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YI C 1: IN I'T'o 223-25 sci t:L 'of Ugbt by Ultmecula Waves., by 21' !~ 25 yp. perp Vest Ak %uk SM., Ito 2,0 1937# pp Bei Hue Ub Tr 57/0967 hysl~m :IRE, Ncli~p bu I oratoirvo Oi. i956, GI search in the Gulf of 4on, by F. iinaty RuIvo. t1up Via et Milieu, Bulletin du Lab- D, Ublversite de Paria, Vol VII, Bk 11 *Navy rr lh 94 /HO 2 Tv, Co 6r )r OpoiTicient of Asphaltic Mtc- Petroni, arA C Raiz Vol No 12,, lIvreriber-Deceuber cmap Expar Sta Tr ?,."-l y:i~iiatlon, rlvaor, irater lt~= ct, 11cacarch Coator Llb.,, r~r Trave S. n P6:-u and Chile, by Hipolito Ruiz,, Jose Pavon' SPANISH Ibk' 1 Ilatiol6l Science Foundation Grants rv 71 a a,d University Botanical Garden Grantee Aug 5 F3 oil PXVWXT9d i4OUte Of 'Pe"T, vrenua tool t4pvivaeapp A-L st*1 sm"a mbc%Wj of lalve, azw. Tta", by. V!Cmto atat, umm Paul., Vol 12# Oct 1%40 1p Tr" 3062 ,let by 1 sa In Fabric SmoothIng AppeLmtus, 'md), 3 pp. 110 23P334- DVt of Oom Sai Llb o I", 6f Tt~rapemt.,ure on tlic 4 + pl.eLlakce! .1 Cal-'alp -to and r3, ~:ns by Zashtmnov ard V. 1-1. ~-,ov, 11; pr. rS A 111 lf-,01 'Nst; P-P -14 -4 SLA P,~_ Au;, The ~ic f in 4Z,,Iilss iuAutions., Sulf te- Ily 13 -p Apr J(~,-C Oxidation of GqF3,c!cus Sulfur Dioxide i r".1 and Po ning of Varrvinic vi'mol, by q6, L. I - Ka tanov, V. P. Ruizhov, *e1d, 1119tt No 7o 1935P PP 37-40. SIA/R-2526 in t1hn L ~iljl of Catakyvlts rL n C',V f I Ll 10 191b., 3r, hur ISLA AUX RMAS Diarmse 16p.~ 28 t Order fn Trams. 0 25 )ani Wast, alot Vdtb Collin his.117 7U dialis! aeria - ' I Won ti~w Feb., Rulz$swlejt. Arnsdo. and Mil [I i OF INPANTILE BACTERIAL MAR- 11 COIAMN (EI Tratermiento do he lori"" del NO* can Cobsous). 119631 ~ L~ LA St. 63-lb522 , 1 1 d~jlcims~; "late) Mexicaus. 1961, V. 41. 48. jj Z7. d w I bmerul Mofffm Vwrr truated Tb~ ip limits were 13 days and 36 wiv~io "* and IS ftuo were orb. m~wio "ry serjow to 9 Infam, oWy and irodinte m verity in 10 cameis. solated so I In 19 cum* TT. M a% 63-16SU 1. Title: Diarrhea 1. Ruiz Sanchez. P. ti. Rvix Sanchez. A. 111. Uribe Callao, %L 4 MM d fuftd Saito CEMk P FOR THE CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT 4R ER~AT t 1 1 ERATION AI4ONG SOCIALIST COIAffRIES OF:C BY I . RUJ I t I KA;l 9 PP. R"Ni~', Pp REVISTA INTERNATIONALA PENTRU AGRI C6'~W"RA VOL V I$ NO 5.. SEP-OCT 1962., pp 156' Ao JPRS 17411 EEUR SOV BLOC ECON i JAN:6 221..089 lc~a otertUtAtiOn 01' InjUriOUS aad PUteso by D-ifthavUhnMw. per WE- 1.