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9!oct 6 on i turbulent layer LI ~Iu ater I'Sot 11 fiel~~Off*Ct ay~r, p AS r 15, iA SM91tUR SUR: CE mm MtIOML D'AEROTHERMIOb On a turbulent r1 %".R C 3) M! P 11, e-9to Looks to INFO IN VAD,~ I-Port Lamy, 18 19 ger!) i 73-t' inn 1-3; 20 Sep 21 Sel 17j, ~'~ 4-7; 22-23 ITP R S ~459 Better ~~)tura, 21 ni). 3e1) 73, PT, 1-5; 73,, T)r) 14-18; Sep 73', pn 2-4. i Parlimeotarlan Talks i 7 'OP. I INFO rQ,'H*D, Dt'Djamena, 4 51 -- I PR 131 i of Tour, TIGM&I Affair, 21 Jan 74, pp 9-16. r W~ Unified Computer System (Ryad) Described, 5 ppe ~ INFO ~ GIO " 3,LEKTRO14IFAt Budapest, No 2, i Aw- 21 -'25. 197IJ -" JPRS 5152 i i sen 7-1 Palfi, Adorjan Informitioni, Statistics on Courson Pre6ented, 11 pp. INFORMAOIO ~- LIMTROIZIYA, I'l f 3 J, P9 IJP-1300 JPR3 11, 25 ~~ Hu.ngarian Computer Budapest, No 2, Sep 73 tj d1i it it, Ai I T P*IfRA Y 2~, 10 7 7 tr)' i ITI sp,~i aso: SMA565 2T Feb. 19T4 IThe S a of True* Al tf of cionso, 5 tan. 19T4 Madrld-., Spec t~p B Do not Ij Lisa single:;s aced' cismera ready copy T. D. mrc~~ 1974 04A o"m I draw, d Ed --rd6 pp 217-Do too: .44 14-F*b-74 Uncl (SLAd-Trans-160) Functioning and operations of the I.S.R. fast-value control system. Rochat, Ph.; Be I fog 9,4! ~J. 1 (European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneqa (Switzerland)). Translated from French Inforr-watilon Bukletin No. 12, July 31, 1973 Cct 1973. particl'ejaccel0rators; translations 20G i MN-28 0 M$A I 1~'. (Prof. TechnolDgy of~ :Inhibition of Sprouting of Potatoes by Means of Radid tion 82 pp infomt.,lon et Documentation", Surlsot . 1971 63 pp ~'TDR, t0 PrOteO, 330CA.Z-111.3t Law and Propert"r, lo, P.). jNFOHVUllOjjONF'v,h, Bonn, No 10, ME'Y 74, pp 10 -12. JPRS 62430 I t 711 . N14 It, 110 71 uI;y- W,08~a en, W U APril 19T3 SP n forthcomfng tenth world festival of uidebta6 4A 1:3 Wirch 1973, pp 1-6. Ad 116C IX) not ubi~;h ,is one Origi~n pl~ Very,r~Aigli illraft ok Mitre 11,01i v,r. 1"0 W" gdl;~ On OW ft*'Iftg Of SPIMSIP1108 (MM dUM* '0 o plt A oft i16) IM*t- blOlOSli TnUtl-*Mikb vod in RWS:4m. TMUM 11. 'for WIL, 8p, PQ*0026d. ~V%1:1. NLL to RTO 61$1. NM, Week., D.C. Lift 1972 (MIt J, of Kare I Am I (0b IsladamW toobonil v vo3o6soft Ka"ILI) Won" 96.1 - A, blologli vnutrannikk *ad, = - Mall 8332s Moslan. TranIG.Iter N*. 4P.. Prooommod. Avall. KLL AS m 696o. Avola. mmys. Wash., D.C. MOO" A.Vo ftm T. I -Pumaheva 1971 *v "*1; 4017 i U on ;NtrTtion or Mw 311mum (C)OPIPWI, dwmye 0 oyalems Tii n (10), kkad. Nauk &MR, 40-42. L qlr~i. 