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F~,,esb"'6 r FtWien of the USSR atid Adjacent 'Cpt=k~j= by L. S. Bergp 445 pp. ft)0&91AIN~' bk, EXbv erl=kh wd S6W I Sonredel-iivkll s�EBL~ol Mt FOW-M EWRIM4 M06WW-Lerdngraj4 pL 119VOIS 6~~-11057 Uton i~pr -7,780,286 AUO Lie zjo L;i Zi I I i i Shxidlt~ Ip ~U~i ,, I . ~ .1 194 Ive t eon te Japamse mardine Ryby 1-7~11ctogo I Imana, Isd. "Pishohevais promyshlermost' MOSCOW i2l;p,-'~ ;',4-6-,. in nussian. Transl. ArLitol* S. Loukashkin, 1953, 10p., t poscript. Avail. o1i Loorl N'~:FS, W43h., D.C. ll~ILb'akd-n, A kussimi ~bchmlic Of Cie 18 ~k,ittry, Us Life wi'd -Jork, by ho F, o"abakin - '.ci--hzu0: XVIII MA)'] Nov, 5 ~~hc~ E~Jlp~ripg Grolith and -Blo~somiur, Of rruit '4--o blyf,~ ~rayjjjo ThCM Iii-h G.-LOWth 3Ubr.LCLUCCO,, by i ogar. od Ho ob 88136' ......... U311% Trans Vo 232 r~`-Zrn',Jfic -.Bloloay, C-rcr.,rt-h i3ubjjtmi:.ce--, f-ruit trees f hi etle Waoures In the Control of t7 nordukava. IMSS14 Bad i Ovrod.. 1947(7).-25--30.. Jul ','9h7.. Sa13 UMA Tr So 90 scientL#c -~.Biolqvj, potatoos USSIR Economic - Agriculture.. patutoev Ccutroll of 62-65j, Scu-1) J-9:4-7. MA Tmzs !"o 174 Lu I T- O.Corod, No. 12, p. ~,h,:Lcu It tire potatoca To lutdn*14 .~he Work of Selection and Froj*pting Can1wr-aislebout PotAto Variftles, by M. M. Ylakalmovich. I'llussm 10O.'I'95MOd XV9~MW Mls 59-62-t iww UMA TrNo .34 PcIentitI6 - DiologW,, potatoes own, I OCCUMIC Agriculture., potatoes I , 6.v~'GL-owia~116ub3tances for the Coul-.rol of Z.uit .~P'Pleolp by P. 1. Ivanov. per., Sad I Ogorod,, Ro 5,. -Nby lc4S.. pp J, .. ......... USDA Trans No 226 'c-!c-!ntVUp RioloW,, er-cuth substunces,, 'fruit drop.. apples 37~D";;,,Ato Va.-Iotty U-D-5-or Ill. Foailna. :TTSM).Varp rad i ofor6d i~P~8(6) - 6'JI-6 4 USDA Tr No ~nli;irlc - 13,iolocY., :p0tat:ma J..'15 R --o:x c o* Al~rlcultuxol, r'UtW, SpedlProMiction of Vegetable Crops and Potatoes in the Exixeme North,, A. P. Tiurdenev. RMSiAN., mo per,, Bad i Ogarod, No 1948,, PP CIA 9OW773 USDA &Onmic W-8-SIAS, lho jx~r, Fki 70-'(2. Puliz~i Oblast, i Ogorod, Fa 3, 194 pq 79 Center R'T 319h Feb 56 ~2 TweutY-"~ftvG'j'ZedLrG Of WOft W.Ith the Potato Crop, by I A. F. lopm MWIAN! Mai :L ogorod,, 1948(g).- W-32p Sep 1948,v USDA Tr no. 47 Beientific Bioloup potatoes USSR Economic - Awicultureo potatooo Ttrent7i Flve~ Years of Wm*k of thei Polar Experimental Btatloi3, IV A. TimAmov. IRUBS.UIU.f pqrs 84.1-opirm. NO UP 1948v PP 53-57- CTA D 95d8125 --- UMA scl mar n mn"Idex 6~i' the Sproad of Potatu-o L!