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Rommiuk.. - L. 1. Correlation between ths potentiaLl and desity fluctua- tions of a plamima., and the convective trmsport of patiales across the megotic field in a V=in die- chap in the pre"we of r(Aatioul imnabllity4 - 11 __ ZMHJMP Vol 18,t to 3, Mmh ;973p pp 455466 mAsA Tr Y-150o26 * AJA~a r7- r- 15-,06 / ;A, mo F !lt l gt, W, RPM; l l IU. -:It. . I104FJ C U.RE,' KWTBNYY - Yu. Training Cadres for Foreign Countries in Lkrainian SSR, by X. ~- Kolosova, 32 Pj)* UKRAINIAN . per , lamaxias I latoMe-haV. &WMAl, Kiev, No 1, Jan 1973, PP 48-5-5- ims c&47 APr 73 Anti-Sovietism by Ukrainian bationalists Decried, V. F. CheredrWehenko, 15 pp. UKRAI"p per, BmUs-11M I 2agbWY &WEI* Kiev, No 3, Mar 1973, pp 12-22. JRW 58982 &Y 73 KbUqar. M. Fe Faleffications of Russian, Ukminian and Belo- russian History, 16 pp MAMM JEORYCHWIL &MAL, Kiev, SePt 1973# pp 3-14. MRS 60366 .~vq Agin4i NBS P.O. no. S-314971-73 Title: 0 kitViroyan'ii osimiotrichnym pereven" tokcs Authors: AV*~ Pawfilov, A.1, Lopushanakaia, and B.A. Gru Source: Ukminskii kbinicheekii zhurnal, v. 26, no.1, 19600 p. 31-35 Lanf"age: Russian P. Special instructione! Please translate and type one copy only '13N jai Tseytlin, A. N. Cheaking the proceas flow of integrated sulfuric and nitz-1c acid production. 6 pp. UKR41NSKIY MIAUCHNSY"TY ZHURNALL Vol 29j No 9,j 1963,0 pp 00-336 0- -- AIRIFTD-HT-23-302-73 may 73 B . Kii mmmimri mumi~L// ~Kn It V003021*002~' 36riites bf TriveLlent, Iron, pp i77-1-%)NTC 74-io666-mw MAI rj 411 t~ o MIR , Piontkovskaya, M. A. Synthesis and characteristics of beryllium aluminum silicate crystals. UKRAINSKII KHIMICHESKII ZHURNAL, v. 330 p. 3-9t 1967. Figs., t0les omitted. N"TC 73-11168-07B Zeliznyy, A, M, ; Litkovets, -.e. A. ; Grushchak, V. T. Characteristics of the Adsorption of Normal Aliphatic Acids by Silica Gel from Solutions in Nonpolar Solvents UKR. KHIM ZH 1971, 37(4), pp 337-342 FBTC-HT-2~--MO-72 15-Apr-74 Uncl (R."P-Trans--148) Extraction of pyrophosphate acido complexes of uranium, zincq and rare-earth elements by alkylamines without diluents. SHEVCHUK, I.A.; TARASENKO, L.YE.; CHAYKA, V.D.: PALIY, A.I.; DRObYSHEVA, V.P. Translated from Ukr. Khim. Zh.; 38: 817- 818(1972). 2P. Dep. ~_T'B_is. . 67C cherristry (organic); riire eartns; translations MN-4 P NSA ......... . 6io x", iJ i i.: 'o 3'3' !)aces j. A. ld-Gi- o.-I I-M-- IK~ADZIUY Ilk'i%IA2ICi MKIY ZIIURIIAL, Vol. '2-1), D--, 1971 pp 310-TTT- WO REQ TR CHECK 6-09-73 T44o THE SPECIAL MATHEMATICAL TMACHINE -~SVITANOK" BLAZHKE,VICH, B.I.;MIKHAYLOVA, YE.D. UR: UKRAINIAN AOS MEZINEDOMSTVENNYY SBORNIK 31, VOL. 31, 1972, pp. io8-il5 REQ TR CHECK :lJ.