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p 4 (E~rih,sci :1! -11776 6 1 1. Mapping- -Timory 2. Aerial photography- Applications 1. Tikhonravov 11. Title: Soviet... Ill. JPRS-R-109-N/37 IV. joint Publications Research SLrvice. New York Offic* of Technirvl Strvices ,Ixwpkmges In Lysogenic tkasemij, by lmhwft~kov cit alp 5 PP- Olp Vol =a# so ij 19620 AIMS i ~.2 91) , ~2 7 ~ mop, r.1 it jIi;tr4*j!,, .,, jt; . .. ~3, kldv q T p o f Life on 141r8 by G . j. 'Volwasy Filasofii, so I.. ad, L � 2-102. CIA/DVD/U-:.-1553. 1'4 MEN tLI e%pet by, 0. V,40 Troitaks-ya# "Ca tbo W . ~ ~ li, ~ ii .7, Existence of Pla'at Life on Dtrs"p by dv~i et~ ~'ls' I" tU11hissirm ajr;,~ Ar.~~b~micbeql~r Zburp Vol XMM=,o No i Sci Tr Cvuter Iff JW9 /6 6 U 711-1 ! j ~Stro"i6sj 1912-1956, b.* d i 6rA Ilk i A&Aanovich Tlkbov; 270 pp. 1 10 AN III O'SpLoviN ro VU4, !Astrofizika v,6i in, ~Aim-A",, 19571 pp 3-234. JMS 300 m As Ice :0 92 J; ~T.~ s TOM Capai I ~m sources DIffering p Ilk Aod I Ad t,, by G. A. TLkhovp ;,Zfiur: *FLZ Vol XX,,, Fo 5,, 1950p 6T i h m4pecium lath various a8m, :byi 1 T v 10 Uba~%.p L. A, 4, jye o'a,,p rotA liObrabot'~ )btallov., Xj I- wm L J sci N on r, SiibAencel;5 In Soll and Thoir ~ ' Il g the Vege tative Pariod., by EL , T.G. Aderikhint 13 pp. 1-1, Ohv denlys, No 3, 1959p PP W=104. A=r List of Blol Sel lva~ 5 11, I.miroQhvovedeulye$ zale Soils of the Ymmansk 6iiion, by 0. Aderikhin, 11. Ya. ,~ No 4.. 1960., AIW 6 -7 ranges a.?~*Mtaam Buz-ftee SO.Usp by P,, rft I ~Iiili lo no 19~6p pp '(u-Y;pm AM 12 k R Il - T* pt# g, AN of Sta~dards for Twisting i s l S:~ee~, 1 ~!WU~e Rq*s,', by P. P. i ~ Tik D. hq JAo*., 3 V(P. p Oul ~k: 5 : pp WAT1. 1961 p 0 Iron &~Steel Institute A/ op FO &F .:1 T . ~ w A Aw T lY J I Of of 'tbe ii~~id-Ph~ w'D Catalytic Oxidation ruftry-~!] ~~ltoluen~j, by M. Ya. iw:!!ni A.' V. Bondamnko., 8 pp. AN Zbur PrJk Xhimv Vol. XXV,- No Tt CB 233.,657 of the Soliksmsk Settee., by I. N. y$'3 s per Dok Ak Nauk SESR., Vol =ayj. No 5,, ~-.U26. AGI 61~ 3641 101A, Uzdlliall Bous 11"Otwo, lie nfluu aild the L I I PP - W~ k Ak 6 c Is Ili ;Vol MA.,11, ~10 's, ,:Ov, cc 11 A-1167. Cool I Iis t C:L Ov J Lev h Abiaiversary of tba Chiuese People, s Thl ic ly 8, TMvinskiy, 10 pp. RW .111, i~p~aisto., No sep 2.96o, pp 76-83. iffis 65do S 7 702 ig'e. Bubbllugl by vo! :Lg%., pp I l (Ai TorlS cil 6-~ e 4- 1C- l u ),; 633 Tilch Pt, avc ~p 4, 71, 27 - ICAL 49SEW" AL S&TS Qr Ao I* oft 11,11 pe6 Ac~ Capitall. Investmnts in trie s, by R. Tilddzhiyev, 12 p-1). I or~~ Pi~ P n ~ioz Wo ~63,, 1(.)64,, . JPRS 2TS79 i65 J 272,,OSir L ml th6d for the t.ontinuous Vieaxure- t Fs iink 0,6f Metal'Powders During s t M., H. ljkk*Lp.