-. i 0,~ rod,. :Ll-' (9)*12--~.';, L~c- UMA rn, I.,to J.- 1 L .41; f i c 1310.1oGY1, potiltuou i, o 1! alA c1: -illepolcul-ture, putatoeu Pe 9Lol A!sh A Valuable FertilIzer for Potatoes., byvb:. 'id. Vinogradekly RUSSUH.. per., Bad i Ogorod, No I, Jan 1949, PP 76-79. 4323160 CIA A) 1 Scleintific - Biology the Min PT' ature of Potato Varieties by Altering -:41's of Their Cultivation., by P. F. Wdvede .1. mo ],, Sad i Ogorod. YAr MkI -19119 (3):59-6l.. 10 Sai!3- TJSDA Trans no 114 USSR Scientific -1iblogy? potatoes, cultivation 1 'I Economic - Ae;riculture,, potatoes., cultivation PotAtojDeSpberXtLCkU In the SoUth and Mehowes ftr Vem,#,vVtL*=AXVMtUw- ftd I Olprod, 3AXO:72-73, My 1949v sla3a UMA Tr No -88 uOucida A ariculturs, potatoca a 7C,I '.Vasti6s- ofilFbYtoncides In the Control of lrascu].3v I I H s"I"actcriouis of Cabbage, by A. D. Lipetsk-a-ya .tUSSIAN, ptir, Bud I Ogorod, Jan 195"-""p I~P 51-152. cal. USDA 11 ':;cicutifft - Diology Prepa.ration. of Capper Naphthenotte., by L. A. Suabituk4v 3 pp. MSSY-4-1i, p~',-r mo., Sud i Ogorod,, No 2;, 1950, pp 25-26. Scl Trans Center RT-3291 8cI Biology Mw' 56 ale 9 Efflci~nt M~thod for Grape Kildew Control,, by o. it. jugax~o'va, 4 pp. FMSXA02 ma per, Sad 1 Ogorod, 1311 No 2, 1950: PP 35-~7- Bel Trans Center RT - --~ 2 9-?- 3 7 Sci 'Biology 14a:r 56 A Valuable Prepaxation, by if. S. Mikbollovskiy. ROSSIAN, per, Bad i Ogorod,, no 2., 19501, pp 78-79. Usm D.S.1.4-1i;56 7- tance of ounmr P)AnUna of Potatoon in the Oil -of ~6tato Warb,, by TIS. S. Ganael'oun. Ax~ Bad~ I oprodj, 3.950(6).#63.-(A* Jun 1950, 13.0 UWA Tr No 92 scloaqu BIO:Loap Potatoas Usm Ecowald - Agriculture, po-tatoos Nev Potato Vatieties of Ulianovskaia _/F-otato7Ex- ;.,-erim~n~ Stin4on, by S. A. lezhepekov. mo ~er, Sad i Ogorod, -74. 1550 (7): 73 ,.;Uly 1950. 8b Sa13. USDA Trans No 3-12 ;_Icienti~,Cic Biology, potet--!.- ..:conomic - Agricu3t,-,-c, ;,jtato on wat"ICIA ollf rota4 mubinp, by V. A. St=%Lw, r":rOAAP 066rod, 1q5o(T):Tjf-?5,, I JulY 1950., 80. salsa USU TV No 101 scleut#ic Biology# Poutoop umm Ec~ - Agricultwo# potatoes Control 6f StOn rmMtodo iu Potatoonjo by A. pl, :Eaabclzzk. RUSMM.p Aud I 03arod.. 1930(8).-32o34s Aug !950, 80 "13., UMA Tr No -P3 Usm Econmia - Agricdture,, patstooo I.Tleaijfts~l~* of!l:IPDtftt*G to BrUwhruso by X, K. Antipova. *)6,, Aug .1950j. !w I Ogorod,. 