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GIE-Liiv,uch Bor %~,-I Su 59-:'o'9- Jill. "..%;I Conunamts, aa Some Papers on :..11(! Chem-" cv-1 p oL T,,- A. 1)Ur, p of a of' 0c"; Rvx,.ction of Vitreous Soaium SiUcc;~es and cates vith Aqueous SalutionD. Ca=micatlon 6. Hear.tion of Vitreous Sodlugi Silicates arA Ahwdmcili- catoD vith Caustic Alkali ftludow, S, K. Dubm."O, YU.A?A seban.9 6 pp. RUSSIM.* b1no perp Iz Ak roAlk Bam, OtAcl MAM- Tkuh 30 3,o ft-A-n 1955P pp 403-410. CIA C 39509- - Conmillauto Bureau USM 0?4~~ Z~rll Scientific - Chemistry 110V 55 CTS/DEX Tarlstlm In tko roa at aw bmato. BacepM,Ija 4iod sftvun Vith lowsrft of itmommse pnwmt W Z, N, hmmo 7 pps Ron=& par$ M. A ft* =to, %I On 0 ft 30 109, w WwAOL 96fto ma k1 * Nd S" 59 ~~. J~~ co 64,6e5-o It-&9-D 3 july 66 Uber fts Ifthradhow Twofted tiger UebtiqpAse bel venWerUeben I~Mffi tLobtan BY: B.J. Soluldt CIUMM From: M.7 "%=Wter XwOrtsUon" PP 1-148 End tmbles (187 Py German - est ror wds., p1mae translate and t4pe 1 OWyp dOUble SP%Oed. Do not mutilate dmoont. No posi4-up needed. M-ease key lightly on original. Block Aeoiwtnent by Mftw of Coaformal Transfometion, by Sebmidt-Mbodberg, 9 pp. GEPME, per., Bildwagnm und .EmMil6mem) 140 3) 1)61P PP 78-84. Tc;U,- i0. TA 593 Al B 59) Eng Trans) AnW Map OnvIoe Sel .0 )kw ; 1111d, 14 S"t 62 Deteridnatioa in Cld:.ean "dib3 e Ain ion. S'.?MfISH, pawphlet., Commmication from the Div. of itod Chemictry and ToxicoloGy oit' the Chemi-c-.1 P.-mrrmceutical Faculty,, Santiago, Chile. T A It s ScIt-mlAfic - Cbemiatry ('7-LS 73/()(-,t 55 G Sc_ ~ m I C~+- k-I C, The Wetrodymmades of Ifte Tones, by 1. Schaidtke, 16 pp. GOOMEW m mw NOW,, per,, Annalen der Wik, Series IV, voi 6o, 1919p iv 715-733. MWPV.M/HT-P3-413-72 J., r,2 Th6ru3trte Day".in the ULrrar of Acid Secratimp by W. Scleddt-Kessens 10 pp. GEMT,, perp. Gastrmt2MUNdAs, V01 AM99 1955P r 0 Pp 1T, -186 334 Scieu~lflc - Medicine 011 oi, Aug?,, eW.te 1,a Lot Alloy 441. 0y Vol 1=11, no M, 1 3310 AUCI nesod" IA the Aeva"Itift or Parlodies's by the o4now R*MrCk SCOWW, IW 11. A. kbddt- pp. MWp por, bdto, on =d Blbllo- piquot Vol it Igo.,, 349 3*~ The Application of RadU laotopea in the Textilo Indtwtry,, by W, J, SchtddtAustor, WZRMAN, per, AloNartspbattg Vol 99 NO 12g 19649 pp 611-613% ro In'c-? 1- 10322-11 Nay '71 Phot%mphy and Weatbor,, by B. 8cbAidt-Iwdbergj 3 pp. ORMI, perp Noteorol Omdochaul, Vol Xx No 5o 1957m py 172-173- ,1,4 ABC 3CL T 21U Feb !iq JAI .1 1-1 im"idda AGUM at to an VMX14 1w ifo sdmksw4uwo Tw"I'vii w W!W-4~ V*1 Ap 2*a.