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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
November 11, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 18, 1999
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Publication Date: 
October 12, 1949
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PDF icon CIA-RDP91-00682R000100120005-6.pdf47.99 KB
Approved For Release 1999/09/27 CIA-RDP91-00682R000100120005-6 Wednesday - 12 October 19+9 1. Informed Mr. Arens, senate judiciary Committee staff, that CIA would take no position on DP legislation, particularly the section regarding the 15,000 to be admitted from behind the Iron Curtain. CIA would state that it had not sponsored this section for intelligence or any other purpose, although it was not opposed.to it as legislation. CIA would also stand on the statement that this section was a possible source for Communist infiltration. Infonned Mr. Arens that he was quoted as saying that CIA was opposed to the legislation and that this was not so as we would take no position other than the one stated. 2.. Mr. Clarke Beach of the AP called to request that the Director and I talk with him in connection with a story which he is preparing on CIA from published sources. After consulta- tion with the Director's office, I informed him that neither the Director nor I would talk with him as we are anxious that there be no publicity whatsoever on CIA. I told him that the Director had refused to see other members of the press and it would not be fair to talk with him, and that vie would make no comment on the ti' utb- *c %PPrb 9d oe~eYas?e 1 ~/ 9 Tom 'CIA-RDP91-00682R000100120005-6 097 (d~/ev) STATINTL Appr Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP91-00682R000100120005-6