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-,Lrq Vaj~c:~--s L- c -~T J. La;~ e:', I)F; - par, Ver"-nazidelinGon, Vo- ~L~:Il U D liatl Bua-cau ol" Sci Che-iii Sep IS2 herb. R. _y4n_j&m_r_, L_ and others. JAVRMAW !OF TH9 RADIA71ON OF CLASS USING:THH BOLOMSTEIR.- AIPPUCA77ON TO THII MEASURSMENT OF THE TEMPHRATURS (Mesure de Is Racliation du~-Verre par Bolometre: Application a Is Mesurei de Ten~verature). 119621 1541p. (foreign text IncludeM 4 refs. Order from SLA $5.60 62 - 1641 Trans. of Glaste0nische Ber1chte (West Germany) 1959, Y. UK, p, P/36-11/49. DESCRIVMRS: *Clsm. Temperature, Heat transfe~r. Olnfrarvd radiation, infrared detectors, 011olometets. Pyronvete r, Furv~oes. I The tem~rature cilatribution in Slass circulating In a tank to very varia4le. It often happens that the tem-- perature at the su~rface to lo%er thin that at a certain depth. If the optlc~l arrangement of the bolometer Is (Material --Ceramics. TT, v. 8. no. 7) (Overt 62-16411 1. Laettwm, R. van 11. Leger, L. 111. Title: Application IV. Title: Mternatioaal C-mg-ress on Glass (no. V. Title: wera-Wonaler Glas) ongress (no. 5) Offit. ot T..W.-I S-i- puloitl*s on the Proterotto of the MQscs by j"j di Pam-fitAmI4 Vol 9" no I, Qff-07 Jul 52 C70 uti'ilixa~lian oil Goddard and litri Fr3rmulao for the tv-aluattion of the Cost of 3atellites, by J. F.~~ Lafay FRWCH, !rpt, International Working Paper L,lo 277, Luropean Space Reisearch an4l Tech Cent4r. CIA X-607 A180 available CFSTI by NASA Sci & Tech Info Facility Jan 69 373,465 -Mlose" at LCW T atures'. VMS am~ft IWO Tat 53p Sept 19610 VP 33b-~qqft- *=I ~vo - 6014laterias 67 a Comparison of the Effectiveness of Five Anti- i brucel,losil~ Vaccines in Ewes,, tly H. Lafenutre. FRENCH* per,, Acadamie Vaterineire do France., Bulletin,, No So 1962, pp 31:9-324. NZDIA Sci-8101 Aug 63 "U' Ole wc.~,,-If~ of Rernvxd laffaile, by li~-rlc FR-r-4cf-l SLA per Nc Siate collc~:,2 Jun 59 Palmom at Flostm. Prodwts atr JbIten or Oddload MXaA�dr PDOU.9 b7 K. Lattalnp IL X. LWU,~~ 25 pp. FROX26 part bilUtla WomtUws ME Mdantifiqws et TWIMIwaso, ib 63j, pp 83.z. A=-2r-90860 Sol - awl Md Aug 63 3~g PAenoewainome of the Certmimis Glands, by J. 0 WmtpelIler.. P. IAff&3!PLe, 7 pp. FIUMM, per, Bu32etin Assoclatdca France-tm pour Vetude du Cancer, Vol XXIM, 1938., pp 774-783. mm 3-M-42 (ir4m) '14 r 1- "!2 , / 7/ jum 6e -INT-10mWe Waire In a" XMiasop by P. lAffitto., nomp pwo BUU*tlu do lot socloul malvdque ek-, houbms Yet Mo lWo JPP 'ra-745. D"a of Itat a aw ad" maws 