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Vft -t-1! 21 0 6 17.3t 0*4 M t V o 4, 4,k A son= ON Draghici, Or. Resoarch of Drugs for Use in Veterinary Sector Discussed, 5 pp. REVISTA nE zouTEHNIE Sl MMICINA VETERINARA, MGMME-, Wo 6, Jun 73, Ipp ;6-5 . JPR$ 600,3 0a C 7 3 t Parasites in F)hec'Djp 1,10ftsums tO (;OTnba nil -rvjs,j% Dl~ R ', an ~ O~e 8 ~-, B5C " TIO JPRS 6 It 81.0 jun 711- 304M Ot DOMMM 00 "a- FdM=a :01a Cubillo, Antonio MP&TAC Program Set Forth, 13 pp. REVOLUTION &PRICAINE9 Algifirs, 10-14 MaY 73,# pp 33-55: ,TpRs 59383 Jul 73 J--'-'L'i Ufficitll Tal':s Of iii-s or-'anization, by Oo >Jssani, y 131). Pcr, R'O"Olution Africaine, A17jers 4-10 MaY Y3, J?!-I'S -1,921d ,run 73 Monteiro, 0scar Struggle to Advance More Qlaloxly 1r, the Future, 6 pp. REVOLUTION AFRICAINE, Algiers, 18-24 MaY 73, pp 27-31. JPRB 59383 Xul 73 Sihanouk Discusaes His Plans for Cambodia, 8 pp. REVOLUTION AFRICAINE, Alg.lers,, 8-14 JUn 73, pp 115.6-2 . JPRS 59672 Sep 73 Fanon, J. Liberation Movement Leador Disousses Unificatlon of Two Movemonts, 6 pp. REVOLUTION AFRIGAINS, Algiers, 14 JUn 73, PF M-!2 - J?RS 59469 Jul 73 Par-on, Joo ie Fws official Interviewed by Josie Fanonp 6 pp. REVOLUTION AFRIMAINE, Algiers, 22-28 JTun 73, 1 PP 33-35. J?RS 59747 Sep 73 Fadel, Abdallah Interview With Minister o.C Youth and Sports, 5 PP. REVOLUTIOY "RICAINEO klgiers, 6-12 Jul 73, pp 17, 18 #' 35. ' JPRS 59747 Sep 73 Tho, Ngrami Huu Nationtl I;Lbomtion Front lmder DiscuBses Currant atuatim. 6 pp MOLUmm A.MgAM , Algiers, VIJ SePt 1,073, pp 24-2?. im 60623 3 pp PMZ=91 AERNAM. 19M pp 35-37. JPM 60609 ImIl. MoMned Ar*skI Linked Smeriq-&virormental A-6belas in Developing Comtries. 7 PP A4;i*rs. 28 Sept-4 Oct 1973t pp 35-40. aw 6o6og Hxport See3 Oil as Source of Strength, 'NleaXness, ', Rv,IrOLT'TI'ON PP 20-32- JPR3 60545 pp, AFRICAETE, Algiers, 12-16 Oct 73, Nov 73 Two Arab 01.1. Ministers Explain Embargo, 13 nP, RRVOLTITION AfRTCAINE, Alfriers, 7-13 Doe 73, rp i9t ?1-771-215-111 33, 34. JPRS 60910 Jan 71L 31ssanl, 0. li:lect;iona Called Brilliant Success by Union Leader, 6 pp. REVOLUTION AFRICAIME, Algiers, 1-7 Fqb 74, pp 1-.Ld. JPRS 6150-1 Apr Tit. Ho A* organizaticn of Health 5 pp. REVOLUTION ET TRAVAIL, 730 -0 1.5. JPRS 59747 Services Described, Alglers, 30 Jun-13 Jul Sep 73 Meradji, Mahmoud General Unioin of Algerian Workers 'Fational Secretary Interviewed, 11 pp, REVOLUTION 'IT TRAVAIL, Algiers, 26 Jul-10 Aug 73;7F JPRS 60076 Oct 73 TIGTA Secretery Discusses Elections for Workers' Ascembliqs, 10 np. REVOLITTIOli ET TRAVi~!L, Algiers, 26 Oct-8 Nov 77-11~= -I ,TPRS 608% ja n 7 4. COWZMD SPECIAL CSO: 83402020 Remouroes fo.!