'by T 1. wr. ftt. lAng. Dill., DOOL. of See. of mato of Conmat for Dept# of SwIrOn., MC Jroat Lak" RiolU141410jaw iij . lkirltWoh, Oat., I!ro, as TMOMI. Berle$ vo. 2114, 7P- knnscript. Avoi I.. n IA*I~ JIMPS, Wash., D.C. OrIgInol ht~ido Ch ~l:~OdJK MI.YA pp ii-8s 2~,4368+72 Oodol~,an, LA Certain Ch~nges of the Function of the Adrenal Cortex in I~Plar Residents of the Antarctic Tff Expe4itions~ INFW~TS12~Nyl BY ,;EKSPED~TSIIO OACSI-~.4851 NISOVETSKOY &ITARKTIC31ESKOY g 196�0 160-153 iletr0v~ !I,' I jnve~t~gatiOns Conducted by the Sixteenth Soviet Antal*Aic 6L editiono 12 pp IRFOAWSIONlay PYULUTIKI igym-Ul ANTAFJ,!! TICI Y P ITSIll Laningrado No 87, 1973, pp 5-il jms'4019 ; I ;1 5 pp tions in Antarctica (19?2). EV I Sff4S IQY 6!iTA.M- IAningrad, No 87o 1973, pp arm 6419 As I* Inve,i4gation of ~he Southern Hemisphere Atmos- phcr6 by mtlq~ns of Constant-lAvel Baloons. pp lh8&44TSIWh'yy2I2~TgI 50"TSKOYAWARK- TICM40Y &ITSII, Leningrad, No 87, lg?-)t pp ZVI JPlt$ 62'0~19 f"""'71777 f ITT, 16 Aprii 1974 Wie ~Chi, eat h4 r~~ ~Oc hi t, ~Q Lanin &metaky Peb 19T3 if chq y !Oditqi~ NO In., 11 T SOL. pleaa~ ~ubll~~h and include reproductions. Suggested title "Sell cted tranal&tions fmn Bulletin of the S~v~~et A*'tarctic Expedition" pie ~mvi~d! JPRC/Ad 110c vith dopy of report J 0 k 0j 0 P, H v! P IV C 10 H f) V: C) P rjl -r-f vi i-t ~-l c"I In 4-1 H tn ;zj! coos-8344/o583 ~~77 -7' qp 26 Sep 74 Opera ~qils ti the IlEkits -81 and OMMying thermof*lec- tric il~otopelgeaerstoru h,i the Antarctic.. i-y Ye. P.~' 1~larb Leulllc~rf ifDrlmtuioiMj;f byulletell' Smtsko 'P r~- I Lie sLl -("r ~-llt-arl ~me-lis22dito:li 110 88, 19711, Plenue Welude :reproductions. 1):) not cut. 1111 11his )1~1,oy Copy lAu-see. (30vauiWT USE'l 014LY KrustyTosilli, Tm;. L. Information Eulloti.n. 1;.'I(,w Automati:~ Channel 5witcli- ing Tvloj!~raph o"tations. .13 pp MZONIO .!-& 1,.j1,-QTQKjt NQjYYb; JVTQDWrjChjZQb 'I "TS T&BGRA; TYE K01243=11 AIUJOV, Roscow, 1971 , 1-15.1 JPRS/L '5i0 i ~M,8344/0'525 19 Sep T4 it ton !1-. letin. ReO automatic channel i i wfi+.~h tl-~", graph stationsp by Yll. R. rajjStyrjyBL,, M. YEI. ls~~ 41ya) et 01. Moscow,, pfox Novyye avtomatich- liuaslonnyy 15stok. fr ~Ojlyye eskJ& t0le T Btantla ii kommutataii lwnalov 1:.~s 1:1 GUO report. U94~ A05 ~TS OR TIM 939 OF AIIMQM DIGITIAL c RS IlrA C0*ItMY AUTWATED ADAPTIW, SYST op'! 0 IRC*A?,T OMTROLS THRYA D; 10 ov, B m UR FOR TSIAM-11MIATERIALY. AY-kDEMTYA NAUK~,~8 SR.j NAUCHM SOVFT PO KOMPLEKSNOY plIBERNEMA". ADAP-PIVNv.YP, SYST~~ (MIMCOW).- U0. 