062601 Ibmw aft Pifte, a Ila. Ir 43 Rai 4b ob" -5-97 f D:C-3801/ Self-Criticim Frc= a Former Casarmum Admirer, by Jow Iaffl~UO pp. ap,, I'Rwnwdto, 110 5176, 10 AiNr 1-961, JM 8736 W&W - Fraws 116 p01. Aug 61 ()n 111tridiM S,Am )Ntaav by P. Leffitte. FMCKI~ WI ges!t Ron&. Vol 2CC)s 1935, pl, 1039-1041. *=X/MS TT 71-55M5 Avauble m olay P. L 6 -p4, , , Julv 71 9x-me'lumtal SbAleq of tbo mm'lootlvp Wave end " 1, the 0& Wave, 33. Dotcuttion of 56Lid Rx- plvmff'~Wj, by F. IAM%U, FFMMO pw, Aumabo do PArolques, Vol IV,, Nov- D" :Lgoo Dept at zat OB Dw of ItLass OODUV4 Abqpor OU pittas p Ift-I Tr 45 Sel - Mmm i= 59 Superimntal Studies the Mwek Wave. 1. ing fts; Mutwesv by of tho Zxplosive Wave and 3=3 live Wave ill Datmut. P. lmvitteo 7MM.p per, A=&Ua do Rgrolque., Vol 17., Ser, lop now-fte 190, pp 5ft-A*. Dept fit Imt 93 war, of HI=w contnil zxw BUI pitteop 74. 2r 44 801 -:Cbmnp Ram Jbn 59 The b2namabillity of Oymwgen-air Mixtarroa. Ths Influence of HumLdityv by Guy Pannatier, Paul Laffittes, 5 pp. FhU traralation. FRENCH, per, Qgggdga rendus, Vol CCXXVI, 1948, pp 341-342. Scientifie -WAMD Chemistry Aug 55 The Spontaneous Combustion and Explosion Livdts of Cyanogez~-air Mixtures, by Henri Janea, Paul laffitte, 5 pp. FuU translation. FRENCH, per., COWL n0., Vol MIMI, 1953) IM pp 811-8130 S.L.A. Scientific - Chemistry Jul 55 ~gr The UzWtios of Long-delejed Flame of Gyarwgan-air Mixtwes., by Henri Jamo., Paul IALffitte, 6 pp. Full tranalotion. FMH, per, 2Mt. rend., Vol CIV'Z.IUYIp 1953, pp 1038-1041. /4 `6 v SqLaA. Scientific - Chemiestry Jul 55 Study orf the- Accuracy of Rock AzuLlyT3aF3, bv Lafitte, 1.1 pp. FROM, peer., BuUetin do la Soc (leologioque cle Frances Ser 6p 1953P Yp 7.23-745. Llbxvwy of Oeologlcaa Survey Of Ganada Sci may 61 CombusLion gind Detonation of Mz=ry I?ul.- mlmteo by P. Lafitte..' No Putry. FRM=p pwv Omptes RoDfts de I'Academie des LE-Acia MM Val CXCIZI,, MIj. PP 173.-174.., Dept of brt M B= of minsils ceuUla Sul pittis.s Pao Tr 42 Compa4aon of the RzpXosiva Wave iri Harcury Faminote., by a. PaUTS P. lAfitteft FMCHI part CovWtea Benda de lllcadezie des Sciences,, Val CM=,v IR31,1 pp 133;9. k342. DWA of Ift us-JNW or alwa Dentrall xxPer M pitta.,v Pa. 7t 3.54 aci - Chen Jun 59 of Detam- tion by laflukanc,;~- FBI=, per, Comptes Rendus de llkcadamie des Sciencess Vol CXCZI# 1931., :PP 948-951- Dept of Int 118 Sur of Mine B Central Byper Sta Pitteep Pa. Tr 36 sci m Chem ~j J'un 59 27, m 3q Ob ftudy~of ThreatUms by the BOW 9 Vliw,,.tly Ineette LaYJsar., 3 