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oz:,ursiuit lparu. Ity Too. hm. UM-3i'o klere Ilift*01046 CAJA "IbE VOL la,p,,Ku 14. is* -Te /\J A Plrellminw-y Study of the Problem of PropeMtlng Meefure reevesii Richardson in the Ch'ien-Vang Riverj, IW Tao Kuei (tlld 27M,, chung aw-lieh (692i5 12;55 Cbao Ch'ang-chlun (0-5392 702,2 3e,)31').v l,,.Pp C Ir rpt,, TI&I-pt ag HsL-k~L_ -Chiu Wei:M~~- i Ti-ch'i-tz'u en Y Cbluan,tli Hui-i Lun-ven-chi Feb 1.~ pr 95-101 JPR;B 1,0.97W Sci - Biol & Hed Apw 67 3`3.051 4~ A M- 104' ofAkdAftle `11 Po by lemAdL& wma-w~- Twv 6 pp gaming WWO EMUMV& 1b 36ko 15 Apr :L966# pp-t hp 5- ipm POI j~n 66 3ap 576 The Vitamin A ConUnta of Fishes in the GAU of Tonkin and &at of Siams by G. A. T*Ooerh,.-~ I vi-shftj, Qw CM3M.p rpts, T'"' QA~73?u- ju-yeh YOU-cl-lu Welm!~R-Ni Ti-clill-tz'u i Rui-i Lun-wen-chlo ftpl)r)lj'v pp JMS )4-c,.p "(()6 Sci Biol Md Apr Cq Experimme of Tuna FlOing by Seine Ifeto by V. S. Tao-erh-pi-shih,, lCipp CMMM,p rpts Val"ID I Yen-cbiu WeLvan-bul Ti-chli-telu unn-t'l Ilui-i Lun-ven-chli, Feb tic pp -,T M ipps 7C4 Sci - Diol Med AZv 67 lAt UA614rlt of Sbabal Bloom, aW ftw ralult tInVighout Our LOW,, t7 Tfao Lu-e",, 21) jor INRLmOll., No U., I Oct 19L.~)j 47PHS P&Ilkl Pal Jim a)l j, 205 Cb*ft vh;mw,,-oj:l; OU5 034,62, 5tgl0l- (*,X5 kAft OW; or) -loot t 4 I ir -a .11,7 Jut I,,! A. ilov lLre qeFlatbAw Prodattlom Dxol by T'w Sbitt-Yvao 13 VP CIUWBE,, per,, Ti.-ILv No 1# Jan 19659 L-12. JM 33~" FE - CULT-ft &OIL Doe 2fA,,ij33 'itraitomphorM., by ',,-"ao Lillh--ym. 17 'AIV.s jj,-~U# ~60 2v ar 1965t P~.) 52^ 5~ .,c,t 20 3s, Uji avlmo 110 1.. 35,) 131 ';~Drwpul" PAear P"Ibxvmno* Of I 376t4Wrl (part 1 4 1l)$ b7 T#do 51 (,711,3 -1,627)% 25 Poo LAlPhAma.-um &,, itrt i 10 2-6; FaM 0 6l, '%jr We I jull 10,0 wo C6 4115. T AA; T.T. "lid. ri a DOUN't IVA ~:jounternejamlrqs Jual Oustructsm, nwpouonts Audipt in U"Ou %w Ddld*M A ButOlp bV, Tlea R.W9 OOM)a T nip e !!IMP m0 do, 2D Ollwwr Wo Aug 396% or* ams 3000 taxi Oct 65 290P393 Poper M.actro*metic uvestigatiom of Me ProteAn C6ntent It3 Htow Tswev by 1. TWeastot Z.. vsxs, per amp" 1=40 lb 0 qw. -0'hN, V 6U3, 1% o1 pp WW J- C, 0e., 70 erblan 3mia2lml ~O a" vaee 7ACk of (ApdLUlv I tw - uwro -Ial*vi*kl 0 21 pp, rAa 4kw-j".t&02dvj:W.10 Belgzedo* J~-Ov pp SLI-5m. Wr242 lieb 69 37391M Inct" anA