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Y. DELAUNOIS Characteristics of Metallic Films Prepared by Evaporation in High Vacuum. JOURNAL DE CHIMIE PHYSI U, Vol 64, pp 572- _ _Q- I, 5819 1967, NTC 73-10119-07D Mar 73 Topouzkhanian, A. Format'Lon of hyarocyanic acid from T-,i.),,ti-u7es of ammonia., meth-ne and a ncble gas cr ydrogen through UHI7- waves. 22 pp J. CHD4. R-FfS. PHYSIOCHIM, BIO . vol 66, 19693 pp 1299-1306 NASA TT F 1)16-(8 voz 67*;!Iojl YC r.137; N 7, ISO* ow~~ii Utht awtsortw." UAW A. FRENNET! C~4~soro'tion of Rethaue on Vetallic- Films: .T~ebt'te-kroina.tion of the Area Covered Per Che,mi sorbed Molecule and tbe Sticking Codef ficient, JOU-RNAL IjECHIMIE PHYSIQUE .(ET DE PHYSICO CHIMI-EB76L-OGI_QUE)O Vol 670 pp 699-70801970. WTC 73-10066'707D Mar 73 Ravey, J.-C. Optical Properties of Carbon Black Suspensions. vol 67, pp 1913-1921, 1970. NTC 73-10712-07D may 73 sly P6 tb~- "ai '34. pp, -61. ton -L;' Llizatio' '6f n rlta tdkllrt~ 40 abisotrapy of p Ol. lhoid e C)lipoia.3~ in~era'aticlnLl -,'SlCO"ClMffE 1310- =I CEDME PUL WL, (ET hE ~ M 7-Ir . Y 6, 1-971, pp... 910- i'iT, 33 D 5 5 - 07D i.V- I ~il:.di;~ A. FRENNET Reactiowof Methane with Metallic Films Accompanled by Hydrogen tiberation. JOURNAL DE CHIMIE_PHYSIqU:. Voi. 68m pp 1526- 1-537, 177.1. NTC 73-10120-07D Mar 73 .4 ;, 2" 18-Sep-73 'Jncl IUCz!L-Trans--149G) Stitdq of the di5tribution of potential on tne surface of a ring-alsk electrode. .WRIELLI, C.: KE-DDAM, M.: TAKEPIDOTT, H. Tran3lateo by :.M. Monr, Jr. from J. Chim. Phys.; 69: 739-740(1972). 9P. Dep. 14TIS $3.00. 07 cheristry (analytical); translaiions ?N-4 P NSA 46 MUCT, &T. C. IATOURNAL DW CRIAUS PHYSIQUE ET DE PHYSICO-CRIAT9 DIOLOGIQUEII -1-1lq73"voo?o.,N--" Soam Ayw: FZom tonWratums otd extingui-shing ~ pp 74-21F73-07DO Genot, L. Particular cases of stepwise adsorption isotherms and applica;L'in to the study of surfae phases T. Sulfur hexafluoride on cadmim and zinc. 18 pp J. CHIM. PHYS. voL. 69, 1972, pp. 1238-1245 AIR,/PTD-HC-r23-O399-73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U,S. GOV'T AGENCIES COPYRIGH'T INFOEMATION; (MEE -UQU-,,ST FOR THIS DOC- Tjl!E[qT MUST 13E REFERRED TO 1-7-1). TEE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCLIZIENT A-RE SUSPECTED TO DE STUBJECT TO COPYPDI`~ITT PROTECTION . Beurton, G. Tracer krypton adsorption in powder surface research. 15pp J. CHIM. PKS, Vol. 70, No 1, Jan 1.973, pp. 33-38 AIRIFTD-W-23-0400-73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOV'T AGEKIES ONLY; COPYRIGHT INFORMATION; OTHER REQUEST FOR THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE REFERRED TO FTD. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUSPECTED TO BE SUBJECT TO COP~RIGHT PROTECTION. Malet, J. C. Sodium fires: Flame temperatures and extinguishing. JOUHNQ DE CHIMIE MYSIQUE, Vol 70, No 1, Jan 1713., pp 326-1~3 C. E. 12'rans 6215 Genot, B. Suecial caaes of stekivise aduorption isothems and application to the study of surface phases. 26 pp. J. CHIM PHYS, Vol 70, no 1, 1973, pp 134-143 AIR/FTD-HC- 23-0402-73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOVT ACENCIES ONLY: COPYRIGHT INFORMATION; OTHEE REQUEST 7OR THIS DOCLWNT MUST BE REFERRED TO FTD. YHE CONTE14TS OF THI10 DOCUEMENT ARE SUSPECTED TO BE SUBJECT TO COPYRIOBT PROTECTION. Gleitzer,, C. Dielectr.;c Properties of Some Oxides 14 pp, j. CHIM. PiIYS. Vol 70, No 2, 1973 pp 276-2111 GB/DEFDRIC/TRAN-3282-73 Picatimay Armintal 920/1204 f~eq. 74-4 3f 27 flee., 1971 i tia., 106 -- fAude In de-t-ouation Oe r1audo, at Pal. ,.,,)Ur Ca Physie-niii-3. x~iol. VDI. 7D, pp. 311-18 (3D73). 1-iripeatle- Frcncb. Lastrurtion r. 'i'ype aiaple spaci,-, renly c!t.,Yi,y. Ed a- 0 -f Beni'm Subapaneurotic Aipomas . I ~ p 9 of Th 4h' in the I] iofemora-~ Vessels. '~ii !L bfCHIRURGIE (Paris),: V.59, pp.55-G4, u 197WJ, #11 5 7 0 .-.- --i:- 18-Sep-73 Unci (UCRL-Trans--1502) Mrasuroment of abarratinn coefficients of magnetic electron :tenses. TSUYDSHI, M.; TS9TOMU, K. Tranalatpd from J. Electron 'itcrosc. (Tckyo); 21: No. 3, 163-168(1972). 15P. DeD. INTIS $3.00. 18D Instrur-rentation; translations MN-37 P NSA 40 Ppmt1or, a. 1969 . A quick method of faunal amlysis c.f soopl&nkton 18ur =o mathods d'ars a flaunistlqu* rapIde du goolplanoton) 17., . (j. *or. =r. B101. too, I ;. -8-26. In French. Treral. by Tmnal. Mr., PP. I&ng. Div., Dept. of' Sec. of Stata of Gatmda, f)r Dept. of Environ., FRBC Oreet takes Blol. Lab., ftrllngton, Ont., 1973, as Tranal. Series No. 2639, 17Y., tYPesoriPt. AvrUl. an Lmn - NMFS, Wash. .D.C. 2972 cuiouxatica or 06 00"r on a co=t of sooplarAton (Calcul do Parraur our un oomptage to zooplanoton) exp. mar. 4101. 3001.), 8- 121-132. In P"nelh. Tromal. by TMnxl. BQr., Fgn. Lang. riv., DOPIP. of Sao. of State of Canada. for Dept. of Rmviron., F&DO Orent Lake& Biol. FAb.. Burlington, Ont,, 1973, so Tranel. Series No. 2640, 17P., typesoript. Avail. on L4*n - NMF3. Wash., D.C. Original Arlic a Cnecked,~) NCII-202 611 Field SE Mntbey. J. DIAGNOSTIC AND THHPLAPEUTIC PROBLEMS OF 1 1. Tra.-Ch.., ANEUXaSrAS OF 1*11L nhACHJ0-U1'.PfiAL1C ARTFRIAL Knuxvdle. T-~nn. TRUNK. 1905,15p. TC-1231. Order fromTC-. $15.00 tis TC-1231 I Trans. I'm frapeale, ~Xt Dle*clm Qt Chlrudo ThoracUMM,97-108 1960. I I ~ ; - - I t , I I , - ~ I I i i I , , , , t L , t , , , , . 1 ~ . , , 4 1 , I ~i I . 4 1 1 1. -, Afromrs.. T. 116TOYANAL PROWS DS AWDEDINE ST MIRURGIN 2WORACIQUE11 V0024,NCOOO, PZeaa-aZ m4nifestaticom -in Zsuksmia~., pp 415-43.5,N.?C 74-12426-06NOO OIMEYIP. 