$, lp 93W. Tolo 1W J."'M 9wiAO68 1 , I r- ~ 4 -. E \ A ~~ C W ft7 /, _ , /i.,i 3CIII[VII ,~tv 60 368s437 ac c~ T c of PwIfed. samrlz:~~ tZ 1'16i, 4 -:~:,Iaidz Tmier Bactona, by 1,. 17 ,,ar; Xlternwtioral J Pp_p-, kdifti i m and P AEC Tr-5096 MUM INTO HFAT ?=SMJU Of AAAMAM- amtemmo, S. Tmrm as & Tv"Imalum IN min um M ff vo Kmlvr4ffc4L cooks Am,$ Ammlv I= mXMITTamlect VOL X, NO kip 19", mx w6m*514 Scl .0 FM 'JON (d Ampool on Th 26G) ijr LOW., NT On "-F 4 the 9fter.-t of Diluftt Solutlvns on t-he Reault p .,'. Bacterial Counto in IrraWated and Fm,.,Pr- Firb. i W, SebmUt-Lorenz, 14 pp. j-Fb'V.M,, per, Arch Lebanodttalby4ew) Vol XI) No 31. 1960, YP 60-64- AW *P-tr-494 3-1 - Had ?"oar 61 I Evallistion of Histoebadcal KatbAs for the DeUctiou oil AMA WaWly4lambirldes. (910 *Pbuta"We and In Vitm awles of, Grikammay DWO&A *MOPOIP"&Prld", by R. 6604-bMthlema, 18 pp. O=M, per.. APU Ristotbades, Vol IV,, Mi. Pp 142-166. w 2-17 Sai - )bd Mr (ity-644o) Ile Nwassity .",,(r R*9lOu&:L-Aggreg&te ['Area.- Awepte) Parq*cttve Plimming, by Gerhard OMW,s per.. OftlaUstische Plm, irtedart, Vol No % 1961~ pp i&eg. JIM 9794 /~ 3,~O awrmy of the Mvqaex Devaloyment of Rwml IcOwLdc R giorm (ftions of Agr1cultural Producer Coaperst4ves) in the lbrm of a hm;mmy to, Gerhard Sab xddt-flen (MM.. per, Fetermmm Geogimphische NMttOiluL*Pn, 'V01 Cm. No 4t 1963.v pp 264--266. G~:Os' Soon Me Necr--ssity of Regional, Comprehensive, Lons-Ra;i'~~,e Plfuming., by Garbwd SaWdt-ftmer.. 10 pp. OMAN., p--r) Sozialistische Plauvirtechaft, Vol TTT, no 2, 19615 pp 18-22. ')802 JPRS IL EEur - E. Germany & o I -I N 5.1 /74~ 1?6 M - 109(k Schmidt-Rinipler, If. ON BINOCULAR S"I'M-MMPIC AND PTIYSICAL I. Title: Aphakia (PLAST(C' ?) VISION IN UNILATERAL APHAKIA 2. Title: Aniblyopia AND UNILATERAL AMBLYOPIA TAKING INTO 1. Schmidt-Rimpler. It WNSIDERATION nu. LEGISLATION OF ACCl- 11 Tille: Cwt-unall. mwr INSURANCL (Liber Bulwulares, Stcro- skopisches und Kbi-perliches Schen bei EinHeitigei Aphakic und I.Juiseitiger Selischw5che unter BerUck - dcr Unfallgescizgebung). Paper read at ibe sichtigung niecting of the Gerinan Natural Scientists and 11hyta - cians (it(-, 7 1) M(mich. It 91,11 [9]p. (foreign text iii - cluded). Availaljlt~on lwu from SLA 6 1 - 10966 Traw in inamisoijit of Wicner Medizinitiche Woch~ rift (Atimria) 1999. in 43. p. 1975-1977 DESCRIPTORS: 'Hye. Physiol(qy, Medical research. Ausill.l. *Vlsloll. 