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nim t c I of, Timei-Optimal col)trol Qr r by U. td a da Ak ? 'toebrift her Moseva Room .c 17 : I -~ . 1111, Xj 620,1p9 2,09-305. "l' t 1,0, 5 7-f 63 LL Emi-asiv of ,sis, T vata T4 I AV i ~er.~I 9Q6o,. 1225. Sci Jul r-2. tin 'Barium Oxide Filma on Metal Kirsanova, A. R. Shullman, it. X. En AAh i Electron, Vol V, NO pp *Ts6t WO 63 OU TOA '*M "so 9saftquacl vwqdAqo& our,-,t~aa cn Su, 12 Mthod fIDr InareasiDZ tua rzAL- I a ce"It by no So mbere Wka&taieo Vol wilt No ft A 60 t D*Pt Of, Int M Bur of Mims rI'MAvAwPy Ph No 375 710 ivedist.a OPO a for Definitions of Terms Used u Hi pe Vura!Tee*Ua8 =d For the Correspond- r .ag A~b nat aSAD016 (Tz ftrUculw for Uatic 6g), 11 goad te 0. ftptiwd. 11b, ernixtional Discussions on ra2g Ubmwe i~ui 6r Agh Tt"rature Steels, 'ape 11 ~4 25 ~un .19W BIBI 18&0i )ct 60 F. bi ass I a6 ~ i I ~ .~ , I ~wii of HWtio Tismes. An Electron 1 11 1~ * i . R ,) t4aUD6rajW IwemtI42Atioa,, by A~~i I ~ ~ lii~- .0 10 pp. 3e Bibii 1 A iwir~ Item of Zquipment, by Kjell Engatrom., OD j865,~ )I *.IASSIF IM 2 t ridni ilti I ei rlo !T,mk Intandentur Tidskrift, No 1-01 R-49~6-51, Ift Stockbolyn. ID GSUSA F-6008 Bur 11 ta Wat r 1~~ j,ovi. I ~to Voi I(; It nd its "Critical" Lwel~ by 1964, -IV P-1-30. (AT-35&). WS la Beat 00=8ay, by M) NO 10, im 9W3 11-202625 IE: Flel L TMNS-CHEM, , Knowille. Tem. 4kardti K~ 51ING OF C FTS. 1 65. l9p. Ilu-921. der from TC. $16 100 151 "921 Lns. Of Mell textilt, chte (U!est Germany) al P22 8 lk5~ 3, sc~ Ac~i gi~tt~-werxnp vol. 14, 191404--11 -,pp. 450- 453,; oi -6a,v table 20DO wordn. 71: AMID vith Load Incroaded. Basic I ne 1 179 Concernitg Long-te ! Do=wma6t d Tr~ b i in the WRO by Holim Bratse ideiA lSiegfrIo8 Bakarat,, 2 ~rticWtoviasensolmX- wo 6. P59o PP 80-879. 7598 Our. Feb 61 rm L ~, (NY-4589) Planaing of pp. Vol VII., PvopaW4ad Mix., tin A 6 194 1 W. Boknxdto vp. S.L.Ao %md Nk"Llwbutzj. voi xvn,, Tr 42/MQK 19% 3 9 6-j- , rm "i- , "TOO' so Ws" Om""fits" Of the . qt VW AMMI Aorta., Vbl 318jo i i . !I II , I I i Ii .. i -II i AA.---L ;"J, f ^7" pp AW Ir-OpMeM scowtivilf Dowd, owmbers 86W7 AM art,. _k_ CONMG A~SOREMENTS ON SELENIUM. [19012341 r ef i" ~; "r 1, Order omi 3 -A 2; 01 63-10917 Partial tr (p. 2. 1241, 248 252) of Annalen der Phyiik~ Y !9541fser. 61 v. 14 [no. 61 P. 233~2 Y DESCRIly 0 US: *S~l U1111, *%ectrical conductimce, Telripe~rfll lr'~) Setill . ocducto~s, Impurities, Bromine, Solids, L u I[ s' vacu it) apparatus, Crystol structurc. d h II 71be depei c Ic of! uctivity or. twilperature of Solid c t i: ?nil and liquid S,( I ur~ it eisendally dateralined by tile purity bf 4elenitt n and is' substantially influenced by the lilt xx Liction oxygen in tile case of highly pur! - fiecipseler lu" i. Anl~ value of 2. 