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I I r I I,/-, " ) -- i_-) 6(, L~~ ..) --Y- I I 11 - JZ Ic WAy Minerals of Chenwsez4 Cheirtaut and Solomats Sells.. br N. 1. Berbwwv RUSSUNp moliper,, Foclifty6desiTo. Non, 1955., py 26-~5. Ou Set - MOUV Got am usu 4~ oil i.,11111m~-ala ac,:Ll ;30jui:.';-Ocl:~ ~m&oaje~ No 11; :L95-, Tq) 36-go. m3a Plr,-2, AnaMt= of Pmf F. Ko4Maw far the DatorminSti ' Of SOU 901stuM on by V. Akimtsev at al. -Do I-1j. 1955, pp 97-99 ICSIR0 4158 sql -GeoplWo .2- Aug T. D. LY69ZIC6,13 "Soil ?"din of I'lasittl - tho Bacie pr6,bjaijm.f AgriardItm-Ifil Sol,cnoo.." Roviewc;d by A. V.~ Sek4ev f~ He 11P 1955., RUSSIAlls me ptr,, M Nehyevedw pp IM-1,03. Sol - Biology usm ~ leammude oat -56 tTs tiho~vinf, Ir, VIG lvvelo~r-~Mlt ari).., t,qo Cat& "'Picliaml, .14 p-p. 12, '.k covtiv~ at Aftozollumu in certain soil& %-.-A AROWWW ~o GW~41vmrft Rodwq bw D* P, PP. TAN# rIi6chwo"dolop no is 11500 ~3* AW NP-Tr 253 set coujaws, ft 59 cation ol' Soils of the Northem Part of the U&JR, by E - 11. lvfuiova,, 25 YP - RUSSLO,, per, Pochvq.v!~-aQAjye, No 1, 1950, pp 70-~~J - 067312 oTs 61-11496 PL-48o ei - Geoplavs S c 6ct 62 4,339 PST 554 &Qobration~: ok Sunpended Water from Soil,, Uy M, .Abr mi R~~~, 'per,,' Podwovede6J. Ve~-=p 1.956p pp 27-114. CSIRO-3264 f3cl Au k58 terus J,rj~ tlie. J),~t4tr3butlon of ArgUlaccouz Minerals tbo Chici TyVics of 50118 Of the UFSPIs by R. 7, bumv, SIM, :ptj:r.. Poellwovedeniej No 2.9 -19561 PP 75-59. AM RJ-934 ATS 29J17a sci - kirlAuler. ~tul 59 ~ 6 1 - 19800 plE HUMIJ~ 012 'rj'Pl:~ OF ffil- OF 1, -71tic: Hurntoi tiiE ucsR: rri AND MOnE , OF FOR- 1. Kononova, N1. M. kA11011., (Glimus G'.A--.-1cysh0:h T Imr. F-C4 ~!7slk. ov, 11. 'ritlei All-Unim. . Iltarrx!n i Fl~;i! Cir--o ant-in), fi'apetj prf-wnwd .1 Ill. 'rin, V~ciovusnovc 1,t s I`% ~ri,-,mssnnve W. AT--, - IS ; 4 ;41-4Feh. 51,~ V, DLprrmrrt of 5cientific ' nnd frauntrial Resenrch .Nf 61-19 of, or 5 .. 4~ rder tr;),-i (GI Brit .ran% ~:f ILISSR) 1456. no. 1, p. 1S-10 rcscmnoft~: --mis. kl;F; 0 Marh 'rT, .;. 6. no 2) llode.,,''A.A .r6a 11 ,water regLmse of soilig (ItodnyJi rezhim p"hi i ea''o tipy). Pochvovedenie, 4., 1-23. 1956'al In!;'Russian. of SaconUry IftneroU In Sodas and Plauts -tion! Wlth.~: the MlSzotion of MeMMAS, by It. I. Z.;: A. 1641ova:.,- 10 pp. WM06 P6 4, 19%, pp 36-42. 018 6o-e" 61 No 239 'The Dry--Steppo of' the Barguz.