04fice of locwcol Swvicet j~ Spinrawter ior jwt Wmitr= and thf~ det;tva,; Spectrum of Ra-Alpha+Bep by t9xich Sclai~iidt-'Poiir., 19 JIRO pwo L r 1-- 33& Val vnia, 1953 W~jp pr qrs-111, so~,j6 Tr 13911956 3:zA Scieftifte - ftel= Sch jy2tj&.j8rgm DBCREASING HARMFUL HFFEC7S BY "FILTERED" SMOKL 119621 l9p. Order from K-li $2& 75 Trans. ot XrztqIche) Woct4enschrift) (Gerffutny) n.-.. Y. 8, no, 17, p. 416- 420. DESCRWTORS: OCIprertes, *Smokes, Tobacco, wTbxMty, Coo4mrenneasures, Particulate filters. L Idt-volgE, 11. K '~-1138-c Ill. ~ ceige-flooker ~~dcacc Library AsacKlates, Detroit. MIOL (Biologic*l Sciemes- - Tcalcology, TT, v. 9, no. 71 Office :4 TeAnital Scn--ei Comrmion of Dehydro-androsterono Into 3-0v A 5-aetio-cholic Acid: A Contribution to the LiWul,3c-- of the kidrosterone Grouj~ to the CorLicosterone Group by Butenandt, A., J. Schmidt-7bome, 7 Pi)- Full tmnslation.of experimental part only. GFW%Np per,, Ber.dd=Uch.cham.Ge9ael1sch-j Vol LXXI, No 7t 193a, pp 1489-1492. NIN Tr 68 Scientific - Chemistry -1-0 IA& r"T Oct 55 ;m RC Amplifier With a Bandwidth of 6o mcls) uy i, J. Se #-rTie0e;;~Lqn, 11 pp. fjMNWGERMN, per, glektrouische Rundschau., vol xn) 1958, pp 414-416. Aw NP Tr -4 56 ~;ci - Electron r oep 6o S= (NY-3848). P~roduction of Heavy MacUnery, by 0. Scbmidtchen~ 5 w - 1 .1 1 1 GMW., per) Der Maschinenbau., Vol IX, No 2, ig6o; PP 51) 52. JM 5311. EEur - riermw Econ - Manufacturing Sep 60 ( b Ft- 135'-ol ) a-Letcben, 6 pp. by Dia Technik; Vol 411,Vj, No 3; Mk i)tDxl) IT 1.311-131 '. j-pp.P, IOW2 sc~ - F~Yrl iiov 61. is 62- 227! Ord-!- Itow i. rami. oi ;;tdnIA6r'.ICI 'ZICI:Fchrff~ fur Patt;jjk~.41- (German)) 191~., v. 13. p. .15-7t . DI:SCRIp,R)H:i 'Clearettes. "Smokes, Jbbac: TOXICICV, tl Aw , I ~11 C (Biologin. ScienceH- -Toxicology, Tr, v. 9. w. 5) Inhallitioil i4jol-i"jonts With 1;.4u.juacti~le Zirconio, i40 awi without ridditional Carrier t;rouWct in the tvirica by Irene scmAcitke. Zentrabl bial Atrosul Uorich, Vul 11, 5. M4j, wp 397-119 c L c IL. Ja n 7 J adh. 14o Iffect of the Wdropu Content on the Mchanical Prqprtles of Converter Bt"U Ilown With Oxypim and Stems, by MnWrjo b"tume MM, per, EMU u Men. 26 Dft 1957p pp 1M- M3. Co.op Tr ftbm u &12 OA1.10.0) Set - Cbm Apr 58 he &aoldve souring t llavir"Tr 13nder S'-110,,k,-V9vc Aetll(Xf Ae ,,nd Tb:O-T BC and . It. Scbnlatmnuo D. streBBCS2 Y achane.11". - 3jawab 'DOI 'fAll k To 4, Aug 1962t 241-2-51). " vol WTU) EB 56-38 -Inf-lu-am-e of OveroLU Pmemwe on the Doockwaitloi, , Pzsterdta into Pmar.Ute and latermAiate Stage Stracturep by I. Gabod 'I'm as, W. Blemm. CIERMANO port Archiv fuer HisenbuttenweBen) V61 '0--q1 D-=m 1961, YP 843-ft - =I: 9607 sai - WA ,TtAn 63 ;3.21.3 F ~ J%e Erfeat of Reeving CoWitions and Alloy Compos,,Ltjon on the Internal Oxidation of Iron Allop~ by H. Scbeack,, X. Sahmldtmanu, K. Muller. OEWN,, per,, Arohiv fuer flearbuttenmeen., Vol XXXII Feb 196o., pp 121-128. BZS1 2675 19461 /,4 X" Wy 62 Us% 133 and "o11 Cc" !