-07--73 T024 A METHOD BOR THE DISPERSION OF SOLUTIONS MIRMOVICH, L.A.; TOVBIN, M.V. UR: UKRAINSKIY NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATELISKIY GIDROMETEOROLOGIC,HESKIY INSTITUT, NO. 89, 1970, PP. J-24-i30 Dyadechko, N.P. Thripst or Fringe-Winged Insects of European Russia. UKRAINSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLXDOYATELSKI INSTITUT , aiev, i 74-52056 What Bohdan Stenchuk Defends Emd Horwo by Vyacheslav Chornovilp 18 pp. GOVMMMT USE ONLY UIMINIAN., perp Uk--ayinlkyy V.2gkq Parisp No 6,9 Mar 19720 pp 12-56-* jp&g/L 4539 June 73 Under the Heel of Chauvinisms 8 pp. GOVERNMW USE ONLY UKRAINIAN, perp Ukray1malkyy Vispy~cq Paris., No 6j, Mar 1972 pp 63-72. Mis/L U39 June 73 Use of Ukrainian at the Cringan Pedagogical Institute., 5 pp. GOVERNMW USE ONLY UKRAINIAN., perp UkrMLms'kyy Vispyk. Parisq No 60 Mar 1972,, pp 73-7de JPRS/L 4539 June 73 The Valentyn Moroz Affair.. 16 pp. GOV-PIMMEW USE ONlY No 6 UKRAINIAN, per, Ukrayinsl~-,a Visnyk.. Paris., Mar 19729 pp 84-TU.- JPRS/L 4539 June 73 Cbrordele., 5 pp. GOVMMT USP ONLY UKRADUAN., per$ Pkrayiiwfkyy Yjqng!~$ Pariss No 6. Mar 1972V pp 122-129. JPRS/L 4539 June 73 Crackdown on the 'Homint Chorus., 9 pp. GOVERNMEW USE OW UKRAINIAN,, per, Ukraine'= Vi!gks Parisp No 6,s Mar 19723, pp 1~9--uf.- JPFs/L 4539 jtme 73 Biograpby of Anato3-iy Lupyniss 5 pp. Govmw4m USE ONLY UKRAINMs, per;~ Ukrlivinallgy Vta!gks Pariss, No 6s, Mar 1973s pp 7-151. JPRS/L 4539 Jum 73 Chronicle.p.9 pp, GOVERMCK USE ONLY UKWNMI per$ Ukrayinalk Visrwks Parisp No 60 Mar 1973s PP 155-167. JPRS/L 45?9 June 73 Prom a Letter Prom Mykhaylo Soroka., 7 pp. GOVEROW ISE ONU UKRAXW., per,, Ukr!21=lkyy Visakp Pariss No 6p Mar 1972s pp 168--"7. jPRs/L 4539 Jtme 73 CHANGES OF THE PHOTOELECTRKC PROPERTIES OF CA DMICM SELENIDE EVAPORATED FILMS DU SVECHNIKOV* S* UKRANIAN PHYS. ZH. .106-9 LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR JRUSS. EO.~ A72 1711) PP FSTC-HT-23-1291-73 M J.,!! ~4j rc Ulaanbaatar First Half 1973 Plan Fulfillment Released, 6 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY ULAANBAATARYN MEDEE., Ulaanbaatar, 8 Jul 73~ P 1. JPRS/L 4769 Jan 74 uitixa HOM 1972 Sovitts poSe no tb M t to Chilean fishing Ultim Ham, Bantlago, Chile, Mar. IAD: 7. In Slanish. Tranel. by JM, Mar. 19W, pp. 42-4-3 in 92p. "Traml. an Latin Amrica No. 692," Pp., prooesned. Avail. MIS an JTFRS Tmml. No. 556oo, priae $3.00. Avail. on Loan - NMFB4 Wash., ZO. W Original Article Checked.fpok Dispute With United States Discussed,, by IAds Maira., 6 pp. SPANISH., npp Ultima Hora.., Santiagoj, 16 Apr 1973., p 6. jpRs 59o46 may 73 M~' U Al iW `4~i 7,Z 73; T~i 'tl Socialist Party Supports P_rmed Forces, 6 'ULTIM& HORA, ; u-p-pI i i 9 =n, JPRs 596oo Santiago, 2.5 Jan 73., sPeOiR1 pp, Aug 73 QZ oz 3, C. oil. Q2 Navy Antisubmarim Operations Outlined.. by Carlos ViUegaes 5 pp. SPANISH,, npq Ultimas Noticias., Caracasp 22 Apr 1973p p 3. JPRS 59115 May 73 Mtr&,sound Cuttilig &M Fusing of Bialooool Tissue, by B. V. fttrovskiyt Ve I* fetrovt 24 ppe RUSSIAND bkt Ul'Irazn*-O-Vsu 29 1 fteda al rNW4 a - 14m. Mosom. 