-*.n Basin, -*;y II. A. RUSS.IAN, -pez Poch ~-k; V! d c-ilie- op PIS) T 1'~ 1)2' 51'' "i iwtkili` fjiud Cl'f SOLLS in- chinat, l3s'! t~ Hch Iii CbAns. RU!WV.No' Iperj mo ~i, 1956, p ,, sf-Ca Ili: 65-5w6g i65 1: 287.381 IOn the Pro blemi,of Plasticity Studie.,; of the Soils o f China, by K.;~ Hoy, S. Chang. Kub~iiAN, per, Poxchvovedeniye, No 5, 1956, pp 17-24. *PL-480 OTS 65-50068 :Sci Sept 64 61-25622 01chukov, 0., N. DIURNAL RVIATIONSHIPS IN THE *rRANSFER OF 1. Onchukov. D.N. HLAT AND MONMIRU IN SOILS. 1196118p. 11. ATS-02N55P Order from ATS $14.4,:1 ATS-02NSSR 111. Aasoclatcu Technl:al &Lrvicev. Inc. . Trana. of Pochvovedenle (USSR) 1956. no. S. East Orange, N J. P. 25-2~0. DESCRIVTORS- OHeattransfer, *Nloisturc. *Soils. (Agriculture. TT. v. 6. no. 11) 0441'. of T"N.1201 twog.. Roentg~enlogra~hy and Infra-Red Spectroscopy Appliediln the Research Into the Structure Of Humus &ibstances by V.I. Kasatochkin and 0.1. Zilberbrand. RUSSIAN, per, Poclivovedenie, No ',:,, 195"), pp CSIRO oct tz") ~ ~ by 0. - M. KOUM&. ~ Pedolou'. . ; I ~~~ RWSTAlq,i Psr,-Pbcbva"deg~pp~ No 5:, 1956, : pp 86-0q~* CSIRO //a, seasonal vynwdcs Of cortaft soil-PoTuing processiks, (extr"t) 8, by S, p. Yarkov. RUSSIM10 po:r,, pochvovedmies No 58, 1956. pp GB/25 96 y 63 61-31001 l 21ozov. N. N. L PRINCIPLES OF ELABORM'ING A GENETIC CLAM- Pi 1. Me: Pedogencsts FICATION, OF SOILS (k Voprosu o PrIm"kh lc L. Rozav, N. N. l KlmsifflatsU Pcchv), W63, =cnlya Cienoticheslw U. PL-480 Agr (61-31001) l Sp. PL- 48D Alpr. M. National Science Or :!r from 075 $0.50 61-310D1 Foundation, Washington. _rrans. of J~qyedcml.u (USSR) 1956, no. 6, p. 76-[81]. DESCRIMRS: *Sotls, *Genmics, Classidcation, Taxonomy, !Sall mwMdics, 9yothesta. OrpnAc materials, Geolpa, Wawr enwy, Minerals. Gectwrn1.t7. ,7be present cottunLudcation is a preliminary attempt to ;deal comprehenstvcly,~wtth the clwaification problesn, based an cawrendy Z~~lc dua a Ow wowld's &W :cover and cm moder-n jim~Lnwdc concepts., (Author) (Eardh Sciences-Geotoa, Tr, Y. 9. no. L2) Ofte of TicbokA tvanova, E. N.~ AN ATTENW-K AT A G,F-NERAL SOIL CLASSIFICA- TION (Opyr Obsbehei Klassifikatsil Pochv). 1962, 29p. 53 refs.Ifll.-480 ftr_ Order f rom Ur.S $0. 50 6l-l'i495 Trans. of Pochwivedenle (U&SR) 1956, no. 6. 