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America's Police............ 3 Islamic Justice ......................13
Foiling Terrorists ......... 8 Hong Kong Brew ............ 18
FRANCE: A Police State? .......... 9
Vol. 2, No. 4
July-August 1986
? International Terrorism
America at the
Barricades ...............
? News and Notes
Chile, France,
Iran, Malaysia,
Puerto Rico ..............
South Korea,
Soviet Union .............
Turkey, U.S.-Chicago,
Florida, Oregon,
Virginia, Wash. D.C.,
Wisconsin ................ 6
? United States
Policing America:
A National
Perspective ............... 3
? People ................ 7
? Travel
Foiling Terrorism ......... 8
? France
Is France a Police
He is undoubtedly American, probably a
marine, most likely attached to the Ameri-
can embassy. He stands grazing out at the
Nile, one foot up on the embankment. One
hand rests on his knee; the other holds a
bottle of beer. Hardly the vision of Ameri-
can power in this corner of the world. He is
only a block away from the embassy, where
they are constructing high concrete walls
and lining them with large cement "flower
pots" to make it impossible to drive up
alongside the wall. Every twenty or thirty
yards an Egyptian soldier stands holding
an outdated automatic weapon or rifle. The
soldiers were there before the bombing of
Libya, but there is no doubt that security
has been increased dramatically since then.
This is a scene repeated around the
world as Americans on foreign soil fortify
themselves, knowing they are targets,
waiting for the worst.
Interviews with intelligence and terro-
rist experts lead to one conclusion: there
will be more terrorism, and Americans will
be the targets. There is disagreement about
where the next terrorist acts will occur.
Some think there will be an outbreak of
terrorism in the United States. Others,
including one of Egypt's leading experts,
State'? ................... 9
? International Law
Crimes and Penalties
In Islamic
Criminal Legislation ..... 13
? Publications ......... 15
? Books ................ 16
? Dining
Hong Kong Brew ........ 18
? Meetings ............. 18
4 `
An Egyptian soldier guards the
United States Embassy in Cario.
think that Europe will be the battleground
Continued on page 12
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Santiago police reported
recently that one man was seri-
ously wounded by gunfire and a
hundred people arrested in street
skirmishes in the capital city.
Bombs destroyed three utility
towers, blacking out much of Chile
after tank-backed troops crushed a
planned protest march against the
military government.
Three electric power pylons
south of Santiago were shattered
by explosives, cutting off service
for ninety minutes along a
1,457-mile zone of the central sec-
tor, the army reported. The black-
out was total in Santiago, Vina del
Mar, and Concepcion.
A Marxist guerilla group, the
Manuel Rodrigues Patriotic Front,
telephoned news agencies and said
its members had set off the bombs.
According to the New York
Times, a woman and a pistol-
wielding associate flew a helicop-
ter into the La Sante Prison in
Paris, lowered a cable, and carried
away a prisoner who had been
serving an eighteen-year sentence
for armed robbery. According to
the Times, it was the thirty four-
year-old prisoner's fourth escape in
a long criminal career and "easily
his most spectacular." This was
only the second escape by helicop-
ter from a French prison.
The escapee, Michel Vaujour,
appeared to have made a clean
getaway. Witnesses and the police
told Agence France-Presse that an
Alouette II helicopter piloted by a
woman appeared over the prison,
hovered for several minutes, and a
cable was lowered to Mr. Vaujour.
A few minutes after the escape,
the helicopter landed in an athletic
field belonging to a student dor-
mitory complex in the Porte d'Or-
leans area of southern Paris. Stu-
dents sunning themselves on the
lawns of the complex said they saw
two men and a woman run from
the helicopter to a waiting car.
Guatemala will receive $16
million in foreign aid to equip and
modernize its national police force,
Interior Minister Juan Jose Rodil
Peralta has announced. "We want
to change from having a repressive
police force to one that is dedicated
to public safety and crime preven-
tion," Mr. Rodil said at a news
Mr. Rodil recently visited
Spain, Venezuela, and Mexico, and
he said all three countries had
agreed to provide police aid to his
country. He has indicated that the
fourth country he visited, West
Germany, was considering his
request for aid.
Mr. Rodil said Venezuela will
extend a $10 million credit to
Guatemala to be used for police
purposes to buy patrol cars, jeeps,
motorcycles, and radios. In addi-
tion, Venezuela will send advisers
to Guatemala to instruct police
officers and to draw up plans for a
new administrative structure for
the police.
Spain will also provide vehicles,
radios, and anti-riot equipment,
including plastic shields, batons,
and vehicles that carry water can-
The minister of the interior said
that the restructuring of the police
force would probably take about
five years.
"I've tortured people thousands
of ways. Chillies stuffed into the
rectum of a man. Or we tie him to
the four corners of a rope bed and
stretch him to limits that are
unendurable. It leaves no marks or
injuries." The words are those of a
police superintendent described in
a Middle East Times article as
"well mannered, urbane, and a
family man, with a taste for clas-
sical literature."
The author of the article, Rich-
ard S. Erlich, notes that brutality
is a common phemonenon in India.
Women are sometimes raped,
assaulted, or verbally abused
while undergoing questioning or
Continued on page 3
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Continued from page 2
making a complaint, according to
women's rights groups and court
The idea is to break a man
completely, says the superinten-
dent, who also says there is some
remorse if a man is later found
innocent. "Then you feel very
ambivalent. You give him money,
or help him in some way. If it was
really bad, you get his nephew a
job or something."
There are no national statistics
on torture, according to Erlich, but
he cites the police superintendent's
figures; for every person caught,
three or four people have to suffer.
The Ayatallah Hossein Ali
Montazeri of Teheran has issued
wide-ranging pardons for
"common criminals," The Ettelaat
The pardons, which become
effective on August 16, 1986, offer
releases and reductions of sen-
tences by up to two-thirds. Excep-
tions include rapists, large-scale
embezzlers, and narcotics dealers.
Other exceptions are all private
cases, for which in Islamic law the
plaintiffs consent must first be
obtained before a pardon.
The new pardons do not apply to
political prisoners.
Two convicted drug traffickers
and a man sentenced to death for
illegal possession of firearms were
hanged at Kuala Lumpur's Pudu
jail, the Bernama News Agency
reported. A prison spokesman said
a truck driver and a car salesman
were sent to the gallows for traf-
ficking 22 pounds of raw opium,
14.7 ounces of heroin, and 2.6
pounds of morphine. A thirty
nine-year old man convicted in
1984 for unlawful possession of
four pistols and thirty rounds of
ammunition also was hanged.
A former police undercover
agent, who eight years ago figured
Continued on page 5
Policing America: A
National Perspective
The casual foreign observer of polic-
ing in the United States generally has
two false impressions: (1) policing in the
U.S. is "impossible," with no one really
in charge, or (2) policing in the U.S. con-
sists of thousands of large departments,
with New York, Los Angeles, or Chicago
being typical. Unfortunately, these false
impressions are constantly reinforced by
television syndication of a variety of
"police shows" featuring the police
departments of a small number of
selected large cities: Miami, San Fran-
cisco, Los Angeles, etc.
Neither impression is correct. The
purpose of this brief introduction is to
give an accurate picture and broad over-
view of policing in the U.S., placing it in
an appropriate sociopolitical context.
The first point to be made is that polic-
ing reflects the complex federal charac-
ter of government in the U.S. There is a
from enacting anything except miscel-
laneous statutes (ordinances) carrying
simple misdemeanor sanctions.
"Universal," mala in se, felonies such
as murder, robbery, kidnapping, arson,
etc. are the province of the national or
state legislatures. In practice, the fed-
eral government's criminal law is fur-
ther restricted to those offenses commit-
ted either on, or against, federal
property, or against federal officers who
are engaged in official duties. For exam-
ple, the murder of a U.S. senator during
a burglary of his residence in California
would be classified as a felonious viola-
tion of California law--not federal law.
The murder of the same individual while
engaged in the performance of official
duties in Washington, D.C. would be a
violation of federal law.
A number of other federal felonies
involve preventing threats to "national"
The patrol officer represents the backbone of American law enforcement.
The scope and diversity of this role varies significantly throughout the coun-
division of power and authority in the
United States, with many functions
being delegated by the U.S. Constitution
to individual states and to local govern-
In the criminal law sector, each unit
of government is entitled to enact its
own criminal law and regulations for the
protection of the public. Technically,
criminal laws are found on all three
levels: national (federal), state, and
local. Through the doctrine of pre-emp-
tion, state governments have essentially
monopolized the enactment of felony
violations of the law; local units of gov-
ernment have been, practically speak-
ing, precluded in the criminal law field
functions, for example, the protection of
the monetary system, the conduct of for-
eign relations, and the promotion of
interstate and international commerce.
Counterfeiting U.S. currency or securi-
ties, exporting firearms without a U.S.
license, or hijacking an airliner are rel-
evant examples.
Although all three levels of govern-
ment have criminal law jurisdictions,
the bulk of criminal law enforcement is
performed by local police and prosecu-
tors. More than 80 percent of all pros-
ecutions in the United States take place
in state or local courts. Therefore, in
terms of sheer volume of activity,
Continued on page 4
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Page 4
Continued from page 3
enforcement of the criminal law in the
U.S. is predominantly a state and local
This brings us squarely to the issue of
policing per se. The 1967 Report of the
President's Commission on Law
Enforcement and Administration exag-
gerated the total number of policing
agencies in the U.S. by stating that
ter. It is on the local level--in cities and
counties--that one finds the great
majority of the police personnel paid for
by public funds.
With this large number of police
agencies, what is representative of the
typical police agency in the United
States? The typical police employee
works for an agency with less than fifty
employees. In other words, Orland Park,
Table 1 shows the number of
employees--sworn and civilian--in the
fifteen largest state and local police
agencies in the U.S. (In the U.S., the
term "sworn" is used to designate police
employees who have full investigative
and arrest powers.)
In Table 2, data are given that show
the number of police personnel employed
in various sized cities, as well as the
number of police employees per 1,000
population. These data show that the
U.S. is a nation typified by small and
medium-sized cities. The organization of
police resources reflects this pattern of
development. The data also show that
although nationally there are 2.5 police
employees per 1,000 population, this
ratio varies according to the size of each
governmental unit.
Unlike many nations in the world,
the United States does not have either a
national or a "nationalized" police sys-
tem. Nor are the police unified in any of
the fifty state jurisdictions. Technically,
police jurisdictions are independent of
each other and responsible only to their
own governmental units. There is no
central coordinating authority, either
nationally or in the individual states.
Without mandatory centralization,
how can the police operate effectively to
protect the populace? In the absence of
mandatory, legal requirements for coor-
dination or the sharing of information,
there are of course, instances of failure.
These are relatively rare, however.
Unlike many European and Asiatic
Continued on page 5
Table 2: Police Employees, U.S. Cities (by city size and number
of employees,
of City No. of
No. of
Average No. of
(Population) Cities
(149. 6k)
(over 250K)
(under 10K)
there were forty thousand such agencies.