11crOURNAL FRANCAM DE AMCINS ET ,"HrRVRGrg 2WOR4CIQWII -1-119700YO024.pN-.. Vw thoracio manifestations of levAwaie and dyaglobuZinanda (with mference to 12 cmea), pp 643-055,NTC ?4-lJ42?-OeR## 19-Fep-73 Jncl f BNJL-t r--95 Experimental brcrchc-pul,-.-or..irv cancer in the rat caused by radon inhalations (comparison with histological aspects -,f cancer in humans). PERRAUD, ~~.; CHAMEAUD, o.; LAFJVA, J.; "ASSE, 0.: J. T-.3,slated frcn J. Fr. Med. Chir. Thor.,-:.; 26: No - 1 ,4~5-41( 197~ ). L:, P - Pep. NTIS $3.25. 06R r%diobiclogy; translatio-,s MN-48 A. C"abat Compar-lative effects of chZoraz-,,?ate, metrobamate, and diazepam on the pulmonary fw-:ction of a group of patients zLiith respiratory inaufficienciea, JOUPSAL FRANCAIS DIOTO-RH.,rNO-LAR.YNGOLO VI 20, No 7., 1971, pp 857-663 ATS 241A129F may P3 ol B I i~~ ~6t 9h i , Oas one T. I DO 19,imy 19T2. :1 i~ . i~ : i C801 Ong/low W 16 Nwah 1973 CW 2M.Va= to tryimg to shuMe the cards In CmdxWa,* by Jan Bxr". 660"A9 .gma as IL6 im. ims Ad fee vomial type a DD A Ot VOUSb GrUOMI, trmW4AA4em tM *MWm owe cavera YUW ow, 30 mWat IM Is ISHIZ UKA, H. et al //JOURKAL JAPANESE INSTITUTE OF METAL// --/--/1966, V0030, N1140 Directionality of sulphide corrosion cracking on high strength steel plate studies on sulphide corrosion of weldable pp 1140-1146 C. E.. TRAN 6518## Whittl~ U, 41p~ ers SIS-Ag Flags of Convenience 'Gain and ~~se-.; Th "S ',~-iakl Chapter" ofthe Annual a Pei Repo~rt' by :;ithe Haritimi Trawiportation Comittee oj ~i 6EdD. e JoURNAL. bt.LA MARINE MARCHANDE, Paris, 17 August lr~ T, ! pp..4114 4 - z 14 1 . NAVINISUTRAN-3480-73 FRENCH Journal de la Marine Marchande Boulogne-3ur-Mer, dont 1e Trafic s'ac~--roit, est un Port Harnonieux PP 59, 6o, 61 & 6-r- of Issue of 11 Jan 73 Rene Pollier France DIA LN YXY4 571-73 (June 73) Numerical Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations for an Incompressib.'e Fluid, by M. Furtin. j MECANIQUE Vol Ij No 3 1971 pp 357-390. NAW/-AP7L-/-Jt I U - T- 26 9 7 may 73 calation of' lorancar c3i qpresnible bomvid.n-r-y !.ay'eit Z-1 in ull ItFist eady f 1.0-v ,tOVIt& DL, .rITC l7as BOUITHER, blICILL //.JOURNAL -DE INIECANIQUE// -~/12/1972,V0011,N0004, Linear Stability of Almost Para-Ilei Flows, 28 pp pp 591-62,1., AEC/SL/SAND-74-601614 KANEKO, H. 11J. MET. FIN. SOC. JAP// --/--/1970, V0021, JN000V Relationship between surtace potential of chromate conversion corating on elnetrogalvanis iron and adhesive preDerties of organ-ic coatings pp 177-180 BISI 12301## of !,I00hai -pow -the Sam to vot is, N6 -pp 135~.2eq i: . ;~; ;:,~ ! 1, obl ~ - . pir tb~-nll a io;; 1. '! 