Dexmrd lbrtinami. M" p CaumUou SbUml Asmalatlan Jowrmlj, 7 V061 liggs Doc 196RP PP 1367-M,.F*- BIB 4-2943 ad - ftalAbd ad ja 63 Ilindliog of Lim omA ftmD In tq A. ?,. lAf vi, 0,. O"rialU. UML rots, Frm tbo ratomatl1=1 TTQWPC-.,t comfoxaces, Ltop,, Ain 1958. Bft*Uli rm WA st"I Im wNue a - From* 3305 am 59 1177 41 Nwautic AwcoLuition uud its "Cusurokent, by J, Cw~ LaCaus, 37 pp, IIU~AAI-I. por, Annales des Telacu-mamicuticass Vol 1:1,1 Np vp k"OVEINmENT U!~E (14LY 374 li't Ueu 69 Tor,=:~Phnlp f the - rebmsplual rilai;lj Acv.-.~e ctira'Ue Meningitis With Eosinoptilia., b,,,- R~ lxvfon~ R. imb~uge.,, M. Ribstein.. M. C. Farjon., 31 Irp. U19climirin FRWHp perp Revtte Neurologique; Vol XCVII, No 61 1.9 p 466-481. P-m-ria., Dee ~ 57., ly NRVY' 2G43/Nl4cs 4-93 Sci -s Medicine riov 6o /7 Dii3fl"we L4 Per:Lventricixtar Atrophy After lRadlo- tbwapeu#c Trmtomt of -(XwebMI neopla=.. by R. -Wbul p. Tages., R. LfsbwJgP-y j., 14iaAc-Ucj 4 PP4 - P?.W-qm., 3mr, journ de RaUdlogie Vol MVI . Aft 7/8.. ja-Aug 1956~ pp 607-610. NM/!E-r 11-20 Sal Med 1 1-7117 T c 7 I)e Do-Mr1bUtla-W to the ftAy of Us Dleconnaction of U&I Vol*~ge MtmV.. by P - Ufmt. , ~ per, Rev am ZL*c.. so ]LO, 1955., IF 465-490-1 AOLM"1*3 Bel Jul 59 4707, 3 ,3 Z/ 4worption of Waiva Salta by normal and Tubbercular TndjvMu&U. ftircruble Action of MWM.'.= Ph=16stes, by ~,.IdWouftlms, 4 pp. H, :pw, Ccupt Rend Soo 131cl,, Vol C=I, 19481, PPI1089-IM* S.L.A. Tr 4W56 Sol - BIaIW Avg 1956 i i "'o '* 'o a V.-ith the Emmem 1 11, 1, Fontsine. -:~ . I : 0:9 f, B sd-41131em Esei 64 269,942 fbr Chrolde Arthritis of the ftoo,, by &W ut6al, 13 vp. j, Ortb""loe, ME 3-40 "I. - N" Ayr pr4mi"tim at Pbossone in. Mmmium wtiftohlom4ej, baspim., OT. UftL 4 vp- Isdomusi'vw" wx (1fromme)., vca grr., igeo., vv; S.LJL mr. i33tA956 sci am 1045 dop:T";r lho */law v i Ot llwip ~"40 vi' iw pasta n-i-Intctliz.-1:0 Mad ho 6orwsjKodiuj; ~t*Z3 it] t~%2 C;mID, wou-+wlomity lauwj~ral aifta2tiiatiiii -WC15 AM ~0~ 58 62- 7444 Lafocrque-Kant:z=, Denise. Cbm THE STUDY OF THE CON- Un ON TQ STITUTION AND THE RELATIONSHIP OF P'O-)'- 11. K- AND METAPHOSPRATES. 11962] 90p. III. K Order from K-H $112-50 K-H 50KA-b 7Ynns- of Annfales del Chfinfiel (France) 1950 [serr. 12] v. 5, p. 819-881. DF..%CRIP'l'0i(S: 'Chemical analysis. 617hosphBtes (Chennistr) --Analytical, IT, Y. 8, no. 10) ~-Prdvlams of Heating the Zrd Flues of Coke Ovens, ~S. it Laftmtj, G. M. Volfovskiy, 5 pp. pery Koks i Ehim, No oct 6.L i,aP jlp,:,,. It Diaguosla and Treatment of 0. 