2-2.9 ev. was ineas- ured fronII'4 Bier licible log S'- 1/T straight line 15(y (Physics- lid Sta 17, V. 10, no. 2) (over) 63-1091.1 1. Eckai t. I. Offict ol Itchnicil SmIcts Aing Paints j by Eckart -werlee. UNJ LFMLIP mi 19601 pp 454-457. TTw.w5 /~?~/ 0, by Kurt E eke I. OtagiC Vol 122j IZIg -422 .1 7-7 I D glecA phy' ological and Histological Reaesrch in the' i ii alr Nuclear Field With Rotary Excitation, by W r ei.~ pe lArchiv Ohr-uBw Heilk u if%ls-usw, Heilk go 1611 -1. 487-513. pp iJPRS/FAA p Jul Y CP the Aotlv'lty of Li&t Rein - by R. J*M 21 pp. tbg 1;1;abbw 8001AIty C0106M.. 7-10 W; v0 10 F, tis co the Activity o:! U, gbt Rein F ~t ing illars.. by V!--Eaar.' 21 pp, identified (Paper Preeented at] G% Rabber Society Cologne, 7-10 MY 58. 0 t sLA 6o-18198 162 Trhns. AilJchly Gcrman~) I ~8, v lnu,tit~t N4r, isenh murjca~~n P4. Another,' 8. is~ BISI-131 1 59). DESCR R ~I.hoat u j' Doti W.,~Iiur'iw,. peri 61-20591 CTROCHEMICAL DETERMIM-1 1. HcHwd. S. SIUJ.MEL WITH THE 11. Title: Verein... 75 A. I It". no. 251 of the III. Mix ... Communication-754 r i1wi [Verein Deutscher Eisen- 21 iefs. 61-20591 is Eia'anhUttenwesen (West no. 20 p. 09-94 (Max-Planck lung (West Germany). Com- Able from BISI IS So as 9 112 2 Spe=ographic analysis, riUon,T Metallurgical analysis. )Aetals, Tr. Y. 7. no. 4Xover) !Vull Y'r-ont' Le KoctroFtat-~ IIS K -bailm V61. UWAX, P Teobnik De. , nys4i- PP JUL, .Hof on T_h_in Leal SmIrbido Phato 14yerc by F Be I GN 1 1 "o1on (Ior Phyisikp 6 ilolget 168 166 4/ 11 1 - 0 3 VP SLA 59-17913 'Bel Vol inqu F.; Be mm pp the iDdtlf%l Copper bimterial on the a of CaMer Wde flectiflers, b. Mtzoche# 12 pp. 1A Ser, Vol VIP Do 19, 1956) AsscxTech sexv65jlt-xl i i litivity Distribution of Solent= i 0611sp by F. Eckart, A. Schutlt~ i ., Z physiko Vol CXVIIIJ Fo 30 4, 9-209. 1 SLA 57-1376 ~ ;0 f 1.;-f 0-/, // S6 mpiodos and Trasistors, ~AF 622697). bikan,,Acad of Sciencea, Institute of aj~~~Research, Berlin 1953. CL.', D 3634.80 ATic F-TS-84.73/lt i :Rlectronics 26Y784 FW si a 3den. L siticid Wvbsan n~m Photo-Vfrmt, by F. tekaxts ALtino V(a 575o 1016 Lesbc Elea InduntrIme., LTD. Tr No 0 5~1 9 0,007 Electrielty wt#vp Web 1953 Th6 ~)E Jent of the ull"o'cu,"ell Tnec n ]6 tiplier, by P. Y P.; i ew y8) pp `3G ATS - DOL Jah Vol. rW I~he 11 if i Isbort. r A" ac t a Thoory of G. Eqw Y O Z O , GERWp O 2.p A u g r iig dcbfioc us II)p Oz I _(2. 