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I . Z I . . . I ;~ , , , I - ! ~', . i . :. 1 ~ . -- I I , , , ~ hT*yi V.6 :19T3, /09/ .. ....... . P73 TwIl A"UOATXOI( SW TOMON X&8$,*B?WfRMA PH Wl" M30=81000 USISM "R THE IN Im"TieXTION 4w "A aft OF ACOMRAT1011 OF PLASM COAMM4 PMWAWXT,t Rol.; YAROWBUYs A.I UR& Mgmsomt W-CORM11, 19T--Alj Pp. 26 Tri 'TJ Lim im'U'um euRR"Ts Ani rv.. PLAZWjMyyt VSKoprn:LVjYY-A. 2?4 1973) PP. 272- QUMT fiVE,BTVDY WTHR STRUMVIE to'' CU SO AMEWFAM PUSKA BY THE ATHOD OF ''AROIN TAG" MYNOVo AJUL URC Ptk%MZMYE USKORIVELlo 1973, PP. 274.-w, 276 )WIM OF CGOUSONItAl 4.1-461198TIOP OF PLIZW. IN A 14 4 FZ91SLERATOR A,D. "Immovol A - A To . UIRI. F . 11 MIXORIMILI; 1973., pp - 2T .281 /M24. 4A MCK "'TA,99r" ATU L'%RRENTS ov P~ *oN or IN" AtITTO$S OF HkjP4MtN gftk=~t N. N. Ut: M.ZMENNYTE USKORITELI, 1973,, PP PLANP MODULFS LiKk4DIF-ISKIYO P I.ANGUAGF-AU ~UUNTRV-UR Pl-. OSK I Y I- ~,~ I K R I;Vt ; 00i I S. -, A~ I-) I I ; .M . I I,,? j VP 2 - ~`3 143 - 102 v TOL E S P.L6--17*?4q/5, 28-,-'jv82v3 Of blood leatize or ti, 2,10V thrOU0 W'a -"Clav SPIA&I Cord MkI4 by irW - Y-M at in *NASA j -Wft u4ft*st)*tlw Jp'.15, Opq rofmu V, INQz-*A-0.* 01 29t, -1967., clessen, Increase of blood fZoto thmlughth4o akin by iaolated heating of the spinal cord in unanasthetised dogad PLUFGEA5 ARCHrV FUR OSSAMTE PHYSIOLOGIE, Vol 297,0 1967s pp 53-70 *NASA 71' F 140 998 d by Jozer -.7aclina 6 SLOVAII'- . .13,,- y 0!,TL jpzw eril I L 4526 Prague '!0 3, 1973, PP 76-78.~ 1'fa Y 73 ik~ AN EXACT SOLUTION UF THE NAVIER-STOKES EQUATI ONS FOR A CHEMICALLY RLACTING GAS KRONROUt Vot SH LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR PMTFP #4p 1973t 49-56 0 FSTC-4T-23-0031-75 fwp~matio jet hoama br V. G,w=ZAldyv 32 NO RUOIM, bk,, Ammalt4v& 21611m,lams m hazuu I WooldvaAnmi'aty, Moscow. W67- Jf" 5W97 Apr 73 ZALVIINZIOV, L.A. -//PM-:V'MOVTIICA I b!OD:ELI// -/--/1970,V----,N----, Pneumonics and Yodels, F)l 11) A-Rm~ At" Iri Yarko ot-londic Disciussei Montenegrin Economic Conditions, () pp. '710B,7MA, ?P Sen P 3. 77~-7?56 Poc 74, "Tr- - ! OSIAN Ono': 8044/229'2 W Ayt-1.1 1~13 'Ay is lack of underotanding of and even hostility to Peoples' China growing in the USSR, Pocheiq v SSSR rastet ne:ponimaniye i dazhle v-Ekzbd.ebnost' 'k narodnomu kitNru. Special typeA D,- not publish original plus one .... . . . . . . . It i;ii,! R,s 1 Mko &.q6ili MANAKOV. K. N. //POCHVENNYE REZHIMY NA POLYARNOM SEVERE// --/--/1969~ V---- 1, N-.