1. r, ;i. . I I . NTC ~ T34-21 11 InTs Tt45 . I qrA Of P-, t~ ,-A- cr, I J.P oil Tsothnn _A,Igerian-Moroccan 24 pp. JOURNAL OPPICIEL, 54IJ - JPRs 59653 4ecords cn Boundary, Mining, Algiers, 1,5 Jun 73, PP 546- Sep 73 Combodiari. I?olicn. Doport 'Tietmmese, Chinese, 5 pp. FR1,12,10111., nall, Jornsl Officiel du Cn3nbo --17 LQ~9, AIL"fra Ponh, 3 1963, p 576-1, 37e,. il"lis 1058"', 368,8~,83 Oct 68 qov ernor~, tiill "cmu D9 r As o Orilb IL-- I, A diriln i stra v e Con.po _si '--ion, V? ~)p JOT7 RLM L 0 PPIC TEL DT' Lk T317.PTJ3LI','_U`lll A I tyi ers 74 , PTj '?,T,'.~j0j,TTTTO T~"R T ri'l P-E, , A 1ors, -28 uF, "j~ LTPRS S3 Dec, 7111. q 0 165 Of siolkwh"r' 0 Ivesi 4160derm,40 -a I ii~ation 9U PP thv av Augu6t''I iande4L on the 2905 as a. 6f, yvpie,fa on; frauds in the sale of goods mid adufter- ati of foodo with respeot to ooffee. '~O .. 1 , i v bp'pi~m DE LA REPLIm -RAN -SUE F 1965, pp NTC ?33-91616~-06H use. 74 Utles App"lls a rroselon do Go= Avthwt do I* Repabliquo Eftnadv* ly",7d-. o 3 ',~D66r~641; nul 6r 7271062 of 21 November 1072 3, s pe "I ingi~ the cond-L C:L! tions. of~ application of 603, of the public health code concerning1specialized medications and tod~l~Y'~l~rigi~'llconsequL-ntly, articles R. 51,17 to,k.~~144~of the said code. ;DURNAi-joi-w UEL-Iffi-LA-RE. P-UB.LIQIM--F-PUAXCALSF, 1972,: pp Ii40-5-12408- NTC 713412052-060 Cambodian Biographic IM011MRtion (December 1971-March 1972), 34 pp- JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA REPUBLIQUE IUDMRE. JPR9 5zflm ~1111, ''I ICambodian Study Abi-oad (December 1971-June 1972 16 pp. ~! JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA REPUBLIQUE KHMERE, Phnom PeiE-. ii JPRS 61021~ Feb 74 Cambodian Biographic Information (AD.-il-June 1972), 16 op. JOURNAL 0'FFlCIEL DE LA REPITBLI,)UE KHMERE, Plinom Penh, JPR3 60811 j9. n 7)~ Cambodian Biographin Information (JulY 1972), 8 -pp. JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE EA REPUBLIQUE KHMERE, Phnom Penh. JPRs 6og8o Jan 74 Limits of Territorial Waters Established, 5 pp. JOURNIAL OFFICIEL DE 1A REPUBLI )UE KHMERE, PF-nom P-6rih, 7-1-ug72, z)p 4%0-4961~. ,T?RS 61089 Feb 74 .CarnbodlansStudy Abi~oad (July-,SeDtember 2972)y ~6 T)p - JOURNAL OFFTCIEL DE IA REPUBL-nITE pl-nom "PenFl. ~rm,?S 61L~81 4-or 71L Cambodian Blogr-sphic Information (August 1972), 8 P-D. iolyfrNAL OFFICIEL DE IA REPUBLIqUE KMiEREq Phnom Penh. JPRS 61229 Mar 74 Cambodian Biographic Information (Septe-,,"-)er 1972), 16 pp. JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA REPUBLIQUE -1-111MIERE, Phnom Pe~E-. 'm j, Rs 61745 1 Ju n 71 L Cambodian Biof~raphic Information (October- i November 19722), 7 pp. JOIL71TINAL CFFICIEL DE' IA -K,:PUB--,IQ7LTE T'PHME.