Twenty thousand is probably a more
accurate figure - no one is actually cer-
Each unit of government--national,
state, and local--has its own policing
apparatus. Many, such as the federal
government, have a number of different
police agencies, each having a legisla-
tively determined jurisdiction. The
national federal government has a
number of such agencies, the most
famous being the following: the Federal
Bureau of Investigation; the Secret Ser-
vice, the Drug Enforcement Adminis-
tration; the Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire-
arms Agency; the Customs Service; and
the Immigration and Naturalization
Service. It is estimated that the national
government has slightly more than one
hundred policing agencies.
Each of the fifty states in the U.S.
also has its own policing agency: some
have only a single agency; while others
have a number of such agencies. For
example, each state has responsibility
for enforcing laws on its highways.
Therefore, each state has a "highway
patrol," irrespective of the official title of
that agency. An estimate of the number
of different state police agencies is 350.
Despite the fact that criminal law is
essentially an individual state function
in the U.S., the states have generally
delegated the enforcement of those laws
to local prosecutors and police forces. It
is accurate, to say that policing in the
United States is essentially a local mat-
Illinois, is much more typical of U.S.
policing than is the much better known
Chicago Police Department, and, San
Rafael, California, is more typical than
either San Francisco or Los Angeles.
New York City P.D.
Chicago P.D.
Los Angeles P.D.
Los Angeles S.O.
Philadelphia P.D.
California H.P.
Houston P.D.
Pennsylvania S.P.
Texas D.P.S.
Detroit P.D.
District of
Columbia P.D.
New York S.P.
Nassau County P.D.
Baltimore P.D.
New Jersey S.P.
(P.D. - Police Department; S.O. - Sheriffs Office; H.P. - Highway Patrol; D.P.S. -
Department of Public Safety; and S.P. - State Police.)
(Abstracted from U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Crime in the United States, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. (1984)
pp. 258-325.)
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Continued from page 4
nations, in the United State the police do
not belong to a single, centralized per-
sonnel system--on either the national or
state level. Nor is there an inspector of
constabulary such as is found in the
United Kingdom.
There are, of course, national laws
relating to "racketeering," and there are
national, constitutionally defined stan-
dards of due process for the protection of
human rights. Furthermore, both the
national and state governments may
prosecute police and other officials for
There are also minimum personnel
selection and training standards in all
but four of the states. The primary
political pressure for the adoption of
these standards came from the police
ranks, not from external political or
social groups.
The principal explanation for police
effectiveness is rooted in the informal
standards of professionalism adopted
voluntarily by the police themselves.
Over the years, reform has taken place
incrementally both in local government
generally and in police administration.
The quality of police service in the
United States, in spite of structural
handicaps, is a tribute to police profes-
This is sustained now by continued
interest on the part of national, state,
and local police professional associa-
tions, by the expectations of the public,
by the media, and by university centers
for research and study.
In subsequent articles, individual
police departments in the U.S. and spe-
cific exemplary practices will be dis-
Dr. Gordon
Misner is the
author of numer-
ous hooks and
articles on polic-
ing. He is cur-
rently head of the
United States
Scientific Section
of the
International Center of Sociologyical,
Penal and Penitentiary Research and
Studies in Italy.
Continued from page 3
in the shooting deaths of two
young radical advocates of Puerto
Rican independence, was shot to
death recently. A terrorist organi-
zation, the Volunteer Organiza-
tion for the Revolution said it was
The former undercover agent,
Alejandro Gonzalez Malave, was
killed instantly by three shotgun
blasts as he was entering the home
of his mother. His mother was
slightly injured.
The Volunteer Organization for
the Revolution said it would kill
"one by one" all the policemen
involved in the deaths of the two
young advocates of independence.
The FBI was called in because it
had been investigating the group
for some time. According to the
FBI, the group was responsible for
the attack on a navy bus on
December 3, 1979, in which two
navy men were killed and ten peo-
ple injured. It was also responsible
for the January 12, 1981, attack on
the Puerto Rico Air National
Guard base in which six jet fighter
planes were blown up. The FBI has
said that the group is one of the
most dangerous terrorist organi-
zations now operating in the
United States.
Recently, students and police-
men clashed with gasoline bombs,
stones, and tear gas on at least
four Seoul campuses in an intensi-
fication of violence to mark the
anniversary of an 1980 protest
against martial law.
At Yonsel University, hundreds
of students chanted "Down with
imperialism!"and other anti go-
vernment slogans when five hun-
dred riot police entered the cam-
pus. At Korea University about
four hundred students battled riot
policemen at the campus gate for
hours before withdrawing to a
barricaded library.
Similar clashes were reported
at two other universities in Seoul
and in another provincial univer-
sity. More than ten thousand stu-
dents took part in similar clashes
and rallies on at least thirty three
campuses, the English-language
Korea Times reported.
The Soviet Union has
announced a major crackdown on
corruption and black-marketeer-
ing that calls for the death penalty
for officials who accept bribes and
two years in a labor camp for indi-
viduals who feed baked bread to
The Presidium of the Supreme
Soviet, the executive branch of
government, announced the list of
punishments for black-marke-
teering, petty theft, bribery, and
other corruption.
The decree, which was tele-
vised, becomes effective July 1,
1986, and sets punishments rang-
ing from a fine for petty theft to
execution for government officials
convicted for a second time of tak-
ing bribes or receiving
"exceptionally large" bribes.
The decree orders two years of
"corrective labor" for repeated
incidents of feeding cattle and
poultry with baked bread, flour,
and cereals rather than the more
expensive government-produced
feeds. The Soviet government sub-
sidizes bread products and must
import grain to meet bread
Baku, the capital of the
Azerbayan Republic.
From 1931 to 1957 between five
and seven million Latvian, Mol-
davian, Estonian, Georgian, and
other non-Russian slave laborers
died mining for gold in Northern
Siberia, according to a report by C.
W. Cieslewicz, a Polish professor
at the Colorado School of Mines.
The camps were run by the
Russian army and the secret
police, and, as reported in a Middle
East Times piece by John Lofton,
the conditions were brutal. The
men worked sixteen hours a day,
receiving six-hundred to eight-
hundred grams of bread and hot
water for breakfast and watery
soup at night. Most prisoners
never survived the mines, usually
not making it through the first two
years. The mines, located in
Kolyma, which means death in
Russian, were viewed as the "final
solution," according to Cieslewicz.
Continued on page 6
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Continued from page 5
The Turkish Parliament
recently passed a bill to restrict
the sale of publications found to be
pornographic. Under the bill, a
committee will decide whether a
publication is fit for sale to those
under 18 years of age, with condi-
tions on the way it may be sold if it
fails this test. The bill, which pro-
vides for maximum fines of 10
million Turkish liars (about six-
teen thousand U.S. dollars), has
provoked strong media opposition
as a form of censorship, reports the
China Post.
The Chicago Police Department
bomb and arson squad has enthu-
siastically welcomed its newest
member, Ro-veh Portable Robot
Vehicle, a $34,000, 192-pound
shotgun-toting, bomb-detecting
machine that police officials say
they hope will reduce the danger to
policemen in dealing with bombs
and hostage takers. Officials say
that the robot, a squat, tough-
looking little collection of technol-
ogy with the no-nonsense features
of a tiny tank, is a tool to make
police work safer.
The metallic robot is opera-
tional on either tires or tracks and
has a grip of steel. It is electrically
powered and capable of climbing
steep staircases. The robot is
remote controlled on a 328-foot
electrical cord tether, and it has
.hooks to pick up bombs and tear
them apart. It can carry a televi-
sion camera and an X-ray machine
and, if necessary, break windows.
The bomb and arson unit is
running a contest to choose a name
for the rookie robot.
Wackenhut Corporation, one of
the big American security compa-
nies, is making plans to form an
Anti-Terrorism Unit. Wackenhut,
who did not go into business until
1954, said it plans to form an anti-
terrorism and crisis management
unit to assist corporations and
perhaps government agencies. Mr.
George Wackenhut said the anti-
terrorism unit would be based in
Florida or in Washington, D.C.,
and would probably start with
about a half a dozen specialists
working with the company's exist-
ing executive protection division.
Wackenhut further said that he
feels there will be a great upsurge
in private security against terror-
ism in the coming months and
years. "All the experts have opined
that terrorism is going to reach the
United States," he said.
Wackenhut currently protects a
number of U.S. embassies. It does
business in Latin America, the
Caribbean, Europe, Africa, and the
Middle East, as well as in the
United States.
Chief Penny Harrington of
Portland, the first woman to head
a police department of a major
American city, resigned on June 2,
according to Crime Control Digest.
Chief Harrington, 44, said she had
submitted her written resignation
on June 1 to Mayor Bud Clark,
who appointed her in January
1985. She called the resignation a
victory for the Portland Police
Association, the union that has
opposed her administration.
A special-investigation com-
mission's report characterized her
administration as a failure. It said
that Chief Harrington had shown
"defects of leadership" that "cost
her the confidence" of her com-
Chief Harrington declined to
elaborate on the report other than
to say that the panel had criticized
her as lacking leadership and
management ability. She indi-
cated that the report was
extremely critical of her and left
her no choice but to resign.
"Keeping pace and proving it"
is the goal of five law enforcement
agencies the United States as they
seek accreditation from the Com-
mission on Accreditation for Law
Enforcement Agencies, Inc. If the
commission (the only nationwide
law-enforcement-agency accredit-
ing group) grants accreditation to
the five, a total of twenty-eight
agencies from across the country
will have achieved the coveted
recognition since the commission
opened its doors two and one-half
years ago.
Accreditation is granted only
after an intense agency self-eval-
uation followed by an on-site
assessment by a team of objective
law enforcement professionals
assembled by the commission. The
process usually takes about two
years from start to finish.
The Commission on Accredita-
tion for Law Enforcement Agen-
cies, Inc. is a private, nonprofit
corporation working to promote,
recognize, and maintain excellence
in law enforcement through
U.S.-WASH. D. C.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics
has reported that about 38 percent
of United States families partici-
pate in neighborhood-watch pro-
grams where they are available.
Almost one-fifth of all American
families live in communities with
such programs. Moreover, about
one-third of all households
reported taking one or more of the
following crime prevention meas-
ures - engraving valuables with an
identification number, installing a
burglar alarm, or joining a neigh-
borhood-watch program - said the
Bureau, which is a U.S. Depart-
ment of Justice agency. This and
additional information was gath-
ered through a special poll of more
than twenty thousand people as a
supplement to the Bureau's ongo-
ing National Crime Survey.
The Milwaukee Police Depart-
ment recently instituted a policy
that virtually requires an arrest in
an incident of domestic violence.
After eleven days with the new
policy, police had arrested more
than two hundred people.
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The International Society of Crimi-
nology has chosen Georges Picca, an
attorney general of the French Supreme
Court, to serve as general secretary of
the society.