1950(8)t3k-. USDA Tr No &lr dic - b.iolomrj, pubstow C: I- AgricvatmriM, potwatoes at :0y 61-12-c-,. Ll USDA gy, rYD'131:0013 Milk Utcava''t ion (f Grcrtrth Subotancos In the Fropagmtion of llmil, and bwry Crops,,' by V. 1. Rgorova. R= ,7r Bad I Ogoro4j, 1946, (4/5): PP 71-46,, Apr rbl 80 a13- USDA Trtm No 217 USSR Scientific - Moloap grovth, crops., fruit,, planto in the ExtremV North., by A. i . I RUMI'ma per, ...qp4 No U./3-2, Nov/Dec 19/b 3, . p~ 7840. CIA 9007517 USDA *-/02 5-71 USSR v Econold.:c Jdm 57 OTS Phyt oac i e 6; :L Ogor(x".' iio 6ol .. ..... ..r;t 13. USDDA Biology C7, Ovn Rm*,tad Efw%rfing Apple Trees in Dagestan., by, V. 11. BuAagmakiy. ma", per,,sad i Ogocrod, UK Ito 12, 1950., 31 0(-.g 111 0 C83HO Kiel - Mol JIM 6P- Neu Vr-,;.,-l ~etiei, of itueb in Uzbekistun, by A. S. 0741ITC-7,vilts-n1m, RIOSLAN, Bad I 090rod.. NO 12, 1952), PIC, CSIRO Sci Biol Aug 6P- 1j, ;ie of' C6ppei:Alaphthenate for the Control of Stone 1.21luit Di~easesj, by 0. N. Yuganova., L., A. Bushitskiy,, 1) PP. ~IUQ-SIA:N,,,mo per.. Sad i Ogorod, No 12, 1950, PP 30-33. Sci Tram Center RT-3293 Z-,i - B1010gy Mar 516 fox''tLic Control of -Spllclct.- iLit--- on ll,~ 1IRktL S.-LA 11 lperj �-nd J. 2:72 Feb 1~51: 30 Sc-313. 2ao-r c~-I. U.--mr, Trano 240' CUCUmbers Ar 1~10 BnxLeriei "'Fertill.-ter, (Experlments With VCaC!'V'Et!,biCfl)p,:!:byD. R. Gladilovicb ri 11~ S~ i A NPe Sad 1 611 Oprod 22-275-77. -eb 1952. USDA Tr 373 Economic Allp,iculture scie'attric ..:]r Biology 0' 'e) .1c I 1'1~!Iitp Butterflyp by 1. Uotmkiuaftv T h " an 1. 11M Med- 6deva RUSSTANJ~ perk Bad i Ogorod X P--76P Oct 10, 1952) so sli I.J. .. .....- USDA Tr 354 Econcmii6 - IiArIculture 341 Scleati~ic .!,Biology flow tloiContvol Wilt and Stolbur in Plants., by A,, S, Faruzhilin, 9 pp, RUSSW* per., 8ad i own-oal DO 29 1953; pp 63-67, Sci Tx, Center RT-2365 Smkumbg= Agricature Wv 55 CTS/DEX i I .f _--- 01 .. - . i , ::t' ;i ~:, //Z, le, "t,/--11 xf 5- - ~) 6 "2 41.4 flew Ffiy pht6ra- and Wart-realutaut Varieiies ofil Fotatoesj, by A. Ya. Xamrazj, 7 pp. tMCLA~.SIFUD RUSSIANi pewo Sad i Ogorod, No 1s 19540 pp 45-4,. Sci Tr Conter RT-169o Scientific Diology Jan 55 OrS OW, ?hibor*~ - aW t-Hosietant ~cri Pot6toess, by A. ps,"j, po+v sea 1 -48. USDA tentific Blolow Doc 1954 CTS i rzperimptal 'Ume of Aerosols in the Control of the Cownboret and the Gorn Buvarap by V. P, Danilcv. RUSSUN.,i per,,; SaA i. Qg=odo-No 8., Aug 1955., pp 27-290 USDA UWIR 10mcmic - Agdcultma Scientihe -'Chemistry jun 56 MAIAM I P 'Salectton., by S'. QZ;Fca.