~ go I Mg porg, Jernkantofets Annaler, 11cl 0 rl"T moll;A9630 pp[52-56. At 5920 di-I tsil~lq mfttallurgy~, 3 To jpmdpo~ "*Maas in Polymrso '111 b'" ~~O m" Cowed in the by, jn~sdja. 7c of i*,Wll WO RWO of a Yu. M. R&IL"kiv. 92=41L XT !V:Lon~6f Uut vitfimin'p Ao-'-Ivity of a Rutin~~ by X. 14. irp~ Syttil PDtvpzr B101 IHad, Vol )a:V; Corwult4tito Bureau the QUdlug Priuciple lr-. thm iv of~ SUta- 'by tundvj, Pp- vo~~p 0, ocavAurstvo i ft&vn. to riot LAW u,al, 1 clla~ eii, in the )~cripberal iib ie I'llt. r a "Iotal.-Body A-,Irradiation in n Rith iA Ilound of tl..ie Kldney~. by 0. T e r lyka flit lladiolcg,mXol lv. so ci Lj -7 7 -TURE 1~~KAZAKHSTAN~ BY 1. TIKUNOV, GRK ppi 1~ssl KAZAKHSTANSKAYA PRAVDAp 21 JUL 1962) JPR5158A ySSR -EONS IIET 215)051 -------------I.......... n,,! I I'gaiAon, 'Hyarogo A Ptinom sh~ P. Te RiAran nation of Tertiary 'y rev; Z. V,.. A, ~D, tovo 5 -rP - TX, SY:.-~.the-- Peahehhoniovn IS: 1T1 y p ry 7l .)5T.1 r. p 9 iur Obshrzh IGUm, 1101 373. 140 5~~ Conoultarits, Dureau ~l C L el P ijp~il I zi. ~V, 'All 0 g: 1; 0 ivt~ Obaheb i0ounft. VITI. Selective AMIC Iftd of A ?s &WI[Xot=eo In the by A. A. Yondm"ovp Mdup;,VOIXXVI No 4, S ~~t A416ridmtion of ths gbkt P~,e'~ idieiiU of SwMM of 4pebm'Ji 1~ Ya. S. Prshebor'OVM7. T. Ut oh.!~ H ito~ parj~ K41oid ~r, Vol UI, Ho 111 ~"Pe D~ 151Z" Oowraktmts Bweau p~ l[J 68 Orl gamehatim bor 37 62-14610 1 an Slichi ' i XL V. K. b 1 7, 1 1 IN L l A C I Eil PRESSURE. J1 9621 1. Tilicheev, M. D. 3p. rcf~~ ~ 1 11. Shchilikov, V. K. I rd 1.~ orn S ' S1 r JA $1. 6 62-14610 I ra sl )f 7 11 1!01)-,~chel K lihnii (USSR) 1939, V. 9, n )' P* ) Q93.1 I E 8 1 'TO I ydrod arbonq , Naphthalenes, Lk!com- . Re c ( ' n~kinctjcs, C oke Production, P t in, ) t inc(,( ~ ~ offico of'rc6icul Somces '11 ~21 re Mc-, W el TWI I 11110 h'i r '111CITatersUi~, V~.:M. )NWANTS Or. n-ALCANNS. 101). ETC R 61-17s) KI1( 4yatsiVo (LISSR) 10-18, I .Tilicllcc~, M. 1). 11. Tatevskii, V. *.I. -118 IV. \1 11"k- I RT!" 91 m 62 al -nnl,d Ketoner. VIII. ;~Ynthesi.