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July 7, 1978
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP91-00561 R000100080028-3 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE C-15 -Jack Anderson on. THE WASHINGTON POST 7 July 1978 T atrons' od* the D e a1ers in Death Secret Central Intelligence Agency papers have identified foreign govern- ments that deliberately foster the spread of terrorism. - The documents report that terror- Ism increasingly is running amok, tak- ing scores of lives and creating anar- chy. The world seems unable to-cope with the mushrooming malignancy. Even worse, governments which sit in the United Nations and profess be- lief in civilized concepts have become "patrons of terrorism." according to the CIA. In a Rhodesian jungle,. 12 mission - les and children are found butchered by guerrilla nationalists. In Rome, the Red Brigade plays cat-and-mouse with the fate of kidnaped Prime Minister Aldo Moro, then dumps his bullet-ridd- led body downtown. In North Yemen, President Ahmed Hussein Ghashmi is blown up by a bomb, the second chief of state assassinated in that desert country in eight months. The - Meinhof-Baader gang runs rampant in Germany. Death squads operate- in Latm America. An esti- mated 1,800 people have died in the violence that has beset Northern Ire- land these past nine years. Even in the United States, politically inspired bom- bings by underground groups have. brought death and destruction. The perpetrators of these crimes are motivated by zealotry for a political cause. Even more sinister is that at least a dozen governments around the world have been conspiring. with the asmw The .GiAt .documents graphically show the number of terrorist incidents rising from near zero in 1965 to nearly 250 in 1977. This and other intelligence docu- ments pinpoint a number, of foreign governments which are considered "patrons" on- the dealers in death. Here is the secret CIA listing: ' , . ? Libya, South Yemen and Iraq sup- -port the - Palestinian terrorists with arms, money and supplies Libya is also accused of supporting insurrectio. nist3 in Chad. ? Red China supplies secret arms to terrorists who operate in numerous troublespots. South African terrorists, for example, have close ties to the Chi- nese.._:e. . -. . :_ . ? ? North Korea ships arms to various terrorist operations and conducts- a training center for guerrillas. ?. Tanzania,. Zambia,. Mozambique and Botswana serve as. arsenals and bases for black nationalist. operations trying to take over Rhodesia and Na- mibia. ? The CIA includes the liberation Office of the Organization for African Unity (OAU) as a terrorist patron. This means that money contributed- to the OAU by Liberia, Nigeria and other pro-Western governments is being funneled to left-wing revolutionaries. ? Algeria is linked to subversive groups which obtain arms, support and training. ? Cuba's inroads into Africa are well- known in Angola and Ethiopia. More surreptitiously, Fidel Castrm's agents are. working with covert African ter- rorist groups. ? Argentina and Paraguay tacitly tol- erate right-wing terrorism in Latin America. In previous columns we have reported the same tactics encouraged by Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador and Uruguay. V ? Intelligence sources say Mexico and Costa Rica may be dealing secretly with terrorist outfits. But the details are sketchy... - There is quiet - sentiment inside' Washington policy councils, mean- while, to declare that any terrorist at- tack tack fomented by another nation upon the United States will be considered an act of war. .I Message From Ankara: Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit has dis-'. patched a personal message to us prot- esting a couple of lines in a recent column. We had reported that American Am- ' bassador Ronald Spiers, in a cable- ! gram to Washington, had character- ized an Ecevit speech as -mindless na- tionalism." Upon reading our story, we reported, Ecevit "raised an almighty howl," whereupon Spiers was ordered to fly to Brussels "to soothe the ruffled Ecevit, who was in Belgium at the time." V - In his message to us, Ecevit, said he, ,"did not personally react to the report attributed to Ambassador Spiers_ 1 would have reacted if my country were unfairly treated or criticized, but I prefer to be tolerant when personally criticized" This should please and sur- prise the State Department. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP91-00561 R000100080028-3