- improoing the mayory, by L. 1. Kupriytvwvioh 12 pp REURVY ULUCIISEENIrA PANYATI. pp 123-12?,- 228-130 IM apr 73 Gorodetakiy, A. K. Results of the Remote Sounding of the Atmeophere and Ocean in the Infrared and Microwave Regions During the 13th Sx1edition of the Scientific Research Ship, "Aka- demik Kurchatov." REMLITATY-DISTANTISIONOM ZONDIROVANIYA ATMESFERY I OKEANA V INFRUMASNON I MIKROVOINOVOM DIAPAZONAM V RII REYSE N13 "AKADEMIK KURCHAIOV", Feb. 12-17, 1973, 47 pp. $MSA TT F 14,972 1: 1r 141 di~ WLKK FJN THL#~,MUEMISSIUN CONVERSION KAH t;l'tv) KOY LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR kLIULOTATY tttt3Ljl Pu Ti:RMLjt:HLSSIUNNUMV ZUVANIYU V IS72 ij00U F S I L - H f -,e.i 0 1 4 1- 74 -,c -,4 1973 10 III 1110j~.,'7~~:~',, Oft lit Short 4sport on the Dynamic Cannon Test Stand .Dovelooed on Contract by BWM,-Firsz Development Stage,* Inpulse Sender 8 pp PJIEINMETAI.L# AVIATEST, 12 Nov 1970 FSTC -IiT-;!3-892-71 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO US. GOVT AGENCIES Leeker, J. Transonic itability for Spin.-Stabilized Projectiles, Especially for the M-70 8 Pp PNEINMETAL. GmbH FSTC-HT-23-841-73 Schmitt, J. On the U3e of Liquid PROpellants in Tube Weapons 8 pp PIMINMETALL GmbH FSTC-111'-23-835-73 Fi*-HI I 1 7'r tat" i2 ','k-94'3-73 Decho"Ir, 11. Techn-Inuer. in Fhotof-,raphic I'lecor(Urg, :)f tl-ic Po-,,-clor Gas B I I Wr. 1.1 e ~ T)p RICUMC-71PALL Gr-bIT ~ -1 FTI'O. - ~; -- -' I I I (-- T), TEDINISME NTEDERSOIRIFT, RWHINMETALL GmbH 22 Nov = 10 Von Franz Auber, Koln Nerophyiology Foundations of Communication in Insects. Rheinisch-Westfalische AkZLdemie der Wlssenchaf ten Vort ,e N. 2(i5s Westieutscher-v-erlag, pp. 41-84. *NTIS TT 7.I:-5806U H. Thomie Materiaj. flow, operating results and lining problems of a large induction melting installation. RMINMAL-TEGINIK.- Vol 6, No 2, pp 55-63, NX 72-15387-11F mar 73 N f, 14 i 9 J. is 72 1101 2 0.~ -P3 8:1*6: toko.~.-, Jo 4" 41 ~p "PT pip Id I'll NP, ig 72!:,! 77 'al 7- 20 IV'& 9,34M JAR ~;q 77, Usel, A. The ini'luonce of molecul,&r waight and molecular weig~it diftribution upon viseoelastic properties of poly-stvrene melts. MIEDLOGICI ACTA. Vol 10j, p. a5-224, 1971 TC-12601 r.lny* 73 le?7 c"r i;ellt ,)T' Mlbxjlovlo. Ids. WA Tore Rajovski -%o appliastion of "Rosemont" top the indigonato iftsh stook In voters ramLag Is to be bArofteod (Prim6not iskoronjive"Jo ribije taunt u vodom IntonalvM jandowanjo) m,!.Ak,rck,ro- I. Sa4rob. rn Slovanian. 1960 Me exteralration of Morie intobalve Clah "NotenoMM" as &do wo iavodi fissomi WW, and P%er LuIXI Orlo:11 2962 VAILS, ;ft tbo stmob of NI, Cu. 00, M, and kn oom~nletlms wIth slph*4r*rwIwd salloylaldisins Ri 645-6k6. Tn italLon. -sraWl. br AIPL, ftk kdo Mt. IAb.. OiLk Rtdgo, Tom., 3p., typwript. &poll. ~-Ils als ORWI--tr-154'41" price $V~.Oo. Avail. on f4an - W", Vkgh.. D.C. Originql Article Chocted.t5" indication of tetramethyl. ead and ethyllead with Br2 and Hg:t.+ - RICERCA.S'.'IENTIFICA,' ',TE II. RENDICONTI * SIEZIONE A: AE116LOGICAS v. 1, n-. 1, p. 27=33-0- IVKI,4 TC-12768 PICILUINSW Arlmod 9MIOSIL F'"o 73-123 Ik v inso 73 Sootituatcol noclaefile so tr=*-3 IPtL2CI2J--- By: Oru, AU11410, at &I. Frm: La ItItaims Scloatifica, Aww 35 - ScrLo 2, pp. 369 to 378. 