10cal clid Af Gewi-alized Plutomium CmtamUation,, 5 PP- BU$Slki, 'PrDceedings of the Flcielll"',-l MeetLrAg om Dioovasis a-ad Treatmem. of rvn~- Fols,udrj(,r,p I~i-18 Oct 1962, 1%-3, If!) A*,PC-Q,--CQ?-', L, jam 64 Papeate,d Polsoning by BexbIturates Ace led by Peduncular ReLlIll I by Js Ob TMUBS p Do lAlpa .;i,p 8 pps PMM.r pwi, Amdb2es Madico-Psycholog.9=8J. Vol Xcl 1932.- Vp 565-572. Sal - Had tnm 62 L a b~,- Chateau, hiarcci, avid Pomc% acques. Gil AFTING-CROSS'L INK ING OF Ai-LN'I- CEI-1-1.1-OSL WITH VININ't- MONOMERS (Grcffagc-Pontai~e dt: I'Ally1colluloso par les Monorne'res \rinyhqucs). 161). 2 refs. Drd~-r from 5j.,Asj. it) 1,2- 14 3 Trans. of (Acakanic dos 5-'--icnz:es, Paris]. Com~)t[---sj Rendjus] (Franc,!) 1960, x,. 2~1, no. 22. p. 21~3-, F.~~ (pub. hy Gauthier Villars _-i Cie. , Paris). DESCRIPFORS: *%linyl racicals, *All%l iadicak 'Cellulose, Chemica I bonJs, 1:11X:T-~. Th-c s-p~:cial propertics of all) I ccilulosi: arc: aso.;- atcd wilh th~, doublo Wrid or th~ reaztivo.'. of Th.- mettlylonu gcc,,qj,, h~lwccn the ether oxide grou--' indth- doijhlc~ rxm6. tbL Jallt!t gl()U,) CM) b A,'71- h5' 11111'A'110ICT lig.1 it and imtiaic~ th-,- gi,afi 1" ,* vinyl nionom.-rs, (Aujhoj:s (Own-astry-Organic, TF, V. S, 110. 7) f, 14 1 I. 11. Chai,lu, .1,1 141. &w 0. Om:. M APA" of ,"TMWM~P 0 FWT QMMNQV IW M. MOIR# Oirpt misiams VANco"CrLI, #a KVI WWsv'tA"**4w- j" 17?%- mm -o MUMIA a6z; WRAMW . *A 63 M4090% 11 ronxaatc, u ft*cu7 Of Cmclk---'~' tom to ;n 02aclemp by X. In=" 18 pp. ide U%Dbrlrt fur 0 rim, 5v Imp pp I 7C:4 FM 10, 0= so 47 scie~ttm~ ftopbwsl" *w 55 m- /Am FJ, trides and the Kinetics o:~ DeccrTpositiaii af Arimcnia in the! Presemce of Ircm C~ataly~tf:,,. by L. A. RUSSIAN ,0 mo pexp Z-bi Fiz Miinjp Vol XK",r.V, go 7~, :1-C-150P Research lnfoiTpation Sm-uric-, R 707 34, 7,~ %. If Saientiric - Cbemistry ran 56 aw/`:o~ -7~ -'ea'alm,ement of ~,,echwilcaa- wid Photoolastic Cl=-actoIri8ticm of a Plastir- M~.IAaj S)ibjected to Anur4oldal Stmss at Low Pi~uojiciaa ~Loas Umn, 30 by A. locarde rilualmi, 'Per* LeggLude clas Sclences. llarl,.s. L;wiptas a= ol 250, 19W , .Op 969-1711 71-15551-201C -ACOb 72 ez Uae~ of the fietL Of Ibmaonic LbcrAtatial for the lle==w~ant of Medumical ant llhotoclea~ric I'toperUes of a. FImtIc MaterIal, by A. lagarde Fraiwi, ~Perv Lou-Sclanoes, 1?axl~.S. Comptes I Vol 250, 19609 pp 2?96-2796" M=W45550-20K f eb 712, omtributum !to the sta4y of th* youtity of asismic Wav", b~ It. Doebmdes, X Aner4jr, Ao iep 15 pp. larp;ftome a* 11,mwut&t iwawau du patrols et Ammki", &~t OadmUbbw U=4'dim,, vol =rp so 4/5.. 