--- Water elution of inorganic matter in the northern taign fore3ts of the kola peninsula pp 104-117 NASA TT r 15981o# 'A lot iitlzi ml All W, 'll N 'i ia! 6 pt It Dec6m'be'r 1974 Unfiiigned //POCH*OZASHCHITNAYA SISTUA ZMk PELIYA// --/--/1973 V ---- I N ---- j pp 01754'Vitle Pal Tselinograd Soil-Protective System of Farming Special Type B Do Not Publish Singla spaced draft ,e'3 9244/2198 9 ept*74 XX ''.;R Ive-onRYa VIATt "Cl A)D"xyx xx 1~ P..YaravaYlOva et al VS. egorovo ,.)Chvy r1iral j'co I an 76 r..n Intensification Discussr-d as the Yain Trend in the Development of Agriculture, by hi. borisanko, 2.1 pp. RUSSIAW, per, kyd jaentm m k _ _~~gz 1, Uev, i4o 4, Feb 1973, pp 7-13. J Ats 58818 Apr 73 Kallahenko, N. Grain Produation Seen as Key ft-obleme 10 pp POD &HAM2J LINM&M, Kiev, 1.1 June 1973, pp 17-21. im 59833 Progress in Chomical Industry Discussed. Y pp POD ZNAMSM IJWZIZM, Moscow, No 16, kug 1973, p 40. JERS 60930 Kulikov * Ya. Ferrous Metal Producticn in the Ukraine Must be Improved. 't pp POD 2WEEK LENINIZMA, Kiev, 20 Oct 1973, pp 47-30. ifts 6 0955 Starchanko, V. Ways for Increasing Ca-Atal Investments Effective- ness in Construction D3scribei. y pp POD Z14AMEM LENINZM, Kiev, 140 17, 1973, pp 27-31. im 61266 M-tin Discusses Struggle Against Religbn Today. 10 pp POD ZNkWEM LENUIRA, Kievj Doe 1973s PP 31-35, JR~S 61262 Kirichenko, N. Crimean Agro-Indu3trial Associations Discussed. 7 pp R% ZNAWM LMNIMis Kiev, No 2, Feb 1974t pp 21-23. JPRS 61653 Snitko, 0. Ubiqtdtous Seadconductors. 5 pp I POLY26mm LENINIMA, Uev, No 17, SePt 1973, pp -66. JFRS 61684 TT Mal- ow l mom ~15.4267 UNKNOWN //POD,IIECZ',';IK DOWOBCY PLUTOITU// ---- IV ---- IN ----I lilanual for Platoon Leadersp 524 pp IR 6 878 01058 7"--), A&-,/ FS Tj '%OIAT-92 3-2342-72 RUSSLW J CtO 8344/6291 12 August 1974 The Undex-O#tar Oceanoldgical Laboratory "Chernomdr-2" P.A. Borovikov, V.P. Brovko, A.M. Podra2hanskiy, G.A. kefaiiov and V.S. Yastrebov Moscov, Podvoenaya Okeanologiches~~aa Laboratoriya "Chernomor2" individual preprint, 1971 15 pages. Special type B Do not publish Single spaced draft plus 0110 Pia nov , Dran Ac.bievoments of Bulgarian Nilitia Outlined, r 11 pp 0 roGj,71,r), Sofia, 16 061, 74, F II- 7 Is (I.'. _~ -3 6 1")0 'r)p c 74 ISN-Seyev, V. I. Design and Pro-Reactor Testing of Control Units of the BN-350 Reactor, ? pp PWMINUMOM NEI" I M&MI RMtUROVANIM =S= P-UU2M. Midtrovgrad, 4-8 Juno 1973. c JPM 59863 Golltsev, V. P. The Behavior of Rar3-Fktrth-Based Absorbing Matcrials Under lrradiation. 7 pi- M.JaHQWOSHCHlU MATMAU I �jERZflNj REUMPOIL ITA BXSTM A=(=, Dimitrovgrad, . M 4-8 June 1973. im 59863 Votinovi S. N. The Behavior of BOR-60 Reactor Contral and Safety Rods During Their Operation. 9 PP M)SHCUMHU911 WRLQ I UP= REGZJEWU& B=- m EL, Dirdtrovgmd, 4-8 June, 1973- JM 59863 Kuznetoov, S. A. Control Rods for Fast Reactors Idth Sodium Coolants. 