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- 7?t~ qetigert Gershon lunortance of rletrochemical, Other Industries -Ascussedy 5 ppe 'r0,,r%li3l;WPNT rl3j; ONLY WDA, Jerusalem,, Ito! 17, !To 50'-6. Mar 73., D~ 347-348. J'P'R3/L 462,(; ---77,m Metteil, A. Problems posed by the operation of nuclear power stations. ENERGIE NUCLEARIE, v. 13, p. 28-38, 1971 NTC 73-10807-18L Metzger, J. Behavior and reactivity of heterocyclic ammonium compounds in the synthesis of cyanine and carbocyanine dyes. Part 11. Behavior of methyl-2-Benzothiazolium in a protonic solvent. SOCIETE CHIMIQUE DE FRANCE. BULLETIN, p. 2868-2876, 1964. NTC 73-11046-07C JI 74j OWN k' Mevl"mp H. The amitor softnro of a lool t&Lophme mdmp. --- - " - - R v RD 89 p U5-U99 Ign WC 73-IOUP*17B mw 73 Meyer,, E. Absorptioil of Waterborne Sound Waves by Forced Alternating Flow of Fluids 31 pp ACUSTICAl Vol 191 1967/68 PI) B-20 WDEFDRIC/TRM-3389-74 IR F" Yo tit'. 7,,q WX. T i, 6 Meyer,, Ii, DEUTSCHE TIERARZTLIGiE -WOCIIENSOIRIFT, Vol 78,, No 3 1972, pp Sr-'~l *.NTIS-TY-74-S3027 JAL.' Meyer, J. Chorlonepithelioma of the mediastinum in a man. POLSKIE ARCHIWUM MEDYCYNY WEWNErRZNEJ,v. 27, p. 267-274, 1957 NTC 73-10903-06E MEYER K GE ANOMALOUS BEHAVIuR UF A COLOR UEVELOPER LONTA INING 1-HYUR(jXY-i-NAPhTHUIC ACID Z FUER WIS PHOTUGRAPHIE-PHYSII(-CHEMIE 1969 NO 1-6 PP 39-45 FSTC-HT-23-1354-13 I - 4 " I vft\ MEYFR K GE FILM PROCESSING AND WATER BILD UND TON 1970- NO 6 PP 171-174 FSTC-HT-23-1408-73 ks Af I-v 34 L. Meyer Tz scoliotic skull. AkCaV RW.R PSYCHIATRIE Lrd) NOTMTKPANIMIMEN, Vol 8, [q) 108-150, 1979,- MC 72-15216-06E mar 73 Tnfluence of Weather Conditions on 'ITuclear Burs t a by M. Meym.9 21 pp. RIKAAT Der,Affiaertech,nik, '-bast Perlin, "eb 73 I'M tA-72; Far 73, pp 105-109. .TPP.13 5908~ Vay 73 MVerovithl, Vo Go Tanowev Fateg hvd=Uce DWmes Affocted by smaterul sbwtwo* U pp W"ST MR9 Mmme So I 1974o pp 29-33. JPM 62722 Meyer-Schwertz,, M.Th. I'ffOcts Of TWO TYPOS Of Noise on the Cardiac Rhythm of Resting Man with Required sustained Visual Attention 34 pp ARCHIVES 19-S SCIEN(1S PHYSIOLOGI UE' S Vol 21, 1998. pp 9=-b 1:6TC-IIT-23-260-71 DISTRIBUTIUN LIMITED TO U.S. COVT AGENCIES aluelfts, 1. IL .S. mookINAM l1w at salf"Um to bypida. 1b OP WX 0 *& fn P-AS9038 Meyerson, I. L. the use of variable pit-I in ali ant units of a compressor fbr reducing rotor vibrations. 15 pp. -----DST I PIRO= __ ___ - it DVIGAUmt No 5x 19b9p pp IW.112 An/y"-23-339-73 %leyne, K. Experimental Studios of the Hydroquar-ic Forces aad Noments Actini, on one Blade of' a tAij-,Is Propeller at an Oblique An!