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December 31, 1983
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The Problms of Labor Unlon Work, by Vaoilim Wfeloudias, 12 pp o GAMj %or, map.-UL WoUrn, No 31, Fab 1966, pp, 31-41. JPFS 35399 lm-4rtfte Soo Aul, 66 3011POT4 Three Critical QrpuizatlavmCL Problems in the UnIted Dwoemtie left., by Moandros Iwqj84iS.P 31 PPO G*MO per,, 211.1n1ki.Arjotenk, NO 34 Fab 1966., pp. 6 J?F6 35M Mg-Greame pol iva 66 304373 ,r of Dam-,)crallc Forcco wid the Tw.., Unit:t if the Center, by Statils Vj-~mq-lie- orc4s) Pp. GIR1~31C, p,,,,.r, Blllniki,Arlatera. 3c) l4n,"y 19660 pp- 1'1-25. pt IIxi::-,-Itizuj Collective A.greementa 8)'A,xild Ec, Pirriewed 1) '1 .~ by Strutin Tsarbiop (' I p. GREVE', pink, IMiniki Ariatem. Ph 3--,111 '%x. 3-p'so 1,23, - G pxon rip') t 66 310 -L~) I Greek Commmist Party Attaia-zonts of tie 1)56-1)A Period., Lq pp. GlIRMC -mr EI.I:Lnil:l Aristera, No .0 ~ Y - A'I,)r-l,:ay 19U''6.- PF. 91-71- Political Forces To*lr: 'Die Lef t,, ljy Leonidas Ky~.U'Da.. '.-) pp * GIMEK, per, Uliniki Aristora., No 35-36P * 33-40- Jurie-Jaly 19;6, pp ~ JPIS 37879 YS.Greec(q Pol oct 66 312,556 Ilie .~blitbcal Forcers lbday %- I.Ait) by Antonim l4rillakis. 11 pp. GRE'll'i~X0 ~or, ELUnilcl Watora, r1o .furl,,.JIXI , pp. 41~47 194-15,56 The 3trt4-,,,lo to overoome tho Lalor Inioll (014), by UsM Idopholoudlo 6 pno i7rF'2:0',, per, 11-3-Urdid Aristma, :'io 3.5-36, jlm-jul 1966-0 ;)P. Oat Ckll, !~:Djk Analy-zos its Potantial for ",Ntaro ~,,uecorns, 6 pp, por, '-Allniki Aristers. '~o 3.5-36, Jun-All 190 9 mo. 71-67,'0 J 111":F, !101 oct, 66 313, 1 ql.") Leonidas Stringoo Discasses Taotical iatters. by Loonidiks stringos. 10 pp. GREEK; Po,r, ElUnUd Aristera, 110 38. Sept 9660. P-779-75. J 110 ) 387147 IC-4,roeca Pol DOC U~ 314,976 Zisiv ZoCrafas Discusties Sore Ideolu,rical Aspects of the I'ment Politleal Situation,, 20 pp. GlIal"EIC, par, Elliniki 1~riqtera, No. :~Jy ';,!I)t I.,k)Op pplm aiis j 6" 7 jlt,j,)u5 FAA, tlie Center., and Llic Unity of: tt-tc CllltiC FDrees, 11 pp. GREEK, I.-er, 811iniki Aristera~, N,~. 41t Dec pp. 5-12- JI'M9 M34 YE-Gree-ca Pol, ~jur Lif ,Pliu t,olralimation of the Grook Co-Imi'Llit ',arty and Its AlIlots. by Coati Ilosoyolls, 9 pp. per., EWniki Arlater-a No W, Jan ml );~- 38 - I- JFR3 liO470 Apr 67 Yj) .~ 19654 Rlb pp* ' Ools 170j, 00 10 No 170 I d e w a, Larro I oi-iLlies, Abolish 'Isiness 'T'U111,10 veil -Crt:"' by A. Apostolou, nn. port i.nil:~liraj Athcm:i, '!:o Ic'O' Jan C1.1 thc "0b .-Lco'Lient's A Ancotolcm, 1; LID t,4 v t i:j L:C' ro !3tlqv"q~- 7liat In the Cause in Price Rises'.', *5 -,)n. zw, Epikairaq Athens, 1.~ A-)r 72', T)-,i 2r"), 27, 1 '56o3o 7U 11 7, o 2 -'l Dulls Do ainate Athens Stock R -': -1 1-1,, e , 5 p p - f'- ~ I y !. , := I nn 'Tpikaira, Athens, -~ jja.~ PD 12, 11. * - -- .7 72, Fis I 56188 ~Alli 72 i6p mmwv ig-RAP: VV Ml ---------- ~ ~ - r-, " , -, I - ~ --- - - '-- . ~ I - ~- ~ - - ~-- I I - ~ ~ I _-- ., L --- 1. =r,- , -- , --------- :~-_ - " iiv~ It tj , 901" wki V i i j !L it! "- -=7 7- --7- 44 - IA: If f fl. L ij El 1 , IM 11 iloot iff ig 7 W 47A Incontives 7 3 im 9 for Xore Children ':')'ecn lnadcqv~,-te, "-]I All Athens, !S7 mn r 73 i-roverrunent / L' Lecused of BreakinF, arditsisp 6 :E~mr) 10, yo(,-s., Ir K per, :-oikaira, Athens, 73., 7)p m i, -1 r I -omis(-s to -p T) !,o 231, r-l' J"ll Feb 73 Ito Supports Inter.