1972, pp 9-37 v 58-61, JPRS 58M Y*Y 73 LADLE REFINING OF STEEL IN A VACUUMv WITH SY NTHETIC SLAGS AND INERT GASES SHEFTEL't N. I- LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR ULUCHSHENIYE KACHESTVA I SORTAMENTA PROKATAt Moscow# 19731 15-23 iips TC-HT-2 3-0997- 74 ],,,,!PkOVING THE UWALITY ANu VARI~TY OF ROLLH M E TALS 5 - ? ~A- cf: sHt:. FT 1~ L I, rv. I .LANGOAti'VE- k C G UN TR Y- Ut) UlAJCHSHFNIY~. KACHESIVA I SCIRTAMENTA PkOKA14 MFI'ALLLJRGIYA, M(JSCLJW, 1973,, PP 1-14, 23-489 3 30-340 ONLY. Fl,z,T(-,-HT-2 1-0340- 14 Minister of Foreign Affairs Talks About Southern Raids, 8 pp. IUMAN.. Muscat, .10 Jun 73, PP 1P 8. UFffs-60084 Oct 73 14w Controllimi Issued, 9 pp. I 17MAN, Muscat, 9 nP 3, 7. J"PR3 62109 ?oreirm Capital Investment Feb 74, pp 2t 8; 16 Feb 74, 56n 71L Oman Has Problems Meeting Electric Power Needs, %~ pp. tT,TMkN, Muscat, 22 Jun '74, PP 3, 6. JPRS 63120, )TO v 74 Union Leader Discusses Movement, by Muhammad Jamal imam, 9 pp. ARABIC, npp al-Tranal, Cairo, "29 Jan 73, pp 6-7. jpRs 58743 A-or 73 Tranquillini, 1q. Influence of Wind on Gas Exchange of Plants IMSCHAUs Vol 70, no 26, 19700 pp 860-861 *NTIS-Tr-74-53039 in j CSO, 8137/1035 Proceedings from the 16th Congress of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party 95 pp UNEN (Mongolian) 10, 12, & 13 June 1971 Special type Do not publish MONCOI,Ii~~ CSO: 8137/1270 11 Jan 74 Sth Session of the 7th People's Great Hural of the Mongolian People's Republic, Proceedings, Reports and Decrees UNEN 30 Novi I and 2 Doc 1971 Special Translation 1972, 1973 Plans and 1971t 197.3 Budgets Discussed, 24 pp. YAGOLW, np, Man, Man Bator, 24 Dw 1972, pp 2, 3. JMS %978 &Y 73 1972 Economde and cuitursa nut Funlimmit ms- cusised, 12 ppe HMGMU,rp, ga, Man Bator, nJan 19?3. pp 1-2, JM 39329 Jme 73 Revised Hmting Iawl 10 pp. MMGoLTAw, np. Mat Mwi Bator, 15 Jan 1973, p 2., JM 59329 June 73 COMPRP Resolution on Rural Construction Work Issued, 8 pp. UNEN., Ulan Bator, 18 Apr 73P P 1- ~M 59510 Jul 73 Maydar, D. Measures to Improve Rural Construction Work Outlineds 22 pp. unN, ulan Bator, 18 Apr 73P pp 1-3. 