82-102. DESCRIPTORS: 45oih, *CLassification. (Agriculture--Plant CQItivation, 717, v. 8, no. 8) 61-11495 1. vanova, E. N. 11. PL-4K Agr (61-11495) Ia. National Science Founda- tion. WasWngton, D. C. V Sc i .AU8 .ZLel P;-rp*blmr,; of Tontmimtion" ae Soiln m,l Crop4 r +he Producto of Radicective Fiesim; In Y1.1, Fl, dollyakoir., IL 3, Garmogenom, '34 P---. PoebvOvedemiya, ,.'io Aii- 'Lc.";6, -;,0 Mo. per; 57-73. VIA USDA - Cleo m vyn p, La5ii - P,uf- C, AppUcatlou of ~!thc OW-3 Gas the "i S=bvAP In SOUSY per. "TpvGO"Aq t3-75. AYA9 59 AnO48er to the 9tudy tY I- TUrl7uup U ppr, No 221, 2.9%.. pp MA It-3695 9- SOIL-S AND DISEASES, BY V. V. AKIMTSEV? L3 PP- RUSSiAN, PER,POCHVOVEDENIEO VOL VIII 1957, PP 91-98. I N I H 6-23.62 I I i SCI - BIOLp MED I i, 2C6,761 AU G 62 f Rw.wwks~ of Usuffteiently Staidled ProbLem I rvr:i'Soil ~~*-Mmlo(Ws, by Yu. Gatabalk. hqmrm~ ' per ftjbTqj!tftxde.# lb 10 1,9,q, vo 16:&. CSIM) 3739 sq -- mol wr 62." :I furl The AltOrati,pn of the Soil Ubder Shelter- Belts or Different Composition, by Kh ~ 14. Mustafayev, l~ pp. gowm MWIM, Part POchvOved=iYe., Vol 1. 1957, pp OTS 60-21900 PL 480 Sci ; (MoDbya Sap I M Ito i 283 Metbi.-~!! c-f IF ni, 131"Lony Iy IJ e.-r. :podrvovcdorAye, NO 1, 90 ...... .. ces 6o-,ciii83 lvleshcheryat~tv,~ D.P. and Klarkm, E.S. MRTAINICE DIN) It ECHERCHES BIOLOGIQUES ET -YrANIQUES POOR LtUARORATION DRS METHODES 'ASSECIMMENY (The Iniportince (if Soil and Botanic mestigations In llriinNp- Projm-ts).- 7p. Iref. NIRS-11 119. 1 7-der from ('V-'S.' FTC or CNI(S $1. W T-r-62-28857 WSSR) 10,97, no. rans. ill of Poc Ivx 2, 13 ESCAMYrORS: 4Agriculture, Soil,, 'Water, *Drainage. ne s. CHtivailon, 11, no. Q) Tr-62-28B.97 1. Meshcheryatov, D.P. Ill Mark-ov E.S. 11 : CNIIS-Ji 11 Q W. Centre Nntioml de la Recher- che ScienrificILIC, Paris 76 Content of Microolementsi, Cum, Znj, Co and ft~ in Certain Soils of the Latvian SSP,,, b~ A. 1S. Sba=va. AMIAN per. Poavovv No 'S 19570 pp 19-31, *n!tl 65-SO65'r, Sci -i'!Chem,, Agri Jun 66 q02,335 THE lj',JFfLUEilCE OF TREES CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF AIAD S.;-IRUB6 ()[,,! PHY~'-,ICU- 60 1 L 2 2 I - 7 .2, 03) of the Specific 1"Intel. 01 i6m.'Ls, by lovcr~,m,. 110-1.16, csmo ,665 wl the t-,J I 4,11d P.15t, 4 OV :Z,T j I Tlw J11-a6lord (.,:ontact Itorizon Vrol;- 'Alofold, Paly"Ilt iatort'al p ill ~,,.iti by A Chendeal Theory of Cation Exchange,, by. 1. Bwftbol. I skI7. FM~SIM,, per, Pocimovederde, No 6.~ 1957y PP $a - (b&rl Nk~r 62 camp 3745 /.PP, (juloidua) aw! llhcir Role bill Sll~il Furtiatimi, by .1,111-agov, Paclivoveduniv., -o 0, 19117, II-Ju. !k-i-l:.