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August 30, 1980
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STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/24: CIA-RDP91-00561R000100060027-6 ARTICLE .??EARED ON PAGE A5- THE WASHINGTON POST 30 AuFust, 1980 ? , By George C. Wilson ? _ Watt:wea Poat Staff Wrtta; The Carter-administration's plan to , .!sell Somalia- US. arms in exchange : .for-husing !Somali, ports :will . end up causing more?Irouble than it's worth,. , . the House_Poreign Affairs subcornmit-- - fee' on -.Africa _has told Secretary of . . . State Edmund S. Muskie. Seven of the subcommittee's eight ? members said in their letter that the. .1$20 million in fiscal 1980 funds the ad- ministration wants to transfer from. ?iother accounts to start the arms flow, ? should not be shifted_ -- ?' ? ' -The Foreign Affairs subcommittee i ' 'does not hare the authority to stop: the reprogramming; the- congressional -appropriations- committees dd. They "have-not yet -aCted.,--, Becausestrhere are new base. - _ agreementi--.with7ltenya and Oman, and ones in, negotiation with Egypt, -the subcommittee wrote Mtiskle, use Of the...Somali ports of Berbera and Mogadishu "would appear tO add little tg our regional Military capabilities." ? 7..-Once the United States establishes a-military:'presence in Somalia, the ':subcommittee said In the _letter sent ' - to Muskie'Thursday, the Soviet Union ? may press Ethiopia for comparable fa- ditties in that country. _ Other .dangers of 11.S. 1:^'-s to:Somalia?,- the subcommittee- wrote, -; 'include exacerbation; of.- the ,Somali--t Ethiopian conflict oyer Ethiopia's- - ;,...Ogaden; involvem eat in . a estranger/fent of' the the :plaited States ,`f_rOm the economically-,i, - and. .miitaly'imp?ant- African states. who .oVerwhelmingly-!! ,,-'?opPose. :Somalia's efforts in the Oga4 .*, ? ,-.141 4.$,..44 ? 456:-%-ra. ? .o-1_,M.4)" ? Only .Rep. John Buchanan (1241a.) did-not -sign the letter.. ? , - Somalia has been fighting since 1974 'to annex Ethiopia's Ogaden dis- trict. ;- ? ?' !;::'??',. Although the State Department in- sists-Somalia has given up on the idea off,a military takeover and no longer -has a significant body of troops in the Ogaden; the Central Intelligence Agency told the subcommittee this week that elements of three Somali -battalions, plus up to 1,000 Somali reg -- niers serving with insurgents, still ap- pear to be in toe Ogaden. "Despite its written and verbal as- surances to the contrary," the.subcom- mittee :?wrote -;Muskie, "Somalia- re- mains deeply and intimately involved in the-armed struggle which continues to rage in the Ethiopian Ogaden." ' If the United States- established a militaey_presence in _Somalia and the - ? long conflict with Ethiopian heats up, the subcommitteereasoned American , . , leaders would be faced with abandon- ing its new- friend or becoming in- volved in regional warfare. . -:"Gf.ven Somalia's contiued military action.in. the Ogaden, and the risks posed to the United States from esca- lation, the, subcommittee said the ad- ministrations plan to reprogram *20 million, should not go forward. , ?. Chairman Stephen. J. Solarz ,(D-, . N.Y.) said if State ignores the subcom- , rnittee he will move to change ,the law to make such objections binding. ? , ;-. -The- House and Senate. Appropria- :?lions committees, under the 1979 law covering foreign military sales, can ? stop sucir a reprogramming request at . the. 20 . million .:for . Somalia. Each 1 myst give its "written prior approval" . - b-efore the action, can go forward. The subcommittee, letter leaves the door open for going along with the re- programming later if State can pro; vide better .assuraneeS-.. that :.Somali. regular. are out of the Ogaden and will stay out. Subcommittee .?membeirs: nave said that Richard M. Moose; assistant secre-'-i tary of State for African affairs, arid the CIA. gave conflicting reports earl- ier this week on the.,extent of the So- malia military presence in the Ogaden. State Department spokesman John Trattner insisted Thursday that there was no real cuLiel.-t.lce ? oetcveen Lite State and. CIA reports, but ietusect to proviae li,,ure.. botarz said i de- ? wore- mat tile-LLA tigures given tb the subcommittee in secret were puo- licly disclosed.; .; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/24: CIA-RDP91-00561R000100060027-6