-. Nc~ 101, RUIENMA-5 lip 83-:90. CJfL Ej AA S. F~- CZ-*U, ll~, A. Diso"be of vuabtdolu C;rcL;pLOt 1956, pp 27-40. RUSSURS w per, Sad i Opradt No 3 CU 9006535 sel - B191687 usm 1"memic - Algrimltu" Oct 56 bTs UWA 717 r 7 f % .. ...... .. j:-J Effect of No 12~ 1957,~ Pr 34-36. vaL r Poiu.~atinr, Activity of Baeo on Seed- BcEwl~ng kpmts in Vegetable Cultiva-Vion, by K. SaMarov, 4 pp. Sed i OrWils VeL XM., so 7;. 19.541., PP Ma-23. 9M153 OTS 6D- 51049 PL-480 Sci -, Mot lur 62 14 P V,,, 2 A,; The of Cuaumberq arn- _L J. b-i- Spiri6c)-no-ca, S. ~;ad 1. Ogar Ro 95 1('159, 9L - Tru 2NS11, ,yd" Dee 61 SakKaroj M. K. PULLINA-6~iG Aunvrn' OF BEES ON SLE.)-BEAR- ING IILANT~~ IN \11--'(3LTABI-E CULTIVATION (Ub Opylitel'noi Rabote Pchel na Seniennikakh Ovoshcrinykii Kul'tur). [No-v6l;,!p. PL-48OAgr. Ord,~x from0'rS $0.50 6u-5iu4-) rrans. of 11miovodam,11 (USSR) 1958, v. 96, no. 7, p. 21 - 23. JL-,'SCRdPTC1R.S: *Vegetables, 'Plants. 'Agriculture, *Pollen. *&)tany. Correlation 1.~ showit Lx-meen bee pollination and veg- etable yieldsp WEC-d on counts of visiting bLus and j other insects. 60-31049 1. Title: BLes 1. Saididi-ov, M. K. 11. PL-48U Agr (60-51049) 111. Natiunal Sc'ence Founc %~ashiagton, D. C. (Agricultm e, I-F, v. 7, no. 2) Offic. of S-ic.. SpiridonovA, A. 1. and Vascenko, S. F. 111L CLILOVA.TION 0)-- CUCUMBERS AND TONIA- TOES ON A1011"iCIAL NUTRIENT MEDIA, VIS. I- ,qcp W (2 photus. omiti~W). fl)SIR LLU) M. 2613. Orc ter f rom O'n or SIA $ 1. 10 61-23290 rans. of (Sadorrod-; wo (USSR) 1959 Cv. 97) no. 9. 0. 23-29. DWAlFrOM *Vcgtmables, Growth. Food. (Food, Tr, Y. 6, no. 8) 61-23290 1. SpIrodonova, A. 1. H. Vascenko. & F. Ill. DSIR LLU M.*2613 IV. Gomrnon~wadth Bureau of Horticulture and Plantation Crops ((A. arit.) 41 oface of T~Wcel Swvf~v (DC-27oo/45) Tractora for,tbe Mechanization of Work in Granlening and Viticulturej. by B. P. Xashuba,, et #A!, h pp. RUSSWO wl ~Sdundstyps No 7s 1960., PP 39-41. JM 6937 Apr 61 J /"-I I .1c 'u- 1 1- i,%ds o-f' 17'nui,, Trcc Pre "I"i"virl[L' by Yu CCIM011"Ilk 7c,o6 C: Jill b 1" 334 )'1 ProducItivity of Buds or. f~atcral s, by 7. ; Ko.lesnika RUS.SLOI., Sadovodstvo Vino;;radarstvo i Holdaviy,,. no 3, 19517, pp 3,1,, 3S, sci-WAA 1-i Med Sci P'. a I - 6.3 7huravel', M., S. THE BREE11IM"; OF SItEDLA:f.S' I Rifil I- " 1;kAPES (0 if-listl:willirl~~Lh S",ric IICIA 1:1 1.1, .r. by 1' . j. Zakt~h. 114]p. ( 51,72. (c9mr ~ t:1 (All) SI..jj 51. '10 1-5 2 (Ao- t: I ha) fraiii. of Vrxzi itlir sivi i Viii TI , . I PESC 111 1-1-011 S: -r. t i, -Ju~ 1 1!1 (Agric.ilturt!, -Tlilm 1: 'IT, n.,- r,* lt~hll-?' 