- c J'.Q ,In J.t tc St Fkl W" Im Im., I A; forMatioll Din 6tce'll; et. !i I XXII Prly -Lr,60, pp 299-3(6- v Y, asu 2135 6 1 coia-wortloap f BtrumO4 Of r,, r oatwdtmnn. Luc), 19571 13 J1111 lop Bri,tish sto*l Ind (vLo nuOGV fii"tl) VIf, -?eflI 59 Effoet of Cyclic Stresslug,gpou DifftaLon in Plain Carbon Steels# by go Bebeack, E. ScbWtmnn, =W, per,, ArchIv 31senhutten, Val XIVj No 21112s 1954# PP 579-583s Bmteher Tr 3300 $4,85 0 Scientific 0 Min/Metals Aug 55 CTS Aging Processes in Plain Carbon Steels and the Effect of Cyclic Stressing on Them, by H. Schenck, E. SChmidtmaur.. GUMN.. per, Archiv Bisenhuttenweeen, Vol XXV, No 11/12) 1954p pp 583-588- Brutcher Tran 3M 3579 9.60 SO - M1 nerals/He tale ~!rmtlvw Tests an lard Cbradw PUWA Bpwiomp by. V. nl*nftr, H. Arndt 1, Sebalftamm. MM, per, Notalit--onar-bea, Vbl. 111j, Be 8, 10910 pp 16U-163A, buteber Tr 24M Sclentirle min/matals Fard Chroodw Depatts of Maxims Veer ResistAwe,, by W. 111"der,.so Aw"Ap to ............. 3W0, per, Notil-loberrIsebe, Vol 1110 go 3j VP or Tr 2Y* &C Ott i~'1#4 No"140 or 21"%Ielty aid gtnqft of laid chr"Lon Da"16op by We 2116dort B- Ar*Mp o=Wp pw Moullabo-tUdwo Vol 111, No T, Iqk9p pp iiih-jim. Bmtdwr Tr 2M 10, Harfte" of Barld ahmm cfttlwp wd ow"Ut Ef - flalMy In RvlatUm to Depwitim C=Uti=wo.by Walter luend"s S*Iwlah Arsoll swam jobddtmmp 8 pp. U=AOSVM FUU tronlatlai. 0=0 no pert ropdft frm Ar 79W. ~`. D Jkvy Tr j69DAWhip SCLMtifiC - ULMrabfiWAIS, ChMW Doe 52 MA= TT-64-14011 ACCELFRATMN OP IME SULPM DIGILF!" AC- L ScWnbod. COMM TO A CZRCH M117HOD (Imschlem4MW des NVItau(schlusses each Todachoslowskisdier Msdwft~ 119"1 114p] (for* too lodu*pd) 12MI Order from RA W. 60 T"wes. d zollstaff WA hPier (Best offmay) Mo. w. I (am 61 p. W-22L Aw.hor trans. is available from RA MISI. 14 VhjI. 00 as 7T-W ism [tool 4 aftwislo-fter~ 7T. V. 11, am 13) on" of Irookabo $"VIM ACCELFRATIM OF THE SULPITS DIMMM AC- CORDW TO A CZEQi MENOD (Seschlemolgog des NVItedschlusses mch Tocbeclosimakisdor MKW4 119641 14p] (for*lp ten lodtdsd) 12rqfs Order Imm RA $1. 60 7T-64-101 Troax. d ZoUstaff und hp1w (Rest GWmwy) 19190, V. a [am 61 P. 222- 22& Aw.her trans. is available frtxn RA mISI. 04 pk$l. 00 irT-W ism 11%01 op~ 044marwo-hpor, 77. V. 11. am 13) ShmtwAag of SdWto Co*l.ngf by J. sdzde6,o 8 pp. ="* pw., Z&Umtotf Vol vmo ft 6# Sol Vol 1vt No 11 Am 62 wd BVier, 1959o .922 jm~. SEA 60-1"11 /,;?g .1 If Are Ownbmt ii Wt$op OmMim cm *%kin &MU tofteu, woaroo~ ft No To owwmt V P. 1-mmmmor, IN sdww. I mmm). pw$ salsua Be as T's. %I WIP Jon IMP pp 1-23. MLU-M25 ftl An 59 O"r .If %.,# i ? 