1959P 5X65M. SOL - "*nloe, am 6o 160 Vol Ulp so 5 single F"ZIMIa um Rinaukg set for 7our- ~r~-Cira~lts of tba YrMh P.T.T. did"IstratIm't by M. UOimte ~~ 7 Lstbm, an& Q. Pollnets 13 Psi k per, -B*bo P*Wwrcbesp Vol VIIp go 7s tr 1952s p 7-12. MA 57-2398 58 The Effect of Radiation on the State of it Gas Ahead of a Shook-Wave Pront By A'.. N, LagarlInv and 1. T. -takubc)v pp. ~; .... RUSSIiN, per, Ortiks A. Spektmy Vol XI-Vv No 2v 1963., pp+ 199 - 207 Ou Sal S e1 41 -'r - 7-5, A"g 63 4001 Oons*3 ML.&AX ACINUOU 0v kbr Wnstr4atloml lbrts by N. I. Laoaj~lkov.+ ed. RU38*16 HWr&AA 924t-noao Gruaruov 1962. 125 pp. ML ers vaq- --(CFO- tom) Auf, 6 Chile: The 2nd International Congiess for Universal Brotherhooa., by Ida Coloduo de LaL::,arvi6ut~, JEt-;ii~uo J. Rouco, 51 pp. SPANTIS11, lett.er. FDD/J--5c)37 1LA - Chile., Uruguay Pol IJul 59 me*so*~*meut of the Brittleness of Steel Dynamic Be'i%4 Tests, by P. E. Lagasse FRENCH PwTti, Revue Scud., grux Vol l7a: 1961 CRL/11 710 July 6t-1 by t a 76-93, Me AWIcation oel a PractIcal Method ror the Nasawmast or Dkrfuslan of Vldr*Wn Thrcm gh VM Stal Sm%j by P, 2. lapalsel L. Lilet. ., per,, Rome Vatallurgie MeaDires Sclen- tiftowt Oct 196D.. vp 729-740. BISI 2DO7 ftl - Chm Izlt /.2- -2, MV 61 The T4wts by P. Z. Lagall"a L. UUt.. hACL FMCII,, 7jv';-o; belglan C(WtglbuVLou to Intwowtioml ; Doe IM. Deep DMVIOAg ReMosith 0061" 3rltlsb Iron and st"I IA4 (L2 15c.00. SO, AVr 59 (1-12724 Lagas se, P. E. almd Lilet, L. THE APPLICATION OF A PRACTICAL METHOD 1. Hydrogen- - Diffusion FOR THE WASUREMENT OF THE DIFFUSION OF 2. Steel- -1: npurities HYDROGEN THRCOJGH MILD STEEL SHEET. f19601 3. Sheets- Metallurgical Order from MSI 16 5s BI Sl - 2007 anal %,s s I. Lagasse. P. E. Trans. of Rev[ue del M~tfallurglej. M-~-4oiresl U . Lilet. L. ScI[entifiques) (France) 1960, v. 57, Oct, p. 729-7VJ. III . BISI-20C7 IV. III ItIO I Ionall'i st'-cl Industry Translation , -r,. I, - offi.. A I -6.-l S-i... (Metallurgy-Ferrous Metals,. TT, v. 5, no. 7) "i!'4t) TfatillygolihW QMd Pra"eidto a b7 ds'-wu Ir .,at 55 pp- COMM. par,, AttleboLsSpt Atamvu2rgA,, 19510. M :57 T Isei - Cbm fty 59 g'~ , 1A.-I ~- L .6 e re CIO ,-I emlophort FwdWwal A. SWaSude Pt'nP's Of the ljorr).jod Plmj, by T. LoWberg- swmli,, per's Nwr2m"s ardsforbunds r-za. am 132- Tid so pp 13D- !~~tp NRC C-3-1453 NTC 72-Wll-MF Jan 73 I Wit! 1. , ~~ ~", i , A !. . lf~uvow .. amemwtuv, tw ~i~u V K~ 6 1 1 1 a vM) arl=V2,708 TOIL M=o so lis Llwms~=IB. I ML i 13clent,lLfId - *61alm / f 6 s?o PurtilenL Meningitis Caused. by by 5 pp~ ITNI1,71JI.S 9 IF M PCUMEs 1,Pero PetUt Polskaj, '1131 XXXIII, -go 6. 