11.0 TrawX Vishery for Rockfish in the Boring Saa*i jk" V. Lastav. RU9$1 ANA -&*A"jkM Tikho. okeo w~sk ftuch Issled Inst morillk6g-6- Vybhq l~-MiffidiTM11? 1961, 26 pp, Dept of Interior WSOI C273 No 439 sci-4~iol 0 ;2 5' .,bj.em;' t, tiol Sugox Beet Faxms in 1947,, by S. AIZ-Gecv,16 ProWshs Vol )Vj No 2., Feb 1947,, Simi, i -7 USDA Trans No 208 J.;clentirlc 131ologyt migar beets$ fU= M-eammoz Ao 1heivese the Yields of' CuT-r BeLA sp by M. K. wAna HUSSvir, Wshj Vol Y.Xrm IV,, Apr 1947, .6~, 5. 1: SQ PP 3-7 UMM Trans So 210 USSR Scientiflic - Biology, sugar beeta, plants, -cArv IttIdev i:of Sugar Beetsp by Z.. A. Micevich, 1. 7= 6henko. Mir pero: Sakb ProtWoh, vol M,, no,6, June 1947, UEMA Tisus No 215 ~clentlf~c - Biology, vupr beetal mildew QTA Seed ProductLon or 6,u6ar Be--ts 1~1:-c SO-Act P,-&-iodp by D. IT. tio 11., Nov 19-'7., V~akh RroG23mh,, Vol X" > 21.-, Iota 0 USDA Trana I: o 21 L2 sugar beeta,, need.. .Cor,=&C, - !~IriX'Iactioa,, brtcdirig 1 6:1 - 1637 5 Vostokov, Ai T. an~i stilluliko, V. 1). SPON'I'ANMIS CIIYYrAI,LI7.t%TION IN THE COOKING 1. Tille: Massectlitus OF THE NFLASSECUITES BY MEANS OF A GRYSrAl-- 2- Title: Pastes LINE SUCARAIASTE-i'(ME-11 101) OF PROF. A. A. 1. VostoWv, A. "I'. SHUMILOV). 1119631 tiolp. 11. Shiluliko, V. 1). Order tn)"i CFTS or SILA $1. 10 03-16375 111. Shumilov, A. A. Trans. of (USSR) 19-18, v. 22, n(d). 1). - Z5. Dl~SCIMYIORS: *Cm-Whydr-ates, 1-Crystals, '('i-vst;il- liziltioll, Boiling, stot-age, Cooking ~Lwlces. (Food, '17, v. 11), 110. 8) office of Tedwical semces 41 A. "'iI6 Ox~-ci-.mlmC the ljz;)rovc-"nt c" 'hc Non- AVIncir.11int Di6tho4 of Groving Beet, SocCo., by RU-5SL%N~ per SCT'h Etc-CIE Vol -XIMI), I'M 2p Feb PP 37-139- US"M Trano 26-8 us E; 11 Econ=lc - ACIricalture.. ouaar beeto Scic-IlUsic - Ziollogy,, sugar bectn K=.b. N. CLFAMG OF CALANIDRIA FROM INCRUSTATION BY MEANS Or THFAMAL IMEATMENT. (196316p. Order froni 07S or &.A $1. 10 63-14867 TYans. of SaWLarnaya~Pmmyshlennost' (USSR) 1949. v. 23, ncr.-M*--&-' DESCRUqDRS: LN-ap omtors, Vaculun apparatus, *Scale. *Ptpe~. Separ6don, Heat treatment. Refineries. !By the tberiml trcating of the p1pesnith scale, the molatire juid ~rysmMhe water which am oonnected with the organic &M Iziorganic pan of the scale are renxwed, Ilie t*lloldo part and the orgmdc cotnpounds ,(Imludingnitri,i,enl:~lfilfl(-t;jl(J:-),il-L-clui;tr,i%,(.