1972., pp. 19-29 NEWN11 xv, G. //I.,qFOthlATSl(hNNOYL MODEUROVANIYE V KLIN- laWSKOY MLOITSINE// --/--/~973, PIN ---- 0 Inforal tionlModel-Building in Clinical Medid, e pp i I I I bNKNOW~ '' i/INroRk NA61ONAL PRESENTADO A LA VII REUNION DE LA dOHIS16N GRAVIMETRICA INTERNACTIONAL// 1 4, t4--nO rgentiift~ national report presented to the VII eetingl 6f the international gravity comission ~ Paris,12~6 S4ptember 1974 PP 15 DKMC#i ilroblOri in 11mvelopment of InTomiation Science I ndu at rt AnO,yzodi by R. Kulenza, 12 pp. TOLISN~O Infomatlika, Warilaw, Nlo 1, Jail 73, JP23 5609 I ~ i Pawl6k, To oz i Develoomen~, of Computer Design Outlined,, 14 pp. INFORk4TY4, Waraawp Wo 3v Mar 73., Pp 11-18. Sep 73 Prac zO,, Kr~,, Unifor%Sys~l ~7 pp JPRB 5.,q~P4 Mul 73 ztof of Electronic Digital Compaters., Warsaw No Apr 73, pp ~ i i I KambUr6lis' Thanasis i i i i I R~30' CIn u r Described, 10 pp. INFORgTYP -4. ,,# Warsaw, No 5, M117 73, pp I _ _ 4 Automation ot Data Processing $78terls ~ral*,,.zed~ 7 Pp. tlwORmk.'X,Y. %t Illarsaw, Ilo May v I -59709 in Production 73, pp 5-7. op 73 I mqra-'Riwro~iGomputer service '3ystem Described, 6 pp. I INFOR , Warsaw, No 5s May 73, pp 29-30. KuleiMk, H4,man Prospoots 6~ Computer Development Outlined, 6 pp. ~' IWOF-0141'nAI) warsaw, NO 7s JTU.I 73, pp 5-7. D a t 7 3)1 Trainifig R64uiraments for Uniform System ReportO, 5ii pp. INFOR~WYEYL Warsaws Ito 7. Jb-l 73P PP 30-31. JPRS- 6q0471 Oct 7311 ~Zobanl,10, J~centy T4archyvx~ of -niform System of Describod, TIn. PIT KA Warsaw, Atxp,, 73, lov 73 Di;,itql i"omT)uters Im 2-16. 3of twlwl~o Of ' l1rilrom IT I !'0l "ViM A ~I'Y ',-"A 1,"arsalr, M'S System 01, IM175.tal Compute Aug 73, PP 16-19. ,"!ov 7 3 I Tar&~a, Andrzej I i DsvoloOmont !of Worntion Soience Outlined. 10 pp i &kU~YM., Warsaw, No 9t SePt 1973, pp6-9. JPRS 40~751 I o 13~'u Palo " GOVMDI*T USE ONLI 1"i %dfoi 1Digi4l Comixter System Hardware Desoribede 36 pp" . i INjk4XU, !,Warsaw, SOPt 1973. p1) 15-28. JM/L ~736 'I r3helstovi,$)~i,', lradeusz Uniform Pl9t t-al Computer System Eardware Described, 11.0 pp. tNFOINO' KA liarsavrp No 10,, Oct 73, 11-20. -IRr 74 71 CZ: T y T~Iql ~-0045 i p I 71f infoi*tIllon 131ciento Center A- t. 0io -1 ~i, i. ~ scr-lb i( re-, ~-I~ tit stir T ms pp 00415;.o()419 ~14~i, r i b ed 11 pp SPAkIkI Cko: 02099/T2 W 16; March 19T2 BY Uheqtualed,sourae of energy (oil), by Romio CALracas, lar-Orme LAmida. vol. 'to, No. 4., 26 ipeb. 3.9720. Pleamc publish in ToLA/am and Provide jPRc/Ad iioc wiWs* advince copy and the sawee. 8 PPA oli jil-ASI SIMULATION 11. 1. I'1 i. fy Hr 1 1-1 H I AMAJAill G L' KLIN hPkIL 1,1Z (Im. Ltv MILITU 's TC. - H 1' -41345- 74 l-UR MULITAkY C OUNJ K Y -GW 3RO INTERNA ~ t Greco., 61 Valuation lids. :1 - , I pp 225-!2~1- , I C - 1. Trion 6,' of paeous diffusion in porous so- v Vol 8s Ib 10, Oct 1972, ; I I i . Di Pa 10.0 4. i Leakage of flaa 0440 fission produote from fuel elements ':in a m~,U~or, 1 7 A LNWGkEPJA 1.10 Vol 11,, No S16,, 10 Sept 1970, C. E. tra~a 6304 Val' 20a No~ 29 22-17 "I '71r:- 'C*ti0n$,v 12 pp 355S1741# T '177 77': iov,wan efftelgiftC7 o or P-3j, 19n., pp. i3,1.),4o lill Till n thLb 4,rculeir ring It Not V! S 01; tab a r, 16,, 1929, Pp. 72-83 AVSKI 06 1401 ~FFICIA 6sr.