-.le oi Flow 24 nr SCIIII-F UINU IIAITN, Vol 21 (May 1969) 5, pl, ~59-3bb Gd/DHORIC/TRAN-3295-73 29-Nov-74 Unct (LA-tr--74-25) Behavior of powders in a plasma boas. MEYR, H. Translated from Ber. Deut. Keram. Gee.; :49: 115-124(1962). 29P. Dep. NTIS $4.50. IlB ceramics; 11F metallurgy; translations MN-25 P NSA is mazenovo 1. PO Insurance Operations in Ukrainian SSR i1scussed. 9 PP FINANSI =go Moscow, No 10. 1973, pp 47-53- JM 61DM Nogmtow* po Ve &dmoo aud In HOW Wlth Tr"e. 6 pp Air-**"[[ UgHETO FAWWO me is Jan 19740 im 61974 RoU at AmrUM XmRdlm is wsm~ so F ~ "ONUIN04 bw T. NOMMASM"s v pps MMMS pwi ~~ ~~ ik ~ 19129dwan.0 mw~v ft 38 ~v pp RM DPW Ow 73 lbumawso W. stdmtlfta conrermos an Agmrian-IndustrLa intwouent 6 pp 12= magau. ft"Ov. No 4, Apr 749 pp IL53-136. JPRS 62350 TITIZIN. I. S. MV INTERNATIONAL rLUIDICS CONFERENCE// -1-41972~ V---- , 1 ~nalvsic- and investigrat6on of fluid elements reliability 14 rpp ,ip A-9 AF,1,1/1,*STC/Ht--23-1638-73 October 14-18 1972 ## ~1-1111~ iN L) A,,.,'; L f ), i ~) i% o. L, i .~ V t - i I I (, i k I I , , , G I f LJ i ) L L t AF N I S .i t- L I '% 6 L L i I ~ I V 1 q 1 j~ J.. . . ,~ I .~ L J I L I ~. -'~ 1~ I A '- - 0 4 'k t.'" A 0 L) Lj ' I "t- i 1, .,k, I . j j j, I A--) IV- I .:. I c -I i I - " ) -14, jr- 1.) NIIAMM#s L Me //An=M&A I MY UUWUo MWAM V MLV// 'D an wo xwjbD2ANW of ww ordw te"Wim (&7=m)9 vp u3-140 low* v0 Be so got ftt4ow Miasnikov. A.A. Principles of Coal Mine Ventilation Planfiing OSIOVY PROEKTIROVANIIA VENTILIAnn uGk)LNYKii 911AYJIT - 11710 - 211 pp - ' *NTIS-TT-74-52040 i i r 15-Aug-74 Uncl (ORUL-tr--2839) Precipitation and hardening mechanisms In Fe--Cr alloys containing St and Ti. GANTOIS, M. Translated from M. Gerrard from Mem. 5e1. Rev. Met.; 70: No. 9, 669-682(1973). 23P. Dep. NTIS $4.25. lir metallurgy; translations MM-25 P NSA 0 MILHAILUVP V. kU UN I HE ~ I MAL I I Y UV ML)uUL A I I LP4 IRA N~VLK f UNL I IL-W.~ UF VHLjTLjGkAVHlL F ILMS UNAR V IN I ERNAI I ON A L CUNUK[~', .) LA PHLI I J UK APti I L SL I ENL E MLJSC(Jyv JULY 19lu PV 1-A-4 US I L-Hf-,eJ-ili75- 73 63chalcak,, Svatopluk Development of Doodetic Instruments ill 1969 16 pp GEODETICKY A KARTOGRAFICKY UDZOR ROCNIK 16/586 tb 3. 1975, pp 133-149 FSTC-IIT-23-832-71 ACSI-K-1787 may 73 pul- sidmmw 0 1. 1) 17 "ichalcyno !~). to induatr~ezl and perkgo,.iic tribowty7i. l)U CLITI. ~',c 4s r,j, 71-.,)5 ,1111 A '-'P-PC-23-17,?7-7" TO Q V12" (,,' I '; :)AY I 1 0 z 7 Ile a TI;Y).