---Sel.lkboz, Vol. 2 1964) VP 3T-55 7855 x: LJ 33T-344 Cd-dinatlim of ChMICal and DioloErical C M-trol af 11 B.I. 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M. 5ci usal &L mine and Proline in Radio--)aro-tcct.-*Lc1i, of I t redit ry Cell Otructuras of Bone '~Lurruw In iii to tunal Against X-Irradiation, bkr Yu. itti avialmikov , 6 pp. - Rusi:, "l i er, Radiobiologiya, Vol III) Do 41 196 AEC-Tr-5437 Ocill 26o,o42 saa iiagnpaut - of~ he M6 iii - u by 29 A', Ftul ITAN Da IT. I J4 158 thel i4dron Silicates lask Serpostlue Mmosit) lukavismikova, 6 pp. Ldy Akad ftult SMp Vol The I;tml A M-00 an Boundary in the Northeastern lki~ Re oni, by L. 1. Keplim,, T. B. Faikayleb- Per~ Iz Ak Wwk SM. &or Geolog, No 11j, Aur Geol Imt (,Ir g7dl Sep ()d' ppo RUSS M 1 .1 19.59j, Aug iOns Of the Liver, With Cancer of zatlon, by V. 0. Rukavishnikova, Voprosy OtAologill., Vol V, No 9, pp 77"' metme atII.Ci effuse Carcinomatools of the uv~r V G. Rukaviahnikova, 3 PP. R= pe Voyrosy Omkolog., Vol VII., No 1961.11 Elsevier Pub Co Sci Jul 62 2051015 lie st 'Of ie Nuclear Apparatus of Gram -Negs ti,..-;- it~; he Aid of the Anoptral 91croacope, y 4 pp. USSIAi(~, ~erj Zhur Miktoblol EpIdotalol 1 lmunobiol, Ol No 1956, rP 3-6 Pergamom Inot Sci Feb 59 YVI MWO > ore Back-to-Back Housei3 Built of Sand- i me, It Oc ks by Ye. S. Sitnilcova V. M. Karro, RulakAsova, 7 pp. . ...... ...... . .. p~,r, Arkhitektura S&SH, 140 5, 1959, SLA W-176a? c , i s OTIS 01 11 No 3 mieo :6f Inwxw Maccular :Distillation In Case Of ~ Sh 6 pp. t p Columup by E. WemMteln, MMSU~ DDk A Houk G=p vol evin,, no 4. ~ I 1956.p li 57. Wmwiemi Res Dwrd of Cmwda ogical Station 60 Richards Street Vemaner 2.o EW.' B.C. reb ,j 1~ Heat 01,1 ~~rr'anafer Between ,i-c),3- E.-J .~ .-I gedivin I p .~~ y E~j Rtikonrhtoyn, 7 P- ~i *, ' *""'~'"-~ .por I Prik Khim, VCj. xxxv No 2, RUSSIA 1~ ,,,~~Zhur 19611, i~,, 37 oj~, 10 12- Out 19%, 1 ur PrIk nim, Vol XXX, No T, 1957, Cousattauts bwmau Theory U um, and !Aaidlity Of a 'ili Cur rleAll ii;aIP- Discbar~ (j in an 0:!tically L c a s e! i! I ~st A ~Witfi lLadiative Theriwl Coiductivity. by i I A! Prai ',rii-A. 1-io 16L. Akad .1lauk lastitute Al; C-Trl 7 -IS; I: let 3) S Held 2.01', 12A ItumAzi A-A LA ~ootzhtmko. V. S.-. 1'rigel. S. TIAL EQU k,rl(:>.Nq ~!W THE FOU1011 ORDEV. 17-,:. 