~ LY schaaho Defleoti~n oj'~ a ING."Mg. V04 7ASA T? 161$1 free fluid Jet at 2 flat panel. 39 pp. 6,p 1934,0 pp 245-265 J. 0. SciterVo chZ 2U beha0ior ~f parallel air jots. 34 pp. is volin't 2940s pp 295-324 -F 14,053 71 S I Ii I-- 71 7777-7 voi SA of pd1i u6i 12 Ii62 wit 4 doll In the v0 3,,~63 pp. I 1~ A! A!: v 1, A diffei-entJ,ftl method for sclAng the boundary Layer equatipri 'Cor steady lwainar i ncoinpres sable f low. INGXN4Tpbg-fq"~~IiIV, Vol 33, 1964, Pp 173-139. NTC 731-3713911,~:)OD ustics of a marine pro-- le )f hyd a 0 PC Inge-Aie,r- i%~hiv e'rint). Vol.35, No. 61 0 0 !T Ai: VON. AT ~, C. i~ .//INGtMIBUR ARCHIV GESELLSCHAFT FUER ANGEWA~DTE HATHEMAMY, UND MECHANIK/l --/--4963.iV0032s N ---- unknown Ipp 187-.190 NASA TT r i5gegoo i i pp! i no for,pr'ediction of 04k y I at bieb speed 44 pp XTED TO V.S, GOVIT AMUCIES 0imrIff- -Lill bLAUI)c qui "4,j Al"! CuillluN o'stfluN VLJllk.~.c kLLJI,, M,L:NL'lUkS LA.N('UAUE-FR (jUiiTKY-FH UEV~LUPEU oY VRENLI, AIR L Ll~~ L#AUlUt4LUlLLv JAid 1,413, 1+46-55 74 Ti l~ I UR~ sl~i l VOI Ito N o 4. 1974- pp 97-101 ~-2$'~ 2'544, 72 ~ UTH LIMITUD TO,U,S. GOVT AGENCIES I Ioape:,, Alegroti, P. I I .3111mviate dut-Ilin I ima;Rs~oii i -.TLPNc . 3.0 -pp . No 1, IV71, Dec. -pp 63-70 Z 1 -J un-74 Unc I BNWI,~ ir--118 Stability or the monoclinic mod i ricat ions or the sesquioxide of amerl c I uv and 0111'OPION. O'rRNDT, U.,' TANAMAS, R.: MAIER, D.: KELLFR, C. 7tonsla,led by D. G. Russell from Inorg. Nucl. Chem. ~15-321( 1974 6p. I)ep. 078 (thelmistr, (inorganic); translations MN-A tA Note oh Unusual Behavior by Coptotermes Intermedius Silvostri iii Relation to Thoir Dead S0~1AUX,. Vol 14, No 40 1968, pp 349~-350 *NTIs--jrr- 7441 55030 The Army Chief of Staff on the Current Isitul-10on DER INPPEXtEUR DES HEERES ZUR LAGE, pp 6-9 . 7=-,HT- 23-TW.51-72 i0" ~ t~l - I po~ PC, , w*dio 4 S. 04Mj othar Pofsv"d i to *~tsd to !be i e4vet agenews mty; MqWl* foV this M. Ow omftnts o,,,v this ssNsot to ompight UM10 *L lami i6n, lZI: *Find, t I l8 PP IrItIl OtECANIOLM,tU Sk i-cm Assom ir 0 FPO istri tio limit*4 to U. SO Gov't agencies nly; 0Vrj Infonwtion; Other request ~'Ih' t or th doc nt must mforred to FTD. 0 he Co ;Onts, for thi., dicument are suspected o be i bjelt to copyright pmtection. :s E*PaTiE ns ' Oi~th'"Co. kAaliiede igenfunctions:. ah4 0 e r iioat 6n. in p in~t mech&nics (or- 0 bit4l m Ch, 0 3 Instita - " " 71 f ~: !As roh0m~Pche un-; 1 PhYsikelische Te o I t a 6 x - dQ 10 Techn schen UnlvlaRl - - _Zchi~n_ tat Mu TT