Egypt's police service saw several
administrative changes which resulted
in the promotion of Dr. Adel el Karim
Darwish to vice minister of the interior
with responsibility and control over
police services, including the Police
Academy and the financial administra-
tion of the National Force. General Far-
ouk el-Heny was named vice minister
for internal economic and social secur-
ity, which includes the corrections and
transportation divisions. Both served in
the police service for more than forty
years prior to their appointments by
Darwish Salama
President Hosni Mubarak.
Dr. Abolfotoh H. Salama, who
serves as chairman of the Police
Research Center, an office of the Minis-
try of the Interior, has also been pro-
moted to the post of assistant minister.
The new minister of the interior,
General Daki Bader, a former police
officer with more than thirty-five years
service in policing, served as governor of
Assoute in Upper Egypt prior to his
Assistant Chief of Police Marie Tyse
of the University of Illinois at Chi-
cago Police Department recently
returned from a training program at
the Senior Police College at Brams-
hill England.
Named to the number two spot in the
Central Intelligence Agency was Rob-
ert Gates, 42, who held the post of dep-
uty director for intelligence. He replaced
John McFarlane, 56, who resigned
after thirty-four years with the CIA.
McFarlane had come under fire from
conservatives who felt he was too critical
of covert operations.
Gates is expected to push heavily for
increased use of data and has been
known to criticize analysis by other
agencies. He was critical of the Penta-
gon's assessment of,Soviet military
spending. He favors the use of outside
experts to assist in analysis and in the
development of special reports.
The governor of Ohio, Richard F.
Celeste, presented the state's highest
honor, the Governor's Award, to Simon
Dinitz in recognition of his many out-
standing contributions to criminology.
Chicago law enforcement officials met recently to hear a talk by Barry Pain on
terrorism. They included: (Left to Right) Richard J. Elrod, Sheriff of Cook
County, Chicago, Ill.: Edward Hegarty, Special Agent in Charge, F.B.I., Chi-
cago, Ill.; Barry N. Pain, H.M.I.C. Commandant, The Police Staff College,
Bramshill, England; Fred Rice, Superintendent, Chicago Police Department;
Ralph Tricarico, Chief of Police, University of Illinois at Chicago; and Dennis
Rowe, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Administration, University of Illinois at
The International Section of the
American Society of Criminology has
named Clayton Hartjen of Rutgers as
chair for the coming year and Wes Sko-
gan, Northwestern University, as sec-
retary. Named to the Advisory Board
were Gary LaFree, University of New
Mexico; Maria Los, University of
Ottawa; and Hal Pepinsky, Indiana
Commissioner Benjamin Ward has
named Richard Condon, former
Commissioner of DCJS (Division of
Criminal Justice Services) to First
Deputy Commissioner of the New York
City Police Department
Gates Stephens
The Police Executive Research
Forum (PERF) has selected Darrel Ste-
phens, 39, former chief of the Newport
News Police Department, as executive
director. Stephens began his career in
the Kansas City, Missouri, Police
Department, later serving as assistant
chief in Lawrence, Kansas. He served as
chief of police in Largo, Florida, and as a
consultant to numerous police agencies.
Stephens holds a master's degree from
Central Missouri State University.
A memorial fund has been
established to honor Gary P.
Hayes, former executive director
of the Police Executive Research
Forum. Hayes served in the post
for almost ten years and played a
significant role in sponsoring
innovative police programs.
Checks should be made payable
to the "Gary Hayes Memorial
Fund" and mailed to: Police Exe-
cutive Research Forum, 2300 M
Street, N.W., Suite 910, Washing-
ton, D.C. 20037.
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Foiling Terrorism
The odds of being the victim of
terrorism in Europe aren't very
high according to State Depart-
ment statistics which indicate
that, of the 6.4 million Americans
who ventured to the continent,
twelve were killed in terrorist
attacks. The odds are a little
higher in the middle east, but
nowhere near the number of auto-
mobile deaths on American high-
ways, or the murder rate in large
If you're still bothered by the
threat, there are some minimal
precautions you can take, accord-
ing to International Business
Week. These include the use of
"neutral" airlines, such as Swis-
sair or SAS. Arrive at smaller sec-
ondary airports, avoid public
places, and stay in the security
screened areas as much as possi-
Most CJ types recognize the
need for a low profile, and may be
cautious enough to keep an eye out
for unattended briefcases and
shopping bags, but keeping one's
head down when the shooting
starts may be difficult. Neverthe-
less, perhaps the greatest danger
to tourists is in their failure to "hit
the deck" if an attack occurs.
For the bold and the brave there
are some strong financial rewards.
Most carriers are offering reduced
fares this summer, and there is the
promise of continued savings in
the Fall.
For the professional looking to
spend some time with colleagues
on distant shores, consider attend-
ing the Police Conference in Mes-
sina, Italy in September (For
details write to Denise Nykiel care
of CJ International) 1333 South
Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL 60605,
or explore the sunny shores of
Honolulu with the Police Manage-
ment Association in November
(write to Roberta Lesh, PMA, 1001
22nd Street, N.W, Suite 200,
Washington, D.C. 20037).
America at the Barricades
Continued from page 1
It did not begin, nor will it end, with
Libya.?'Libya became a focal point when
America, with its air strikes, flexed its
muscles while the world watched.
Sitting next to Libya, Egypt, in the
past a gateway to the Arab world, has
had its problems with the reign of
Moammar Qaddafi. Egypt is slowly
rebuilding relationships with its Arab
neighbors who condemned the country's
recognition of Israel during the Carter
administration. Interviews with police,
government, political, and business
leaders in Egypt reveal the most moder-
ate Arab view of America's action and
what they believe the future holds.
Among the twenty or thirty individ-
uals interviewed, alone and in groups,
there is surprising consensus and a less
than optimistic view of the future. With
the exception of one or two, these people
are not anti-American. Virtually all of
them have attended American universi-
ties and numerous conferences in the
To a man, they view the air strikes as
a mistake, though for different reasons.
However, they all concur that this action
gave Qaddafi more stature in the world.
The American attack strengthened the
position of extremist Moslems and fueled
the fanaticism that simmers at the heart
of those Arab countries facing a religious
renaissance. It fostered feelings of hos-
tility toward Israel and the United
States, and it could well bring down
many of the Arab countries that have
been moving toward moderate and more
democratic positions.
Perhaps most important, all the
leaders interviewed trace the root of ter-
rorism in the Middle East to the Pales-
tinian problem. All agree that a resolu-
tion of the Palestinian problem will
reduce terrorism, although not all agree
that it will end the violence completely.
A senior government official criti-
cized the American decision to drop
bombs without making any effort to ask
for the advice of the Egyptian govern-
ment. "We knew it was going to hap-
pen," he said, "but from our own analy-
sis, not because we were formally told."
An Egyptian general, one of the few
real experts on terrorism around the
world, explained the futility of the air
strike. "The problem with the Ameri-
cans is that they do not understand the
psychology of Qaddafi. To try and miss
the target was to invite retaliation."
A former senior police official, now a
university professor, who worked in
Libya for three years and who kn9ws
Qaddafi personally, said, "Even if he
goes now, he goes a martyr. He is a
criminal, and was one from the day he
was born."
There is also the fact that Qaddafi
and his government are not the only
ones involved in terrorism. "It has
become the new war of the weak," the
terrorism expert concluded, pointing out
that conventional measures to combat it
will most likely fail.
There is frustration with Israel's
refusal to negotiate the fate of the Pal-
estinians, but everyone spoke of the need
for Israel to exist. A professor of criminal
law likens Israel's treatment of the Pal-
estinians to the U.S. treatment of the
Indians. "You put them on a reservation,
with no rights; you expect them to take
it without protesting."
For the Egyptians, who have only
recently seen increasing terrorist acts on
their soil, there is a feeling of frustra-
tion. The move to open relations with
Israel was designed to promote peace
and closer ties with the United States. It
may have the opposite effect if America
does not begin to understand the Arab
Egyptians are worried about the
growing threat of the fanatic Moslems
who use religion to advance their cause.
"Religion is something people turn to
when they are poor," said a professor of
economics, "and it is not impossible to
see the same thing here that happened
in Iran." The average income in Egypt is
less than $300 a year, lower than most
countries in the free world, even lower
than China. "The frustration and the
inability of government to do anything
makes the situation worse," he said.
Another financial analyst with close
ties to the United States noted that
American aid to Israel amounts to more
than $2,000 per person each year.
"Israel, with four million people, gets
more aid than Egypt, with close to fifty
million people."
Not far from the Nile, workmen stack
concrete blocks and bricks around the
embassies of the United States and
England. Weary faces peer out from
behind the iron grillwork of the grounds.
Cairo is a peaceful city, with less crime
than any large city in the United States.
But, as America builds walls and tou-
rists stay away, the need for more secur-
ity increases because the threat of terro-
rism has affected the American people
who are there.
Perhaps it is ironic, but on a hill just
outside Cairo, workers also toil to com-
plete work on the expanded intelligence
base moved here when Iran fell. The
Central Intelligence Agency's presence
is well known, and senior officials, most
of whom favor it, wonder cautiously and
aloud if the events in Iran are possible in
this peaceful country on the Nile. "The
barricades didn't help in Iran," said a
police colonel, "and they won't help here
if the United States makes the same
mistake and fails to understand the cul-
ture and the people."
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By Philip John Stead
The words sounded strange that summer morning in Paris
in 1956. We were sitting on a cafe terrace on the boulevard
Saint-Germain, the French magistrate and I, and he had just
said, "France is a police state." I was shocked: my notion of a
police state at that time was firmly associated with Musso-
lini, Stalin, and Hitler. It certainly did not seem to accord
with the ramshackle parliamentary democracy of the Fourth
Drawing from a French postcard.
Republic. Yet here was a highly intelligent and high-princi-
pled official of the Ministry of Justice making this astonish-
ing statement. I have often reflected upon it.
What is a "police state"? In our search for an answer to
that question, I suppose we should begin by asking what was
a police state? The term was first used to characterize Prus-
sia at the end of the eighteenth century. The kind of govern-
ment it implied, however, was very different from the twen-
tieth century's abominable despotisms. The eighteenth
century police state existed not only in Prussia but also in
Austria, France, and Russia, all ruled by autocratic mon-
archs who sought to better the condition of their kingdoms
and their subjects by paternalistic regulation. In those coun-
tries, as opposed to Britain, centralized government and its
essential instrument, bureaucracy, were established, and the
result was order at the expense of liberty.
The term "police", as we all know, did not until the nine-
teenth century cause one to think of the officers who enforce
the criminal and other laws and maintain public order.
Before then it denoted the internal administration of a coun-
try-the design and execution of its domestic policy-and it was
in this sense that the term police state was applicable to the
rule of the "benevolent despots" of the Age of Enlightenment.
The "Police State" of the Ancien Regime
In the evolution of a "police state" in seventeenth century
France, for example, we can see how an official who today
would exercise functions mainly concerned with the mainte-
nance of order and the enforcement of law was then deeply
involved in a far wider range of responsibilities.
