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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 29, 1997
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Publication Date: 
May 3, 1965
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."I Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP91-00452R000100010006-2 O 1 3- L-O-V' EN T &- t 2 a -J ORD 3 May 1965 &REFER *1 ectim' This ~ outlines the organization and general responsi- bilities of the ORD Career Service Panel. 2. ORGANIZATION a. The ORD Career Service Panel will consist of the following members: (1) Ex Officio Member a - Amt Director ~-e-~x y_~ y ciences Deputy-6- ks-tamt Director'/Isife Sciences (2)" Chairman (Tie-breaking vote) Aanent member, elected to serve six months. (3) Executive Secretary Administrative Officer (4) Permanent Members --- , Division Chiefs, and pre--Dii4sion c. hLef s- appointed -by the AD. /' -C L Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP91-00452R000100010006-2 Approved For Release-2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP91-00452R000100010006-2 (5) Recording Secretary (non-voting) b. Meetings will be held on the first Monday of each month and at the call of the Chairman. Two-thirds of the permanent members will constitute a quorum. The Chairman will designate a member to serve in his absence. c. The minutes of the Panel meetings will be recorded and distributed "Eyes Only" to Panel members. A summary of the Panel's activities will be disseminated every six months to all office personnel. d. All matters for consideration by the Panel will be submitted to the Chairman by the Wednesday preceding the Monday on which the Panel meets. 3. RESPONSIBILITY It will be the responsibility of the ORD Career Service Panel to advise the rst t Director for Research and Development on career management matters arrdto monitor the application and functions of the CIA personnel program as it applies to person el wi h R Careen 4. FUNCTIONS a. The ORD Career Service Panel, as an advisory group to the . D/ORD, will monitor the career management program of the Office and advise him in the following matters: Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP91-00452R000100010006-2 Approved For Release 2901/03/06 : CIA-RDP91-00452ROOP100010006-2 (1) Implementation of Agency and S&T Career Service Board personnel programs; (2) The policies and procedures for office career development, position assignment, promotion and training. b. The ORD Career Service Panel will conduct a competitive evaluation and rate all personnel through grade 14y !tea c. The ORD Career Service Panel will review and make recommendations to the /ID/ORD concerning: (1) Selection of individuals for Career Employee status; q (2) Requests for promotion to grades Ys, through 15; (3) Requests fpr all external training in excess of 160 hours; d. The ORD Career Service Panel will review and approve: (1) Requests for internal training of more tha :n 160 hours; (2) Requests. for all external training up to 160 hours; (3) Recommendations for the retention of probational professional employees. e. The ORD Career Service Panel will perform such other functions as may be directed by the A tw Director, ORD. ROBERT M. CHAPMAN Director for Research and Development Approved For Release 2001/03/fQ -r o-RF I_ n0452R000100010006-2