FacptWiturer, in Private sfaasehold., by Milinko TapwillclU# pr. 0 per,, M.,:onocj~zq Pol.,122EIvmae, 'T Iris j F, c o a llel~ U~ liar, Pip ISM 0# Tag a notum c C.Aldl;4Dmr-tL~n I,-,,;-,tween Thterpriges "-,- Tncraiise~i Pr~~&tcttm and Butter xa-ity illActlop by Petraq Tania, 5 PP-, ALD1111AN., i3p,, Pcm~ljt, IQ 'Tune 1`4~ vt *dUbkodip IW 0". kil Mo, AlijWtvxt AUqw CYlindwa WA C~rlllndor Hes4ag by. W. Tqvwo, -T; ralts', 9 pp. GOVEM "Im, I= MU 1162mv PWO Alumbm. Vol h5t P5 01, ic,60a PP 568-5706 AWV-TM" P.5-7~4-70 (-Z - --7 P, ~- p f-- 1~ set-/met, Fab 71. 1,-. 1 (", p %, . , ~ . K ) I.Al ,_ 6 ~i~ f-,, _-j - I Prodactiam of Artillery "two (Machining WeWn Barrels) . by Audrey S. Tqptun,, 3V pp. MMUN, bk~ Proizvodstvo ArtillerUld#b Sistam MW 72 if Vict -sil a i -c- "i'l I -144opmutiol"i ~Iltmtus Of TSE - mdWents - valumt&d. b.V 1mra 4r* 8 ppo rj* iw*.Pwt 0b 1969 18*23- 4r i3o Apr 69 ir ---ka WOR-M Md onate 4t stoop al"it, 1~~04a Md 040to of St,41-mv O-W-o,~ tv. ~iyrxw smooft -awl titicaY7 i4w 011!4 IN`7-74w im vall tol Bum 1w Carba:,, Xlacko by S* Tan* ~11~ milcu, per, May D-!a alp, zio Gj.p 19692 pp 643-" 79o isw INIS 1-29-Q.) L - 7~ 1z 0 sol/m Apr 65~ m J97 Lasers are the Miracle of Light, by 0. Taraba. =CH., bl,,.., ZazrWcy Svetlalasery, 1965., pp 1-6F,,. *ACSI K-0523 4NTC-13T-2-3-15311-71 , -T-;~ e 4- 1," -/ 6,01 ,Paly 71 24 Improootmts la TeoWdml Docuumtation,. by VwaU 6 nwMAXx VDVC YIL". ggleggs No 12,w P5 mar 1.966, 1V. J.P JPFV 352C6 wy 299P931 A7 Viakt to mi ECMP; Tatt%lawk4a p 6 t, . ilit ,rV4 v Fxport 3%ibsidy, Fxcport ?Aoea, Domestic Prices 14."Ymined, by lare T-arafas, B pp. RUITGARIAP, porp 'Kulgazdasag, T~Ildapoot, M&v MAP 202-2DY-. JPF3 55 39 .5:? Ma-Y '172 TbOO17 Odr 11~~ the of GI*vItV f"m &A AI"Mft tW I~Wlft UWOO QAbO94WI ftrim Owns 9 32 ppo I%A 2,t 4W 2-09 1965* pps M.;51 7 (4 0 v Sol/*Uwe sop 67 S~e -A JbLM AUtAMVICSp 'I. 11'. VIU16 Md 0* ThrikIONt 5 PIP- Ivilmiums ',,.?5L,:- 5 Electron Microscope Study of Precipitated Gel Structures ill Cellulose Acetate, Using Ultrathin Sections* by O.G. Tarakanov, A.I. Demina. PIUSSIM . per, 1.1ok Ak' Nauk, SSSR, 1/0111808' N"o. lj May a 1968, pp. 164-165. CB. C cn /' C~- %- ~" 1< C-'~' --I) - V- Jan 69 373-416 I.Ow Velocity of 2dinal Seismic Waves in the wwkly Seismic Part of the lhu~-Kawhatka Focal Zonep by