15*:,". Order filut i5, L: k3A(I as IT-65-13966 Men. I. Timm (.a d e 11, Nlvak Firichtskii Non., Ao ~03 ow a# XLeftsompeUe Flold la a t1lbrium Fla~p by 1. S. Of Dogdvzkevlch,, et lap 1T PP. Immt Aked Nak WMP Mutitut: Flz Low Preacure Inhomogenwuu Plasma, t a L. kov-i-i~InyUh, A. A. Mhadze Tpp SLk~~ ~er$~ 2burEksper iTeoret TIz. Vol MV, 3) :0190.41963 Amex Inet of Phyv Vol Wn No 6 c;2 416 64 Line by A RUSSI 1�62, 1 ' ~ I -ler - - ~omagnetic Phenomena in a Plasma, L.,RU'('hadze, V. P. Silin, 16 pp. Sci is Ocit 62 pd~ Uspekh Fiz Nauk, LI 79 108. Vol LXXVI, No 1/2, AIP Sov Phys - USPEKIII Vol V. No I 213RS80 4!$'0R1 4 VOO the Rallion of the Ion-cyclotron i, So gogdankavich, /~,A, ftukhad~~ 5 pp, Ims 'Zhur Tokh Pizt Vol xxxll,, No It 1962g ,, I pp A.mr Inst of Phy3 .50V 11hys Tech Phys 401 VI Is. No 3 ii 2 13,644 Ano :6i II' i. Line6~pe f clotron Resonance Absorption in a Flasr4'6~~ by, ~4A. zey V.P. Silin, 6 pp. RUSSAii.0 PCT., Zhur Itkb Fiz) Vol =ij no 4; 1962 p13 L4311 ~ 31 f~ Amer Inst Phys Sov Pbys - Itch Phys Vol VII.0 140 Sci 4 Oct 6 2i.N)914 I-MIN 11 M- I WA, OL V-4,% 4 1- ~,*!,~. I .i %step 41t -OWL 34 A. A. RukbadzO 04MAW :Icl! ~erl I eiturned 4:o tho Park 0 by G. Rukcmi5hni'D:-.0v !gait ~!ftrqkk" geKrhqq&v no I", 1956~. 30 *ACi uss pp- 2)5M3 ~.Iorvl irnmula 1011 of~, t1w Late Ordovician atid Louer suet ~i !., i t! tigraphy of the Chi Ili 'Fountains. Uy pc!z~! Dok A k- Vol 185, `-'o 210 4 314TF. AC. I iept 9 3910441 u ILL I rium, and Stability Of a 1 Ligh Curimt . jd i~r4q ~i L~aanse Plasi-aa in i3aiditictis of 14, i~lt Ilis"It (mlauctivityl, uy iudlixizar Tric 14 j3p R Zhumal PrikLadaq I illLxd,6i*a; ElziKil 11,10 38 19681 11-18, 1a~, 19 3&2.920 Xy Of Dtjjto-j)jqSjpjjtjVG pl&SMA ti 0 by A*A* WM&dsos Vmp. silia. a P0 NV~Labe"v Institute Of Ph~"Ll ucy, JV 1~ PRIMM-7- el i4t, abillty of an mobalwoumm Fine= Lu ra GMA~' 11 Fuld by Us H. loo"takLip A* A. Wkhadnq 5 ppo er~ IQ= Toth Mp Vol jq W 61 1963 p 6604 pp Amer Un ig 7hp Sov FIWB - Tech Fla" Vol VMo So 6 met 63 Pig Iiias ! NO 1,11a r netic Waves in Interpenetrating y A. A. Itildiadze Ij C pp. ::o AIP SOV Ptlyll - Tech Phys Vol VI 11 10 0 c 16 Vol III mon 1 6 'Vo rro--oc~,rtic"; 02 A. A .1 J i i e j;r:!p]a) 'C;or(:oi) L-n.I Drer,c'-.- 1 lion of an, Bleetron Mwing in a ~h ' lea Diopers lOn ~ by V. B - ~31. ftfoWv, A. A. llakha'dze-) 4 pp. Z~b ~Zbar 59 Mconer i Tecarelt Fisw.,. Vol *r 1. pp 2i~~243- Amer lust of Fbi(a, Vol Ix (35)p Ito I JIMMY 13 !an Blectron la an Nedl= vilth q Of fjvfttsa~' pup loss by V - M. AGNMOTIcks A - A. RdWii 3 EMU$# 3pro :L t nas Vol Ymms 8, 1171-uTh. I No I L)p Amr Iftt or Rp Vol TMOOP No Sol Ptwo 21"t or opts" md am Imry or Nutt T Lo 01aftrat Ai, A- RWd"n P-0 FPO no Tm%w TWAJI VbI MR ND 6p AV gww "qrs - BW 'a staft VtA Wo go 6 Bel !I of Elec=ewtic