*rt'n kjci & Astvoji 27q,737 SZ/VD *ISGI 49 oR goTwpoa"q*od Oaad pwa ]-.QA013 ;* -40 *Iqwtri Qq4 Ul oleddn z 1, eta ;O~ 6"" 11 6PT*V *Tuoql ~q AUN iois-Tas dd INVISM Aq ~4q4mU uov;iisodwi j0 ~*IMUAG mwmae~ ~in t~'e ProwUes of OztWwxy Cherwzm Soilsi~lthel*reas Bet"= Strips Under Various Age Or 64PS Forest Strips., by Kh. M. Wkwtafayevj, 'Opp -~ I ~WO Rusffxix~ pefv,~ Pochvoypd,"i _yej, No 6, 1957,, PP loo OTS 60-21899 PL 1180 sci (Olopb~m' Bey I ! PaT 982 -Z C~ ~ The Thdiary I?" ftebange in Soils by I. A. ~13 UNCL Turl~ur RMUOWM~ perj,!,~ Oachy0vWeatm, No 'Irs, 1957., pp aci mus Lib 513A54i Sol 33;~01 mt 59.,' resultz; of tbe Crew of the Aculei;.y of JSPH, 11~.veztf:'ating tile Systei~' cf SOJIII "Alar.e. ~k,~002-d~j~i'-- to the T.S. J.W'::ev* tl,od cn) E)~pOr-ir.,itntal Stat-ion at Shadrf-n~.!~ Ly -1.V. Rtlssl.-W4;~ per Poolivoyedenle. No. i~~ p;) 1-11 of Soil FAxiature on tba Xnteasi-4 of spftaiti a tto Tm =d Bush Spicies, by 1, V, damt ILI 'A. tyermp 10 PP. 9078499 s No 81 1957f pp 46-53. 61 No 2-fo of the Coudesion for ftil Ilitm-e and ClassItImdon at the my Of s(demes Of the lim, w rm~j:pvry Fbcbvmedw3Le,, No 60-65. csnic) 3742 *01 10~r 62 soils :C~ the o At"d Pine ForeStE; in Kazakhstan, by E. 11. lvanovi~i E. V. Semina, 14, p1). RUSSLA31,1 per,!,! Pochvovedeniye, No S), 1957, PP 10-19. 9067314 ms 61-11497 PL-48o Sci - Gdophys OCT 62 PST 556~ 214., 3' some lb~ oblei~sInvolved in Forecanting the &at me ~bf TAnd RecentlEly Urmler Irriga.- tion bly ~R. L. Minkin. RLWTAII.. _mor.. Fochymedenie., No 9., 1957, CSIRO 3883 sci Aug 62i 11 71 HOW t ze the Work of Noymmclaturs. Org ~ni 16 1 syst~ tic Iand Classification of Soils, by 0& R !10 pp. RUSS11 PochyOvedenie No 9. 1957. p pp, UST111 silos TT 6~- Scii;-!ES Jun;,611 p 326.043 O~ e" ent or the Science of soilwater D ithe: (Razvitiye ucherdya o pochvennoY lu~ v elU Poahvovecienie (Moscow)s 3~45- 1957. In Russian. A Mott ~ Rev~zw on Results of Forty Yearc of I i I : Investi ti on Forest Soil Sciencej, by , iga , A ~!:24 pp - 9080438 RUSStAi, pe#,, T~~~M No 10P 1957,, i pp 16-32. i. ow 0-5=6 PL 480 Sept.& PST UD1312 Las-6' r, ort,, -1 V! 11 PEI of Soil Science in T'he USSR for the Yearr" by I. V. Muria. Pochvovede ie, NO 11, 1957, */OTs 6o-2u.