During the latter part of that century, King Louis XIV
and his ministers embarked upon a vast program of urban
renewal in which his great police chief, Nicolas-Gabriel de La
Reynie, had a key role. To him fell the multiple tasks of
policing the security, public health, provisioning, and gen-
eral good order of Paris's over half-million inhabitants.
Backed by the high authority of the monarch, he reformed
and strengthened the personnel of the police, provided sys-
tems of street cleaning and garbage collection, made regula-
tions for the paving of the streets and the passage of vehicles,
augmented the water-supply, and took measures for the care
of the sick and the poor and the repression of mendicity and
While fine edifices were being built, gardens and avenues
were being planted, and a new and lovelier Paris was emerg-
ing from its medieval shell, La Reynie busied himself with
the quality of life in the city, improving its civility by dealing
forcefully with violence and crime no less than with dirt, fire,
darkness, flood, and disease. When plague struck other cities
in France in 1668-1669 he reacted by establishing a cordon
ple from the infected areas. One young man, recently arrived,
died of the dread disease. La Reynie's police traced everyone
who had been in contact with him and placed them in quar-
antine. (I seem to remember a good movie in which Richard
Widmark did something of the same kind!) During the fam-
ine that followed bad harvests in 1692-1694, he imported
grain and distributed bread to the poor and also fought a
stern battle with the merchants who sought to monopolize
grain and raise prices.
All this activity reflected the beneficence of Louis XIV's
"police state"; more malignant, and too familiar in the twen-
tieth-century experience, was the king's attempt to enforce
orthodoxy upon his subjects. King Henri N's Edict of Nantes
had for almost a century assured a measure of toleration to
France's Protestants: in 1685, Louis XIV revoked it, and the
burden of enforcing the new laws fell upon La Reynie. Who
loyally carried out what must have been, to one of his intel-
lectual and humane character, an uncongenial duty, entail-
ing as it did the persecution and emigration of many of his
country's most productive citizens.
Another aspect of a state in which the ruler was above the
law was the practice of imprisoning individuals without trial,
simply on a warrant with the royal seal and signature, the
lettre de cachet. Though the power was, as historians have
demonstrated, used principally to discipline the nobility, it
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Continued from page 9
contrasted unfavorably with the safeguard of the habeas cor-
pus writ enjoyed by people in Britain and America. In such
aspects, we see a foreshadowing of the fearful abuse of police
powers that has been such a tragic feature of our own cen-
The monarchs of the Ancien Regime exercised a measure
of police control in the provinces as well as in their capital
city. Since the Middle Ages there had been a military police,
the marechaussee, had developed in the eighteenth century
into a well-organized and systematic police of the roads and
rural communities. Moreover, thirty-four royal officials,
called intendants of justice, police, and finance, had supervi-
sory jurisdiction as the king's watchdogs in their respective
territorial areas. With the Revolution of 1789 the office of
intendant was abolished, with consequent relaxation of the
government's hold on the provinces. The counterrevolution-
ary movements which took advantage of this had to be
repressed by sending representatives of the central govern-
ment with plenipotentiary commissions to repress revolt and
rebuilt and extended during the revolutionary and Napole-
onic eras, functioned with changes more cosmetic than radi-
cal under the two monarchies the next thirty years. After the
revolution of 1848, another Bonaparte, the emperor's
nephew, returned from exile to be elected president and lost
little time in seizing power by coup d'etat from the Republic-
ans and proclaiming himself Emperor Napoleon III. He
developed even further the central government's grip on
France during his reign, the Second Empire, between 1852
and 1870. The prefects, in particular, gained greater power
over local administration and openly and effectively exerted
influence in the political sphere.
Napoleon III, himself a former conspirator, was deeply
concerned with subversion, and the administrative resources
of his regime were marshaled against people thought to be
opposed to it. Signs of the times in the earlier part of his reign
were imprisonment at home or deportation to imprisonment
abroad, exile, prescription of residence, a close watch at
points where his enemies might seek to leave or re-enter
France, harassing regulation and manipulation of the press,
and incessant efforts to get support for the government-itself
an autocracy deriving its authority from popular approval
General Criminal Urban Police
Intelligence Investigation
and Gambling
inculcate revolutionary zeal-a task often performed by sheer
governmental terrorism, as in Lyon in 1793 when so many
people were sentenced to death that they had to be executed
by artillery.
Napoleon, seizing power in 1799, rapidly abolished the
need for such ad hoc devices by restoring the principle of the
intendants. In each of the ninety-eight territorial depart-
ments into which France was now divided, he stationed a
permanent representative of his government. These officials
he called, in the Roman style in vogue in postrevolutionary
France, "prefects" (a title apt enough to last until 1981, when
President Mitterrand changed it to "commissaires of the
The France of Napoleon was far more a police state as we
understand the term today than the France ruled by kings. A
Ministry of Police had general political oversight as its most
salient feature. A prefect of Police was appointed for Paris.
The department prefects watched over their territories. In
each sizeable urban center a government-appointed commis-
saire commanded the mayoral police. At the ports and fron-
tier towns commissaires-general of police watched for the
comings and goings of enemy agents and native subversives.
Throughout France's countryside and along her roads the
military police, now the Gendarmerie patrolled, demanding
identification of all and sundry and combining ordinary
police work with political intelligence. There was more
detention without trial, more censorship of the press, more
interception of mail, more government propaganda than
there had been in centuries of the Ancien Regime.
Hand in hand with all this went a continuation and a vast
increase in the powers exercised by the bureaucrats of the
"police state" of the kings, powers to make regulations
affecting people in all walks of life.
The administrative machinery of the Ancien Regime,
Republican Counter- Air and
Security Espionage Frontier
Companies Police
based partly on bourgeois dread of a left-wing takeover, an
attitude that the bureaucracy from the prefects down sedu-
lously sought to cultivate.
The Second Empire saw considerable change in the police
system. The Gendarmerie was given a larger establishment.
The Paris police developed a much closer uniformed patrol,
somewhat on the London Metropolitan Police's beat model
(the emperor, when exiled in England, had been an auxiliary
policeman in 1848). Lyon, France's second largest city, had
its municipal police force nationalized and placed under the
departmental perfect. Additionally a political police branch
was formed. A special surveillance of railways was estab-
lished as a central service under the Ministry of the Interior,
ostensibly for ordinary police intelligence.
It is pertinent to note that Napoleon III only suceeded in
his transition from president to emperor by a coup d'etat in
which the police were his principal agents in locking up the
parliamentry opposition. His phenomenal uncle, inciden-
tally, came to power through a coup d'etat to which the police
were no strangers. The two Napoleons' principal common
feature was concern with the security of the regime; both
maintained exceptional machinery for the collection of intel-
ligence and large forces for the maintenance of order.
During the nineteenth century, the centralization of gov-
ernment control of the police continued at the Ministry of the
Interior. There a national police headquarters grew up
piecemeal under the name Surete Generale, with the object, if
not the effect, of supervising and coordinating the work of the
prefects, the national police force in Lyon, and the new spe-
cialist police branches. The prefect of Police of Paris, how-
ever, answered directly to the minister, not to the head of the
Surete. At the end of the century the French police system
was basically tripartite: The Surete Generale, controlling the
civil police of the provinces and the specialists: The Prefec-
ture of Police of Paris; and the Gendarmerie Nationale. The
first two were under the Minister of the Interior, and the
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third was under the Minister of War, their respective politi-
cal masters. The Minister of Justice was political master of
all police, whether civil or military, insofar as they were
engaged in the investigation and proof of crime. His control
was exercised through the magistracy in the form of the
prosecutors and the juges d'instruction.
Both the Napoleons fell in war, after massive military
defeat, but the administrative structure of their regimes
survived and constitutes the framework of the police system
Twentieth Century: Centralization Continues
During the twentieth century, the nationalization of the
civil police continued. An important step was the formation
of criminal investigation branches on a regional basis, with
the mission of combating serious professional crime and
under the overall control of the Surete Generale. Others were
the nationalization in 1941 of the police forces of all urban
centers with a population of over 10,000 and the establish-
ment of a national police college to train the Surete's com-
At the end of World War II a new police organization
under the control of the Surete appeared-the Republican
Security Companies, designed as a reserve to be deployed
anywhere in the country in the event of serious public turbu-
The most radical of the measures to bring the whole of the
civil police under a single head at the Ministry of the Interior
was the consolidation of the personnel of the Prefecture of
Police of Paris with the rest of the civil police. All now come
under the Director-General of the Police Nationale, with the
prefect of police answering administratively to him while
retaining control of the operations of the force in Paris. This
ushered in, from 1968 onwards, a more uniform system of
recruitment, training, and promotion, and the national police
headquarters in Paris established a firmer hold on the entire
civil police.
The Police Structure Today
The political head of the civil police is the Minister of the
Interior and of Decentralization (the appendage of Decen-
tralization dates from President Mitterrand's reforms of 1981
and relates mainly to giving local political governments
larger powers in their own affairs; it does not affect the min-
ister's control of the police), aided by another political minis-
ter, the secretary of state in charge of public security. The
chief administrative executive is the Director-General of the
Police Nationale, an official of prefectural rank, who answers
to the tow ministers for the organization and conduct of the
service. The headquarters (see illustration) indicates the
dispersal and balance of civil police effort in France.
The operational aspects are only partly paralleled in
American police practice. General intelligence, the function
of which is to provide the government with political, social,
and economic intelligence, for instance, has no counterpart in
the U.S. Domestic counterespionage, a major police function
in France, is in the United States, the preserve of the FBI.
Urban police and criminal investigation are easier to
match, but localized as their functions inevitably are in
France they are ultimately under national control. Federal
investigative agencies have far less jurisdiction here than
have the centrally directed police organisms in France. In the
business of public order emergencies, I suppose the nearest
counterpart to the Republican Security Companies is the
National Guard. As the Guard is a part-time military force
operating within the individual states, however valuable it
may be in the hour of need, it cannot be compared with
France's full-time, highly-trained, specialist riot police,
available for deployment to any part of the country and
again, under central direction. The Air and Frontier Police,
are also centrally directed, not provided, as in the United
Page 11
States, by local police agencies, though the Border Patrol has
an obvious parallel.
The Gendarmerie Nationale-first regiment of the French
Army, and its members are fully trained for their dual func-
tion as soldiers and police officers-has no parallel in the U.S.
In territorial terms, the Gendarmerie has by far the largest
jurisdiction, policing as it does the main roads, smaller
towns, and countryside of France-which means 95 percent of
the country. The gendarme, always in uniform, is the most
visible and omnipresent of French police officers, and
because most gendarmes operate in small units in the neigh-
borhood of their quarters they are often the best qualified to
know what is happening.