R. Z. Tarakum. RUSSIA,N. per Dak Ak Hm* SSSR Vol 186s No 29 1969p pp AGI July 70 Thoulry, Oi ;*03usefout of Gravity Fnw Airplaws %ith Taree Oilrthogosxl Slide-wiro Transmitters,, Past 20, by Yu. A, Tarakmov. RUSSLARO puir, Finika ZGUUO, NO 100 1%50 72-62. *Acic 'rc-ho6 tur 77 'fboaj of I-lipasurevent, oi Gravity Frou Airplanes With %rev urthagoul Slid*-wize Transmitters, Part 1., by lu. J" Talrakanov. gb.~iSIAN 1101r4 pp 33-41. *ACIC iz-1169 tIM&L W~ tho: fitavotwo or the M~=j cin the t;-boqj4mj rO,7-%UMW & PO%WothWms bor lb 2.0 pp .lee 63 Z047 of, MmarlM CAIWItjy fMo An At,.Viwe UO&N; 7h"o StrIM TilmIxsro vith 0,--dxkp, AWN Or ftloltivlV, 47 T-1. A. MINIM 33A loweo M"Zo-MUP 3315, im 3m) LOW fti-SINS/A &Nil 05 MwAkWXK-o W3s "73 Yu. tAi J A-v The Effect of Initial Steam Parameters on the Weight and Cost of Turbine.-Boiler Ins- tallations for Transport Ships, J)y L. N. Tarakanovskiy. FOR OFFICX" USE (_*)'L;L11 RUSSIAN? per, Sudostroyeni 4, 1968, pp 19--22. Sci-Mech Jan 69 373,242 7 1, Alkylition of Toluene with Methanol. 1. Alkylation 'Using Various Solid Acid Catal- ysts, by ;~. Tarame. JAPAAiiI.SZ, per, Sekiyu Gakksd Shi, ;4o 10, Intesnational Cbomical Engineering Vol 9, No 2, Apr 1969 AvaiAa),)Io from An Inst of 4:12'em Engrs K. n- pi~_ 0- Y-r' (-I- Jane hP 38S,464 Agemy I amIAPHIS ?.0040. T11PINUM W46/0200 S. F, 5 Apr. 1973 Title% Asomment of ft*~Wtt of Ittv tiSation for the 91sibmatUm of Vamimm ftm Im"Intinable Culture of AVOM&I.F.Tanwo, TO.I.zaaakhave" Sources Lanwages Ruaivimi PP33-58 Inatructions Ploaae typo atr%lo Mpace. 'r 7 7-1M , Qs4w: LL -ji I'tolueoll tu COBOL= lbounintLaft of Ouum .31 rig; siolat=t plasus BMW Dxfi, w2d Yallw 11 jl~m*rt. llw il's to Wow pty ow I* F* TIMM-4 it, DPW b per* Immil A I*bp AgN -174 - Jice iJC4 kroolso 41~4A00"awt st 11014"Ump UNUX IL L&d6~-- wlwmwv-ql%w" TIMM* 0 U9 19670 0 D"t of AVVjAPL/.JHl) :ia-ft-Walce Tar a,;l~ yjkl vi i ci y c DW 67 346two of YoUettUo by *00 Of Lm~w Mobs' to d4wo tv ablo-plarm fulm- vr~~ I-M &MON&AM". lb 20mm- - . malmillowwwor $10 U% Ir ~ Av aimot or swif Wim J.-U116 W-Welow GA nm 67 Catboftc P"cemses in Cyanide--'Atrate !.'Iectrolytes Used In Gold Plating, Part 1. The Discharge Mechanism of Complex Gold Ions in Electrolytes With Various Actidltiea,, by L. A. Tarrm. PlISSIA11, per, Irudy. Maajk2=T_v%h-n-oLoidches1di Inatitut, Kazan, No 36, 1967t PP 591-597. "ITC-71-10648-07D NOV 71 is 0o1: an Alrbomw Z***o k it 6mi Llav-~ ~ wAGWOL: bw ".