--?E, Phnor. To7F,- ! JDRS ()20S:3 A-jr7 7)1 Cambodian Biographic Information (November- December 1972), 6 pp. JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE IA REPUBLIQUE MIBRE, Phnom FeW-. jPRs 62833 Nov 74 Territory of New Provinces Spelled Out (1972) 6 p-D. 0 L~ JOURNAL OFPIECIEL DE LA REPUBLIQUE IMEIZE, Phnom Penh, 29 Nov 72, PP 7330-7 72.4 JPRS 62497 Oct 11~ Organization, Establishment of New Rural Bodies Defined, 10 pp. JOURNAI OFFICIEL DE LA REPUBLIQUE MALAGASY, Tananarive, 5 MaY 73, pp 3.127M3 - JPRS 59374 Jul 73 ordinance Defines Powors, Duties of Fokonolona 16 Dp. JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE, LA REPUBLIQUE MALAGASY, Tananiirl7e-, 7 TUT-77-,-p-p-21~06-241 . JPRS 60132 Oct 73 Government ordinance Conce:?ning Higher Council of Institutions, 12 pp. JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA REMBLIQUE MALAGASY, TF.Finari , b Aug 73, pp 2419-W09-- jpRs 60076 Oct 73 Malagasy-Romanian Economic, Technical Agree- ments Signed, 7 pp. JOURIOLL CF�i'ICIFL DE LA REPUBLIqUE I-TALGACHE, Tanaiiarlve, Id'Aug '(I, pp 2549 2554- JPRS 60139 Oct 73 ComDanies of jational Interest Authorized, 5 pp. JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA Rj~'.PTTUI~~ITE MALAGASY, Tananarive, 17 Mov 77 op 3776--77BT. JPRS 60904 J9, n ?h National Trading Comnany Established, 7 Do. JOURNAL OPYTOIEM BF, I-A REPUBLI_~JITE IV-LAGASY, Tananarive, 1.7 Nov 73, rP 3793-379/0, JPRS 60901!. ,Tn t 1 '711 Research Agency Decreed for Nava'L Construction, 9 IDP - JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE IA REPUBLIQUE MALAGASY, Tananarive, T9 NO-V -73, 15P 75-14-3d4l- JPRS 61001 Feb 76. Governmcnt Moves to Streamline Pudic Corpora- tions, 6 pp. JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA REPUBLIQUE MALAGASY, F6-nanariie, 1 Dec 3, PP 32~0-329P-. JPRS 610,~l Feb W~ Decree E3tablishing Cg.rto,-ravhic Institute, 8 nTD . JOURNAL OFP'-rCIFL DE LA REPUBLIWE YlAIAGASYI Tananarive, 19 Axn 71~, pp7'T3---T5r-- JPRS 61353 Mar 74 I i L p , i I I . , . . - i i,;:. 1:di - J-~,::; , I! A h - -.1. '1*1atiol-182- 1,01-ice Ad.-nini-l-.ratior !~eor,--,anised, R'rpT TTI r Jol I., C -P F I C T !-, L D 7, L A -T L I "IT )-,,T ISE'TEPSTAL, -71 114- H. Von Schweppenburg On the behavior of the mallard and gadwall. Journal f er Ornithologie, vol. 102, no. 2, pp- 140-148, 1961. 9PP. *NTIS-TT-73-55068 ,Apr 73 W. Ehle:~,t On the tcology and biology ral species of sandpipers. Journal fuer Ornithologie, PP.1-53, 1964. 54pp~ *NTIS-TT-73-55067 of feeding i,-. seve- Nrol. 105, no. 1. Apr 73 CSO: 8319/1638 c 8 Mar 74 The ld(!ntification of biological and some of their galenii:aI'derivatives by si.lic-a gel thin layer cronatograDhy. Journal de 2harmaci.e de Bej&ig:.ie, date not given, PP 175-21-2. Spe"! tI-jpe ]'I D.--) acit -oublish Sinj-,-le spaced draft plus one. copy. NAM' FRI :7 S'P ~(W F. he activity of Spine dis integrators * ' of-'the 16s I XA ion it ! ti f 6 eTating method and op i l S ve o ac 1 j6ti L DE, PHARMACIE es. ncip pr DE BIL~qquto 1971, PiP~4.47-4S$, v. 26, n. 4. t NTC175-12054-060. ))E,'13E 'IJ E. ilers an-cl Diaint*grat:)rf.