ORD MAG Suggested Study Areas

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Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP91-00452R000100010012-5 Suggested Study Areas ORD MAG is considering a number of topics for study. Your input bears heavily on what is selected. Please rank the following topics according to level of interest (H = high, M = medium, L = low), and add any comments that you feel would aid us. Rank Study Area Perform a comprehensive study of ORD practices for reviewing and rating employees. Develop explanatory descriptions of purposes and functions of various elements in this area, including the Career Service Panel, the Special Panel, the LOI, Fitness Reports, etc. Distribute results to employees to provide a better understanding of this process. Comments: Investigate present techniques for customer liaison and coordination. Review methods for potential improvement. Comments: Review Agency use of employee rotation and the effectiveness with which it might be used by ORD. Comments: Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP91-00452R000100010012-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP91-00452R000100010012-5 Rank Study Area Discuss training experiences with ORD employees and develop recommendations to management on ways to improve training effectiveness. Comments: Study the current ORD project initiation and review system and develop recommendations for restructuring and/or improvement. Comments: Review Agency progress on the upward mobility concept and propose possible approaches that could be pursued within ORD. This would include the solicitation of suggestions and participation by the ORD staff. Comments: Develop and distribute to ORD an overall calendar for administrative actions. This would include programming, budgeting, fitness report reviews, and any other items which would aid scheduling and employee effectiveness. Comments: Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP91-00452R000100010012-5 2 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP91-00452R000100010012-5 Rank Study Area In the face of snowballing administrative require- ments and paperwork, review the need for and purpose behind various reporting requirements and recommend changes as appropriate. Comments: Provide ORD employees with an alternative to personal meetings for communicating concerns to the D/ORD. This channel would employ ORD MAG to assemble and present these concerns and comments periodically to the D/ORD on a nonattributable basis. Comments: Additional comments or suggestions: Name (optional*): *Including your name will make possible confidential follow-up by ORD MAC members as necessary. Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP91-00452R000100010012-5