8I sc, E ( kri iity P~isjs sep,57 ' , A the Propagation of Ultra- 19 pp. Vol Y.110 ecb u Bloktroskus t Tr 57-925 t,5 7z PC LII,q id 2~ sci Aug )f ~he Hartble Curwiture by Ultra-Short Ampheric Refraction, by G. Eckart, no6hfrequeumtech u Blektroakus, Vol 44-58,t 1938- BIA Tr /%7-911 mdt Der,"i of aro VtO UoU As VIM TV, el Ii !72 dilik 4-dm SoLl NmeraWm Huxurament Remate WlUt The Aid ct Tanochrome Vol 12., No 3 & Eckeli, 'Ca L I S1 IPP4 R14*S 0 q! PLO, A OR -~HE LIKE FOR DisrRl- UrING FLUIDS, FOk 111~ PORPOSE OF KILLING i '! P EST$;! ti. *jq P. 1 60; 2p. (I fig. otnitted). Wder frolm T S' or $1. 10! 60-23916 Yans. o~( A an pal ~nt 13,091, cl. 45 e, appl. 6 Dec,01i, nni*cv peat. life 15 Mar 03, pub. 5 Aug 03. )ESCRU'tO] &I- Pest t 3=01, Insecticides, Scattering. 60-23916 1. Eckelt, C. 11. Patent (Austria) 13 091 IH. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. ti- vt W-111k. Vol CX" 1~ iAil IA ;~'U, :, IiP~ 7WOO at the torc Plasma Dotwidary,I' C ,)7 We V(d cxxxv, 19530 2609222 0 two; ~hel &c~Aric it-rc at the Anode and Lhe Z or Fkiyi~lkp V0.1 C=VI# lc,5~o 1-16. IrDD/X-3759 vli~" 0' ~ *~, MM�blo Singhl And , t Ito in m Electric I i pa 00 1 ~ Adwjrv ojm~', ~4 IL d Ir ; 41 *Pgjt PC *11,1 -*t cullt a i .i m 7i. OF Cwtraction m the j ~&Fivld ftmaj,~-tb. A the l 40 i ~~Pj I(L iekeleo Vol famlo IVA-, ~11*"Nl izi:., ;,why in Total Mits With Racll?r'00al RMC t 60- t~ CoiUcab's 1"., br 0. EcIm"k rig 17 (IAIT funk phyt;ap Vol cxvililf i~fif pp 593- 09705 OTXA 4753 YW/X-3715 SOL, 59 1~19~1301tuw* haftle of the Wmer by 0. laker 'LIL PP am Z' ftPlko Vbl Mo 1957., 1V 254- Asooo Todi Bwv 67MV cb~ .1 ',itil 6~ by GNM -1 1956j~ 1~ Ayr[ ti6n " Effective Ionization ~ I n At= to the Interior of a Plasma, welzoll 19 pp. ao~oar, Ann Physik,, Vol XVII, ho: AIC Tt 284 1 6-5 dW. NrRMUrl E, EM THE CHANICA, R FABRICS, Ill. [19631 5p A 061 ler frc~n TT-63-2D509 ILDS OUM richte (Germany) 1941, 19 A 22, Is:: 4'Tezd Friction, Fibers. Wool tiles, iextil I ickohig, $Wcar resistanoe. aterials-Tectiles v. I'1. nco. i) ~ 7111 j :1 1 1 .. . .. : I TT-63-3)509 1. Ecker, J. Office of T-W-1 6-1- WbLcoll, I A %1611 ICHTHYO 3y 1 RUSSIAN IM A~S. ~961) Ordeir fro b LC or fi~ teseard M T. V. S. n! 61-196M GRAPHY. ZOOLOGY, 1: Biology :Dictionaries rMOLOGY: GLOSSARY OF 2 Geolos; -Dictionaries ~9)p. 3. Title: Russian-English ~Ii i.10, ph$51.60 (51-19681 glossary 1 Ecker, L. Trims. o tsch~ pl70%Vr48%% T 1954 Fleid I IJ H.; lleidemum, W. 'S WITH PLASTOMETERS. of the Deutsche Kautschuli- . 