~, eI iYA10 YV-66nicotnic Acid IUteTft~io~nic Conds'nsAtion of Icetanhennne A We~ by M. N. Tilichenkop 44 pp. ---------- f Per hur Obshch IGATn. Vol M 1~ 'Io h OB IGas I Sikoraki, D. Til4nor. mlmawL v01. 171-30.12 D */ I'L 6 p/ 6,e ~ 335- 7116 1B. i 'towwd* Sts 358o4-13 Wood-Preaervation lub-Bodmr.. 00 68#A7 Les ji:i st m mco 'Mld d tii "porl Wo i~ -*6 t flaltic ~Iorrinj, by tutu a Y*' Vol 141, 1; n6T 4, 7044 i r1k. oi~ ~110 t Jz ~lv Z; A-p 0 I I CIIIL C, i I'l C ~ I gal di iig~ the Destructive D15tillitior. of Ult J 01. to tilie Technolog.,- of tLe 1 b.,-ID. J. Tilglt~er- k An,al P,r,oduct. U of Washil~a,:toil ! Piaberie.,3 mi,A Ocean ogra pla, Lib icrof i3in 6r F2 LL 1). f t1 od to Carr Out Ultra-,!,51.croscopic Q llepl y Obiff, ti by, Frai# Tilgner, --;,,,~,TCjASS!F!ED ~GE', 11 v 6 d Afiordnt~g- i4aw Dmclifuhrunr n UP 4~,,~isdher~Bebbachtwig4sn. 22 Aur 19h4, SIC' ~Abffl IA 17 2Q r lic 1,5.-DIL wii nd by 14. N. Tili- L6ry'106 ~-60, clanonefj pp I C Tb- ..zo, Dola A~ -Paul; USSSR., Vo- "410 re! PP' 8--k Xt iq,%~ 226-2M' Consaltorts Bureau ci Ch br&ocar-bms rrom 10 Distiliate. I. Crackilug, of ]~~c of Vormd Products-. by M. D. Tilicheev, B. KWamr,17pp. ~IU9 t I luginee ing tIon Ofil iiiade b With Ketones and byd teii, ~tl6liii Ocadi~n' q- 162 418o by 1. K. Tilicheriko. '.,peril r Obshch~~Khim,, Vol 1=10, No 101 cowiUltants Bureau c C =,R=,! I ,y a of ArA*li*Aj,6 U. x. i6beilm, - k INs V02, =xp so 20, lop , s, Rta go i6 f OiwatwAv paum Irf ~~61 %W v f I 166 bt A2,71 Al ic Ketones, 3 Zhur Obibbe Vol 46~ 11M Cocovitauts Bureau e Ch6dstry~ CUlfi= s With Xetmics. IV~ The 'l,ur- r, in u-0 Mcrh ~Alialin i, Condensation of .Ne, 0 0 I..p;)-Di);etone With Piufuraljp by 14. 14. narchexilm, pp. almhch Ehtra,: Vol 1959; r.'U'ants Doxcau C on 5: Ohe tjj~ d-3j-, x or o-~ dijhydas With 'Kc)tonao, 'r TT I 1u ll; Yi.* --ji c Coul6no6tion 6f C-cichoxanan !11 IM T 01 Neu, P,- ie pa of Con6 neation of Alicy 1~- - " - 1 ) x wi t In. M- V. 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F 46 US Bur of Idnau 4trola= jx",.qrr!ment Slw, Ub 56 2~f btlydro" irboas Under Pressurep 101 ]bftp X11p 1939j, 41 8, Atli 'r" TO km Tas NATIOMIS i Chi 11 I lot 1k i 4 1 1 it drogenation~:of n-Reptans and ~ li~i ~ Pimserxie of a Nickel A. A. Polpkm, 11 Takhv'ploglys Topliv i io lo ~p 4o-46. I SLA 59017421. laz 10 p. Determination of Arenes r Ic 6.