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May 7, 1980
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STAT ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/24: CIA-RDP91-0 ON, THE WASHINGTON POST 7 May 1980 Rowland Evans and Robert Novak. ;rs The torrent of leaks by Carter admin- istration officials that instantly fol- lowed the aborted rescue mission is an intelligence fiasco that may cost the United States more dearly than the fiasco in the desert itself. Besides eopardizing the lives of U.S. agents in Tehran; the massive spillage of official secrets betrays to the world a government out of control. "This crizni- nal act. could not have taken place if Jimmy Carter were in charge of his own administration," one well-placed specialist familiar with` covert opera- tions told us. "There Is no one around able to compel silence," Such comments in intelligence and national security circles are the talk of the town. While Soviet propaganda seizes on the leaks to truruNt U.S. sul)- version against Iran, senior bffidals in Washington are dumbfounded and dis- mayed at how secrets denied to Con- gress are leaked to the news media. The fragile intelligence system has suffered a relapse, anti tarnished U.S. credibility has been further undermines. Who is leaking? Possibly military of- ficers who never.thought the plan -would work, trying to clear their skirts. Possibly defenders of the mission who believe that the more known about it, the better it will look to critics. Senior officials claim two things: first, Presi- dent Carter has ordered silence; sec- ond,, neither he, not they, know the origin of the leaks. Obviously,. this has endangered un- dercover Americans exposed by leak as having been assigned key roles in Teh- ran for later stages of the three-phased rescue attempt. But deeper implica- tions stem from Moscow's eager use of the leaks. 'Soviet commentators In -'Moscow,: picking tip leaked secrets from the U.S.- pres. s and television, have been sys tematically spilling inside information.. about the U.S. rescue operation across the pages of Pravda and Izvestia. "In- ternal counterrevolutionary " forces".' were targeted for, on-the-spot help to the U.S. rescue team, Izvestia informed its readers April29 ; On May-1,. Pravda's top - political writer, Yuriy Zhukov, backed up his l charge that the United States was out'! to destroy the. Islamic republic. He cited evidence leaked in the United States that there .vas a "fifth column' of undercover Americans:allegedly oa the ground in Tehran. Such alleged revelations would be' ex-. ?pected. even if Soviet-opinion organs were manufacturing them. .What makes these Soviet reports so damag- ing to the United States is that every in- telligence service in the free world- knows they were in fact picked up from -.reasonably :..accurate -repor leaked from within a Carter `adiriin= istration helpless to prevent it. 'Warnings have been informally de= livered to U.S. intelligence' agencies. that allied foreign intelligence services are going to stop cooperating.with_tlie United States for a time. The reason: the United States has proved once) again, in even more humiliating fash=ll ion than before, that it cannot protect its intelligence methods. This same charge was made during the post-Watergate crisis of the Central Intelligence Agency, when secrets were sprayed around the world amidst'non- stop congressional investigations '-of supposed excesses. The new leakers are :U.S. officials inside Jimmiy Carter.'s own bureaucracy who feel so little re., strain t'from above that, whatever their purposes, they have taken upon them'- selves the intimate detailing of thena- tion's disastrous failure.::: Intelligence officials have drafted a letter to Attorney. General Benjamin C iviletti asking for an immediate FBI 1 e "'United States proved once Cl,?~Cll i`l, im even more humiliati ashion, that it eannotti' protect its intelligence " sr methods. ... investigation. The letter has been held. up. Such FBI probes seldom discover, anything. Worse, if anybody charged with violating security laws goes., to court, it becomes impossible to protect, any secrets at all. But the president may yet ortlerin the FBL So far, he has been inclines; against an investigation started in the suspicious and supercharged political atmosphere following the rescue ' fail.. ure. He could change his mind if the steadily building resentment all Capitcl Hill should explode. That might happen soon. Senior Intel- ligence officials are being called for un. announced appearances before I con. o essional committees. Their orders are; clear: give no details of the aborted, rescue effort. , ? This will enrage members of. Con. gfress who see TThe leaking bureaucrac+r out of control, a symptom. of an admin- istration losing its capacity to govern. 'T'hat raises again the question `o;! whether a country that cannot keep a secret, even at the risk of its own men':, lives, can long control its destiny. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/24: CIA-RDP91-00561 R000100060047-4