44p, 6rels. -11948 TT-65-1194B 1. Ecker. R. 11. Bnnn sch. H. 111. Ileldernmn, W. W. TlUe: hloetLngs M It 622 a-,ICL Dy- P4 ti-.xd~ J~ajjk- %i ilCi; 4L;" 1~ i~l~ tormation Character,iGtJ.C.0 Of ~i aou iouc~ (india-.Tiubber)-.Vulc~-,ni:~ates l a r Righ Polywre, by R. Ecker. la per, :Kuutocbnk u Gimmi, Vol IX, 2, -90'~ Wt 31-38. IfiSDOC-Ti655 J)4g 1 ProperUn of Rubber by P. NoMrp GER Dootaft bmtmbuk - ftseUedw9to Votm Oct 10.2 46 We Oct ecov Ivy Oortenjag Hanges In Copolymoro xtl~ me cif Polyaws, and Graft Pol3mrs, by 41 c cer IiiPapp FxAmchuls u Qu=Jp Vol Ily 10 56r. 5 .90. )j; ~yftoquinouep by A. Eclmrt, 5 Pp. Jbur~zl fuer Praktische Chataiel TY-63-20788 I LU iOR'DrMJtNAL CONSUS-nobl 1. Eckert, B. ~Verbrennwgvmatoren). lei ft' l41;ki SLA 'I TT-63-2MI8 any. ecWache Zeltschriftl (Germa.,4 194b. 1(~ 3t 3ESCR 'er's, ~Cwlno. *I*eml cm- CboHrg tans, Air-cmied, Tl " 1 '0' 4) ~~ 62-18789 Eclkirt! : i GAS E POW: n FOR AUTOMOBILES: P LAN 1. Eckert. B. PRESENT Ir DEVEi.OPMFj4T AND FUTURE PRoot-11 . fit 211 ~ I Avellibixe d nf 1 62-18789 Trani. 6f t [Aut! 1 :ckbiltechnische Zelischrift (Ger&A6 ,Y) V.!! no. 3. p. 78-83. DESCR epal ger vehicles, Vehicles, OCAs ' ' turbine , Torque. Desip r pla in receMY thq,c -wi elopnient of gas turbine power Plants f6r A' mobliji P a n4mber of countries has t l ome h 11 t e nL-04 in he automotive world. The adthor r in &gI ril I !here! i present developments In the USh in Fx t6oi. P~ospectza for automotive (Machinery-Engines, TY V. 8, gas W61nt a anai z~d ag*Inst the background of re , present Ow 4ei p 1. i , anx~ or passenger and commercial no. 12) vehiclest 6t6 8 ent C)i 3ilence, Indicates that pa turbine are compet W 4 only i the horsepower class of the ' 1 la it 60r Z~ ' ngines. ~161e ~~Iaf 1 e kiwi Wk .'a of !the Chairmau of tLe Ward c! Lhe h Im itute for Physics of Jet Propulsion., by 2pp (AF 105'f996)., Full (I~A pe~' ~itteilungen Aua Dom fuer ~Iyaik der Strahlantriabe E. V., Sep 1956., 9 13 1 1 1 341 42o, ATIC F.IPS-9 Aeto ece ' ~igh-bvissure AxW Blovera , itsoblAft des Verelven DeuUeher V o tXb= 5 l 110 37/38s 16 W* 1944 sola.All Tr Pool n& Dy " ies " LeiW;b Of Axial GuPel'- 0 ior Cheat ~ , TB F zo 41 1940.- op S.I.A. TrPool SCIOIN f 4~ W~~ Inc I, i 1. L~ ft fa h r t ro rs c b u JL Also Ava' 1 t'; TF;~'~ s i, co l2t~i' a anor-BWe Xattlcefi~ by F. We:Lnigp der Q:Ltj~eMo9-W-L.in t~tut for NotorcW,orsolom der Wit ifermmi Gorlug., n Mar 1944~~ S L.A. Tr Fool scl, c ~3~,ien ric r nif I C!T S Order from Trans., ofl nlI p963-4, field 21E l'bih U OF AtTONIODILE GAS !I I : ! 