1958~ PP 708, 709- XI'VY 26881'Mr-S 505 Sci - Modiaine / 7 :~r V-L,-2'44- Nov 60 / L.1 -1 j ~; 11- Effec',.l,V,PMesa of Combined Freon 'Irrc~'c)2- wit:, a Bacterlaidal-Insecticidal Effect, K. Lagert, V. N. Zperanp~iyi RUSSIAN, mr~ per, Voyenno Ffd 7-':-,;:-, 14c) Aug 1960, PP 107-11c' ~Pi-LS 76,)9 bacterial Froon Aerosols and kbcperience in their Use under Ship Conditione,, by 1,K.LeFert HUSSUNP no -par, Voyanno Vied Zbur, Nc, 8, Moscow,, A-up *1958, pp 52-55; M JPRS 1030,.N YK.A& 117 _~r' D=bcVLnsss BLECrRICAL TRANSPAUMM OVER NONUMFORM UNSS. 1196211271p. Order from SLA SL60 . 62-3DGIS Travo~. of Alta Froquamm (,Italy) 1933, Y. 2. W, 4. P. SM-515. DESCRWMM: Irramarnhwim Liam. Elsetric coMm. wave mmmissim. Tromforvadome (LudarnaticAlk Thwry. Distortioa. 62-;Dgts 1. Lave. C. (98glow. ng--ElwtrkAl, Tr, V. 9. so. 12) Mo d kdftd bnb, Results ~Cbtairwd by interodtteat JAndnout st-amuia- tion Witia T 0 UnivitallUm Individuals,, by P, C0.1st, P. IAgok. 6 pp. 7&=-v Far., Haviaw _Qf Nourala"; Vol M=I, 1952, pp 121-124. CIA 636695 eel - Xaz- Oct 5 ATIC F-TS-9583/y LIM-im *Mpro 1 Rjv z necoadse aria Avoid ThMAS by Achwl Imapr., 19 pip - UMLASSInM) Vu tramistlon. sram,P MilAtr 34abe Mittag= 1936) 45. W-348 ary Jul 52 CTS The Condensation of Acetate Motors of Certain FolybyAric Aicoboin wjLth mmotic vydrocarblaw in the presonCe of Aubydrous Aludmm Worlde, by R. IL TA . d"s, U lip. . , _Wt RUSSIU,p per, Trukr last. Iblu. WLad. NankGrUrAnalcoij so, Ul nit 1956v VP 157-168& Assoc Voch Ser (OOJ15R) SCL AT J~m 58 i Reactlow of Alk4ation of Akm&Uc Cogetmdg WIWI Aawb~lffldc MICOU In tbe, h0l WlO Of A4*Arca*'AUM3# by R. X. Leedsop N. R. LoUA&e,, 8 RUSOXANp pars Ak Xm* Osusin GIMs nfUs --I- Y4 7 imn, No i, V 34- I pp Sai AVr 60 Vol M # No 2 A New Method for the Synthosis of Alkyl cAf 2-phwWjmphtbAjsne, by R, H. Lagicize, N. Rz Loladze. 6 pp. RUSSUN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol VCTJI~ 1,10 5~ 1962, pp 16V-1632. CD Sa Nar 63 Lamidze. R. M. and fremadz,, N. K. AfR~-LAilON Or BENZENE WM DISEr-ONDARY I)-ACI---TYI-ENI(7 GLYCOUS IN T14E PRESENCE OF ANHYDROUS AIC13. 1196217p. Order irom ATIS $10.3.5 AT-)-K7M4R Trans. of Akadlemiyal Nauk Gruzjinskoij SSR f'rifusi. Soobstwh[t:niyaj 1962, v. 28, no. 4, p. 409-416. DESCRIPTORS: *Ilenzenes, Alkyl radicals, *Glyculiz, Catalysts, *Alurt-,tnuni connpcunds, *Chlorid-s, Acetylenes. 