-io ~mxvn. 9 ppo chadl per* ~,a ivaomo, it~o 60 pp ~?c,).a%. j ~ ;:i: pil iii '~Iyvtw.! ulth 'Andom ~4*rch for tile xLrtnv,!n, by 'lisien 16 ppap li-A M-Mo A.1-AlemoOmd-As oscoul :L,. ba 15~40" Jan OU thin TrpMformatift lioatia. of the AulltMite in Cut IM Allwpd I(Ith Chunium and Mickels by Tio. Taraa, Yu. K. stniu,6 RUSUAN imro Dopeddi Akad Muk MRSH io 100 Cab 6799 "71 sciPAN Apr 66 ~4 Ft t~ 4 gm?bol*u of zutsuo In Fe-w-C-Alloyst by Yus No Tarawo L. 1. Ivemov, ? pp. RIDSW,# Porp V-4wetn mdullhmwma 10 gbnb*k& '40,1116me so is 19?20 pp j-Pw- YAW 72 r4-jf'jLj(I - Nll I till 5l 1 L 'is at wow DAW meow* b3 r ppe lilmll-TITIM.- ft.- ,rovP 50 :icon liob 70 399954.5 twmdm 0c L-** on Rau of Xmth in LArld ~~iw ut bw 140 jkttdcoo 11'. Toraradwo 6 M RUSSILle poro Vsmm=jA&gR!gL*A&v zb-wn-ja Mo~q Wo 90 L'"t 19691 pp 88-90"1 iFets 4A69 usai POI i0v 1965 AiZI J-' .,,Let Ta_ #z ko 3f Moscc)v 1*4hlm Bujift% PImto F*doe Quality and Pxecislop of Pioductep bV Ps T"nichevj, 5 PP RISSIM1.9, ap.9 Izveognj, 21 Jan 651.. P 3o JPRS 2)729 UMB Econ Apr 65 279pWI 4(CONF-701074-10) gMEASUREMENT OF THE SODIUM FLOW RATE AND LEVEL IN FASTPOWER REACTORS. jja~ D.; Petrenko, A. A.; Kuznetsov,, 1. A.; Danilov, M. A.; I.; Tavrovaldi, L 1,; Radchenko, V. A. 10Trans- lated from lypp 620-50 of Pro3eedings of the Scientific and Tech- nical Conference on Atomic Power, Fuel Cycles, and the Radia- tion Stud), of Materials. U10yanovsk, USSR, 5-10 October 1970, VOL I- 2025p, UDep, NTIS. 28reactor cooling; reactor engineering; reactor&-power; trans- lations 21181, IBL 28STD-7911 21P NSA REVISED CARD 0 'MENT OF THE SODIUM 4(CONF-701074--6) SMEASURL FLOW RATE AND LEVEL IN FAST POWER REACTORS. Taranin, V. D.,, Petrenko, A. A.; Kuznetsov, 1. A.; Danilov, ii.'A";*Lbiiii6V,N.I.;Tavrovsldi,I.I.;fiE.dcheako,N,'.As joTrans- lated"irom j1pp 620-50 of Proceedings of the Scientific and Tech- nical Conference on Atomic Power, Fuel Cycles, and the Radia- tion Study of Materials, Ullyanovsk, USSR, 5-10 October 1970, N7ol. 1. 