~ -,.n the lllexlruv-:-~ on calcialn 'PA, N-0, Alt 42;qpc~ ~Rid1aspe.citt of the allergi2 reaction ~the lpf,p i ~a id in imphylaxis if yx!uv c c thd, id g, a#,d gu.,'unea pig. 14 pp pp :; 7~ 7 61-41R0 FTD/HC-2 3 -21-4 5 - 7 4 DI8TR~I!T,40N LIMITED TO U.S., GOV'T AGENCIES ' : I ONLY:;;COPYRIGHT INFORMATIW: OTHER REOUEST MUS7BE REFERRED TO FTD## 4c h~ t th' iAr t e c an ~er:.ererl ve" vvz .~~2 :01 ', spontaiie6us~ ~er~ni,'p actA ~Lty: of tlie' 0 car antr al f, ~e horizontal xal imd rior ver'icc in, d frog i~v Dlw;~Pl MIOLCrIF,, irol. 62~ 1.970, x~r,- 407-11c'.- i t' TY-1~5,25? Leteni-Ination of the Ileat coeilic] Jrl turt-ulelit flowirl.;,~ viater T)"). j. pilv -Vol. ~J, T' 'I FICIII'le, Rene 'Swcat levVession dur-'m~ cont,,..,ollod h.~Terthermia ii, '71all --~ffecl:s c,n sr,.Teat rate and sl--,eat Content. JOLTMIA1, '~Ei 1- 'fr)I,~LOGLE (Paris) vol 64, u0. pp *NASSA TT F .15 once o th, erelations diretterl betv,-een dvors Vestibulars ~MIOLOGM Pa:ri s, vol.. 6:z, i.r~- ITIO A,~ I - T-.1 0 ITI e metabolic*eftects of catecho.1',m-lineo -on 09-0,jilt DE :i,~TIYG, I NABA TT F 1'-!, 2 IE~ 'T' i,,3 v. 65, Oct. 1147r', oiliation Ilb the *&ite rats as a sult io 01;r layed an"stbetization ,-Toma DE $I j(Paris), vol. 65P Sulpl. JUASkIT F-15080 I ~ , pp 393-415 1 *AEC.r-ORNL-tr-- M4 921910728 23 Awfa. 73 .%Xtion LIQ!a iiii-uLmin Lents sur V'Azzote par ),a ~i, Zip. 33-- (11-',47) -.CCmd. :1VOly oll, JOLU~.wvr- to in, us-id for, paa--C-up. MI moolectric Observations with the Michelson Interferometer, by j* T~rrien, 25 pp. FREN~, per, J Physilue at Radj!nq Vol 19, No 3 9580 pp 3R0-396, AEC/SC-Tr-70-4022 Sci/Phy 26-Dec-73 Unc I (SLA--?3-6000) Point defe2t spectroscopy. BALKANSKI, M.; DR SILVA, E.; NAZARZWICZ, W. Trai,slated by P. Newman from J. Physj (Paris); 24: 451-4!-7(19671). 21P. Dep. NTIS $3.25. jWk)O.,~ 20L physics (solid-state); radiation effects; translations MN-34 P NSA J,3 at ";-.Lty f ol 4 sYnt,hetic B, T IM., 677- oura oq...ft TT F'151181. %riation' 6f the- Diele;6tric cony~t*sn-trt-',s'ind_. Xndites'of, Gases DE "Mt*Z, v. 26,.no. it),, PP.- 597-508, I DUCLAUX,p 6,0 11JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE ET LE RADIUM/1 -1-11962,, V0023SN---, 2heory of gaven msd equation of stcte. Part 22, CoMrs"ibili-ty mW tiquafhation of ar-gon pp 199-205,NTC 74-IlelO-C?D## V. CHALMETON Stuoy of the Initial Phase of Breakdown of a Gas by Laser - JOURNAL r1E PHYSIQUE(et le Radium), Vol 30, pp 687-699, 1969. NTC 72-15320-20E M3r 73 j v A slo44, :of th~ initiaZ'phase of ~makdown of a gas by 3' JOU4AL VF EMPIqUE, (ST LE RADYUIIJ Z969, pp. ycli~.h ~i , rar-3-40620 NTC 72-15320-20E