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Publication Date: 
June 25, 1985
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/23: CIA-RDP91-005 BALTIMORE SUN r- if car 1At 25 June 1985 CIA study sees Soviet near to missile defense By Charles W. Corddry to a site ADM site with no more Washington Bureau at The Sun than 100 i ercepoor-mlr6e dtaich- ers - the number each side had or WASH NGTON - The Soviet Un- pknned at the timed the treaty. The ion now has the "potential" to deploy Una States decided against one. a countrywide defense against ballis! 'lam Solid Union's is around blow 1972 treaty limiting such arms, - The idea was that abandoning White House officials said yesterday. such def:raes world avert a race in Other sources said as many as 3.000 aderrslve minan to overcome the missile I te e t ld b _~ _ n rc p ors cou e duced by 1990. Drawing on a new intelligence aeVued t W1etine l estimate, the White House ~ officials Si reseaed they go an deMdoplttg also said Moscow was in the process new ABM ryvt=L of replacing nearly all Its offensive The new QA study "details a " nuclear missiles with new and Im- proved systems" in a program to be completed by the mid-1990x. Details of what the White House sources called an "unparalleled.. missile buildup are contained In a new National Intelligence Estimate (N1E-11-3-8-85) prepared by the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency. In a mre development. two CIA of- ficials - Lawrence Gershwm and Robert Gates - are to give public testimony on the Soviet advances to- morrow before a joint session of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the defense subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Senator James A. McClure (R. Idaho), an appropriations panel member. requested the testimony be- mum a spokesman said. the senator tluougtrt the M.S.. mfrs ma- don" should be moods after being "anltised" to protect secret data. The testimony is to be given against a backp+orad of appoaltion by conservatives like Mr. McChwe to eaSoviet d fou f ll American develop- meet of a miaare defense system popubo ly called "star wars... Them is aarduveny ova whether dernanta of the U.S. "star wars" mink ddettse undentakmg could of new of- fai weapons and produces ''equal aanoern" about missile de- fense:s the While House officials sold. Improvements in ABMs have produced "a steroid for deployment of a wideepead buWetle miaslle de- afenoe m& of national territory," they Whether the CIA witnesses would give numerical estlmatgi In public testimony was uncertain. But sou rcee familiar with the study sold It mduded a range of projection of Soviet r pbllfiha lock ding one for producing 3.000 misaft merceptors by the end of this decade. The sources acid the Soviets were No" all the components for de- ployments "well In eaeeas of ABM by limits.' These componer~s In- cluded radar. laund>ters, advanced hip speed mteceptor mtsolla and weapons like the new SA-12. which may double as antiaircraft mYelks and mteeceptore of ballistic micelles arch s. the U.S. Pass ing and Lance In Eurm& cussseed in the CIA study apparently would be distinct from such efforts as space based elements of the U.S. Strategic Defense mibatlve. violate the 1972 anti-batstle missile But the study emphasizes Mos- a+aty4 The aelestrrlstratlan contends cow's "sWi f1cant progress" in re- the d1avt. formally called the Strate- search on directed energy weapons gle De=seem 1i111 smv, Is strictly re- - lasers and particle beams - as search then far. which r allowed um- well. der the beaty. The CIA analysts says three new An actual construction and de- brtaoanlirrerrtal missiles are ready p~byment par sin would be a maUnion tter for tooting. One is the huge replace- with ~~~ merit for the 10-warhead SS-18. c ur-an Paul EL Nile, the chid adviser ear arms rentl 'a ' the war largest weapon. The other two a are re new. mobile ver. sous of the SS-24 and SS-25, the yesterday 1 11 11, -- ~ won't dlecun It he said. sources aafei The 1972 treaty limits soar side When the SS-24 and SS-25 w* nally appeared. the adminietiat oo said they were both new types mis- sike and added up to a vioktim~of the 1979 SALT-2 treaty, which Jim- Red each side to one new type. President recently, an:. nounced that Reagan the United Swo would continue to observe the-usr ratified 1979 agreement, which would capes December 31. ,and would aoooedhtgly dlsoesntle anolder mteatl submarine to stay within au- merlal limits as a new Trident. nub centers service. W. Reagan has to make a, nkw decision by the end of the year- and has hubcated that one would be in- fluenced by ads of Soviet restraint and purwsat of arms reduction agree- ments in current Geneva talks. . _ Mr. Niue said yesterday that the II took the action he did to al: low :acre time for results in Geneva, But Mr. Nitze said he personally doubted that these was time for p'0 ress there between now and the enc of the year. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/23: CIA-RDP91-00587R000100460009-4