-,)8 PL-480 sci Apr 611 ~Velopmerrt of *.he Doctrine of Uoil Geneois Ir I 1~ wlet PedbloaY~, by E. V. ljobava,, E,. N. lvariova, #Irai., 11.1. Fridland., 26 pp, Tl lit, 6vd;~,i V. A. ovd;~. ~ovaya N. I. Konddrskaya n w so A i; i1 map of Ghina (Pochvemaya karta Povhvovedmde (Moscow), (12): 5L 1957. Map. In Russian- 0-7s Drobnlk SIIJDY F; OF Olt A~ Biologicheil'i Vesbch6sf,V Order iroth Trans. of!I1 DESCRIPTC position, 11*1 *Oxygen c0 -I*tw Proc41H form tile kK) prvs~wdl ~'v pound.4 ai,~i sociated,wi 152-1392b L BIOWGICAL TRANSFORMATION SMS-likNCE'S IN 1IIE SOIL (Izuchenie Previ!ashchenii Organicheskikh Dchv4. ]an 62 1131p. 34 refs. RTS201~ 'S or SLA S.. 60 62-13926 1. Drobnik, Ya. It. 11TS-2012 Ill. IXpartment of Scientific and Industrial Re.,warch (Gt. Brit.) (USSR) 1957, no. 12, p. 62-7 ~S: 'Or~,anic materials, *Soils, Dccom- b-ogen,il"Biosynthesis, Respiration, fitnindii,' Microbiology, Micro-organism~. )f I ion of subwances which 14 of 1;'1r or tile mill and Which at*V L-X- Milillochis otcompt)sMon of some com- w syra esis of others, are closelyam- I ilk! aciii,ity of micro-organisms. ochemistry. TT, v. 7. no. 71 Office of To6sicat so~icqs (over) flep,page olillater From Wile In MouatcLinous ReGions of tlue, Subtropics., by A. M. Burykin., 13, RUS,,-AIUT ~per, Pochyp So .12, 1957P 90-97- ow 6o-21877 PL 480 r66 FacHyanmrs monthly) ~(Sovlet Soll Sciencts Tranalation,of 195r, up to and 'Including 1961 ;Order rrom. National Technical Inrormation Service, 5285 Fort Royal Road Springfift1d, Virginia 22151 9 3.00 single Insues ol-skiy, 240 nD. Sciences by N. Ni. Nik '1959 RU71 Po6voviedenle, OTS 6&-U083 PLe-480 Sdi Ear~ scl & As,tran 64 250.879 ------------------ HVOV-_EDVi1E p~ovtet Soll Science - blirnnthly) ran-lation be&ins with 1962 1 11Ar, time- ea. b to 9 months D~der frorn- Soil Science Society of Amtrica 677 South Segoe fload Madison, WiliconRIn 53711 a Igsues 60.00/year M 19 Issues: 63 GO/ ear USA JJAI,~71 im.~uea- 9 66:Do/year USA Id 3.00 postage ror orderi outside of' USA and its totq-e!, tons (preveyment) f, IlRack Issues availa'ble rom 1�62 63-23475--(t - 12) S()%7]r--T syii- sr--i izfciz. 1961, NOS. 1-12. American Inst. of jaa-Oct!(12~ 12 noq~ Moklocal science.". Order fivto O'N 4 Sl.'~ Washington, D. C. i I I! Trans. Of 'o0wovt 'Livilic. (tIssyk) 1%1, nos. 1-12. r) tisc: R I I 11):)Ils: Isbils. no, 2, $10. 1~0, 63-2~-175-(2) no, 3; 1'191i. $1( '1. 1(), 63-2-3475-(3) ' no. 4, 1 $9.66i 63-234?5 -(4) no. S, 1'16)~- 59.66~ 63-23475-(S) 1 no. 6 59.06i 63-2347,5-(6) no. " I 1~61i. $9.06.1 63-23475-(7) no. 8: 121911., 63---3475-(S) no. 9, 1 i6ti cl) 00'~ 63-23,MS-(9) (Farth scicncc~' YF, v. W. no. 01, 63-23~7.5-(10) 1 i no. 7) 11, ~. 