63-12287 1. tagiclz , R. M. It. lr,.-ma,lz,:, N. K. Ill. ATS-8:."M IV. A-isociii-JTtchnical r,,i-%,)c r, Inc. Faw Oraniz.. J. (Climistry-OxV. nic. 17, v. no. 2) :1 Te=buical S,~r5 1 Alkyl&tlon af Benzene with k,3-Putanediol Diacetgta arA 2,4,6-Heamn%triol TrlaceUte, by R. M. llg~dze., MJSBVM., per., Dok Ak Nauk 8=,, Vol LXXnl, ITo 6, 19511, pp 1023-lo26. ATs 1666 Sci - Chem L Xul 59 -!-he Alkylatirom of Benzene With ;~Q-.Rcetylene -Atnoncatmte in the M. Lagidzep 9. X. IremsdSej, Pmzence of JLIC13- b-., L. P, Chigogidze,. 4 pp. MSSM., mo jx~*r, Zhur Obsbch Mim, Vol X M-, No 10, Oct 19561 PP t-"75!~-27'57- %'O'OaSUltaajL-,LI Sci Z 14-ir 'r ::" , W- Iftft Aso$ UWftNbV46 I I Az~ 1. 1 I . w i: I 1101. . l4waR~4 ww t I.. -.. , . 1, . 1. Aii6A~~Aft - !;, -P - d; "Oksmoul6v Thw 41;yl4itiGn of Benzene With E4,droxy.Loapropyl- hydroxycyclohe-uylacetylem D:LaCeUta 4n t" Pracceincii of AIC131 by R. M, 'TAgjdwe2 Sh, D. Kuprevs, 4 pp. AUESMI thrice-wo per, Dok At Hauk SSSR, Vol C:;-,, 'To 5.9 Pp 795-T-07. sep/oct 1956 corgultant" ihimau Place"at of Ne.2mew In Aso Compounds a .1. B"Puce- or tbiarine in mesa USI.-ollby AlbW OmWj, by S. I. Stepuwv# W A. F. lomodess L. A- BeftWddmp 6 99. RUVWRP Zbw 94*Mb XkWM* Vbl XVIUe No To COOMMUSS" Bur Sol a Obw STUDY OF THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF HU4AN p CONNECTIVE TISSUE WITH RESPECT TO AGE: DERMIS AND APONEUROSIS OF THE ABDOMINAL WALL,, AND -rHE ACHILLES TENDON.. BY R. LAGIER, B. EXER., 10 PP. FRENCH, PER, GERONTOLOGIA, VOL IV, NO L. 196o, PP 39-59. NIH 6-37-62 SCI - 14ED 208,775 AUG 62 ON CHEWCAL INVESTIGATIONS OF THE TENDINOID CORDS IN DUPUYTRENIS CONTRACTURE. COMPARATIVE INVESTIGA- TIONS; Ol'I DIFFERENT KINDS OF NORMAL CONNECTIVE TISSUE OF THE HAND, BY R. LAGIER, B. EXER,., 9 PP. GERMAN, PERp VIRCHUWS ARCH, VOL CCCXXXIII, NO Lp 1960, PP 68:Z0. NIH 6-io-62 SCI Mm- 208.,-148 On the General Definition of the Quantity or Infor- mation, by L M. Gellrand, A. N. Kolmq:torov, A. M. Laslm, 7 pp RUBS11AR,,t per, Dok Ak Hauk SM, Vol CXI, No 4, 1956, PP 745-'148- SLA Tr R-810 Sci - Mathamatics Aug 57 B-42C6 influewee of Pantoxyl and T11L-EJLLZ- Pe~~%,,harnl klood Plctnre ir, ness, by R. N. Abdullina, Z. Y4. Lagao* RU6,31A11, bimo per, PatologicLeakara L RksperimentalInaya Teyaplya, Vol IT, No I.; M011covp ~Tfm/~eb 1958., P-P 39-44. US JM/NY-L-285 Set - Medicine Vri;' rl-Di inx, eu* V. 4h; 'Alf). -; v 1 -4 W~; 1!77 .fi .;r, 7116-~V-12 #771 I 7F- 4- 4,432 k i is- ~*Lvstuw the D"W" cc moo Nmembatims, *1 IL lilim-s p lo MD. I I 51P vi?