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Inventor NAkolaus Laing Worics on Cheaper T' ,nergy Production, 6 T)p. DFIR SPIEGEL, liamburg, 18 Pet) 71-~, pn 1214.-126. ,"R, h110.0 A -.) r 74 Anonymous ,:Poviet Letter to 'Der Spiegel' Attacks Solzhenitspi, 6 pp Dim $PjEOQ, iWmburg. 4 Feb 1574, p ?51o TyfiYW3731 o The Situation in Chile Following the Coup Described. 9 pp Dgm stjho , Hamburg. 215 ?Iar 19'4, pp 94-102. JPRS 6170.3 (7,,,Ivo 1,5.fe In Yenang 5 PP. Dl--.--i Hamburg, 25 Peb 74, I)p 72, 74-76 61771- Apr 74 FRG Automobile Industry Expects Production to Fall. Off 20 Percent In 1974~ 17 pp. D".1 Hamburg, 4 Mar 74, T)p 42, 43, 45y I TIM, 5 0- 5.1 0 irin 6 15-1); A-,)r *111. Cyanide Mogedly in Dump Near Heidelberg. 5 pp DER SLSIRJI, Husburg, 30 may 1974, pp 73-74. JMS 62235 Lorenn.. G. Preparation and maintenance of pyinting screens made of monofif4mnt nylon gauxe. SPr#NZR WRER 2TXTILVEREDLLWG PP 1271-108 _, Vol 82, Yo 12, 1964, A 7 6 155S-GJ For jo Pzmkon, A. Precautionary measures for the preparation of screens for soreen printing. SPrNMER WEBER TEXTILVEREDL(M.; Vol 83,, No 2, 1965, pp 112-14 A 7 .1 IS66-(W Sorman fabrics cmd their suitab,,*Iity. SPINXV)? W8Jr)? TEXTILVEREDLUNG, VoZ 83, No 12, 2965, pp 2313-7317 A T 6 1557-GeF -Special gauxe fabrim for sorcen printing. SPINNER WBIR 2TXTILVEREDLUN Vol, 85, No 3, 1967 P M A T S 15S4-GJ Ramaszeders K. Physicochemical Factors in Selecting sizes ror synthetic f Ibers. SMOM WEM TEnILVE"D--LUNG,. Vol 86, pp 527-Mus 173 NTC T3-1C539-11C may 73 Toolikov, Aleksardur Microbiolo ical Institute Achievements Reported$ 91 pp. SPISANIE 14A BAN, Sofia, No 1~ 1973,, pp 66-72. .j?m 59871 Sep 73 Boyn-dzhiev, Petko Coordination and Subordination Systems, 18 DD. SPISANIYE" ZIA BLI-LGARSKATA AKADE.74IYk NA NAUKI~h,, it 1973, pp !U7-3* .TPRs 60507 Is-l" *?') Chairmants Renort Before Academy of Sciences Yanerti 1. Amsombly, 9 m). SPISANTE, ??A RIILGARSKATA AKADEMIYA NA NAUKITE, SMa, F-6-17-TtYrT, m) 3--10. JPRS 61101. Ma r 71~ AMOI k Al"J4.4 lift, Hokov, F. Distribution of cowwroial oil and gas wownuZationa and shows on the torritory of People's RopubZi,* of Bulgaria. SPIS. 9UZG. MOL. GRVZH. Yol 30,, Pt 3,p 1969, pp 322-330 FS, IV-3799 Id VI*OkOv. 1926 Tho let,- sysilm Ln SaImmidee. Pert 1. TOPOSTIP47 orbd hist- aa of Uw Isteml system in Intlik fkr" L 'Postrtrini a$stsu u sel#dI Salsonidas. ril T. Toiii&x-mile hystiologie postrwiritho systmu u potruhs o'boonsho n&%L Lull !'.) ($plsj, Tydavarw Pr1rooovedenkou fticultou Marlovy JnIvvreltyi In Cioah. Trianol. by JPM for 11711M. Oet. 1973. 34p.. typescrLpt. Avall. on 1,0*11 - Kry.3, Wash. . D.C. Drits, M. Yo. The nwohcmical propertiea of alwtinwn-lithiwn alZoy. 20 pp. 61PLAVY TSVLTNYKH MLYALLOV., 1971, pp 187-292 AMM-HT-23-255-73 my 73 D,.Ilovp 1'. -~. scal 6::~ys 'llc 12 e -'X-73 )rc)llcrt!cs of --'r zlloys. 17-23 Glazunov, S. G. Dispersed granulation of metals and alloys. 17 pp. SPLAVY TSVETNYM METALLOVS 19729 pp 32-41 A197MM:247149-73 may 73 Dobatkin,, V. 1. Law governing cryetal.