9 pp FMLOSHC~.4YUSIMIYE KQQU I STRZINX PZM.IL , Dimitrovgrad, qMYA EYSTRUH.,WME 4-8 June 1973- JPRS 59663 Bayramashvilis I& As Structure and Properties of Ve*, Pure Boron Carbide. 10 PP UYUS I MMHCHC HQUE IIK,:MLW I SU&HN RM=RUVANM B-=R= 3EWOP&Y, Mmitrovgrad, 4-8 June, 1973. JPRS ~96t) YAtVeyev# V. I. Basic Problems in the Dosigning of Absorbing Rods of Fast Fbwer Reactors. 10 pp ?MLOHCUYUSL&HIYE ME"a I_ffLg& IYA BXSTM &UCJO.OV. Dimitrovgrad, FMMIDM 4-8 June, 1973. MRS 59863 Golitsov, V. P. Effectivoness of BUZ (Control and Safety Rods) of Fast Re&ctors and flams of Increas~ng It. 12 pp MMHQMMIJCUYE -WOMALY I nfabNl RWjM.lMM]A HMRM FXkW WV, Dirdtrovgradi 4-13 June, 1973. JPRS 59863 Golltsev, V. P~ Boron Carbide Properties and Eahavior Under Irmdiation. 21 pp MOSCIEWUSHCHIYE IOXEREALY I STERNWI MMZROVANIYA BYSTRM[ (m, Dlidtro rai, 4-8 June 1973. im 59 3 Klimov, V. D. Tests of Samples of Absorbing Elements of Fast Power Reactors in the I:R-5 FWLCtor. 2-1 pp YgLDSHCHCHAYUSiEHIYB i Y I 51gumi R33MIMA YA-B=RX ' a - _21=M, Dindtrovgrad, 4-8 June 1973- jpRs 3986, Fodorov, Yo. K. Weather and the Harvest. 50 pp PWO4 --I UROZHAY, Leningrad. 1973, PP J-56. JPRS 63321 'a t! tu w i Bo .4 t 6)bd lo~ -M, bw 7il S T, C~ 2~ 311,212 72 wi ~l till Roy, Mavirice Quandary Over Anti-Inf3stiODW7 PQUOY* 8 pp I& MT, Paris 0 5 Nov 1973 9 lyp 32~54- W~Wft Poinjuic I J 0 42 A,j ,i.- Xi lll~:~ .. I I ~ .0 ~-4w Wmb Orl4w. - - .- , - - - Modry, S. Study of Pore Shape in Sintered IroR. POKROKY PRASKOVEME,'ALURGIE, 1971- No.3, pp.39- 46. BISI 10433 77777~ -77 gei it PbK 3 Ist, .4i Gallay,o M. L. Ftight of aircraft with patrial, 267 pp. FOLRT SAAMETA S REPOLROY I NESINWRICHNOY TYAGOY, 2970 SO IT F 134-78 I:~Jrlmlov, et, ELI. Field.-Tho-:--ret.ical Mothol-, in POUX'47P., 1,-STODY V TEORII TMROI,%GN:',fIaU 1.0-)l I -*M31.1' 11-0 AutT~, 1973 Ppt-,f Iry, Ivan -~,',xreriences, Shortooinin,,7s ,"ralnin~-, Discussed, 1, pp. TIOT ~-Ti'LRI VEDW1W, Bud&pest, TPR , 7111, in ~,ivil Oefense 20' Feb 74, pp 16-i'llo Il e n '?) L P and -101.14 S*ftnt Of fj5- Kulakov Pm to St po"Iftsins Trans I - bj~rp&g# Sept Impftv 40 r v( parminsky 2. in fivallisent 6go at'". Av%I1. on roG 17 Mite 3.00. Av&jj. W1.7 OrIgIrIal lockoc! Borost", L 19" .%d pl*Mln# by goortwo oauvejo problow An t1sh April 13, Mumrak; 2. in 4mostan. Trsu%l. by JPIS, S"t. 19711, 5P. , )rGGeGI#d- Anil. ror NTIS as Jfts Tre"210 60017, ortal #3.00' An'tI. on Loan - NMFq' Wash., D.C. "0 Coriginol Arlic:e Chocke4JK'N. Agency: Library of 'Jongress Y/ 7 P.O. LB75-1236 Call #1 ?.1- Title of Article: La Poli:ica Mexicana Sobre Trabajadore Migrato:e-ios Hacia Los Estados Unidos. Author: Romeo Flores Caballero Source: h''f eL Instructions: Translation should include all labels, graphs, & explanatory material which are inc*.uded in