-d.'Ilii. ,the physlcal-cbemlW~prcpenles of the "e to be changW. The iliainet~r of the scale gets anuffler which causes its a iLIPiration f.rorn die pipes. Along the ptp&- ilength the scalp increaium 2 nun. per 200 uirn. 4, the .scale Ilaus cax jeasily 60in dw pipe. 63-14867 1. Iltle CalarArin 1. Kuzub, N. A. (Engineering--C2)en-dcaI. 77, V. 10, no. 9) offitt 0 ltchn;o! sr~I:el The Us* of~~Ing Packinse in AppiLratua, by 1. 1. VCVIAWI,Uev~ pior.. Sakh-Pr Vol XXEV., Jun 1950, pp Sci Museum Lib No 52/0201 U%SSR Econoinic Technology g761 Jun 54 aZS xm E~, IP11~4xacritIp in Pallatting Segm-nted Cr,,,~ Dcc!". cx !C! c rP~. ratc- rburGaidl., V. S. Nurbatov, ;SIAIT br., "alch RrqaLmh 10CIV, Apr 1950,, r,p Vol No h. USDA ','.'rans 2-63 mic Alp-iculturc, sugar beets ti-fic - 1,116lo[W. sugar beets. j1?reI:4'rvcst Feeding of Sugir Beets.. by M4 14, Edeluhtein. Vol Xr..CVp no 5~ .Ay 1956 pp 1941.0 65.8 W. USDA T14ins No 219 !"cientiTic - J~Loloa., sugar beets,, preharvest 7- r Beet Seeds With Foxtilizarr.,, by V. DdbrotVortseva. ;~,UESSIA11i peril Bakh Prc ___Wshj, Vol ICCVp No 2,, Feb 1951v 39-141. 65,Q,8,Ba-.- UMh TRans No 214 :(::cleatitir. - Blologyy a;&W beeta, fertilizers Dtiviijopm6utv of Guomr and L'.3avp Profiuction kzz4a ~i Other-'~'Esm E--eta in USSR, V-1no,-ra-dov, lqu"'Slpm~ pw) Snirb FIT Vol XXV, 110 1hr :.9.51; -j.-L) 8-140: 6~.g Tj USDA Tmus 264 -'concnb~~ - AL',viculture,, sugar bect3 ,cient-ttic - Bioloay., suCar becto 'The 1-13',Iyar '.5-uCar Beeto by 13. V. !,=Maev. -malhi, Vol No 6.. Jun 1551, USDA atmna 26'15' USSE Ec maml,~ suG= bmts SuGar bcc,%-~s is Sluf,,ar met Iiyi~ctry in the Post Ww.- Tows In the.OSSR, I Countries of +~ic People's Democracien and Capitalistic I Gover ;I bts nw, N. V, Vinograd&A F,j11 translation. BUSSIANO per, Sakb Promj Vol XXVI,, No 4,p Vp 27-30. ,).8 USDA Tr USSR Jul 53 CTS/M SateUites International P,.,~onomlc -~Griculture ; i_- 11 'zUestion'a of OraanizinI3 the Sugew Industry an the 7=is 011~ Grad:t Comuniat Conatructiono by N. V. Vinporadav. A~ It.D. trOmrlation. BUISSIAN: perp Sakh Prom, Vol XXTI.p No 5s My 1952, - . .11 8-8 _, , , , 'S"a' 2 ,,)P 36-ho. '6 . USDA Tr Jul 5,1 MS IDU USSE B"Conomic, - Alpmztk Agriculture qg Viscesity Of Molasses by P.M.Silin and Z.A.Silina. RUSSIAN, per., $Flk'harnaya PronWahlennost', No 7, 1953,, PP P-1-27. CSTRO I I I oct. 62 i i~ ~ I 1! 63-16364 Pbuomarenko,j A. P MI-TZAT7CjN OF ihiAm ODWRE-S"S IN IME 1. Ponomarenko, A. P. &VAPORAT'li4d SYSTE~A. (1963) Op. (figs. omttted). Wer frorn, btS or SUK $1. 