*-ization ofingots with continuous mating in an almotromcgnatic crystallizer. 19 pp. SPLAVY TSVETNYKH METALe~OV 1972, pp 42-52 MR-1777j:PT-24-150-73 may 73 Patyvv, D. A. Analysis of certain aspects of the method of directional crystallimation. 11 pp. SPLAVY TSVETNYXH AffTALWV, 1972,. pp 76-82 AIRIPMM-153-251-73 may 73 THERMOELECTRIC HETEROGENEITY OF METALS AND AL LOYS BEYLIN# V.v LEV LANGUAGE-RU CUUNTRY-UR SPLAVYJSVEtNYKH METALLOV (K 70-L. SO ONYA RO ZHU. A BUCHVAR) 729 IU2-09 FSTC-HT-23-0436-74 Vladykov, VAdim 1926 The lat*ral eystau in Salmooldef. Poirt 1. ToP04rsPhY and histolop of the Ister6l oyst*m Jn jr4tta fprJ2 L. (Foskramnl systam u celedl Salmon1de.4. DLI T.- ToNgrafte hy"tologit poetrwmlho s7stowu u pstruhs obooneho, qt %$play VyLlavane Priro(lovedeckou Fakultou 7-ArLoyy Ulnl"erzityj ~ji !-48. in Csoch. Tranal. by JPPS ftr IMPS, Oct. 1973, 34p. , tyT4s*rijpt. Avail. on 1,otan - Wash. , D.C. Dri ta, M. Ya. The mchanioal properties of atunrinum-lithiwn alloy. 20 pp. SPLAVY TSVETNYKH METALLOV, 1971, pp 187-192 AIR-IM-HT-23-155-73 may 73 Cs of "72 Glazunov, S. G. Dispersed granulation of metals and alloys. 17 pp. SPLAVY TSVETNYKH METALLOV, 1972, pp 32-41 AIRMO-RT-24"-U149-73 may 73 Dobatkin, V. 1. Law governing crystallization of ingots with continuous mating in an electromagnetic aryetaZlizer. 29 pp. SPLAVY TSVkTNYKH AIETALLOY., 1D?2, pp 42-52 AYPRO-MT-24-250-73 may 73 Petroo, D. A. Anal-iris of certain aspecto Ar cryetaZlixation. 22 pp. SPLAVY TSVETNYKH ICTALLOV., AIRIPTD-HY13-151-73 of the method of directimial 1972., pp 76-81 may 73 Kiahkin,, S. T. Change in thhe ll~`ino atructure of niakel-chromium heat- reeietant aZloye during creep. SPLAVY TSMNY.KH AETALLOV, 1972, pp 123-220 R D-NMI-152- 3 may 73 Portnoy., 9. 1. Me special charaoter Of MOry8t-2ZZization of diaperoion-hardening niakel. 8 iT. SPLAVY TSVETWYXH 127ALWy, 2972, pp 156-260 AIRIFT r~- H.T- 13 - 2 5 3 - 7 3 may 73 LIT lot foe Dri to, 14. Ye. Now magnesitti alloyo for operation at elevated teVeratures a pp. SPLAVY TSVLTIYKH WTALLOV, 1972, pp 293-197 AIRIPTD-H21-73-256-73 MW 73 Kolovnev, 1. F. Methods for increasing strength characteristics of beat-resistant and high-strength cast aluminum alloys. 10 pp, SPLAVY TSVETNYM METAL 1972, pp 205-210 MIN-PT-MU158-Ij LO-VI may 73 Dw iss of Upbt AXLOYvp 3.0 pp 6 ArLdIonder., 1. N. "A PIVPwrtLQ* Of hWi-imodulus alloys of berylUm witli allslue. 9 pi?. -UV3=1= MWALLOTP 1972j, ". 230-234. A7XjF2WM-R3-1W73 MW 73 DUTCH: Spoornaar "5. DIA LN 41?1.-73 Jan 69 Summaries of all articles A-n publication. WaY 73) 131iders Designed, Built for Export, by losif Sillmon, 7 ~.)P- ROMWMN, per I �Port si Tehnd.,ca, Tiucharest,, ,,:Io 2, 1973, rr 11-1-10 ,TF,Rs 58900 J,fj, M Y 73 Operationa :'.,mrin,--, 1972 1 ~altica ':avtil ,,Inneuvers Describo(l, by *,Jost,,)Iltll, ~) -)-no .11 par, Snort und Techn-:Lk-, -,-.ast Berlin, Jan 73, lm 6-d'. -- ' jp:is C;(?098 Nay 73 Lelo t Veiz Foreign Influences in Field of Sports Con- demned, 6 pp. SPORTI POPULLOR, Tirana, 2"1' Mar 73, pp 1, 2, M3 59529 '"A Itl - k -, ~, ,I . j . 