The Gendarmerie (recently the subject of an excellent and
detailed study in English by Mr. J. R. J . Jammes) is organ-
ized under a Director-General responsible to the Minister of
Defense. It has three main components: the Republican
Guard, stationed permanently in Paris; the Departmental
Gendarmerie, stationed permanently in one of the other of
France's six defense zones (regions); and the Mobile Gen-
darmerie, stationed in regions but liable to be moved when-
ever necessary, often at very short notice. The Gendarmerie
Mobile, unlike its civilian counterpart, the Republican
Security Companies, has tanks, armored vehicles, and light
The relative strengths of the civil and military police (fig-
ures for 1985) are 122,000 and 84,000 respectively, for a pop-
ulation of some 52,000,000-a ratio of police to public consid-
erably higher than in the United States. However, it should
be taken into account that of the French police 15,678 officers
are held in the riot reserve of the Republican Security Com-
panies and 17,000 of the Gendarmerie are in the Gendarm-
erie Mobile while 2,000 are on provost or specialist duties.
Allowing also for the number of officers employed in general
Napolean, architect of the French police system.
intelligence and counterespionage duties, the numbers
engaged in "ordinary" police work, it may well be found, are
proportionately about the same in France and the United
France thus cannot be said to possess the massive police
resources one associates with a modern police state.
The Gendarmerie Nationale, has for many years, been
treated more generously than the civil police in the financial
provision made for it by the government. Its buildings,
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equipment, and training are of markedly superior quality.
This is in great measure due to the high regard this presti-
gious regiment has enjoyed over the centuries and perhaps,
to an even greater extent, to the fact that it has so long been
under strong ministerial and administrative control. Not so
the Police Nationale, the quite recent amalgam of multifari-
ous local organizations over which full central control has
only been effected for a little more than two decades.
In the 1970s, however, the central government began to
recognize the responsibilities it incurred by the legislation of
1966 that brought the Police Nationale into being. There
began a thorough reorganization of the recruitment and
training system. New facilities were opened, old ones were
rejuvenated, and the induction and further-training estab-
lishments were incorporated into a structure designed to
make their contribution more relevant to the work the ser-
vice has to do.
But in many other respects, the civil police were sadly
lacking in much that is essential for success in policing the
modern world. This was acknowledged by the minister of
interior and decentralization in the National Assembly (the
French counterpart of the U.S. House of Representatives) on
November 5, 1984. What has been undertaken in the light of
the parliamentary debates that ensued is a striking example
of what can be done when a central government has the will
to do it.
August 1985 saw the adoption of a grand project for the
modernization of the civil police. At an extra cost of five bil-
lion francs over the next five years, the budget for police has
been augmented by no less than 50 percent. The money is to
be spent, inter alia, on further improvements in training (for
In our time "police state" has
become synonymous with totalitar-
it has been well accepted that the quality of personnel is the
prime consideration); on providing greater mobility by
replacing and increasing police automobile fleets; on com-
puterization and information systems and communications;
on scientific and technical services; on weapon training and
weaponry (replacing the present issue of automatics with
revolvers-the Manhurin 357 Magnum); on buildings; and on
long-overdue improvements in the conditions under which
police officers have to work. Such a massive renewal, on the
national scale, is possible only when a central government
accepts the task as the French government has accepted it.
A Police State?
I have sketched the evolution of France's police system
from the Ancien Regime to the present day-the evolution of
an increasingly centralized dual police organization from its
beginnings as the public-tranquillity and law-enforcement
mechanism of a typical monarchical "police state" through
some two centuries of change. Does the existence of such a
police system justify deeming France a police state today?
In our time, police state has become synonymous with
totalitarianism. What are the essential features of a totali-
tarian regime? The late Brian Chapman recapitulated them
from his (and my) friend Professor Ghita Ionescu's book, The
Politics of the European Communist States (London: Weiden-
feld and Nicolson, 1968): "a compulsory ideology, a mono-
lithic party, a monopoly of communications, a monopoly of all
means of armed combat, a centrally directed economy and a
terrorist political police."
However authoritarian French regimes have been since
1789, even under the First and Second Empires, they have
never qualified as totalitarian according to lonescu's list.
The answer to the question of whether France is a police
state is partly to be divined from a statement made in the
Final Report of the Royal Commission on the Police in Brit-
ain in 1962. The issue of whether the British police should be
nationalized was being considered. It had been contended
that if the police were nationalized, "any future Government
would have ready to hand the means of establishing a police
state." This view the commissioners did not accept. They
stated unequivocally that British liberty does not depend on
any particular kind of police system but "on the supremacy of
Parliament and on the rule of law." They remarked: "In the
countries to which the term police state is applied opprobri-
ously, police power is controlled by the government, but they
are so called not because the police are nationally organized,
but because the government acknowledges no accountability
to a democratically elected parliament, and the citizen can-
not rely on the courts to protect him." That, I think, would be
accepted as good doctrine in the United States.
The French government is the government of a unitary
republic, democratically elected under the written constitu-
tion of the Fifth Republic. The police are answerable to the
electorate through the President and the three ministers
(interior, defense, justice) of the day. The citizen has recourse
to the courts for protection. The press has no mercy on official
abuses; authors write what they will. Nowhere is politics
discussed more fervently and freely. The French do not order
things as we order them in the English-speaking world; the
differing spirits of Roman law and common law divide us.
But in each case the rule of law is there.
The French government continues to seek to be well
informed on the course of public opinion and the factors
affecting the equilibrium of the nation. That it provides itself
with the means of preserving and restoring public
tranquillity, to an extent in each case which seems strange to
people in America and Britain, can only be understood in the
light of France's history-a history which has taken a different
course from ours, when regimes have lost control and violent
uprisings have dictated change. Twice in our own century, in
1934 and 1968, the governments of the Third and Fifth
Republics escaped eclipse only because they were able to
restore order in the streets of Paris.
Let me end where I began, under the trees of the boule-
vard Saint-Germain. Putting down my coffee cup, I said to
the magistrate who told me that France is a police state, "I
wouldn't have thought so." I still feel the same way.
(English language only)
Chapman, Brian: Police State. London: Pall Mall, 1970.
Hayward, Jack: The One and Indivisible French Republic.
Holtman, Robert B.: The Napoleonic Revolution. Baton
Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1967.
Jammes, J.R.J.: Effective Policing: The French Gendarm-
erie. Bradford, England: M.C.B. Publications, 1982.
Payne, Howard C.: The Police State of Louis Napoleon
Bonaparte 1851-1860. Seattle: University of Washington
Press, 1966.
Stead, Philip John: The Police of France. New York and
London: Macmillan, 1983.
Williams, Alan: The Police of Paris 1718-1789. Baton
Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1979.
About the Author
Philip John Stead, a former
Dean of Academic Studies of the
Police Staff College, Bramshill,
England, is presently Distin-
guished Professor at John Jay
College of Criminal Justice, City
University of New York. His latest
book is The Police of Britain, pub-
lished in New York and London by
Macmillan in 1985.
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Islamic criminal legislation is based
on the division of crimes into three
categories according to the nature of the
crime and whether it is committed
against the rights of God, the rights of
the individual, or both.
In the first category are crimes
against the divine, called Hudud crimes.
These are crimes against God's rights
because they harm one of the public
interests of society, such as security,
property, personal reputation, public
religious order, psychological welfare, or
the moral conduct of individuals.
There are seven categories of Hudud
crimes subject to fixed legal penalties set
by God. These seven types of crimes are
theft, slander, adultery, highway
robbery, drinking alcohol, transgression,
and apostasy.
The penalties for such crimes are
mentioned in the Koran or in the
tradition of the prophet Mohammed,
called the Sunna. Nobody has the
authority to increase or reduce the
penalties for these crimes, not even the
victim. The victim has no authority to
pardon or forgive such a crime because
they are against the rights of God and
the welfare of the society as a whole and
the penalty must therefore be applied
without any change. The victim must
report the crime to the authority
concerned. Everyone shares in the
obligation to maintain peace in the
Penalties for the seven types of
Hudud crimes are, briefly, as follows:
The penalty for theft is to sever the
right hand of the thief. A requirement
for applying this punishment is that the
thief intended to acquire the victim's
property without his consent and the
property was taken from its place. The
thief must also have broken into a safe
or other type of money container.
Furthermore, the property stolen must
be of value in Islam. Amputation of the
hand is not applicable for stealing
property which is not valued in Islam,
such as alcohol or pork.
Stolen property should reach the
minimum, value which is called Nissab,
in order to apply the penalty of
amputation. If the value of the stolen
property is less than the stated
s11(1 I i()Q,
minimum, the thief should be punished
under another category of penalties,
called Taazir. The hand should not be
severed unless the stolen property is
owned by others at the time of the theft.
If it is proven that the property is owned
by the offender, the penalty will not be
"Islamic" jurists have mentioned
several cases in which this penalty is
avoided or does not apply, such as when
there is doubt about the crime. In that
case, if necessary, the thief will be
punished under Taazir.
The penalty for slander, which in
Islam is called Kathf, is flogging eighty
times. Slander means falsely accusing
someone of adultery or defamation of a
married woman.
The penalty for adultery, or Zeno as it
is called in Islam, for an unmarried
person is flogging a hundred times. The
penalty for a married person is also
fogging a hundred times as well as
stoning. In order for the penalty to be
applied, the crime must be witnessed by
four eyewitnesses or one or the other of
parties must make a confession.
Highway Robbery
The penalty for highway robbery, or
Haraba as it is called in Islam, is
execution or crucifixion, the amputation
of opposite hands and feet, or exile from
the land. These punishments are applied
in accordance with the circumstances of
each crime.
Drinking Alcohol
The penalty for drinking alcohol is
flogging or whipping eighty times, as
agreed upon by the majority of Islamic
Transgression, which is called Baghi
in Islam, means revolting against the
legitimate leader, who is referred to in
Islam as the Imam. The penalty for this
crime is to fight transgressors with
armed forces until they surrender or are
defeated. If any one of them is killed in
the fight, he will be considered as having
received his legal penalty.
The penalty for apostasy, which is
called Ridda in Islam, is death. Apostasy
means renouncing Islam by word or
deed; denying the existence of God, the
prophets, and the angels; or renouncing
any part of the Koran.
Generally, the penalties of Hudud are
only intended to deter those who have a
tendency to commit crimes or those who
are easily tempted to do so. In most
cases, such people can only be restrained
by severe penalties.
God has explicitly forbidden adultery
and established a severe penalty for it.
However, God has permitted the Muslim
man to marry two, three, or four wives
on the condition that he treats each of
them fairly and equally.
To prevent robbery, God has required
the establishment of a public treasury of
money collected from zakah, which is the
religious tax for Muslims, and the
proceeds of natural resources to help the
disabled, the sick, the old, and the poor.
Such rights are not restricted only to
Muslims, but apply to Christians and
Jews, referred to in Islam as Ahl
el-Zemma (people of the book), who live
in Muslim countries and in return pay a
capital tax to enjoy safety and
protection. This tax is called Jizya.