-Cyprict by Andt. ZiaAidial, 5 pp, Gil"K, nPs litugko- V-9mo pp 3, 3. j ei,'s 4850) lik-(ireecc. Iti Aus 6L,) Talks, Shuns 1"ese, NicosUo 6 mmy ii6q, 388w215 CoMrcom iAmnds I*irar Income Listributiong 5 pp. npq IVA kp yj~ -, tdcosiji. 31 jAc 1969. pp lo 5. J.-fts 49621 bkm-,.yprw Ecom lob 70 4000775 il.!Ljloo:s Depoty Conwnts tin Dakltigal LevoJ.o:--meoit, by Jotudon '0 -)n, , 1 1 4 ~ - 11p0 LaiNMe 6. 9, '11. 13 Jima !, 'I., J 116 462ir, I , C I I Mn 6, o c S!!l 765,46:3 Iran's Ubmries listedo 5 pp, rERSIAho Pero hjaAehy!k.Az bei n. Telinui- Lt_ja Tabrist 1. 8 hov 106'!9',- pp 7, a. jj,~j~:; 4!~594 lih-Iran [-due JAn 70 4,0 0, 5 54 Irwdans all for (;ovevnnmtal Counall, by Nustdrvm AsOardeadahs 3 Pp. PLISIANO npo 4!~&Im 1( )69 v p 7. . _.. &I T4ihftn t 5 ~0 J PES 4%72 fib-iran Pol Aug 6~1 1 I vl6l 388 Newspaper Pu~Uoher Vielto ersiom Galf statess by Abbav L."ludio 7 ppe i,~Aaiut, nPli jt~el j~..iu3 49,618 . '. A&1,, Tahrme 2,.12 June 1969# 1) 2. N ~~Iran clol I-ob 70 400tTa Now RagmUtions for Gomment F*rsonnal Ewl"nt Ral4mosdo 18 ppo FW.SM# npo ILt4datp Tab"n. 22 sept 1969, p 141 23 sopt 1969P p 13. JPR.13 49280 RE.-Iran pol H ov 69 Y,,.?6,364 Shah Ratifios Text of Iranian Cul,Wr*l Pcilicyq 10 pp. 21als,olv npo Welat Tobmno 24 Sopt 1969o p 12. JPRS 49280 Soo Nov 69 3,96o"'63 Iran Dftfts Now Kli", Consoription dno 20 Pp., PERSWO npo ittlI&Lto Tebran, 9 We 19690 pp 131, 4o jpRs 4()768 11111 Feb 7,0 404985 I * O~i I I i i I! I i i;; i IJII-i 11 .4 (. ~ - t!~o abran, Discus,sed, AM I Pob by PFIRSIA',-, nz), '21-e 261, 270 Pordos ~Xhorbani, Lttelaat, in -~riployrjolnt 10 '-"ahra-n, 5 Mrr 72 7T ~F T fli N'P f~ if ~ , 7t oi I't Mt, it t t: t H i;:~i it 771 Al Op I . . . . 1~ i I , 1, , 11 i I ~ - ~ i ~ l~! ~~ ~ . d ~; I d, , ~ j i I 1 1 ;: ~ j , ~ j it,; ~ I ~,. I ~, 11 , ,, .Vrater ",'jectxic ))rojocts in -)13. ki Ettoluato T.Ahran,, 73, P 9 73 Ali "If ,o Nj yw- it lip IT lv~. it i ~ij it ki in -. I : I I : 1 1 f ; J.! . I :~ i~j 1.~ 'i, ., ij, T if if ,u it I Of *NIP it if it ji T L I'd Pi 11 0 77 6 i 7 mmw, 11 k M AM; ppi ~J 79b ILJ A~ A A AIAL Ali AV_ Qk- - 11 a no , J r Oil ij Director, Students I)asoribe J()GtitIjoriv-,I .'r by 'Ali AR A 13 1 C. nD al.-Jadid, ripoli, inn 73, p 4. ca peb 73, j.dbyan '3tudonts in h"z-,ypt Ori-anizo, by p-n. A ii A 7"- 1 C1)7~ 1 -F a r a 1 - JS d i d i o 1, Ja 7 3, e b 7 3i j*%tejOjxwnt of lxwdm Manic Aralyzed 1, by R. ArIONnowns 7 PP* pw6jAwil Perlo Lqj~qqj#q Tehran, 4"? i4y 1969. pp 10-11t 34, M6 434?2 litip-Imn Soc Aug 6~ 338,162 t I 1A.-YTTLI, jordan ;raund rorceia vor of Jerusaltin J13taxi of i!-A---i usactit' Infantry Fii 5a;-Jil Al---;-~*,-1h%CIL;, -i~- - .30 9 51 %) Ct G 7 6 9 3~ G, o 13 Jms 'Onder M*b Rule - Anbis Undor Iismoli Pule, by Yal'acov ikezo Xolel Dirt 12 ppe niusji,. rpt,, Iglk la? . 11011 1963, gL ZIMP Jerusa M pp j Pfis 47241 Pol Jan 3?2#8&4 Growtor Jerusalem - An Interview with 4hyor T a 6-Alck p 1~y 5 , Beharav . 6 pp. .. _,_4q!, Jerwial"no 14ov IS68l XUM,,Is rpt, jgILvp pp 21-23. JAIS 47241 Nh~-Iffmel Pal Jan 6~j? 3729865 11 oUtical Majority In Isreel Seen, as Stab1c. L:cnsorv*tivo# 'IwJer*te. by fi, hurvitso 8 pp. Jerusalwi. llov 1, UIDUI:J;-Ig, per+ jok_gLAo -69. pp 5-9. jrii6 4,4,+3 NEmlsmel ,01 4o),W 441 AI