1 1. . (~ -1 -3 ~; 'i ~ 1 7 1. F I r , r.-~ ! liv, ~ ~, t i C- ~~ t i, - n p, , c c., ! 1 r c ~ 11'.1d 6.~ ,'NQ V-)t. 6, r, 'I, T(?7,) I n. c 7.'~- t ! 1 7,) - I 'll Hand Artillery SPORT UND TECHNIK, Vol. 15, No. 3, Page 7 FS'M-IIT-23-265-77 Hangea, Nicolae Data 0iven on Model Airplanc, ;iocket Activity, 5 PP. SPORT 31 TEHNICA, Bucharest, Apr 73, p 3. Mg 5,99M Sep 73 19 ~17 '.4.2 ACSI~X~ ITR AMT. RUSSIAN CSO: 8344/0811 :iO October 1974 Manual on SupplyingElectrical Power to Industrial Enterprises, by A.A. Fedorov et al Moscow, Sj?ravochnik po Elektroanabzheniyu Promyshlennikh Predpriyatly, pp 72-73, 171- 191, 84-922/v '2L/ ( ~'7 Special Type B Do NOT PBULISH Single spaced draft (please include all graphs) THERMOELECTRIC HETEROGENEITY OF METALS AND AL LOYS BEYLIN* V.v LEV LANGUAGE-P,U COUNTRY-UR SPLAVY TSVETNYKH METALLUV lK 7U-Le SU UNYA RU LHU. A BOCHVAR) UP IU2-09 FSTC-HT-23-0436-74 I I Manual on~ Quarantined and Other Dangerous Pesis, Diseases and Weedy Plants SPRAVOCHNIK PO KARMUNUM I DRUGIM OPASUM VA951TMMI,$ BomzNy7M I SOMPI PASTEMYN 19700 32Z, pp *NTIS-TT-74-52012 P. Z. gotan Handbook for ohmniste in power "jinser-Ing. SPR4VOCE.NXK WAUTA-MIRWYKAP 1972j, 455 pp. CE trow 6133 apr 73 RIJ ~;' S 1414: ~,j-.,EAvo2,h,jijk pQ klimatu #g, D66 All table headinvs and place names. DIA LN 193-74 (Noy 73) REQ TR CHECK 1! -07-73 T0`7 HANDBOOK ON THE CLIMATE OIA Tlill;' USSR UNKNOWN UR: l-',MAV0CffNTK PO KLIMATIJ SISSR, NO. 3, PART pp. 1-" 2 Xxywwnko, S. A. Handbook on olimato of the USSR. 206 pp. SPRAVOCHNIK PO ZLIA14TV SSSR. vot .6,, No 24, 1968, pp 1-396 AXRIF7D-ET-23-26-73 may 73 .,-.T T44 1 0 All ~Vi Ve t:-, L iT tiandbouk for the Mechanical Engineer in the Machine Construction Mant - Vol 1 -- Organization and Design Preparation of Repair 37 pp SPRAVUOINIK MEMMIKA JA OR IZATION I KONSTI,UKTORSKYA PODGUTOV A I(BRINY479il RABOT Vol I pp 1-26--147, 517-529 Mashinostroyeniyc, Moscow 1971 AUSI K-3001 FSTC-11T-23-IS85-72 KotI,varo A. I. Handbook on Grant and Pension Regulations. 99 pp �-p"VWOC&.jK PO Fraklj& I LIGIUrAM DLY,4 V2mommida4lau, Moscow, 1972, pp 13-16, M-30, 33-69, 74-79, 85-88, 91-95. 98-102, 117-127, 184-195, 198-202, 203-205. 213-214, 217-2269 231-232, 243-246, 247--253, 238-262. 263-276o 316-318, MRS 59728 Handbook Describes Grant, Pens:Lon Regulations., by A. I. Kotlyar, 17 rip. RUSSIAN, bkp Spravochnik Do P~mwlzam J. Llgotarn Voyennoalwhashchikba Noscorw,, 1972, pp Is 71 1 JPRS 59079 May 73 -io-6-74 T341 1. Tic', Tlo, .1KvIr I x ur '. 1. CT-11-r- Nf;)!~ T I -M REFERENCE 14ANUAL FOR THOSE ENTfiRING USSR HIGH ER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN 197w\ '2 '7 --1 ~~ GALOs'royt s. s. LANGUAGE-ItU COUNTRY-UR SPRAVOCHNIK OLYA POSTUPAYUSHGHIKH V VYSSHIYE UCHEB'N*YE iAVEDENIVA SSSR V 1972 G MOSCOW1 VYSSHAY& SHKOLAy L972# 336PPo Pt lem/ STC-HT-23-0515-74 HANDBOOK ON MARCH RATES AND FUEL 2ND ED. 0- '. , MAZAYkV, Yk). I LANGUAGL-RU CONSUMPTION9 i ~ 4- COUNTRY-UR SPRAVOCHNIK Pqj~~~U MARSHA 1, RASKHODA GUF' YUCHEGOv IZ(T.