Islamic legislation does not sever the
hand of the robber who has stolen
because he is hungry or in need, because
in those cases the blame would be
attributed to the injustice of society or
the ruler. In such instances, the violator
would be punished by one of the Taazir
An example of the effectiveness of the
Hudud penalty against robbery is Saudi
Arabia's, The Higas, which was one the
worst places for violent crimes and
robbery. When Saudi Arabia applied
Hudud penalties for crimes against
property and for highway robbery, and
those crimes ceased and criminal gangs
were disbanded. Saudi Arabia is now a
country in which theft and highway
robberies rarely occur. During the last
twenty-five years there were only
sixteen amputations.
This is significant evidence that
imprisonment may be an inadequate
sanction. The only remedy may to be
enforce the sentence of amputation
ordained by God in the Koran. We can
reach the same conclusion if we analyze
the other penalties of Hudud crimes.
Continued on page 14
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Page 14
Continued from page 13
Quesas and Diyya crimes are against
"the rights of the individual."
The word Quesas means equality or
equivalence. A person who commits a
Quesas crime will be punished in the
same way and by the same means that
he used in harming other persons.
The crimes calling for retribution,
Quesas, and compensation, Diyya,
involve homicide, bodily injury, or other
forms of harm committed against the
physical security of the individual. They
are labeled as such because the
punishment imposed is either a
retributive penalty equal to the injury
inflicted on the victim or takes the form
of pecuniary compensation (ransom) for
the victim's injuries. Compensation is
imposed only if retribution is not
executable or if the victim waives his
right to demand it.
Similar to crimes of Hudud, offenses
of Quesas (retribution) and Diyya
(compensation) are also prescribed by
the Koran and the Sunna. They differ in
that the victim or the political authority
of the state may not grant pardon for
crimes of Hudud however the victim or
his legal guardians, on the other hand,
may do so in cases of retribution and
ransom. Penalties may not be mitigated,
aggravated, or suspended; however, if
the victim or his guardians waive the
retribution or penalty ransom claim, the
applicable verdict is left to the discretion
of the court.
These crimes are subject to a penalty
that safeguards the rights of the
individual victim. The penalty takes
into consideration the harm and damage
which the criminal inflicted upon the
Crimes of Quesas and Diyya are:
? Murder
? Voluntary killing
? Intentional physical injury or
? Unintentional physical injury or
Quesas is imposed only for crimes of
murder and intentional physical injury
or maiming. For the other crimes
mentioned compensation, Diyya is
Islamic legislation gives the victim a
lot of liberty in dealing with this type of
crime. It makes him a decision maker in
assigning the penalty, since he can
request its infliction, request a
compensation, Diyya, or give a complete
pardon. In the event the victim gives
pardon, the ruler may still punish the
criminal according to Taazir in order to
uphold the rights of society.
Generally, however, the crimes of
Quesas and Diyya are punished by
retribution or legal compensation.
Crimes of this kind allow only the victim
or his representatives the right to
prosecute the criminal; the public
authority has no power to intervene as it
does in Western law.
This method of punishment provides
for both individual and general
deterrence and reparation to the victim
or his avenger who terminates the
conflict between the criminal and the
injured party.
Voluntary homicide, with or without
premeditation, is normally punished by
retribution. However, with the consent
of the victim's representatives, it may be
punished by legal compensation, Diyya.
Assault resulting in unintentional
homicide i.e., blows and wounds inflicted
voluntarily without the intention of
causing death but having actually
caused death, is punished by Diyya.
The right given to the victim in
crimes of intention whether, they are
against person or body, is the right of
Quesas. This right, as was previously
mentioned, is based on equalizing the
criminal act and the penalty to be
inflicted. If the criminal is aware that
his punishment will equal his crime, he
should refrain from committing the
Although Quesas is the penalty for
intentional crimes, the Islamic
legislation gives the victim the right to
change the penalty from Quesas to
Diyya. In this event, the right of penalty
is the responsibility of the society and
the ruler can impose Taazir penalty
upon the criminal in accordance with the
crime committed.
In unintentional crimes, whether
against the person or his body, the right
of the victim is compensation, Diyya.
Islamic legislation also grants the victim
the right to pardon the criminal
completely. If the victim uses this right,
the ruler or judge can punish the
criminal by a Taazir penalty in
accordance with the crime he has
Taazir Crimes
Islamic legality is most flexible in the
case of Taazir offenses, which are
offenses left undetermined by religious
law. In this category, the designation of
acts as criminal and the assigning of
penalties to be inflicted are left to the
discretion of the judge or public
Taazir offenses are the necessary
complement of Hudud and Quesas.
Islamic legislation does not clearly
identify the offenses of Taazir. However,
it is obvious from various Islamic
sources that for offenses of Hudud, the
community is expected to penalize.
According to El-Mawardi's definition,
Taazir means inflicting penalties for
errors which are unpunished by Hudud.
Theoretically, crimes under this
category are those acts which bring
injury to the social order as a result of
the trouble they cause. The divine notion
of Taazir left the exact determination to
the community and its representatives
in order to allow for changes over time
according to the need of the community
and to enable their application in any
society by any judge at any time or place.
God and his messenger called upon
all Muslims to lead a proper life and to
forbid indecency, and they both trusted
the Islamic community to understand
this and constantly strive for better
Taazir gives the community an
important role by engaging its
representatives in the elaboration and
application of the principles of Islamic
The sovereign or public authority and
the individual judge have the flexibility
to determine a range of criminal acts
and their penalties beyond those which
the Divine God has specified. However,
those representatives have to maintain
the fundamental principles of legality in
Islamic Law.
Lt. Col Adel
Mohammed el Fiky
is assigned to the
Tourist Police unit
in Cairo, Egypt. He
completed his
studies at the Police
Academy in 1971
and holds a Ph.D. in
criminal law from
the University of
Ain Shams in Cairo.
He attended the Fifth International
Conference on Victimology in Zagreb,
Yugoslavia, in 1985 and has participated
in several regional conferences
addressing issues of human rights in
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Victimization in Ireland
The Economic and Social Research
Institute (ESRI) of Dublin, Ireland, has
announced the release of a monograph
entitled Crime Victimization in the
Republic of Ireland by Richard Breen
and David B. Rottman. The paper
reports the findings of the 1982/83 ESRI
Crime Victimization Survey, the first
such comprehensive survey carried out
in the Republic of Ireland. Between
October 1982, and October 1983, a
national sample of 8,902 individuals was
asked whether they had been the victim
of any one or more of six specified crimes
during the preceding twelve months.
The report addresses such topics as "The
Overall Level of Crime," "Comparisons
with Other Countries," and "The Distri-
bution of Victimization Risk." For infor-
mation write: ESRI, Registered Office,
Four (4) Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Ire-
Fear of Crime
Report Available
Fear of crime is a pressing social
problem in many communities, even
where the risks of crime are relatively
low. Citizens withdraw into their homes,
afraid to venture onto the street. Busi-
nesses unwilling to invest in neighbor-
hoods reduce job prospects for residents.
But, perhaps most important, the social
structure of neighborhoods suffers: resi-
dents become suspicious of their neigh-
bors and are unwilling to establish the
social networks that are the best defense
against crime.
In many ways, fear of crime is as
important a problem for the police as
crime itself. In Baltimore County, since
1981, a special police unit--the Citizen
Oriented Police Enforcement unit
(COPE)--, has been successful in
addressing the problem.
A publication describing the COPE
experience, Fighting Fear, is available
from the Police Executive Research
Foundation, 2300 M Street, NW, Suite
910, Washington, D.C. 20037.
Prison Construction
Faced with a critical shortage of space
in jails and prisons for housing the
nation's inmates, corrections officials
and policymakers have recognized the
need for expanding capacity. The
National Institute of Justice is gather-
ing information about new ways to build
jails and prisons at reduced time and
construction costs.
New Construction Methods for Cor-
rectional Facilities is the first in a new
series of construction bulletins that
addresses the growing problem of jail
crowding. This bulletin focuses on the
extent of jail and prison crowding and
the excessive costs currently required to
build new facilities. It provides case
studies of how three states--Virginia,
California, and Florida--are pioneering
ways of dealing with the problem, and it
outlines new methods of construction
that have significantly reduced the time
and cost associated with construction.
To order the bulletin New Construc-
tion Methods for Correctional Facilities
(NCJ 100121) or to learn more about the
institute's construction initiatives, write
to: Tim Matthews, Corrections Special-
ist, National Institute of Justice/Na-
tional Criminal Justice Reference Ser-
vice, Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20850.
Mr. Matthews can be reached by tele-
phone (301) 251-5500.
International Summaries
Available from NCJRS
The latest three NCJRS
International Summaries (each from a
different European country) examine
the workload of judges, the influence of
computers on crime, and the reestab-
lishment of sentence review.
International Summaries are Eng-
lish-language translations that summa-
rize foreign criminal justice publica-
tions. National Institute of
Justice/NCJRS information specialists
select the publications, and professional
translators write succinct, four-page
summaries that describe some of the
most interesting criminal justice devel-
opments worldwide.
From West Germany... Urban
Design and Crime: Explores how
architecture and density seem to influ-
ence life in a middle-sized city with a low
crime rate; offers suggestions for reduc-
ing crime still further. NCJ 101042
From Sweden... Computer Tech-
nology and Crime: Examines evolving
forms of computer crime and methods to
reduce vulnerability to those crimes.
NCJ 99853
From France... Penal Courts of
Europe: Compares the sentence review
courts of Portugal, Poland, and West
Germany, and discusses the reestab-
lishment of this equivalent of the U.S.
parole board in France. NCJ 100523
International Summaries cost $4
each and are sent by first-class mail. To
order, write to the National Criminal
Justice Reference Center information
service, Box 6000, Rockville, Maryland
Zhou Enlai Biography
The Foreign Languages Press, Beij-
ing, has published a new book, Zhou
Enlai: A Profile (1986) by Percy
Jucheng Fang and Lucy Guinong J.
Fang (Paper cover with jacket, 250 pp
of text, 38 pp of photos). In English-not
a translation-the book was written for
Western readers. It offers many telling
and human anecdotes and compares
Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong-their dif-
ferent backgrounds, their lasting part-
nership, their particular strengths and
achievements, and their respective
weaknesses and failures. The book is
available from the China International
Book Trading Corp. (Guoji Shudian),
Box 399, Beijing, China.
ABA Announces
CJ Magazine
A new magazine, Criminal Justice,
published by the American Bar Associ P. -
tion (ABA), is written for criminal
defense lawyers, prosecutors, judges,
and others. It carries a wide spectrum of
articles -- both practice-oriented, "how
to" articles, and those exploring criminal
law and justice system problems. It
examines criminal law and justice policy
developments, and news about the ABA
Criminal Justice Section. The magazine
carries special columns on ethics, juve-
nile delinquency, federal and state leg-
islation, and indigent criminal defense.
It addresses white collar crime, as well
as the handling of more routine or typi-
cal criminal cases. For information
write: ABA Order Fulfillment, 750 N.