60 Ils TT-65-' 139D8 IWW) 04 00 1)803-6, 62-18798 ---Eck TRENDS ~Is Xi'ijCU k 6, GAS TURBINE DEVEL- 1. Eckert, B. OPMENT LY FbR NON-STA11ONARY 1UNSTALL IC Ns. 11.i01 [631p. 8 refs. Availabble n fro LA 62- 1 8"o 98 Trim a. bf 11 MO tIC twhasiche 7eltachrift (West Germany) ~~s v- ~(JI, 2, p. 32- 42 atid no. 3, 68-;73. DESCRTM- RS: OCav binei, Economicep Combustion Pc'hambers, 1~1111 ~rma It r Ipalles, Aircraft. Marine en- f'35 a, ginesi,~ Loci cy wer plants, Propulsion, Effectivene Qdacttine4l 8, no. 12) Offic. 0 1-6"-l %.w- Ettgines TT, V, Ed(& H K bill 7T-63-20817 MPASUH 00, 1 - r 114H FLOW IN A SUCLH- 1. &kem L - STAGH m Td~ ~ DAIVEN BY CONIPRESSBD 11. Korbacher, C% AIR. (19 c~O tait lnclwl4 6rets AvaflaW c6 I ~in frdi S'LA Tr-63-2)817 , T f ll ~ d S * t r o rans a A" er 11Ung In e ner e saung U EminetAnjge~ljp ckluA Modellturbine, np., md. DESCRWIY-)R OTur . nes, Models (Simulation), 11 CompresmW jr A~ ymmicconfiguradoom, Aerodynma klems' r~rn~ Muld flow. (h4achiner ~rw v. I t. no. 1) Otfice d Ttch*ai Unicti On Dirlll)l!C'j i Distribution of 11cat Radlatiozzi f rom 18) t acoh by E. Sclimidt~ E. Eckertu, 24 pp. i ri prac huti&, Vol. Y; No. It, July-Augtist, 1935i 1175!- 83- ATIC F-Ts .?52'17/111 Jun But Itt 4 1 ow lihot erltical schartt amd tf. Gri 6in i lptj MA6. MA %-530 SOL A" 59 ?49e, V026 1 , two I In H104"ed "16 ram t Of lAir Almul-wav 4 ,.W. Waftes 7 im. night# the DSUU*40 Jlcr Motor Re- =Lrl"ab,o ~11 #AJ BeIawm"' karemiftftl Res InEt 7T Ex~ ~i, if t-A, 13-U'WY~ of Flait P"t Turbine Bladeas t Vjeiinooff -Sdwel c'm isus %Tahxbuch 1942 der Dautschen ?l M- It i~ L~ 6", TMeferung. $.L.A. Tr Pcoi ScileiA ic K, Ian VIM' b]R c oW n ims f or Was Trmsfor at. a Plaue )*h Flow occun, at High radimUs by S. Bcipx4 Wi* 0 V., W uL , aUf Wmg out dem Ooblato des vi , Vol XVIO So 20 1949s, pp 3342. lemimr, Axia Ii Tutine Stsgeo With Ong 14e J. Korbacher No: 1750. Nat'l Res Counell Canada T-11 22. Aor=utUo Prico 0.25 I TZI, High jr-ri 8p Vol Ead ~t. "nni" jitreat lu the Softo'ning Zwr: 1010sesp by F. -Bakert-,__ I. W68 GMwtachnische Barichii-A, Vol X.0i 19~ 30- 37. emo ra Detel by;' b 3', ~p 79 193 M ka6f Volme Svelling of Pibres, PaAerfabrikaut.v Vlol XXV, .443. CSM 1676 Ij ftstj~j utr 'Dwimtry In Reseweab Reactors, by I IR W4 rt4, Msmim Ift-Miriaae Testing Reactora Up 'Brus selaj, 214?6 Sep 19591& 3A Y- 33~ Am TiD-7584 Set! 26 t 2 31) t C~ Lihosiovalc Electronics Conference by 5 PP- FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY erj 1abaproudy Obzor, Vol Xia, lit) 6) 10i U, 382) 383- n 1960, pp JPRS 392" I'eci COPYRIGHT hj c ILI, YL 20 up, Jy CaskoslOveLlSky Ca.,Iopill P, I? baw ~ivity Dotemic&tton of st)-I,ptlur Ami emlmtion of Carbon arli ghwotm Nt llur 4, lRacardius cauductiv-1ty Apparatuo Afth DO % s"all Brittuh Iron ani 1,52 ,)a r E~-J,'j SENSFRJJ-I~ S(C:,I. S IN ?RACTICE A.,11) ABSO- LUTH 1. A) I'R S lit Sl,l,[%,I,IY. 1,1*11 (1 ondavd)III i-efs. Order H SLA 1)11 02-10409 (;err i I ~affvlufrc 411, utuden- T1 DESCRIM, YM: It vwaphic cm1j*1swJv,;, pholo- grapffic 1) 1'.. 