Sept 69 Revioij of tile Polish SjJOdOs Of tho (4')IUS Mantus Dejean, by K. culewskj,, I'M=-, per, Amales zoologici-, Vol XVI, Nla 17, 1957,t pp 224-sig. *CFSTI TT 67-56112 sci-B&H Jm 67 Cossus Terebra F. in Poland, by Zbigniew Schnaider, 15 pp. POLISH, per, Annales Zoologici, Vol 17, No 8, 1958, PP 115-134. NTIS TT 71-54058 Jan 73) jmt:Q-,iovJ&s =d tho (Worth of Dud= w%d Whienac of A.uw=W,:In aA tb;~ rd6patIbUity ot MI-crients by SvLnsp by B14- ~'-avriert .T. F, TaaLml) et, alp 13 PP- par, AEE!Lks do 7mtachnla., Vol in YV=i , ).954P PP 1-7; Vol. 7-vt MB 59-20883 Eel . 111"(1101U. Tun 6o ,Vol ln~ UO Y9 Antibiotics and the Growth of Swine, VII. The Action of Antibiotics Uon Suckling Pigs,, by U. Legugneur, H. Nichol, 17 P. P=R, per, Annalm de_ZooI40ae# 195~j Vol JY) pp 153463- SLA 59-20171 sci YAr 60 Vol ep No 11 1,wde of Action of the Antibiotics and Orientation of the Resaareh UrAertakent by C. Calet) 26 pp. FMCH, per., Vol Vp Ro 1p 1956p pp 12-19. Su 59-20W2 Sci OTSO Vol III, No 8. Apr 61 / 61-20442 Clement, G. DETERMINATION OF UPIDA IN FOOD PRODUCTS: 1. Clement. G. CONSIDERA71ONS OF 11MR NUTRIMVE VALUE, 119611 77p. 41 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 61-2D"2 Trans. of Annales de Zootechnie (France) 1956 Iv. 5j P. 237-253.' DESCRIPMRS: Nutrition, 011poproteins, *Upidg. Fate, "Fattyacids, 0 Ultraviolet spectrophotometera, $Quantitative analysis, Metabolism. Oils, Mancidity, Tissues (BlolDgy). (See also 61-20731) (Food, TT, Y. 7, no. 4) Wk. f T-W c~l SwAc.. StVAles on the Omw Lee.mium E=. IV. MderiaU to a Ymograph of the Rmn Smaef Lewd= =-Ai &Rwhap YMW381 ( um ) (&WOtC=,, Coacoldesp Lwaniidas)o by Z. Uweokl,, 63 pp. POLIM.p per.- Amisles zooioOcd,, vol iv, zo 9p 3958, PP 135-930- 7PV77797-~ on 6o-giha PLA80 Electric Power - In Macao,, I p. Ff(E=H., per, Auuario Caqwrcial q IrAul3trjal Alk Harau 1952/~ AW OM Tr 14 -n - Macao 44,1~ Y-V Ecorcmic Sci - Electricity 5-1125/64 "iechanisms of Action of Radioprotectants, by J. M.XKX Kirnnann,, FRENCH, per, Ann6e Riologique, Vol I, No 11-12, 2, pp 571-584. PM/NY-943I/SPECIAL A Sci - Biol ~ Med Oct 64 Drill-..o,,., A. 1966 A stuly of certain aspects of semu: protein.5 in fiall ~Ftude deB prot;ines sirinues Lies polsso.,,s) 5 2 ';'ransl. I).,- .-misl. !'amices, T~ep.. of ,vA --:orestr:r, Otta,rv, Untari,) "or 71IC :alifa% Labovator, 197C, as I' Series T~o. 141c, t.-pescrlpt. Ava. 11. 0,,k 1,0 11-[ CT' W,,151 I. i,i,,! Artio,r Bourdon, B. INFLUENCE OF CENTRIFUGAL FORCE ON THE PE.RCEPTION OF '1711E VERTICAL (Influence do la Force Centrifuge sur la Perception do la Verflcalo). 1196111151p. 4 refs. 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Order trom SIA $1. 10 Tr-61-14574 Trans. of I'Annee P ol[agiquej (France) 1925, v. 26. p. 7 (Biological Sciencem --Physiology, 7r, v. 12, no. 5) Office of Technical S,-c- rT-61-14575 Bwdon. B. APPARATUS FOR THE DEMONSnATION OF THE 1. Bourdon, B. CONDMONS FOR AUDITORY MEDIAN AND LATERAL LOCALIZAT70N (Dispositif potw Is Demonstration des CWditions do Is L=lisstlon Auditive Mediane et I.Aterale). 6p Irefs. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 IT-61-14575 Tram. of I'Anwe Psychol"u�AFrance) 1926, v. 27, r.. 20-206. (BiologieRlSeiencea --Physiology. TT, v. 12, no. 5) 0-41A, /Af-7x- : 1-17 0-- I ANNEE PSYCHOLOGIOUE -I . 11 1931 V37 P56-67-i-l" I " 70-23498 1 - . ~ I- - -, ~q ~~ ! Interferoneez Caused by Intormittorrt Stimaj in tbo Eimpbslog"Ph of Mw,, by G. Gold=, J. eegal; 10 pp. RM1,490 part Anne* phlypoxt Vol xxvilij, 1937, pp 1-te-163. ATTIO P-Z-95716A, 91A - &d Oct 58 6 j Y THE COLLABORA710H OF VOM AND THE 1. juq"T. F. SrAnC SEWS IN SPAUAL MCEMONS (LA cdba)m~oft 6B u Vw at do sm sod" dm Ift Pffe"m Spdd". [IM] W 3rds - - order hvm MA $1, 60 Tr-M-1010 Trwz. at rAm4k FNAy--cbol IM/41. v. 41/42 DESCREffORS.- I*w pwo*d^ *VW^ Percopdm - - (WbBvim-d Sdown-hradoa, Tr, v. it, a% $1 aft d Tuwcd Ur*" Tr-64-IOD18 Nony. C. [DELINQUENCY AND INFERIORITY OF INTELLI- I. Title: Delinquency GENCE] (Delinquance et Iderlorlt6 de I'Intelligence). 1. Nmy, C. (19631123p) 36refs Order from SLA $2.60 TT-64-10018 Trans. of AEatjP~at!Llogiq~e (France) 1949, v. St. p. 35-52. - q DESCRIPTORS: OCriminology, *Intelligence tests. Behavior, Enviromment, Sociology, Adjustment (Psychology), (Behavioral Sciencea--Fsychology, TT, v. It. no. 5) 7"b* semim TT-64-10337 Praiaae, Paul. HE INFLUENCE OF ATTITUDES AND PERSONALaT 1. FralBse, P. N PERCEPTION (L'Itifluence des Attitudes et de la rsonnalfte sur Is Perceptiod). 119631122p] 22refs rder from SLA $2.60 TT-64-10337 Trans. of Ann6e Psychologique (Prance) 1949, V. 51. p. 237-248. RS: *Perception, *Personality, OArtitudes, (Physiology), Behavior, Sciences - -Paycbology, TT, v. 11, no. 9) 10111- .1 T..hM..t S-1 circular Perceptive Structures Corresponding to Angular Geometric Patterns# by A. M.'chottep Jo de Clercks F W CH) per; Aunee Psycholp Vol L, 1951, PP 305-326. 00 1~/" 0?~ ? 9 R.A.E, Farnborougb Tr Rw 511 Jul 55 M Scientific - EngineeringO Mathematics