3 3 High TemcitY Pibers ct flesewrated Cellulose III. The Gel SwelUng of Viwow- Filamtta., by H. sctv,,ac&.,kwcm. GUMAN's pevo rNWITOrec und 7~-it.-Utrucbaik, Vol 11;~,v NU pp ','I( MA Sci-Irat an-inle oct *WMIAM tW Ob IWAOft 19 %4~ Aft- __ ---A W qw"Plp br L -Mla L Duos 334 *7 0*4 67 TT-G=-120:17 Field 11E Schmiedeknecht, If. MGMENTATIM (7r5T.AN-.N1ADE FIBERS. PART 1. ASSESSMENT OF DEM'STERING PIGMENTS BASED ON TITANIUM D10\10F. 47p, 35refs. Order from SLA: $4.60 as TT-65-12037 Trans. of F se fo bun und TexUltechnik fEast Ger V15n5 2f 141*1 1) 15 Other trans. aj-A~i lable from TC $23.00 as TC-433, 23p and S1 k S2.60 as TT-65-12140. 231). 1. Schmiedeknecht, H. fl. Title- Assessment ... MP 624 Pigmentation of Artifiaial Fl1wes, by 11. Uhniodskneaht. GERVAN, Per J11MAW01aw I TextIALmhaLk. Vol - 15, So. 5, 1964, pp 215-224 08 118,'L%/1870/J tl 'C' c ;) 'N~ / if & c k Ive - ~ / Bel - Sep ("', 339-82L-: Resistance of Som lPomm legmes Species, by M. Seludedekwebt. GUM, per., Zuwlterp vol 34.. no IM 70-17049-~= to PseudopezIza 2, 1964) pp. 67-76. N" Pasiatem* of Sme Ibrep &Wmes Spwiesp by X, GO".# perp Der Vol As 67 -T& COVOINO, 74W to.MEqkpzizc fio 2) 76a., pr c Sci - .AVg 67 334j,955 DeSiP and ccestroatus of asturiLted-st"m T4jrbiDW P by 7. scb~~j A V9. Atodwrwww 0 Irol in) 10 0 =WAN 1 90 1 pp W-500 -N&NWW -ftr-36 ""I" ABC MID:P'f Saj - SW /,.m - 3 7q- w a AA Xxtemica of Winitontiml Wzaxw., by c I ~~ D. Impits. ONO(AN, per., *th L., Vol LZIXp ~1)58# J9 pp. XASA 22 IF-&Z set 6 Mar 62 lop,5~ 17.2 ~/ US WV IT ONLY Woolimar Vibrations With Two Dowreem ae rmedam, by C. I , .In. M OMM, per., Ing Arch "I XIV* M7s PP 2W-3041 XMI, 195a$ pp UO.;j. zu 863 Sol - cup im, 6o )513 //7 Contribution to the NOW= of Flov at Higb K. 9. Kewild GEEmilp Mlienthal. ffA ftr Lurthbrt- fomAms Doubt 013A# W-Uls IL9w- S.L.A. Tr Pool Scieritif 1e - AeronsutUm Dowdhod-ft dum 0 Mdo 13, T63013jap by R~~- IL 1UNW-0 re misbot Val XLVP M. P.MMO PWO NO to lgfA& Im 10000" C59RONO sd - bf/m AV 64 257A5 .m 4olecolar Orior to Polyeaprolectes. by lei. I;Oodms, J. schoWer. (ARNA19, 'FIFts sus 60. 