10 63-16304 rrans. of .5akIllitmaya OSSR) 1954, 28, no. 3-~ nTt-' rORS-1 IOSteacni *Compressors, ORvaporators, s, OCirbohydiates. e of stenni c iompreso ors Is effective In all cases. ien vapor rroin last dfect goes Into the condenser. I ic to the WPA of con~'ressors, the consumption of MM used ?cLr,, the ccel6entration of juice and sirups Is ved nt thei spime or 16creased density. Us e mpressors liicreaie~ rate of vapor productil =ch iproves peTf6rmanci of the evaporators. Use of corn-- essors in-thi absen6e of reserved heat transfer pacity of first evaj)6. ator body permits the Increase Offict of Technical urvices ood. TT, Y.~ ~0, no.' ~ 8) (over) i, I ! THE AUTOM4,TIC SACCHARIMETER., BY' W. 1. KUDRIAVTZEVp V. 1. KUDRYAVTSEV. RUSS14NI PER, SAKHARNAYA PROM., VOL XXVII., NO 110, 1955.? pp 14-16. NLL m. 4984 SCI.- ENGR OCT ~2 214.,735 ofSugar Factory'Output of Sugar Losses olniot =6Unn4-orw,tYot Operadca, by V. N. Pelennimky. IR SIAN,iperp$~~aya F~om, No 2,1956. CSF o ps~ 262,575 Ol CS, ~l C, r ,3 On of a io'r E.A. CS-',-, L. Coll' L july -I Experimental FeodudtiOn df Calcium Carbide in a Sugar Factoryj by A. Ya. Rozchenko,, A. ra. Nevirovskly, V. T. Dozentlyevs 7 pp. UNCIASSILMD RUSSIAN, mo per,, ~~khar Proms No 5,, Moscovp MaY 1956P pp 49_ 52- 4S JPRS/DC-L-318 Sci ChemiBtry 44- Effect of Radiation From a Cobalt Isatope on the Quali a the Pamts of the &Vur Beet,, by, F. M. POU=Chut~j, 5 pp. Russw, Vera Smlm~~ Prml Vol IU,, 19.56) pp 5ki ~5- MC Tr 2844 Sci - Biolow 1-7 WT 57 Sbche~. Y. PC AUmwrojDZL R~8~04TO DE LOS EVAPORA ID)ORES , , - 10ioizvoilltel'oosti Vyparnykb Apparstow) ll~cxeesv ~m Evaporator Ylelds). 19p. CH). 62-287. 1 Order frotn OTS, ETC or CID. $0.80 62-29287 Trans. In Sv"h 0t= arnava Promyshlennost' QMR) 057, w. 31, " W:-= DESCRUq'ORS: "EvapDratDrs 62-29297 1. mwlwgotev. V. K n. CK)i-62-287 M. Centro de lnfbrmadon y Doctnnentaclon, Madrid (Spalu) W, 7T, v. 10, no. 7) office al Tectomical Services 62-29232 She"., & It. and Flosiabum. I- IL mrrm THM11ju, DE 111k MYMTA E39 MARCHA DE LA 1. S, ildn, A. N. SEMM ORISEWARADORES DR LA FABRICA DE rl. Fletshmazi, L- F- AZUCA)k OR ENOYM(Uchmt'OpytOsvoem- TU- CM-6,2-232 I" seplunuw(umov T~~ Easn'-Kokumakogo Sak- FV. Centro de Womiacion Im"W'Zivoik) (0m kivmm Experiences in dw Separ- y DDcumcntacian, mr Socdoii ctft MinkolenowsLid Supr Piano). 