Lakeshore Drive, Chicago, Illinois,
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COPS: Their Lives In
by Todd Clear and George F. Cole,
Their Own Words
A Research Handbook
Brooks/Cole Publishing Company,
by Mark Baker
Edited by Ann Wolbert Burgess
Monterey CA. 1986. Pp. 556
New York: Simon and Schuster (1985)
New York: Garland Reference
Pp. 303
Library of Social Science
(Vol. 203) (1985) Pp. 433
This introduc-
tory text is organ-
ized around the
concept of correc-
tions as an enter-
prise in order to
discuss the various
aspects and context
of corrections. Much
more than the study
of institutions and programs, corrections
is the study of of the people immersed in
the correctional enterprise. This book
emphasizes the dynamic and human
facets of the correctional enterprise,
showing that it is a composite of large
and small organizations administered by
various levels of government seeking to
achieve complex and sometimes com-
peting goals through professional and
nonprofessional employees who are put
in contact with one another and in direct
authority over offenders. The authors
believe that this conceptualization will
help readers understand this dynamic
yet complex field both now as students
and in the future as correctional
researchers or practitioners and as
members of the polity.
Clear and Cole explain that correc-
tions is more than a process of adminis-
tering the criminal sanction, more than
the practices used to punish offenders,
and more than just a concern with the
operations of jails and prisons. By look-
ing at corrections as an enterprise, the
authors use the contributions of several
disciplines; i.e. history, political science,
psychology and law to enhance and
develop to theories and practices used in
the field.
The authors feel that students usu-
ally get lost in their attempt to under-
stand corrections because the field takes
so many forms with such a large number
of programs, facilities, and services. This
book ties all these different areas
Clear and Cole have also built into
their book many pedagogical elements
that not only clarify and reinforce con-
cepts but involves the reader and bring
the subject alive with biographical
sketches of the major figures in correc-
tions, boxed materials that include
excerpts from the printed media, work
perspectives that include correctional
practitioners and offenders describing
their roles and views, and an excellent
glossary. Also each chapter begins with
an Outline and concludes with a Sum-
mary, Discussion Questions, and Sug-
gestions for Further Reading.
Ed Belles
Mark Baker asks
what is it like to be
a cop; to risk your
life at a job most
people wouldn't
take for triple the
salary? For answers
he went beyond
crime statistics and
sociological studies;
beyond the flat cardboard characters of
most fiction, behind the stone wall of
"press releases police administrators
pile between the public and the cops." He
wanted to find out why cops become cops
and how they do their jobs; whether our
image of the police square with their
reality; how do they see themselves?;
and how do they see us?
The author admits that his research
is hardly the scientific approach. Statis-
tics are not cited and there remain
unresolved contradictions. Without try-
ing to authenticate the stories told him
he trusted his instincts and relied on the
belief that the majority of people will not
deliberately lie when they have so little
at risk. Baker interviewed more than
100 police officers across the country, in
big cities and small towns, white and
black, female and male, rookie and vet-
eran. He interviewed them at every con-
ceivable setting. Baker was accepted by
his subjects and did a good job at win-
ning the confidence of his informants.
There are tales of heroism, corrup-
tion, and brutality. Here are idealism
and selflessness, fear and anxiety, prej-
udice and cynicism. The cops that Baker
writes about take us into their private
and personal worlds to tell us what it
feels like to shoot someone or to be shot
at. They describe the boredom and
tedium of their jobs as well as those
unforgettable few moments of horrify-
ing, heart-stopping danger. They tell us
what they think of themselves, their fel-
low officers, criminals and the citizens
they protect. The cops speak for them-
With blunt honesty and graphic
details, the police officers in COPS tell
their own stories in their own words.
They reveal their fear, their frustrations
and their occasional triumphs.
Emotional and compelling, COPS
gives us a portrait not only of the police
but of American society. With the rich
variety of police officers speaking in
their own voices, it may offer us the
truest picture of police life that we will
probably ever have.
This book repre-
sents many per-
spectives in the field
of sexual violence.
The authors have
made substantial
The book is
divided into five
sections, with a
total of twenty-five papers. Part I
includes two chapters that provide both
the historical background and current
efforts and products from federal initia-
tives in the rape victimology field.
Part II, "Victims," includes chapters
on victims' needs, the impact of the rape,
and the various population groups. This
section presents research findings and
raises questions for further study on the
impact of victimization.
Part III, "Family and Legal Response
to the Victim," includes chapters on
family response to rape and the response
of the criminal justice system. It reviews
the family impact to a victimized family
member and the manner in which the
legal systems (criminal justice and civil)
have responded over the decade.
Part IV is a discussion of "The
Aggressor," and presents a wide range of
research expertise not only in viewing
the aggressor from many perspectives,
but also in studying the treatment
approaches and new investigative tech-
niques for the apprehension of suspects.
Part V, "Mass Media, Prevention, and
the Future," includes four chapters that
emphasize that the goal of most research
in rape and sexual assault, whether
explicit or implicit, is to stop sexual vio-
The book's editor, Dr. Ann Wolbert
Burgess says that "the first decade of
serious research in the field of rape vic-
timology has provided some initial
insights as to the victims, the aggressor
and the nature and extent of the crime of
rape and sexual assault within a cul-
tural context. As we move toward the
twenty-first century, one goal is to
reduce the number of victims in an
appreciable way. I hope that some of the
research findings in this volume will
assist in that goal."
James Anglin
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TERRORISM: How The West Can
By Arkady Sheuehenko, New York:
Crisis and Opportunity
Knopf; (1985) Pp. 378
Alfred A
Edited By Benjamin Netanyahu
Edited by William A. Geller
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
New York; Praeger (American Bar
New York 1986 Pp. 254
Foundation), 1986, Pp 520.
Police Leader-
ship in America:
Crisis and Oppor-
tunity should not be
overlooked. Every
once in awhile a
book of readings
comes along which
accomplishes its
mission, to serve as
In the Foreward,
Dr. Shevchenko
says, "(Dt is not my
purpose in this
memoir to instill
feelings of hostility
in Americans
toward the Soviet
The author, a
Deputy Ambassa-
dor, and Israel's
permanent repre-
sentative to the
United Nations, is
no stranger to ter-
rorism. He served as
an officer in the
elite Special Forces
a forum for argumentation and debate,
and present the diversity of views on a
particular subject.
William Geller, the editor of this
lengthy, but informative, treatise,
brings together under one cover a veri-
table who's who in law enforcement. The
list of writers include practitioners, aca-
demics, researchers, and critics. Indeed,
the reader not familiar with at least 90
percent of the authors does not know
much about the contemporary issues
facing law enforcement.
The book consists of eight parts,
ranging from the chief as policymaker to
the issue of professionalism. In between
one wades into some fascinating essays
on such subjects as the media, police
discipline, the law and the lawyers,
unions, crime control, and the chief and
the community.
It was impossible for this reviewer to
pick out a "favorite" piece, for the range
of material is fascinating. In some
measure, it may be argued that many of
the writers represent the "new school" of
police management, as characterized by
an interest in education, research, and
professionalism. But, this new school is
now over twenty years old, and in Police
Leadership we find some of the pioneers
as well as the current advocates. There
are working chiefs, like Al Andrews, Lee
Brown, Tony Bouza, Joe McNamara,
George Napper, to name a few, as well as
former practitioners like Patrick Mur-
phy, Wayne Kerstetter, and Hubert
For the police professional the book is
mandatory, and any one interested in
the world of policing shouldn't be with-
out it. R. Hurley
plicate in any way Shevch&ft
efforts to promote peace. The world has
enough madmen trying to do that. What
I want is to share with the reader my
experiences under the Soviet system; to
tell the truth about it as I lived it; to
inform the public of Soviet designs, and
to warn of the dangers they present to
the world. In so doing I hope also, in
however small a way, to help the Soviet
people eventually find their way to lib-
erty." Breaking With Moscow is an
extraordinary story of the inner work-
ings of the Kremlin. The author is the
highest ranking Soviet official ever to
defect from the USSR (at the time he
defected, he was Under Secretary Gen-
eral of the United Nations, and former
adviser to Soviet Foreign Minister
Andrei Gromyko).
In April 1978 Arkady Shevchenko
sought refuge in the United States, thus
renouncing what had been a meteoric
career in the foreign service of the Soviet
Union. He tells of his inner turmoil
which began years before his defection,
doubts about the communist system that
belied his reputation as a Soviet hard-
liner and an ardent defender of his
country's foreign policy. He also divulges
how, for some years after he approached
U.S. officials about asylum, he served as
a source of information, as a "reluctant
spy" (this is the title of the book's first
chapter), transmitting the contents of
Soviet diplomatic communications to
American intelligence agencies.
Shevchenko describes in absorbing
detail the inner workings of the top lev-
els of the Soviet regime. He offers com-
pelling portraits of Gromyko, Dobrynin,
Krushchev and Chernenko and other
Soviet party leaders; accounts of ruth-
less and malevolent officials of the KGB:
a first-hand account of what takes place
inside the Soviet diplomatic service and
Police Training in Shanghai
unit in Israel, and lost. a brother, Lt. Col.
Jonathan Netanyahu, in the raid on
Entebbe to rescue hostages in 1976. The
book is a compendium of essays and
short "think" pieces on the subject of
If there is a central theme to the book
it is that terrorism is a form of warfare
pitting the "the forces of civilization and
the forces of barbarism." It is a book
written for a general audience, although
there are numerous articles which will
be of interest to the student of terrorism.
Of particular interest are sections on
"Terrorism and the Islamic World." "The
International Network," and "The Legal
Foundations for the War Against Terro-
The section on the media and terro-
rism is not very new, especially given
the events of the past year in which the
issue has become a major topic of debate.
Of more interest is the account of a sym-
posium which appears as an appendix,
largely because it offers a dialogue
among the media and others, many of
whom are contributers to the book,
which is illustrative of the issues in this
One of the best articles in the book is
the one by Netanyahu on the subject of
terrorists as freedom fighters; he aims
directly at those who favor mediation
and negotiation with known terrorists,
be they countries or individuals. His
view stresses courage and determination
as a means of stopping terrorism. "For
the Terrorist, there can be no hiding
places." he notes.
In the complexities of today's world
much of the argument will be viewed as
simplistic, but there is also the advan-
tage of having placed on the table a
position which can be subject to debate,
criticism, and hopefully the development
of rational policy. The book falls far
short of being an operational plan for the
defeat of terrorism, which its title
implies, but it makes a significant con-
tribution to helping understand a phe-
nomenon which will be with us for some
time to come. Dick Ward
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Page 18
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Hong Kong Brew
You can eat well in Hong Kong,
anything from multi-course Chi-
nese banquets served in replicas of
imperial palaces to the elegant
veal at the New World Hotel's
Promenade Restaurant. But when
the food, the decor, and the calories
become overwhelming, head for a
pitcher of beer and a dish of Sin-
gapore fried noodles at the White
The White Stag is a Chinese
pub. Dark and wonderfully cool on
even the hottest August afternoon,
it offers a moment of quiet and a
meal or snack at almost any hour.