- 2-k. VOYENNOYE 11U. MIN. U80RUNY SSSR9 MOSLOW, 197 09 IU4 PP. Is F S YL-HT-z3--U 583-74 i ~ ~ wo V. 41 -5 Comwodcation Mblos. 248 pp UNKNOWN //SPRAVOC"INIK TEKIINOLOGA .iY.31;01 YbHLBNR OS Tl// -//l 97 V,100 4 PP 0001-0488 Hantibook Of the Techroloe. Froc! %I jpt In the Fisl,. I-ndlistry, 'TIS 4 - T"-75 - 5 `0 17, iudc Prdpmnios'ok ~Oolooi"J- s Ai vn,~1141' v pp 30S1 Handbook for DiverB. 318 PP SIPPAVOCINJI-V222MUll moscow, 2973, 472 pp. UM 60691 1: A W slatlow. tO (wiff"n.16f 116A po prt 20 ~ June. 2074 OALi c4 Z-;03-74P-7714" 7-NOV-74 Uncl (AD--776531) Effect of strain on the mechanical properties of magnesium alloys alloyed with yttrium. .SVIDERSKAYA, Z.A.; URLSHKINA. A.A., 1b Apr 1974. T,-.,,,;I.t.d by R.E. Zarza from pp ;~61-166 of Splavy Tsvatnykh Motallov, 1972. 14P. NTIS $3.00. NSA 0 Polish c'jLqO fox, Iridemniti,3.1 Fron PPk,"_'r Discussed, by :,)tanjs:LQ;~1 Chojewla I POLISY, - Ic, 7 i)n. NO 1, Sr)l'av,'Y Mied- .1�- -r-Odowe, Warsaw, n - XPRS 56692 Anr 73 i)rosnt3c'-.r, of o Or,) o:rrt o ll e v 1 owo d ~,'a r s a-,, nn -arsa*,.-,, -o i-nr T. Clivatal Ommind Material with it Phosphate Binder SPRECIISA-M., Vol. 105, No. 7, pp. 286-290 1972 C. E. Trans. 6204 M. Valo Study of the effect of the degree cf fusion of the zirconium enamels, with special consideration of the crystallime phases present. SPRECKSAAL FIU KEWIKI GLAS, HDILAII LL-S-II LI KATE, V"ol 100, pp 614 645, 1967 NTC 72-IS172-11B (on loan) ma r 7 3 Routschka, G. Fluorine content of refractory clays and fluorine emission during firiTig Of fire-clay products4 SPRECESAAL FOR KERAMIK GLAS, EMAIL, SILIKATE, v. 103, p. 901-906, 1970. NTC 73-11072-11B w0. Lining of rotary kilns - experiewes with the refrOond adhesion method. .SPRECHSAAL FUER WMK, GLASp OWL, SILIKATE, Y011104-0!pp BUZ-B97, 1971 NX 72-15246-11B mar 73 000 Psuilktion: Of T41M 11m, .of a State AL APIMR LL 8 Um I H V. 103.1 T"'OW*?4V 14TC 73~la' 7:43Z 0 01h the Ap"ng Resistance of basic Refractory 3~r ~C~ , ld+. iflef6rence to nov Destructlye Ite-stim of V. :m,)jj n; '7, IP72, pp. TITC oiu;l 4P, 1~~ ~of ~ Roiling Elemon't, Sdaringi; Chap. 3.~ ict t ' R611ing. Elepent.Bearings.. SPR~~G~-Ek' R11GI, berlin/Gottingen/Heidell-rg, T" HAVI IPS' OMS 1308A orft~iAU ~,PSE ONLY i.1301 ~nnl Palul Capib lItIT;of Rolling Element Bearings; p4ap. g Operational N.oiwof Rolling E- 5.1 1 e ar44 SFRINIGER"',V~RW, Berlin/Gottingen/Heidelbarg, 19643! ppj98-131. NAVtffIIPS- ~~ kANS. 1308 OFF104AL 'USE ONLY et'... t, vhvims tyos, of fdu*os of a huron oil the effoqtivsheln of-lli work. 9 ygs4 1967., RT~ 8-6o5-73 AVcKAkp'r L f k- I C I LNLY UV Y A h i UU~- L IS I 1 -4 A I LS IN Th E M,J;,oV!--LAkLi MtlHUD Pi,44 Gmto i'v L . k, 1 41 L L ANu o A(i L -P. U LLUNIKY-Ut( SK A V N I, I L.L 'j',AiAYA4 Lt-VLK I Nk,.S P K A. LL is-HiNYKI-I LSTEINo K V llj~ ILOA MtjNh:-KAt,LU PUA : I P~,-) I I'l UT A I LvNI)y LNb