~Dpub mb3k"1.9.,P Val LUMV :r% 5v- Ipp. . -,Me SIA W P-M 04 &1 56 7 " pt ~ , i ammn atd Canwrp by N. 1. JAzarwv~ 11. D. Lagmi. 9 J~P. WSUM,j pwo Tbat Ak *aft+, Yank SMg Val XVI32j. 3* 2963- Ma MM Ekd i i W Lvot I* i t IW 16 w V^ - I 9:w, SAVVA 9"- F" - M (p wilk"Mo WL wo 19%v 11 1, so 64"t W- *06. oo%?56 i :Avol ok i 2be Z~UM*d= of Trams of ORLUM, Indiwa and ON I 'I lj= b4 Flam 4 0 ps tx owho its CILtion ,"Is of Rl&-PwMW IMmainut bj, A. 2. In tb~ Anal Pwr PAOUs, PzoawUqp oX lhte2vatioml %awwoom an Poweeftl Vow of Atomic 2wrgy Bold at oetwva ~8-gD Aug 1955,0 va vin. Ixtemitl OW -- I= ,4-02 Sel - Raclear pbreics " /+C ;7 crA i-669.9.iL62 Ab o*ptio~ ~~Qf $Ulf= Wdes by Matea Oxides 00. Moigtea~;'by P. N. JWO*eyevp R. U. Lssahnmy&2 n= A=a Mdmv Vol 3XI No 4,g Ja4ug 1954., pp 2gh-928. solm4ho chwAstry mar 55 =JAM 1(ft of Sulfur in Cargmic list$" ~~Gm&!Tmls UsIM Cbradc Oxide as Catalyvt, 41A P. 3~111P R. IL 9-m-b Mj" 6 pp. y ISUNj *1w ~per, Ow Anal Mda, Vol IX, No 1, Consultants auvau Cbmistry 1%14 m /',?, 7 7 1 Lagovo, K D. and.Konoplev, V. P. MORPHOLOGICAL CHMGES IN A TRAMR.AMMINJ CARCINO~M Of? ME AMMWRY GLANZ OF Rj%7S AFrEll W)RMONE THERAPY. 11963]11(4)) W980mitted) 32r6fa FASEB Wbmxscxipt Dm S IS-& Order ftct~ M cii SLA $t. 60 63-23" 1 figs s*alkble on,ll.aan froin (YM TmnB. of AMdv PatologU (USSR) 1%2, Y. K = 10. P. 38 -44. DESCRUIMRS: WrphotM, OCoxcinotos, O&Istra7muy glands, Rim. BH6iniows, 7banoy. OA0*WoPtasdc Mame, T~9~_x ~w_ Sdnxvtzol derhad"m Itats with t tabb mammary ghmd tomors tvAn the jxXond, eight~c~ am *rlty-mscond sawratifts w were txested Nefo~c and aftar ovarleamy with mn&w- rol. o6ittsone sv,~ ummomwie. one group -, --vtd testmircine falldiv ing i*cmoval ot the adrqmd jj~andq. (Mologied ~cie:*-,(:~:;~s--Padi(ploL'~-,T']',v. 10, no. 12)(Ovel) 63-23881 1. lUk Synmud 1. Lagovs. N. D. U. Koo*o.r, V. P. M. PASBB!;-15-3 IV. Padua ION ot AMAWican as sm Rxpwl- WamM Won. D. C. V. sedfla recludm bw-. vftd&vM3D. D6 C_ OWAO d lsck*w SNAM "baracteriHitics of the Transplantable ,',Arcin Om of the Ilai, Ma=ary G33nd by Va P. Tonoplev, N* D. Lagovas 3 pp, par, Ryul Fkapar Plol. i 'Zed, Vc.,:~. Y,., 19(,,Ci,. pp 79-81~ m A r 63- CB Off -5338) Normone fteftiW of CWolnom CC the X~xy Oland94 by N. D...,LmgMj 7 pp, RuwWo ~,,Pwro Prob2mW BOACkrU L Oonm*erapilp Val vis No 5,# SOP/Oct 19(0j. VP 3-6. ms 7287 Sat - Ned e v jea 61 k5,/ -Cal AI an tbo SPSOWL cougailp Agalrust tbw OftV ag thq wesiwas Pwoe",. by A- ftratestya I !NMM'k&,p lobskvap AIP 2"5%* i~k Apr 59