2025p. UDep. NTIS. 2greactor cooLing; reactor&-"war; translations 2TI81, 18L 28STD-79a 28P NSA REVISED CARD oodm "btow VeMclo OpmMUM I*Oblems Dis- auwod# by A,* Tw,,snmg pp* aussmi~,, pews ~44-qu ;.,Ogtxwt bio 4* Jon 19600 p 13* HAS 4?0500 mw 69 3769002 A46 -3:4. -ra k' A~ r\ r~~ V, sum6y 4Df 5~ma oblique Souw1ing Systems and 6election of a System for ?mctical AppldcatiOn, by A. 1. Taranov, 15 pp. ;'Ui,SlAjjO pert Irwl rkt:L y cheakogo i Antark- .._A - T tiq)lts~gp Nquelvm-Iseledovatel -f~~tituta' -:~' -2 0,, Leningrad 4'Zi it-ris 5826~ .,:; eb 73 MMIle in the Ratio of Nitrogencos Fractims to Dlesall.led Fruteln Content Im F.,qg Helarige in Pree,me-DmIng, by M. Tarstov, H. PocUeGikyevo 9, -pp. ,,,uoSM Tndusti2q- WSR, No per,, It Iv' Axjr '711 ~;, I W* iarv. ~;Spscity of .~Umz ~-12-sclo to :;iYrokinistic va-iferova, 6 ;17,* purs zWmal ftnglWsides of Aw" bdinits ot %bbit Brain in Hultb'&W AlMw AdomIng With an OrgamphosphoruB cholinestem" IhUbdLtorp by No P, Tamova. To* Ito's OwwkAwOv&v 1-1 ppe WSIM " 11 _ pore P.Ma !WUADskoy I mowm No 1. 1972,,pp 25-31o JI-Ps 56109 Jme 72 -;~lerutiit. aii Liot! ait,t :1 .,Oav-" 4 7 r 7(1 'j. An ElectromWetic Haso-Separator of the laboratov, of' Nucloar Reactions: A Calculation of the !%,glotic Analyser for the Hass Separator, by AT, I, Tarantin, RUSSXAII , rpt, WASP & mt XnsUtgte f Dr Huclear Remarch, Dubna, I-IeNrt JI-MR-P-1943. NTO-71-10193-18ri Nov 71 PnWsm 4 Diffra"ion = a LattLee Fma Arbitrary Profiles, by 1. Vt. Tampovo 17 pp. RUSSIANO.Perm, zh"Itch mate i mate"t vtg& Vol Vt so 5 1965 -Mr.993. pp FT041T-4.4~470 Sci - b*th Sci F06 67 Struetural IA&Sram of a Zr-Ttik-V Systems, /. f LP 14y Ye. N. Torarayeva, 0. A. .1vanov. ROSSIAO, per, lzv AN SSSR,_.Mitt!~l_jy' INO 1, 1968, lpli 181-1917. AIR/FTD/141-24-301-68 Y e . M . Ta i- a ra y e vi Sci-.,-Iat Apr 69 37,-',,S4S The World Distribution of Tsutsugamushi Fever by I.V. Tarasevich, 35 pp. RUSSIA, per. Neditslaskaya Geografiya,_ Vaesoyuznyy Inst Nauch i Tekhaicheskoy-Inform, 1966, Itogi Nauki, Serlya: Geogranya, Dwa- pp 237-272. ACSI-K-0811 May 72 cithe Reaction by 1971t JuAli 12. p I J,,~, , ~ and A4uve R4=TB1 of Walow ind Oil Pftrm premsq IV We TaraorAcs* 5B Ipp. POLISH$ pwp Ell ~wm mmulzimma D 117, 1QM - 3-44* AIR/.FTD-RO-23-306-71 Aug 71 I A R AS K 1 N t A !.- -ft.- R 1) f:VALU4TU'J(,% JF TRANSFEk PAkAMt:TEkS OF A 01 UFOS ICA PR0l(,LSS TkUl). Sl:M IN. 'K [BEPNEI . I -DONE T i. UIDEL.-, VY L) . L i K I L V , 1 59 , 6 6- 7 7 F S I C -111 --.3-1-', 17 9- 7 3 *now*