1,e oloq(.11nitivity, Scn~i!ivity, -kmit. J-11hod: ~Phic. 1-i", V. 7, 11,~ 10) 02-104(N 1. ECOUIrd, H. 110 IN TM Wo PART it If# oysey"s RV lr* awww"Wo OCIT no 2 5 ~tasch('~r I E der from S1 ans. of Arc rmanyj 195 5tim fUr,1-.j ijon 743). 1SCRIvrolk! lectrocies, nsion A.C. e detecHon on front, 0. 003T, Mn b rFEE1 e CI ~1~hlutlt $1.60 fur d' ir' - 28,~ forscl Steel, )Uritie i5 m-, !will, it for to 01 ~veme, rou4 ii~INA.~I`ION OF TRACL T~ MOVING EIJ-CTRODES sts, cornnimee of Vlerein) Itt, 1. 119611117~. 29 refs. 61-16311 isenhUttenwesen (West 11, p. 731 -7 38 [Max Planck- (Wes,rGermany). Corntnuni- ~ctrogarbic analysis, ing siiectrograph and a high \1 it,was Fx)ssiblL to lower )jnun~ and mangwiese m pure A) a nd f r om 0. 009 to ',the electTodes. (Author) ils, 11%, v. 6. no. 3) 61-16311 1. Eckhard. S. 11 - Koch, W. Ill. Max Planck Institut fbr Eisenforschung (Wert Germany) IV l'it le: Ve rei r., oig'41 ~tql In Flem Soctrometry', by A's ab dhei 16- !Sckhlrd. U=L 19 ~11 rP 195 It BIO x 16, W loo, 05. r Arch Vinenhue-Muo-aca, Vol, 6; British Iron ani Gteal mical Dwtormirmtion of ?hoslAhoruo UP Pho$Pbm'xm )Ano 317 5 R., by 41 Arab Xtosubmttmosen.. rob 1958.j BrItish Iron and stool ),315 'L5 50-08.) Pbys a'4 cw - Pa M~f ~d Vrith I?of2ected Eloc-tromagnetic W""i D, I :60~dt.. GEratM RIM&R -WA F.Miggh2at NO 1 1964, P!, 339- 343,* NOV 7:1 Eckhardt a nie, H. COMPARI OF M ENTIONAL ANALY11CAL MITMODS]F, 'h V 1111 AtLR COAL CONM7VENM BY MEAN F, GAS VROMATOGRAPHIC AND SPECTRO!, PIC A LYM (Vergielch Konven- CIC tioneller Idn't r'such ejeriahien fur Kohle mit der hischen und S;x, =fffe 14 schen Ana .11 123)p. (forelp text included). 1700 Order fr 61-20M 0M SU Tranu. of linat 1, 3 .1.1e (West Germany) 1961. v. 42 (6o, 36_ 140. DESCRI I~,,Pyridinas, Phenols, Naph- 0 chr~ togrsph~. *Spectrogr&phIc thilenea. &nRI , . nalysts yals, chrolmtos PIhIC 71W conve atll~l anal IcAl methods for valuable coal copatlt~e siv with pe-chromatographic ,I COTE ~17 rr, v. 7. 4) (over) nalyu 61-20M 1. Eckhardt. P. 11, Heinze, H. -0. MOB? offie. of T-We-I S-M I.,-n leI 1~ e [stance of vie stemm v,,ngine) by W bkbaMt. ,a i.0 r Dout Eisenbahn Technik, Vol 11 ij~ 11954 P)P 237-240. MDW -Ire!o24 Sci Aug~ 5 JW ;