f , APL T-~ l 'ib 0 voroblkeva, V.V. at &I COMPA"ing ~rivalant Americium, curium, Californium, Promatoium ond Yttrium Ions with Dioxymethyl- Phosphoinic A~cld 9 pp INSTIJ-l~ ATR~YKH RRAKTOROV in LEKNO 1973 AEC-tr-4474-15 unc I Alt C- t r- -7406 Calculations of the llfetixe~ of proopt Pe4trone~ in a reactor by the Morte Carlo method. Frank-Kasroinetskli, A.D.; Yudkevich, P.S. ( Mul-M ATOMNC: EquG1'1j"MOSCCW (USSP)). Translation of report A I . 12F. 0-ap. NTIS. ISK reactar phy4ics; translations MN-80 P NSA, REVISED March 19, I-A, ~gpncys I~N2 tv, f .(,. S:n. V! 1117 5 Fitt'.1 hloApoi.vn Challtoffo In der have tao'~' let, "-nIniq) ,ourcot It-irtIVA fix 1m~,ei*ndte f1tojoeA !~~**xrarp .1cheybelt, lure li78 I :"? (4morl ~,p. lnnmimjccltoi~~ii twit* -je sp&ce. All pa~jte-u- . ~~)&111'1'1t'~' caputira irtnill'? totograted Copy. 28-Nov-73 Unel (~FP-Irans--139) Individual neans of protection during o~;r;11.on in "hot" laborator;, as. GOROGINSKI, S.M. ; VC,R AOL, V.L. (I,NSTITUT III(IFIZ11q, Moscow (USSR)). Auq~1963. Translated from report SM--125/26. (CONF-691008-19: SM-125/26). 13P. Dep. NTIS $3.00. rrom tympoilium on radiation safety problems In the design a~d op#~*tion of "hot" facilities; Saclay, rrance (.13 Oct 1969). 06R heallf and~safetV; 14 methods and equipment; translatlons , MM-41 is NSA V ~il~ #*Pftnt4~ 80 pp', Al vrsMrBUTtON LYMMD TO U. S. COPT lip's, fiSQUESt WSr BE RVERRED TO FTD## REQ T.k CllnCK 12-02-7-4 T li 85 PERFUIMTEIT) TAPE READER LB-20-2 UNKNOWN RU: , 1-14sull UTUL DE CER012TARX SI PROIlijSTARI PE NTIAt TEH flCA DE bALCSL (ENDLOSURE 4 TO iR 6 883 (:'ll 7 735) IJ973., Pp. i-'-' -71 REQ Clfl~"QK 12-OP-7,4 TH83 nauqATED, TAPE MDER LB-20-2 UNKNOWN R4- RU, iNSTITUTUL DE CE -,,TARl Sl PROIESTARI PENTRO TE!-'I",Pl(',A DE IbA]X*L (E'll-DLOSURE 4 TO IR 6 1,183 -,,417 73) 11973, PP. I-' 1101(i i-OR oliMISTKI (A- PkJPL-LLANTS ANU LA PI ,IV 1- S11 API Rk iL. L I I L L hN t, L U GY At' P L I LANWAL;E-Gk LUUNTKV-Cpw I I 'I Ul k- A. C H L M I t: 0 ~F F- A 014 Hu F ~ k R. - ~i r 16 5p- 13 b L K T K t I b - U NLAP L 0 S I V C~ L S L L L PROBLEMS, IN THE AUTOMATIC PRODUCTION & PROCES SING OF' PRIMARY EXPLUSIVES 0EISEN9rj*H LANGUAGE-GE COUNTRY-GW INSTITUTO FUER LHEMIE DER TRIEEI-UND EXPLOSIVS FFE KA~LSRU"Et WEST GER TC-HT-2i4-0147-75 veme'ri Titi ()!:l I -1.. 9111 i I 20 jime I rMvaux Oweeriant VAflatwd-no i-Aralte du Itwpj D4'WtlvAAl* labomtedUie deo Oar* 4f IM3 tno sinoo 91 'mum, lor Ilse ~XeTox co;.~ Tltlos T"4aw ooneamot ipAnatoxtpe ,:itraite du ;Axio: ds-1.1rol, I I ooO ttit deo OMv.4f ppl-0; R-r4' -to! a 0rich so, HIGH V,4'IA6~1 PUU-L UALRATUR LANGUAGE-RO LOUNTKY-kU ~11~~CAo,~~AIUM*s VIIL. ZZt Nlj* Ji bUCUK~Sl Tc-~l I -~-UO,49- 74