17p6 Madrid (Spain) M. 62-21L Order from ErC or CID $D. 80 62-29232 Tr"ll. in s"Mish (d Va rm r *Carbohydraius. 7T, v. 10, rim 7) office 01 Inimical servim 62-292,16 Stqwnm*o, L INVES-MACION D151, PROCFSO DR LA PRIMERA 1. Tide- Qrta fittpply N ABSORBEDOR DE PULVERMh- SATURACIN LN ~! methoj . CICW Y NXIVO MFTWO DE SUMNMRO D13L G kS 1. 'Arpane-ako, L D8 SAnfPACICN ~Inmtedavanle Protsessa I saturatfill It. CID-62-r36 v 0roS1t0'n'cwnAbu6rberc i Novyl Sposob Po"chi 111. Centro de Informackin Safurxtalann~ Ca6) (Research on the Primary Satur- y Doc=entacion, ation ftoc"s Ln a S'~rny Abgorb,-r and Description of Madrid (Spain) a New S~tu~ntfon Cho Supply Method). 29p. M 62-236. Order frva4 M, or CED $1.07 62-29236 Tral in %aWsh of Saltbarna L&2vushlemcwt' Iff ~T, Li a&* 4, p. 59-66. ; DESCRWWRS: 00ases, Spxmys, *AbsorpUm (Englaverl. W, ,. 10. nx 7) OfrKe ot Technical Servir~ 63-16W Ourtam', M V. and Twerdokbiebow. I- S. MRSASING THR ~18W OF WMTH SUGAR. (19W.] 1. Ourban', D. V. 16)p. 2 ride' U. Tverdokblebov, L- S. Order fr~M!M ar;ISIA $1. 10 63-16357 Tram Cif (USSR) 1957 (v. 311 am p. I - . DEWRIPTdRS- -Carboby&ates, Oph"W, Moisture, Frodttctkm.~ beeM lCyckma (Mecbu&-Q tPood. TI; 63 - L &377 iiku. V. A. USE OF, WDROCYGLONES IN THE SUGAR 1. 7ambrovskii, V. A. -MY, [29 Se' 591 10p. (figs. tables ornitteO Dwa ~p 6 ref or&, from m i SLA $t. 10 63-16377 Trans of Sakhar nayal Promiyahlennostl(USSR) DBSCRWMRS: e'Carbohydratm, Classifleation. Purinciiaoin, coms6isation, -cyciones (mechawcal), Design, 0~wmum (Food, Tr, v. 10, no. 6) Office o1 Tedmical Serficee Expet,vienoe Wi-tb the Opeamtion of Vactumn Filtration Installations, by V. A. Za6brovakiy, 5 pp. RUBSTAR., por., Sakb L2rm - Vol. 'Mm'. 10 9-5 pp 12-16. Vol TV, :Wo 2 ATS-8115M39R ~ j Appllc~tion ~!ocr lly~~s in the Sugar i biimftciturej~ by G. 1. Adamov. I I RUSS M.. per.. Bekbar=Wa Prm-, N:) 10.- 1958, 0. M 14, 1. ,--A - i Scei-Chism Feb 70 402.,955 I f7 U3,7M CT) 0 The Sugar Industry of the Peop-le'n licpublic oi* by pp. RUSS.101, per., Sukhamaym ProVohlimno--t', !;L, 21. 1~61 pp 69 _70 JPHS 45~11 Asia - China &oa oct 61 . ii i: I (SP-1881) Dmmlopmezrt of the BtMW Indtwtry In the First Two Years of the Seven Year Plml by 113 - I. Gerasimv, 6 pp. MMUN, pw,# Bekb&rmya Prmysla(moat', So 1961, v " .p USSR Neon sep 61.: TO 1.1-PROVE iAi~Z TO REDUCE THE C031 L)F u:,7,-Si.~UCTIG;; j,.,DUS-Ryl J3Y I . Ylk. I'Ai,EVS'' 1'i I:tUScIA;',' PER SAKHAWAYA, PkOMYS ALL; ii -~,S-i i.10 2, USSR E~:OH OCT 6,,? 21 132 Abc-a-l-,