Located near Kowloon Marco Polo
Hotel and across from the Ocean
Terminal shopping complex, it is
almost hidden in the welter of
small shops and craftsmen's
premises that surround it.
Once past the entrance, with its
crude but appealing carved stag,
you can decide whether to sit at
the bar or in one of the booths lin-
ing the wall.
The White Stag's main claim to
fame (such fame as it has) is an
impressive array of beer, repre-
senting most corners of the world.
Try a San Miguel from the Philip-
pines (much better than the San
Miguel brewed anywhere else) or a
full-bodied dark beer from Ger-
many. Or, if you are hot and
thirsty after a day of shopping,
sightseeing, or international
wheeling and dealing, order the
draft beer that comes in tall cool
When you are ready to eat, you
will be brought a short menu.
Order the Singapore fried noodles.
The White Stag doesn't serve
desserts, but don't let that worry
you. A perfectly acceptable ice
cream cone can be picked up at the
Seven-Eleven shop next door.
The Police Executive Research
Forum has begun accepting appli-
cations for the sixth Senior Man-
agement Institute for Police. The
Institute is designed to provide
senior police managers with the
type of education and training
available at the nation's best
graduate-level business and public
administration schools using a
faculty from the most prestigious
of these schools.
"We in police management
have much to learn from the suc-
cessful practices of the public and
private sector administrator and
this program makes available ele-
ments of the best management
education and training currently
offered in these fields," said Neil
Behan, Forum President and Chief
of Baltimore County (MD) Police
"The Senior Management
Institute for Police is a demanding
three-week course taught by fac-
ulty predominantly from Harvard
University", said Peter White, the
Forum's Acting Executive Direc-
tor. "The success of the program
over the last four years and the
benefits it provided to both the
participants and their depart-
ments has convinced us that the
program should be continued. Its
business orientation is unique to
police management training and
fills an important void."
Tuition for the three-week
course is $3,000, which covers
room and board, and all course
materials. Transportation and
incidental expenses must be
borned by the participant or the
agency. To apply, send for a pro-
gram brochure and an a explana-
tion of the application process. For
more information, contact: John R.
Stedman, Police Executive
Research Forum; 2300 M Street,
N.W., Suite 910; Washington, DC
20037, (202) 466-7820.
Police practitioners from coun-
tries all over the globe will gather
in Messina, Sicily, and Rome from
September 30 to October 12, 1986.
The theme of the program will be
"Crime Prevention: National and
International Aspects."
The IX International Course for
senior police officials is sponsored
by the Italian government under
the auspices of the International
Centre of Sociological, Penal, and
Penitentiary Research and Stud-
Attendance in by invitation.
For information in the U.S., con-
tact Denise Nykiel, (312)
996-9267. Continued on page 19
CJ International is a bimonthly newsletter for the professional who
has an interest in keeping up with world events in law enforce-
ment. It's also a "lifestyle" publication which provides tips on
travel, dining, books, and personal information geared to the
practitioner. CJI keeps you up-to-date on people and organiza-
tions operating on the international scene. For a free copy write to
CJ International, 1333 South Wabash Ave., Box 55, Chicago, IL,
We'll keep you in touch with the world.
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Continued from page 18
Int'l Policewomen's
Group Calls
for Papers
The International Conference of
Police Women will be held
November 2-7, 1986 in Ramat-
Gan, Israel.
Participants will assess the
achievements of women in law
enforcement and discuss directions
for the future.
Individuals interested in pre-
senting a paper should send an
abstract to Deputy Commander
Meir Kaplan, Office of the Chief
Scientist, Ministry of Police,
International Conference of Police
Women, Box 394, Tev Aviv 61003,
APPA to Meet
in Baltimore
The American Probation and
Parole Association (APPA) will be
hosting its Eleventh Annual Con-
ference at the Omni International
Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland,
from Sunday, August 3, through
Wednesday, August 6, 1986.
The conference will offer div-
erse training opportunities for
probation and parole professionals
and support staff. The conference
will interest criminal justice pro-
fessionals at all levels, not only
practitioners in parole and proba-
tion. For information call Don
Atkinson (301) 764-4279.
APCO Meeting
in Milwaukee
The world's largest gathering of
public safety communications per-
sonnel will take place August
18-21, 1986, in Milwaukee, Wis-
consin when the Associated Pub-
lic-Safety Communications Offi-
cers has its Annual National
Conference. Communications per-
sonnel from police and fire depart-
ments will be on hand for semi-
nars, workshops, dispatcher
training, technician testing, and
certification. More than 220
exhibit booths will display the lat-
est technology available for com-
munications. For more informa-
tion on the National Conference,
contact: APCO National Office,
P.O. Box 669, New Smyrna Beach,
Florida 32070. Telephone (904)
A joint conference on Interna-
tional Terrorism and Organized
Crime will be offered by the Office
of International Criminal Justice
at the University of Illinois at
Chicago, and by the International
Association for the Study of
Organized Crime (IASOC). The
six-day course will run from
August 24 to August 30, 1986, in
A three-day program on inter-
national terrorism will precede a
three-day meeting on the subject of
organized crime.
Participants are invited to
attend both meetings or one of the
individual meetings.
The conference on international
terrorism will bring together
practitioners, researchers, and
educators who have an interest in
the practical aspects of coping with
international and domestic terro-
rism. International speakers and
course leaders will provide a div-
erse set of experiences in dealing
with various terrorist activities.
The International Association
for the Study of Organized Crime
will bring together prominent
researchers and law enforcement
officials from the United States
and Europe in a discussion of the
final report of the President's
Commission on Organized Crime.
i For further information con-
tact: Denise Nykiel, University of
Illinois at Chicago (m/c 108), 715
S. Wood Street, Chicago, Illinois
60612. Telephone: (312) 996-9267.
The American Correctional
Association will hold its 116th
Congress of Correction August
10-14, 1986, in Las Vegas at the
Las Vegas Hilton. A session on
"The International Profile:
Understanding Criminal Behav-
ior" will be offered. Contact: Bar-
bara Dodson, ACA, 4321 Hartwick
Road., Suite L-208, College Park,
Maryland 20740. Telephone (301)
Police Planners
Meeting in Washington
The National Association of
Police Planners (APPRO) Annual
Conference will be held at the
Everett Pacific Hotel, Everett,
Washington, September 8-12,
1986. Co-hosting the event will be
the Everett Police Department and
the Pacific Northwest Chapter of
The 1986 theme is "Planning
for Excellence in Policing." The
purpose of the conference is to
improve planning resources and
communication and to provide a
continuing forum for the exchange
of strategies, programs, and
projects. Conference costs are $195
for members, $215 for nonmem-
bers, and include three luncheons,
a banquet, and a salmon barbecue.
For information contact: Lt. Dan
Anderson (205) 259-8831.
The ninety-third Annual Con-
ference of the International Asso-
ciation of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
will be held in Nashville, Tennes-
see October 4-9, 1986. The tenta-
tive conference schedule includes:
general assemblies, committee
meetings, annual business meet-
ings, election of officers, educa-
tional programs, a law enforce-
ment exhibition, the annual
banquet. The conference will
feature exhibits, roundtable
exchanges, and workshops.
For registration and further
information, contact Barbara
Rothburn (301) 948-0922, IACP
Headquarters, Thirteen (13)
Firstfield Road, P.O. Box 6010
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878.
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t i
DOMESTIC RESPONSE brings together
a group of experts who represent the worlds
of the practitioner, the researcher, the aca-
demic, and the policymaker. The three-day
symposium will provide an overview of
international terrorism and its impact or
potential impact on a country.
By design, the symposium is broadly
based, representing the first in a series of
policy-making conferences aimed at sen-
ior level practitioners and researchers
who are facing these problems on a daily
basis. It will be of value to senior govern-
ment officials, elected officials, city man-
agers, police and justice officials, and
researchers who are in need of informa-
tion from experts.
The threat of terrorism has never been
greater, and most officials are not familiar
with the policy issues, the practical day-
to-day decision making problems during
an event, or the capabilities available to
deal with a serious threat.
The speakers selected to participate
have been drawn from around the world,
and represent people who are knowledge-
able about the problems associated with
the threat of or the impact of terrorism.
Participants will receive printed
material prior to the conference, and pro-
ceedings will be published.
The three-day symposium, which begins
on Sunday evening, August 24, 1986, and
ends at noon on Wednesday, August 27,
1986, is being offered in conjunction with a
conference on organized crime -running
from Wednesday afternoon, August 27,
through Saturday, August 29. Persons
wishing to attend both meetings will be
eligible for a reduced fee.
REPORT is a major conference bringing
together experts from throughout the
country to discuss the present and future
of organized crime in the United States.
Participants will review the work of the
President's Commission on Organized
Crime, and members of the Commission
will discuss their findings.
The conference will involve plenary
sessions on major issues raised by the
Commission as well as individual sessions
on criminal organizations. The business of
organized crime (gambling, drugs, extor-
tion, labor and business racketeering) will
be viewed from the perspective of investi-
gating and prosecuting organized crime.
This will include issues involving electric
surveillance, use of informants, policy and
legislation, and the RICO statute.
There will also be a general discussion
on the role of the media in the control of
organized crime with journalists from
throughout the United States.
Formal and informal gatherings will
provide participants with opportunities to
interact and dialogue with others inter-
ested in the field of organized crime.
Conferences are being sponsored in
part by the:
Center for Research in
Law and Justice
The University of Illinois at Chicago
The Chicago Police Department
International Association for the
Study of Organized Crime
St. Xavier College
International Centre for Sociological,
Penal and Penitentiary Research &
Messina, Italy
CJ International
For reservations or other
information call Harold Smith
or Denise Nykiel at
(312) 996-9267
Among those who will participate
in this unique conference are:
Gen. Ahmed Galal Ezeldin
Egypt's foremost expert on
international terrorism
Andres Bossard
Former Secretaire General De
Simon Crawshaw
Deputy Assistant Commissioner
in charge of the anti-terrorism squad
Metropolitan Police, London
Dr. Aldo Grassi
Scientific Coordinator
International Centre for
Sociological, Penal, and
Penitentiary Research & Studies,
Messina, Italy
James K. Stewart
National Institute of Justice
William E. Dyson
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Joseph F. King
Supervisory Special Agent
U.S. Customs Service
Superintendent Fred Rice
Chicago Police Department
Deputy Superintendent
Matt Rodriguez
Chicago Police Department
Dr. Abelfotoh H. Salama
Assistant Minister of the Interior
Chairman of the Police Center
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Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration (M/C 108)
715 South Wood Street
Chicago, Illinois 60612
(312) 996-3200
November 14, 1986
George V. Lauder
Director, Public Affairs Office
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
With reference to your letter of 2 September, 1986 concerning an error in CJ
International in the identification of Mr. John McMahon, I am enclosing two
copies of a recent issue of CJ International which includes a correction.
I express our regrets that the error occurred, and thank you for bringing it
to our attention.
Richard H. Ward
CJ International
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