-ar*I 8) In TAFDinp Keroaenep and. p ;.;U ione. of Straight Distillctionq -6b van, R.A. 01tarishevich, 10 pp. 1060 ,grip Ibo p r. 4qr AMI MUMS, Vol V1,10 no 50 Consviltants Bureau Lf I C. c Ut'7 Jan CrLS/DEX 1 0S~t ts and Ur-ni;ition Points s n c I~o f t e 1 I I &~ el 12 ~-y 14 D. Ti c 0. Pe' t v and A. Yugan6ova, Opp r ZI !Obshch:Ebim Vol MY No cc S altantsiButeau Vol '21 Jul 195.1 Al is band lietones VILI. bi~ 0 0.", Idth i;x3-De-(P- [~.I 6bci~msl)~ I~him~a ',one-2, by M. P. 3 P.P' Zhur, Obs heh Xhim Vol W., No 1963'.. o,!, r /(0 par Pl' ~Mti,3~13 Of IlUdlVidlal by 14" D.~ rkll-iCh6yevt JOV Vol; -LV ',JOS 0 Q ~wt~60 for the 4~lamttative Dotorminatlov (Ai~~ilc~ Wdrocarbom) in Petro&eum Oilo in b. 106 ~aij 9= Anal Khtmq Vol XI, No 29 IMA92. c,, gooiw c. Hee2- vo 55 Cmaulthtits Bureau M i" 17, -ion of 'the c, rOP vit thba:41prith6 Determinat Total A"! flilrocarbous) and Unsaturat 0 1 a, 4, dmatic ~ E~l 7 a WAS Ia. *rosens and,Gas-Oil Petroleum Fractici En T lich v., IL A. Oldwbevich,, 41 pp. -~4 A Anal1him., Vol 1K, No b4imp, per M= 1,p 1954, 110' Consultants Bureau try 11 i2tj A L Dec 1954 on e atitatime Detamination of 0 In Cmttked Ganoline, by P. vhbit~ftj, 131 pp.. A ~ozj; vol 1xvni., no 4p 193PP E4i Tr Cen-.er RT-157~ r ly tTS/D= 76 it jnf lit Ws lueii 6e i of Varlovie Factors on the Yield (iill '*rmi ardaking, by M, D. Tillcb per, Rhim i Tekh Topliva, No do i Tech and Cow $6o.oo 1.3 j~ delc Dyel ~56j of latu~a 'of F tl t 00 ~nol bj~ J~. D'. '.1licheyev. RJ r~ Kehia~ G Ve 5.- pp ry peatra of te Hwwm S xhoz-aietvop Vol =III, Tech Com Tr 213~ SPruae St, Phil& Penza 2~9 v yi~ I R, C IP L PH YSICOCHEIAICAL CONSTANTS OF T E A AN~S 1 119 15 A . ~v 7J' hu~ O b1 h 6h Khir6 Vol XXI I aj Con Mitants F~Ureau Translation 11. D. Tilicbeal PD ra, TT *tha WIMUutive ~U:" 1 un't Ities in A rdr,bcRrbbns),, Tili obyp 6 r W M3AMp VOI. IMj, NO fi; omsatmimu gmvau lul can"'Itlob ~Wkupu!1;6 : of the YJAsh of spawning migmuon p I x W as lut OmrwW I Rodboo& vl ~No 1410 1932.9 PY 133-1480 64-no)8 ~~qsI w After, al I '~d fj~ansfuaiuns on lio f d 'R`s!g'aiwratio~., by A. YU. Tilis~ a I. ~ml~*Lns 5, pp. Prdb~e a Pkel Mrovi) Pro a s 1y D. I'2 A. Yutillq. Top V. I. RUS T J .Iqo )erm! P116 blorAy (3-01mmitul i Forel Xrovi, 1 -j 14 2j: , 19 18-23 51, pp ~ i F 1 Ci , 1 Had O or. n M, Tilla e rgb IP" p -120'