63-2347.5-(1l) no. Orr-co Ol Tecalicsi senicei no.:12, i,l*- 59.('01 63-23475-Intlex-(12) 0llclud~s 0 qj.jt PF ~, MWIMS, bk# LortM R99IMal. -ZML-B-BU.-# 10600 c~ml TT 67-5M9 S~I/mm J6 68' 346,vhW i p-rr,ozc-m 4~,s a. Tyye of Soil V=rmtion., by L. 1. pp. Po(:Oxvy MR,, 'V01 1., )-939,, pp 225-259. o-is 6o-,,233,413 Pr" jL. 1. WE CHE 39p. 27 i4l, . PL- Ordw tiorii M.- ~ I I~r*ns. 4 mlono. p. 261.2981 (Atriculture- AnUPOT-K&Mt&*Y, I. N. OILS (Kashtanowye Fochvy). 1961, 10 Alpr. ~ so 60-21844 4vy SSSR, v. I (Wscowl 1939. Physical properties, Climatic alty, Fertility, Chemical ti Cultivation, TT, v. 7, no. 7) PR- 60-21844 1 .'ntle: Chestnut toile I .Prasolov. L. 1. 11. Antipov-Karatacy, 1. N. 1U. National Science Foundation, Wasington. D. C. Offi- f T-h.i..I S-i... The Bolls,* by V. A. Kcrvda, 58 F.P. RU BST[LI4, Pcctmy. WaRy VOI 1, 1.9 191; Vp 299-3h.7. ma 60-21853 PL-480 Aars PET I THE so", P URALS TO '11 1961, 758~. Order from Trans.: otimcc Ural& do Bilim P. $7. ogy. KOCC4 te. talm S CCU con"McAr Conditionj d .joil f( southeruSi Y--ria The Done of 4outhm Soil zows'aM rL-gl( RERN SIBERIA (FROM THE AL) tr. by A. GourevitcL PL-4W Agr. 60-21833 _pptjMamdSibid (0t -ow, 1955. 590P. OSiberiia, *ClasaMcation, Agdcultutv4 Geo~. Hydrol- nteb", Plants. Tram, Moun- nation and development in Siberia a i of southern Siberb 60-21M 1. Gormhenin. K. P. Il. PL480 Agr (60-21833) M. Notional Sci FouodatkX4 Wasbingwa. D. C. (Agrl~-' -;Plmt 6ddvadAm3, TT, v. 8, = 7) offi~ of T.A.1"I S-i... I I I ! I Polyntsiivc, 0. A.,! SOILS ~Ot THE SOi~MWFSTERN PART OF TVIE KOLA ~ PENI 14-SULA,11 tr. by J. S. Joffe. 1962. 135p. 91 refs. P1--480 A&T. Order fr6rn OTS $11125 61-11498 Trans. or triono. Pco~hvy-Yugo-Zapadnoi Chasti Kol'- skogo Poluostrova. Moscow /Leningrad, 1958 1152)p. DESCRinoRs: *!;oks, Geology, Classification. Climatic faxitors, Pilants. *Peat, Wountains, *Terrain. Geography Contents: Factorg (if ioil for-illation Claosific-Atibn of so-ilH of the southwestern portion of ro, Soll1r. of dw! VRIlevw Plant (otilp(iHitioti of Iwat Soils of ifielmountain Tnassifs. 4jxilog) 'F7, v, (Earth -6'' 9, no. 9) i. Title: Kola Peninsula 1. Polyntseva. 