Flold in a Non- Plasm.1 by L. S. Boglankmdebp es et alt 26 pra perp 13 VynUkb gobe-b ZaTed WISSO vo lu Radlafts~ Val vto go 61 i962p *3* JM 19316 Editor Lett a tA) IthL I-Ain tj(X .0 I ~tere 'Of HUC1eODB lluvugh a Psmidoscs)ar Menon i Fi~3AJI ~by. JA. Rukhadzo,, 2 pp, HEW 14.9 1iperi )w Zhur fi~=w i Tepret Fizp .TA v01 101 51 Nov 1955, pp M-M - Amer lust of Phyales soriet myn.,wes vol ri,, No Sal ics bV: tio .13 Lo 51 3829 k k oL, 361 the TL-woion of a Circult--: I trits-i a Lougitud inal C:Lrcul,-. r 1;c,];r ;UX, 1~~arg 1-0 Ah h4vtj, VIE Otial Sci Tr 0.4ater T,456 and il)~t j'tl situ ftageaft" ampata. cm. a" at Vlaxaaa Durlmg the HMIA"ll R= Awl Dialp VOL z1vt 310 3p 1,90j, JIV2 193ow Rolm bail as 4i i c 10 1 Of 88A I TL-rcal 10. ,full! RIESIA111 I bi66 per lzi-A !pp ip rktonti c 12 Analyalu. Trlcyclic Inne, COPPer 8n6 ElckL-1, by A. P. RWdMzep Z. A. ratleevap 7 pp. i Zhur An&I Xldjk,, Vol V118 No 2,, 12fix Im.m. Comultanto Bureau istry C76/DEX 14 4 lfftdt of Tetracycline ozi the Intestinal ~'~6fl6v'e~ of Mildren, by 8,, Z. Rukhad-re., Antibiotiki, Vol IV, No 2) 1959.. L") ]*r, CB 7-7 77--- i J.9 sac 1314 Ali V* 1 #9 44--my 0,34 owl ""Mond au Amm an j0 awmaAd *CPA Axw;amq pnow" - - m p 0 DO 0- 6 f Do ilia 4-o"i i 11 mdun-Voluo hrobleur, in the TiLeoiy r li, IAicity for Iliecowi ISO- Irdlowg4moous ~,.odli thiI I ibnod of Gmiorul imW Fourier Seri as Lly m,~ 111stit, lo 'jo M) f)7!j 732 0 9 )v 1964s pp 13-19, c 1, I't 1 69 ftrants" of ftwoma by Ln bod"Viob k"M, (A $02a&306 vu IV!mm the lower ftleceole Caraln and 81 111~14W Of the Vgpw- Part of the Ke-.LYM 1~ I L RI=p by, L. B. Rl*binp Dept ::auffIW -.a$ 07 110 10 6! Grolos I III uov (in Pul.. c C 5 pip Ausal" per, pp Econ Mar 6x (DC-5050/2) to the Foun8ation of the Plan 4ring Enterpriaes), by A. Rukhlento, cbsbah Pitantyes, lki 12., 1960.. mRs 6818 bi the tbo, Eden of s e". 01 in-, 18 -.0p by DI - NiNAAJ- swraik Statn7; Vol -1~49,9; Tt* 151 t ~ tall Rwroftetke at the Amt~ Chm galwmq~~ aa~ 91i * Iui,, pli Ow P. mV RdgbIOwT ol Vol 9 go 2 p 20 9 .0 , -'291 D"t e xaM i A,3? ou-no 98 ~ Ou Le sk Aj 4ell 6de-I -for Prediction of thp GeoiyoI-.,-ntIP_1 t'~'i 6 ~ 13amia of a Small Number of P,. r., Meters,, 20pp R 1, p Glavnoy GeotizicheMcoy Obsvrv-..~,ttorii 32mmi I iyeDIcovaj, Lmingradp No 151,9 1961,v i~p 7.7-31 r L I (HY-5o84) ~el~ Statime Not Requiring Cmatant eb d6al ServiclAg, by V4 L, Rukbylad ji, 10 pp, perp Vestalla Svr,zis No 3s 1957. JPRS 7027 :5- coll~~I, tl= ~cl:r Problema on tha Thcory of H. K. Bandurin, L. G. Rvilftn? 