60buristmo qf Cc�,-461 i6i~- pp With GIOSS OT Quw*t'r' co by Ladislay Klaus;, miloolmr, Dielec-triclo' -, 22 PP4, SiaboprMLY Sci the Latest TeChnin"ll lAloll4.n[, Mill of the Wil to -blie LightEw A ~Ofl und nf;enj Vol !:~X),, GE cl-,-,~ w) IA[Si !J26 j A ThartxkVmbic ftudW of the Effect of 'Ravevattil-L. an the Course of Trastmnt cX Capj)c~- aacl Wad thttas IW the Converix:r p".0ce0s, I:v J. sclmlieao J. lk"li-xv. C=Ej. Il,,.,Ln-,cJw Listys Wil 1- 3 PP oct LA'S H=xlynamics and Circulatory Reflexes In Acate Coivwwy Occulsionj by J. Schmier, 10 pp. --- - - ----- -- GUMA per) Sprinjerl, "Ind Bad Geynhawen symposImy 18-19 Oet 1957) ig 105-119. Nni -45 --62 Sol, - I*d -Tun 62 New Methods for Inemsing 'the Ligtt Senoltivity of Photographic Emulsions,, by U. Scb2ieschek, U PPI, GEWNp per, IMtb Repwt of the Germn Research Air-Trawportj Berlin, Sci Aug 58 71, laft,"sided Mocular Conus Stenines, by A. Schwincke, 6 pp. GERNM,, per, Doutscbo Medisiab- che Ifochen-schrift, Vol 33,, No $00, 1907, pp 20U-2033. ETCAT-64-26247 4 SWUM Jun 67 3270781 Aout j,ydqjj,oepjtjiejjal I)xrors, by Alexander Sdigincko, IN, Iper, Beitr Pati Mat, :.o 66# it"210 161-169. 7-6.3-65 1.0 zui) .c. 65 ur, 7 6 The Biologic InVorUms of Rpluronic Acid &M Ayalurouidase, by K, Scbadths V. Faber, 20 pp. DAMH ' jers Ugesk f Leagers Vol Cnj 6 oet 194 1091-*WG. Scientific - Biology MV 70/JU 55 The Rewval of Scale In Shot aixatiDgp vf P. V. Sebud. mm AP2MAN,y pwp Stshl und Rom, Val L=j no 25, 1961p PP W394M* Im Haw- 6-0 Coilifers in the Forest Associations of the Soutlicni ~jidcs, by J. sclimithusell. U.Nil,", 11), 1A 0 per, Vegetatio Acta Gcobotanica, Vol IX, No 4/5, 1960, pp 313-327. a '47 DIA Auo 03 C, Notm, Vablde Drlvb* by Ccucdc= Acto of Ramon cw by Vl&untoT Bewdon. A StL* of the ft-dblw of Refltm behaviour, by Ho L. 84M~tge MFAOp pay Z. fter Verkdwsddmt*lts Vol IVO ]b 1/2$ 19580 pp 17"290 CSIRO sci - Ned am 62 Reaeax:b ut, C.&M, I.P. the Field of rArv~osetaz w Volat'-Uizaaaaj by J. Schmits, 4 7.0. xTi~, aWrt co-8-9*1 u Tan 1962, Mc SeA - Fas 9~ " 6,,.-,- 4-- Idassurw, thevwmi utluzatim ?actor, ty ?. F=Ijiert A. F. Scbdttp 13 ppe -..... . FRINCEt 1.957. ABC 3435 set a Pk" :ft 59 7f., MMUMS9 A Critkd Us*-Vi Opwolm &W U04 by As P. lidmtnt F. *wrao et do 19 op. RUMV "4 c rs-& AhC-ANL r-" Sd-M Aug 65 2B6,3W F Dow* doo-Sod *',Mow *WOW L,Y Mwo Cbwwj6 An** somitt. ps""I The Fire Fighting Service in Abe Air Defense Auxiliory Service, by B. Odndtt, 24 pp. GEMP parlo Z Forachung und Teeb, la Brandechuts,. Vol VIP ND 29 1957s PP 3343. &4W Pais w2d Deval Lab It Bebroir,, Va Soc Jun 58 I"ole of a Residual Badarial Focus, Persisting After "treptollycin TMUM't# in Detemining Kaltary .