14APOSO. Kcallan Plasm tIrAwJAte and type I co;)-r mly. TRW SiMIS "W". P"to-wo Pi"Llmw Ar"Nud 922BMsn RAN. 73-123 1 v jam 73 %"Mimi ill mostituslow au eamplasoi del t1po .... UY; Gv"ixu;' mauve, at al. Ttva; La Ucarca Sci6atifica, Amo '47, no, 7. pp. 632 to 640. Lmrmasm: Italimi 1110"a tvans"ts and type I COY'F only. Too 9114AQ spa"* post"Wo Agency: HEW/FDA //At PLO #0?59-74/Call No. 7 7Y Author: Gustav Fischer Verlag - Stuttgart Source: Rich*linien fur die Prufung chemischer Desinfektionsmittel Language: German H~,Af-,V%.L 14L"J! )e I V Instructions: Please tr,)ns';, anc, paste up 'i s when r)eCeSSo;.-,' j*j~~ -TfF,~ 1 lip, 1 4 A 11 7 1,7 Bouvinr, G. RIGERGHE DI ZOOLOGIA APPL. ALIA CACCIA,Vol 4, 1962 pp 97-103 *MTIS-I'r-74-53151 i-J Cerroni, Umberto The Intellectual to Socialism# 7 RINASCITA, Rome, NNS 59399 and the Problem of Transition PP. I Jun 73, PP 19, 20. Jul 73 Berllni~u~)r, Enrico Imperialism and Coexistence in Light of Events in Chile, 7 pp. RINASCITA, Rome, 28 Sep 73, Pp 3~ 4. IRS 60323 'IT ~ov 73 Berlin-luer, i~,,nrjco NOed fOl' Union of All Demooratic porces ")isOilssed, 15 pp. R1,11119CITA, Rome, 5 Oct 73, up 3, 4. 7TRT--057~3 I Nlov 7 3 WAgostini, Fabrizio Defense, Roorganization of Liberated '"'ones in South Vietnam, 5 pp. RINASCITA , Rome, 16 Nov 73, PP 13, 11,1- "MR 1300- 6 'S ,Ta n 711 'Pegvto, Sugenio oil Crisis Weakens Europe, Italian C? Ann]-y-st Sra,7s, 5 pp. RINASCIIIA, Rome, 7 Dec 73, pp 6, 7. YPM ?;-0T4-0 1 man 74 F)'Awostint, Fabrizio 1 Italian CP Analyst Sees Rise of Labor Role in ;;~uro-pe, 5 pn. RTNASCITA, Rome, 7 Dec 73, o 13. jpns MIJR(I A n 7 14 of T,erl,--,Ile o1 ' in P". -T"A '.'o Tjjj 74, 7r Pajetta, ('rjancarlo CP Leadell Assesses Advantages of Detente for Commonists, 6 pp. RINASCITA, Rome, Vol 31, No 31, 2 Aug 74, PP 7-4 'rRS 627011, Nov 74 Mussi, Fabio Manifesto-PDUP Group, 5 pp. RINASCITAN Rome "MRS 62705 Perty Seen aa Possible Pressure 19 Jul 74, P 11. NOV 74. I Ut-'I A* b, COO: $098/0288 1! 12 Au' i974 9 The'Detonte Policy and Italian Prosp.--.ts, by Gian Carlo Pajetta Rome, Rinascita, Vol 31, No 31, 2 Aug 1974 pp 7- t; Please publish in TWE T/D: 19 Aug 1974 Mi.n.iiec1l, Adalberto Analynis of --.'conomic Crisis,, Political Prospects 6 pn. HINASCIT,% , ROM3, 7-73.1 67011~. Vol 31, No 34, 30 Aug 74, Nov 711 Conmunf.9t; T,(-,-ador T~nvidons Neocapi ta list- 1'efti3t R(IgiMO ill ST)airl, 7 i)p. RTNASCITA, Rome, 6 Sep 74, i)P 3, 4. 3 6316',1 NT' 60,1 , % T.'a jetta, Gian Carlo Ttol.y Ripe for 'Democratic Change, Commimist f,eaclar Says, 5 pp. I NA SC ITA I Ri Rome, 13 sop 74, pp 1-2. 'I'M bIC704 TIOV 74. jq~ Zoo" pp MOO Vrv HINYOXIM '7,99 A LSO DERM470UMUCA FT VROLOGICA. JAPAN KAIMDA, H. (/IIIIT.-HO HOGHASEX// -l/-./lW2,V0017~N(W.15 pp 00'~6-0051 TreaLment of male breast cancer NTC 74-1366-i-o6E ;Y 8&3,~:t Oil' 51L! Amoy I =Was Owlewe "-3a9-m$-?3 X AMIM IM Title# Poteminatism of Chmsetol. In Serm Au~1 MOm"O NW.