53 Pi) W1014'Assum ;J., a Rio litp Sborziik Zadach po Teorri Vzxyvclia-tyJ;h V081161 stv~'~Uoscav, Oborangiz, 1,059, 3.87 pp. ACSI n-(*6-T5a iD meo6q Semi pl* the LAMftUIM IPPOW by Objms on the v~wl Of kftd= AW Autlxwoxwm Cmdlftnk 4 W~ Vo L. 4!~jaj,-1s lip. yva-dm& U-cloth ved SIcktrm b ;6p8- pp 979-W0. WC 272,,738 Bacter.L Russi 194 p opba t m6 p la the SeaO by A. Kriss, E. Rukina, n; Per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol LVII., Hu UK" No 3U7 Oct 5, T i/ O-Z of ~XiqroGrpnlams on the Concrcte of RA-VotechatcAl Structureso l1,,. b IP,*, lCrIcs, r. As Rukinaj, 18 pp. MIASSIFIM) per aMikroblol., Val X# Up 3o 1941t ,ppl Sci Tr Center c ic A UN Chemistry ~1, it'll .3 "I'l 11~v Ic- ~1cmmpn lawn ou Conc nchnical Structureig, !q, i),, it. Rmkind.4 2.7 pp. M9=obIoj2Sjjno Vol ik) 5~ Scl Tr Center RT-11~~'-) .I]j,oIojy -J .0 nrorp )if:[ r! j 65432'~ r p Nil IC F-Tj v 942U . . 4 ijo Tli,e linal- th D" A 1".. ('11-11141 Vol. TT, llrl~" jQ r, j ri 61-15639 akovsnov ~B! _T CY)N6~1'14~ S USFO WHEN NILASI,'RING 1. Salinometers--Applicatious t R L~~ AT F SALT (1.bi tEWr STEAM (Primeneniye 2. Steam--Chemical analysis !kOnteentl4tt6V Solesoderzhanlys I - ikukovanm. B P, a). 3an 61~41v- 3.r -fit. RTS 1667. 11 - RTS- 1667 ler fr'rn IC', SU~ '$2.40. 043,30 61-15639 Ill. Dejurtment of Scientific i and Indusmial Research Ina. of Tejl~ C' nerged, '~ (USSR) 1960 1y - 71 no, 3, (Gt. Brit.) 20- 24 I F. cNomtratccii llhtj~'n tiat! agittor'al hvlqlkq~tuth 6 uiel and to ihmli iIr,&r kle 0,0 d 'I. ct-r 'Y at 'y Dn4 Ar.., M" ~e (Ajjt~ w. t ,,rk M (E e, nft ap. "l, l1 - r I a ~,; ~ - C~he icali can 1w CCII-verted Itno .!v' I, v.,arents by fitting thern with rilenoe with V11 type VOF gait ~hry may be reconunended sp Aectrical salt gauges now in ['dopment. The M type Vol orl at atmoopheric re,, Orelative enrichment is e determined at any ain 1: ~it~ mantifactured at power V. S. no, 8) Offit. f S-4-v Intexpmetion of Mw Gravitational I %pa 't Fields of tho UsAtic Sea Reslono I i ~ by Rw A14.1 3r& SwmLsklWa flo, 40 1967o pp !*AC~ it Tc, mom 0411 o Approval of Agrb:ultuml Crops, bV Irmlated in rafttt Istroductiou; -Ind= "OT ar ICcetents) Notbods of IAb Res on Autbau. m of &= for 11 tic i6d I urity (P. 593-599); DI I BcOnode MaracteristIcs of Varlqtjes 5 14) ~411fttcmd Baking Qualitieu (p. 612.6n)i mile a or Cereal Crolm (P. 615-U3). J: I kulltury., Moscov, 1~47. Unk Tr ,1b 12 Salautti o'logy, variety teatine and approval 'R--ccmcuj~, - Ag culturep variety teeti% und uppiwal