7Rr59510 Jul 73 Chimid, G. Features of Revised Family Law Draft Disoussed, 9 pp I. UNEN, Ulan Bator, 20 Apr 73., p 2. M 59501 Jul 73 Ragehaa, T. Workers, Requests Deemed important for Mongglian Socialist Construction., 22 pp. UNEN Ulan Ba-or. 19 Apr 739 pp 2-3. iW59501 Xul 73 1973 Economic and Reviewed, 15 pp. UNEN, Ulaanbaatar, JP-TRs 614W Cultural Plan Fulfillment 9 Jan 74, P 1. Apr 74 s, o r, -1 ssn LO '7171 5 n cl, t', nba 1 'R n I I, v o Up, T JPRS' 10 Cl C 1u n c C, I. - In .171 I-) p T D 7'n I-, C) lap, ,rr: ri 1) 1-7 Toquepala Union Rejoins CGTP, lkpels Cuad"s, by 9-C- V-, 5 PP- SPAnSHO npq agalds limo 3 Apr 1973, p 3. JM 38911 may 73 tkdon Solidarity Thwe of Wy Day Spmwh, by Gustavo, Bopinowo 5 pp. SFINISH* npv 21IMP Lim# 3 Ymy 1973. Pp 3, 6. MRS 59325 June 73 Martinez, Jose Communist View of Social Ownership Explained. 0 pp UNIDAD, Lima, 11 Oct 19739 P 5. URPE60559 Communist Support of Peruvian Goveryment Voiced. y PP 99 , Lima 9 11 Oct 197.1, PP 10 9 3.1 - JPRS 60559 Communist Party Issues Statement on Coup. 9 pp MIDAD, Jjm, 10 Jan 1974, pp 6, 7, 10. MRS 61322 Maldonado, Jorge Fernandes Peruvian Energy and Mines MiniErter Voices Vismi. 14 pp , Lim 9 3.8 Apr 1974 t pp 6 p 7. 3-1. MARI-S-62160 del Prado, Jorge Role of Communist Party in Pexruvian Revolution. 8 pp .MUDAD, Limw 15 Aug 749 pp 8-9v 13- JPRS 63035 Age"erf Ist. Illot. Sw omemotion" saffty A Reath P. o. '40. nj)-?OW?A 9%911983 24 Apt. 74 AtlevLa Orsmh"neumopm this dfOlligino Tskl*w Authort Ctaftes LoPtneo Remo SOMY Soweellountil Mods CAVAft Ufflavy 1%2 Val 91. PP7-11 Langtagot fterseh lastructionot T"* Singl* wftooltsotv-voo tM all UNA$* Comma ready m*y gi, I T '03 1 on 0 no 3 06o Roy 0 Y. Physiopathology of the complementary system. UNION MKI)TCALE nil CAN&D 972, pp.101-114, V.101. NTC 73-12220-06E es-rpo- Ullil' -DPC!'JP-c Use of jj)&,;nC,,s ul,:A'~Illed 001mTRuliet P~:rty., np Unir, Paris 110 'U~ Oct 64, pp !S-2o 19-- JPRS 272) IlEur-,Frallch 65 0271088 Attacks on PCF Secretary Jlarchais Continue, by Maurice Gleize, 5 pp. FRENCH, np, Unir-Debat, Paris, 10 Apr 73, DT) 10-11. j"~RS 5901~8 !'iny 73 Malagasy Communists Strive to Unite Peoplels Forces, by Renato Sandri, 5 pp. ITIALIAIT, nn, I'Unita, Rome, 27 Apr 73, P 11. jp~ls ~k -59192 Xun 7 3 Berlinguer Discusses Italyfs 'Crisis' With Foreign Prrss2 8 pp. !TALIA.,.~ npq L?Unitaq Rome, 19 MaY 73s PP 1, 5. MIS 59275 Jun 7 3 Minhp Phan Thi FRGRSV, Romanian Representatives Speak at L'Unita Festival. in Venice, 5 pp. LIUNITA., Rome, 25 Jun 73, 1) 4. MT -59527 Aug 73 Italian, Soviet, French Communists Call for Unity, 16 pp. L'UNITA, Rome,, 10 Sep 73P Pp 3# 4. JPRS 65389 Nov 73 L'u1Di, Ermanno Somalian Literacy Campaign Praised, 5 pp. LIUNITA, Rome, 20 SeD 73, -0 3. VR9 60330 Nov 73 Boffap Giuseppe Communist Analyzes Changes in Chinese Document, 5 pp. LIUNITA, Rome, 2 Oc"t 73P P 3. J'DR-3 60318 Nov 73' "ruvoil Luciano .7 U.S.-USSR Detente No Hindrance to Anti- Imerialist Causey 5 PP. LIUNITA, Rome, 9 Oct 73, p 3. SPRS 9 462 Ilov 73