-M gamble VII.I. %.Iip 1"I W9-2s IA'MA"$*I I*p*VPM v4st"Wataws Flo"% t"mb alwasapmes, no F&ato-tw . I.esvw ~jp ~ p m v ammolato all awtis". lwauw,k, Y. //FlrlrSllO TO )U,',Nl,-Yu// /--/l"73.,V0050,N0011, PP 0140-01117 11fe C4. Faz.,b:)rs %,,I,.ic)l van be expected J.n the of m1tororcill c (1-24c) in combinct.-Ion with clulative Oporation of gastric cancer NTC 74-13W,-oU 17 Al-IR111141,6h 15T2 XU%Oit **Oka Wt-Suffioloncy in qMioulturo gvwat~, Peb. 6s 6,7. in Arabia. et%Ml. by JPFLI. 116r. 1972, pp. 18-21 in 35p. "111wi&l. on "or "met NO; 726:" 116P., voted. Avail. NTII% as IPRS Trarml. Ne. 5425 Was 3 AT491- on Won - 1111P5, Vaigh., D.C. Original Article Chwitfad.e- Xonishl, Y. Simplified 12 GHZ low noil-c convcrt-cr w-"Ii i-auwited planar c1ruit- in the weveguide. RITTAI HEIMEN KAIRO 1"0 MOCIUITA KANIGATA TP oRz TEMSUON ONW.M. IT". NW2-bb . rOTI TSWTR UAKKAI MAIKURO-HA SHIRY0 0 pages. TT F 114,fItt 7'~ lit q1 AAA~- *MCI All. ze. vv~ft Suvorova, E.R. Electrical Model of a Delta Wing. 7 pp. VOPROSY ELEKTROMO!)ELIRrVANIYA AVI Vol. 196, No. 1, 1971, PP. 30-~'15- AIR/,rTD /HT-23-0263-73 REXI.TR CPECK 27-06-73 T924 Tli~---,' MECHANICS OF PROCESSES 01" ATR SPRAYING AND DIOTERSING OF GRANULP.TIET SUBFTANCES LOGIACHLIEV., YU'G UR: RI:7,H8KIY IMSTITUT TNSIfEiNF,.90V GRAZHDANTSKOY AVIATS'll VYPLJ.'FK, VOL. 21;,i,, NO. .--5, 1'-~17:1, 78 KOLOYAYIETZ, 111. G. I/RI71,11 SOJ)NTOVYII PILILISITICHIK// ----- pp 0001-014P Yox-Coloiired Sawfly (Distribution, Biology, Damg.r %, ,o, Ratural Enemies, Control, *I,TTS-TT-'7c;-.--)71005 coot 8614/638~ 27 SOP 74 Ftivlev of the vorks of Ivan Petsm %ch Lytkin (W~rlkoiv, UkSSR)j Methods of synthesis of complox coutrol systems and methods ar synthesis uf organi- zotioaal structures. Spec tyLm., a .Do riot pi~bliph upaced drnft plkm one c:opy* October lg'fli. Ukrainian Official Demo,~Ibes Violations of LILbor Saf0ty. 5 pp RNMAh A=A, Kiev, 6 Oat 1973, p 2. JMS 607ZO 12.- pp C/TPAN-320-73 I!~V vol'j, S, zo 1968 PP 369-414 77-1! P-SOSS tL,l,ll.'-l-,, t Sdh6ftei fo,r,~' P~Iisl t, St.~.J, 4968 T71 64051 PIETKIEWIC4, TADEUSZ A. //ROCZNIKI NAUK ROLNICZYWH --/--/1958*VO078pN ---- 9 pp 0199-0218, Contributions to Diseases of Oleaginous Plants, 19 pp NTIS-Tr-73-54077 Hanna Zarzycka The Fungus Flora of Opium Poppy Seeds. Rocz. Nauk Rolnicz Serien A - Roslinna, vol. T8. pp.309-342, 1958. *NTIS-TT-73-54078 may 73 CSO: 8341/1166 12 December 19T3 fungus Flora of OpiLun Poppy Seeds) by Hfuina zarz'yck-a Poland., licjczniki NaLlk HolniezLch, Vol. 78) No. 2, 1958, pis - 309 - 542 Special Type B and repro graplLics but not photos Do not publi sh Tranalator's (Iraft plus one ccpy ~,feal ~,G,1~,O tli 0 146CIIIIN IKI to. Prevent b, Ch.amiOA1, Methods ~hd 1-voll ua'pteria -in Drainage AUK: Ito NICZYCH. Vol.'68, A-2 po 2 2 3-m !A037 p np K 8~8. af Sol i,; sf I etMs. AUk R, CZYCH j)ftt&t, D'' Monomraf ie -a-k-!.k. ad Nau ,warsaW 1972, BE* p 54C ~9