0. A. Il. PL- 489 Agr (61 -11 49S) 111. National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C - Offi- ~f T-h--i I I li ils ~! Th e ~ a olf Southern Siberia, by K. P. Gorshenin, 753 p4L RUGSLUI, I)lv,:l ~ochvy Yutzhnoi Cliasti Sibiri, 1"'55. oTs 6o-'dl833 PL-48o sci ~Geopl Oct ar") PST 23,4 ae'_, 313 soiii ofltrans Biakal, by N.A. Nogina RUggiAN I I,~nono, Pochvy ZabaL K~~~a, 1964 1 1! *CFSTI TIT 70-57105 ; i 1! i i i Sci/dar Mar 7, 0 .vvs~a:mtiap of Tree and Shrub ~~eed f or Sowing. by .4. K. 8 md-lim. RLUJII 4, b.K# t24ZAOvk& Posevu 5pryan Erevesny i il- rnikovykh Parod, 1949t CFSTI 1 TT 617-51300 sci. I M* Apr 6, 352,230 (ESS16N OF INDUSTRIAL RADIO WISES, ~;y s0p~ S. N. LYLJOV, G. P. GUSEV, -10 PP. S" Al~.) I 6pu, i sci ELE- jui,i ii62 PODAVLENI I YE I I IDUSTkIAL111M.L. JPRS 140:-4 2,) TRI-62-33 Maint~a. nindlUltra-Low Pressures of Neutral &K Gases I I I j During e ccurnulation of High-Temperature Plasma in Mag-xetic,lTraps, by V. A. Simcnov, G. F. t ii laeyme iov, :et al RUSSIAN, rpt, Podderzhanie SverKinizkizh Davlenii Neit:~ai'nQ'~ Gaza v Protsesse Nakopleniya. Vy~oizo~emp~raturnoi Plazmy v Ma,(,mjtnykh Lairashkakh s I j - . Inzh6Xt_- iel. *J?'RS for AEC Sci Oct 61 i . I ~I ; WgqpWa ftw FLrlngp by ion 6f Artn-uwv 1 1 iv.40 . I andmMob 1)9- 0 ~ h6g~aka ArtlUldd v 1962s IV 0 I i -I I Jwwl, i: ---03050 . lill~: -I mmm~~ TrIaf~-46'9 4ithe Parachutist, by B. Petrov, N.: 'b bnovil.A. Belousov, 2hh pp. RU SSJ Iq Ibjkj publ by DOSk4 PriLIAing House, M-:,scow, 1-�5-4'-. 1, G-r658 ACS USSR Military a Regimental Air Staf , by %-,0l L. K. Irp. Mawsir Xtbook gaftj&jab sionnRM a Pod Istj q qVaL by mi PUT swee ar the ptople, a 't of Defense of UWRF WGCOW2 1941,0 APOIN-M. Ar 619134 kaltar3r' Defeuoep air fmve trtLinIzr,,,,,, officers * 1 $4 6,- CIA D-Z7ao iclie Recortmissaace Soldier, by V. S Vs RU&q,.TAli, 'U.~, 'f,-i7- L AP. 'T M (SF-2224) THE ANEA AROUND MOSCOW, BY A. A. 1,111,,TS) b.) PP. IZUSSIAHJ PERJV-~~~ J,vu 4 JPRS 365 LiSSR CiEOG 202 V)l JUL b~2 Junimnaell of the Noawtollic Inclusims in the 8t4 on ~be Longevity of ROUIns Bearings, by Podaftyatp 19408 :50 Op 1939 su. 6o-iceU set I A* 0 v4 ~Uv 00 3 14 cl t 14M of New Teeboical ~elthodv at lAmilAz ra planu., Awl, Podshipaiks, No 1, :L952,, p2 31-32. AF 45:~018 Econoinic Ik,-Qrlzg Industry T au I a larod . I li Errort Rml~g USSR recuml Treboulg' to er costs at kth State W*avirig vanut. Podohipulk, No 2v 1.952, pp 5-It. AT 493871 viscoSr- ty Ilrb-perties ard Behavior of Gveases in Roller Frict~. III B by M. D. Bezborcdl,o. c N I RUSSI,,~i Pcdshivni,k.?, No 2j, PP 8-14- *PTIC Sci, Engr. Jun