-I,','ATfOd, MWLT FT, TVIS 73 --- A9049 1 to I AL iii~mnw// 00 4be VIDDIAMMV = MA hem" Mu at tM vo rentin or ftNiftatell Ir 32943AM Trims 89MO I-IMIA VD, A. RENDW, ACADVVrr, Dr.S SUENCV7 8// -1--11969,0 V0269,#N--Vp Firat j-7ulings (w to lim'tation of the two o 'f' m I o=jIlen-hydrogen -mxture for dae-, divei, ,kith saturation,, *I ~ I~p 497-499,STC 7' 11703-06P## 26-Mar-74 Uncl (AEC-tr--7494) Tests of fuel assemblies under sodium in the Na3 loop of CEN/SCK, Mcl. MICHEL, A.; SDENEN, M.: BONAVENTURE. R.: CHATEL, ;. (INTERNATID%AL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, VIENNA (AUSTRIA)). 1973. Tranglation or sm-i.7315i. CONF-7~Q7Z6-23 25p. Dep. NTIS %4.00. rrom Symposiuff on fuel and elempnts for fagt reactcrs; Brussels, Belgiur (2 Jul 1973). 161 reactor engineering; I8J reactor fuels; 1'tt, reactors- power; translations .:,.I rl-714!)P A ml,: MICHEL. J - //ZBORNIK VST KOSTCE// -../--/1972, T--- -, N---- The effect of Treceding deformation rate on static strength Droperities of carbon steels pp 1.37-143 BTSI 11871C' 24-Aug-73 Uncl (LA-tr--73-23) Shock waves and matter. MICHEL, K.W.; WAGNER, H.G. Translated from Naturwissenschaften; 58: No. 2. 65-77(1971). 45P. Dep. NTIS $4.25. 20 physics; 'ransiations 11,N-34 P NSA 0 Michel , It. Effects of flow tvrbulence and noise on aero- dynamic phenomena and measured quantities. EFFETS DE LA TURBULENCE ET DU BRUIT SUR LES PHENOMES ALRODYNARIQUES ET LES RESULTT7S-T- ESSAI EN SOUFFLERIE, VON KARHAN INST.,-MME SAINT-GENESE, BELGIUM. 31 Jan. 1973, 12 pages. *NASA TT F 14,833 IR T 7 1 T T7 TVI'T T T"C; S fT 1 C; Cl! F T- I ,T 3 1 7 3 U. W che I Condemation of the gas phase of a faet-fZowing one-oomponent liquid metal droplet gas mixture. 113 pp. GERNAN REPORT DLFf-FB-72-01 NASA TT P 14s609 apr 73 kficneli. jiumlberto ot al 4, Instituto 'Forestal Chile. Informe Tecnico, I f"j"IS "T 74-5~07? I A Achelow 9 Alfonso LOPOS IApez Michalsen Addroosem JAberel Party Cwvention. U pp VANUIRW U"* Raearamnpo I idy 19739 p 10 JIM 59615 .0 1" 11nmum Ummum WAMRMH ;tt p mo*tw A_.& --A3,W u ur Ste-Lu"Mcm levou m aq"rume I - 1-1 we" we 7hnft3.oft I KLabnik v G. fto" for Sordoes Dinwoode 5 pp FMOME ummmyot Hmm. ft 1. 1974, PP 74- 77. ints 61533 Res"s No //;Zwd MSPAW/ -7-/-A972qVD*vWWo=3s p 0499450 VIW PatlooW vith bmW asnow Gaw M&Ma COrA$tdtgtlM NTC 714-220WWb I.; Iqpplw Midde1schulte, E. Ilie Economics of Grain and Corn Production in Nordrhein-Westfalen ZUR OXONOMIX DUS GETREIDL--UND KOILVEIMIS-MBAUS IN NETOPNEIR-MMMS IP72t 239 pp *NTIS-17-74-53111 Is Miedzybrodzka, A. Studies of the influence of school meals served according to a prepared plan, upon the somatic development of 7-14 year old children. Part 11. Estimate of the effect of meals on the nutritional status of children. PANSTWOWY ZAKLAD HIGIENY. ROUNIKII, v. 19, p. 739-747, 1968. NTC 73-10920-06E. 77'. 