the article. chip Lo: tC-&Qiqr46:; SPANISH CSO: 8048/1152 1-1 December 1973 National Directorate of Informtion and Intelligence Policia de Montevideo Direc. Nal. de Infor-m.e Inteligencia October 1973 Special type B Dc) not publish 11~ranslator's draft plus one copy. VANM 90 To lational Xrectorate of XOMMUDIA W lOtOnigence. Policla do &mt"Ideo Direc. Nat. do Mim inteli .nb Doe M. ?WMIMMto Nro. 41 M91W.I&M Spec type B DD not publish BIngle Spaced draft plus one VUGt.,, D. Evaluation of Acute Atypical )3roncho-Pneumonia of Alcoholics FOLICLINICO-SEZIONE PPJuCTICA, VOL. 73, pp. 1812- 1817, 1966 WX 73-10380-06E March 73 wi ZawAslawski, Z. Denvitometric testing of powder thickness in elec.,trophotographic print. POLICIPAFTXA~ Vol 20~ p 207-2091 1,07 ,---776 TC r,13-10 -111P N may 73 .17 7- 7~' r i TIT 16 Fu~, M P, A IM Sim Viet Out -r L14 9 MAW Ay,awadzki, I A, Possibilities of :?orming a continuous fiber from different moJifications of type E nonaUaline glass. POLIMERY v. 12, p. 122-1250 1967 ft! a -10773-11B may 73 of t!jo -,el c-..nt,,nlt vi-scise C-.) mirtlel.c- ccv-intcr -n(.1 i centrifl----. L k*.;' Vol. 16, 1). T,; --11. 4 7 -7- W. Buszynska Methylol derivatives of methacrylamide: New Textile Finishes. Polimery, vol. 15, no. 10, pp.533-534, 1970. 2p~-. ONTIS-TT-73-54055 ma), 7 3 IMN 10, ~' *":'3' st 16 ~~ji -.0 66 IIL --.- t'- . .-:,: ~-, - -, - , , -7- zw1c A, aff /--/lq72)VO017j-PTCp,02$ S"pinabUlity of 2quids and Tecbnical Distu.7bimces in Fiber. Forming Probesses~ Part 1. Theory and Experi-Aental Data, pp 05-6~,JnC 74-10551-11M, .77 ZUBIMO ~A. /I/ItUMEkt// Spirability of Liqui&, end Distuxbances in Technical MtE!r Spirming F-rocessec- Part 11. Variables ResponsibIr.- for Disturbemces in Technical Mer 3ninnin(T Procesnes; 7- W 77 :j IL iiL" 11 i 1 ;41 1-3M 1"PiRf lilT Ms CIA I too tit Reiner,, G. M. Problems in ooloring plaotiov. Part I POLIPLASTI Vol 11, No 690 1963.. pp 7-23 AN IM510i 4 R rLnar,, G. Mo PrvbZamv in coZoring plaatios. Part 2 FOUPUSTI Vol 11, No 70,. 1913j, pp 22-15 AN Veronest, P.D. Tne Phenomena of Plate Clut. POLIPLASTIL, 1970, Vol. 18, No. 154, pp.12-16. BISI 9499- Gleneral Torres Talks About Bolivia's Problems, 17 Amilcar G. Romero,, 6 pp. SPANISHp npj Elan, Santiagos, Chile, 19 Apr 10,73, -'D 20. MRS 59046 May 73 ~! 1`k ~ Uncl (RFP-Trans--122) 11elearch on cobalt--beryllium alloys. Venturello, G.; Burdese, A. (BOLOGNA UNIV. (ITALY); ?Pk -ITECNICO DI TO11INO (ITALY)). Translated for Dow Chemical U.S.i._q__Acc'4 Flils Div., from Italian. CONF 510901--l. 12p. Dep. Nus. From 5. National Congreiss of the Italian Association of Metallurgy; Venice, Italy (16 Sep 1951). 11F metallurgy; translations MN-25 P NSA REVISED March 19, 19717 0