-'~elqpsemp by P. Oed&UUmv R. Wml, C. ftbrapt, 4 :;Rl=ji,, per, J. Mad Lyon, Vol XXXp No 710j 5 Aug 1949P 585-587, SIA Tr 2601 IfIn 58 Studiep on the TbaM of tbie Differential Trueformer, by Ger*4 qdWttp 10 Full translation. GIRMN, per, YP MEW - G*M ScientifIc -7~~Cr,~:twlod) 91AI!!-,CjtyO Differential I) ) r;-, q Oct 52 ON/Bgx B1=4 Gon Xroebutu, by "~tEPebmitts 14 yp. =W~O, port Flugal der Wmt, go 81 1WO Vp 20t 21. Acsis B-6033 R&W - omvw mm J= 60 /.or&/ /'.V~ 4"=m d"a;137. WIN - --- The I!i t . Dmdd - -R. soolw~ z ~, 1 8 pp* GIBE ANg, pwo &an nmILO Val CLXVM 1964 VP 2*297. 9223465 ABoi-Tr-604 . _scAM / Sdooftys Oct 64 267$606 Presence of Adrenergic Beta Receptors in the Nictitating Membrane of Cats, by 11. Schmitt, 2 pp. FRENCH, per, Comptes Rendus Acad Vol CCL, mar 10-1, 1960, pp 2267-2268. NIH 7-37-6o Sci - Med Sep 60 61-10221 Scbmitt. H. &W Scbmitt, H. CHANGES WE TO RESERFINE IN THE EFFECr 1. Reserpine--Biochemlcal OF THE SYWATHICOMMMC AMWES ON THE affecu BLDW PRESSURE AND THE NICMATING MEM- 2. ArWnes- -Physiological effects BRANE (MoMculans do& Effets des Amino? 3. III(xkJ pressure Sympathicamimitiques, our I& Pression Arterielle et 4. Nervous system I& Liambrane Nictitante par le Riserpine.). Sep 60, 1 . Schmitt, H 15p. 25 refs. Order from SLA m1$2.40, pb$3.30 61-10221 Partial trans. [p. 43-471 of Archlives) Intlernationaleis do) Pbarmcodyn[amine et do Theirspiel (Belgium) 19W, Y. 125 Ino. 1/2) p. 30-47. Office of Tecimical &*"ice. (Biological Sciences- -Phummoology, TT. v. S. no. 7)1 , ; :, c. Reciormace Absorbei (.!,!!n;,Jx,etei, Idwreq, by It. j. 25 Bm,d-Bmid Recoronce AboofDor for Electrmngnetic Centimexter Wavea, by J. F. Sebmitt) 40 pp, r GERVAN, yer, 4. Angev RVs, Vol VI II, No P, 1956, MA 5F"-33 sci Jul 50, ~2 i DIMICH9 K, SCOT"? X. - Xetallwirtsehaft, 2 fiprfn, 2 'Wblosv 1500 words; 1938. Photometric Detembation of WManum In Steel. Brutchor Trans, Order No* 643 $1950 1, /L, In f FImpartitts of en USWAfta3 Lvsp.r of Almdma QL'~dco by R. Sebtail-at, L - Lttt r 8 p J~ GXSWp perp MUerit, A, . No Ip To sci Apr 60 Vol M Uunsit der I. A. W. 0. fur AjuzWuxt, 14930, Vol 11 su 6o.10254 Tarnl.kg of Skins and Hidee~ by F, I' 'f G'. ioblue~ ~~ PP, GERMAN ;-atent application 11-20132, by Bohm A"'et-lucham4e A.-G., 25 Oct 3.956; nidl.ton to SD( 6-0-!4'753 "I'al "I'T No 12 =a 9~ (0 -,Ak-- --~- rw as alnum of own aw an. in art IW 60 GdMO16 =0 -- - A Ibm . mmo I" loop 0 ~ 24 %r: esseh (VA) dPK-A ---P Aw 69 , , :;~ (, IV M, t t C 384m p6nebutists Is proms, by Gomm BcNdttp 4 pp. w klev= - MWV Wp Affe4pofts No Ss 11w Wo. 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