7,7 7 T -7 7", NOW ion TIM Melts Pablo PCI plans: tNowt if We Were in Government...t. 10 pp. LINSPRESSO, Emet 15 Sep 74P pp 9-12, M. 53304 non A. -x - I Ime /#Mm- an IMMM// ~--/01/1972 PV- PA-s On C34=m&4e Coaditl=s In Coufttom During TrouTort In or ThKmo the Troplat 12 pps pp j.5Aoj4.vW*OnTCmW-23*1937-72 11 11 fflnvvo~ = TO TA OWR AQWCUM 1. . . 0 1 :I . i : : . 'L, 'Ll : -; - -1 ---- --bm-.m6. A . i pw"~ ,. V, . . I IJ '1v j P L LUMb IM.L LFF ELI ~) L,~ L),,I'UL LUM TjA IN 6 ISUPKUPY L Mit IHYL1~1'(,NU'~LULJPAUAI-[. j . I "I- t 0 )- - C. , I ^P' ~- PL,L~>Klt. W-,k..H1AJ1"v 6NL1LhYv4ARYJI.NLj 19U69 PP 21 t)-00 miss 0 Or Wast Gomm Con&UttUaml Aradvernry Sposeh br 8mbert miss* 14 pp o DWWSOUWfo 28 Mity 19749 pp 10-12. ad im !Iles, Perbart ~-'Agnlflcanee of the Party Congress of the w'p in qamburg Discussed, 6 pp. MA9'!l'T'3TI,SC,T-TF RIARTMT-IR, Frankfurt am Main, NOV-70-6 73; P 0-14- -TrRg 60792 I)8C 71 Miesowicz, Marian 1;7uclear ?,hysics Development Outlined,, 15 PP IIA.TIT~A POLSrA,, Warsaw, Ito 5,, Seip-Oct 73~ PP i45- T57-- 'r,Rs 61187 H. Vieaawr oamWe to aninvals caused by induatry and toohnoZeVy. DRUTS"Ofig TIERAERZLICIIE MOCRENSCHRII.TJ Voz 390 19319 pp 340-315 NTC 73-20555-02E apr 73 , iut~i . I L IL ~ : ' Y,' V01 - 10 , llf:i , -pp. 8 .14 . ,i4f - --- . .:i - - -- , '. I ~. il I, ~ 37 1~ 0 migachev. 1). a. //STAL// -../--/1973, V-.----) NOOI? Temperature speed relationship of the resist of metals to plastic deforma-~ion pp 1108-1109 BISI 12212#6 1AL. 1""0k; ......... ML91101 He Bmjandn PDC Head Oatllnes Roorgodsatlce Avpoml, 5 pp FMIN . U Page 28 July 1973v p 3. JPRS 3W5 !arlvillpEss er, 11WOUIVAL rj?A:ICAIr, DE ".5"DEDINE ET C7].Fj?lfR(,IF THORACIQUP11 -1-119 70j V0024,p,'10000j Plow-al rianifeetatiorx in Zoukcrr,.a,, pp 41.5-435,jNTC 74-11426-06E## landialp ve ve AulephyAod Metbods of v the lem"pMro and Ct"ufter"AA&I SPS*O. 7 pip -r Mi US an. Nesm, N6 So Avg -UM a 19739 pp 9-u. JFN 60575 NOW118, mthael Rgle of Opetina-Level Derense Advisory Boards ROVImed 0 9 pp - ODM3k I ZASTITA,, BoUndej TTIO 3s, MRY-Am 74P VP.49-520 JPRS 63390 D" 74 Mthajlovic, Dragan Personal Income Tax Systm Described, 13 pp. TOMMA, Belgrade, Fab 74, pp 12-17. 771M, r1885 ,Tu 1 74