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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 29, 1980
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S1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/24: CIA-RDP91-00561 R000100060028-5 DES- b10INES REGISTER 29 AUGUST 1980 ,eamMm', i br - , . fo- r'' p- 0 c- "a .1, ",a i n JEFF MkNELLY, RICHMOND NEWS LEADER Journalists don't:. usually suits your purpose to breach report and tell. This time, one security, then you leak the infor- did, and he provided a revealing mation; if the information is em- glimpse into the world of Wash- barrassing, -then you hide it by ington "leaks" and the way. invoking national security and by national security is used for punishing the leasers. partisan political purposes. An example of the selective in- Benjamin: F. Schlemmer, vocation of national security is editor of the- Armed Forces the way the Central Ir, elligerce Journal, told: i House subcom- Agency for years censored works mittee how he was contacted by by former agency employees to the Pentagon- and offered an ' keep information from the public exclusive briefing-on the secret. that was merely embarrassing. Air'Force "Stealth" aircraft The Carter administration, program. Schlemmer said he was which leaked the Stealth story so encouraged to write about the assiduously, recently subjected program,and was told that other' some of its highest officials to an? reporters.' 'would not 'be. briefed FBI investigation and required until after his article appeared. them to., sign affidavits in a Defense Secretary., Harold search: for the source of leaks Brown released information on about"the sale of arms to the program at a news confer- Morocco. President Carter- was ence last Friday, two days after reported to be enraged- by that Schlemmer's article was secrecy breach. The administra- published. Brown said he:was tion seems to have little or no doing so in part because , of interest- in tracking down the articles about the. subject. Brown source of Stealth stories. - said that the development, which Which brings 'Xs, to - national is supposed`.--,to enable - U.S. security and-. the, political aircraft to elude Soviet radar,` campaign. Charges of missile would neutralize Soviet air. gaps and the like invariably defenses. "This alters the surface during a presidential military balance significantly," election. The stress being laid by boasted Brown: .. Republicans on preparedness The Pentagon says that other. means . that. national security- stories about 'Stealth prompted issues will figure heavily in the Brown -to hold his conference. If , campaign. A 'portent of things to so, why the. special briefing for come was Defense. Secretary Schlemmer? Why;.*:,.w_as Brown's appearance at the Dem- Schlemmer told,.-that Brown ocratic National Convention. would ''wait; until. his article National security. issues are; appeared?- 'important and complex.. They .This has all the earmarks of a deser.ve~ informed debate. . staged, leak'-'to enable the ad= Americans- won't get it if `'the ministration to pat itself on the issues are treated as just another back. It's another-example of the subject for political manipula . misuse of "secret" labels. If it lion. ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/24: CIA-RDP91-00561 R000100060028-5