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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
January 4, 2017
Document Release Date: 
January 19, 2006
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Publication Date: 
August 25, 1954
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Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP91-00682R000300040058-4M (4 q3 91- SECRET 95 SUMM L brief .t t r and de , r riid t0. ich had been Wowed posed Ind Mtifisd with to bda that tv, copies an of those Z=Vaded to tll~ ten o .t' . 3h t&U. oo n e ct i M r . 1e r n appeared U take an t 25X1 that not rel til fiber 2 teXt by OAW ), ". r ' s action to , "f ; Advise WS we admve of the VaMta d 'to jk~ and also to ftvard to hrequested im the 4WISh text receipt of t photostat.( have the h mu rmmw to h a Photostat of the *without t puts " tole . owepted ' Uds and s dnoai e disa : -; I tUt be is strmTAY o d d .'va the read for expoeft the > OMMM&O Nonstar* In t h i s camteetion the Congresamm whether the Areriew legion. The Congreavman readily int"Ot in sevrml of tAmm d , Vmvftre I W that of Um a" b*bI7 to be used by Anbassador Cabot in his rove" by rAm,,, * d t ? W. P f i e . that if anything of inmost shm4d Mali" Stm h ISfftlmatlan as to ovr ggenw%l tivit a uhich 2, have .. be= pa,saing to . Pf o i t would arrmge for one of ool2 g, s to **U on hjx)* tThe vide sib. for this task* although not ObSOMO (i e,-,. that all mftt4kntjve mite al erA documents wmad Mr. XamtAm Um advised of tho raw ed during. M-. MGNIA . tbo e "t rs, Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP91-00682R000300040058-4 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP91-00682R000300040058-4 atu m l.I ng the lines of speculation-as +.o*vW, boon afalse c Inviewoo; do raised a ed Un 1) t r eth r the at . . nt V vubUc t the pwsMUty of e , r ;;? Upvaved by the A DDUU-1hAiont Dd/wIT .w ft r- Stat 4 2) to raise, the vestion fasta ction thu Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP91-00682R000300040058- 4